Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...


Military products are helping American Technology boost sales. The company won its biggest contract ever in February, a $1.1 million award from the Marines for the Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD. The 33-inch-diameter product looks like a manned spotlight but directs a sound beam up to 1,500 feet. It can serve as a megaphone to issue instructions to someone approaching a checkpoint, to determine whether the person is trying to attack. The First Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq will use LRADs with MP3 players that have prerecorded Arabic warnings, including, "Stop or I will kill you."

The Marine units that have the LRAD have found it "quite effective communicating at great distances," said Capt. Dan McSweeney, a Marine spokesman. He emphasized that the intended use is as a "high-powered bullhorn," not a headache-inducing weapon, which would require extensive testing and legal reviews.

In a test at American Technology's parking lot, such orders come through loud and clear from more than 300 feet away, obscuring the traffic noise from an adjacent highway. Then the operator switches to "tone mode" to show what happens to people who don't halt: The disk emits a grating noise that is unsettling at low volume, and excruciating enough at high volumes to cause headaches. It affects only the person or small group at whom it is aimed.

"If the intruder keeps coming, he buys a bullet," said Carl Gruenler, vice president of military and government operations at American Technology. "This gives breathing room to soldiers. Before, it was: Shoot and wish you hadn't, or don't shoot and wish you had."

Launched last year, the product is being tested on Navy ships, and was used by police in Miami for crowd control during a free-trade conference last year. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is considering it for perimeter security at airports. Police in Orange County, Calif., are examining another use: to flush fugitives out of buildings.

Mr. Norris's passion, however, is the commercial success of HyperSonic Sound, the technology being tested in supermarkets, pharmacies and eyeglass shops. "First, I'll put some sound on the wall," he said, demonstrating in a room at company headquarters. He aims a square speaker at the wall, which resonates with high-fidelity dripping water. Turning the panel toward a visitor, the sound shifts to the middle of his head, as if he is wearing headphones. Swiveling it left and right gives the sensation that the sound is passing through one's head. "It's holographic," Mr. Norris said.

Black Rabbit said...


Military products are helping American Technology boost sales. The company won its biggest contract ever in February, a $1.1 million award from the Marines for the Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD. The 33-inch-diameter product looks like a manned spotlight but directs a sound beam up to 1,500 feet. It can serve as a megaphone to issue instructions to someone approaching a checkpoint, to determine whether the person is trying to attack. The First Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq will use LRADs with MP3 players that have prerecorded Arabic warnings, including, "Stop or I will kill you."

The Marine units that have the LRAD have found it "quite effective communicating at great distances," said Capt. Dan McSweeney, a Marine spokesman. He emphasized that the intended use is as a "high-powered bullhorn," not a headache-inducing weapon, which would require extensive testing and legal reviews.

In a test at American Technology's parking lot, such orders come through loud and clear from more than 300 feet away, obscuring the traffic noise from an adjacent highway. Then the operator switches to "tone mode" to show what happens to people who don't halt: The disk emits a grating noise that is unsettling at low volume, and excruciating enough at high volumes to cause headaches. It affects only the person or small group at whom it is aimed.

"If the intruder keeps coming, he buys a bullet," said Carl Gruenler, vice president of military and government operations at American Technology. "This gives breathing room to soldiers. Before, it was: Shoot and wish you hadn't, or don't shoot and wish you had."

Launched last year, the product is being tested on Navy ships, and was used by police in Miami for crowd control during a free-trade conference last year. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is considering it for perimeter security at airports. Police in Orange County, Calif., are examining another use: to flush fugitives out of buildings.

Mr. Norris's passion, however, is the commercial success of HyperSonic Sound, the technology being tested in supermarkets, pharmacies and eyeglass shops. "First, I'll put some sound on the wall," he said, demonstrating in a room at company headquarters. He aims a square speaker at the wall, which resonates with high-fidelity dripping water. Turning the panel toward a visitor, the sound shifts to the middle of his head, as if he is wearing headphones. Swiveling it left and right gives the sensation that the sound is passing through one's head. "It's holographic," Mr. Norris said.

Black Rabbit said...

Unlike conventional speakers, which project a sound wave that disperses in air, Mr. Norris's invention emits a focused wave of ultrasound, using frequencies beyond the range of human hearing. The ultrasound becomes audible as it mixes with air, creating a column of sound with virtually constant volume. No sound is projected behind or to the sides of the emitter.

Mr. Norris said his breakthrough was engineering an emitter that could produce ultrasound in sufficient volume and clarity. Other companies are trying to match the technology, but "they keep bumping into patents, mostly Woody's," said Simon Beesley, a Sony Corp. product manager in London who is incorporating HyperSonic Sound into store displays that use Sony screens. American Technology has resolved initial production flaws and its product is getting positive results in European trials, Mr. Beesley said.

In the U.S., big names are testing the waters. Teamed with Safeway is Walt Disney Co.'s ABC television network, which is mulling an in-store network to reach the millions of eyeballs and eardrums in checkout lines. Previous attempts failed because the cashiers got fed up hearing the TV.

Black Rabbit said...


In the Fremont trial, 10 Safeway checkout counters boast flat screens broadcasting ABC promos and program excerpts. Actors do separate spots, such as two stars from "Less than Perfect" asking shoppers if they want paper or plastic grocery bags. Elsewhere in the store, four larger screens mix in Safeway ads and shopping teasers, including one in which an ABC actress says, "Oh, baby carrots. They're so dang cute."

Mike Benson, ABC senior vice president for marketing, said that results of a recent three-week test at three Safeways aren't in, but the network is interested in the project now that "sound technology has caught up." Safeway declined to comment.

Some Fremont shoppers didn't notice the screens, perhaps inured to supermarket white noise or in too great a hurry. Others were bemused enough to ignore that traditional checkout-line staple, the National Enquirer. One shopper, David Abad, was turned off by the technology. "There's a subliminal message to buy this or that," the electrician said. "It distracts you from the prices that you're paying."

Black Rabbit said...

In short MR KARP and his ASHKENAZIM SATANIC brethren got too cocky.

They thought that they could camouflage the TRUTH as an APRIL FOOL'S joke.

Just in case people started to talk about this new technology and react against it.

You can imagine the scene:

Somebody starts ranting about the above - to which the ripost is:

"Don't you get it? APRIL FOOL dummy!"

Black Rabbit said...

Except its not 'spaghetti growing off trees' is it MR KARP.

You shot yourself in the foot there because you didn't get the essence of an APRIL FOOL joke.

The essential point of an APRIL FOOL joke is to make it as outlandish as possible - so ridiculous as to make everybody fall about laughing after they realise that they have been fooled.

Black Rabbit said...

Talk about 'overkill' but how interesting for the rest of us - militaries all over the world...

Black Rabbit said...

MACDONALD now tells me that the last thing to be talked about is IRAN - presumably in relation to the origins of the RA CULT...BABYLONIAN culture...the PHARISEE joos who picked up their RA CULT beliefs here...

The interplay between KAZAKHSTAN and IRAN...

Black Rabbit said...

...and why MR PUTIN doesn't want IRAN attacked...and nor do the CHINESE...

So many considerations upon the table here...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA were at pains to point out that TOMLINSON had INFILTRATED IRANIAN INTELLIGENCE...

They have put it in RED upon his wikipedia entry.


(BORAT always has to be involved somewhere, doesn't he?)

Black Rabbit said...

I can now see why it was so important for AMADEUS to get the SEPHARDIM 'on board' so to speak...

I suppose that must be in part, in relation to ISRAEL and secure it for CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS as well as for 'true joos'.

AMADEUS' main target appears to have been the 'centre of the world' in terms of military-speak...and that is KAZAKHSTAN...built by the modern-day KHAZARS/ASKENAZIM...into a TEMPLE and PAEAN to the SUN-KING...SUN-GOD...the RA CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

The PRINCES were helping MACDONALD and CO because they wanted them to find out their own programming - to release them from the mind contorl programming of their family...the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY.

They were of the same generation approximately to MACDONALD and it appears to have been all about overthrowing those who controlled them...

Black Rabbit said...

A new BLOG OF NOTE today and GREEN one.

Black Rabbit said...

I have no idea what to make of this BLOG OF NOTE today but I know that ILL fantasy football has no rules at all...I can vaguely remember playing could rugby tackle, foul, run with the ball, even pick a fight with somebody who wasn't even near to the ball...anything you felt like doing.

Was MR MARSCAPONE a particular FOOTBALL fan - and did he program with it?

'TWITTER' is also mentioned to a large extent upon this blog...and I now know that RIMINGTON had programmed herself into her slave's psyches as TWITTER.

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember RIK loving the Salt n' Pepper video...

'cheapskate mom' puts a word in and so one can assume that MARK R had compiled this blog at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

...but is there anything more to it than that?

I do not know...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so the very first video upon this blogspot appears to be 'unrelated' to FANTASY FOOTBALL:

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Color Them Bad
Anyone remember this 90210 episode?

I began to watch it and two thoughts coincided in my head:

ARRON SPELLING's daughter 'TORRE'(?spelling, ha ha) is in it - and she is on the CASTING COMMITTEE as it were...the BOYBAND are made to sing for their 'hamburger' supper...

This woman is the epitome of an ASHKENAZIM HOLLYWOOD PRINCESS.

The second point was that the pretty blonde actress who actually had the 'looks' to be in a series like this (unlike Spelling's daughter- she was always the 'ugly one')...was apparently murdered by her boyfriend (on a beach?)a few days ago...

So was that the basic point that you were making here, MARK R?

ASHKENZIM PRINCESSES rule in HOLLYWOOD...'daddy' will buy them anything...a leading role in this teenage series and a popband to sing to you whilst you eat your hamburger?

What else - how do we link up FANTASY FOOTBALL with 'CASTING COMMITTEE'?

Black Rabbit said...

The ILL CASTING COMMITTEE have 'no rules' when it comes to casting those that they consider to be CATTLE?

Black Rabbit said...

'cheapskate mom' said that she thought the title of the blog had been HOW TO BEAT A GUY (UP) IN 10 PLACES...

So is this related to the 'casting couch' for MALE SINGERS/ACTORS?

Black Rabbit said...

I have no idea why but MACDONALD told me that the 'seating arrangement' of the popband was symbolic of something - how they are positioned when they begin to sing...sitting or standing...

Additionally, you can note the LIZARD 'tongue' gesture of both blonde actresses before the popband begins to sing...those programmed with 'lizard' tend to stick their tongues out like this when viewing 'prey'.

Black Rabbit said...

It is a coded signal between the two of them.

Black Rabbit said...

Those of you who have been following my notes and photographs (on blogs) for some time now - may have noticed the similarity of shape to the 'country' upon the GREEN DOOR of the military establishment, hidden away above the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX compound, overlooking EIN the shape of a region in the USA upon that 'gay cowboy' movie...and guess what..MACDONALD himself, starred as MR USA aka LINCOLN...

...but unfortunately I cannot find that video now - to compare the shapes...

I had formerly thought that the shape must be ISRAEL...but then figured probably not but 'where in the world'?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I tried to find that video again by retracing my steps upon YOUTUBE (I couldn't be bothered to look back in the above posts) and then found yet ANOTHER of MACDONALD's videos...this time using his 'SWEDISH friends' who put together this satirical 'presentation'.

What I would now like to know is - who were they satirising?

RBL - MouseMate Business Presentation - Grupp 2b

The actual 'product' appears to be a BRACELET which interacts with any given computer in your vicinity...

It can also 'VIBRATE' to 'add to the pleasure'...

This all reminds me of PRAVDA's jokey site called:

PRINCE CHARLES was one of the chief 'MICE' upon this jokey site...

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking about BRACELETS this morning because the woman in front of me at the TRAVELODGE reception had a GOLDEN CHAIN bracelet of LUCKY CHARMS around her wrist...

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - I was talking to MARK R about CHARM BRACELETS and how I had wanted one as a kid because SUE MCMANUS at school had one with loads of charms on...her mother would buy another one for her, every birthday...but my mother refused. HELEN BROWNE also had one but she didn't like it and only had a few things on it...

...TOMLINSON then went and devised a little 'electronic device' that could be put into a 'charm'...and used on computers but I have no idea what...

Black Rabbit said...

Nore spam in my inbox: David Icke Newsletter Preview - 15th August 2009 9:38 AM 73KB
Unread JIDA JAMES With All Due Respect. Fri, 14/8/09 7KB

Black Rabbit said...

Maybe I should note this down…the earliest forms of VOTE-RIGGING in this country were by BEER manufacturers…the BREWERS…

Upon ‘voting day’ they used to hire so many ‘horses and carts’ to go around all of the villages and outlaying farms/cottages to pick all of the men up - to bribe them with ‘FREE BEER FOR THE WHOLE DAY’ at the local pub…the ‘catch’ was - that they then all had to vote for the LOCAL BREWER as political candidate. They invariably won the local election.

