Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

"...and hold for an operator - if you would like your government destabilised..."

Black Rabbit said...

...and what did MICHAEL MULLEN have to do with all of this?

"Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen, speaks to the media during a news briefing at the Pentagon, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2008. Mullen said both India and Pakistan have shown admirable restraint following the deadly attack on the financial center of Mumbai, and that Pakistan has taken good first steps by arresting key militants who may have had a hand in planning the attack."

Black Rabbit said...

What did GOLDBERG have to do with the price of butter?

"Rabbi Dov Goldberg talks with an AFP reporter during an interview in Mumbai on December 8, 2008. A rabbi murdered in Mumbai by Islamic militants who stormed his home was reading a manual on what to do in case of a terrorist attack, the friend who identified his body said. A Hebrew manual titled "How to Protect Yourself if Terrorists Come to Your House" was found on Gavriel Holtzberg's bedside table after the seige of the Jewish prayer centre he ran, Dov Goldberg said."

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now...something that the Polish Jewish guy in Katowice (who came from Lodz) had told me...something about how JOOS travelled to BOMBAY...on false passports...all of the businessmen - in order to gain access to the was their 'gateway'...

Black Rabbit said...

NIR had confirmed that one, years later...false passports were readily available was a 'safe' and 'easy' route.

Black Rabbit said...

I need to continue looking through these photographs later on in the morning...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' are saying CALCUTTA for some that a JOOISH 'haunt'?

Black Rabbit said...

CHABAD appears to have been really upset by the whole thing...almost a joke really...this was an internal tragedy for the why were the JOOS so interested and involved?

"Members of the Jewish community attend a condolence meeting for the victims of the attacks in Mumbai, at the historic Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue in Mumbai, December 7, 2008."

Black Rabbit said...

So I've got to page 20...and I'll stop here for the time being:

"The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) governor Duvvuri Subbarao arrives for a news conference in Mumbai December 6, 2008. India's central bank on Saturday slashed its key short-term interest rates by 1 percentage point to boost growth and shore up investor confidence amid signs of economic slowdown and in the wake of deadly attacks in Mumbai."

Black Rabbit said...

I guess it's a 'join the dots' time again...the photographs will tell some sort of a story...

Black Rabbit said...

So I took the photographs of the CHABAD in MUMBAI because they trusted me - they saw me as a ‘2 year old ISRAELI ROBOT run by the MOSSAD (with a runny nose - see ZOHAN featurettes) either that or a little ‘worm‘ that was being protected by the MOSSAD and they had no idea why…

I suppose MACDONALD and I had ‘press passes’ of some sort…he had told me beforehand ‘you are used to using that camera’ just get going…words to that effect…and so I did…

I am now getting a clearer idea of why.

ISRAEL in general had become more and more intolerant of CHABAD (see previous notes on the JERUSALEM POLICE)…

There had been some sort of a ‘split’ and CHABAD had started to channel all of their ‘stolen money’ into KAZAKHSTAN.

The ASHKENAZIM were creating their RA CULT ‘homeland’ in KAZAKHSTAN.

So even though one could say that I was being ‘run’ by the MOSSAD in terms of the TASCHMAN connection as well as having remote-viewed for them…it was the CIA who were ‘back in business’ in MUMBAI, at that point in time. An uneasy alliance between the MOSSAD and the CIA because CHABAD was out of control?

The ‘regiment’ want to know which INDIAN families were in the RA CULT…family members were present at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and they had programmed us with BLACK HOLE OF CALCUTTA in the cellars.

I have also to say that the CIA were aware that a member of the MITTAL family got ‘caught in the cross-fire’ - he shouldn’t have been in the hotel at the time. They make no apologies for this - it was just unfortunate.


I am puzzled by MACDONALD’s offer of two interpretations of the problem of the RA CULT - remember the two ‘modern art paintings’ - one of which was apparently about SCARLETT controlling the JOOISH ORTHODOX in CHICAGO (apparently IAN RICKSON had remote-viewed that one) and my interpretation which was that it was all about a ‘brain malformation’ - to do with the synapses and pathways of the brain. We had both thought that the heart of the problem was two entirely different things.

So I then wondered who controlled the RA CULT HQ in the UK?




At the TEMPLAR CASTLE - the ROYALS and TEMPLARS had begun to see themselves as PALESTINIANS - after realising that they had been put under SACHS mind control (despite being SAXE-COBURGS themselves).

AMADEUS and NIR’s mother had turned up…what had been going on there?


Black Rabbit said...

Why did GORDON BROWN turn up?

He was at an early stage in his career as PRIME MINISTER.

He wasn't an 'international figure' and the BRITISH PRESS were asking why this man - who wasn't a 'diplomat' in any sense of the word - had been given the role of 'pouring oil upon troubled waters' between INDIA and PAKISTAN...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that the answer must be that he was a TREASURER at heart...he knew the ILL financial systems backwards...and at that point 'financial deals' had to be struck.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember PUTIN telling me that he would give BROWN a job as his 'treasurer' like a shot - the job was always open in RUSSIA.

Black Rabbit said...

I need a laugh and this isn’t really funny but I can remember now - having to take part in the ISRAELI MILITARY scene where ZOHAN is telling them all how wonderful he is and the man for the job…he then tells the military leader to give the ROBOT a tissue because its nose is running.

That was ME - in a very young child alter - sitting at that desk…my nose was running and I had let it run. I was miserable that day.

Afterwards, back at the CIA SUITE and in my ‘adult alter’ I decided to write in a scene where I was being used as a 2 YEAR OLD ISRAELI ROBOT…but they cut it.

MACDONALD added the LEBANON fast car action in FEATURETTES…and then substituted a real ‘2 year old robot’ for myself, upon the backseat in Arab dress…

Watching this scene again… I didn’t want to laugh but it was funny all the same…as the car veers off with the two ‘human’ MOSSAD agents dressed as ARABS and the little robot on the backseat…as part of their ‘team’.

I suppose that is how they all saw me.

Black Rabbit said...

Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife died in MUMBAI.

The names upon this CHABAD LUBAVITCHER site should give you a a clue - says MACDONALD and CO:

OT wrote:
top row L-R: teacher, gabi holzberg hy"d, sharabi, rivkin, roness, mintz,?
midle row, l-r, reich,stolick,binyominson,oknov,?,?,rogalsky.
bottom row,l-r, yarmush,hahn, rosenberger, korf.

12/29/08 - 18:06 -
Rochel wrote:
The Teacher/Rebbi, is Rabbi Itchel Rosenfeld, I might be wrong but it looks very much like him. Now he & his wife Mimi(Shpalter) are Shluchim in Toronto.

12/29/08 - 19:51 -
a class mate wrote:
full list.
top row L-R: Techer rabbi rosenfeld, Gabi Holzberg H"YD,sharaby forgot his first name(CH), shmylach Rivkin(Morristown),Mendy Rones(CH),Avermy Mintz(Highland ranch,Co.),Motti Perlow(CH).
Middle row L-R: Akivah Reich(Park slope),Mendy Stolik(somewhere in Brazil),Yanky Binyominson(Cali. i think), Benny Okonuv(?),Menchem mendy Krinsky(CH),Stein ? (?),Elisha Rogalsky (CH).
Bottom row L-R:Itzik Yarmush(CH), Yisroel Hahn (Spokane), Rosenberg ? (?), Pesachya Korf(CH).

12/29/08 - 19:57 -
Mirele Rosenberger wrote:
Bottom row: Aaron Dovid Rosenberger (Crown Heights)

12/29/08 - 21:50 -
mena wrote:
yossef chaim sharabi, dovid stein big singer in monsy, ahron dovid rosenberger ch.

12/29/08 - 23:36 -
Rese wrote:
Since when is Choni Leshes “dean” of the zal?

12/30/08 - 00:24 -
OT wrote:
top row L-R: Techer rabbi rosenfeld, Gabi Holzberg H"YD,sharaby david?(CH), shmylach Rivkin(Morristown),Mendy Rones(CH),Avermy Mintz(Highland ranch,Co.),Motti Perlow(CH).

Middle row L-R: Akiva Reich(Park slope),Mendy Stolik(somewhere in Brazil),Yanky Binyominson(Cali. S.M.), Benny Okonuv(?),Menchem mendy Krinsky(CH),Stein kivi? (flatbush),Elisha Rogalsky (CH).

Bottom row L-R:Itzik Yarmush(CH), Yisroel Hahn (Spokane), Ahron Dovid Rosenberg ? (ch), Pesachya Korf(CH).

12/30/08 - 01:02 -
mw wrote:
Dovid Stein 2nd from right middle row

Black Rabbit said...

An ultra-orthodox Jewish group based in Brooklyn confirmed Friday that a New York rabbi and his wife were killed in terrorist attacks in India that have claimed more than 150 lives.

Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife, Rivkah, who ran the movement's local headquarters in Mumbai, India, were killed during a hostage standoff at the center, said Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, a spokesman for the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

The center was one of 10 sites attacked beginning Wednesday.

The couple's toddler son, Moshe Holtzberg, was rescued Thursday by an employee and is now with his grandparents.

"Gabi and Rivky Holtzberg made the ultimate sacrifice," said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of the educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch.

"As emissaries to Mumbai, Gabi and Rivky gave up the comforts of the West in order to spread Jewish pride in a corner of the world that was a frequent stop for throngs of Israeli tourists. Their selfless love will live on with all the people they touched. We will continue the work they started."

Members of the movement gathered at the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters Friday to pray for the families of the dead, and one the group's leaders, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, spoke at a news conference.

"We express deeply heartfelt condolences to the parents and family of this beautiful young couple and to the family and loved ones of each of those who have been so brutally murdered," he said.

Black Rabbit said...


The Holtzbergs arrived in Mumbai in 2003 to serve the local Jewish community. The two ran a synagogue, offering religious instruction and helping people dealing with drug addiction and poverty, Kotlarsky said.

Gavriel Holtzberg's last known phone call was to the Israeli consulate to report that gunmen were in his house, Jewish officials in Brooklyn said. In the middle of the conversation, the line went dead.

Twelve hours after gunmen stormed the center Wednesday, Sandra Samuel, a cook at the center, heard little Moshe's cries outside the room in which she had barricaded herself. She opened the door, grabbed the toddler and ran outside with another center worker.

The little boy's pants were soaked with blood, and Samuel said she saw four people lying on the floor as she fled.

Authorities said three other hostages and two gunmen were also killed but they weren't immediately identified.

Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, was born in Israel and moved to the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn with his parents when he was nine. His wife Rivkah, 28, was a native of Afula, Israel.

The Lubavitchers were one of many Hasidic groups that were uprooted from Eastern Europe by the Holocaust and came to the United States.

They became the most outward-looking of the ultrareligious groups, constructing giant Hanukkah menorahs in public places, proselytizing among less pious Jews and building Chabad centers from Sao Paulo to Bangkok.

The once-tiny sect has swelled in number and influence. Estimates of followers vary widely, ranging from the tens of thousands to a million or more. About 4,000 full-time emissary families direct more than 3,300 institutions around the world.

In response to the Mumbai attacks, New York City police beefed up patrols around large hotels and Jewish centers, including the Lubavitcher headquarters, said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.

The department already was on alert because of a warning earlier this week of a possible al-Qaida plot to strike the city's rail systems over the holidays.


Associated Press reporters Tom Hays in New York and Ravi Nessman in Mumbai, India contributed to this report.

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know - this is the CIA 'response' to the MITTAL's request to find out what had really happened in MUMBAI and why:

Black Rabbit said...

This is completely doing my head in but I can see now what must have happened.

NO - I wasn't there after the events in 2008 - I was there around 2001-4.

So MACDONALD and CO were SETTING THE SCENE by taking the photographs of the LUBAVITCHERS in BOMBAI and a lot of shots of PIGEONS etc...

MACDONALD then created the MUMBAI website knowing what would happen there in 2008 and THEN added the 'political photographs' AFTER the tragedy had happened.

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA see the MITTALS as 'partners' or potential partners in their war against the RA CULT.

The others who were 'targeted' within the MUMBAI tragedy - were seen as too dangerous to be allowed to live.

Black Rabbit said...

...the pigeons... the above what was in the WHITE 'TERRORIST' SUITCASE of the PRINCES?

Black Rabbit said...

A list of the deceased for you, 'regiment':

JJ Hospital

Hemant Karkare
Ashokrao Kamathe
Tukaram Ombale
Vijay Sahdev Salaskar
Arun Chitte
Ms. Mehanabi Salim Hahharwala
Salim Ali Harharwala
Subhash Vanmali Vaghela
Peerpasha Mehboob Alisheikh
Shashank Chandrasen Shinde
Prakash More
Vijay Khandekar
M L Chaudhari
Babban Babu Hugade
Aijazbhai Haji Imansahab Dalal
Jayawant Hanumata Patil
Yogesh Shivaji Patil
Babusaheb Dhurgude
Ambadas Pawar
Babasaheb Chandrakant Bhosale
Sitaram Mahalba Sakhare

Mukesh Bikaji Jadhav
Kamal Nanakram Motwani
Bret Gilbert Taylor (Australia)

Ms Meera M Chaterjee
Michael Stuart Moss (Australia)
Ashfar Ali Shaikh
Sareena Sasuddin Sheikh
Nitesh Vijaykumar Sharma
Gaurav Walchand Jain

Malyesh Manvendra Banerjee
Jugaran Hedriz Rudolph (German)
Thomas Verghese
Sadanand Patil
Steve Darfane (German)
Unknown Woman (Foreigner)
Ms Neeta Prakash Gaikwad
Abbas Razzaq Ansari
Ms Rakhila Abbas Ansari
Sarjerao Sadashiv Bhosale
Wilson Baburao Mandlik
Mohammed Ilyas Ansari

Kainath Nagar Kamruddin
Andes Don Tevera (British)
T Suda D Lashi (Chinese)

Farooq Dinshaw Ehaliya
Maibeb Vimanchandra
Antinio D Lorenza (Italy)

Sandeep Unni krishnan
Ms Ami Vipinchandra Thakar
Jordan Gracy Fernandes

Ms Gehara Kanamani alias Jina (Thailand)
Sunil Shevti Parekh
Ms Reshma Sunil Parekh

Ajit Srichandra Chabaria
Ms Monica Ajit Chabaria
Sanjay Vijay Agarwal

Rita Sanjay Agarwal
Rahul Subhash Shinde
Ms Harsha Mohit Azrani
Mohit Kanahya Hazrani
Allan Michael Share (America)
Ms Helen Konoli (Canada)
Ms Uma Govind Garg
Eklaq Mohammed Mushtaq Ahmed
Pankaj Sompad Shah
Lokayu Michael Pudedan (Singapore)
Gajendra Singh
Ashok Kapur
Anant Suryadutt Bhatt
Rohin Baji
Kannobhai Javeribhai Patel
Maqsood Mubarak Ali Sheikh
Rivika Gabrial Holtsberg (Israel)
Rabbi Gabriel Holtsberg (Israel)
Feriz Gimal Ahmak Khan
Rabbi Ben Zion Chromin (Israel)
Ms Sabina Saikia
Udaysingh Karamveer Singh Kang
Nitishsingh Karamveer Singh Kang
Samveer Singh Karamveer Singh Kang
Ms. Yokovit Mosho Uspaz (Israel)
Hemakshi Pillai
Rabbi Arye Teitelbaum (Israel)
Nair Hospital
Sushil Kumar Sharma
Arkha Solanki
Sunil Thakre
Kajhi Thakre
Vinod Gupta
Abu Ismail
Mohammed Amanat Ali
Chandulal Tandel
Prakash Sandal

Doris Arban Rego
Gunjan Narang
Vijay Thana
Neelam Narang


Sion Hospital

Burki Ralph (Germany)
Muti Arjun Ansari
Rupinder Devendra Wadhawa
Ravi Kunvar
Saptakam Rehmatullah Shaukat Ali
Murti Pavastin

Kem Hospital
Hasibul Rehman Fajuddin Rehman Shaikh
Aditya Ashok Yadav

Deepali Janardhan Chitekar
Raju Janardhan Chitekar
Mohammed Kukhtar Mallik

Noorul Islam Azahar Mulla
Ms Shashabai Baburao Khratmal
Aminabegum Hamid Sheikh
Shirish Savla Chari
Afreen S Qureshi
G T Hospital
Sanjay Surve
P K Gopalkrishna
Thakur Budha Vaghela
Ms Jasmine
Vijay Katkar
Bhagan Gangaram Shinde
St. George Hospital
Aziz Nabullal Rampuri

Shoeb Ahmed Shaikh
Misarilal Morya
Shahabuddin S Khan
Harishbhai D Goyal
Zahir Sayyed Nasir Ali

Black Rabbit said...

