Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

You can look at some of the artwork presented by CALFUND.ORG...

Watch JOHN MALPEDE's video about PRESIDENT KENNEDY visiting a deprived area in the USA and watch everybody pile into a WHITE CLAPPERBOARD HOUSE to see the movie...

I had been taken to this very house - where RA CULT MAL/BAD PAEDOPHILES abuse the children...

TOMLINSON,ROS and RIMINGTON had taken me program me.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so MS CARROLL has just rang me to say that she will contact the owners of the B&B to makes sure that I haven't had any 'tenancy problems' with them...and then she thinks that it is most likely that CHP will make me the offer of the accommodation that I was taken to view yesterday.

So one can assume that SCARLETT and CO want this to go ahead.

Black Rabbit said...

The above was ROS' favourite video from this 'art group' - heaven only knows what the tortured psyche of ELANA MANN was saying to her own...

Black Rabbit said...

A local newspaper had the photograph of a young black woman/girl called STELLA…I didn’t look closely but it appears that she had disappeared…I immediately flashbacked to learning that the MASONS had decided that if they thought that RIMINGTON might be dead…that they would manufacture this type of newstory in order to begin a massive MASONIC search for RIMINGTON…

Black Rabbit said...

I had a nap this afternoon and my dream made it quite clear to me that RIMINGTON had been running the 'RAILWAY ILL family' MAFIA...after her death...TOMLINSON had taken it over...he had a financial program to drain major Western countries at work...and he had made a copy and put it in ROS' brain...

Black Rabbit said...

This is all about TURKEY and those who got dunked in the BLACK SEA...CHABAD and the ORTHODOX in general...TOMLINSON's roots.

Black Rabbit said...

I am beginning to get the picture here that the main reason for the NON-DECLARATION of RIMINGTON’s death is all about money…the mafia rings and businesses that she ran…which are still in her name but that TOMLINSON is collecting the revenues…just like he was still collecting her ‘pension’ etc when he knew that she was dead…

Still ploughing the money into KAZAKHSTAN then, TOMLINSON?

…perhaps you have your own ‘island base’ by now and are starting up a paramilitary organisation…all very ‘JAMES BOND’…so that is what MI6 are probably thinking is the worst case scenario…

So the JAMES BOND concept and script now has a new twist to it…and the new SPECTRE is…or rather the new ‘foe’ is…RUSSIAN/ASHKENAZIM/TURKISH/JOOISH/ISRAELI/KAZAKHSTANI…who knows?

I have no idea why you are doing it, TOMLINSON? I think that I have got a good idea…

Give me a good reason...give me several - go on, try me.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is DR IVAN MISNER's photograph - bigwig at BNI.

Look at the image of the BNI outfit on his suit - a gold coin with a red laurel wreath?

This guy looks so sinister...

Black Rabbit said...

Here it is again (didn't come out properly last time).

Black Rabbit said...

I remember attending a meeting in that PARIS room but I cannot remember what it was about...

Black Rabbit said...

"BNI Poleg Natanya, the 18th chapter of BNI Israel, was launched on August 18th with over 70 members and guests present. The number 18 is very significant in Israel, as in Hebrew it means life. This chapter has "doubled their life" by being the 18th chapter and launched on the 18th of the month!"

Doesn't this all begin to sound like RE-BRANDING the RA CULT?

You still have the MASONIC CHAPTERS and same old game but NEW LOGO.

Black Rabbit said...

Just looking at the titles and photographs...this BNI website has all of the hallmarks of TOMLINSON's interests...MARK R - looks like he wrote the 'currency' article...and so on...

Black Rabbit said...

The Perks of BNI Membership

The whole idea appears to be based upon an idea that I had whilst at COUNTYWEB in 2000 who were losing money hand over foot...just over the basic perk to all members that they get cut-rates from all other exclusive club...TOMLINSON was interested in the idea even though COUNTYWEB weren't...

Black Rabbit said...

...and you can see that this is how BNI basically operates...also incorporating a GOLD and BRONZE system i.e. a hierarchy of 'elite club' layers...

Black Rabbit said...

Look at this webpage for some of the most SATANIC new company LOGOS that I have seen in a long while.


Funnily enough - PRINCE CHARLES also uses this DARK TURQUOISE for his associated companies (not publicly admitted to either, I might add)...

NEW COVENT GARDEN FOOD CO has a new soup of the month out in this DARK TURQUOISE called 'summer pead and lettuce' - the picture upon th e front says:


Black Rabbit said...

The above-named companies are all to be watched AND avoided.

Even more bizarrely - read the RUSSIAN at the bottom of the website upon the 'click' bar.

Also the number code and the weird comment left...

Black Rabbit said...

Wolda'08 ( Wolda Professional awards )
Wolda, the Worldwide Logo Design Annual, is the innovative graphic design awards scheme that rewards the best logos and trademarks designed throughout the world.

Milan, September 29, 2008 - Wolda is proud to announce the winners of its inaugural 2008 edition: 192 logos selected from almost 1100 entries submitted from 43 different countries around the world. The overall winner of Wolda ’08 is the “One Degree” logo from Landor Associates (Australia), designed for News Limited by Jason Little, Tim Warren, Steve Clarke and Mike Staniford. In the student category, Wolda Talent, Daniel A. Becker from Germany was the overall winner with the “Super Kraft” logo, designed for a Japanese music label. Wolda is the only award scheme in the world endorsed by more than 100 design associations and schools internationally. One of the reasons for its success is the innovative international three-tier jury consisting of 10 top designers, 10 marketing managers from major international clients and finally 10 members of the public, selected respectively by ICOGRADA, AQUENT and CONSUMERS INTERNATIONAL.

Best of the World, Best of Oceania, Best of Australia

In 2007, Rupert Murdoch laid down the challenge for News Limited and its associated global businesses to become carbon neutral by 2010. The challenge was to create a brand that would materially help drive employee, supplier and public action on climate change. One Degree has been developed on a simple premise: that if everyone were to change their behavior by just one degree, we can change the future of the planet. The logo combines both the number and the degree symbol, which together represent a person. In doing so, it neatly encapsulates the real impact that an individual can start to make in addressing climate change.

Black Rabbit said...


Logo name: One Degree
Nation: Australia
Agency: Landor Associates
Designer(s): Jason Little, Tim Warren, Steve Clarke, Mike Staniford
Client: News Limited

Score: 119

Best of Africa, Best of South Africa

Soulstice is a day spa, with architecture featuring good use of natural light and a solarium at its centre. The name refers to a «cosmic» event which involves the position of the earth in relation to the sun, it signals the change of the seasons, a similar process to what happens in a spa. The «O» in Soulstice represents the earth and the circle above the word shining down the sun.

Logo name: SoulStice
Nation: South Africa
Agency: The Brand Union, Johannesburg
Designer(s): Bronwen Rautenbach, Kyle Wilhelm
Client: SoulStice

Score: 62
Best of Americas, Best of United States

Sapka means «hat» in Turkish. Logo and identity design for a vintage style 'hat' designer. The name comes from the turkish word, originally without any diacritic marks on top. In the logo, the word «sapka» is indicated with accent letters and changes into another language which does not exist yet.

Logo name: Sapka Hat Design
Nation: United States
Agency: Deniz Marlali
Designer(s): Deniz Marlali
Client: Hats By Aysel / Aysel Ormanbaba

Score: 100
Best of Asia, Best of Thailand

Logo made for «Neo Tokyo», an exhibition of contemporary Japanese electronic art. The logo represents a fusion between technology, nature and the artists.

Logo name: Neo Tokyo
Nation: Thailand
Agency: Digital ZOO
Designer(s): David Williams, Siripong Wongjinda, Pasu Kongprasertkit, Teerayuth Leetrakul
Client: Japanese electronic art exhibition

Score: 114
Best of Europe, Best of Spain

An easy logo in just black ink with different meanings: the black wine bottle, the corkscrew, the two «S» of the name, and the «V» of «vinos» (wines in spanish).

Logo name: Sancti Spíritus Wines
Nation: Spain
Agency: El Paso, Galería de Comunicación
Designer(s): Álvaro Pérez
Client: La Repostería de las Monjas

Score: 111
Best of Bahrain

BNI, previously called 'Bahrain National Insurance' is Bahrain's largest insurance company.

Logo name: BNI
Nation: Bahrain
Agency: Unisono
Designer(s): Liam Farrell
Client: BNI

Score: 61

Black Rabbit said...

Best of Belgium

Logo created for Alex Schrijvers, a Belgian handbag designer. He creates exquisite leather bags in an 'alternative chic' style. The challenge consisted in designing a standalone logo that gives expression to the elegance of his creations with a clear reference to his name. In this way, his initial letter 'A' became very sophisticated.

Logo name: Alex Schrijvers Handbags
Nation: Belgium
Agency: Davy Dooms
Designer(s): Davy Dooms
Client: Alex Schrijvers

Score: 110
Best of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This logo was designed for the XY FILMS, production company from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. XY FILMS primarily focuses on the production of documentary films and TV program, as well as various forms of promotional video material. The client wished for a simple and direct logo, memorable stand alone mark that defines the company.

Logo name: XY FILMS
Nation: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Agency: Muamer Design
Designer(s): Muamer Adilovic
Client: XY FILMS

Score: 72
Best of Croatia

The logo was designed for an art fair which was the first of this kind in the region of Istria. The commissioner was the town of Rovinj. It is the identity of the whole manifestation.

Logo name: Artexchange
Nation: Croatia
Agency: Parabureau
Designer(s): Igor Stanisljevic, Marko Baus
Client: grad Rovinj (town of Rovinj)

Score: 70
Best of Cyprus

Asteria is the outdoor bar of the Atlantica Miramare Hotel, a 4-star hotel in Limassol, one of the most popular seaside resorts on the island of Cyprus. The name is the plural form of the word «asteri», which means «star» in Greek. The blue colour was chosen to emphasize the bar's location overlooking the sea, the martini glass to represent a bar, and the star to indicate an outdoor venue under starry Mediterranean skies. The movement of lines expresses liveliness, happy hour, and in general the mood of this popular bar.

Logo name: Asteria Bar
Nation: Cyprus
Agency: T&E Polydorou Design
Designer(s): Tasos Polydorou
Client: Miramare Hotel - Limassol

Score: 73

Black Rabbit said...


Best of Czech Republic

Grafika publishing is Czech internet publishing house founded in 1999 with the aim of providing highly professional services in the fields of printing, digital technologies and education. Within a short time, Grafika Publishing has achieved a unique position in its field of specialization. As a computer screen displays pictures by merging three colours of RGB colour model, the designers have constructed a logo with layers of round dotsand putting these onto the globe to emphasize digital and worldwide character of the clients' business.

Logo name: Grafika Publishing
Nation: Czech Republic
Agency: Toman Graphic Design
Designer(s): Jiri Toman
Client: Grafika Publishing s.r.o.