I was thinking of my mother’s friend whose surname is BULLARD and BULLARD BEER…her family are some of the oldest ‘aristocracy of this country’ in terms of so many ’BEER FAMILIES’ appearing at this point in history as ‘aristocrats‘…the era of the ‘vote’ for the public MAN (women’s votes came much later on)…

They had ‘bought’ their way into the aristocracy…by MONEY through BEER sales (what other entertainments were on offer for the ‘common man’?)…and through VOTE-RIGGING.

My mother’s friend has always been highly suspicious of the JOOS…her eyes narrow every time any discussion goes that way…and now I am beginning to see why…

One can see from HENRY MAKOW’s articles…that the ROTHSCHILDS etc had posed as JOOS but were really out-and-out SATANISTS of the BABYLONIAN ORDER…who had interbred with the ROYALS and ARISTOCRACY of EUROPE…to the point where the two had become virtually indistinguishable.

BULLARDS BEER is no longer a recognisable ‘brand’ and one can see that those like HENRIETTA, my mother’s friend - were wise to be suspicious of the JOOS in general…they didn’t bother about the niceties of deciding upon whether they were SATANISTS or followers of MOSES…to those like the BULLARDS…the JOOS were just leeches, out to steal your money (and even though they were really SATANISTS - they would call you a ‘gentile‘ and look down upon you, in the process of stealing your money).

Black Rabbit said...

I am making a rather general distinction here between the 'wise men who sat at the bottom of the mountain and received higher teaching than MOSES - who was at the top of the mountain - the pinnacle of the TRIANGLE' order to make the point that the PHARISEE JOOS were at the BOTTOM OF THE MOUNTAIN...and that those like JESUS had found them out...

Black Rabbit said...

MODERN JOODIASM is based upon PHARISEE JOO teachings - that is the basic problem.

The other basic problem is:

JOOISH women do not know it.

They have NO idea of what their men get up to - at the synagogue - at their 'private meetings - the whole caboodle.

Black Rabbit said...

JOOISH women are brought up to respect the LAWS OF MOSES...

They tend to devote their lives (if they stay within ORTHODOXY) to making sure that their 'men' stay upon the straight and narrow.

Their men are inculcated with SATANISM and the 'wise men at the bottom of the mountain'.

Their wives and daughters have NO idea.

Black Rabbit said...

JOOISH women even respect the LAWS OF MOSES to the hilt - when they are in REFORM JUDAISM.

They also, do not know what their MEN really get up to...

Black Rabbit said...

There are FEMALE RABBIS in REFORM JUDAISM now...but I wonder how much they really know about 'what the men get up to'?

Black Rabbit said...

It is time to 'draw the veil' is it not?

...and for some very 'frank' discussions between JOOISH MEN and JOOISH women...

Black Rabbit said...

I have concentrated upon the JOOS for too long...

The ILL RA CULT began in IRAN...and that means that the ISLAMIC FAITH is as 'infected' as JUDAISM within this particular country...(sorry AMADEUS but one has to look at the facts).

I can see that a story like the 'wise men at the bottom of the mountain' would have been assimilated into ISLAMIC CULTURE even more easily than into JOOISH culture...

In relation to the MUSLIM point of view that I have heard...which went along the following lines...most men in ISLAM will never accept that women have souls and that you are NOT allowed to whip them like one of your are joking if you think that you can ever get MUSLIMS to change their mind, worldwide, upon that one...

Black Rabbit said... is an impossibility. We are here to stay. The whole world will be changed to OUR way of thinking.

Black Rabbit said...

HOMOSOCIALITY is a curious number, isn't it?

I was looking at female relationships and how MACDONALD figured that women 'never helped each other' in relation to the murder of RIMINGTON.

The assassin was a woman.

The networks involved in getting that assassin to murder RIMINGTON were both men and women - those 'SWARMS' of BLACK FLIES.

So all I can say to MACDONALD within that regard is that:

Women trust each other when they adhere to certain standards of behaviour.

The woman assassin was a woman who cared for people in general - a very 'maternal' figure. She loved girls and boys, alike.

RIMINGTON had exhibited no such love of children - nor of women in general.

Her 'lesbianism' was a 'show'. TOMLINSON was her 'great love' because he was as evil as her - the ultimate combination.

Women tend to support and care for each other if the other women adhere to basic standards of behaviour...if a woman does not...then there is a case of 'mistrust'.

If a woman betrays another woman (particularly a 'best friend') over a MAN...this often results in a 'death match' - unless one woman is so powerless in relation to the 'best friend' in question, that she has to bide her time until she has made friends with a more powerful woman - a woman who wants to 'get' the betrayer (for other reasons...)and the 'hurt' party is a key player to 'getting' that betrayer...

RIMINGTON had NO maternal instincts...she used and abused women like a MAN...

Therefore in 'competition' with a woman who didn't...there was 'no choice' in terms of the SWARMS...

That is the best explanation that I can give you, MACDONALD.

I know that I was party to it...and I know that the collective 'vote' of my swarm (of both men and women) was to KILL...

I also know that ROS was involved and in conference with her swarm...they had decided upon the same thing...

YES, it put 'out' your military campaign against the RA CULT then had to make up loads of crap to pretend to the RA CULT that their QUEEN BEE was still alive...hence the 'FOR A TV' video...and the AUSTRALIAN 'interview' and the SPANISH newspaper 'interview...

I am SORRY that I interrupted that 'campaign' and you told me at the time that RIMINGTON was actually worth saving because she wanted to be 'saved' from being a 'lizard'...

Black Rabbit said...

...but she DIDN'T and all of the 'thinking women' knew it...

...if she was part of your 'rebel group' then how come she had tried to murder me (unsuccessfully) and for all of my life?

Think back to her first attempts in 1980 when she had identified me as a 'rebel'...the parachute jump...sending MARR to beat me over the head with a log...the list is too numerous to mention...

All I can say is this: she was a MOLE in your organisation.

You LOVED her as an ILL MOTHER - rather like MARK R - you were both besotted by her for some reason...and now you have to GET OVER that one.

Black Rabbit said...

In short, after hearing that RIMINGTON was DEAD...YOU accused me...and also ROS by default of not being 'faithful' or 'loyal' to other told me that we were always trying to 'do each other in'...

That was from your OWN perspective...RIMINGTON was going to make a 'zombie' out of a woman that was somebody that we supported.

You have got things all around the wrong way. We were simply supporting the 'other woman' - the one that was truly maternal - who cared for children and babies.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had got out all of her 'surgical instruments' and was about to carve up that woman's brain - a 'needle through the eye'...two wires up the nose...and then extreme torture...we noted the scalpels...and we knew that this particular woman would be very unlikely to survive RIMINGTON's onslaught.

It was time to END it all.

So we engineered the murder of the QUEEN BEE of the RA CULT.

So you, MACDONALD, had to cover it up in order to carry on with your strategic plans.

You managed it.

Black Rabbit said...

So it isn't just a certain 'standard of behaviour' that women expect from other women - it is also a love of babies and children.

RIMINGTON never exhibited any of the above.

That was her downfall.

Black Rabbit said...

...and obviously the 'swarms' incorporated a lot of men too...I 'know' who was in my brother HUMPHREY...that famous JOOISH comic actor ADAM SANDLER...and so forth...their whole network was of ONE MIND...

Black Rabbit said...

The MIDDLE-CLASS and WORKING CLASS joos were beginning to get the 'big picture' within NEW YORK and they were fighting back...

The 'powers that be' were the BANKERS...who thought that they could count upon the JOOISH card to do what they wanted...and they were increasingly being told that they COULDN'T.

Black Rabbit said...

The SEPHARDIM/ARAB JOOS had already broken away from the ILL ASHKENAZIM...preventing them from building their AZTEC 'SLAUGHTER HOUSE' TEMPLE of a car park building outside the first gate of the OLD CITY.

I guess that the ILL ASHKENAZIM just gave up hope after that one...went back to their roots...decided that KAZAKHSTAN was their REAL homeland (or as good as any to build their military 'center of the world' empire) and ploughed a large share of their money into it...

Black Rabbit said...

So what is the scenario if the capital of KAZAKHSTAN does get bombed?

We are talking about the main ILL players of the world today...

The ASHKENAZIM SACHS/SAXE should have insured their buildings but I know that they have not.

Why not?

Think ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER who had just 'forgotten' to take out insurance before her entire mansion and contents of it, got burnt down.

Now think ROYAL FAMILY and the SACHS/SAXE firms in this world...

Nobody else who could insure whole buildings, within whole cities...would put up the money (particularly if they KNEW that the RA CULT was to be demolished).

So the RA CULT can only rely upon its own companies to insure their own buildings.

...which is like shooting oneself in the foot...they lose money by insuring it all...and upon a massive basis (particularly when all of their RA CULT capital city in KAZAKHSTAN comes down - CUE raptor jets...).

Black Rabbit said...

Last night, I remembered my brother and SANDLER in a flat - they were drawing up a list of the all the possible indications of RA mind control slavery.

I added one that I thought might be important. I had had vaginal discharge since I was about 11 years old - it started out green - then went yellowish over the years and finally white.

My mother told me that there was nothing to worry about - but there was - I now know what had caused it - not infection by a ‘foreign body’ - a microscopic camera in my womb.

The rebel group in New York had a zygote slave go through a full body scan and found out that this was the case - the ILL had put cameras into either the cervix or womb to internally film these women.

So who was to blame for this - CHABAD?

I do not know - all I know is that I can remember MACDONALD and the Swiss Controller sitting in that CIA suite and looking at internal camera shots of wombs and saying that it was ‘rather comforting’. I suppose it was their ‘going back to the womb’ experience.

It reminds me of PRINCE CHARLES and his ‘tampon’ telephone call to CAMILLA…

Last night, I had a peculiar dream that I was with my mother and in BIRMINGHAM - somewhere around EDGBASTON…and I rang her on my mobile because I had got lost - she told me where to go - the address was GORDON/GORDOUN ROAD…it was night-time. She told me ‘come home’.

When I woke - I ‘knew’ that RA headquarters was somewhere to the East of BIRMINGHAM…going out on one of the main roads…and I wondered about GORDON ROAD…I have no idea where that might be…I then ‘saw’ a Peri-natal clinic in my mind…down just such a main road.


I also remembered another ghastly factor to the ZOHAN at OLTON hairdressers memory…my mother had popped an apple in my bag ‘just in case you get hungry’…it was all a set-up…after having been unable to convince TOMLINSON to ‘go to lunch’ because he looked like he was going to faint…I took the apple out of my bag and gave it to him whilst his boss was engaged…he then ran for the toilet…I am assuming he gobbled it down…and then returned.

ADAM and EVE - Original Sin.

I am certain that this was some sick set-up. Why on Earth would my mother have given me an apple to take with me - who takes food to a hairdressers? It was odd enough that she had certainly decided that I should go…

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that I know that RIMINGTON had dressed up as a NURSE during the operation to find the camera...and the SURGEON knew that she would try to steal, swap and then hide it - once extracted - and so he was very careful to hold onto it throughout the rest of the operation.

Black Rabbit said...

So MACDONALD - I do not think that you should have trusted RIMINGTON as you did. You wanted to believe in her - that was the problem.

Black Rabbit said...

How did my brother HUMPHREY and SANDLER find out?

Very simple.

They were at NEW YORK FILM SCHOOL and the final showreels were supposed to be made upon 16mm film - however there were many state-of-the-art video cameras around to be used for ‘practice’ and HUMPHREY had decided to film his flat - so he had rigged a camera above his door…I do not know what the project was all about but it concerned something like ‘everyday exchanges’. He then caught his programmers upon his ‘home-made CCTV’. SANDLER tried the same thing in his flat and got the same results. He then called meetings to tell the entire student population that ‘a friend of a friend of a friend’ had advised him to do this…so the news spread like wildfire…and they had the VIDEO FOOTAGE to back up their story.


That is why TOMLINSON told me that POSH SPICE’s programmers were finding it more and more difficult to ‘get’ her (and torture her) because of the immense amount of CCTV in the BECKHAM homes…they had to arrange other places to meet her…in order to kidnap her.

Black Rabbit said...

I have heard of how easy it is to rig up 'home-made' CCTV with a webcam...therefore it must be getting harder and harder for the ILL to break into people's homes in order to torture them there.

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder if you can get 'broadband' cameras now which do not need to be attached by a lead to your computer?

Black Rabbit said...

Of course, there is also the problem of incoming calls and emails which might trigger a slave to go to a pre-arranged meeting point...but at least webcams would protect you at home.

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my spam box:

Unread Cheap Last Minute Ferry Deals from! 6:35 AM 45KB

Black Rabbit said...

DAVID ICKE'S NEWSLETTER is primarily concerned with GOLDMAN-SACHS as run by the ROTHSCHILD family, this week...

Here are some excerpts:

"The idea is to unleash so many reasons to be in mass fear and panic that humanity will look to 'them', the bloodline families masquerading as messianic 'savours', to solve the problems that those same families have instigated."

Also GOLDMAN-SACHS and the other 'bloodline families' are panicking at this point in time - in terms of their plan to create an NWO by sinking the world economy:

"The deadline they are trying to meet means it is they who are panicking and they are, as the saying goes, about to throw at humanity everything but the kitchen sink. Actually, the sink will probably get the discus treatment, also, followed by the plug."