Who is this guy?

Hasan B Navaz
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Industry: Technology
Occupation: Team Lead
Location: Coimbatore : Tamil Nadu : India

Black Rabbit said...

I found him after a search for

Rabbi Ben Zion Chromin

...brought up NOTHING upon images but two entries for NAVAZ' blogspot - why?

Black Rabbit said...

I get the feeling that NAVAZ is MACDONALD in a 'child alter'.

Black Rabbit said...

This YOUTUBE video stopped at a significant place - instead of the SUN through the clouds - you have a sort of black winged shape...

...and then I remembered that MACDONALD had put this video together.

He was telling me that the HEAD OF THE MOSSAD was no longer to be seen as the SUN through the clouds - they had given up on RA CULT 'sun worship'.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why CYRUS MILEY turns away from the SUN as her 'final destination' upon this video and looks up into the sky, away from it.

Black Rabbit said...

Where did I get the above link from?

From NAVAZ' website under the '2 comments' left:

junlim said...
in my Nov.26 post, I mentioned it was a sad sad day for people around the globe whose only goal is to live in peace and prosperity. I pray the insanity that happened that day in your country does not escalate into anything much worse. I am from the Philippines. But even half-way across the globe we too felt the shock and sadness here. You may visit my post at

December 8, 2008 5:03 AM

Black Rabbit said...

I am still trying to find RABBI BEN SION CHROMIN but cannot...

GOOGLE tells me to search for:

CHROMIUM instead...and then I got the above webpage as the first on an image GOOGLE search and a suspicious looking GEMSTONE page...

So what is the mystery GEM for this month?

Black Rabbit said...

I am sure that the MOSSAD used these MARCASITE EAR-RINGS as programming objects:

We have two fantastic collections that are now available online!

Our already extensive marcasite collection has been expanded to include new designs featuring unique tear-shaped marcasite stones.

Marcasite Filigree Cutout Earrings - $69.50

Our 2nd collection is Yemenite jewelry in silver and vermeil
from award-winning designer Ben Zion David in Israel.

These pieces are inspired by traditional Yemenite bridal jewelry
and modern fashion trends, making them timeless classics that feel fresh.

Black Rabbit said...

In Sanskrit, the word for ruby is “ratnaraj” – King of Gemstones. The sensuous red color of fine ruby inspires love, passion, and power –it has been one of the most valuable gems for thousands of years. Although many red stones have been mistaken for ruby throughout history (most notably: red spinel, red tourmaline, and red garnet) the value and desire for beautiful rubies has never waned.

As durable as they are beautiful, a well cared-for ruby may be enjoyed for generations. Antique and estate ruby rings from the 19th and early 20th centuries are rare and special pieces of history. Natural stones with an aura of mystery and romance, they hold an allure for collectors, historians, and jewelry lovers alike. If you are looking for something very special, an antique or estate ruby ring may be just the thing.

Black Rabbit said...

I haven't been able to download this blogspot for some reason...upon this related search.

Black Rabbit said...

I also know the camera that I used in MUMBAI - a CIAO one:


Black Rabbit said...


The 'O' in B-LYN?

Black Rabbit said...


The 'O' in B-LYN?

Black Rabbit said...

So why on a search for RABBI CHROMIUM do I get a RUBY?

Remember the BREASTPLATE OF KING DAVID...every tribe had a gem stone...

Black Rabbit said...

REUBEN ראובן was incised on the(אודם) אדם pronounced Oh-dem, a red stone which most commentators agree is a ruby, and the basis for the painting’s colors. The name oh-dem is related to the word, Adam, or man, and suggests also the dudaim, the human-like mandrakes, which Reuben gave to his mother Leah. The ruby and the mandrakes have been credited with having the power to aid fertility. This implies in the spiritual dimension the ability to make `chidushim’ – new creative discoveries - and is also connected with the first three letters of Reuben’s nameראו , which means seeing, even otherworldly vision.

וילך ראובן...וימצא דודאים בשדה (Genesis 30:14) Reuben went…and found mandrakes in the field

Black Rabbit said...


That is what TOMLINSON thought he was...a did DALDRY...the ravens who scavenge...that biblical verse which they had translated to mean that G-D wanted the evil to co-exist with the good and would take care of them...

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the whole website:

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

The names of Twelve Tribes, which appear in various configurations throughout the Torah, have many important symbolic ramifications according to the Rabbis. This is particularly evident in their incision on the gemstones of the Khoshen חושןor breastplate of the High Priest, where the order and the spelling of the tribal names are according to their first appearance in the Torah at the birth of each of the brothers. The total number of the Hebrew letters of all these tribes adds up to fifty, which is a seminal number, associated with the counting of the Omer and the 50 gates of Understanding. The major purpose of the incised names was to serve as a communicating instrument between G-d and the Jewish people, the oracular Urim and Toomim. Important questions of great consequence to the nation, such as whether to wage war, would be submitted by the High Priest and answers would be received as specific lit-up letters on the Khoshen.

Since the Torah is eternal and applies to all times and states of being, it is my suggestion that one's meditation on the letters of the Twelve Tribes should have an efficacy, particularly when one confronts difficult crossroads in one's life. And if one does this in a state of prayer in one's own internal Temple - enlightened answers are possible.

The following are some possible correspondences which I have found to the Twelve Tribes and the gemstones (as well as the tribal banners in the desert), based primarily on the classical commentators, Rashi and R. Yakov Kuli (Maam Loh-az), but doesn’t even pretend to be exhaustive. The viewer is invited to continue further.

Black Rabbit said...

REUBEN ראובן was incised on the(אודם) אדם pronounced Oh-dem, a red stone which most commentators agree is a ruby, and the basis for the painting’s colors. The name oh-dem is related to the word, Adam, or man, and suggests also the dudaim, the human-like mandrakes, which Reuben gave to his mother Leah. The ruby and the mandrakes have been credited with having the power to aid fertility. This implies in the spiritual dimension the ability to make `chidushim’ – new creative discoveries - and is also connected with the first three letters of Reuben’s nameראו , which means seeing, even otherworldly vision.

וילך ראובן...וימצא דודאים בשדה (Genesis 30:14) Reuben went…and found mandrakes in the field

SHIMON שמעון was incised on theפטדה Pitdah, which some commentators translate as an emerald, hence the scintillating green colors in the painting. Other sources of inspiration include

1) the desert banner of Shimon, which showed the city of Sechem ensconced between the mountains and which was the central city of the tribe in Israel.

2) the suggestion of an ear shape or sound wave ripples which hints at the meaning of the Hebrew word Shimon, “diminutive” hearing, the inner hearing of the still voice of the soul.

(Genesis 29:33) G-d has heard that I was unloved כי שמע ה' כי שנואה אנכי

LEVI לויwas incised on the ברקת Bareket, which some commentators translate as a scintillating crystal, suggesting lightening. Symbolically, this applies to the power to enlighten and be enlightened with Torah studies, which was a special attribute of the tribe. The desert banner of Levi contained three colors - red, white and black - and included a section of the specially woven garments of the priests and the Levites.

(Deut 33:8) Your Urim and Tumim belong to your pious one תמיך ואוריך לאיש חסידך

Black Rabbit said...

JUDAH יהודה was incised on theנפך Nofech, which some commentators believe was a bluish- green carbuncle. The gem is said to have an efficacy in achieving victory over one's enemies, internal and external, which is a primary attribute of Kingdom, as well as the Baal Tsuvah, the Repenter, both of which are associated with Judah. The desert banner of Judah contained a picture of a crouching lion and a gestalt of its profile may be discerned in the painting.

)Genesis 49:9) Judah is a young lion גור אריה יהודה

ISSACHAR יששכרwas incised on the ספירSapir, which commentators believe may be a sapphire of a deep blue tint, the color of the pure sky, since this tribe was known for the excellence of its Torah and astronomical studies. In the midst of this gem, one was able to see a form of a dark cloud, suggesting the receiving of the Torah at Sinai. The desert banner of Issachar contained a drawing of a donkey, which hints at the tribe’s ability to carry the heavy load of Torah.

(Genesis 49:14) Issachar is a strong-boned donkey יששכר חמר גרם

Black Rabbit said...

ZEBULUN זבולן was incised on the יהלם Yahalom, which commentators believe was not a diamond, as its modern Hebrew translation, but rather a pearl, which is, of course, only found in the depths of the sea and thus appropriate for this sea-faring tribe. These ideas are hinted by the pearly and ocean wave texture of the painting.

(Genesis 49:13) Zebulun shall settle the coast זבולן לחוף ימים ישכן

DAN דן was incised on the לשם Leshem, which some commentators believe was an orange topaz. It is said that the gem shows “inverted faces” to hint at the fact that from this tribe came many judges, who had to show impartiality in judgment to the rich and the poor. To clearly see this in the painting one can position the painting or oneself upside down. The banner of Dan also showed a snake and a suggestion of snake scales may also be detected.

)Genesis 49:16) Dan shall judge his people דן ידין עמו

)Genesis 49:17) Let Dan be a snake יהי דן נחש

Black Rabbit said...

NAFTALI נפתלי was incised on the שבוShevoh, which may be a turquoise stone. The banner of Naftali showed an antlered deer, according to Jacob’s blessing, suggesting dispatch and avidity in performing the commandments.

)Genesis 49:21) Naftali is a deer running free נפתלי אילה שלוחה

GAD גד was incised on the אחלמהAchlama, which some commentators define as a purple tinted amethyst in the form of a calf's eye which was believed to prevent cowardliness in battle, an important prerequisite for the tribe which guarded the frontier. The banner of Gad showed a formation of soldiers and army camp, which may be discerned in the painting.

)Genesis 49:19) Gad is an army camp גד גדוד יגודנו


ASHER אשר was incised on the תרשיש Tarshish, which may have been amber the color of olive oil, appropriate for a tribe which was known for its olive oil production. The banner of Asher actually showed an olive tree, which is the central composition in the painting.

(Deut 33:24) He shall dip his foot in olive oil וטבל בשמן רגלו

JOSEPH יוסף was incised on theשהם Shoham, which was a very black gem, probably an onyx. The banner of Joseph showed the city of Egypt, represented here by a myriad of small faces, emerging from the shadows.

(Deut 33:22) Joseph is a noble son בן פרת יוסף

BENJAMIN בנימין was incised on theישפה Yashpeh, or jasper, which was multicolored. The banner of Benjamin showed a wolf, preying on its spoil, emanating ferocity. In the painting a frontal view of a wolf is somewhat hidden behind the reeds, but may be discerned, if you know where to look.

)Genesis 49:27) Benjamin is a fierce wolf בנימין זאב יטרף

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Black Rabbit said...

...and DAN was the SNAKE who had the knowledge that the rest of them didn't...

Those other JEWELS in the CROWN...which the BEASTS had to protect.

Black Rabbit said...

So I guess the basic message from 'DAN' the head of the MOSSAD is to JOOS worldwide:

Don't be a DUMMY - don't worship the SUN - or have anything to do with the RA CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

Guess who wrote the JEWEL/12 TRIBES website?

Copyrighted (c) Dov Lederberg 1997-2009. All rights reserved.

Yes - it's that RABBI again...notice how the SACHS are likened to LIGHTENING - that would be ECT wouldn't it?

What about the RADIOWAVES crew - that would be SHIMON:

... the suggestion of an ear shape or sound wave ripples which hints at the meaning of the Hebrew word Shimon, “diminutive” hearing, the inner hearing of the still voice of the soul.

That would be microchipped eardrums, yes?

Black Rabbit said...

Rabbi Dov Goldberg or was that Dov Lederberg?

Black Rabbit said...

MS CARROLL rang up today to tell me that I could have an appointment at 4.30pm this WEDNESDAY to see the TRAVELODGE accommodation.

Apparently, I have to meet her colleague JEFF/GEOFF under the TRAVELODGE sign upon ELLIS ROAD.

This is the BACK of the TRAVELODGE - around the building site behind it and where SCARLETT had pointed out the first floor flat would be - to the right of the building and overlooking the car park.

She also said that two of her colleagues would be there - she hinted that quite a few people would be interviewed by the 3 of them.

I then had a ‘flashback’ to what this interview had been like.

One of her male colleagues was extremely arsey - asking questions like why do you think that you deserve to get this flat…no idea, mate…(you are interviewing me for a RA CULT FLAT, yadda yadda, yadda but I am not allowed to tell the truth now, am I?) - why don’t YOU tell me why I was nominated for this flat - you chose me out of the pool for certain criteria…I do not know what those criteria were…

Basically RIMINGTON had set this trio of programmers up - to test the interviewees in terms of how well they responded to programmer commands. I will therefore take a notebook with me and note down as many as I can spot.

In relation to the way in which the interview will be conducted as in ‘why do you deserve this flat’…I am not going to give them an easy time…RIMINGTON would have wanted me to abase myself - telling them what a trustworthy and proper sort of person I am…to have the RA programmers then say words to the effect of ‘we know that you have been involved with the police and that you are a ‘mental patient’…I am not going to let those clowns get away with that sort of shit, ever again in my life…I had a problem with mind control slave police operatives, not the other way round…I was threatened with Olanzapine because I had called my father a RA CULT PAEDOPHILE…and I am not going to let anybody get the better of me in trying to patronise me or make me look small…I shall hold my head up high…and treat them with the cynicism that they deserve…and then report everything back upon the web.

Additionally - because the interview will be conducted within the flat itself…with the flat door closed (this is what I had remote-viewed) - I am in a potentially dangerous situation…any of the 3 of them, could pull out a stun-gun…this is the RA CULT centre in CLACTON…all I can say is that if I OBE, then they are all dead (and I now know how, after watching how the MOSSAD did it)…but I think that yelling the place down before any of them even think of attacking me, is the easiest solution…that and a CAMERA…I shall buy a cheap throw-away one tomorrow…that always puts the willies up the RA CULT…holding a camera…additionally, a few throwaway lines about WEBCAMS as security within the flat, should ensure that I do not get it…I have no desire to be in a flat where a ‘floating programmer’ can let themselves in, any time of the day or night..

So I can see that SCARLETT and CO wanted me to go through the whole thing…and my only guess here is that this is to ‘out’ what sort of programming cues will be used upon me, within the interview - to see if I am still under mind control - hence a notebook will be extra useful.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, SCARLETT let's look at the funny the worst happens and I am left in a flat with 3 dead bodies...all of whom appear to have died of a brain aneurysm at the same time...what will the POLICE make of that? Naturally I will be blameless...but how very 'coincidental'...

Alternatively, I could put them into 2 year old alters and get them all to batter each other to death...

It all depends upon whether or not I OBE - doesn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my inbox:


Black Rabbit said...

I can joke about this all but the very thought of having to go into a RA CULT DEPOT - needs careful planning beforehand...

Black Rabbit said...

DEAD MAN WALKING has a new post up on his blogspot:

“Philosopher Kings 2: The Knights Templar's Revenge”

This is MARK R’s blogspot - whoever else may be currently running it - it was originally written and then ‘hidden’ by MARK R.

MARK R had thought that he would either be dead by this point in the ILL GAME - or a 'dead man walking'.

Rather like all of the other blogspots that I have been through, so far - the ‘crazy company’ had hidden all of their information and photographs upon the web…as a trail…and as I ‘woke up’…I was supposed to walk through it and draw attention to all of their work…

So did you commission them to do it SCARLETT? I know that there are many intelligence agencies who are interested in all of it and this latest blog from MARK R - I heard on the MOSSAD network that this is the information that they had particularly been waiting for…to be ‘released’.