Score: 67
Best of Denmark

Sonderborg Airport is a small airport on the island of Als in Denmark and is primarily used for business travel to Copenhagen, but also houses a fleet of privately owned aircraft and small, independent flight services. To express security, openness and helpfulness, we have designed a logo that resembles the tail of a swallow, which is famous for its flying skills and its ability to build a safe home for its offspring. The upwards sweeping line conveys an impression of growth, where the combination of bordeaux and black symbolises professionalism and experience. The logo also resembles one half of a broad smile, underlining the fact many different elements work perfectly together to offer customers a special experience. Sonderborg airport is your gateway to the world. No queues, no hassle – a fact that is perfectly underlined with a strong payoff: Sonderborg Airport – only a smile away

Logo name: Sonderborg Airport
Nation: Denmark
Agency: G1 Advertising
Designer(s): Jesper Philipsen
Client: Sonderborg Airport

Score: 67

Black Rabbit said...


Best of Estonia

From marketing specialized programs to those of technical areas, Punane Puu is a schooling company, practicing exclusively in the constructional industry. The first task was to find a suitable name for the venture. The outcome - “red tree” - derives from a local saying, meaning “to make something plain and clear”. Having a good name as a strong starting point, a conceptually sharp visual identity was cultivated: a tree that can also be viewed as a symbol incorporating a brain structure. All in all, a brand concept that relates to wisdom and a visual mark that accentuates the meaning furthermore.

Logo name: Punane Puu
Nation: Estonia
Designer(s): Kadri-Maria Mitt, Hannes Unt
Client: Punane Puu

Score: 84
Best of Finland

The theme of Amnesty International’s Finnish section for year 2008 are the Olympic Games in Beijing, and human rights in China. The campaign was to be optimistic and encouraging. The campaign symbol shows the Chinese dragon playing in the sky together with western olympic doves – on the way to greater freedom.

Logo name: Amnesty International Beijing 2008
Nation: Finland
Agency: Hahmo Design Ltd.
Designer(s): Jenni Kuokka, Pekka Piippo, Antti Raudaskoski / Hahmo Design Ltd.
Client: Amnesty International's Finnish section

Score: 84
Best of France

«La main gauche» is an event agency.

Logo name: La main gauche (the left hand)
Nation: France
Agency: ---
Designer(s): Thomas Poirrier
Client: Sandrine Gazal - La Main Gauche (The Left Hand) - Event agency

Score: 84
Best of Germany

Mea Stella is an event and booking agency for stars and artists. The logo emerged from the italian expression «mea stella», which means «my star» and the surname of the founder and head of the agency Finke (engl. Finch), which is the name of a certain species of birds.

Logo name: Mea Stella
Nation: Germany
Designer(s): Christian Rother, Tina M. Strobel, Daniela Rudolf, Nadine Förtsch
Client: Mea Stella

Score: 93

Black Rabbit said...


Best of Greece

The Greek successful Bid for the Mediterranean Games required a visual identity that would reinforce their position on winning the Games for 2013. The two not that popular bidding cities needed to communicate a well illustrated plan and attract attention of the ICMG and the public. The 2 cities' main issue to be portrayed thoroughly, was environmental consciousness along with historical info. The logo depicts all those necessary meanings by 2 major symbolisms. The 1st one has two dimensions and promotes 2 elements of nature: the earth (Larisa) and the sea (Volos); the countries and the sea of the Mediterranean, the ancient Greek blue ship (Jason's Argo and the golden fleece) and the Mediterranean Sea. The logo’s 2nd symbolism stems from its overall visual presence, emphasizing ecological friendliness through the soft natural color code.

Logo name: Volos and Larisa 2013, Mediterranean Games
Nation: Greece
Designer(s): Konstantinos Mamangakis
Client: DVA SA

Score: 67
Best of Hong Kong

BABYFIRST is a joint venture retail store selling high-end childcare products in Mainland China between local and foreign businessmen. The design brief stated the need to convey the company’s ‘foreign origin’ but to cater to local tastes and cultures. It is a Chinese tradition to swaddle a newborn baby in red to confer on it good fortune. The pacifier communicates wellbeing and ‘foreign’.

Logo name: babyfirst
Nation: Hong Kong
Agency: mad studios
Designer(s): brian LAU, lilian CHAN
Client: babyfirst

Score: 86
Best of Iceland

Description/Target Market: Logo for Birkifell construction company. The letter «B» represents the company's first letter while the hammer symbolizes an icon for the trade.

Logo name: Birkifell
Nation: Iceland
Agency: Fìton
Designer(s):Oscar Bjarnason
Client: Birkifell

Score: 68
Best of Ireland

Logo for The National Consumer Agency (NCA), which is a statutory body established by the Irish Government in May 2007. It aims to defend consumer interests and to embed a robust consumer culture in Ireland. The Logo emphasises the importance of people in the role of the NCA. The closeness of the graphic figures represents the unity of consumers and conveys the concept of a collective voice, speaking together as one unified body. The colours selected are intended to convey the diversity of consumers in Ireland today - diverse in terms of culture and nationality but also in the needs of each consumer as an individual.

Logo name: National Consumer Agency
Nation: Ireland
Agency: Dowling & Dowling Design Consultants LTD.
Designer(s):Aoife Broderick
Client: National Consumer Agency

Score: 69

Black Rabbit said...


Best of Israel

Vibration based mineral water brand.

Logo name: Flow
Nation: Israel
Agency: Danny Goldberg Design
Designer(s): Danny Goldberg Design
Client: Flow

Score: 75
Best of Italy

RACE. Research for an Alternative and Clean Energy. RACE is a corporation operating internationally with various strongly innovative projects that have a highly technological content. The company’s activity is fuelled with the achievements obtained through a constant Scientific Research in the ecological and in the environmental field: recycling of strategic resources; environment safeguard and tutelage; recycling of waste materials in order to produce Clean Energy.

Logo name: fuzzyenergy
Nation: Italy
Agency: metaforma design
Designer(s): antonella giardina e luciano marino
Client: RACE. Research for an Alternative and Clean Energy.

Score: 95
Best of Japan

The logo was created for a Tokyo-based design company which specializes in web site production and graphics, particularly architectural related works.

Logo name: studio neo
Nation: Japan
Agency: studio Neo
Designer(s): Sachiyo Inami, Yoshiki Shindo
Client: studio Neo

Score: 77
Best of Korea, Republic of

WAKE is a 10 minute film about the story of a young man in the wake of his wife's death. In the story, the tree is a very important motif that becomes a spiritual connection of life & death as well as it ties the ground & grave together. The film is targeting all people, but especially young couples.

Logo name: Wake
Nation: Korea, Republic of
Agency: Youngha Park
Designer(s): Youngha Park
Client: Auracle Pictures, Inc.

Score: 79
Best of Kosovo

MOLLA (apple) is the First and Only, Apple Premium Reseller in Prishtina, Kosovo.

Logo name: Molla
Nation: Kosovo
Agency: ---
Designer(s): Bujar Kabashi
Client: Molla

Score: 72

Black Rabbit said...


Best of Latvia

The graphical symbol of H&L Studija incorporates minimalism, simplicity and reserved refinement. H&L Studija is a well known company selling the highest quality tiles; therefore, the graphic identity depicts a concept of a tile. A major portion of the logo consists of a black square as the most obvious depiction of a tile. The perpendicular lines of the capital letters «H» and «L» emphasize the similarities between these characters and a shape of a tile or some of its parts. Taking a closer look at «H», it by itself contains two smaller tiles located one above the other, while the character «L» merges with the black tile.

Logo name: H&L Studija
Nation: Latvia
Agency: Asketic
Designer(s): Krisjanis Jukumsons-Jukumnieks
Client: H&L Studija

Score: 73
Best of Luxembourg

Luxair launched a winter campaign to promote the airline's new winter destinations as well as their internal Christmas communication. The key element of this campaign was a logo which was used across all kind of material during the winter period. A very simple logo - a snowflake made out of planes - was created and used on the cover of the timetable, the internal and external Christmas cards, the invite and poster for their internal Christmas market, the headrest inside their planes, etc.

Logo name: Snowflake
Nation: Luxembourg
Agency: Vidale-Gloesener
Designer(s): Vidale-Gloesener (team)
Client: LuxairGroup

Score: 92
Best of Malta

Part of an initiative designed to raise awareness of Health and Safety issues at work. Relaxed enforcement of regulations in Malta leads to many work related injuries every year. Our client wished to take a proactive approach by encouraging his staff to show greater responsibility for their own safety at work. The design juxtaposes a stereotypical «worker» and a safety pin to create a visual pun for a «safe worker».

Logo name: Safeguard
Nation: Malta
Agency: Bulldog
Designer(s): Ren Spiteri
Client: Waldonet

Score: 83
Best of Netherlands

This logo was developed for the event «The Naked Poodle» which was held during the Cross Media Week PICNIC 2007 in September 2007 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Naked Poodle is a theatrical 'mash-up' of a pressure-cooker brainstorming session, speed dating, simultaneous chess, rap battle and Free Fight gala. In each round, four creative teams are sent into the ring to compete and assigned to create a project related to a current social issue within 30 minutes. That explains the name: everybody can see your creativity on big screens - it feels 'bare naked', just like a naked poodle. The logo gives a fluffy, poodle like feeling. The words flow over in each other, which stands for the creative process and the battle between the teams.

Logo name: The Naked Poodle
Nation: Netherlands
Agency: Fabrique Communications and Design
Designer(s): Jari Versteegen, Joana Muhlenbrock, David Smulders
Client: Fabrique Communications and Design, Usual Suspects

Score: 89

Black Rabbit said...


Best of New Zealand

Northpine is a timber company based in the North of New Zealand. Due to low altitude and warm temperatures, Northland pine plantations produce the strongest and stiffest pine grown in New Zealand. Northpine chooses only the best of this resource to produce their high quality timber products. It is this story of strength and product superiority that the company wanted to reflect in its branding.

Logo name: Northpine
Nation: New Zealand
Agency: Scenario Communications
Designer(s): Jason Saunders
Client: Northpine

Score: 87
Best of Norway

Logo made for a bold creative team consisting of two people. Two people being brothers and fortunately born on the same day. TWINS was a suitable name for the two. To reflect the essence of the duo, a bold typeface was created to reflect the boldness of their approaches. The number 2 was integrated to show the creativeness of their ideas.

Logo name: TWINS
Nation: Norway
Agency: The Action Designer
Designer(s): The Action Designer
Client:Twins Communications

Score: 103
Best of Poland

Logo for Brooklyn based DJ: Eleven.

Logo name: dj eleven
Nation: Poland
Agency: ---
Designer(s): jan kallwejt
Client:dj eleven

Score: 79
Best of Romania

Education International UK provides online educational products and services* in the UK, Japan, Singapore and parts of Europe with a focus on ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and internationally recognized English qualifications.