"To trigger the initial crash to make it obvious to people there was a problem that had to be urgently addressed.
To make governments throw staggering amounts of borrowed 'money' at the banks that would disappear into the ether and empty the coffers, even the borrowed coffers, of national governments.
To then crash the economy even more comprehensively at a time when governments had no more options left to respond."

Black Rabbit said...


"The Rockefellers, and their 'bosses', the Rothschilds, are both fundamentally connected to Goldman Sachs and they dictated policy to the Bush administration and now to Obama."

I recognised the man in the photograph from somewhere...

Henry 'Hank' Paulson: Goldman's bailout man at the Treasury.

"The bailouts were instigated by Boy Bush Treasury Secretary, Henry 'Hank' Paulson, who was chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs before he joined the government in 2006. As one article said: 'The secretary of the Treasury, who used to be the Goldman CEO, just spent $85 billion to buy a failing insurance giant that happened to owe his former firm a lot of money. Does that smell right to you?' "

Black Rabbit said...

GOLDMAN-SACHS appears to have taken over the running of the US government at this time - they are dictating policy - according to ROTHSCHILD commands:

"Paulson appointed former Goldman Sachs vice-president, Neel Kashkari, to decide who got the bailout money as head of the Office of Financial Stability. Kashkari, in turn, appointed Reuben Jeffery, a Managing Partner at Goldman Sachs, as interim chief investment officer.

Other important players in the Treasury were Dan Jester, Steve Shafran, Edward C Forst, and Robert K Steel, all Goldman people. Goldman executives at the key New York Federal Reserve Bank were also involved in the bailout discussions, including Stephen Friedman (Rothschild Zionist), the head of the board of governors.

Bill Clinton's Treasury Secretary, Robert Rubin (Rothschild Zionist), who did so much to prepare the ground for the collapse of 2008, was CEO at Goldman Sachs. Rubin, the Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, was also named in Obama's interim team.

Two of Rubin's 'protégés', Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist) and Larry Summers (Rothschild Zionist), were appointed by Obama to decide his economic policy. Goldman Sachs paid Summers $135,000 for a single day's 'appearance' in 2008. Geithner, a former executive of Kissinger Associates and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, appointed Goldman Sachs lobbyist, Mark Patterson, as his chief of staff at the Treasury."

Black Rabbit said...

Taibbi explains how in 2004 the then Goldman CEO, Henry Paulson, asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to relax the restrictions, if you can call them that, on Goldman's ability to lend money it didn't have:

'They felt restrained by certain rules that said they had to have one dollar for every twelve they lent out, so ... then chief Hank Paulson went to the SEC and asked them to basically end those rules, and they did it.

There was no Congressional hearing, no vote or anything like that. The SEC granted Goldman and four other banks exemptions to these rules and said you can lend as much money as you want, you don't really need to have any money.

Within two years, two of those banks went under, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. This is just because they went to the government and asked for a change in the rules and they got it.

This is what they do all the time and they also know that if they ever get in serious trouble they could just call up the government and ask them to give them a whole lot of taxpayer cash to bail them out and that has happened over and over again.'

Black Rabbit said...

Taibbi also said that he had never covered a story in which so many people had said that he could not use their names for fear of retribution. He said there were people in government who were afraid to 'cross' Goldman Sachs.

Black Rabbit said...

MR ICKE appears to be optimistic though - the whole horror will not last more than 10 years and afterwards - those who have achieved higher consciousness and purpose within the whole ordeal - will realise a better future. The ILL will have been defeated etc.

Black Rabbit said...

Ten years from now...the worst possible scenario being 10 years rather than 1 or 2...that would be 2019.

So one can say that MR ICKE is not taking any DOOM-LADEN prophecies from CHABAD/LUBAVITCHERS seriously then...nor the 2012 'joke'...

Black Rabbit said...

...and one just has to be on the look-out for any 'MESSIANIC' figures who get pushed into public view, from this point on...

Black Rabbit said...

...particularly if they emerge from KAZAKHSTAN...

Black Rabbit said... MACDONALD and CO did hook up with SANDLER later on...having checked out YOUTUBE...we were in the audience of the LETTERMAN SHOW which starred SANDLER and MATZOBALL his least I think it was a bulldog...

Anyway, the whole experience was nerve-wracking for him because you never quite know what animals are going to do and they steal the show...MATZOBALL was supposed to be a 'relaxing' 'be at home' addition to the show but turned out to be anything but...

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up GORDON ROAD BIRMINGHAM on a google images search and got:


…which I remember from somewhere…my parents rented in Edgebaston for while - after they had sold 14 St Bernards Road…to then get a flat in the WHITE HOUSE, overlooking WATERLOO BRIDGE…

…and the next entry for the above search was all about TOLKEIN and where he had lived in Birmingham…LORD OF THE RINGS again…

…and then this article which appears to be ‘Birmingham‘ in a different context (there is a Birmingham in the USA isn‘t there)…

A photograph of GORDON BROWN is at the end of the first line of this IMAGE search.

As PRIME MINISTER now - in ILL terms he has filled TONY BLAIR’s shoes as the ‘devil’ within the ILL CULT hierarchy.

Black Rabbit said...

Other notes:

So I went back and looked at GORDON ROAD BIRMINGHAM on the WEB and got a result upon my computer:

3 results stored on your computer - Hide - About 
Obnoxio The Clown - both of Leyton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, deny murdering - I have looked this one up before…but I cannot remember why…

…and then these addresses:

F/H, No, Map, 39, Gordon Road, Harborne, Birmingham, West Midlands, B17 9HA, Properties for sale near B17 9HA. 2, 31/10/2008, £205000, Ter. ... - Cached - Similar

gordon road harborne - Trovit Homes
Gordon Road, Harborne, Birmingham , 3 Bedrooms 7 Pictures A delightful three bedroom Victorian terrace ideally situated for all the amenities of Harborne ... - Cached - Similar

Chad Valley Close, Rose Road, Birmingham, Apartment for Sale ...
Chad Valley Close leads off Rose Road, in turn leading off Gordon ... a number of medical centres, Birmingham University as well as comprehensive leisure, ... - Cached - Similar

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' are telling me to pay attention to CHAD CLOSE...I can remember the block of flats far as I can remember they were for the disabled...and my parents lived a bit further on down the Close...

The 'regiment' are saying SPECIAL you mean 'special needs'?

Why is this block important - did RIMINGTON go in and abuse people here? Rather like at PETER BRUFF ward?

I can remember being in my parent's ground floor flat down that Close...RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had a key to the front door...they let themselves in...I had locked myself into the small Conservatory at the back...they couldn't get in...I used cushions over my ears so that I couldn't hear what they were shouting through the glass...they didn't manage to get in.

Black Rabbit said...

Eventually they had to leave because the neighbours had begun to look over the fence into that garden to see what the noise was all about...RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had then gained access to the garden through the sidedoor and were shouting through the glass from the garden...

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember more now:

Firstly this was 1997 - whilst I was at WARWICK UNIVERSITY and my mother called me to say that she and my father would be away for the weekend…she then suggested that I spend the weekend off campus- in the flat that they were renting down this CHAD CLOSE. I turned up - they left me with the keys and off they went…as far as I can remember - they were going to LONDON and staying at a hotel there…

Anyway, RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON then turned up to abuse me - it had been a trap - to get me off campus…

Why would they do that? Because RIMINGTON had already tried to trap me on campus but unsuccessfully - see previous notes upon my encounter with her, in the UNIVERSITY bookshop. COLLIE had the CCTV and questioned me upon it afterwards. COLLIE told me that I should have gone with RIMINGTON because I might have ‘learnt’ a thing or two. I had no idea of what she was talking about.

Anyway, the diabolical duo then turned up at that small modern CHALET… I can remember now - it was a chalet and tried to gain entrance to the Conservatory but I had managed to lock both doors.

They then ‘got’ me when I went out later on, to the cornershop.

They then marched me to the ‘disabled residents’ flat where RIMINGTON began to torture a man in a wheelchair in his flat - she then electrocuted him. Before she let him go - she told him to take a good look at me and name me as his abuser.

They then left.

I have no idea what happened afterwards but presumably RIMINGTON was hoping that I would get named and picked up by the POLICE - but I do not remember this happening.

Whilst in that ‘disabled residents’ block - RIMINGTON told me that SHE had disabled all of the people living there - for disobeying her. She had put them all in there. They then went back there, from time to time - to torture these people some more - in order to intimidate and terrorise them into ‘silence and secrecy’.

Black Rabbit said...

There will be more to this:


I feel sure that I haven't quite got to the bottom of it yet - but it is connected to MR MANN/MAIN and the railway families...along with RIMINGTON's abuse of so many people within the area.

Additionally it could also be related to 'cameras' and 'zygote slaves'...along with GORDON BROWN as the present ILL CULT 'devil'.

I will have to look into this further...

Black Rabbit said...

HELEN RODWAY once took me to the main MASONIC place within Birmingham - upon one of the main roads leading into was the ORATORIUM...and there were all of the MAYORS' oil painting portraits hanging up there...along with the portraits of the CHIEFS OF POLICE of the WEST MIDLANDS POLICE FORCE.

Black Rabbit said...

HELEN said to me that they were 'all MASONS'...every single one of them...the 'clique' who ran BIRMINGHAM.

Black Rabbit said...

So a lot of things that I need to re-visit about appears to have been a 'model city' for the ILL.

I can remember that the JOOISH ORTHODOX used to have their synagogue in DIGBETH...

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday (Saturday) - some young people were outside the B&B with a lot of suitcases…I walked past them and into the building to see an envelope left by the office door. I thought - maybe it was a letter for me and so picked it up - it was heavy and I immediately knew that there were keys in it and so I dropped it and went upstairs.

Afterwards I remembered that in 2004 - SCARLETT had told me about this…the owner then asked me if I had those keys - presumably because I had done the same as above…now the CCTV should show quite clearly that I did NOT pocket those keys…so whoever did…if that is the case…they will be on the CCTV.

I am assuming that the keys were to one of those young people’s bedroom and that they were leaving - and so had left them behind in an envelope.

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to CHAD CLOSE...the 'regiment' are telling me that the disabled man in the wheelchair had NOT done as RIMINGTON had programmed him to do and to his credit.

He had REPORTED to the POLICE that an old woman and tall, burly man had abused him - and that they had a 'frightened girl' with them - as in myself.

So RIMINGTON was 'found out' yet again...but nobody did anything about it - why not?

Black Rabbit said...

So what can I say in overview…concerning RIMINGTON and BIRMINGHAM as a central programming locus?

In 1980 - she had started off her ‘rebel group’ to overthrow the ROYAL FAMILY’s control of the ILL RA CULT.

By 1997 - when I was at WARWICK UNIVERSITY - she had obviously managed to gain control of a large number of MASONS in BIRMINGHAM and I would bet that a lot of them had been in the WEST MIDLANDS POLICE FORCE.

By 1998-9 whilst I was working in temporary jobs around the centre of Birmingham - in the COUNCIL SERVICES ‘central library’ department for example - RIMINGTON had enough of her operatives in there, to control events.

COLLIE had wanted to ‘run’ me against RIMINGTON in 1997 - leaving me completely in the dark…and on NO pay…after having threatened me with being expelled from the MA COURSE…she had advised me to get kidnapped by RIMINGTON in order to find out what she was up to…

Black Rabbit said...

So what was RIMINGTON up to?

It looks most likely that she was re-programming the MASONS as her own private army…

Now I know that in the 1970s and beyond that…the WEST MIDLANDS POLICE FORCE were seen to be the most racist of the lot…persecuting ethnic minorities in and around the City of BIRMINGHAM…however there was a governmental inquiry and it all seemed to have been ‘cleared’ up.
What year was that? I need to check up on newspaper reports - but they were in the news on and off, for quite some time.

As far as I know - the MASONIC control of BIRMINGHAM was massive…from the MAYORS to the COUNCIL and to the POLICE FORCE…

Black Rabbit said...

So when SCARLETT talked about a ‘program’ that he couldn’t stop…

…was he really talking about how RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had re-programmed the MASONS to behave - all of them would have been microchipped and then run via remote-control like little robots.

Remember VERICORP?

I heard SCARLETT upon the network this morning…saying that the MASONIC network was now in a furore…

I had symbolically used up all of the MINT M&S bubble bath this morning…this is making me laugh…but I know that the MASONIC network were programmed to watch and ‘interpret’ everything that I did in this ‘heaven’ room 14 flat…and then radio it out via the microchipped network…this will be a subconscious part of their brains, which is doing this…

So the MASONIC NETWORK is being moved on several notches…speeding up the ILL PLANS…they now ‘know’ that the BRITISH MINT/bank of England is bankrupted…no more money in this country at all…and the JOOISH financiers had been programmed to drain our economy of money.

So what happens next, SCARLETT?

Black Rabbit said...

The basic idea behind all of this is to speed up is the only way to defeat the make them move before they are ready.