I can see that my blogs have also created a large amount of interest (particularly once I had unearthed that ‘young RICHARD TOMLINSON off one of MARK R’s other ILL sites - that image is now in the top GOOGLE images searches).

Anyway, I shall quote the article in full:

Black Rabbit said...

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Philosopher Kings 2: The Knights Templar's Revenge

During and following their brutal Inquisition, the Knights Templar migrated to, or infiltrated the other religious orders, which they could easily control with their great wealth and large numbers. (Remember, the Knights Templar were the largest of all the other orders.) I believe that our modern Illuminati came from the banished and disgraced religious order of the Knight's Templar:

Flag of the Knights Hospitallers

The Swiss Flag:

1. Switzerland: Where they established the Swiss Banking system and integrated into the order of the Knights Hospitallers. Thus we can trace the missing wealth of the Templars to the secret vaults of the banks of Switzerland. This makes Switzerland the world capital of Templar power. The same Templar power that is now organizing our New World order; created Communism; created Fascism and now seeks to merge the two systems into one. Its no wonder that the Swiss have enjoyed neutrality in the past World Wars! No servant, not even Adolf Hitler, would turn against his Masters! Thus, the small State of Switzerland has never been invaded by a foreign power in recent history. Another interesting tidbit is that the Pope is "protected" by the "Swiss Guard". Calvinism had its start in Switzerland.

Black Rabbit said...


The Knights of Malta Flag

The infamous Iron Cross. The Nazis sign of loyalty to their Swiss Masters?

The Knights Hospitallers became the "Knights of Malta".

2. England: Although they infiltrated/joined the Hospitallers in Switzerland, they destroyed them and their buildings (once Templar sanctuaries) in England 100 years after the order was disbanded. This proves the existence of a multi-generational conspiracy. The leader of this Templar revolution was nicknamed "The Tyler" (Masonic origins) and it disappeared as quickly as it rose. The Templars, with their vast wealth, became the Monarchy and Aristocracy of England. They were behind King Henry's rebellion against Rome and the founding of the Anglican Church (anti-Catholic). It is no wonder that Queen Elizabeth called on the Templar Pirates (flying the "skull and bones" to "pick off" Spanish vessels from the New World laden with gold. Simple research into the family crests of England's Monarchy and Aristocracy should show Templar lineage.

Black Rabbit said...


German State flag and ensign and warflag Bundesdienstflagge- Note the same eagle in the center that is on the Teutonic Knight's seal.

Emblem of the Teutonic Knights. A Phoenix rising?

3. Germany: In Germany the Templars joined up with the Teutonic Knights. The Germanic States were the home base of the Protestant Revolution and Martin Luther. (Anti-Catholic). All Three of Germany's Reichs were created by the Knights. Hitler used their symbolism and the flags of Germany are Templar Colors with sybolism (in the case of former East Germany).

"German nationalism often invoked the imagery of the Teutonic Knights, especially in the context of territorial conquest from eastern neighbours of Germany and conflict with nations of Slavic origins, who were considered by German nationalists to be of lower development and of inferior culture. The German historian Heinrich von Treitschke used imagery of the Teutonic Knights to promote pro-German and anti-Polish rhetoric. Such imagery and symbols were adopted by many middle-class Germans who supported German nationalism. The converse was also true for Polish nationalism, which used the Teutonic Knights as a symbolic short-hand for Germans in general, conflating the two into an easily recognizable image of the hostile 'Other.'[citation needed] During the Weimar Republic, associations and organisations of this nature contributed to laying the groundwork for the formation of Nazi Germany.[23]

Black Rabbit said...


Emperor William II of Germany posed for a photo in 1902 in the garb of a monk from the Teutonic Order, climbing up the stairs in the reconstructed Marienburg Castle as a symbol of the German Empire's policy.[23]During World War II, Nazi propaganda and ideology made frequent use of the Teutonic Knights' imagery, as the Nazis sought to depict the Knights' actions as a forerunner of the Nazi conquests for Lebensraum.Heinrich Himmler tried to idealize the SS as a 20th century incarnation of the medieval knights.[24]

However, in spite of these references to the Teutonic Order's history in the propaganda, the Order itself was abolished in 1938 and its members were persecuted by the Nazi regime[25] (Source)

4. In France, hated France, bastion of the Templar Inquisition, revenge for the Templars didn't come until the French Revolution when they effectively destroyed the French monarchy, the Roman Catholic Church and the Aristocracy. Interestingly enough they replaced religion with philosophy and deism (the belief of a "rational" supreme being and Greek philosophy) all Masonic and Templar beliefs. The "Illuminati" are really just another name for the hidden Knights Templar descendants.

Black Rabbit said...


Napoleon Bonaparte, like Hitler and Karl Marx, was an Illuminati/Templar creation designed to root out the last vestages of Monarchy and Religion. It was his role to carry the Illuminati/Templar "secular humanism" to the rest of Europe. His visit to Egypt testifies to his interest in the Templar/Egyptian deities of Set and Osiris as well as the "Black Madonna" (Isis). Perhaps his mission was to continue the Knights search for "wisdom" in the Holy land.

The French Revolution followed the Illuminati/Templar model of the Phoenix Rising (Lucifer the Light Bearer/Horus) out of the ashes of violent and total revolution in an Illuminati/ Templar induced corrupted Society (Satanism/Set).

Yes, "Lucifer/Horus/the all-seeing eye. The giver of philosophy, Science and rational thought. The Templar ideal learnt from King Solomon of old and the ancient Egyptian Fascists. First society will be corrupted through the powers of Isis (lust) and then destroyed through the power of Satan/Set.

Welcome to the New "Templar World Order". A world that you are not invited too unless you are on their list. Otherwise, you are nothing more to them than a Satanic sacrifice that will release the powers of Lucifer (the phoenix).

Black Rabbit said...


Recommended Reading: Born in Blood "The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry"

More Articles by Paul A Drockton M.A.

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Return to Dead Man Musings Home

Posted by Paul A Drockton M.A. at 7:07 AM
Labels: Catholic Church., communism, Fascism, France, Knights Templar, Nazi Germany, Switzerland
Anonymous said...
Very interesting. I never made the connection of the Swiss Guard and the Templars. It all sounds very plausible.

August 15, 2009 8:10 PM
R Phoenix said...
Nicely connects the various dots. Well done. Perhaps someday, we'll be able to evolve along far less indoctrinated and mediated lines. Imagine what kind of world we could create?

August 15, 2009 9:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Re : East German flag (Communist) Note the same eagle in the center that is on the Teutonic Knight's seal

Interesting. In this context, how would you interpret Geneva's flag at ?

Black Rabbit said...


August 16, 2009 2:04 AM
Pedro Del said...
Good stuff

August 16, 2009 6:26 AM
Bladerunner said...
Fascinating stuff, well researched. Have become follower and linked you to my blog.

August 16, 2009 7:01 AM
Life said...
Hi All.

This is very goodinfo, but as is the case with all historians, what is missed here is the fact Constantine after creating the churh in Rome to act as buffer between the despised bloodline emporers, and the people, set the bloodlines capitol in Constantinople.

From here they set to creating Venice as the financial and military coordinating proxy which allowed the same roman bloodlines to usurp Europe.Thus controlling both sides

See here :

Charles Martel (the bastard) and Charlemagne (his grandson) decimated the Saxons and Guals, many of which fled to Britain, bringing with them the Saxon Common Law.

The Vikings were a hybrid between the emporer bloodlines and those of the scandinavian's. The proof of this is the fact the Vikings appeared out of nowhere and disapeared in the same manner.

This warrior cast then invaded Britain as the Normans, created the barony system and instilled the Knights into positions of power in landowning capicities. The St Clairs controlled this move from Scotland which created total power over the populations.

The monarchy was the next to feel this takeover with the implementation of the Magna Carta which removed common law protection for the people and handed full control to the Templar baron's, and created England as a state belonging to the Vatican system. It was the next stage in the bloodlines demolishing the Saxon tribes who had fled to England.

Interesting point to note is the fact that Ignatius Loyola presented himself before Pope Paul III with trouser leg rolled up and shoe tread down, the very symbolism used by the Masons today.

Why would this be so?

My understanding of the elite and their psychotic mind says that the pope isisted Loyola did this to present the injury inflicted by the Inquisition, which brought Loyola under command of the Pope, and the continued assault on the Egyptian-Atlantian bloodlines, pre Hyksos invasion of Egypt, the Rhesus negatives, of which I am incarnate into. This bloodline was then cajouled into forming the military order we know as the Jesuits, the Preatorian Guard for the bloodlines.

This being so shows me that every knight order ever created has its root among the Roman Imperial bloodlines, that the church as a mass of people have always been controlled by these bloodlines while having taught the rightious way to exist as decread by the mystics of old, thus enabling the very same bloodlines to control all because they have no clue of the uppermost control structure, which controls all, and as the play of history shows well, always believed their church is under attack.

It is the way of life set via Christianity under attack, it has always been so. The only way to scupper this is for all none zionist Christian's to come together outside the institutions, be they vatican or not.

I have also a document written by a Jesuit Priest which tells of how the same bloodlines influenced Mohammed, and hence the same control over what would be born in Persia...Islam.

The cover for this would be the idea that the Templar Knights learned all they learned from Hassan Soueba, (so many spelling variations of this man), and therefore we can all blame the Persians, and the reason we are at war with Islam, when all the while the same Roman bloodlines controlled Hassan and his cult of assassins, in turn controlling all the persian caliphs.

Man must come together outside the institutions to actually fight the evil...

Black Rabbit said...


August 16, 2009 7:11 AM
Anonymous said...
'The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of Masonic Lodges, rule the world.'

-Jean Izoulet, member Jewish Alliance Israelite Univ, 1931

August 16, 2009 7:24 AM
parasitism said...
I wonder if i am on the list ?

August 16, 2009 8:01 AM
Anonymous said...
How many orgaizations in the past, perhaps in the beginning intending to be a 'good thing' have been infiltrated and destroyed so that origional good intent is eradicated and those organizations become criminal against humanity. The origional Templars needed to be destroyed......we see a few reasons for this from the activity of the Pope and King of France then.......will we ever know all the reasons? Organizations springing up from them seem to be "wannabes" and copy cats.

August 16, 2009 8:38 AM
Anonymous said...
INTRODUCTION Short video: N.W.O.
EU European Union Strasbourg Parliament Poster Pentagrams
5 min - Sep 9, 2007 This short video was inspired by a film on google video called Roman Empire Rules Today, please take the time to watch it, link:

Black Rabbit said...


1- Full Video: Roman Empire Rules Today DVD#1--The New World Order DVD #1

2- Full Video: Roman Empire Rules Today DVD#2

3- Full Video: HOLY Roman Empire Rules Today DVD#3

August 16, 2009 10:08 AM
Rumple Stiltskin said...
Thanx for the great article. Deeply insightful, like Eric Phelps -- but without all his annoying bible-thumping.

August 16, 2009 10:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Some contradictions - the Nazis, being a creation of the Order, abolish and persecute the Order...

August 16, 2009 2:47 PM
Jorge Mota said...
Lovely, but... hou about Portugal being founded by the Templars in the 12 th century?, the Portuguese King refusing to obey the Pope's order to give Templar possessions to the Hospitallers?, the Portuguese King naming an admiral in 1310 when Portugal had no ships (what happened to the Templar armada in 1307)?, the foundation of the Portuguese Order of Christ, with a cross very similar to the Templar's, the same Order of Christ who, under Henry the Navigator's rule, decidedly sailed across the seven oceans finding new land in all continents (how did they knew? did they have some old Templar charts? a Piri Reis map, perhaps?)?, or the statue of a men on horse back with no saddle (a Templar?) pointing westward, found in the Azores by the Portuguese in 1450?... Oh, there is still much to know about those ancient times!

August 17, 2009 3:28 AM

Black Rabbit said...

I also know that the 'crazy company' posted all of the 13 comments...and that I posted as 'life'.

I was presumably in a youngish child alter at the time - so the spelling, typing and phrasing is childish but I can remember writing it...therefore the historical information will be accurate.

Black Rabbit said...

Some French syntax going on in there...

Black Rabbit said...

A video made by the 'crazy company' on why the EU is 'Satanic, against G-d, pro-indoctrination'...

Black Rabbit said...

A video made by the 'crazy company' on why the EU is 'Satanic, against G-d, pro-indoctrination'...

Black Rabbit said...

The comments left, were written by us too...

Black Rabbit said...

Roman Empire Rules Today DVD#2

I also watched the next recommended video upon YOUTUBE...and remembered RIMINGTON forcing me to make a choice between the 'poison cup' or a 'bullet' as my I chose the former...I suppose that as a private School Catholic schoolgirl...RIMINGTON had always hated the JOOS...

This video has it has FATHER XMAS along with his PRANCING REINDEER...

...better watch this one, you stupid CHABAD are the prancing animals of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...

AMADEUS let you know in NO UNCERTAIN terms...

Get real - stop mind control - pay back the money that you stole and MAKE GOOD.

Remember being a CRYPTO-JOO as in an obedient servant of the POPE does not make you any less of a JOO in their eyes...all they see is HOLOCAUST time...coming soon and near you...


Black Rabbit said... wonder PUTIN was so scared of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...this video tells you what happened in CROATIA to the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX...not tolerated either...even though they were the 'early church'...and not the Catholics...


Black Rabbit said...

SAPIENTIA - all MASONS are under the POPE - the word SAPIENTIA is on the medal of the highest order:

The 33rd degree...such things you will learn, from this video...

Black Rabbit said...

So who really rules FREEMASONRY then crypto-JOOS?

Think again...

Black Rabbit said...

...perhaps you don't give a like the whole S/M love prancing around with your stupid sausages hanging from your faces...and I am going to lose it if I continue...

Black Rabbit said...

DON GEORG GAENSWEIN? be the next pope?

Do they have a silly names competition to elect the new POPE?


Black Rabbit said...

So now I am beginning to get the whole picture (how many times have I said that?)...

TEMPLAR CASTLE - run by out of control PROGRAMMED demonic SACHS/GOLDMAN...completely out of control CRYPTO-JOOS.

The CATHOLIC CHURCH had to come in and try to get them all under control again. They didn't quite manage it - they enlisted the help of the SEPHARDIM...the battle probably continues...DR FRANKENSTEIN against his MONSTROUS GOLEMS...

Black Rabbit said...

I watched TRANCE on DVD as I had previously done in 2004...

An East End Jooish gangsta teams up with a HYPNOTIST (who is associated with ST JOHN in the final scene)…think ILL programmer here…to steal the goods off an upper-class art dealer (the CATHOLICS or the ARISTOCRACY?)…

The basic idea seems to be that the JOOS got the CATHOLICS/ARISTOCRACY because they ‘like a bit of rough’…LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER type of thing…

So how true to life was that one, then eh?

I can remember that JULIE BURCHILL played the part of the hypnotist in the ILL re-enactment…


This text message came through from ORANGE whilst I was looking at an AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD upon the recommended video about the POPE and VATICAN etc:

First letter code:


Black Rabbit said...

A new BLOG OF NOTE has appeared this evening...

Black Rabbit said...

Some more memories came back of the TEMPLAR CASTLE and it was of that room…where the stolen food was in the old sideboard/cupboard…

AMADEUS had entrusted his ‘little boy’ to me as in GREEN - who was very sick but I do not know what it was…he stayed in bed for some time, until he recovered…and I had to scavenge for food that the ILL hadn’t injected with drugs, for the two of us…it was a full-time job each day…GREEN almost starved I am sorry to to say but I managed to steal a pack of butter and that helped him to regain strength (bread and butter and apples) - the ILL were using the secret passage every two weeks to buy in food and if you helped unpack - you could hide something under your clothes…but not enough to keep you going…so it was mainly fruit-picking which was forbidden (even though the PRINCES sent me out one night to fruit-pick for them on the quiet)…stealing the eggs off DALDRY’s chickens which he kept behind an electrified fence…and eating them raw…and once I managed to catch and kill a chicken…but hadn’t time to pluck it - so just put it on an ILL bonfire after they had gone…and ate some of it - took the breast for GREEN and then hide the rest of it under a bush…the TEMPLARS found it and bizarrely enough, claimed that somebody was doing ‘witchcraft’ and organised a witch-hunt…luckily they didn’t find out it was me.