Logo name: Education International
Nation: Romania
Agency: Logo Orange Design Group
Designer(s): Mihai Licanescu, Emilia Breban
Client: Logo Orange Design Group

Score: 99
Best of Russian Federation

Kit Computers company produces and supplies service for PC, laptops, servers. It works both with corporate clients and through retail chain. The task was to create a definite easy-to-recognize image of a reliable, respectable company keeping in mind energy and progressiveness. The company logo should work effectively both for B2B and B2C.

Logo name: Kit Computers
Nation: Russian Federation
Agency: ---
Designer(s): Russ Lobachev
Client: Kit Computers

Score: 103
Best of Serbia

Logo for a café situated in a shopping mall, frequented by people who wish to take a coffee break while shopping.

Logo name: BREAK cafe
Nation: Serbia
Agency: KontraStudio
Designer(s): KontraStudio
Client: Break Cafè, Niš (Serbia)

Score: 88

Black Rabbit said...


Best of Singapore

Arts Singapore International is the international promotional arm within the Singapore National Arts Council supporting the international touring and development of international projects by Singapore performing artists. Singapore is a thriving Asian city in New Asia with a busy arts scene influenced by the traditional Asian heritage of its multicultural population and the contemporary beat of a young cosmopolitan city, that both co-exist and fuse in fresh and exciting forms of dance, music and theatre. The logo comprises four colors: Orange for Orchestras, Light Cyan for Contemporary Theatre, Green for Contemporary Dance and Red for Traditional Arts.

Logo name: Arts Singapore International
Nation: Singapore
Agency: Davis Materialworks
Designer(s): Eric Lim
Client: Singapore National Arts Council

Score: 74
Best of Slovenia

Toko is a brand name of shops with prestigious baggage accessories with a lasting tradition. The recognizable element of the new graphic design is a typical traveller – an origami bird that leads the customers on a way around the world. Bird folded as neatly as you fold your belongings when you pack for your journey.

Logo name: Toko
Nation: Slovenia
Agency: Armada
Designer(s): Teja Kleč, Darko Miladinović
Client: Toko d. o. o.

Score: 65
Best of Sweden

Logo for TV4 Anytime which is TV4’s «on-demand» service for the channels own television shows. The mission was to create a distinct symbol that communicates the basic values of the service – «watch TV whenever you want». It was also desired that the logo would be visible in small formats like the TV4 webpage. The symbol is simply the Anytime »A« tilted to create a playsign as well as an eye.

Logo name: TV4 Anytime
Nation: Sweden
Agency: Ohlsonsmith
Designer(s): Petter Hollström, Barbro Ohlson Smith, Erik Leonsson
Client: TV4 AB

Score: 81
Best of Switzerland

Alps and Arts is a young European brand who sells articles of daily use with timeless alpine design. All products are made in a traditional manner in the Alps.

Logo name: Alps and Arts
Nation: Switzerland
Agency: Remo Caminada, graphic design
Designer(s): Remo Caminada, Michael Häne
Client: Alps and Arts GmbH

Score: 84
Best of Turkey

Since 2007, Fruit & Chocolate is preparing original and delicious bouquets with fresh fruits and dipping chocolate, for those who seek something different for their special days and occasions. By carrying this original combination to Fruit&Chocolate's logo, we aimed to highlight both their diversity and freshness.

Logo name: fruit & chocolate
Nation: Turkey
Agency: ---
Designer(s): Altug Demirel, Julide Demirel
Client: Fruit & Chocolate

Score: 79
Best of Ukraine

Identity for top-stylist Natasha Balabanova.

Logo name: Natasha Balabanova
Nation: Ukraine
Agency: Artel Artyomovyh
Designer(s): Alexey Chernikov, Gera Artyomova, Sergey Artyomov
Client: Natasha Balabanova

Score: 84

Black Rabbit said...


Best of United Arab Emirates

Established in india, tiger films is a smart-up film production company that produces films for the indian bollywood film industry. A small start-up bollywood film company with hollywood ambitions. Tiger films needed to be aggressive and commanding when it comes to producing films. It had to make sure its films had the makings of a hollywood blockbuster. Being indigenous to india, the bengal tiger beame the inspiration. Hand drawn like one of india's earlier style of drawings, the tiger is caught at that split second before it pounces upon its prey: similarly how tiger films is poised and ready to conquer indian cinema. It now produces big budget bollywood productions.

Nation: United Arab Emirates
Agency: TEAM/Y&R

Score: 88
Best of United Kingdom

Logo for Be, a London based events company specialising in live music and club events in unique locations. The idea was inspired by Be's artistic performances and visually striking decor, providing a sense of theatrical ambiance.

Logo name: Be
Nation: United Kingdom
Agency: Sawdust
Designer(s): Rob Gonzalez, Jonathan Quainton
Client: Be

Score: 97

parisa pourebrahim 04.08.2009 в 08:50 # 10.08.2009 в 08:24 #

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BooksBRAND sense: Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound

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Black Rabbit said...

This is worth a mention too - probably more important than the rest:

Wolda: the evolution of a dream

Wolda (the Worldwide Logo Design Annual) is the natural evolution of Eulda (the European Logo Design Annual) that due to the widespread recognition and visibility that achieved in the worldwide design community in just two years of its existence, has opened to the world since 2008. It was in 2006 that three award-winning italian designers: Mauro Pastore, Masa Magnoni, Alessandro Floridia, united by 20 years experience and a shared passion for logo design and design publications, launched the annual they had always dreamed of.

Black Rabbit said...


Why take part?

1.Because of the innovative judging process, which – unlike any other design award – reflects the actual process that turns any logo idea into a successful logo: designers decide what to present to clients, clients decide what to present to the public, but in the end it is always the public that decides if a brand is successful. The winners are selected by an international three-tier jury consisting of 10 top design professionals, 10 marketing managers from major international clients and finally 10 members of the public (provided respectively by Icograda, Aquent and Consumers International).
2.Because of the valuable endorsement of more than 100 design associations and schools – a record for any design publication – plus a group of 17 international media partners and sponsors of the highest calibre such as Sappi and Fontegrafica (full details at
3.Because Wolda is a powerful marketing tool that grants its winners wide visibility through online mentions and articles in the most influential design media (print and digital) and through its Endorsing Associations, Media Partners and other publications from a database of 1.100 contacts worldwide.

Black Rabbit said...


4.Because of the significant discounts that Wolda offers on entry fee and purchase of the book to its winners, participants and members of endorsing associations along with the winners’ facilities, free of charge such as 2 pieces of the winner’s award certificate and trophy respectively (see more on the Rules and Prizes), online showcase, promotional and press material, book publication, promotion to media.
Mission and Objectives:

Wolda aims to promote excellence in visual communication; to provide real recognition to the people who invest their passion in this field; to act as a benchmark for the high quality of work being produced throughout the world; to offer a genuine point of contact between various countries;
Eligibility, Procedure and Technical specifications:

Designers, agencies, studios and students from all over the world are invited to enter. In Wolda, there are some interesting innovations: namely Wolda Talent (specifically for students), a special section for Logo Systems, and the online Winners Showcase (which features all published logos and not just the top award winners).

Wolda ’09 will open for entries in January 2009. For updates, simply subscribe online to our newsletter and stay tuned for the ’09 Call for entries !

During the registration period an online registration form will be available on Participants will be able to log in and out whenever necessary to see the status of their submission(s). All is done online by following the steps to create an account where each user can fill in its contact data and activate its account area by clicking on the activation link sent via e-mail by the Wolda administration team, submit its entry/ies by filling all the required info like logo name, logo description, designers’ names and finalize the payment (in euros only) online via PayPal, credit card or offline via bank transfer or cheque. A payment confirmation e-mail will be sent whilst the invoice will be downloadable by each user from its Wolda account. After payment, no amendments can be done to the submitted logo/s but each user can log in and out its Wolda account any time to update its contact data or download invoices.

Logo files should be submitted according to the following specifications:
Vector Format (Illustrator, Freehand, InDesign, Pdf). PageMaker and Quark files not accepted. CMYK colour (no Pantone). If files include fonts, must be converted to outline (vector) In case of non vectorial images, files must respect the following specifications: 300 dpi resolution, minimum size 4" x 4" (about 10 x 10 cm), TIFF format in CMYK colour. File should not exceed 10 MB.

Please do not send original work or digital versions on CD or DVD, offline subscription is only accepted in the case of technical problems.

Please refer to for further assistance or visit for more info.

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Black Rabbit said...

It mentions Eulda (the European Logo Design Annual)...

Having spent some time removing GOOGLE/GOGOL from my laptop and finding out that some files called EUDA kept embedding themselves again until I denied them any permissions and changed parent/object controls...I am very suspicious of any brand that begins EU...

Black Rabbit said...

GAMMA IDENTITY is an 'ru' extension company...that just flashed up on my screen as I was trying to reload a webpage...

Black Rabbit said...

This webpage is all about the green, green GRA - SS of home:

Meaning the old guard - the original COMMUNIST NWO PLANS...and GOOGLE is still all about well as GAMMA IDENTITY...that is why I symbolically removed GOOGLE from my laptop.

FRONT:DESIGN studio(Russia) developed a logo and corporate identity for the Arteco cottage village
Simple logo forms of the Arteco cottage village built in a pinery near Moscow are owed to its unique architectural concept. Strict geometry of buildings together with surrounding natural chaos found reflection in the corporate identity while the logo asceticism is contrasting with of lines’ active geometry resembling a sheaf of twigs and branches.

Client:Multigroup Development
Nation: Russia
Art Director(s): Andrey Kozhanov, Katherine Tarasova
Designer(s): Denis Bashev

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Black Rabbit said...

The problem with the COMMUNIST NWO was that it was like the basic programming and PLATFORM of the NWO - afterwards you could put any 'gloss' that you liked upon it - according to whatever 'display' you had in mind e.g. ZIONIST NWO/ISLAMIC NWO ...but the BASE remained the same.

Black Rabbit said...

Does this "Arteco cottage village" remind you of the joke website upon PRAVDA concerning MOUSEWORLD?

...headed up by PRINCE CHARLES...

Black Rabbit said...

I woke up this morning thinking about my family and how odd they were…and how lovable…I then thought about how talented we had all been…but how only ED had been allowed to ‘shine’ by the ILL CULT…I thought about myself in relation to my sister and her little girl SOPHIE who now has a red ‘V’ (hot needle) on her forehead - courtesy of British Intelligence…my mother had rung me from France yesterday and little Sophie was in the background saying ‘how you doin’ Emily’ - even though she has never met me. That is what the ILL CULT has done to me and my family…

If I had been able to keep MY EARNINGS from the HARRY POTTER books…by my mid-30’s I would have settled down….found a good husband…a big house in Hampstead let us say and had as many children as possible…I would have had a dog or two…to walk on the heath…and I would have been so very happy.