Black Rabbit said...

It is a sort of startle them - attack and ambush them strategy...

Black Rabbit said...

Even after having read the NEXUS 'easy to understand' articles upon the NWO - I still do not really get how the 'money situation' works.

Okay - so only some people are allowed to print money and then to sell it to the BANK OF ENGLAND.

These people have refused to print any more money and the money within this country, is being drained out of it.

Is that the basic principle at work, here?

Black Rabbit said...

So there are some obvious ripostes to that one.

e.g. the people tell government to take control of printing the money and then to print a load more off - for free.

Black Rabbit said...

At breakfast - the owner told the new resident that he had put a GOLDFISH in with his ‘black/white’ striped fish and that it had survived…he had put it into the tank yesterday and he was surprised that it hadn’t been eaten because his other fish normally ate anything else that was put into the tank…

Symbolic of what? GOLDMAN in the MASONIC tank?


In relation to my own programming…I had also had the ‘grid’ imposed over my brain - like TOMLINSON…and a similar ‘oil substance’ had come out when I split the image in two…and then a SILVER star had risen…and I thought BETHLEHEM for some reason…so that is out of my system now, too then…thank goodness.


There were two placemats for RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON in the breakfast room…they used to sit at the window…they are of a DARK BLUE with a SILVER line around them…

SCARLETT told me to pull the cellophane (which is already coming off these boards) off…and so I pulled the cellophane off one and it related to my mother, for some reason…and then I pulled a bit off the other (TOMLINSON’s) and I got a very angry image of him saying in a dark alter ‘I did it all for TURKEY…I am TURKISH’…


Coming back from my walk down the promenade…I had downloaded images of FLOWERS with HEADS off many people…and got a flash of IAN RICKSON’S brother waking up to what he had done at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…’picking the flowers’ meant beheading people.

I therefore decided that one had to consciously throw out any image that one might have of being a FLOWER with a HUMAN HEAD…and I think that the film LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS was part of this ALICE programming…we were shown this movie in 1980.


When I look back on how RIMINGTON had tried to murder my mother…had had her butchered by a surgeon and then ordered her to commit suicide…not to mention getting all of those MASONS at the OLTON YACHTING CLUB to keep on dipping her into BLUE ALGAE water…holding her under and she emerged like a whale blowing the water out of her mouth…

Those men were horrifying…mindless robots…they then took my mother into the clubhouse - presumably to rape her like a gang of MALLARD DUCKS…and RIMINGTON watched the entire event with ‘grim satisfaction’ upon her face…and you wonder why we had her murdered, MACDONALD? Get real.

I saw my mother as a ‘flower with a human head’ today - she has to get rid of that programming in her head - it appears to be a very basic way to gain control over a mind control slave…so it must have been put in at a very young age. Men were ‘flowers’ too.

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that if DICK CHENEY had been there...he would probably have SHOT all of those 'mindless' DUCKS without a second thought...

Black Rabbit said...

I have forgotten to mention an important programming symbol within this B&B and that is the toilet paper.

RIMINGTON had called her people - the white toilet roll, underneath the cistern of the toilet. I was supposed to remove this WHITE TOILET ROLL and put it on top of the toilet - to signify that they were on top.

Naturally, I did no such thing.

Additionally, sometimes a thin roll of white toilet paper appears on top of the toilets now and again - so I remove it and use it up first.

Today - a thin roll of white toilet paper appeared upon the dark wood balstrade 'nob' outside the bathroom. I 'knew' not to touch it - went for my bath - and when I came out - it had gone.

What was that symbolism all about - AMADEUS knew...but wasn't telling.

Black Rabbit said...

Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease:

Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America

By Jo Macfarlane

Last updated at 11:05 PM on 15th August 2009

Comments (27) Add to My Stories
Prevention: Is the swine flu jab safe?

A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter.
The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins.

It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.
GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.

The letter, sent to about 600 neurologists on July 29, is the first sign that there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications.
It refers to the use of a similar swine flu vaccine in the United States in 1976 when:

More people died from the vaccination than from swine flu.
500 cases of GBS were detected.
The vaccine may have increased the risk of contracting GBS by eight times.
The vaccine was withdrawn after just ten weeks when the link with GBS became clear.
The US Government was forced to pay out millions of dollars to those affected.
Concerns have already been raised that the new vaccine has not been sufficiently tested and that the effects, especially on children, are unknown.
It is being developed by pharmaceutical companies and will be given to about 13million people during the first wave of immunisation, expected to start in October.
Top priority will be given to everyone aged six months to 65 with an underlying health problem, pregnant women and health professionals.
The British Neurological Surveillance Unit (BNSU), part of the British Association of Neurologists, has been asked to monitor closely any cases of GBS as the vaccine is rolled out.
One senior neurologist said last night: ‘I would not have the swine
flu jab because of the GBS risk.’

There are concerns that there could be a repeat of what became known as the ‘1976 debacle’ in the US, where a swine flu vaccine killed 25 people – more than the virus itself.
A mass vaccination was given the go-ahead by President Gerald Ford because scientists believed that the swine flu strain was similar to the one responsible for the 1918-19 pandemic, which killed half a million Americans and 20million people worldwide.

Black Rabbit said...

The swine flu vaccine being offered to children has not been tested on infants
Within days, symptoms of GBS were reported among those who had been immunised and 25 people died from respiratory failure after severe paralysis. One in 80,000 people came down with the condition. In contrast, just one person died of swine flu.

More than 40million Americans had received the vaccine by the time the programme was stopped after ten weeks. The US Government paid out millions of dollars in compensation to those affected.

The swine flu virus in the new vaccine is a slightly different strain from the 1976 virus, but the possibility of an increased incidence of GBS remains a concern.

Shadow health spokesman Mike Penning said last night: ‘The last thing we want is secret letters handed around experts within the NHS. We need a vaccine but we also need to know about potential risks.

‘Our job is to make sure that the public knows what’s going on. Why
is the Government not being open about this? It’s also very worrying if GPs, who will be administering the vaccine, aren’t being warned.’

Two letters were posted together to neurologists advising them of the concerns. The first, dated July 29, was written by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the HPA’s Immunisation Department.
It says: ‘The vaccines used to combat an expected swine influenza pandemic in 1976 were shown to be associated with GBS and were withdrawn from use.

‘GBS has been identified as a condition needing enhanced surveillance when the swine flu vaccines are rolled out.
‘Reporting every case of GBS irrespective of vaccination or disease history is essential for conducting robust epidemiological analyses capable of identifying whether there is an increased risk of GBS in defined time periods after vaccination, or after influenza itself, compared with the background risk.’

The second letter, dated July 27, is from the Association of British Neurologists and is written by Dr Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, chair of its surveillance unit, and Professor Patrick Chinnery, chair of its clinical research committee.
Halted: The 1976 US swine flu campaign

It says: ‘Traditionally, the BNSU has monitored rare diseases for long periods of time. However, the swine influenza (H1N1) pandemic has overtaken us and we need every member’s involvement with a new BNSU survey of Guillain-Barre Syndrome that will start on August 1 and run for approximately nine months.
‘Following the 1976 programme of vaccination against swine influenza in the US, a retrospective study found a possible eight-fold increase in the incidence of GBS.

‘Active prospective ascertainment of every case of GBS in the UK is required. Please tell BNSU about every case.

‘You will have seen Press coverage describing the Government’s concern about releasing a vaccine of unknown safety.’

If there are signs of a rise in GBS after the vaccination programme begins, the Government could decide to halt it.

GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, leaving them unable to transmit signals to muscles effectively.
It can cause partial paralysis and mostly affects the hands and feet. In serious cases, patients need to be kept on a ventilator, but it can be fatal.

Death is caused by paralysis of the respiratory system, causing the victim to suffocate.
It is not known exactly what causes GBS and research on the subject has been inconclusive.
However, it is thought that one in a million people who have a seasonal flu vaccination could be at risk and it has also been linked to people recovering from a bout of flu of any sort.

Black Rabbit said...

The HPA said it was part of the Government’s pandemic plan to monitor GBS cases in the event of a mass vaccination campaign, regardless of the strain of flu involved.
But vaccine experts warned that the letters proved the programme was a ‘guinea-pig trial’.

Dr Tom Jefferson, co-ordinator of the vaccines section of the influential Cochrane Collaboration, an independent group that reviews research, said: ‘New vaccines never behave in the way you expect them to. It may be that there is a link to GBS, which is certainly not something I would wish on anybody.

‘But it could end up being anything because one of the additives in one of the vaccines is a substance called squalene, and none of the studies we’ve extracted have any research on it at all.’

He said squalene, a naturally occurring enzyme, could potentially cause so-far-undiscovered side effects.

Jackie Fletcher, founder of vaccine support group Jabs, said: ‘The Government would not be anticipating this if they didn’t think there was a connection. What we’ve got is a massive guinea-pig trial.’

Professor Chinnery said: ‘During the last swine flu pandemic, it was observed that there was an increased frequency of cases of GBS. No one knows whether it was the virus or the vaccine that caused this.

‘The purpose of the survey is for us to assess rapidly whether there is an increase in the frequency of GBS when the vaccine is released in the UK. It also increases consultants’ awareness of the condition.

Panic over? The number of swine flu cases has fallen sharply in the past few weeks
‘This is a belt-and-braces approach to safety and is not something people should be substantially worried about as it’s a rare condition.’

Black Rabbit said...

If neurologists do identify a case of GBS, it will be logged on a central database.

Details about patients, including blood samples, will be collected and monitored by the HPA.

It is hoped this will help scientists establish why some people develop the condition and whether it is directly related to the vaccine.

But some question why there needs to be a vaccine, given the risks. Dr Richard Halvorsen, author of The Truth About Vaccines, said: ‘For people with serious underlying health problems, the risk of dying from swine flu is probably greater than the risk of side effects from the vaccine.

‘But it would be tragic if we repeated the US example and ended up with more casualties from the jabs.

‘I applaud the Government for recognising the risk but in most cases this is a mild virus which needs a few days in bed. I’d question why we need a vaccine at all.’

Professor Miller at the HPA said: ‘This monitoring system activates pandemic plans that have been in place for a number of years. We’ll be able to get information on whether a patient has had a prior influenza illness and will look at whether influenza itself is linked to GBS.

‘We are not expecting a link to the vaccine but a link to disease, which would make having the vaccine even more important.’

Black Rabbit said...

The UK’s medicines watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, is already monitoring reported side effects from Tamiflu and Relenza and it is set to extend that surveillance to the vaccine.

A Department of Health spokesperson said: ‘The European Medicines Agency has strict processes in place for licensing pandemic vaccines.

‘In preparing for a pandemic, appropriate trials to assess safety and the immune responses have been carried out on vaccines very similar to the swine flu vaccine. The vaccines have been shown to have a good safety profile.
‘It is extremely irresponsible to suggest that the UK would use a vaccine without careful consideration of safety issues. The UK has one of the most successful immunisation programmes in the world.’


Victim: Hilary Wilkinson spent three months in hospital after she was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome
When Hilary Wilkinson woke up with muscle weakness in her left arm and difficulty breathing, doctors initially put it down to a stroke.
But within hours, she was on a ventilator in intensive care after being diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

She spent three months in hospital and had to learn how to talk and walk again. But at times, when she was being fed through a drip and needed a tracheotomy just to breathe, she doubted whether she would survive.
The mother of two, 57, from Maryport, Cumbria, had been in good health until she developed a chest infection in March 2006. She gradually became so weak she could not walk downstairs.
Doctors did not diagnose Guillain-Barre until her condition worsened in hospital and tests showed her reflexes slowing down. It is impossible for doctors to know how she contracted the disorder, although it is thought to be linked to some infections.
Mrs Wilkinson said: ‘It was very scary. I couldn’t eat and I couldn’t speak. My arms and feet had no strength and breathing was hard.
I was treated with immunoglobulin, which are proteins found in blood, to stop damage to my nerves. After ten days, I still couldn’t speak and had to mime to nurses or my family.

‘It was absolutely horrendous and I had no idea whether I would get through it. You reach very dark moments at such times and wonder how long it can last.

But I’m a very determined person and I had lots of support.’

After three weeks, she was transferred to a neurological ward, where she had an MRI scan and nerve tests to assess the extent of the damage.

Still unable to speak and in a wheelchair, Mrs Wilkinson eventually began gruelling physiotherapy to improve her muscle strength and movement but it was exhausting and painful.
Three years later, she is almost fully recovered. She can now walk for several miles at a time, has been abroad and carries out voluntary work for a GBS Support Group helpline.

She said: ‘It makes me feel wary that the Government is rolling out this vaccine without any clear idea of the GBS risk, if any. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone and it certainly changed my life.

‘I’m frightened to have the swine flu vaccine if this might happen again – it’s a frightening illness and I think more research needs to be done on the effect of the vaccine.’

Black Rabbit said...

Hotline staff given access to confidential records

Confidential NHS staff records and disciplinary complaints could be accessed by hundreds of workers manning the Government’s special swine flu hotline.