Once food was in the kitchen it was invariably injected with some hideous drug…I remember being in the kitchen with TOMLINSON and he offered me a banana and I could see in his mind where he had injected it with something horrible…and so I just sat at the table and cried - to stop him from forcing me to eat it.

I asked DALDRY where AMADEUS had gone and he told me ‘probably ITALY’ and that he wasn’t ‘one of us’ and that he wouldn’t be coming back. The TEMPLARS appeared to believe that they were a ‘separate religion’.

Black Rabbit said...

It was during the ‘banana’ episode in the kitchen that I managed to find something out from TOMLINSON…I put my arms around his neck and my head close to his and this is what I picked up:

His ‘little boy alter’ was still in there but nothing else…his entire head was in darkness - like a marionnette’s…and I could sense this group of men…sitting in what appeared to be a castle hall by a fire, in the darkness…they controlled this ‘puppet’…and I was briefly in contact with them for some while…

In brief - these men appeared to go by no real name…they knew that they worked for the PENTAGON and they believed in DIA-MOND.

They told me that they thought that the head of the PENTAGON was called ALAIN GUILLOT but they were not sure….he was of French origins…

I asked them if they were ROTHSCHILDS and they said ‘yes’ immediately but it sounded suspicious - not quite the truth.

I asked them what their cheques looked like and I saw a few cheque books with different names:


They didn’t really appear to know who they were but used many names.

They appeared to have castles in ARGYLL, DUMFRIES ABERDEENSHIRE…in remote places.

The place they were in at the time, was called CORNLEIGH PARK, apparently.

I asked them what their DIA-MOND was…and at first they gave me an image of a DIAMOND…the biggest one in the world…and they talked about soul-trapping and how the TEMPLARS didn’t know how to channel and utilise the souls that they had trapped…whereas they did.

I queried this further…and they showed me where their ‘DIA-MOND’ was…it was difficult to get any directions from them but it was simply a pit in a valley where they dumped dead bodies.

They told me that their ‘sun had burnt out’ and that they were on this planet to destroy. They told me that they were CATHOLICS. They were going to hell and they knew it - everybody feared death because they knew where it would lead.

They also told me that AMADEUS used to visit them sometimes but he preferred boys more than killing.

DIA-MOND meant murdering people, to them.

Anyway, I showed them a map of the UK and they indicated a place that they said was HEREFORDSHIRE they couldn’t be more specific…and a road…a country road called ARGYLL…and then a concrete path off it, leading into the woods…you had to walk down it a long time and into quite a steep valley…wherein there was the pit.

The above brought back a memory from DARTINGTON…when I first got there I was put in B&B…and there was a concrete path that turned into steps through the forest off the main road which lead into the DARTINGTON estate - it was a shortcut…I used to take my bike down there during the day until I was scared off by a ‘presence’ in the woods…and I can now remember RIMINGTON walking me down the concrete bit and saying ‘remember this?’ I couldn’t remember a thing.

So all I can say is that like RIMINGTON - these people are completely insane and out-and-out SATANISTS…these are the people that she got it from. They simply believe in death and destruction - they are terrified of hell but see it as an inevitability. They also appear to believe that they are ‘aliens’ from a another planet - until the sun burnt out.

Black Rabbit said...

GOOGLE EARTH - has just left this file on my computer - it is embedded - and it appears as a large file in the middle of my screen entitled ‘GOOGLE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT - it appears before any other file - you have to move it to the side of the screen to see anything else:




The bastards fuck up your computer by trying to force you to buy GOOGLE CHROME.

Just for that - I am going to get rid of ALL of my GOOGLE software….and I just have done but only after a fierce battle over ‘permissions’ - I found that GOOGLE had ‘permitted’ itself every ‘permission’ in the book…and so firstly I had to block it and then remove it by F2 and resetting defaults…

Finally, the offensive file disappeared from my screen and I am NOT allowing a GOOGLE TOOLBAR back either.

Black Rabbit said...

The result of my search for CORNLEIGH - I recognised this text from the TEMPLAR CASTLE - the ILL had been using it as a script, for some reason - to act out a TUDOR lifestyle:



Associate in History in the
University of Illinois







Black Rabbit said...


other infirmities they did grow increpite, they should not be
destitute of a dwelling place. . ." This might have entailed
real sacrifice, for as Brathwait goes on to say, some of the nobles
in his day were .so needy that when any farm "fell" they had
perforce to prefer him who would pay most. 62

In other ways, too, did noblemen show a real material gener-
osity, for while it is apparent in some households at least, that
the services of little children were hired because they were cheap-
er, 63 on the other hand a fatherly interest was often taken in the
material and intellectual welfare of these little folk. In the
Bertie household there lived a group of twelve youngsters, in-
cluding the two children of the family. They were called the
"children of honour," and while it is not clear that these were
some of the same little people serving in the kitchen and the
other usual places where children were to be found in such an
establishment, yet one of the boys was called "William the
Lackey," and it is probable enough that they were all in office.
There was one little girl, Anne Gannocke, perhaps the running
mate for little Susie Bertie. All must have been children of
promise, both from the name given them, and because the family
youth were associated with them ; be that as it may, however, all
were provided with clothing; toys were from time to time pur-
chased for various ones of the group ; while, best of all, a master
was regularly paid for instructing three of the boys, and school
gear like ink and pens was paid for in their names :

Black Rabbit said...


"March 1561 'For 2 payer of shooes for Mr. Peregrine, a
payer for Mistress Suzan, and a payer for Rychard Hall, at 7d
the payer, and Rychard Hall's at 8. d.' 2s. 5d."

"December, 'For two yardes and a quarter of friseado at Ss
the yarde' for coats for the two Georges."

"September, 'For 8 payer of knitt hose for the children/ "

"November, 'For a penne and inke for John Jeny, and for
quilles for the Georges 9d.' "

62 Brathwait, 32-33. The cruel, hard-fisted economy of the house of
Cornleigh Cornleigh was directly descended from this early practice, I sup-
pose. See B. Jefferies, The Dewy Morn.

63 John Howard to his Steward : " . . . also I wold my pastores wer
wel stored wethe katel, and a Man that schold kepe them myte hoder wyl
helpe to dreve the karte, and so wethe helpe of ehelderen the fewer men
myte serve ; . . . Household Books, 558-560.




LD 21A-50m-3,'62

General Library

University of California


Black Rabbit said...


Do all roads lead back to SWITZERLAND, MARK R?

I was looking up CORNLEIGH and found something that came up in relation to LOSPER…

In fact, LOSPER, DAN

...even though the search said that LOSPER,DAN was on FACEBOOK and related to CORNLEIGH - I could only find LOSP in relation to the arts centre in BESCANCON called LOSP…that naturally interested me - the main City nearest to VIEILLEY is BESCANCON.

I then traced the various people back through FACEBOOK (taking the first one as ‘programmer’ of previous person listed) and found that the ‘end of the line’ was this woman:

Safi Martin (Switzerland)

So do all roads lead back to SWITZERLAND?

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the list that leads back to MARTIN:

Matthieu Ropers
Audrey Dabbagh (France)
Guillaume Murielle Declippeleir (France)
Alexandra Sigaud (France)
Laëtitia Rigoudy
Aurélie Chevalier (France)
Annelore Meiller
Audrey Rancou
Karim Benzema (France)
Julian van Holten (CREDIT SUISSE)
Karin Hartmann
Lorena Formano

Black Rabbit said...

It was odd last night…because I was thinking of FATHER XMAS in relation to the POPE and how in ILL CULTURE in the UK - the father’s rape their children upon XMAS EVE as a ‘rite of passage’ (up until a certain age - see previous notes upon my father’s behaviour in relation to my sister).

I then thought back to the first time that I had gone to PRAGUE - I crossed the river but instead of walking into MALOSTRANSKA underneath the CASTLE, the tourist area…I walked left for a long way…until I came to a CHOCOLATE SHOP…and in the window was SAINT NICHOLAS effigies (FATHER XMAS to the French) . They were in WHITE CHOCOLATE -hollowed out effigies. So I bought one - as I was with French friends at the time and presented it to NIKOLAS CAMPESTRE as a pre-Christmas gift.

Now - NIKOLAS had been born JOOISH unbeknownst to myself - he told me that he had been adopted…although he then went the CATHOLIC equivalent of the LSE in PARIS…the University that got all of the grants and awards for overseas study and work placements. They saw it as ‘better’ than the SORBONNE for politics, economics, philosophy…NIKOLAS’s friend MURIEL was also JOOISH…now that I come to think of it…isn’t it a little odd that they were studying there?

I asked them about whether this was normal in France - to have a Catholic University…and they said that France was a Catholic country and it was normal…the name didn’t mean anything…

NIKOLAS was one of the RA CULT - as NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH was later to tell me…so what was going on?

Anyway, I haven’t finished my story.

As soon as I had presented NICHOLAS with the SAINT NICHOLAS - he looked very solemn - his friends gathered around in a circle - he smashed the effigy in its wrapping paper, opened it and then offered everyone a piece as if it were the last sacrament…they all ate it without hardly saying a word. Like solemn children.

I remember thinking that I was witnessing something very odd indeed but I had no idea what…

Getting your own back on FATHER XMAS?

Black Rabbit said...

Had someone like TOMLINSON told me to go and buy the damn thing?

I cannot remember but it was odd that I had just wandered off in that direction...not knowing what I was looking for and then finding that chocolate a deserted part of town...

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that NICHOLAS was to all intents and purposes a CATHOLIC at that point - he used to pray to MOTHER MARY in the CATHOLIC CHURCHES, actually I am wrong there...he prayed in the BYZANTINE one, for some PRAGUE.

Black Rabbit said...

The PATRON SAINT of SAILORS and well as archers, and children, and students.

The CIA have outlined in RED this Fiera di San Nicolò:

In Trieste St. Nicholas (San Nicolò) is celebrated with gifts given to children on the morning of the 6th of December and with a fair called Fiera di San Nicolò during the first weeks of December. Depending on the cultural background, in some families this celebration is more important than Christmas. Trieste is a city on the sea, being one of the main ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and is influenced mainly by Italian, Slovenian and German cultures, but also Greek and Serbian.

Black Rabbit said...

The SANTA CLAUS in the photograph upon WIKIPEDIA makes me laugh...because it could be the POPE apart from the obviously false beard.

Sinterklaas in the Netherlands in 2007.

Additionally, this SINTERKLAAS has what MARK R called the FISH HAT of the POPE on his head...which apparently resembles the BABYLONIAN fishgod...and the priest who wore a very similar hat.

So what is the difference between a FISH and a FISHERMAN?

Black Rabbit said...

How on Earth does one unpack this MYTH?

Celebration in Belgium, the Netherlands and Lower Rhineland (Germany)
Main article: Sinterklaas

Sinterklaas in the Netherlands in 2007.In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas' Eve (December 5) is the primary occasion for gift-giving, when his reputed birthday is celebrated. In this case, roles are reversed, though, in that Sinterklaas is the one who gives the presents.

In the days leading up to December 5 (starting when Saint Nicholas has arrived in the Netherlands by steamboat in late November), young children put their shoes in front of the chimneys and sing special 'Sinterklaas-songs'. Often the shoe is filled with a carrot or some hay for the horse of St. Nicholas ( who in recent years has been named Amerigo). On the next morning they will find a small present in their shoe, ranging from a bag of chocolate coins to a bag of marbles or some other small toy. On the evening of December 5, Sinterklaas brings presents to every child that has been good in the past year (in practice to all children). This is often done by placing a sack with presents outside the house or living room, after which a neighbour or parent bangs the door or window, pretending to be Sinterklaas' assistant. Another option is to hire or ask someone to dress up as Sinterklaas and deliver the presents personally. Sinterklaas wears a bishop's robes including a red cape and mitre, rides a white horse over the rooftops and is assisted by many mischievous helpers with black faces and colourful Moorish dress, dating back two centuries. These helpers are called 'Zwarte Pieten' (Black Petes).

Until the 1950s, if a child had been naughty, the Black Petes would stuff the child in a sack and threaten to beat it with a broom or a stick. Then all the naughty children, in sacks, were said to be taken back with Sinterklaas to Spain (it is believed that Sinterklaas comes from Spain, where he returns at the end of the night).

In the past number of years, there has been a recurrent discussion about the politically incorrect nature of the Moorish helper. In particular Dutch citizens with backgrounds from Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles feel offended by the Dutch slavery history connected to this emblem and regard the Zwarte Pieten to be racist. Others state that the black skin color of Zwarte Piet originates in his profession as a chimneysweep, hence the delivery of packages though the chimney.

In recent years, Christmas (along with Santa Claus) has been pushed by shopkeepers as another gift-giving festival, with some success; although, especially for young children, Saint Nicholas' Eve is still much more important than Christmas.

Black Rabbit said...

So I have to conclude that in all probability - considering that the name SANTA CLAUS came from SINTERKLAAS...

...that it was the CATHOLIC BISHOPS who first formalised 'incestuous paedophilia' before XMAS.

Black Rabbit said...

...and the BLACK PETERS?

...SANTA's little helpers? Would that be the gnomes or the PRANCING REINDEER?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so if you took the SANTA CLAUS myth a bit more seriously and literally than you should…

You could say that the UK adaptation of the SINTERCLAAS myth was ‘culture specific’.

We didn’t have the BLACK PETERS so much as the PRANCING REINDEER…and so the BRITISH imagined the ‘elves/gnomes’ to be minature versions of SANTA CLAUS who were white-faced/haired - and who stayed in GREENLAND or somewhere ‘up north’ in the SCANDINAVIAN regions , wrapping up the presents…

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS and I went off to the VATICAN archives underground…and then I sat on the floor of his office and watched him hastily compile the above. He didn’t bother to edit it - we didn’t have time.

Here is an extract:

"All these societies emanating directly from the esoteric mystery school from Egypt. So who controlled all these organisations? The Vatican…they controlled the knowledge and therefore controlled all that would spawn from the mystery schools, but who controls the Vatican? Easy, the Imperial hybrid Nephilim bloodlines from ancient Sumer. For more proof of this fact, why would this mysterious secret society bring itself to light in 1956 and to be listed with the French directory of organisations under the subtitle ‘Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Traditionalist Union, which in French abbreviates to 'circuit' - the name of the magazine distributed among members. Depending on what statutes one considers, Sion either has 9,841 members in nine grades, or 1,093 members in seven, with the supreme member, the Nautonnier or Grand Master of the Order being Jean Cocteau.

While it was believed the head was Pierre Plantard de St.-Clair, he said he left that post in 1984, so it is not clear who runs the organisation at this time, we are not meant to know they want you to seek, which takes you out of the game in relation to seeing what is going on all around you presently…A diversion.. Of course there is much information to show Pierre as a fraud, which is for sure the qualification required to be an active member of these operations. Some interesting things have come to light about the Priory recently. One is that the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina (GLA), the highest body of Swiss Freemasonry may have been the recruiting body for the Priory. But the GLA is also said by some to be the meeting place of the 'Gnomes of Zurich' who are said to be the Elite of Swiss bankers and international financiers. The GLA is said by David Yallop to be the body which controlled the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy and Monte Carlo. One of the most interesting people to write about the Prieure may be Michael Lamy. He claims that Jules Verne was a member of both the Prieure and the Illuminati. Further, he maintains that the Prieure's politics must be understood as Orleanist, which he describes as "aristocratic, anarchistic, and Nietzchean." Perhaps it all becomes most clear when Lamy reveals to the reader that the true secret of the village of Rennes-le-Chateau is that the extinct volcano MountBugarach leads down into the many catacombs, to the realm of supermen, or the pure bred Elohim race. Ean Begg feels it is connected with many of the Black Virgin sites all over Europe. Certainly, if the organisation's full name is the ‘Prieure de Notre Dame du Sion’, and if it is that the site of Orval is connected to the worship of the bear-goddess Arduina, worshipped by the Sicambrian Franks and their Merovingian / Carolingian kings, then it could be possible. There are hints, of course, that Notre Dame is not the mother of Jesus, but Mary of Bethany AKA Magdalene a princess of the tribe of Benjamin, which is itself notorious for an outbreak of goddess-idolatry in the period of the Judges. That Mary may also be the one also known to the Gypsies of the south of France as one of the three 'Maries-de-la-Mer,' whom they call 'Sarah the Egyptian', the sun-burnt one. Or the daughter of Jesus."