The ILL stole that future off me…and put me through hell on Earth - leaving me in this B&B to rot - with the prospect of continued use as a RA CULT SLAVE in a down-market chain hotel.

The ILL are simply filthy parasites upon the backs of humanity (and they know it, I guess - hence putting themselves up as ‘’insect programmers‘ - see previous notes on that specialised DK book about fleas, mosquitoes etc).

Black Rabbit said...


I watched SEX IN THE CITY last night - after the far worse film RED MIST.

What can I say about RED MIST but see my previous notes on BLACK SHELLS.

This film tells you how to create one - in so many words.

I can remember NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH was made to take the part of ‘KENNETH’ who gets turned into a BLACK SHELL. ROS and GILL were made to take the parts of the more ethical trainee doctors…ROS’ character murders GILL’s in the end and gets put in prison for it - although it is the BLACK SHELL which was running her at the time and ultimately responsible for the murder.

However the film makes an interesting point - BLACK SHELLS are not really controllable in the end…even the ILL cannot control them. They are just out to destroy - death and destruction.

SEX IN THE CITY was a ‘wish fulfilment’ fantasy for ZYGOTE SLAVES. The woman who wants to marry ‘her man’ - except that this man happens to be her PROGRAMMER who has abused her for a large part of her life. NOT true to life then, eh? Certainly not in terms of my own life.

Watch S J PARKER sit in a large wicker EGG shaped chair…watch the ‘egg imagery’ around her.

The only couple in the movie who have the ‘perfect life’ are the JOOISH COUPLE.

NOT TRUE TO LIFE - either. Think back to my notes upon the JERUSALEM POLICE and how pissed off they were with the ORTHODOX ASHKENAZIM. These men were the main reason for murder, violence and crime (drug trafficking - cocaine) in the OLD CITY. They often beat their wives to a pulp and sometimes murdered them. The world thinks that the PALESTINIANS are the main problem in JERUSALEM - courtesy of the world media.

I might add that the only other couple who are allowed to have a child in the movie - apart from the JOOISH COUPLE…is played by an actor and actress who are KNOWN to be lesbian and gay, in real life. It all fits - doesn’t it ROCKEFELLERS?

S J PARKER isn’t a ZYGOTE SLAVE in real life - and has subsequently had children, herself (with a surname like PARKER she was on the top shelf in the first place and just had to continue being an obedient slave)….and that is supposed to be a psychological ‘comfort’ to real ZYGOTE SLAVES?
The ILL CULT try to fool the public at large with their movies…to beguile you into thinking that the lead character with the EGG imagery around her - isn’t really condemned by the ILL CULT, to be used and abused in such sickening ways and for the entirety of her life. There is no subtext in the film which says ‘you were bred for your eggs and anything we can eat out of your womb, in general’.

The only good line in the entire piece is from the JOOISH CONVERT wife (who frankly looks more JOOISH than her ‘JOOISH’ husband)…when she tells MR BIG ‘I CURSE YOU FROM BIRTH’.

That is what the JOOS were always frightened with - in relation to me…the ‘dogs’ in PRAGUE knew that I had the power to curse but they had no idea where I had got it from…so now you all know…courtesy of ‘john waters’ - I learnt ‘how’ as a child…

Black Rabbit said...

I saw JOHN BRYSON as a ‘name’ upon the first ‘comments page’ of the BLOG OF NOTE today:

“John Bryson said...
So what do you do when you're in church and the person behind you do I say...not great????”

I had seen this name several times upon MARK R’s BLOGS OF NOTES and wondered if this was the same person (most probably) and whether it was their real name or whether they had chosen it for a specific reason.

So I looked up JOHN BRYSON on a GOOGLE IMAGES search - and first up was ‘the man from DISNEY’ and then a face that I recognised from somewhere, most probably the TEMPLAR CASTLE and his photograph appeared upon this webpage:

The article is entitled:


“Leading scholars and PRACTITIONERS
discuss how social change leadership
deepens democracy
march 2009”

I thought - what do they mean - from where I am standing - DEMOCRACY is so shallow in the West, that it hardly covers my toes.

Did the idea of ‘social change’ relate to the policies of OBAMA and his insistence within his speeches upon the notion of CHANGE?

Anyway, I read down the article and got WARNING BELLS when I read this:

“Tough Choices…In forming a coalition, when does it become necessary to exclude a group that does not have the capacity to participate?”

What on Earth could it mean - if you cannot get there by wheelchair, you get excluded from the ‘democratic’ discussion (and they build a motorway through your house)?

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought back to my time in BIRMINGHAM at the HANDSWORTH Community Centre, where I was doing a radio journalism course. There was a RACE RELATIONS assistant who had an office there…and I had a chat with her about her remit- which was to offer funding and support to ethnic groups who had suffered abuse, within the City - so that they could take their abusers to COURT.

The young woman explained to me that although her remit was what I shall call the ‘BLACK UMBRELLA’ I.e. anybody who looked a bit foreign and wasn’t a WASP…it also covered the IRISH…however, the IRISH were not playing ball.

She was worried about this community in BIRMINGHAM because after the ‘pub bombings’ which had been blamed upon the IRA - many of them had suffered bricks through the windows…they couldn’t go into certain pubs without the threat of being beaten up…houses/cars daubed with anti-Irish graffitti…that sort of thing.

However, the IRISH were hanging tough - they didn’t want to have anything to do with this ‘local government’ initiative.

DAVID DABYDEEN who also had an office in the building - was of the opinion that ‘if we all stand together as ethnic minorities we are stronger…’ and so this woman was at a loss to explain IRISH reluctance to go on her books…but she figured it was because the IRISH thought that such funding was for ‘blacks’ and they counted themselves as ‘whites’ - she had explained this to them in relation to it being open to any ’vulnerable ethnicity’ but they still weren’t interested.

In retrospect all I can say is this:

The IRISH in general, in BIRMINGHAM really weren’t happy, to go down on any government list as ‘vulnerable ethnic minority’ and one can see why - it was a NAZI list…look at how the government tries to get every single little personal detail about us…the more boxes you tick on a government form…the more they can CLASSIFY/CATEGORISE you…

Then the NAZIS can say ‘we do not need this category of people anymore - we have their names, numbers, addresses, extended family details, security codes, bank details - the lot - easy to get rid of them’.

That is what so surprised me about recent government forms that I have had to fill in…the one which had a large section for the CHINESE population…you would have thought that it would only have been necessary to collect information upon whether or not an individual was born in this country…but no…we had IRISH/SCOTTISH/WELSH/ENGLISH CHINESE…and then even boxes like the GUANGDONG…the local council even wanted to know where the individual had been born, in CHINA, for heavens sake. Why?

So all I can say is that the IRISH behaviour in BIRMINGHAM 1991 was probably the best move possible…STAY OFF the government lists…don’t let them give you a category and number, in relation to an ethnic minority…or any other information which isn’t necessary for the job at hand.

You have to say that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF…NAZI culture is obsessive about the collecting of data and categorisation of people - before it begins to exterminate various groups, within any given population.

In relation to CHP - I had probably taken the right route by ticking the boxes entitled ’OTHER’ for every question that I could…so that the organisation couldn’t EXCLUDE me from their assessment process.

In reality, however, - they were actually LOOKING for people like me…RA CULT SLAVES born in this country and most probably of WASP background…but I think that ticking the box entitled ’OTHER’ is an important rule of thumb for myself, from now on.

Black Rabbit said...

Is this why MULTICULTURALISM failed as a 'government concept' within this country?

...because too many people refused to submit to CATEGORISATION?

Black Rabbit said...

The GUANGDONG thing still interests me - it is SPOOKY thing.

In SHANGHAI 2003 - the AMERICANS were of the opinion that the BRITISH had taken over the GUANGDONG in relation to the local universities...and were very unhappy about it all.

I reported this back to MI6-run SHANA - who was also working at SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY and in no uncertain terms ' they don't like what you are doing in the area (creating mind control slaves) and stop it now.'

SHANA reacted very badly to that one:

"Are you threatening me?"

I assured her not, smiling - we were sitting in a restaurant chatting at the time and I had simply dropped it into the conversation...

See my previous notes in relation to SHANA having put a bug under the restaurant table where she, myself and an older US teacher were sitting...I had found her out and made her expose had shocked the US guy out of his mind...

Black Rabbit said...

So what was SHANA up to, SCARLETT?

She had always been RIMINGTON's lapdog...but at that point in time, she was 'waking up' to ILL ABUSE and had been given useless pills by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to help her through the horror...pills that she had to collect from a particular chemist in LONDON...but nowhere else in the world...she couldn't even remember the name of them...

Black Rabbit said...

She didn't bother to take them anymore...were they something like OLANZAPINE? any rate, she had the good sense to stop them but had then got hooked on TEMAZEPAM...however, her doctor had then refused to presribe them for her and so at that point in time, she was 'waking up' whilst having to manage her two young boys, who were increasingly going out of parental control in the home and also at their private schools...SHANA was nearly at her wits end.

Black Rabbit said...

I was luckier in respect to not having any dependents whilst 'waking up' and so I could devote my time to my own healing...SHANA had her whole family to 'heal'...

Black Rabbit said...

I had heard on the phone that she was switching in and out of a 'dark mother' alter as she had told me....she didn't know why she had dragged her young son to the stove to almost burn him...something that RIMINGTON had done to her as a was deeply embedded subconscious programming...that ILL CULT mothers all go through...

Black Rabbit said...

I recently got in contact with 'little LEO' again...he is a really tough-minded kid now...and he told me how he 'managed' his mother HELEN...

When she was alone with him and 'switched' into a dark alter and began to try to torture him - he would telepathically contact his Dad...who would ring HELEN up and that would switch her out of her dark alter...

Black Rabbit said...

Going back to RED brought a few more things up...

Let me look at both RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON...

RIMINGTON had lost any 'contact' with her soul and for many years - she was a walking 'shell' of a person - entirely run by BLACK SHELLS...perhaps she eventually became a BLACK SHELL herself...these people know how to use the earth to network but they have no 'higher connection'...

Anyway, after her murder - MR MARSCAPONE and GILL had put me in the room, in which she had been murdered(after it had been cleaned up)...

They were hoping that some 'essence' of RIMINGTON would cling to me...or perhaps they were hoping that her evil 'soul' would possess me.

As I walked into the room, I checked it out psychicly...NOTHING in there at all...what a relief.

If RIMINGTON had had any semblance of 'soul' had exited a long time ago (probably through the open door - which was kept open for some time whilst they went in and out to clean it.

In relation to TOMLINSON I know that he was also programmed in the same way as NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH to be a 'black shell'...