They were able to browse through a database of emails containing doctors’ and nurses’ National Insurance numbers, home addresses, dates of birth, mobile phone numbers and scanned passport pages – all details that could be used fraudulently.

And private and confidential complaints sent by hospitals about temporary medical staff – some of whom were named – were also made available to the call-centre workers, who were given a special password to log in to an internal NHS website.

It could be a breach of the Data Protection Act.
The hotline staff work for NHS Professionals, which was set up using taxpayers’ money to employ temporary medical and administrative staff for the health service.

The not-for-profit company runs two of the Government’s swine flu call centres – with 300 staff in Farnborough, Hampshire, and 900 in Watford, Hertfordshire.
Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley described the revelations as ‘disturbing’.

Anne Mitchell, a spokeswoman for Unison, said: ‘There’s no excuse for such a fundamental breach of personal security. Action needs to be taken as soon as possible to make sure this does not happen again.’

A spokeswoman for NHS Professionals would not confirm whether access to the confidential files had been granted.

Black Rabbit said...

Add your comments Comments (27).
Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated

View all Only government could get away with promoting/mandating a product, have it kill 25 times the number that were killed from the disease it was supposed to prevent, then come back year after year promoting even more.

Peer-reviewed published studies have already shown that mortality is not decreased in any of the targeted groups for flu vaccination, yet each year governmental agencies with pharmaceutical conflicts-of-interest continue to promote them with no shame. A recent study has even shown that children vaccinated against seasonal influenza are three times more likely to be hospitalized with flu than children opting out. Now they are targeting kids and expectant moms with a new shot that has never been tested on children or pregnant moms-to-be, much less animals?
- R.S. Bell, Florida, U.S., 16/8/2009 01:12
Click to rate Rating 47 Report abuse

My son, who has a kidney transplant went down with Swine Flu a couple of weeks ago. He was authorised to get Tamiflu (I know, not the jab) but declined it. He treated it as he would any other type of flu. Stayed in his bedroom, kept warm, drank plenty and took paracetamol to keep his temperature down. He did not want to risk vomiting and losing his vital immunosuppressants and possibly end up losing his transplanted kidney. Guess what. He's fine now.

Anyone risking an untested vaccine with the potential to cause a devasating illness or even death, frankly needs to see a psychiatrist.

There's been far too much scaremongering about this Swine Flu. I wonder why?
- Grouse, Somewhere in England, 16/8/2009 01:03
Click to rate Rating 60 Report abuse

But the Government has committed to buying all these expensive vaccines now. And doctors still stand to make small fortunes out of vaccination programs. It would be criminal not to use them now (notwithstanding it may well be criminal to use them too!!). Ssshhh! Just keep quiet and hope it won't be too bad! Either that or admit all those freaks warning against the vaccine were right after all (can't have that can we!).
- Cllr Chris Cooke, Tamworth, UK, 16/8/2009 00:53
Click to rate Rating 41 Report abuse

- SupAJIM, Kent, UK, 16/8/2009 00:49
Click to rate Rating 48 Report abuse

at last some truth, and rather watered down too.

better late than never !
- Ed123, Surrey, 16/8/2009 00:39
Click to rate Rating 50 Report abuse

I rather take my chances battling it out with the swine flu virus (as mother nature has given me a fighting chance) rather than take a vacine or tamiflu which the governments tell me is safe.

I will never believe a capitalistic and greedy government or organisation that makes these medication.

Rest, Soup and TLC is far safer and a better bet than Tamiflu or the vacine.
- mutal bilah, uk, 16/8/2009 00:36

Read more:

Black Rabbit said...

I would like to add my own comment to this DAILY MAIL article and it is this:

After having had the most terrible bouts of FLU in the Czech Republic - once I had returned to the UK - I asked my GP if I could have the 'flu jab' given to the elderly before the that I wouldn't have to go through such hell again and have more time off work...I assumed that I would find work back in the UK...

Now - I voluntarily went to my local surgery and asked for the jabs as somebody who was particularly vulnerable to flu - of my own volition.

However, the point here is that I could just as easily have got flu - and had a few days off work or whatever...and survived it quite easily - as I normally did.

What is so sinister to me, here - is that the government appears to be telling people that they HAVE to have this jab - what on Earth for?

There is something terrible here - in the fact that the government dares to even think that it should be allowed to force people to take injections that they DO NOT NEED.

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that I stopped having the flu jabs upon a yearly basis - about 8 years ago - and I have not caught flu, since that time...

I had them for a few years...1997-2001.

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say is that I do not know if the 'flu jabs' that I had during the period of 1997-2001 even worked...

It is far more likely that having been exposed to the most deadly strains of flu virus whilst in POLAND and the CR - that I had built up a massive resistence...

The flu strains across Eastern Europe were terrible...for example in PRAGUE - all the schools were closed down in 1995 and there were long queues of children and adults waiting outside local surgery buildings, waiting to see a doctor...companies closed down through lack of staff to run them...the whole thing was pandemonium but it didn't last long...

Black Rabbit said...

What I am saying here is that it is far better to get the damn thing and then to build up a resistence...

Black Rabbit said...

'Hidden Portal' Concept Described: First Tunable Electromagnetic Gateway

Yes, ILL the CHINESE are a step away from getting you all - and they probably have already got the lot of you - if they are admitting this much, in Public...

Black Rabbit said...

Uranium Weapons - Does anyone care about our planet? (Part 4)
Peter Eyre

Black Rabbit said...

URANIUM - the primary obsession of the NAZIS...and they are still using the MIDDLE-EAST...the photographs upon the above website are horrific.

Black Rabbit said...

An interesting comment left upon:

...and I know this 'reply' to be a MACDONALD and CO one:

S. G. Samuels Reply:

August 14th, 2009 at 9:33 am

Screw the NWO – SUE THEM!!!! Let’s GET 20 of Alex Jones millionaire patriot friends to start law suits against the NWO – name them all in the lawsuit and all of their crap!!!

If you don’t want to wait on Alex, get rich yourself and join up on a class action!

1) Get Rich….find a way, maybe trade FOREX…you could learn about it here at
2) Hire BIG Gun Lawyers who don’t support the NWO
3) Sue the HECK out of the NWO hydra and make it public
4) Teach your friends how to do this.
5) Repeat steps 1-4

Black Rabbit said...

So what is FOREX all about then?

Apparently there are FOREX 'robots' which are 'secret software' that a 'central' bank uses...behind the backs of its clients.

So these banks have a SUBSYSTEM for secret trading that is not known about by the Public at large...

Black Rabbit said...

Why did MACDONALD particularly want to OUT MIKEWINTERS?

I can remember that he did - upon the above website 'comments' (which we all had a hand in)...and here is WHITE BALL 'mike winters' in the flesh:

Black Rabbit said...

It is quite incredible but I can see what was happening now...

DAVID ICKE has so many 'headlines' from around the world and articles linked...

MACDONALD and CO had known about these articles beforehand (I presume that they had already been written by his 'people' circa 2001-4 after REMOTE-VIEWERS had given a comprehensive chronology of the future to them)...

MACDONALD and CO then wrote all of the comments to these articles...

We would either make them up as we went along or 'channel' somebody who had something to add to the debate...

The above debate was about how FLORIDA had now been turned into a sort of ISRAEL...where the ILL hung out in their COMPOUNDS - safely protected by the corrupted ILL police around...

FLORIDA had degenerated into a RA CULT region 'agitated people' who were 'drugs-trafficking' in the main (see previous notes)...and then some - it was heading for even worse times...

Black Rabbit said...

So why was it SO important to OUT this MIKE WINTERS?

He must be a lynchpin of what is going on - despite his 'low status' in, if you can crack this guy will learn an immense amount...

Perhaps it is akin to 'opening' me never know what you are going to learn...

Black Rabbit said...

Upon the same comments page - JEBEDIA tells me all I need to know about the 'money situation':

jebedia88 Reply:

August 15th, 2009 at 2:32 am

As is, no, you can’t, because the federal reserve bank corporation prints and loans money to the government at interest. And instead of the money going towards what it’s supposed to the money gets siphoned off, sent to banks that pocket it or give bonuses or whatever, projects that don’t need to be done or just NOTHING DONE… and whalla….no more money and nothing done….and a huge debt to the federal bank corporation, which is private and doesn’t pay taxes thru some kind of loophole. Unless we can close the federal reserves or start another type of money backed by something, we’ll allways be in debt. The better part is there isn’t all that money…it doesn’t exist. Banks only have to cover 10% of the money in their bank registers. It’s a complicated and fucked up system. And some people who own the federal reserve bank own most of america, and keeep being able to buy more because people losing their houses and businesses. And congress and representatives keep making more loopholes for corporate america to get away with this shit. Checks and balances MY ASS.

Black Rabbit said...

...and who was the ASS?

Black Rabbit said...

RealStory Says:

August 14th, 2009 at 10:33 am
Big Trouble in Little Israel, eh? Driving through Florida one can encounter a very odd parallel to Israel in and around the wealthy “compounds” occupied and run by er, eh…guess who? A little apartheid is set up there. So I am not surprised that they would not like to see their puppet, controlled by Israeli dual citizen Emanual, mocked, and would try everything in their power to supress free speech.

Black Rabbit said...

i wrote the main body of this text and then went back to add the beginning to undercut the whole thing and make it look like a bit of MASONIC nonsense - who was I channelling at the time?

Drekx Omega Says:

August 15th, 2009 at 3:38 am
orus Q:
Mr. Omega, The Creator has not contacted me yet with his “Prosperity from Heaven” promise. I had requested ten 100 oz, gold bars to be buried in a location of my choosing.
If you please, have the “Creator” contact me at this web site to make the appropriate arrangements. Thank-you so much, your faithful, obedient servant, Horus.

Omega A:
Horus, You are a fragment of the creator. Firstly, contact that finer aspect of yourself, through meditation and affirmation.

Karma permitting, abundance will flow, as it does for me….I HAVE NO DEBTS AT ALL…Only assets…

Debt is the main method the Illuminati use to control the people. You will have to overcome any sense of lack, that society may attempt to instill in you. Abundance flows to those who know they deserve it…..Not because of what they DO, but because of who they ARE….

Are you a wage slave?? You can change that status if you TRULY want to!! You can create your preferred reality.


In our past few messages, we dealt with some of the financial and political ramifications of the program put together by our Earth allies. We talked about the ultimate importance to you of personal sovereignty and how the ending of global statute or military law is to set you free from the ominous designs of the dark. Let us look at this now in greater depth to understand more about sovereignty. All humans are born free with certain unalienable rights given to them by a gracious and Loving Creator. Among these are the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This phrase given to the writers of the American Declaration of Independence by St. Germaine is not a mere grouping of ideals. Rather, it is the distillation of a greater discourse given by Lord Surea to the Councils of Heaven that deal with the spiritual evolution of humanity on this most luscious gem that you call Mother Earth. Never forget that freedom is the very core of your sovereignty. Freedom defines you and provides the means to sustain you in physicality.

Sovereignty is a direct by-product of freedom. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself and for your community. This goes hand in hand with your spiritual or consciousness growth. Divine service is to fulfill your community and to creatively use your ability to solve the various problems that daily surround you. You truly understand how connected you are to your fellows. This connection breaths forth a great desire to forge a Loving and sustainable environment for your community. This invites actions that enhance not only your efforts but also those put forth by the spiritual collective that is your community. Sovereignty is the divine and lawful means for carrying out these positive actions. Accordingly, sovereignty has possessed a special lawful status from the very beginning of Human community as initially expressed in Hybornea and later in Lemuria and the first stages of Atlantis. This status gives each Being an equality with each other. Sovereignty is the special foundation that your good works can be built upon. It is the means by which your full creative talents can easily manifest.

Black Rabbit said...


Statute Law is a cruel deception put forth by the Anunnaki and their earthly minions to deceive the populace. Since your right to be free and sovereign is God-given and thus unalienable, it cannot ever be diverted from you. Yet, the rulers of this world created an illegal substitute: the sovereign state, i.e. an imaginary entity falsely given these same rights and then placed above you. In this devised condition, the state became your superior. In actual fact, a state only exists with the free consent of the governed who do so only in order to form a more perfect union dedicated to the sovereignty and well-being of the consenting. This Truth is the bane of the dark. Each of you is innately sovereign and thus, outside of the purview of the dark’s statute, or “King’s law.” This reality is what the dark desires to obscure. The powerful know how flimsy is their rule if the masses realize this and then pursue its ramifications to the fullest. Accordingly, they have masterfully orchestrated a series of illegal coups designed to make you believe their falsehoods and trick you into thinking that any alternative can only lead to chaos and disorder.

Natural or common law is an outgrowth of freedom and sovereignty. It is based upon common sense and the unalienable rights given to each of us. In this context, the Right to the pursuit of Happiness is analogous to the realizing of the inner joy known to a Galactic Human. This joy comes from being able to display your creative potential and employ it to solve your own and your community’s problems. This drive toward happiness, once fully instituted, can bring together a community and simultaneously give you a wonderful sense of purpose and accomplishment. This can then build into something that encourages such activity and can expand as the definition of community exponentially grows. This process can positively remake the environment that a community lives in. This new set of perceptions, when combined with the coming new abundance, can wonderfully renew the way societies function on your world. It is this possibility that is most feared by the dark and its last earthly minions.