Black Rabbit said...

I wish we had had more time to study DNA more carefully during that time because so much is left unexplained but scientists are beginning to find out how 'the body carries memory':

"What is rather strange is that of all the Templars in France, they were left unmolested by Philippe le Bel's deadly decree on October 13, 1307. But as I have stated throughout my work, it was only the good Templars that were killed, the Illuminised Templars were spread across the globe, because they new that across the European /Asian landmass there was a great hatred for Rome, and thus all escaping Templars would be helped by those who opposed Rome. This enabled the Templar elite to instil themselves at the center of all the rebellious places across the globe. This in turn placed the Illuminati slap bang in the center of their enemies, and the lending of monies began in earnest and control of all the enemies of Rome…in time accomplished, and still to this day the deception of this event holds sway, well at least until you read this work! It holds sway because this and all other historical events are embedded in the DNA, so when you watch films like Gladiator, the DNA remembers and re-activates those memories…they become you once again. That is how they control your DNA; by regurgitating old historical events your DNA has memories of, while twisting the stories to serve their next moves in the game."

Black Rabbit said...

I know that this is a CORE BELIEF of the MASONIC ELITE in HOLLYWOOD:

"That is how they control your DNA; by regurgitating old historical events your DNA has memories of, while twisting the stories to serve their next moves in the game."

Black Rabbit said...

"...and the Sun is said to have its rays (hair) symbolically cut and on again to it’s death in Capricorn on the Winter Solstice, where it remains in the cave for three days (22-23-24th December), and is reborn…it’s birthday."

So many fascinating details here...

The idea of the SUN and its RAYS which are seen as HAIR...

'that was the year he wore my hair'...from the holocaust poet (see previous notes)...

I link this to the 'stealing' of golden energy off another for purposes of healing (see previous notes on my time with MARK R in POLAND.)

Black Rabbit said...

...soul energy...soul power...

Black Rabbit said...

"Nicholas Flamel (1330-1418) certainly one of the most famous historical alchemists, ‘claimed that he dreamed of an occult book, subsequently found it, and succeeded in deciphering it with the aid of a Jewish scholar learned in the mystic Hebrew writings known as the Kabbala. (Very reminiscent of the Book of Mormon in its tale). In 1382 Flamel claimed to have succeeded in the 'Great Work' (gold making); certainly he became rich and made donations to churches. There are many and a growing number of learned men who equate the true ‘Alchemy’ with the art of shape shifting, the ability of the hybrid bloodlines to control their DNA to the point of a shift in its codes. This of course for those with a 50-50 mix between human and dragon DNA, (the Nefilim) is the whole basis of the elite bloodlines incestuous breeding… to keep this ability in tact. The metal relates to the copper content within the ‘Blue Blood’, which by use of the mind and will, can achieve what they term Gold, and the ability to change form? Copper is still one of the best means of transmitting electrical signals, and so must have a similar effect within the blood. An ex Montauk Project operative, Stewart Swerdlow claims most humans alive today, have between 15-20% of their genetic makeup from the dragon race, I would add this to be the consequence of the fifth root race to which most humans today belong, the product of the hybridisation after the flood and on through to today, and the real aim of the genetics programmes through history albeit by natural means of pro-creation, until they re-built their science and gained the ability to play this game in the laboratory, as the Sumer tablets tell quite clearly they did pre-flood. This makes a lot more sense as to why the Illuminati have through the ages instigated such massive wars of complete genocide within all nations, to ensure the demolition of all traces of the previous four root races…what do you think? It certainly dissolves the mystery of such murderous wars of history, and gives a greater understanding as to the meaning of such idiots as Alistair Crowley when he stated; “the First and Second World wars are essential for the work of GOD”, a sentiment taken up by many in the so-called New Age Movement…what bollocks, but does seem to ring true when one looks at history, all wars are for God. This being so, gives the real reason the African and Asian races are to be culled presently…. According to the Sumer tablets, the Anunnaki placed their genetics first into the African race, and forced the blood rites upon them, they infused a higher level of their genetics into the Lemurian race, today the Chinese and Japanese races, and instilled the worship of the Dragon, and us poor Caucasians had the largest amount of this fallen angel DNA, proving itself in the fact we are by far the more warrior race of the lot, and have thus been used the most by this tribe of insanity. That is the history; the genetic imbalance is across the globe today, in all races. They have slaughtered the older bloodlines through at least the last 7000 years. Whatever the real meaning, we do know is this tribe of domination have throughout history placed hideous dragon sculptures and indeed have their coat of arms depicting such, there has to be more to this than we have been allowed to know, although I feel they are slowly placing it in the system for the finale of the New World Order, so we accept them as the overlords."

Black Rabbit said...

So the GOLD that the ALCHEMISTS (early Chemists) were pursuing was really 'soul energy'...the 'gold energy' that a remote-viewer can see - either in another person's mind or once they have OBE'd.

Black Rabbit said...

This really comes under neurology and neuro-chemistry...

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

Guess who is funding this type of research?

Medical University INNSBRUCK

Division of Neurobiochemistry
Molecular basis of axonal growth and regeneration


Swiss National Science Foundation

Österreichische Nationalbank

Black Rabbit said...

However, I know that the PENTAGON has a rule of thumb - NOTHING on the INTERNET - not an iota or passing reference to their research.

Black Rabbit said...

The BLOG OF NOTE today is of paintings by AMADEUS - he used to paint for meditational purposes, he told me…noting every detail - every shade and tone of colour…a keen observer of real life…yet another blogger says that he took the images from GOOGLE street map - so who knows?

I am sure that I should recognise some of these - the precise locations but as yet, nothing has come back to give an address…I remember that I liked the one with the rocks, and grasses, the most - the colours.

When one looks at the last one of ST MALO - it reminds me of my own painting of ‘enlightenment’ - it has the same dark green tree to the left…and then light in the centre…but this is far more mellow…mine was rather shocking, very shocking. You can see the ‘wings of birds’ in the brushstrokes…in the heavens, here.

Reading the comments:

Maggie Latham said...
I really like this... would you consider editing the tree out completely? Very interesting to see the ref photo and your interpretation of it.

Bill Guffey said...
Thanks Autumn, Mick, Maggie and Tina.

Maggie, I thought about leaving the tree out. I may revisit this one and chop that tree down in the future.

So who was the DARK GREEN TREE then? Mr MARSCAPONE?


This morning a snatch of a speech given to us in the CIA SUITE by MACDONALD - he had ‘bought’ more time off the TOP ILL - who were now uncertain as to whether or not they should go directly ahead with their plans…we had a time limit…as far as I can remember - it was a few years and then ‘ground zero’ time…so that time has now passed?

We had the ‘time limit’ in which to research and gather information as to what was really going on…no particular brief as I can recall…everybody thought that it was far too short a time…and so I suppose that is what happened…we were given the ‘keys to the kingdom’ everywhere that we went…

Even as far as my going to ISRAEL in 2006...much later on and without the rest of the ‘crazy company’…I was aware that during my stay there…I had been ‘upgraded’ to programmer status and given the same bedroom as had been previously occupied by RIMINGTON and SCARLETT in 1980.

…and ‘doors’ just seemed to open, everywhere I went…

So what was the final analysis then?

Did the ‘crazy company’ come to some final conclusion and ‘document’ upon the web? If so - I have yet to find it…all different angles of the problem were researched…so many starting points…

Black Rabbit said...

I had a nap and an odd dream this afternoon…

UNCLE MICHAEL had come to tell me that I had a flat in Ipswich – one of the CLAYTON family flats – a one-bedroomed flat that cost about £80,000 or whatever…I never got to see it…I then met MRS BOYCE who used to clean once a week for my mother and she was upset and crying about how she had made a fool of herself by sitting on a man’s knee in the pub the night before and I told her not to be so silly – if she was in a safe environment and had enjoyed herself, why not? She was a widower by that point…I then saw my mother and somebody who looked like the video tutor ‘JANE FITZGERALD’ from DARTINGTON who were with some medical staff in surgery green outfits…and these medics were laughing about saluting GI JANE…then the scene changed and my parents had taken all of their money out of the bank and ploughed it into ‘farming’ in France…they were preparing for the NWO onslaught…I wondered if I should sell that flat but having never seen it and not having the ‘deeds’ to it…I had no idea what was going on…

Upon waking – I remembered coming back to the UK and telling SCARLETT that a lot could be learnt from the country networks who had become ‘self-sufficient’…even working class New Yorkers would go back to the ‘farm’ and pick up vegetables from their families…at the weekend…rather like the Eastern Europeans used to do…it was a sort of ‘red-neck’ circuit that extended across the whole of the USA – even if you only had a ‘shack’ out there…you were on the circuit…you knew all about water tanks, growing your own vegetables and had a gun or two…just in case the monetary system crashed…and money became worthless.

SCARLETT thought this was all a good idea – and decided to send a posse out to learn how to set up such networks…I went along too…some people were better at learning this ‘self-sufficiency’ art than others…one woman shone above the rest – apart from DALDRY who was also there and fascinated by the whole business…the office-workers had a really hard time learning anything…the ‘red-necks’ viewed them as mugs in the main – apart from those who were willing to learn.

SCARLETT also had an image in his mind of PRINCE CHARLES when he was thinking about who to ‘okay’ this posse ‘event’ on a ‘self-sufficiency’ course in the USA…

So apparently this country now has a ‘back-up’ system of ‘grow your own’ and water tanks…if the ILL do try to send this country over the edge by crashing the monetary system…how well it will work…I do not know…

I was reading about how in WWII Germany – one day you had enough money to buy a house and the next, all it could buy was a loaf of bread…

Whether the ILL crash the monetary system or not…it is a way of empowering oneself if you do not have to rely upon governmental water supplies or GM CROPS…if you do not buy their products – they have less of a ‘hold’ upon you. You get to call the shots more…

Black Rabbit said...

So if all of this did happen so many years ago…between 2001-3 and suddenly there was a ‘taskforce’ in the UK getting people interested in ‘growing their own’ again…one can see that some of the TV programmes really helped this ‘ideal’…the idea that everybody could be self-sufficient to an extent…have their allotment patch and if not that - at least their own freshwater supply…the most basic necessity of all.

However, a lot of these TV programmes didn’t…they encouraged inner city dwellers and the suburbanites to grow ‘Japanese’ type gardens because there is virtually no upkeep involved - in having a load of plants that look like cacti, in amongst a load of loose chippings…all I can say is that I hated these ‘designer gardens’…the BRITISH are not Japanese…they have no intrinsic cultural or spiritual philosophy attached to the ‘floating world’ of the garden of stones, with a small water fixture in the middle.

Besides, JAPANESE gardens have a lovely symmetry that wasn’t replicated by this ‘UK exterior designers’ in their showy, patterned gardens of pebbles, chippings and strange-looking plants.

So what was this ‘negative force’ working against going back to NATURE, in the UK then?

Can one simply say that it is ‘fashion’ and people wanted something new…rather than the grass, fruit-trees and a small vegetable patch, of the 1950s and before?

My parents - particularly my mother - went to town on her garden in France and it ended up looking like paradise in the summer…like ‘EDEN’.

…but having spent some months there…it is very hard work and I wasn’t in employment, at the time…I cannot imagine how difficult would be to do a full-time job AND get out and do the vegetable patch/allotment when you came home…

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember the SAS captain saying that the whole thing had made him indignant…he was a soldier not a farmer…the implication being that you left the farmers at home when you went to war…but he then reported back that having grown his first crops…he was immensely proud of them…

That is what my father had found out…and he had begun to treat vegetable growing as almost like ‘child-birth’ and ‘child-rearing’ but NOT the ILL way, I hasten to add…(I am not going to make any bad taste jokes about beating up your vegetables here)…

My mother had remarked upon this change…as being about the phenomena of ‘life itself’ - the ‘cycle of life’…and how by farming…you come into the whole ‘state of being’…eating your own produce, sharing it with friends…adds a new dimension to life…also the swapping of ideas on how to better your techniques - makes it a communal and competitive thing…

I remember one scene in the USA upon that ‘posse course’…so hot and tired that I couldn’t concentrate at all…only a few people ‘got’ what MR USA ‘farmer’ was trying to teach them in the middle of a hot, stony and dusty arable field…it was about a water supply system…doing everything quickly and cheaply upon a shoestring - with a pump and what looked like one of those tubes that comes out of the back of a spin dryer…

As it turned out…nearly the whole group hadn’t got it…somebody asked me…I was near to fainting, in the heat of the afternoon and said ‘no’…I think it was the SAS captain, who then asked me why not…considering it had been my idea to do this in the first place…I replied that I was a messenger…in the military…he lost his temper and said that he was in the military too but he still had to bloody learn it…DALDRY told him politely to leave me alone…you can see that a difficult time was had by all.

The woman who shone, as far as ’red-neck’ approval went, in terms of really understanding the true horror of what the world was facing and had the practical frame of mind, to do something about it - she asked questions until she had understood this irrigation system - then shouted at the rest of us, that we were all ‘bloody useless’ as we cringed off the field to find some sustenance…and cover from that relentless Sun…

…but I can remember that afterwards…a lot of people around CLACTON had managed to form their own private ‘rain supply’ tank and filter…the only problem was that some people used to forget to clean the filter…I can remember them discussing that one, so it must have been a year or so later.

In retrospect, of course it wasn’t my idea…I had been a ‘messenger’ and had simply been sent back from the USA by ‘farmer’ MACDONALD…to spread the word, in terms of how to protect your lives by learning to live in a self-sufficient way…and denting ‘big business’ in the process.

All I can say is that the ‘red-necks’ were as proud of their guns as they were, their vegetables and irrigation systems….and they simply didn’t understand where this group of BRITISH citizens were coming from - and the majority were from, let us say, ‘THE OFFICE’ TV series…intelligent people who had been cramped into the ’constrained’ lifestyles and conditions of ‘modern life’ within a ‘Swindon office’…

Black Rabbit said...

For myself - I had no home - no land - no garden - nowhere I could grow anything and nowhere I could hook up a 'tank and freshwater supply' and so the whole thing required an enormous amount of concentration upon my part.

It didn't concern me because I had been excluded from the very basics of life.

Black Rabbit said...

Put simply - I had nothing to 'go back home to' and I had nothing with which to set up any 'support system' - if the ILL did their worst.

Maybe the SAS captain had no idea of where I was coming from - or maybe he didn't care.

Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT was later to tell me that my 'predicament' was all due to the RA CULT.


You were still part of the RA CULT, SCARLETT - so how come you didn't feel the necessity to pay me for any of my services to your cause?

Black Rabbit said...

What I am getting here (from SCARLETT) is that PRINCE CHARLES was pissed off that the JOOS were no longer obeying him...

He wanted OWNERSHIP of the RA CULT back...

He had NO intention of paying me back the money that the RA CULT had stolen...because he and his family had benefitted so extensively from it...(and in my case, that was the HARRY POTTER money).

As THE SIMPSONS put can twist MR BURNS into doing 'good things' for the environment (see episode where LISA convinces him that 'caring about the environment' is a good thing) but it all turns out 'evil' in the end because he is so obsessive about making money that he begins to mulch all sea-creatures for petfood...

PRINCE CHARLES rides roughshod over the whole country in a similar way...and SCARLETT is his lackey...he has to pass every decision through his 'boss'.

Black Rabbit said...

So let us recap here:

The CATHOLIC CHURCH in terms of the VATICAN, has been pretty much DEMONIC since its inception...

However, AMADEUS and friends convinced the CATHOLIC CHURCH that in view of recent scientific findings...that it should go beyond 'devil worship' and open up its spectrum to wider things...hence the interest in remote-viewing and alien life etc and perhaps a 'new direction' to a very old institution?