MARK R was creating new BLACK SHELLS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

TOMLINSON had formerly been 'run' by the BLACK SHELLS - now it was his time to become one.

Black Rabbit said...

You can see why the ARABS are unwilling to come to the table upon the issue of BLACK trustworthy are any of these people?

I mean - BLACK SHELL PSI projects are akin to NUCLEAR WEAPONS...they are deadly for all concerned and yet governments stockpile them.

Black Rabbit said... we continue upon the YELLOW BRICK ROAD to Armageddon...

Black Rabbit said...

Here is another excerpt from the above website:

I am particularly interested in two words:



The ILL CULT view their slaves as PUPPETS - as marionettes - actors and actresses who are 'cattle' to them.

Hence the theatrical terminology used, above.

I mean RECASTING - who thought that one up?

"Reframing discourse is about challenging existing ‘templates' and cognitive models that contribute to make up or reinforce the problems that the organizations are addressing. These organizations attempt to prompt cognitive shifts - a change in perception or understanding - about the issues they work with or the constituencies they serve. Enactments of this practice include: shaping how the constituents understand their own racial or ethnic identity; and recasting an issue as an injustice that is clearly understood by the public. Contesting old frames and proposing alternative ones facilitates recognition of and access to different sources of capital that can make up leadership capital."

Black Rabbit said...

"...leadership practices that social change organizations use to generate leadership capital, or "the generative condition that enables members of a group to challenge existing ways of thinking or being, and to act in new ways based on a compelling vision for the future."

Let me unpack this one - we have two ALTERNATIVE definitions of LEADERSHIP CAPITAL (a phrase that is often used, within this website).

Firstly we have the ILL CULT meaning - how much more money can we screw out of everybody?

Secondly, we have the meaning that we give to our slaves 'we are helping you to think more 'meaningfully'.

I have never understood why the word COGNITIVE ever came to be used within Social Services discourse. It is NOT appropriate. The very word has been given a new context and therefore 'meaning' - and that is 'meaningful' as COLLIE was to tell me, at WARWICK.

We are all just COGS in the machinery of the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

COGS that can think in a MEAN way?

Black Rabbit said...

The COG - NIT - IVE approach.

Black Rabbit said...

All NITS who have agreed to be COGS in the HIVE?

What do you think of that CHABAD?

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, it sounds like I am joking but I KNOW the way that these people think...

Black Rabbit said...

I shall add a bit more to the above - but I had a ‘flashback’ to seeing that SOCIAL SERVICES were on the ball and beginning to get the whole picture of government mind control - in relation to the HIVE and in particular:


The ‘nits’ who are ‘cogs’ in the ‘hive’ - who ‘knit’ all of the governmental systems together.

Anyway, I shall just say that from my own experience of the word COGNITIVE- I first came into contact with it, upon my A’ level PHILOSOPHY course in 1981.

In PHILOSOPHY - we had to talk about COGNITIVE ASSERTIONS - this meant making statements about the world, that we thought were either ‘true’ or ‘meaningful’.

Most of the PHILOSOPHERS were of the opinion that it was NOT possible to make COGNITIVE ASSERTIONS about the world.

They tended to belong to the CARTESIAN school of thought which had been formed upon DESCARTES’ famous statement:

“I think therefore I am.”

DESCARTES distrusted the world around him - he thought that the only ‘cognitive statement’ that he could make about human existence - was that one existed - but that the rest of the world could be an ILLUSION for all he knew…

Just about every PHILOSOPHER that I have ever read, after DESCARTES - tended to be of the same opinion - that it wasn’t possible to make ‘meaningful’ or COGNITIVE statements about the world.

Anyway, after 1981-3, the word COGNITIVE then entered ‘government-speak’ and started to appear with alarming frequency upon government forms and propaganda, in general.

It puzzled me.

Surely the original context and ‘associations’ attached to the word COGNITIVE were all about how you couldn’t make ‘meaningful statements’ about the world?

So why was GOVERNMENT using a word which implied that one was talking nonsense if one said that one was using the COGNITIVE APPROACH - surely that would be rather a futile pursuit?

Now I am beginning to understand why the ILL had particularly chosen this word to put into their ORWELLIAN government-speak.

The COGS live in NEVER-NEVERLAND…a world of illusory statements…in happy, happy WONDERLAND where they can attempt to make COGNITIVE ASSSERTIONS about the world but never actually manage to make any meaningful statements at all…or that is the implication, here.

In addition - I can sense RIMINGTON and the AMBASSADOR’s touch here…the idea that the COGS KNIT the HIVE…keep it all together.

Not all writers in ACADEME use this word COGNITIVE - the best avoid it…probably those who have escaped mind control…however, it appears to be almost compulsory to use the word COGNITIVE upon government forms and propaganda.

Black Rabbit said...

Practical ways to bugger the ILL system of categorisation up:

Look at the people who have lived past 70 years old and note what type of CAR they own and what colour…look at their choice of computer…and associated electronic devices e.g. mobile phone.

I do not think that it is a wise idea to own a BLACKBERRY.

These are probably for the ‘expendable’ business people of the ILL CULT.

BLACKBERRY = severed head - in ILL-speak.

ILL programmers tell their slaves what CAR to buy and what computer they are allowed to own.

As far as I know - the ILL elite prefer GOLD for their cars….metallic colours. You could re-spray your car…GOLD.

Black Rabbit said...


I was thinking about the general scientific meaning of COGNITIVE…and that tends to be COGNITIVE in relation to THOUGHT PROCESSES…that is what I had told COLLIE in 1997...cognitive meant ‘thought processes’ to me…which are always meaningful to the individual but not necessarily useful to anybody else unless you narrow the idea of ‘cognitive’ down a lot and only talk about the specialist ‘thought processes’ which are used as a communal interactive tool as in ‘how do I react to this person - what is the appropriate way to behave and things to say?‘

Now, THOUGHT PROCESSES are a fascinating thing. The amount of thoughts that a person has throughout the day…how many thoughts pop up, unbidden, into the conscious mind…

Whilst you go about your daily life…the world around you, can trigger so many thoughts…you see an image, taste or smell something and you remember…or you imagine something…you think about related things…related ideas…and then you get back to work…

I suppose the CID must have quite a good idea of my ‘thought processes’ by now - although as they said at the time - in order to get a good transmission from the NEURO-LINGUISTIC implant - I would have to either speak or write down, what I was thinking about…otherwise it got a bit scrambled on their screen and subsequent print-out.

Anyway, that is why I thought that DEREK JARMAN’s diaries were so fascinating…he wanted to put the ‘cognitive’ under scrutiny…and so he put it into the context of MEMORY…how did memory work….how did it interact with your consciousness, in your daily life…

JARMAN avoided using scientific words and simply wrote down in his diary - his thoughts as they came to him…and then, I suppose, edited it to an extent in order to show the part of his mind that he was willing to share with the public at large…his philosophic thoughts upon memory and how it affects your thought processes during the day…during your entire life.

His diaries are a living example of how ‘thought processes’ work, in relation to the context of MEMORY and the workings of the SUBCONSCIOUS mind - which as every artist knows - is your source of inspiration - what it can throw up in terms of images and emotions, can be quite alarming but also instructive - a way of healing. It depends upon how you handle this ‘input’ - the ‘unbidden thoughts’ that crop up now and then…not just ‘I must remember to do this’ type of thought…

Black Rabbit said...


Upon MICROCHIPS and microchipping…
After the TEMPLAR CASTLE - I had to have my EARS syringed because after having had a swim…wax had blocked both ears up completely…

The local doctor in Devecey (village down the road from Vieilley) had never ever seen so much wax come out of one person’s ears. He was shooting what appeared to be a ‘high-speed water jet’ into one of my ears and the stream of wax coming out, seemed endless - he filled up quite a few kidney dishes.

So I wonder now - was all of that WAX - something that TOMLINSON had put in, to ‘stop up’ the microchip that he had injected into my ear?

I then thought about MACDONALD’s photographs from the HOLLAND movement, to stop microchipping in general…and in particular one type of microchip…

Additionally, I thought about the microchip that TOMLINSON was injecting behind people’s bellybuttons…

I then thought about the old MILITARY implants into our molar teeth…

…and also MARK R in 1994...who had taken out my tonsils in order to ‘laser out’ a microchip that had been put behind them…

…also MACDONALD telling me that the CIA had the means to ‘de-activate’ any microchip…you didn’t actually need to take the microchip out…

I then thought about how MARK R had found out at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - that the microchips that they were injecting people with - from RIMINGTON’s company VERICORP - were defective…but they were still trying to sell them anyway…because the principle was to make money - who cared about the merchandise?

Also, I thought about how the new bio-chips could easily be put into food and you might swallow one during a MACDONALD’s meal…it had been explained to me - how these bio-chips ‘hooked’ into your digestive tract…or if they were injected (as I had been, into the top of my shoulder)…they simply hooked into the muscle tissue - like streptococci.

I then wondered about just how many BIG BUSINESSES microchip people on unawares and how EFFECTIVE these chips really were…

What if they all interacted badly with one another - what if they even cancelled each other out?

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can now remember what MARK R meant this to be all about...

Think back to the seminal PAEDOPHILE relationship between PROGRAMMER and SLAVE - between a male master and his female slave:

TIGER BAY (British b/w film)

The slave is run in a child alter.

She is meant to be immaculate - the little girl with the blonde hair - butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - singing like an ANGEL in the church choir.

She helps her programmer through thick and thin - to cover up the murder of his 'mistress' and for that read SEX SLAVE because the 'mistress' has either tried to get out of mind control or has been poached by another PIMP.

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose the very name ERIKA is suppose to refer to MARK R thinks that I will end up back in NY for some reason? Like the 'soprano' of his first article?

"Erika is headed off to study at the Manhattan School of Music in NYC and I wish her all the best as she continues her studies and shares her incredible voice with NY audiences!"

Black Rabbit said...

Folk Fest Stalking 101

This reads like a bit of a nightmare - the STEPS to becoming a STALKER...and in PURPLE for some reason...

Black Rabbit said...

What is the ORANGE typeface all about?

Danny Michel's "Into the Flame"

He wants to go 'into the SUN' because the WIND is whispering to him and telling him to do so - and he hopes that he won't be the 'only one'...

Could be, DANNY BOY - could be.

If that is the RA CULT, you are talking about.

Black Rabbit said...

Look at just how many of DANNY MICHEL's songs are in RED upon WIKI.

He is obviously a BIG NAME in the RA CULT - a RA CULT slave and his songs are used extensively for programming.

Black Rabbit said...

I am not logged in to WIKIPEDIA and so I cannot UPLOAD the images of DANNY MICHEL - but these links are all in RED and one looks particularly beguiling:

File:Danny Michel - Feather, Fur & Fin.jpg

Black Rabbit said...