Black Rabbit said...


Our Earth allies comprehend what we are currently discussing with you. The Light has in hand a procedure whose design is to recast your world completely. As noted in many past messages to you, this task is one that requires stealth and extensive knowledge of how the dark produced the world you now live in. Your world is being seized from you by a powerful few who, by deception and ruthless guile, have made you believe a number of colossal lies. Currently, the mess perpetrated by these lies is being amended by a series of stratagems whose purpose is to oust the dark by using its natural weaknesses against it. This ruse, however, takes time. The goal is to transform the dark’s distortions into something wonderful: the original intentions of the Light, namely, the return to “natural law” and to true fiscal realities. A welcome bonus is to be the completion of first contact!

First contact is, above all, a massive leap in your perception of yourselves and the vast Creation that you live in. This leap in mass perception transforms your current beliefs about who you are and where you evolved. It corrects the “whoppers” daily drummed into you about the origins of life; the meanings contemporary clergy give to the messages of the ancient prophets and seers that form the basis of current religions; and most of all, about why you are here on planet Earth. First contact is thus a historic, socio-religious experience of unprecedented proportions. Heaven knows this and has appropriately permitted the Earth’s Ascended Masters to participate fully in the planning and final carrying-out of this first contact mission. As we frequently remind you, this operation has huge implications for you and is not taken lightly by us.

The legal means and resources we mentioned are equally vital. Remember that this mission is to return you to a point last experienced by your ancestors nearly 15 millennia ago. This state of universal full consciousness was reduced step by step until the demise of the perpetrator’s homeland (Atlantis) some 13 millennia ago. Since that time, you have been mired in the fictions and obfuscations of the Anunnaki and their earthly minions. The present time is when the power grab of their impious progeny is to be morphed into your victory. It is vital that you look at what is happening as a movement toward a new reality. This new reality is abundant, free, sovereign, and galactic in its perception of itself. Its inhabitants have progressed beyond the limitations of your contemporary society and taken on the responsibility for being a fully involved member of this galaxy.

This divine action by Heaven is hastening toward a triumphant conclusion. There are many fronts to this complex operation. It goes way beyond being a mere financial, legal, and political transformation. It is a consciousness shift of awe-inspiring spiritual implications. You are involved in a vast movement to break out of your present limitations and bring this planet back into alignment with its divine destiny. So far, many amazing achievements have been performed in your favor by a massive legion of men and women who are unknown to most of you. These individuals are dedicated to this mission and are aware of your present predicaments. They are performing their duties as fast as the current conditions set by the dark permit. The coming victory therefore has no publicly set timeline. What it does have is a sudden impact that everyone will feel when it is ready to be sprung!

Today, we have taken the time to pull back a little from the details and look more carefully at the bigger picture. Here, we see how tremendous are the implications of what is getting ready to take place. Remember that Together, We are indeed Victorious! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

The Galactic Federation of Light

Black Rabbit said...

For all I know - I was probably channelling JOHN SCARLETT - it seems likely doesn't it?

(Reference to 'Q')

Black Rabbit said...

However, the above website mentioned by OMEGA has a thought-provoking introduction about QUANTUUM BIOLOGY...

Black Rabbit said...


Nobody would ever guess that this was you, SCARLETT (or maybe they would - which is even more worrying):

Planetary Activation Organization (PAO)

Message Of Introduction

We have to see all the things that are now happening as very interconnected and quite representative of a profound holistic pattern that the Supreme Creator is weaving for us. This divine plan is being unraveled before us in a most incredible and wise way. Each move is being made like the moves of a most enlightened chess master. Each step has a meaning that exists on many levels at once. Every move is designed to impress each of us toward one wonderful goal — first contact with our ancestors and our galactic brothers and sisters. This path leads toward a deep reflection into the true meanings of the human soul and how this truth forms the basis of who we truly are. For this underlying truth is the foundation for all knowledge. We are all seekers of what is real and of how this reality forms the basis for all things that exist in Creation. We all endeavor in some way to amalgamate our truths with the profound ways of the Supreme Creator. Now is the time when this wish shall be granted not just to a select few, but to all of us.
We are now in the interim period before a first contact is attempted between us and the member star nations of the Galactic Federation. What it means to us is that we are now on the verge of a new global society that will allow us to finally see who we really are. Many scholars have attempted to discover the inner meanings of what this thing we call civilization is really based on. The final conclusion that this organization will attempt to demonstrate is that we are really a star seed society, founded as part of a divine plan that has led us down a side road for many, many millennia. Now, we have been put on a detour that will take us back to the main highway and permit us to see our true place in the galaxy. Our time of quarantine is just about over. The means to that now-hidden knowledge lies in the genetic research that permits us to see all life, and especially human life, as founded in a three-stranded DNA protein. This three-stranded protein serves as the basis for our physical existence. This important discovery allows us to see that the road back to the full integration of our spiritual and physical selves is not as distant as we would believe. The clue to this endeavor lies in a new approach to biology — quantum biology. This new form of biology sanctions the relationship between thought and body.

Black Rabbit said...


Quantum biology states that the energy of thought can alter body cells, change metabolism, and most importantly, transform RNA/DNA. Consciousness can now be scientifically seen to create changes in our physical reality. The most important aspect of this discovery deals with human gene structure. Geneticists have noticed in the past half-decade that humans have been using the third strand in their RNA/DNA to mutate into a more profound being. Many children born with connected three-strand DNA have some wondrous abilities. These capabilities have included the ability to be telepathic, to disappear and reappear at will (teleport), and to move an object of some weight easily across rooms. It now appears that we are changing into a much more conscious being. In addition, the number of beings modified in one way or another has increased exponentially in the last three years. Clearly, we are a species undergoing a most profound shift in our reality.

Not only have our bodies changed, but we have also become more aware of the spiritual side of our nature. This spiritual awareness has led to an increase in our study of subjects that previously seemed either too strange or too profound to undertake. This study has led humanity to an interest in Angels, UFOs and the extraterrestrial origins of all life on Earth. We seem to have a deep desire to learn how one relates to the other. Yet there seems to be an endless series of beliefs that are put forth trying to explain this aspect of human knowledge. To these beliefs, I would like to add one more caveat — think on these subjects with your heart, and not with your head. The waters of knowledge that you are now entering are based on sensation, on passion, and on the truth of your intuitive soul. It is a most profound shift for our present civilization. One reality is being squeezed into making another, in a very short time. For our planet is now on the verge of a transfer into a new fourth-dimensional reality. This reality will lead us into learning more about ourselves than we have ever thought possible.

Black Rabbit said...


As the profound changes have increased in their intensity, we have been forced to accept that something quite fundamental is happening to us. Also, time is beginning to be compressed. A by-product of this compression is that our karma cycles have been greatly accelerated. One of the things that you have probably noticed is that when any karma is created, it is swiftly alleviated. Often this action happens hours or days after the initial incident occurs. We are in a reality that is quickly being altered into something quite different from what we are used to. Another change is that the yearly time-line is also accelerating. Many persons who study time have noticed that recently, years have been reduced seemingly to months. In this regard, many psychics who have encountered the year 2012 AD have noticed that it contains a block around the magical date of December 21, 2012. This date is the one picked by the Mayan calendar as the end of time on this planet as we now know it! These coincidences point to the fact that this period is one in which our planet is moving towards a new reality.

Cosmology has been discovering that the physical universe does not always obey the presently-known laws of physics. Energies, gas clouds and even galaxies do some quite strange things. On a similar note, the same paradoxes exist in the world of sub-atomic physics. The hand of universal knowledge seems to be leading us to a new concept of reality. This subject has been at the forefront of discussion among scientists for the past decade. Yet the form of the "cover-up" to maintain the old orthodoxy has kept these matters from becoming public knowledge. Everywhere, the old order of power has tried to maintain a facade that all is as it ever was. Yet there is much in the new secret discoveries that make many scientists almost bold enough to let the "cat out of the bag". From what I have heard, there will be more scientists by this Winter/Spring of 1997-98 who will be willing to start to tell their tales of what is really happening, both out in the heavens and in the atmosphere, continents and oceans of planet Earth. These tales will be another factor in finally allowing Earth’s citizens to see the truth and prepare for our inevitable contact with the ETs.

It is the purpose of this organization to bring you up-to-date; to reveal what is happening out there in the heavens that surround us; and to advise you on how to take action to prepare yourself for a new reality and first contact with the Galactic Federation. We are all together in the need to see that we are all ONE, and that what is happening, is happening to all of us. Let me close with blessings of love and light to you all. Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be in Joy!)

Respectfully submitted,

Sheldan Nidle
Founder, PAO
Kula, Maui
November 19, 1997

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I do not wish to knock holes in this 'wondrous' text -see above...but you are lying about the TELEPORTING...not possible.

It also chimes in with another comment on the 'knock OBAMA' article...about how the ILL are hoping to enter the 5th DIMENSION in 2012.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN - THE GATES ARE LOCKED (and guess who locked them?)

Black Rabbit said...

So if you attempt to blow this planet up - you have NOWHERE to go.

Got it?


Black Rabbit said...

...and when you think that you can't pisstake always can, a little bit more:

Horus Reply:

August 15th, 2009 at 7:39 am

Mr. Omega,
My request for ten 100oz. gold bars should be looked upon as a concrete symbol of trust between me and the Creator. He should understand that when dealing with humans, it is best to go slowly. At this point in my development, I understand the concept of wealth based on the gold standard. I would be open to receiving and sampling future Prosperity from Heaven gifts in the future. I have not been able to contact the Creator; I’ve been calling but no one is answering. I don’t like going through a middle man, Mr. Omega, but the Creator has not returned my calls. Perhaps you, Mr. Omega, could send me the Ten 100oz. gold bars from YOUR storehouse (.I HAVE NO DEBTS AT ALL…Only assets…) where your share of Prosperity from Heaven is kept. Contact me in the future ONLY for the location where to bury my ten 100oz. gold bars.

Black Rabbit said...

JAKE picks up on that one and replies:

jake Reply:

August 15th, 2009 at 4:14 pm

horus, it really looks like you won’t be going to 5th density in2012, because I sense a bad attitude, your not “resonating”, feeling the love, and your complaining all the time about such things as child prostitution rings,pedofiles in govt., and the fed stealing 23.7 trillion, got to go with the flow man and lay down those weapons and feel the love man, feel the love.

Black Rabbit said...

I shall go back and read all of these comments again properly at a later date...

Black Rabbit said...

I am sure that the MILITARY will recognise the tactic here, as in:

Put the skids under the ILL - hurtle them towards their ‘destination’ at a much faster pace - on a skateboard perhaps…and straight into the LOCKED GATES.

A double-whammy of sorts.

…and yes, you only know now because we told you (it would be no fun, otherwise).

Those who consider themselves to be ‘space lizards’ have this weird idea that if they cause enough dark energy upon this planet by ‘mass destruction’ that this will catapult them into the 5th DIMENSION…

True or false?

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, RIMINGTON had gone around telling everybody that she was an 'interdimensional space lizard' who was immortal and invincible...

Ahem, not quite.

(Is that why you had to cover up her death, MACDONALD? Not the right time to 'reveal all'?)

Black Rabbit said...

A small incident yesterday a -security guard came up and said something to the lady behind the till that I was using at SAINSBURYS that they thought that ‘the 1 pound was in her bag’ but then they had decided that it wasn’t…

I took no notice - nothing to do with me…I had no idea what he was talking about.

Yet when I got home - I found that a 1 pound coin had slipped out of my purse and was on the bottom of my bag…so had that been yet another ILL trap - but ‘security’ had sussed that one out?

I have no idea how I was supposed to have ‘acquired’ the 1 pound coin - but what does it matter in retrospect…


AMADEUS had contacted me this morning in relation to a knife - the sharp knife that I have - a small one with a plastic black handle that I use for chopping up tomatoes and the like…he told me to ‘get rid of it - just in case’.

I then went into breakfast and saw that a similar knife had been left outside, upon a table in the programming garden of this B&B.

I therefore wrapped my knife up in a black bin-liner and took it out…and put it in the nearest bin.

Again - I have no real idea of what this is all about but I am just ‘following orders’ in the knowledge that AMADEUS and MACDONALD (and CO) had my best interests at heart…

Black Rabbit said...

I now get the feeling that I am quite near to the end of this ILL GAME...

What I would now like to know is - do I have to go through the whole 'appointment' to see the RA CULT flat in TRAVELODGE or not?

Will any of that transpire, now I have 'outed' it for what it is - or rather what RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had planned it to be...or will MS CARROLL contact me to cancel the whole thing?

Black Rabbit said...

I cannot say that I fancy living in a flat where a RA CULT 'floating programmer' can let themselves in at a moment's notice...and in addition, the view of the carpark from the flat windows, also looked pretty grim...