The CHABAD JOOS and anybody else (including MUSLIMS and FREEMASONS) those who have joined the 'men at the bottom of the mountain'...these men have holed up, in what they believe is the 'centre of the world' i.e. KAZAKHSTAN - to continue their RA SUN CULT of sexual abuse, drug-smuggling, paedophilia and generally, entirely destructive impulses.

Black Rabbit said...

ISRAEL is an unknown number but the general 'trend' is this:

...and the basic idea was put to the PALESTINIANS before JOOS:

...the basic idea of - let the CATHOLIC CHURCH in (by becoming Christians but if you are not CATHOLIC converts - you are all dead in the end - sorry suckers - any other 'Christianity' will not do - we HATE the rest of them)...

...and the CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL mediate upon the problem that we have created, in terms of warring ARAB nations vs the JOOS (but we never said that)...

...and we will create OUR CATHOLIC TEMPLE OF SOLOMON whereupon we will preside upon TEMPLE MOUNT.

Black Rabbit said... any rate, that was what the CIA was saying to the PALESTINIANS some months ago and I am sorry to say that I bought it...when you are desperate for peace...almost any 'solution' will do.

Black Rabbit said...

...however, if the CATHOLIC CHURCH and VATICAN really has 'reformed' and remodelled their focus, research and is probably a good bet...

...better than CHABAD...

...better than the MASONIC BIZARRI of IRAN...

Black Rabbit said...

ISLAM always carries the underbelly of extreme abuse to all citizens - underneath the 'master class'...there has never been any denying it and there never will...

The ILL ELITE rule and there is NO social mobility...not in reality...although many 'dreams' are spun and fabricated.

The ARAB ruling elite are cynics...they view 'human behaviour' with a scrutiny, with powers of observation, and a capability that I do not have because I was brought up in a 'liberal PC' country...and the 'liberal PC' view is exceptionally blinkered when it comes to:


The ARAB ELITE feel that they have got the 'human number'. That most people are not capable of rising to any challenge and it is not worth encouraging the majority. Let them rot. Even if the 'flowers' rot amongst the weeds'.

It is a pragmatic choice to them.

You have a 'peaceful' society but you have to make sacrifices.

Black Rabbit said...

The 'flowers' - I asked about people who were flagrantly flaunting rules...not because they had something to say (these people are just exhibitionists in the main) but people who had done real scientific research...and really HAD something to say about beliefs in ISLAM...

The answer was the same...if you wnat a peaceful society they have to be in they either disappeared or they were publicly dispensed with...and the research that they had done was privately acknowledged and assimilated into the body of knowledge.

That is how you run a society - that is how you run a PEACEFUL society - the ARAB way.

Black Rabbit said...

I could certainly see their view of things...

AMADEUS had advised me to understand the ARAB view...

It is easily understandable and it makes good sense in certain quarters...

...but for simply spelt out that I was one of those 'expendable objects' who researched and then disappeared or got imprisoned or murdered...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night - I recovered what must have been the worst memories of the lot - although I had remembered one of the better memories beforehand…

Namely - that AMADEUS and myself had been on a mission as far as the VATICAN was concerned…I was to contact the TRAPPED SOULS whilst in there….and act as a guide to lead them out THROUGH the dome - basically to teach them that it was an illusion…it worked…I then guided them up and into OUTER SPACE. AMADEUS called this the ‘ascension of the church’ but I have no idea of what this means…

At any rate, I can now understand why the VATICAN would be interested in alien life-forms, UFOs…that sort of thing…the whole church is now pointed in a more positive direction.

Black Rabbit said...


Yesterday afternoon - the owner and his electrician banged on my door…to do something completely worthless that they could have done anywhere else in the building. The electrician came in with his plug and tried it in two of the sockets - told me ‘it works’ and then left. I am FURIOUS at this intrusion.

It will NOT happen again, SCARLETT - you have been warned.

Black Rabbit said...


Today I have to go through the whole CHP charade at the TRAVELODGE…and I am even more FURIOUS about that one…particularly with that little prick ROBERTO CIPOLLA who thought it up. Indicative of just how evil their dark alters are…you can measure them up by what they had contributed to RIMINGTON’s plans. For example, the woman who also worked for COLLIE who contributed the ‘get into trouble with the POLICE over a NECTAR points card‘- not quite as bad as TRAVELODGE, eh?

In short, ALL of these people are really beginning to piss me off.

So I have to face a few pricks who believe that they are all-powerful because they are ILL programmers...all I can say is this 'piss me off and you might suffer a brain aneurysm at some point' - the little lizards only understand violence -something the ARABS understood about them from the beginning. No sense in being a 'wet liberal' here.

Black Rabbit said...


The worst memory?

That was of the BOTTOMLESS PIT as RIMINGTON used to call it…

We were all taken to this place in 2001…the valley where that PIT was…and it was a HOLOCAUST number…a PIT within a forest…where the ROYAL FAMILY sent their slaves to be shot and thrown in…periodically, petrol was thrown over the bodies and they were burnt to make way for more…

RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and ROS had taken me there again, more recently…

The smell is unbearable - it wafts up…I gagged and vomited by the stony path overlooking this indescribable horror…it didn’t seem the affect the other three…

RIMINGTON told me to ‘jump in’ and I retorted that she would have to shot me first.

She then told TOMLINSON to do so and I turned to him and telepathically told him that I would kill him. He knew that I would too - pressure points in the mind - and so he just stood there.

TOMLINSON was ‘possessed’ at that point - that swarm of men that I had seen in his mind at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - were all ‘in there’ with him - his swarm of BLACK SHELLS. His mind was an open door to them. It was rather like confronting the ‘devil’ but one has to say upon reflection - just extremely damaged human brains and minds, which had come together to act as ‘one’. It was a comfort to know that I was more powerful than any of them - as they stood ‘against’ me.

Black Rabbit said...


I told SCARLETT and the SAS where this house where these men lived, was - these PENTAGON SLAVES…not so far away from the PIT. It looked like a castle from the inside…I had only seen the inside before but outside it was more like a very large house.

I was in a clearing in the forest and not far from the PIT - that is why this BLACK SHELL influence had been so powerful upon TOMLINSON. They could manipulate him in any way that they wanted to do so.

The ARMY checked out the house and how to approach the task of getting this men under control…the SAS captain talking of using GAS…I said that it might work….he told me to SHUT UP and that he was talking to his colleague.

I will NOT tolerate rudeness from a MINOR ever again. You are a CAPTAIN to my GENERAL - let that now be understood ONCE AND FOR ALL.

I am truly SICK of all of these people…would that stupid little prick have told RIMINGTON or ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER to ‘shut up’? Of course he wouldn’t - he would have kept a civil tongue in his head - GET YOUR PRIORITES STRAIGHT IN YOUR HEAD, SOLDIER.

Sometimes, with these stupid people…I felt like I was the only one trying to save the world and what for…these stupid greedy people…who didn’t give a damn about myself…who had been told that I had the mind of a 2 year old and that I wouldn’t remember anything afterwards and therefore they could then throw me out on the street…homeless and with no money…and NOT one of them cared at all. NOT ONE.

What was I doing - trying to save the world - trying to help these people - who would not raise a finger to help me - and were rude to me throughout the entire operation. It STINKS. It all stinks.

Black Rabbit said...


Anyway, I was uncertain about the ‘gas’ and it is a pity that the fools didn’t bother to ask my advice upon the operation again. There was a naked flame within the house and so the inevitable happened.

Instead of being gassed inside it - the roof of the house caught fire and the men came running out.

The ARMY was positioned around it - in the forest and the order was given to shoot the lot of them.

This was probably a good thing upon reflection - these men were past rehabilitation…their minds were too damaged…HANNIBAL LECTOR time without the intelligence but highly dangerous telepaths - who could take over and control another ILL RA CULT slave.

If they had been taken prisoner - what would they have said? That they worked for the ROYALS - maybe the testimony might have been important but if the ARMY doesn’t know the cause behind these events by now…they are not worth bothering about.

Apart from that, they would have had to have been locked up for life - within their own mental hells and they were in hell, already - real anguish - with one direction only - to kill - to destroy - all of them were out-and-out SATANISTS.

So another ENCLAVE of BLACK SHELLS was ‘taken out’ and I suppose that the ARMY must have covered up the PIT - filled it in. How many more ‘cover-ups’ have to take place?

Black Rabbit said...


AMADEUS and the CIA had told the RA CULT that they would ‘leave them in pieces’. I can now see that I have been witnessing the ‘knocking off’ of the most dangerous of these people - upon a yearly basis and it continues…


I was aware that the MOSSAD were viewing with me, whilst I was with RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and ROS…their ‘force’ was behind me, telepathically.

That is why I am warning SCARLETT not to annoy me with any other mind control slaves around…we grow more powerful by the day…and I can remember more and more…I do not want to cause un-necessary harm to the fools that surround me but sometimes my patience is sorely tried.

PRINCE CHARLES will be the next - I can remember that much about the future…the egg-timer has now been overturned. He will repay back ALL stolen monies or the future will go ahead as planned. He has the chance to change his future…but one can see that he is too insane, too greedy and too stupid to do so. Nobody cares about him anyway - the courtiers are all sizing up for a battle in terms of pushing forward their favourites - PRINCE WILLIAM and HARRY.

Black Rabbit said...

'Desert eyes'...SARA HOLLIDAY had those...and I had wondered how she had seemed to live a charmed life in relation to going all of the way down Africa by truck and then made her way up the other side...through Islamic countries...ending up in a single woman traveller...she was greeted as 'family' wherever she went and only had the best things to say about the harems and so forth...the matriarchies at work...

I then remembered 1980 at the MI HOTEL and MR D'AJANI who had put me into a trance...and I had then described to him what I had seen...these was 'desert eyes' vision...the entirety of the nightsky within the desert...the ARAB/SEMITIC understanding of the time doesn't really exist...or rather how past, present and future are is the Universe...

I was then told that I was basically an Arab...and that I could leave but I had to report expand their knowledge...

COLLIE's brood also had 'desert eyes' so at some point they would have been 'tested' for this...

It isn't so much a JOOISH gene as being able to experience the ARAB/SEMITIC understanding of Time and the Universe...

It is a Middle-Eastern thing and 'souls' get born out...but retain the 'gift'.

Black Rabbit said...

What has recently really been annoying ARAB LEADERS is the stupidity of MI6 to send people who do not have this understanding or 'vision' upon diplomatic missions. The PC bollocks that is often offensive to the ARAB world...they see the 'whole picture' but are threatened with ORWELLIAN speak by those, who do not...they feel outraged at this patronising and stupid attitude.

Black Rabbit said...

Even worse - another memory has come back - it appears to have been from the USA but the terrain looked more like SPAIN to me…

It was of being sent off by TOMLINSON to visit some friends of his…an ‘artistic community’ which lived at the top of a small mountain…in reality - it was just another drugs den, filled by the middle-classes of varying nationalities…aging hippies…but wealthy hippies - it was a wealthy ‘drugs den’ community.

I was given a cup of tea to drink which they had laced with acid…as I left the house, to walk down the stone steps…a long steep descent…I had the thought in my head that I could ‘fly’…and so I jumped - landed badly and broke my ankle.

Another reason why I am so very ANGRY this morning…what the hell were you doing SCARLETT…why was I put through so much SHIT and for so many years - whilst you ‘kept an eye’ on these people but did NOTHING.

I suppose one can say that I need zero tolerance with these stupid people, to keep me on course…as I had said to SHARON in ISRAEL…after he had told me that I would ‘walk away’…that I was dealing with the most evil people upon Earth within this ILL GAME but that I could just ‘walk away’…and I retorted that I could NOT walk away because I had no money, no home, no job, in short - no life whatsoever. That is why I continued with the ILL GAME…and now I can see why…I needed that resolution to ‘get’ them all…and the memories are now coming back of how they were ‘got’ and how they will continue to be ‘got’ until the ILL are no more…my ANGER at their disgusting and despicable behaviours keeps me sane, keeps me on course…keeps me constantly aware of just how sick these people are and why this situation must be ‘remedied’.

Black Rabbit said... keeps me focussed...and if you are thinking of continuing the RA CULT for PRINCE CHARLES, SCARLETT - if I were in your shoes, I would be very, very scared indeed at this point in the ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, SCARLETT - let me just tell you this - if you are still in the RA CULT, then your name is on a list. You have no idea of how you will meet your premature death or when - only one thing is certain - you will. It just depends upon where your name is upon the list and the strategy involved in terms of ‘dealing’ with the RA CULT.

This isn’t just a BLACK SHELL clean-up operation. All those who are still part of the RA CULT have now been given their last ‘official warning’.

Black Rabbit said...

So you saw what happened this morning - didn’t you MI6?

You saw just how close you are to being ‘top of the list’.

I might also add that if that little ASS who has moved in opposite to me - is not removed immediately - his CONTROLLER will take the ‘brunt’ of the punishment to be applied.

Everybody is now running out of patience fast.

To make matters even worse - SCARLETT’s network was asking me this morning - what to do…and I called them imbecilic idiots - I have no time for people who cannot and will not think for themselves.
They all know, only too well, what they should be doing.

Okay, so you get paid by the CROWN from the stolen monies in the QUEEN’S PRIVY PURSE…but until you get the WHOLE situation - you edge up to NUMBER 1 on the list.

Black Rabbit said...


MARK R was one of the ‘prancing’ CHABAD organisation…in regard to this, he had told me that he couldn’t help it - that his brain had literally been ‘severed’ and that he was now a completely split personality. However, I am aware that ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE now have a way to cure this brain trauma…

Black Rabbit said...


…and with this final BLOG OF NOTE, we come to the END of the ILL TRAIL:

…although MACDONALD says that he has a little bit more to add…this is pretty much it.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember how ROBERTO CIPOLLA (CHIP) had acid thrown in his face, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

RIMINGTON had filled a white washing up bowl with acid and left it in one of the main rooms.

It looked like water.

RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON, MARK R and AMADEUS had brought the two of us into that room.

It was during the time that they were programming us both with some cartoon script (see previous notes).

RIMINGTON told me to pick up the washing up bowl and throw it at CIPOLLA. I did so. She then told me that it was acid. I had only done it because it looked like one of those WIZARD OF OZ programming scripts where the ‘wicked witch’ gets doused in water.

I took his hand and pulled him out of the room and across to the nearest bathroom. Somebody was in there and so I kicked the door in - easy in martial arts terms. I then yelled at the man to get OUT of the bath and using the shower hosed CIPOLLA down. I told him to take off his cloths - and I took off my top to get my face, hands, arms and hands which had also come into contact with it. He then fainted in the bath.

This appeared to amuse AMADEUS - he was the only one who had followed me to see what I was doing. I kept saying that he had to call an ambulance NOW. He asked me why - I told him because CIPOLLA’s skin would start to go red and then the skin would peel - we didn’t have much time. I then shouted at him to do so and like a little boy he then agreed and hurried off. They had to carry CIPOLLA out to the car.

So CIPOLLA blames me for the above? The little prick. These people are not worth saving. Not one single one of them.

Black Rabbit said...

9 781848 561274 52295

I saw this book in the comic book section today - this is the hardback version - an anthology of EAGLE COMICS - the whole series, relating to one particular story: The Phantom Fleet

I can remember SCARLETT and BASSNETT mentioning it - they had both read the comics, in the original - during their youth.

The story above is quite uncannily accurate to what has recently been found out - regarding microscopic aliens that have embedded themselves into the seabed.

The story was published in 1958.

Now - I had heard from somewhere….either it was in the Press or elsewhere - that an EXPLOSION had occurred in the BLACK SEA…which had then resulted in a load of dead fish…

There is a pictorial description of this in the DAN DARE comic book above…you have the ‘good aliens’ who have come to warn humankind that they are under attack from GREEN aliens…the ‘good aliens’ are small enough to stand upon the palm of your hand…the ‘good aliens’ point out where the GREEN aliens are…and an explosion occurs upon the seabed…and then everybody goes home happy to yuletide.

Make of that what you will…but the story is uncannily accurate…it is a description of early mind control programing in terms of ‘outer space’ and so-called ‘space travel’. Is it possible that people already knew what had happened or was about to happen in 1958?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, SCARLETT and BASSNETT decided to arrange to have this anthology of EAGLE comics republished in book form...and itw as published this year 2009.