Valhalla (2006)
Its Not the End of the World
White Lightning
Into the Flame
Midnight Train
Tennessee Tobacco
Young Man
Save it
Black Tornados
The Valley of Doom
You're Not Alone
I Will Love you For Miles

Black Rabbit said...


...brought to you by MOSAIC I would have thought...because MARK R had got this particular VIDEO together for DANNY the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

The coding is quite basic (I had talked to MARK R about how B/W film is frequently coded as 'reality' opposed to TECHNICOLOUR - as in 'dreamworld')...

So we have AZTEC type temple shots in B/W juxtapoised to poverty in BELIZE, AFRICA.

You also get some scary psychedelic flashes of ORANGE and SCARLET (MARK R used to call 'shocking pink' - scarlet -for no apparent reason)...

Black Rabbit said...

You can watch the FEATHER, FUR AND FIN 'official video' upon the above website or on YOUTUBE.

However, the website above appears to have shots of the forest around the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

Here are the lyrics to INTO THE FLAME.

With a ghetto blaster strapped across his chest
He sprawled across my hood and he did his best
So I put a loonie in his paper cup
The sky it cracked and opened up
And the wind it started whispering in my ear
Telling me things I don't want to hear
Like telling me it's time to go
Move on son, blow wind blow

If you leave right now and drive all night
You will make it,
And Winnipeg was right, I don't want to fight
You so let's not fake this
Those prairie nights, those western winds
They feel so right, I'd fit right in
Those empty roads, they clear my skin
They call my name - into the flame

Sell your things and give the rest away
Bring only what you can carry we're leaving today
Abandon all your rusty dreams
Trade them in for magic beans

If I leave right now and drive all night
Do you think I will make it ?
And Winnipeg was right, I don't want to fight
You so let's not fake this
Those prairie nights, those western winds
They feel so right, I'd dig right in
Those empty roads, they clear my skin
They call my name - into the flame

And ride, right into the night
Right up out of Drumheller
Ride into the sun.
And cry, I just might
What if we arrive and I'm the only one ?

Those northern lights, those western winds
They feel so right, I'd fit right in
Those empty roads, they forgive my sins
They call my name - into the flame

As Danny often says during his shows, "this song is about driving through Canada, and you can drive 6 days and you're still in Canada..."

Black Rabbit said...

White Lightning

There's a woman counting quarters at the table
There's a gentleman taking tickets at the door
And I'm slipping out tonight
Cuz the moon is yellow bright
And I'm afraid that I don't love her anymore
I heard a song come on a speaker
It said something 'bout slipping out the back
Or making a new plan n' some guy named Stan
Well I said "Thank you Paul for keeping me on my track"

I wish it was 1930 at the old Kentucky derby
And I was riding White Lightning off the bluff
Cuz I need a racehorse and some old rusty spurs
Cuz I can't get away from her fast enough

There's a woman rolling nickels on the counter
There's a man chopping wood outside the door
She said, "Every room is sold"
So I slept out in the cold
And it occurred to me I'd never slept better before
I found a perfect dirty bar room
Full of liars, cheats and losers all around
I said " Gentlemen hold your pistols,
I'm just here to wet my whistle
And forget that woman I left back in town"

I wish it was 1930 at the old Kentucky derby
And I was riding White Lightning off the bluff
Cuz I need a racehorse and some old rusty spurs
Cuz I can't get away from her fast enough

You ever tell yourself a lie so many times
That you convince yourself that it's true
Well I don't regret a single thing in my life
But I curse the day that I ran into you

I wish it was 1930 at the old Kentucky derby
And I was riding White Lightning real rough
Cuz I need a racehorse and some old rusty spurs
Cuz I can't get away from her fast enough
I just can't get away from her fast enough
I just can't get away from her fast enough

As some of you have probably already guessed, the "Paul" Danny's talking about here is Paul Simon, whose "50 ways to leave your lover" has inspired this song.

Black Rabbit said...

WHITE LIGHTING...was written about RIMINGTON...

DANNY used to sit in MARK'S room and compose his songs, now and then...

He was stuck on what to say...he had spent the night outside the TEMPLAR CASTLE sleeping rough...he saw all of TEMPLARS as a 'den of thieves' amused him...he amused them.

DANNY wanted to know how to break free from the cult and I started to laugh and sing 'make a new plan Stan, get yourself free' and any other lyrics I could remember but not many....DANNY knew the lot and sang it back to me.

Black Rabbit said...

I cannot remember why now but this morning - before I left to go the library and do some shopping…I was thinking about JADE LAING and her ‘odd’ SWISS boyfriend…whilst living in TOTNES.

I remember now - the connection was ‘’don’t need a new plan STAN, just set yourself free’…

JADE hadn’t heard this song before and had disliked it when JACQUI and I, sang it in her room…50 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR LOVER…

JADE’s boyfriend was obviously trying a combination of the above, at the time…and eventually he said it straight to her face.

As a result of this ‘break-up’ JADE stalked around to his shared ‘international student’ house…having eaten an ORANGE on her way round there…when he opened the door - she told me, later on…that she couldn’t think of a word to say…and so she threw the ORANGE PEEL straight in his face.

Apparently she didn’t say a word - during the whole time.

He said ‘I deserved that’ and then shut the front door.

JADE felt vindicated when she returned - and as she was relating back, what had happened…I was thinking how ‘right’ her action had been and how ‘original’. ORANGE PEEL in the face (could you get arrested for that nowadays? Might it be termed ’assault’?) Anyway, it seemed a ‘fitting end’ to whatever had been going on…that it why I remembered the image - as related by JADE.


In fact, I can remember who first told me about this PAUL SIMON song and that was ‘john waters’…it was a sort of ‘rebel anthem’ but rather discreet…

I remember singing a bit to IAN RICKSON at ESSEX UNIVERSITY and for a short while, he brightened up and stopped exuding such negative energy - he knew most of the words…the same was true of ALAN BOLDON at DARTINGTON…I did the same to him, one time…and as with DANNY MICHEL…he knew all of the words.

Black Rabbit said...

The suspect SWISS boyfriend?

Apparently he was a Swiss musician who lived in a musician's collective in one of the big cities - probably ZURICH - the one with the big 'heroin problem in the park'.

He had formerly been a heroin addict but was now counselling people off it...

The only time that I had ever had a brief chat with him was in the pub...when JADE had first introduced him to me...and I wanted to know 'details' in terms of how he counselled people...he immediately closed up and told me quite rudely that if you hadn't been an addict then you had no idea and it wasn't worth his while to talk about I 'deafed him out' after that one...I thought him rather anti-social.

Nobody saw much of him anyway...or his group of friends...they weren't actually at DARTINGTON...they were studying English at some school TORQUAY...(or were they?).

JADE went to SWITZERLAND with him - to meet his friends...she showed me the photographs when she got back...and those photographs seem SO SIMILAR to those that MACDONALD and CO took of HOLLAND and related areas...which they had taken me to, under mind control...and drugged a lot of the time.

Black Rabbit said...

However, JADE was a favourite of the ILL - and of TOMLINSON in particular...she had bought the whole PERSIAN/IRANIAN/BABYLONIAN/EGYPTIAN thing...on account of her real father being IRANIAN...

However, one can see that she hadn't bought into the whole ORANGE ILL thing at all...

Black Rabbit said...

Particularly not when her 'controller' had deemed her expendable and dumped her...confident that she was now ORANGE and wouldn't kick up a fuss...

Black Rabbit said...

Full marks to JADE, then.

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting the feeling that MACDONALD had stayed at that shared 'international student' house in many years did he and TOMLINSON go back?

What about RIK ALLEN?

Black Rabbit said...

...and then RIK ALLEN turned up next (after his supposed death) with MR GREEN aka MARSCAPONE in BROOKLYN, NY.

Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT - why are you colour-coded SHOCKING PINK - which MARK R used to call 'scarlet' for some reason?

Who were you representing within the ILL CULT?

Black Rabbit said...

All I can get on the network is the PRINCES singing:


Black Rabbit said...

Back to DANNY MICHEL's lyrics.

INTO THE FLAME (read RA CULT 'sun') is the last stanza and chorus of the lyrics:

"I wish it was 1930 at the old Kentucky derby
And I was riding White Lightning real rough
Cuz I need a racehorse and some old rusty spurs
Cuz I can't get away from her fast enough
I just can't get away from her fast enough
I just can't get away from her fast enough."

MARK R was laughing about that one...and I couldn't understand any of it.

DANNY had been speed-writing upon the desk...and had come up with what he figured encapsulated what he was thinking about and then he left quickly...

I asked MARK R about the 'derby' in 1930...and riding horses with my mind, spurs were cruel...and I had no idea of the HISTORICAL reference given...what DERBY in 1930?

MARK R was laughing but he wouldn't tell...although he knew precisely what MICHEL had been thinking about...

Black Rabbit said...

I can't get away from her fast enough...

That line was written about RIMINGTON...and repeated 3 if it were a programming MICHEL was reprogramming his own mind to escape...escape from RIMINGTON.

Who was he going to use to do it...'lightning'...some horse...I am beginning to think that this 'horse' was myself...I had triggered him with 'john waters' anthem...

Black Rabbit said...

...and the stupid little prick wanted to use SPURS upon myself...these little animals make me so angry...why, I ask myself - are any of them worth saving?

Black Rabbit said...

Perhaps they are not...

Black Rabbit said...

So you want to ride 'MYSELF' as 'LIGHTNING' into oblivion/Armageddon - into the SUN of the RA CULT - you little prick?

...BECAUSE the WINDSORS told you to?

How sick and sad are you, DANNY BOY?

You got on with the RA rubbed shoulders with the PRINCES...just a gang of fools...a den of thieves...

At first you put yourself above them (by sleeping outside)...and then you decided that you were one of them. You were entirely content to continue the hideous abuses of the RA CULT.

The only thing that DANNY BOY couldn't stomach was RIMINGTON...she had obviously got on his tits, more than any of the other insane RA CULT psychopaths around...notably TOMLINSON.

The question that has now to be asked is:

How 'sane' was DANNY MICHEL when he wrote that song?

How 'sane' is he now?

Black Rabbit said...

When 'john waters' in his persona as JOHN TODD - talked about in relation to the music business as being 'possessed by the devil' - and he wasn't talking bullshit.

'john waters' was trying to help 'stoopid people' from ruining their lives and those around them.

Those who could never understand how the ILL CULT operated and how the ILL programmed people through the sort of 'CRAZEE LYRICS' that those like DANNY MICHEL write...and then perform.

DANNY MICHEL has a good voice...a sincere tone and sexy 'catch' to his rhythms and tunes...even if he looks like 'the boy next door' - he sounds like he knows a lot more than your 'drone on the street'...cynical, laughing at the listener, for not quite knowing short, quite a beguiling and demonic way of singing...which is what would have attracted the RA CULT to DANNY in the first place.