Black Rabbit said...

So SCARLETT - have I earned my GOLDEN BRICKS by now?

I want to buy myself an a la mode appartement...overlooking the sea...

Black Rabbit said...


You must have coded that one...

The SHELL OF DAN (as in MOSSAD head)...

So you were his SHELL?

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...


...not EL - CID?

I remember TOMLINSON getting angry with me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE for mentioning EL CID...he turned on me...because he thought that I had been telepathically spying in his brain...and told me 'yes, my hero is EL CID - how did you know?'

Black Rabbit said...

I didn't - I had simply played MICROSOFT'S AGE OF CONQUERORS (or one out of the series) and my knowledge of EL CID was based upon what MICROSOFT had put up as his history...

Black Rabbit said...

...but I had a talent for hitting his soft spots.

Black Rabbit said...

The KING OF SPAIN had treated his number one warrior EL CID badly and banned him from the kingdom and so EL CID came back at him with his own army...

Sounds like TOMLINSON's own relation to the BRITSH MONARCHY.

Black Rabbit said...

Thinking back several years now...when I first began to write up these notes and so circa 2005:

I had researched the idea of the NAZI symbol of the NID - as a NORSE symbol.

...I know that it was highly negative...rather like the terms of being the negative to the positive INDIAN symbol...

Black Rabbit said...

So what is SCARLETT saying here in relation to:


Black Rabbit said...

One also has to look at SHELL programming in relation to people who have been made into SHELLS and who can easily be 'remote-controlled' by microchip.

Also the idea of SHELL ALTERS...I need to look at all of this...

Black Rabbit said...

I am assuming that once you get the 'fish' or the 'I' back into the shell - by raising consciousness that you can counteract the microchip...

Black Rabbit said...

So what is SCARLETT saying?

My first thought was that he was telling me that he was a SHELL run by DAN, head of the MOSSAD...

...for EL NID...

My second thought was that DAN was a SHELL run by EL NID...

Black Rabbit said...


Surely they will be 'EL NID'?

Black Rabbit said...

...and my only answer to that one so far, is LOEB...the LOEB banking family...along with KUHN and I forget the other one...

All GERMANIC jooish surnames...

Black Rabbit said...

So is this banking conglomerate responsible for the really crazy 'spiritual' stuff around 2012 BOOM-BANGERANG?

Black Rabbit said...

What I mean to say is this...ROYAL programmers had let in a really nasty parasite upon a micro-biological level...

My business in NEW YORK was to go into the 'fifth dimension' and to make sure that no more of 'it' could get through (however you want to define it)...

TOMLINSON's 'eagle' for want of a better word, was in touch and naturally concerned about his body - which had been infected with 'lizard parasite'...

He wanted to know what would/could be done about those who had been 'turned into lizards' who were stuck on this planet...

Black Rabbit said...

...and the answer was that I didn't was only an interim measure...

Black Rabbit said...

...and then I get MACDONALD and CO (who tended not to let the women know anything - for 'safety reasons')...telling the world that the ILL - such as GEORGE BUSH and the ROCKEFELLERS believe that they are lizards...and that they are trying to escape this dimension by...basically blowing it up.

Black Rabbit said...

Then I get DAVID ICKE with COLLIE and the 'regiment' behind her...telling me that the 'lizards' are still going for world domination and then mass if they were real 'alien lifeforms' upon this planet.

Black Rabbit said...

...maybe it is true...maybe it is not...I would guess that the scientific explanation would be less titillating.

Black Rabbit said...

...but the POWER OF BELIEF remains...these 'lizard people' were taught to be like RIMINGTON...and to believe all of her shit...all of GEORGE BUSH'S shit...and who taught him to believe that nonsense?

The point here is - if they believe it - they will walk/talk/act it...and from the depths of their subconscious minds...they will try to manifest the 'mass destruction' of the world - as a reality...

Black Rabbit said...

...does this all somehow tie in with the end of PRINCE PHILIP's life?

He is on his last legs (unless he has already died and they are currently employing an actor)...

PHILIP had already told the world that he wanted to believe in reincarnation because he would like to come back as a virus which knocked out all of the 'worthless eaters' of this world...or something along those lines.

Black Rabbit said...

Those like CHABAD who appear to be further down the ILL FOOD CHAIN...are now completely schizophrenic but extremely clever...

...they have a two-way vision upon the world of 'JOO or NON-JOO'...

"We have a duty to rob and steal blind - from any GENTILE - that is what we do - we HATE them"

The SEPHARDIM/ARAB JOOS rather upset them all by telling them that they were not actually JOOS at all.

That sent CHABAD even crazier than before...

See previous notes on the 'homeland' of KAZAKHSTAN.

Black Rabbit said...

It was probably SCARLETT who told me but in point of fact, I cannot remember who...that MARTIN GILL had renounced his lifetime belief in ORTHODOXY and even JOODAISM...he had got to tipping point and tipped over...he washed his hands of the lot of them and got typical masculine fashion...he even started eating 'pig' as in make his point quite clear.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I remember Swiss Controller pointing out that there were a lot of 'worms' in pork...if left, it became a mass of seething worms...and so probably not a good meat to eat...

However, if it is really from PIG and not a human being - why not?

Your choice.

You just have to make sure that it is from an animal as I have previously outlined...go to the butchers and watch them take a cut off a carcass and if that doesn't put you off - good health to you.

The ILL have been selling off human flesh in this country as PORK...and have been doing so since of their SICK JOKES.

...and through all sorts of supermarket outlets...not just a small East End shop called MRS LOVETT's PIES.

Black Rabbit said...

So if you do not want to eat 'one of your comrades-in-arms' - lay off the pork unless you have seen that the cut which you about to eat, was really taken from an animal.

I suppose that was the whole point of MOSES' law - just stop them from eating PORK point-blank and that minimises the eating of human beings passed off as 'pork'.

Black Rabbit said...

As I have also outlined - the eating of pork after an abstinence (in my case) can make you 'wake up' to ILL memories of cannibalism.

Black Rabbit said...

Otherwise you continue to confuse the two - not a good state of mind to be in.

Black Rabbit said...

So what is the state of play for JOODAISM today?

The majority of the ASHKENAZIM top ILL are from the SAXONY family descendents of the ILLUMINATI CULT which was created as a FRONT to hide other more evil figures...ADAMA WEISHAUPT was a 'big ILL joke'...

The SACHS/SAXONY descendents...

Black Rabbit said...

...the irony in all of this is that the SACHS claim to be LEVITES...

...when of course, they are NO such thing...not even remotely, genetically connected to ISRAEL...

...far more connected to KAZAKHSTAN and surrounding areas...

Black Rabbit said...

Yet oddly enough...TOLKEIN uses a facsimile of their surname for the BAGGINS...

Sackville-Baggins family
The Sackville-Baggins family was founded by the marriage of Longo Baggins to Camellia Sackville, heiress of the Sackville family headship. Their son, Otho Sackville-Baggins, adopted a double name, kept by his wife Lobelia (née Bracegirdle). They had a son Lotho, who was murdered. At Lobelia's death this short line became extinct.

The name Sackville was a familiar "aristocratic" name in Tolkien's day, especially in double-barrelled names such as Sackville-West, and he presumably used it (and the contrast with the more mundane Baggins) to imply the snobbish nature of the Sackville-Bagginses. Notes in the guide for translators of the Lord of the Rings show Tolkien also had the "sack"/"bag" connection in mind, which is kept in most translations, e.g. in Dutch the name becomes Buul-Balings, "buul" and "baal" both being words for sack or bag.

Black Rabbit said...

So what was TOLKEIN saying then?

That the aristocratic SACHS would at some point 'wake up' and understand that they had been under mind control?

Perhaps he meant that the aristocratic element were 'past redemption' and that those who were the working class/middle class BAGGINS had to do the real work?

Black Rabbit said...

The SACKS/SACHS appear to have been an IRISH aristocratic family - as far as NY research was evil bunch of Leprechauns...that MACDONALD is UNWILLING to talk about here...

So what was it about IRISH JOOS historically, eh MACDONALD?

Black Rabbit said...

These evil bastards weren't just in IRISH joory...they were in the CATHOLIC CHURCH and these 'god-fearing folk' used to block the police, every time...

Black Rabbit said...

An uneasy alliance but it worked every time - said AMADEUS - in relation to the police begin hit by a 'double-whammy' of concerned 'religious folk'.

Black Rabbit said...

Let us put it this way:

Who is going to argue with the 'evidence' of a NUN, or a VICAR, or a PRIEST, or RABBI?

Particularly in terms of a 'character reference' in relation to the suspect?

Black Rabbit said...

All I can think of is leaving SWITZERLAND (at the airport) and seeing the LIGHT BLUE GOWN of a NUN (see MARK R's photograph of another such 'BLUE NUN') who resembled RIMINGTON in tone of voice and demeanour...hustling a family through to customs...

Black Rabbit said...

...and then SHARON acting the 'oh so innocent' with me in relation to me saying 'don't you see that nearly all of the spies are run through religious agencies in Jerusalem?'

It was so obvious to me...and yet 'apparently' not to him...he told me that the MOSSAD didn't have time for that...they had real terrorists on their hands...

I suppose he meant that everybody else was simply upon a fact-finding' sort of mission and not DELTA assassins...but how could you be sure?

Black Rabbit said...

So, in effect - when DALDRY put the POTATO SACKS over the heads of PRINCE WILLIAM and PRINCE PHILIP - he was trying to activate some code, to make them 'wake up'?

He then sent them off to the BRITISH ARMY (who probably nerve-gassed them so that they were then unable to do so?).

The element of the SACHS/SACKS over their heads - so that they were BLIND and STUMBLING to the world and particularly the BRITISH ARMY - is an interesting one.

What were they both programmed with afterwards?

Black Rabbit said...

I 'KNOW' that PRINCE WILLIAM is in fact, the most intelligent of the lot of them...

...and perhaps he and his grand-father have woken up to this extreme abuse...even though his grandfather was more than a willing part of it...perhaps when you are treated as a SLAVE and as a 'sack of potatoes' lose heart in the whole business...

Black Rabbit said...

The SACHS had decided to take OVERT control of the ROYAL FAMILY after TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...and they had decided to fight back...

One can only hope that their main desire in 'fighting back' was not to control the ONE RING again, as TOLKEIN would put it...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA and FBI are not the only people who have had enough of the RA CULT in this world and they are still weeding people out - see those in RED upon wikipedia...

I do not understand why they didn't finish off the ex-SHAH OF PERSIA (IRAN) - 'we call him the devil' as OBAMA said (whilst still being CIA and relatively unknown to the Public).

This guy was apparently head of the RA CULT at that point in tme...and they had him in NEW YORK - without daring to 'knock him off' for some reason (why didn't you get me to do it?)...

AMADEUS told this RA CULT 'god' - 'through myself' that he would 'leave him in pieces'.

Black Rabbit said...

I need to add another point here about OBAMA...

He knew that once he had been 'wiped' and catapulted into the hot seat as PRESIDENT that he would be a complete and utter puppet of the ILL...BUT he was willing to do that...

He told us all that what we had done together, beforehand, would make it all other possibility to have a first BLACK PRESIDENT...he had to submit to the horrors of mind control programming which would probably make him lose his mind and his memory for the rest of his life...

He was willing to do it for his 'soul' and for 'himself' to know that he had made a real difference in the world - even if nobody else knew it (i.e. that 'history' would never record it)...

Black Rabbit said...

What he meant was...he hoped that what we had done together would be a 'time bomb' under the ILL...he would by this point in time i.e. 2009 be a 'muppet' and 'puppet' of the ILL...he would have no consciousness of anybody working against the ILL (to protect us all and the cause that he had been actively part of)...

Black Rabbit said...

So OBAMA got to the idea how he did it...but we are talking 'super-intelligence' here and somebody who knew 'everything that they weren't supposed to know' whilst working within the CIA/FBI beforehand...courtesy of MARK R and MACDONALD...

So okay, in terms of his BANKING controllers who can and will put him upon the ELECTRONIC RACK at a moment's notice...(OVAL practice if you have been a 'bad boy') can only hope that OBAMA has the place filled with CCTV of the most advanced that the ILL cannot go ahead with their usual 'torture schemes/regimes'.

Black Rabbit said...

Monday morning…

Last night I remembered another thing that the ‘prancing’ CHABAD guy had said to me at LANGLEY - he was referring to the BAAL SHEM TOV - he talked about a story that RABBI had told about how G-d had protected a worm on the ground by causing a leaf to fall on top of it.

‘|Prancing’ CHABAD guy started to hiss at me that he had no idea why G-D was protecting me - because I was such a little worm.

So one can see that perhaps prancing CHABAD guy couldn’t understand why I had protection from the MOSSAD?

Additionally, I can remember ‘prancing CHABAD guy’ sitting opposite to the ROYAL FAMILY in that EYE restaurant in KAZAKHSTAN. Who is PRANCING CHABAD GUY?