They had scoured it for details - so much of it made sense to them - but then they knew so much about ILL history - programmers and slaves.

Black Rabbit said...

The blowing up of the ocean bed is called OPERATION PLUM PUDDING for example...the final chapter.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally - I wonder what MANNINGHAM-BULLER and MARR were all about with their 'TSNAMI' SHANGHAI 2003...did MR PUTIN understand what they were up to...he certainly didn't appear it possible that this was also about 'aliens' embedded within the seabed?

Black Rabbit said...

One wonders about the KHAZARS and how they had lived around the BLACK SEA...

Also when the 'microscopic aliens' actually turned up there...

Black Rabbit said...

This looked suspicious to me - and then I realised - after having watched the ITN was a 'SCARLETT production' - the man was alive and well, drinking a cocktail...his wife was acting and so why send in the TROOPS, HELICOPTERS and DOGS?

I can only hope that SCARLETT had actually primed them upon what they were REALLY looking for and hadn't sent them in blind. What will they find? What have they found?

I guess the whole newstory is to explain the large military presence in the area.

The search continues for a 68-year-old Lancashire man who has gone missing in southern Turkey.

Search continues for Brit missing in Turkey

British tourist missing in Turkey .Related content
Video: Search continues for Brit missing in Turkey
John Kirkham, of Fleetwood, has not been seen since he left the Mediterranean resort town of Fethiye alone on a hiking trip on August 10.

Black Rabbit said...

The above is the ITN video link.

Black Rabbit said...

The sign in the video is pointing to KIRME 3KM to the left...and FARALYA 8KM straight on...

...and a GREEN sign appears over both signs to LIKYA YOLU...

...according to his wife - he wanted to walk the last part of the LYCIAN WAY. He has been missing for a week.

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA have singled out in RED almost every single place upon the LYCIAN WAY - I have deleted those in blue and left only those in RED mentioned:

Partial list of places on the trail
Akbel, (detour for the Gelemiş village)Üçağız, Kutluca, Zeytin. Here the trail reach a height of 1811 meters at İncegeriş T. Then on to, Mavikenic, Karaöz, Adrasan. Here the trail splits into:

Coastal route: Tekirova, Asagikuzdere
Inland route: Yukari Beycik, Yayla Kuzdere, Gedelme

Black Rabbit said...;_ylt=A03uv8OF94tKwS0AyEJLBQx.?ei=UTF-8&p=the%20lycian%20way&rd=r1&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-501

So I looked up the LYCIAN WAY upon a YAHOO IMAGES search (I am sick of GOOGLE having got rid of it from my computer)...and found the above URL.

A 501 coded route?

501 means 'loss of your soul' to the LEVITES...

What was interesting to me was the large amount of FLICKR.COM photographs upon this first page of my search...

Black Rabbit said...

Having found out that ILL PROGRAMMERS tend to put all of their photographs up on it should come as no surprise to see that this particular search for the LYCIAN WAY brought up so this the most important programming site in the world?

Black Rabbit said...

Look up tiyek on and his/her photostream of UCAGIZ.

Is it possible that this is another BLACK SHELL enclave?

Black Rabbit said...

They called TOMLINSON ‘james cagney’ because of his base at cagnes sur mer…and now UCAGIZ…

Black Rabbit said...

The reason that I think that this is highly likely to be a BLACK SHELL beach as it were…is because of the tip-off from YAHOO IMAGES URL.

If you find this site using a YAHOO SEARCH and then click onto the UCAGIZ slideshow - you get this URL and it ends in 501.

This is the LEVITE code for getting rid of a person’s soul (see previous notes upon the LEVITE in his castle).

Secondly - I remember the shot of the coastal line and sky/sea with a wine bottle in the foreground…AMADEUS told me that he had put it in shot, to remind me of our time walking down that way…to UCAGIZ…I can remember…the ‘crazy company’ was led by TOMLINSON…

Black Rabbit said... the 'all-seeing eye'? Only approachable by that long trek or by boat?

Black Rabbit said...

Unfortunately I cannot get the SLIDESHOW via this search anymore...but it was heavily coded with all sorts of stuff...for example a B sharp (musical notation for a sharp) and then the last digits were: 501

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I have now been able to obtain the slideshow and there are quite a few more photographs within it...and a NEW URL for very odd...

Anyway, I can remember all of the tourists - they were walking the same trail as us...we NEVER photographed ourselves...only them...and they would pass us at intervals and then we would pass them...that is why there are so many photographs of these people...

Why is one woman pointing to the top of one snow-peaked mountain?

Why is somebody like TOMLINSON reclining upon a boat called POSEIDON?

POSEIDON was the GREEK god of the SEA.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the simple URL if you want to view the photographs:

Black Rabbit said...

What is the significance of those APPLES?

Black Rabbit said...

The getting of KNOWLEDGE in the 'garden of Eden'?

Here in the South-West of Turkey...

Black Rabbit said...

The BECS...the ASHKENAZIM...and the Arabic Turkish Joos...what is being said here?

Black Rabbit said...

Some very odd things and memories came back as I went for a walk down the promenade…over the bridge - I picked up a few things there and threw them away…cleared it of rubbish as per usual…and the CIA SUITE were asking me ‘download what you can see’ and the first people appeared to be ‘black shells’ but then they began to change - and I got ‘black white’…further on ‘white black’…also white black with some grey below…so things were going well…it was ‘working’ whatever it was…the MOSSAD were also in contact throughout…then a hiccup to the program…yellow appeared instead of grey…and so that had to be rooted out…all hands on deck…PRINCE CHARLES’ doing…TOMLINSON had turned against the ‘crazy company’ as I knew he would…just like RIMINGTON…traitors…

I get the feeling that the ideal was the ‘balance’ of the YIN and YANG…black and white…but not sure…

Anyway, I then went to the yachting pond and followed instructions…once round it - root out the few stones and the green left - to show positioned MASONIC slave what was going on…clean-up time…then back to the B&B…

To find out that TOMLINSON had transferred the financial program to ROS’ mind…so more thoughts upon that one…MACDONALD has to decide what to do…a ‘human shield’…

Anyway, the MOSSAD had opened what they called the ‘gates of heaven’ and let out a massive amount of trapped ‘golden energy’…

Additionally, I remembered that RIMINGTON had told me that if I got this far, that I would be stung to death by a poisonous jellyfish on the farthest beach past the pier…

I had already seen this long translucent jellyfish this morning…upon walking that far down the beach…it was dead.

RIMINGTON had walked me through my own ‘future’ in 2004 - where the jellyfish was still alive…and a family nearby had had to half-carry me back to town…to get medical treatment…

Anyway, I am now off to the ‘CHP’ interview which I shall probably play for laughs…the rooms look horrible in the brochure…what I mean is - you wouldn’t want to stay there for more than a night or two…the rooms look like ‘office rooms’…office furniture and ‘burn yourself if you skidded on them’ acrylic blue carpets…and a very uncomfortable modern red sofa…hard as nails…the beds look equally hard…but as my mother said - the point is cleanliness…that is what you pay for….easy-to-clean rooms.

Black Rabbit said...

So I have just come back from the CHP interview…and it didn’t happen in the way that RIMINGTON had planned to happen at all…

The weird thing is that it happened in the way that SCARLETT had wanted it to - I kept on getting déjà vu…I had seen it all before…just before it ‘’happened’.

I was met by a woman from CHP who reminded me very much of CAROLINE from DARTINGTON but obviously wasn’t…she ‘helped’ me…in terms of spotting the ILL programming left around the flat 2 that I was taken to view…

In the bedroom - somebody had drawn a STAR in a CIRCLE upon the dust of the window…so I went and rubbed it off…

In the living room - somebody had drawn a little man on the window…which I didn’t spot but the CHP woman did spot it and pointed it out to me…so I rubbed it off.

I then rubbed off the marks left upon the dust on the LEFTHAND side of the window…complaining about how childish graffitti was…

The marks of RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and ROS…left there since the building had been constructed.

She then opened a cupboard that had a DARK BLUE cardboard box…and took it out of the cupboard…she said ‘I don’t think that you will be needing these’…

It was full of SCREWS.

I laughed and told her that ‘no, I certainly wouldn’t be needing any ‘screws’ in that flat’…as a double-entendre.

She pointed out the massive amount of plug sockets in that room…and I replied that perhaps it had once been planned to be a ‘computer business room’ of sorts…she told me that it would be very handy…I could have lamps etc everywhere…besides - when you move the furniture around…it is safer to have a powerpoint than a load of leads…all common sense but weird just how many there were…in the L-SHAPED space that was both living room and kitchen…how many…I cannot remember but about 12 and that was only in the living room area…more in the kitchen bit...and for a small space, that was a lot…

Black Rabbit said...


I have to say that as a remote-viewer who hasn’t fully woken up yet - all I can do is to ‘download’ the information and ‘transfer’…then put it up on the web…I have no real idea of what the colours mean and why…what radio frequencies are being used…upon what microchips etc.

Black Rabbit said...


So I have just come back from the CHP interview…and it didn’t happen in the way that RIMINGTON had planned to happen at all…

The weird thing is that it happened in the way that SCARLETT had wanted it to - I kept on getting déjà vu…I had seen it all before…just before it ‘’happened’.

I was met by a woman from CHP who reminded me very much of CAROLINE from DARTINGTON but obviously wasn’t…she ‘helped’ me…in terms of spotting the ILL programming left around the flat 2 that I was taken to view…

In the bedroom - somebody had drawn a STAR in a CIRCLE upon the dust of the window…so I went and rubbed it off…

In the living room - somebody had drawn a little man on the window…which I didn’t spot but the CHP woman did spot it and pointed it out to me…so I rubbed it off.

I then rubbed off the marks left upon the dust on the LEFTHAND side of the window…complaining about how childish graffitti was…

The marks of RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and ROS…left there since the building had been constructed.

She then opened a cupboard that had a DARK BLUE cardboard box…and took it out of the cupboard…she said ‘I don’t think that you will be needing these’…

It was full of SCREWS.

I laughed and told her that ‘no, I certainly wouldn’t be needing any ‘screws’ in that flat’…as a double-entendre.

She pointed out the massive amount of plug sockets in that room…and I replied that perhaps it had once been planned to be a ‘computer business room’ of sorts…she told me that it would be very handy…I could have lamps etc everywhere…besides - when you move the furniture around…it is safer to have a powerpoint than a load of leads…all common sense but weird just how many there were…in the L-SHAPED space that was both living room and kitchen…how many…I cannot remember but about 12 and that was only in the living room area…more in the kitchen bit...and for a small space, that was a lot…

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, a woman then marched in…also from CHP - who was short, gingery/blonde haired and I remember SCARLETT telling me that I was correct…she had also been at DARTINGTON and upon the ART diploma course, in the year above me…

I asked about ‘floating support’ and apparently this wasn’t done by CHP.

This was done by a company called SWAN (possibly SWANN).

I asked if CHP were allowed to know what SWAN was up to - and I was told ‘no’ and for ‘confidentiality’ purposes.

I found that a bit strange. CHP has contracted out to another company that provides ‘floating support’ but isn’t allowed to know the records of their tenants, that SWAN is keeping.

Isn’t that weird times a 1000?

I mean if you employ a company to keep an eye on your tenants and to provide ‘floating support’ in terms of paying bills - you would actually like to know how SWAN is getting on, in relation to how it is going, with each and every tenant - wouldn’t you?

What madness is this?

Additionally, SWAN do not appear to be ‘qualified’ in anything - they just act as ‘advisors’ and so if you need particular ‘support’ in terms of SOCIAL SERVICES or the POLICE or the NHS - they then put you in touch with that department.

Anyway, apparently SWAN keep in touch - every two weeks.


You tend to pay your bills upon a monthly or quarterly basis.

So what is SWAN all about then? I have yet to find out…

Apparently they do NOT have a key to your front door (really - all ILL programmers have a key to your front door)…

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I remembered being told to circumvent the possibility of getting this flat, by one simple manoeuvre.

I had remembered this before I got to the flat - after two CHP workers had marched me to the building with myself in between them.

All is ‘positioning’.

After having viewed the flat - the DARTINGTON woman proceeded to exit the flat - then the other CHP worker told me to go first…at the front door, she said ‘after you’…so that I would be sandwiched between the two of them…I said ‘no, PLEASE, after you…’ and the DARTINGTON woman opened her eyes wide and gave a ‘knowing’ look to the other woman. She was saying ‘this one’s no go’. That was the key point in the entire interview. Whether or not, you could be herded around like a sheep, in between them. By proving that you couldn’t - and in behavioural terms - the most powerful person leaves the room, last (within the ILL CULT)…I had proved a point, of sorts.

Anyway, apparently the DARTINGTON woman will be ringing tomorrow to see if all of the applicants have any other queries - and that CHP should have the keys to all of the flats by MONDAY…she doesn’t work on MONDAY and so she will reach a decision by TUESDAY…and then inform the applicant pool by THURSDAY but that isn’t set in stone…

A final note or two - we all had to dress as ‘builders’ to get into the flat…construction hadn’t finished outside…so a day-glo YELLOW jacket was necessary…

…there were paintpots everywhere and wet paint…

…finally I was taken to the basement…which RIMINGTON had showed me in 2004...where there are a series of LARGE CAGES…the MASONS had told the DARTINGTON woman to show me them and she got a bit ‘huffy ‘about it and then rude to myself, in terms of bossiness - not looking at me but barking commands such as ‘watch your step‘ pointing to the YELLOW leads on the floor (and so I trod on them, deliberately)…RIMINGTON had told me that they were for locking human beings in…RA CULT victims…and so I laughed when I saw them…the ‘CAROLINE’ type CHP worker explained that you could put your bike in there…or anything else that you wanted. Very creepy indeed.

So what was going on here then?

Visible evidence that TOMLINSON had tried to continue the RA CULT after RIMINGTON’s demise…but he had had to be very ‘cloak and dagger’ about it.

Black Rabbit said...

The boiler system in the kitchen was a:

VUNGB 246/3-3

Boiler systems are crucial in terms of ILL programming…according to the ‘body’ of the house or flat in which an ILL SLAVE lives.

The electricity was apparently done upon a CARD system.

You could also get SKY TV but you would have to pay for it - the satellite was already installed upon te building.

Black Rabbit said...


I feel a bit like QUENTIN CRISP now…in relation to SEX…there is far more to life than that…and he knew it…no more ‘screws’ in my life…that is what I was saying to the CHP woman who was helping me…certainly no more ‘SCREWS’ in terms of being a RA CULT SLAVE.

Black Rabbit said...


I remember that LYCIAN WAY… walk…AMADEUS and myself took up the rearguard position…the others had to keep stopping and waiting for us…but the whole walk was so glorious…it wasn’t how quickly you did it…it was how much you enjoyed it…

MACDONALD, ‘SWISS CONTROLLER’ and TOMLINSON had been trained by the military and they took it rather like a ‘backpack’ MARINE exercise…ROS followed suit easily because she had long legs and was quite a bit taller than myself and RIMINGTON - although not as tall as the men…women have longer legs, in general, than men - according to their height…

RIMINGTON looked like she was having a heart-attack as usual…trying to keep up with this ‘front posse’…because she was so much shorter…but she bitched at AMADEUS and I, all of the way, shouting at us over her shoulder…’the fatties are behind us’…

I actually weighed less than her at the time but that isn’t the point…despite her Pilates exercises - as an old woman, RIMINGTON just looked like some wrinkled, skinny old lizard that had just come out of the rocks…as I had then remarked to AMADEUS, after her bitchiness towards us…MACDONALD had explained to RIMINGTON in a very tired way, sitting upon a rock…that it really depended upon how logn your legs were as to the size of stride you could take…

AMADEUS and myself were as high as kites…but not on drugs…on the scenery…on everything around us…such a beautiful day…we weren’t exactly ‘strolling’ but taking our time…and doing our best to keep up with the rest of them, without spoiling our enjoyment of the experience.

An analogy of ‘life’, eh?

You have to hurry along…but you can still ‘smell the flowers’.

I would recommend the LYCIAN WAY to any rambling club going…heaven on Earth.