Black Rabbit said...

Put DANNY in a chair and tell him to do the same but to TELL THE TRUTH about the RA CULT in terms of 'speed-writing his lyrics'...use his vocal gifts and the 'tone' of his singing voice to expose them - thereby using the techniques of the ILL CULT against them...and you have a recipe for SUCCESS of sorts...

Black Rabbit said...

What annoys me more than anything is that MARK R had put up so many sites such as the DEAD MAN WALKING one...and yet NOT mentioned:


Why can't I find any references at all to this hideous RA CULT practice upon the WEB?

Why is it still shrouded in secrecy?

Almost everything else is being talked about upon the INTERNET but not the above - what is it about the above that makes it impossible for anybody to talk about it?

Black Rabbit said...

Like my brother HUMPHREY and ADAM SANDLER - surely some people must have videos of ILL programmers torturing their victims and somebody MUST have a shot of the 'NEEDLE THROUGH THE EYE' horror...

So when will the next generation of YOUTUBE devotees - the new 'heroes' of the younger generation...STOP 'happy slapping' and start exposing the abuse that was done to them as children?

Black Rabbit said...

The use of the word COGNITIVE still interests me:

If only because of a lecture and then seminar that I attended within the POST-COLONIAL department of BASSNETT'S centre at WARWICK UNIVERSITY in 1997.

I sat through some spirited and very angry renditions of student essays - which various students stood up to read...but NOT ONE of them was 'black' in any sense of the word...for example:

Two white, SPANISH-looking women stood up and screamed about ENGLISH colonialism - they took it in turns to read a 'collaborative' essay...the first thought in my mind was:

The SPANISH were as bad as the ENGLISH - particularly from where those two women came from...SOUTH AMERICA...the pair of them looked like the daughters of the colonial SPANISH...

So why were these two women, enrolled upon a course in an ENGLISH university - screaming about how bad the ENGLISH COLONIALS had been?

Why hadn't they gone to a SPANISH university and screamed about how bad the SPANISH COLONIALS had been?

Something didn't add up...

I mean, you tend to deal with your own kind - don't you? If they have done wrong - you feel a need to go back and tell them so...

...therefore why had these women turned up at an ENGLISH university?

Nothing quite added up...

Black Rabbit said...

The pair of them hadn't got 'grants' to attend that course - they were privately funded and most likely, by their parents...and so extremely wealthy parents...the 'overseas fees' at WARWICK UNIVERSITY are astronomically high...

Black Rabbit said...

The next 'essay' to be read out...was read by an ENGLISH woman..who had red hair and was as white as the grave...

I knew from 1991 that DABYDEEN had known this woman from her teenage years...he had told me that she wanted to be a ballerina but failed...she used to dance in the nude for him but he could never quite 'get it up' - I was NOT surprised. The whole story made me laugh.

In 1997 - I attended DAVID DABYDEEN's lecture - and yet I have to point out that he DIDN'T attend.

We had to wait for nearly an hour and frantic phonecalls...until the main lecture was then taken by a WHITE member of his ROBOTIC staff...a youngish, red-haired man whose main interest appeared to be 'Caribbean comics'. I am not knocking the guy but he was as robotic as the student with red-hair...'autism' was the phrase that came to mind - and a far more serious case than my father's.

I have to add here that apart from my friends off my MA course: MANNEKE (CHINESE INDONESIAN)...BAHAR (TURKISH, WHITE, SLAVIC looks) and AYSE (TURKISH, SEMITIC looks...the entirety of the POST-COLONIAL course was comprised of people from the CARIBBEAN or of that descent, having been British-born)...

Anyway, red-haired young woman recited her essay as if it were ARTILLERY...and it sounded like ARTILLERY FIRE...

Afterwards - the entire class was so SHELL-SHOCKED that they were not able to 'ask questions' or to 'make comments'. They had to be forced to do so by the 'stand-in' lecturer.

Even then, they simply said 'I agree' or 'that's okay - I understand what you are saying'.

What were they agreeing to?

The woman had talked utter GIBBERISH and for a long time...a monotonous essay that had the word COGNITIVE in every other sentence.

She used the word COGNITIVE like a 'pressure point' word - like a RED BUZZER...and she had others in her arsenal.

The essay contained NO real links to real life at all. It was entirely CONCEPTUAL in terms of gibberish in relation to 'cognitive' understandings...

She had no literal examples or pracatical examples to give at all...

She just kept pressing GOVERNMENTAL 'RED BUZZER' words until the whole class was shell-shocked.

Black Rabbit said...

I wasn't shell-shocked and kept coughing throughout, in amusement (the tickle in my throat just wouldn't go away and I felt this awful sense of laughter welling up in me) whilst tried to quell a rising sense of panic (throughout the speech)-I was also fascinated by looking around at the various expressions of those around me - which ranged from 'blank', 'impassive' to 'shell-shocked' to 'spaced'...and NO comments afterwards.

The woman had been talking absolute GARBAGE.

Yet apparently she had got the highest marks possible for all of her essays.

She even went on to collect the ONLY DISTINCTION within that year.

Yet she was an AUTOMATION...spewing out ridiculous words in ludicrous 'conceptual' contexts with NO relation to reality or the real problems within this world, whatsoever.

Black Rabbit said...

So why was I immune to words like COGNITIVE?


I suppose if I look back upon my life- it is quite obvious - I was NEVER allowed a job within any governmental body apart from as TEMPORARY 'clerical assistant' or TEMPORARY 'secretary'.

In short, I hadn't been PROGRAMMED to part of this 'keep the hive together' workforce.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so a MARTIN LUTHER KING only happens once within a generation...

Somebody who really understands POWER and the POWER of public speaking...

How to speak your rhetoric with real give people 'emotional reality' within your in 'we are going to do this and we are going to do it in the most brilliant way possible...we can rise above them all'...

All I can say about the way in which DABYDEEN's department was run...and it is significant that he didn't turn up for the lecture that I attended... that it wasn't run for the people who attended... wasn't intended to help them or their communities...

...all it bred was a bunch of highly intelligent mind control slaves who were indoctrinated with UK GOVERNMENT mind control 'speak'...

Black Rabbit said...

If they had really wanted to use their intelligence to help their communities (i.e. if they had known about RA CULT indoctrination) - then learning about PUBLIC SPEAKING in terms of studing how the best have done it, over the ages - would have more than sufficed.

Talking governmental gibberish doesn't help your cause with either your own community or the 'masses' - it simply alienates you from them.

Black Rabbit said...

Every time I have ever heard the speech which begins 'I have a dream...' by MARTIN LUTHER KING on eyes have filled with tears...that guy had 'it'...and he knew how to do it.

Black Rabbit said...

The latest edition of PRIVATE EYE contains a 'pisstake' of PRESIDENT OBAMA...

Not that we knew him as that, in the CIA suite - composing that article...but I knew that he was 'listening in' carefully - to our discussion upon how we should compose it...

The others were waiting for somebody else to start the ball rolling...MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER...and so I did...I had no 'bad thoughts' about him...I hadn't seen him do 'evil things'...

So I simply took OBAMA upon what I had known about him...that he tended to be able to give the blarney, the prevarication, the waffling...

...and gave them the 'ice-cream van' and then 'sea-side'...and 'young daughter' as an image...then imagine the analogy between OBAMA trying to educate his daughter about life in relation to the ICE-CREAM on offer...but because he is so slow and waffles a lot...the ice-cream man dismisses him as a customer...and then there is the analogy here of the ILL CULT...

The SWISS CONTROLLER then added the image of the SAND CASTLES...and I added 'but they get knocked over'...and MACDONALD got very angry...but quietly so...he warned me with a finger, to shut up...the whole article was now in the SWISS CONTROLLER'S hands and not more 'creative ideas' or comments necessary from myself.

Anyway, I was happy - I knew that OBAMA had been 'watching' us on CCTV throughout and he was 'happy' with the pisstake that had been decided upon...

I had always thought that he wasn't a 'bad guy'...just somebody who was too intelligent for their own good and picked up by the RA CULT...

Black Rabbit said...

Saturday morning…last night a series of flashes concerning the BLACK SEA finally woke me up to most extraordinary revelation.

I have to put it bluntly because there is no other way:

The CHINESE worked it all out - the ABRAHMIC RELIGIONS - decided that the DEVIL of these religions lived at the bottom of the BLACK SEA - went in there posing as MARINE BIOLOGISTS…planted a nuclear device - exploded it with a detonator after they had left the country…and blew up the ‘alien space lizard’ organism upon the seabed which resulted in a lot of dead fish and high levels of radioactivity - but apart from that - nobody had really heard or noticed the explosion.

Look at the story that JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY believe is the ‘creation myth’.

Look at how the DEVIL is seen as a fallen angel - thrown out of heaven - who then falls into a LAKE and writhes at the bottom of it like some big lizard/dragon/snake called THE LEVIATHAN.

The CHINESE are the most ingenious and ancient culture out - they put all the evidence together and worked it all out.

Somebody (maybe ’john waters’?) had put as much evidence before them, as possible and asked them for help - what was the solution to the ILL CULT - to ‘space lizards‘ - to ARMAGEDDON etc.

So to put it bluntly again:


The CHINESE achieved the unthinkable - the unimaginable, in relation to those ‘inside’ the above religions…they worked out where the ‘DEVIL’ of these religions was and killed it.

This rather puts paid to ST JOHN’S APOCALYPSE doesn’t it?

JESUS doesn’t have an OPPONENT now - does he? He doesn’t even really need to turn up at all…we do not need a ‘saviour’ at this point in time…

Taking the DEVIL out of the picture - has stopped any further ‘progression’ in terms of ‘END OF DAYS’ scenarios…or the more dangerous END OF TIME ‘Chabad’ scenario.

We do not need MASHIACH…or JESUS…or MOHAMMED to come, at this point in time. The DEVIL has already been defeated and by the CHINESE.

However, there are still a lot of people around suffering from ‘lizarditis’ and that is a big problem…SCARLETT’s problem…his people have had at least 5 years to work on some form of treatment and antidote…

However, all of the little BLACK SHELLS are now unplugged from the SOURCE.

LUCIFER IS DEAD - as dead as a doornail - underneath the BLACK SEA.

ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE say that they can ‘knit’ split brains back together again…

So MARK R a miracle has happened…you do not need to be scared of the LIZARD GOD or of LUCIFIER or of the DEVIL ever again…your little boy alter can stop being scared and begin to HEAL.


NIETSCHE got it the wrong way round (and it took the Chinese to think their way around that one).

This all rather puts the KIBOSH on the SAINT JOHN CULT - doesn’t it?

Black Rabbit said...


That is what the poet MILTON called this reptilian monster that is otherwise called SATAN or LUCIFER.