I can now remember that AMADEUS told me to look back at the entire experience around OLTON hairdressers…I went back in time and saw SUE WHALLEY there…with an apple…which she chomped down whilst in her chair and got annoyed when asked for a bite by DALDRY…DEB MCD also had an apple in her bag but hid it until she could eat later on, walking home…

So one can say that this was a more elaborate SET-UP than I had previously outlined - all I can say is tha BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had set it up but I would guess that the CATHOLIC CHURCH had something to do with it, along the way.

I had been ‘chosen’ to give the JOO ‘self-awareness’ - to give him the APPLE OF KNOWLEDGE - of consciousness.

…and how am I repaid?

By PRANCING CHABAD GUY who calls me a worm…

YOU ARE THE BRAINLESS, EYELESS WORM - prancing ‘chabad’ guy…you and all of your brethren.


This appears to have been a ‘consciousness’ raising exercise for the lot of you.

Look at YOURSELVES in the mirror and weep.

Look at what the CATHOLIC CHURCH programmed you to do.

Look at the state of yourselves and your religion.

You’re supposed to be ‘intelligent’ aren’t you?


Black Rabbit said...

Last night - I got a large amount of images and ‘understandings’ about what was going on in PALESTINE.

Firstly - that different factions of PALESTINIANS were actually shelling each other - in different cities - as well as the JOOS bombing them…in fact one could say that the entire PALESTINIAN STATE was at war - civil war. This is seldom reported, if at all, in the newspapers.

Secondly that the ROYAL FAMILY/BRITISH INTELLIGENCE along with the MOSSAD - had been using these ‘trapped people’ as a POOL of potential mind control slaves. So many of them are under mind control - they are then ‘run’ against other ARAB countries.

I had already seen the ZYGOTE SLAVERY going on - in 1980 (see previous notes and MARK R’s photographs of the ‘chess tournament’ in the canteen with FRIED EGGS painted on the walls).

No wonder the other ARAB countries will not let these people in - PALESTINIANS are not wanted anywhere, within the ARAB world. One can see why - every single one, a possible ‘assassin’.

This is where BRITISH INTELLIGENCE/ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE ‘recruits’ I.e. kidnaps and tortures their victims - to then run them within the ARAB world. That is how they keep a handle upon what is going on in the Arab world.

Black Rabbit said...

A mind control slave is lifted 'out of the pool' - reprogrammed and then given the requisite set of documents by ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE. They are then sent off as spies in the Arab world.

Black Rabbit said...

The PALESTINIANS didn’t understand why the WALL was built - most of them had got on well with their JOOISH neighbours - they figured that they were very similar - they took it as a personal slight that this wall could be built - see previous notes on how very similar ISRAELIS/PALESTINIANS are culturally.

It all reminds me of the BERLIN WALL which divided GERMANY - ‘Germans’ on both sides - the same culturally but divided up because somebody took a ballpoint pen and drew a line through Germany…

So what was the WALL really for?

Who ran a line through the land map?

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking of the MOUSEMATE video before I went to sleep and the two words that are spelt out on the SCRABBLEBOARD:

SP-D becomes SPID (spied)

I had a dream last night about two black spiders, who were letting themselves down from the ceiling and fighting each other as they did so…one was a sort of QUEEN SPIDER who had a ‘golden ball’ dangling from her….she wanted to hatch her eggs…for some reason I knew that this was the case…and so I put them both into a plastic container to ‘inspect’ what might happen next. So there were lots of little spiders in the perspex container…

The dream then turned to PALESTINE and the SHELLING began…

I still have no idea of what the dream symbolised but when I woke up….I began to remember things about PALESTINE.

Additionally, a little boy was in my dream and I think that it was GREEN in a child alter (he was one of AMADEUS’ favourites) - he had taken the springs out of my bed…


That was a big part of my programming - so GREEN had managed to get it out in some way…

I then remembered that GREEN had actually done this at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…it was a graphic way of dismantling SPRING programming…SPRING TIME FOR HITLER…for the NWO…

Anyway, the dream continued and I opened what appeared to be an old piece of furniture from BLACKHEATH…an old ornate cupboard in dark wood…a sideboard of sorts…and inside was a huge amount of loaves of bread - supermarket bread…and also a joint of beef in supermarket plastic wrapping and a pig’s trotter also in supermarket plastic wrapping…GREEN had been storing up food which wasn’t contaminated by drugs…stealing from the kitchen, as I had been.

The dream then got weirder…and some officious ‘British Council’ type woman came into the room and asked us why the supplies for PALESTINE had ended up in that room…

So one can guess that there had been some programming attached to ISRAEL/PALESTINE at the TEMPLAR CASTLE but what?

Black Rabbit said...

Was it the BRITISH ARMY who were shelling the TEMPLAR CASTLE from the outside...and had the TEMPLARS decided that they were in PALESTINE?

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that in a sense they were...the JOOS had got them cornered...GOLDMAN SACHS etc.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - in that CIA SUITE - it was AMADEUS who had told me to visualise keeping all of those SPID-ERS in a container - from which they couldn't escape until they had been thoroughly researched and analysed.

So what was he talking about?


SP-D and the winning move is putting the 'I' in - what was MACDONALD and the Swiss Controller thinking of?

Additionally, why was the ROOK thrown out of BROOKLYN?

The PRIEST thrown out of BROOKLYN.

To be replaced by:



This looks like the surname BOLEYN to me but I am none too sure...

Black Rabbit said...

So where those BLACK SPIDERS to do with NWO plans and also related to QUANTUUM CHEMISTRY/BIOLOGY in terms of the 'black spiders' who came into the time/space continuum stream in order to latch onto different 'balls'?

Black Rabbit said...

So let us look at CHABAD then and first up the CHABAD LUBAVITCHERS:

With Chabad rabbis from across the world looking on, President George W. Bush signs a presidential proclamation Tuesday, April 15, 2008, in honor of Wednesday’s Education and Sharing Day, and highlighting the important work of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. The Chabad Lubavitch movement promotes global education, and since 1978, every President has signed an Education and Sharing Day proclamation. White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian.

Black Rabbit said...

However, these guys do not tend to have the fat 'sausaage' ringlets - do they?

I am looking for the little 'prancer' with the sausage ringlets...

Black Rabbit said...

Knitting together Jewish thought, life, and social action

This looks rather like a RIMINGTON/AMBASSADOR WOODALL site to me...

Black Rabbit said...

I know that this YARMULKE made especially for OBAMA is important and that it is something to do with the logo...but I cannot think what yet...

It simply reminds me of the TRAVELODGE LOGO at present.

Black Rabbit said...

The difference is that the colours RED/BLUE appear to be reversed within the circle...

Black Rabbit said...

The misspellings in this blog are odd:


It has an URL in it.

Black Rabbit said...

"GEORGE H.W. BUSH in 1985 as Vice President had played a personal role in 'Operation Joshua,' the airlift which brought 10,000 Jews out of Ethiopia directly to resettlement in Israel. Then, again in 1991, when Bush was Pr esiden t, America helped play a critical role in 'Operation Solomon', the escape of 14,000 more Ethiopian Jews. Most dramatically, Bush got the U.N. to revoke its 1975 'Zionism is Racism' resolutionConsider the last two officeholders."

So why is GEORGE BUSH the:


Black Rabbit said...

Professor Sherman L. Cohn, GeorgetownUniversity Law Center

Who is this guy?

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had shown me the TRAVELODGE logo and said 'remember this'?

I didn't.

She then pointed out the RED FACE above the BLUE FACE as an inverse representation of a face.

Black Rabbit said...

Cohn appears to be very interested in NEEDLES - not a good sign - he is on the board of:

National Acupuncture Foundation (NAF)

The National Acupuncture Foundation is a not for profit, 501(c)(3) corporation founded in 1991 in Washington, DC. The Foundation was established for educational and charitable purposes, including, but not limited to, the promotion of acupuncture and Oriental medicine and its allied health modalities in the United States, through encouraging and distributing publications, encouraging scholarship and research and education, encouraging students to attend schools of acupuncture and allied health modalities, disseminating to the public and to public officials information about acupuncture, and furthering the integration of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and other aspects of Oriental medical into the American healthcare system.

The Foundation was pivotal in the FDA Needle Reclassification Petition, served as the fiscal home for the National Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and conducted the research for the herbal certification program by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. It has also supported the Herbal Safety Guidelines Project, the research and publication of the Acupuncture Safety Record, provided sponsorship of educational presentations on acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, and maintained representation at meetings of national and international wellness organizations.

The Foundation publishes titles related to acupuncture and Oriental medicine and issues related to the integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies into the U.S. healthcare system under its imprint NAF Publications. At present, these include the Clean Needle Technique Manual for Acupuncturists, 5th Edition (in English, Chinese, and Korean), Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine State Laws and Regulations, 2005 Edition (March 2005), Legislative Handbook for the Practice of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and Legal Issues in Integrative Medicine (January 2005).

The Foundation welcomes your interest and encourages you to help us make our work more meaningful to the larger community we serve.

Black Rabbit said...

Sherman L. Cohn, B.S.F.S., LL.B., LL.M., Georgetown

Sherman L. Cohn has been a professor at the Georgetown Law Center in Washington, D.C. since 1965. He specializes in the fields of civil procedure and professional responsibility and has published various books and articles on those subjects in recent years. Before joining the Law Center faculty, he served as a clerk for Judge Charles Fahy of the D.C. Circuit and in the Appellate Section of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice. He is a member of the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia bars and is also a member of the American Law Institute, the American Judicature Society, and the Society of American Law Teachers. He served for eleven years as the first national president of the American Inns of Court. He served as the Administrator of Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases from 1976-79 and as Director of Continuing Legal Education at the Law Center from 1977-84.

From 1982-93, Professor Cohn served as chair of the National Accreditation Commission for Schools and Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He is presently a member of the Board of Overseers of the Tai Sophia Institute and its legal counsel. He has served as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Tai Hsuan Foundation, and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance. At Georgetown, Professor Cohn teaches a seminar in the Legal Issues of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and lectures on this subject at the Georgetown School of Medicine.

From 1983-87, Professor Cohn served as president of the American Section of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists and as deputy president of the International Association. He served as the President of the Jewish Law Association from 1998 to 2002. He has also served as a director of the Foundation for Mideast Communication. From 1985-87, he served as chair of the Georgetown Annual Fund. Earlier he had been chair of the Georgetown Law Fund. He has lectured in Germany, Colombia, Russia, Korea, China, Japan, Italy, Israel, The Netherlands, and Paraguay. He is on the Board of Visitors of John Marshall Law School and on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Council for the Aging.

Black Rabbit said...

I know that the above website was put together by MACDONALD AND CO - it is highly significant but why?

All I can see is MUMBAI/BOMBAY infiltrated by CHABAD LUBAVITCHERS...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, we all went there and took those fact, as far as I can remember - I took the pics of the CHABAD in the library...what was going on?

Why was it important to go?

The whole 'crazy company' went, including AMADEUS.

Black Rabbit said...

A little bit more is coming back...

RIMINGTON telling me/programming me with MUMBAI...

She was the 'DARK MOTHER'...MUM-BAI

BAI means 'WHITE' in Chinese...

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally and in relation the CHABAD RABBI on that contraption - lighting the lights...

MACDONALD was by my side and he said 'LOOK! There's AMADEUS up there...'

Was he joking?

He must have been...maybe there was a similarity of appearance.

Black Rabbit said...

So this had been a RA CULT HOTEL and we were there - 'inspecting' the damage?

"A pigeon walks in front of the Taj Mahal Palace and Towers hotel a day after it was reopened in Mumbai, India, Monday, Dec. 22, 2008. The majestic Taj Mahal, an icon of Indian pride and a playground for the global elite for over a century, and the sleek, sea-front Oberoi were among 10 sites targeted in the rampage. At the end of the militants' 60-hour standoff with police, 164 people and nine gunmen were dead, including dozens of guests and staff members from the two hotels."

Black Rabbit said...

The above comment appears under the BLACK PIGEON in front of a seaside hotel...

Black Rabbit said...

...I am guessing here but was this a 'statement' of intent by the CIA - that if the RA CULT do not stop - that similar 'attacks' will occur and in every country until these top ILL stop the RA CULT?

Black Rabbit said...

...which means that I really do not want to go and 'live' in a TRAVELODGE - however 'humble' it might be in comparison to other hotels...not a safe place to be.

Black Rabbit said...

How horrifying - but that is the reality of it on the ground...the RA CULT won't give up without a fight...that is what appears to be being said here...

Black Rabbit said...

...and of course, the wrong people got blamed for it.

I suppose that is why I get to show the whole picture, upon this blogspot.

The real 'war' going on here - was against the RA CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

What did GORDON BROWN have to do with all of this?

Black Rabbit said...

What did GORDON BROWN say 'in conference' in PAKISTAN?

As far as I know - the BRITISH used to control PAKISTAN via the RA CULT...but then the AMERICANS took over and booted them out...

So I would guess that GORDON BROWN had a lot to talk about...but what?

Black Rabbit said...

What is being suggested here is that INDIA had become a 'stronghold' of the RA CULT...

True or false?

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