Black Rabbit said...

Just before typing the above...I heard the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network erupt in terms of the fact that SCARLETT and ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had finally 'got it'...

Got what?

Black Rabbit said...

This afternoon I also had various flashes...

"The Americans want to get there first..."

British NAVY and MARINE CORPS radioing that the Americans had got there...shootings...gun shots and a small explosion.


Look at the photos of UCAGIZ...the photograph which overlooks a small enclave of red-roofed houses...

That is where the BLACK SHELLS were...

Black Rabbit said...

So when did this all happen? As a remote-viewer, I do not know...all I can say is 'today, yesterday, 3 years ago'...after 2003 at any rate...

Black Rabbit said...

The problem is that I just get 'flashes' of the radio messages and images of the action...but nothing more...

I am NOT a computer in terms of having the time and date registered at the bottom of every video sequence of a 'reality' being played times or date...heaven knows why I didn't seek them out but probably due to formative programming from the HH and OMO.

This made anything that I said - really dubious - entirely suspect.

Black Rabbit said...

If I could go back now and change it all...but hey, maybe I did...during those 6 hours...

Maybe it isn't important for the public to know what happened and when it happened...

They just need to get the general gist of what was happening and why...and that, you can glean from my notes.

Black Rabbit said...

I have told the public what I have 'seen' as a remote-viewer and carefully delineated it from my own actual experiences.

I have had terrible problems with that one - did it or didn't that 'future' happen?

Rather like a bad psychic, who is trying to cover up...but most of the time - it happened...and the BRITISH ARMY know that it happened...that is why they took me seriously.

Black Rabbit said...

The problem is, as I have already outlined -some people put themselves up as 'gods' and programmed the future.

However, those who could fly 'higher' and those who simply 'knew more' about remote-viewing - could change that 'set in stone' future.

Black Rabbit said...

I am also aware that ARAB leaders - who had previously joined with this ‘mission’ to get rid of BLACK SHELL enclaves…appear to be protecting their own ‘black shell’ enclaves and are now threatening AMADEUS because he had previously ‘contracted’ the deal with them…

What good comes out of having BLACK SHELL remote-viewers in your midst? You simply create evil in this world…get rid of them NOW.

These people are not remote-viewers, the MOSSAD are urging me to say…they are just evil telepaths…the lowest of the low.

So what am I to make of this?

All ‘black shells’ have to be got rid of…but certain countries appear to be hiding them…

Additionally, one has to look at the ARAB JOOS within the MOSSAD…they were taught both BLACK SHELL behaviour and the ‘divine’ way of enlightenment…not just ‘BLACK SHELLS’ but capable of both the BLACK and the WHITE…

All I can say to ‘certain ARAB countries’ is that you know full well that the issue is BLACK SHELLS. You are welcome to keep those remote-viewers who incorporate the light of god (not LUCIFER) with the darkness…but it is NOT acceptable to keep ‘black shells’. Obviously, IRAN being one of these countries…

It is a matter of ‘trust’.

The ARAB countries do not feel ‘safe’ without their ‘black shells’ and for that read ‘black magicians’.

They do not want to give up what is, in point of fact, a massive PSI warfare tool.

They were happy to help within identifying those who had ‘black shells’ elsewhere but not so happy within their homelands.

However, the sting has been taken away now - the ‘eye’ in TURKEY.

Discussions and negotiations have to now ensue.

MI6 are interpreting this move as ‘just leave us alone and we’ll deal with it’.

The CIA are exasperated.

They have a very ‘cold’ outlook upon the whole thing. The CIA do not want to ‘barter’.

Black Rabbit said...

I have already talked about how I have been beset by so many radio frequencies...and whilst helping me and giving me advice...albeit in a 'clueless' sort of way...CUE the 'regment'...who wouldn't tell me what they were talking about for some reason...just different programming commands that they had come across...

...and this finally makes me so angry...after having been asked for 'advice' on what to do from MI6 so many times...when they all KNEW what they had to do (but had no intention of doing it)...I got tired of the lot of them and fired back:



All the advice I am willing to give or is necessary to give.

Black Rabbit said...

"All I can say to ‘certain ARAB countries’ is that you know full well that the issue is BLACK SHELLS. You are welcome to keep those remote-viewers who incorporate the light of god (not LUCIFER) with the darkness…but it is NOT acceptable to keep ‘black shells’. Obviously, IRAN being one of these countries…"

What I meant to say here was that this wasn't USA bullying - this was more to do with the 'pink aliens' and a galactic agreement...that such a planet posed a threat to the rest of the UNIVERSE...

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that the two books that I had previously got out of the was written by LINDA MANN and I forget the other...

Why were they left out for me?

RIMINGTON,TOMLINSON and ROS had written their own 'signs' in biro, at the back of both books...I couldn't remember what they had wanted me to know about in relation to these books (it was some crazy threat and also their view of themselves as 'heros' and 'heroines' of the RA CULT)...and so I simply went over their symbols in DARK BLUE FELT TIP...

Black Rabbit said...

I can now place that dream about the 'middle-class' wealthy hippies in that house, up a mountain...more is coming back now and as far as I was situated at the top of town...of that enclave of red-roofed houses...that we saw upon the UCAGIZ walk...

I can remember the many circular steps down from it...the steep steps of an old town...that I jumped down and broke my ankle.

All I can say from this terrible experience is that the LSD or whatever drug they had laced my tea with - made me feel as if I had OBE'D but I hadn't...I was still in my body...I therefore felt that I could fly when I obviously couldn't. I can remember eventually I got a passerby to get help...MACDONALD found me and SWISS CONTROLLER took me by boat (they had to carry me all the way - impossible to walk) to a hospital elsewhere...

Black Rabbit said...

So all I can conclude from that one is that it is particularly dangerous for ILL RA CULT slaves who know how to 'fly' - to use any form of LSD just in case they think that they have OBE'd and are able to 'fly'.

According to newspaper reports and from the 1960s onwards...there have been many cases of people who have taken LSD or some other derivative and decided that they could 'fly' and jumped from buildings - to their deaths.

Black Rabbit said...

Anybody who has been trained as a PSI operative will know the feeling of 'remote-viewing' and unfortunately if that is triggered during an LSD experience...then they are in big trouble.

Black Rabbit said...

So they had sent me in with some message from TOMLINSON but I cannot remember what...the woman who was the 'head of the house' looked Arabic...TOMLINSON apparently knew her well...

Black Rabbit said...

I had another flashback in relation to seeing the future in that CIA SUITE - and I saw what had happened to my brother HUMPHREY in NY...after his ILL programmers had broken in and tortured him.

ADAM SANDLER had found him in tears upon his sofa...HUMPHREY then told him what had happened...he had seen it all upon his must have been terrible...these evil' children' who were calling him a useless, fat lump whilst torturing him into unconsciousness...afterwards - having seen the video...he had been reduced to the emotional state of a helpless child...he then tried to tell SANDLER how it had been - how this had happened to him for all of his life...since he was a little boy...

Black Rabbit said...

SANDLER began to tell him what a good and brilliant person he none of it was was a poignant moment...normally HUMPHREY behaved like GRANDFATHER GYDE apparently English gent in NY...who would always talk his upper-middle class way...HUMPHREY was really from the 'old order'...the generation that had died out in the 1950s...

Black Rabbit said...

...what was worse, is that the attack was initiated by RIMINGTON...

...after MACDONALD had found out that SANDLER and my brother had been working against them...telling everybody at the NY FILM SCHOOL how to protect themselves...he decided to 'make the peace' with let him in on it all...and then my brother attended that mock wedding with MARTIN GILL, years later...with his wife...I wonder if the ILL have left him alone now...because if you have remembered them - surely it would be impossible for the ILL to erase that memory once it has been brought to consciousness?

Black Rabbit said...

I got two new books out of the library yesterday:



Black Rabbit said...

THE VINYL UNDERGROUND can be bought from the above website...

It is MARK's company - I remember telling him that I suffered from VERTIGO and he didn't know what that Swiss grandmother used to have it badly and called it 'vertige' I used to use the word VERTIGO in English...instead of 'a fear of heights'.

Oddly enough - I used the word in COLLIE's presence in 1997 and she didn't know what it meant another programming word, then. A 'hidden word'.

It is a common enough word - HITCHCOCK had named a film VERTIGO as far as I can remember...

Anyway, after having been hung over the side of buildings for most of my life by ILL THUGS...I had developed a fear of heights but not something that was insurmountable...not a 'phobia'.

MARK R was putting the storylines together for these VERTIGO COMICS as programming scripts at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

Black Rabbit said...


GREEN is 'vert' in French...

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R knew GERMAN fluently and some SPANISH but no French...

COLLIE had studied at the SORBONNE and so one cannot say that this is linked to one's second language...

However, I am sure there is something here...possibly surrounding those who had been taught GERMAN as either a first language or a second language...

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘regiment’ are waking up to quite a bit that happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…this morning, I remembered SONIA laughing about a long list that TOMLINSON had read out to the rest of them…those surviving the horror of poisoned food (apparently many people had died like flies - including prominent journalists - known names in the public arena - which then had to be covered up)…

It was all about banning KITTEN I.e. myself, from doing just about anything…TOMLINSON had not only ‘sacked’ me once I had refused to go to ‘meetings’…he had gone on an exceptional vendetta to ban me from basically doing anything at all - I wasn‘t allowed into the hall or many other rooms - banned from just about all areas around the CASTLE - not allowed to talk to anybody - and if I did say anything - they all had to ignore me…including items such as ‘KITTEN is not allowed to brush her teeth again until she apologises for leaving the top off the toothpaste’ which he had read out with particular vindictive emphasis.

RIMINGTON was so off her head by this point - on cocktails of drugs - that her mind had ‘gone’ - so she wasn’t a danger anymore.

Naturally, I used to disobey this list and do things like enter the hall - whereupon I had learnt that I could frighten TOMLINSON if I bawled my head off - like a 2 year old…and he would carry me out again, under his arm as I kicked and hit him everywhere…


This is truly terrible…there is a photograph of the horrors of URANIUM and RADIOACTIVE WASTE poisoning within Arabic countries, upon MR ICKE’s site…one of them was of a man who was brought into the TEMPLAR CASTLE. The TEMPLARS had named him ‘PIZZA HEAD’ - they had then decided to eat the top of his head - that is how off their heads upon drugs, they were…TOMLINSON then saved a ‘bit’ for myself…and told me in his dark alter that I had to eat it because the rest of them had…cue another bawling match and then I ran off before he could get me…later on I returned to the kitchen and put the ‘piece’ down the sink garbage mechanism…in order to make sure that TOMLINSON couldn’t attempt to force me again.


So I got made into a social pariah and assigned the same bedroom at the end of a corridor as GREEN..who managed to survive being poisoned (a lot of people on that corridor died)…and then GREEN managed to steal so much food from the kitchen that eventually the TEMPLARS found out…but not for a long time…I suppose we were all pariahs down that corridor.

Black Rabbit said...

The new BLOG OF NOTE that appeared this morning...was created by MARK R...

So MACDONALD simply meant that his 'input' from the 'crazy company' had ended with the previous BLOG OF NOTE...

There are still some more BLOGS OF NOTE to come from MARK R?

I sense that this is all about getting CHABAD now...the 'prancers'...

Black Rabbit said...

I went for my usual walk this morning - after having had a bad case of the ‘runs’ due to a suicide program having been timed for this morning…’toxicity’…as far as I can remember RIMINGTON had ordered me to dissolve SOAP POWDER in boiling water and to drink it…luckily my body didn’t react in the same way as it had done in 2004.

Anyway, I cleared off the usual programming objects that had been left upon the BRIDGE in front of the PIER…and then walked along until I came to the path down to the beach which has the SLIDE in the middle of this walk down to the beach…a RUSTING IRON ‘slide’ of a sculpture…no idea why it was constructed there…behind the slide is a LOCKED GATE and stairs upwards…the DIABOLICAL TRIO had left a branch in this locked up ‘dead-end’ and it was supposed to symbolise PRINCE CHARLES.

I removed this branch some time ago but somebody then put it back again…now somebody has taken it away…a few more programming objects had been added but I removed them…

As you walk down to the RUSTING SLIDE (as in a carousel slide for an overhead projector - a rectangular object)…you pass by all of the ROSE BUSHES which have now got ROSEHIPS upon them…there was a massive amount of rubbish behind one of these bushes…again, all programming objects.

The park attendants ‘miss’ these - they are under mind control and told to ‘miss’ these programming sites. So I removed most of the rubbish and put it in view…so that it can be picked up later. The RED PLASTIC BOTTLE TOP was evident there…this means ‘activation button’ for a suicide program. I threw it onto the path. I might add that there were three K beer cans there…in black and red, as far as I can remember.

(Remember somebody upon TOMLINSON’s blog who thought that they were AGENT K?)

Black Rabbit said...

I have also to add that I found another programming site just before the end of the promenade (towards Frinton) where the last ‘seating arrangements’ are…underneath the ‘huts’…there was the usual stuff…litter and boards behind the trees and in front of the hedge overlooking the pavement…these sites look like where the homeless sleep rough but it isn’t true…they are programming sites…and were used by the diabolical trio.

Anyway, once I had got to the lower promenade over looking the beach…I saw that somebody had left a RIMINGTON hat out upon a rock…one of those STRAW HATS with a wide brim and a flower arrangement or something like it around the band…I have already noted that these hats are indicative of suicide programming…they were ‘level 3’ of the CAROUSEL or something like that…I would need to check back…RIMINGTON had tried to activate one whilst I was at MARR’s party by asking me to go into his bedroom and ask for her HAT…

So I left that HAT ON A ROCK well alone…nothing to do with me.

Worse was to come - I telepathically felt NIR’s mother try to do ‘pressure points’ in my own mind - as it turns out - she was working for CHABAD. She failed - I could block it easily…as MARK R knew that I would…see previous notes on brain to skull ratio…

So it’s time to GET CHABAD - isn’t it?

Black Rabbit said...

My mother just rang to ask me about the CHP flat that I had viewed yesterday - she sounded very hopeful about it all...

Does that mean that SCARLETT and CO want me to get it?

I can tell you right now that SWAN is one of TOMLINSON's companies and up to no good - so why do I need to go through all of this?

Black Rabbit said...

...because I told the PRANCING REINDEER to pay back the money that they had stolen from me?

...because I informed them of their very worst fears...that they were NOT real JOOS and that everybody know it and so HOW DARE they discriminate between those they called GENTILES and themselves?

Black Rabbit said...

Is this your company TOMLINSON?


Not related to BNEI BRITH now?

Black Rabbit said...

"Business Referral Networking in Buckinghamshire with BNI-Swan Chapter, High Wycombe"

You have CHAPTERS?

That sounds very MASONIC doesn't it?

The ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONS have CHAPTERS all over the world...

Black Rabbit said...

Close BNI down SCARLETT...close them down.

Black Rabbit said...

Look at this - BNI all over EUROPE...

The website is maintained by a company called DNA...

Oddly enough the COLOUR of this BNI website appears to be that BURGUNDY COLOUR of today's BLOG OF NOTE if I am not mistaken...

Black Rabbit said...

"BNI is a 24 year old business and professional organisation that allows only one person from each trade or profession to join a chapter. With over 5,291 active chapters, and 111,733 members, it is the most successful business referral organisation in the world.

Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of sales people working for you because all the other members carry copies of your card with them. When they meet someone new that could use your products or services they hand out your card and personally recommend your services.

It's as simple as that! Last year members of BNI passed over 5.6 million referrals, which generated more than €1.7 billion worth of business.

Check our Country Finder page to see if there is a Chapter in your area, or visit the About BNI section to learn more about BNI."


Black Rabbit said...

"The BNI Foundation is a non-profit programme that supports charitable causes relating to children and education anywhere in the world where BNI has chapters. The primary focus of the BNI Foundation is to provide mini grants for children’s educational projects."

Children's educational projects?

Black Rabbit said...

The PARENT COMPANY of the above organisation is:


This is all a front for the RA CULT - I can remember now - RIMINGTON told me that the above was the 'power behind the throne'. I have seen this website - see above - before.

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