The KHAZARS who lived around this lake...those who now call themselves LEVITES but who are not...the ancestors of those like JONATHAN SACHS...

They were simply infected by an alien parasite in this water...a parasite which took over the human host...and eventually killed it.

Look at other cultures around the BLACK SEA...those like the YEZEDI who ended up worshipping the DEVIL...

Black Rabbit said...

The CHINESE have never been particularly religious...being a far more pragmatic and political type of culture...

They had told me that CHRISTIANITY was 'funny' to them...such a mixture of apparently conflicting and paradoxical stories...and I suppose it was rather like a CHINESE BOX to them... well as JUDAISM and ISLAM...the Chinese set to work to solve the mystery...

Black Rabbit said...

So the ancient culture which had invented GUNPOWDER before the rest of Europe was out of cave-dwelling...blew up the DEVIL of GENESIS.

Black Rabbit said...


...or in modern times...COLLIE and MR ICKE call this the 'interdimensional, space lizard'...a parasitical organism from another planet which takes over the human host.

Black Rabbit said...

Now I understand why when DALDRY asked me about the 'end of times' or something around PRAGUE 1995.

I simply replied:

"Not with a BANG but a WHIMPER."

Quoting T S ELIOT.

That is how it would all end...and true to form...nobody really heard a 'bang' at all...they just saw the after-effects of a lot of dead fish in the BLACK SEA and noted high levels of radioactivity.

Black Rabbit said...

I also talked to DALDRY about an early STAR TREK episode....which is all about the crew of the ENTERPRISE visiting 'witchcraft planet'...

The most famous scene from this episode is where a man in black with a silver pentagram around his neck...looking like SATANIST AQUINO...holds a model of the ENTERPRISE over a naked candle...and the next shot is of the crew on board the ENTERPRISE burning up in the heat...

However, somebody manages to work it all out...I cannot remember who...but they realise that this planet is all about ILLUSION...

The FORTRESS/CASTLE in which the two aliens live...the whole lot...and the CAPTAIN and his CREW have to defeat the ILLUSION...

Once they have done it and everything has disappeared - and they are left upon the arid terrain of the planet...they then see two nasty little INSECTS upon a rock (which were once the SATANIST and his WIFE)...they then burn up and disappear into dust...


Black Rabbit said...

So now the DEVIL has been defeated...what can one say about the bible...about all of these doom-mongerers who read ST JOHN'S REVELATION...they all have to stop this, now.

Why didn't any of the prophets mention this extraordinary event?

Perhaps they had simply decided that this DEVIL must be 'immortal' and invincible...yet they were talking about a parasitical alien life-form which had 'fallen to earth' from the sky...

...but it IS possible to kill it rid ourselves of this PARASITE.

Black Rabbit said...

I had told DALDRY in 1995 that the 'devil' only existed in the minds of human couldn't take shape as an entity...upon this planet...and that is perfectly true...this alien parasite infects the brains of its host...

Black Rabbit said...

...and now that the main SOURCE of this parasite has been destroyed...we must be entering a NEW AGE of sorts but I do not follow NEW AGER beliefs in terms of the AGE OF PISCES versus AQUARIUS and all of that sort of thing...

Black Rabbit said...

I had another really sad memory back last night...

It was of walking into one of the flats in MARSCAPONE's find it entirely empty, apart from NIKOLAS HULBRUSH - who was sitting crosslegged upon the floor.

I do not know who sent me in there but somebody obviously sort out what MARK R had done to him.

MARK R was hiding behind the door in his evil 'prancing CHABAD' alter. He was but an evil child...and I was in danger within his presence but he didn't attempt to harm me.

I sat down in front of NIKOLAS and reversed the 'spiral' as an image in front of him...using the tip of my finger to trace a spiral that was going CLOCKWISE to unravel all of the evil...I chanted softly to him as I did it...telling him to let all of the evil go...and he did was rather like uncoiling a spring...letting all of that negative energy and evil programming of BLACK SHELL dissipate...leave him...

I then walked out of the room - at the door NIKOLAS called out to me...that he had never wanted this to happen...of course he hadn't...nobody in their right mind had never been his fault...

However NIKOLAS had come from a very high-ranking GERMAN ILL family...he was the one who had travelled to the UKRAINE to visit the tomb of the BAAL SHEM TOV whilst he was in POLAND...

MARK R had decided to use NIKOLAS' remarkable PSI skills to do evil...he had tried to create a BLACK SHELL of him...

Black Rabbit said...

The next thing that happened was that NIKOLAS commmitted suicide.

I heard about it afterwards - if I had known about this - I would have tried to stop it.

I heard MR MARSCAPONE talk about it...that two deaths in his tower was enough...he didn't want anymore.

NIKOLAS had committed suicide because he was terrified that MARK R and CHABAD would continue to try to make a BLACK SHELL of him...and so he had decided to get out...before that happened...I am sure that the good forces in this world entirely understand that one...and that his soul is now free within the COSMOS of all of their EVIL.

NIKOLAS had crashed out of one of the windows and fallen to his death in the street below.

Black Rabbit said...

A note here - I cannot remember if any of the windows were openable in that tower...probably not...a way of soul-trapping...I can remember that the windows weren't openable in the room in which RIMINGTON had been murdered.

So what NIKOLAS had done was to break create a door for all of the other trapped souls to escape that building...if they had not been able to defeat the illusion of GLASS.

Black Rabbit said...

I said prayers for NIKOLAS last was an extraordinarily brave act.

Black Rabbit said...

I think that I would have done the same in his situation but whether I would have been able to do it in that particular way is debatable...probably not.

Black Rabbit said...

He had broken the power of MR GREEN/MARSCAPONE's tower...his hold over those trapped souls...

Black Rabbit said...

So to summarise:

The EAST analysed ABRAHMIC religions...the beliefs of the MIDDLE-EAST and of the WEST...and came to the startling conclusion that the DEVIL/LUCIFER/LEVIATHAN was a reality - which was based upon the seabed of the BLACK SEA.

They blew it up, in order to prevent further evil within this stop the doomsday stop ARMAGEDDON.

Black Rabbit said...

After AMADEUS and myself had gone through the VATICAN files - in order to trace the SATANIC BLOODLINES (see previous posts)…I had then written a bit about how the CHINESE had incorporated FLYING DRAGONS into their ancient religion…the dragon of the sky…and how they must have been infected by them…in order to believe in them…

Thinking about that one now…it is not necessarily the case…the CHINESE knew about these alien life-forms…that much is true…and in recent times, they had studied world myths concerning ‘dragons’ and come to the conclusion that a ‘hidden dragon’ was in the BLACK SEA…a poisonous dragon…that had infected the waters and also the brains of those who had drunk from it, down the centuries.

Black Rabbit said...

It makes me think back to SPIKE MILLIGAN's coded poetry (see previous notes)about how the WELL had been POISONED...and that WELL was the BLACK SEA...

Black Rabbit said...

...a freshwater lake...which had a poisonous entity upon the seabed...

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting more images back here…JONATHAN MILLER had asked me for another area for research….’pantheism’ wasn’t enough and so I said CHINESE RELIGION/CULTURE…and I get the feeling that intense discussions had then ensued with CHINESE partners…upon the big issues…which resulted in the above…the blowing up of the seabed, of the BLACK SEA…the ‘hidden dragon’.

The ingenuity of the CHINESE astounds me. The whole operation.

I don't like to say that there is a scientific explanation for everything...but maybe that is true.

Black Rabbit said...

So the power of SATAN/LUCIFER/LEVIATHAN is now broken in this world and we can all begin to heal...

...the 'hidden dragon' has been killed...

I wonder if this all ties in with the myth of the GARDEN OF EDEN...and it begins and ends with POISONED freshwater lakes and wells...

Black Rabbit said...

What are the SATANISTS going to worship now?

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that SATANISM per se is now a 'headless hydra'...nowhere to go...

Black Rabbit said...

The BLOG OF NOTE today ‘stars’ many different typewriters…

This is AMADEUS’ way of saying that I was chosen to be the ‘mouthpiece’ of this story - to make up for having been cheated out of the HARRY POTTER money…I was ‘honoured’ to be chosen - but this is NOT actually my work…it was the hard work of many…many, many people who researched and questioned and discussed everything under the SUN until they came to a consensus of sorts…and that this research, was then to result, in the blowing up of the ‘hidden dragon’.

I have been on so many networks…feeding me with so much information…every time I didn’t know something…I would throw out a question…it would be caught and answered eventually, by one of the networks…I had already gone through what I was to write and when…under the guidance of MACDONALD, the SWISS CONTROLLER, OBAMA and last but certainly not least - by AMADEUS.

The ‘typewriter’ is something that all RA SLAVES were programmed with and there are many different models upon this BLOG OF NOTE:

Black Rabbit said...

This morning…I went for my usual walk down the promenade and to the BRIDGE before the pier in order to clear away new objects that the MASONS had left…I took them off the bridge and threw them all into a bin…I then went and washed my hands in the sea…and paddled in the water.

Afterwards, I went into town and I could hear MACDONALD and CO say to me…that this was now the end of the trail…the end of the ILL CULT game…

As I was walking past TRAVELODGE a fly buzzed into my hair…it got caught up in it and I had some trouble combing it out of my hair with my fingers…it appeared to have bitten me…it was then that a network told me that this fly had been sent by CHABAD…you are joking…apparently it was supposed to harm me - to trigger some response…but that they were now powerless to do so…an electronically controlled ‘fly’? You must be joking…but who knows…this story has been all about electronically controlled birds and animals…microchipped…so it is possible that this could be done to something as small as a fly but I prefer not to believe that one…suffice to say that I am unharmed.

Black Rabbit said...

All one can say is that those like JONATHAN MILLER have given the RUSSIAN ASHKENAZIM a good name - they are not all as bad as CHABAD...who tend to be of the above 'ethnicity'.

Black Rabbit said...

It is ironic that MILLER didn't believe in G-D...presented a BBC series upon atheism...only to end up finding the 'devil'...and helping within its destruction.

Black Rabbit said...


I got out two new DVDs from the library yesterday which I have yet to watch;

THE CHOIR (a BBC series based upon a novel by JOANNA TROLLOPE).

THE TAKE (as seen on SKY 1 - HD)

Black Rabbit said...

As I walked along beside the beach, this morning...I was 'aware' of NIKOLAS as a very large and bright golden light within the blue sky...his soul had ascended...he was an 'AVATAR'...

I questioned AMADEUS upon this...and he told me that NIKOLAS would probably be canonised by the CATHOLIC CHURCH...although there already is a SAINT NICHOLAS...

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to add here that NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH was CATHOLIC and from a CATHOLIC family…

G-d bless him.

He was the one who had punctured MR GREEN’s balloon…and that of CHABAD by default.

Black Rabbit said...


An ALEXANDER SKORNIK lookalike guest was in the breakfast room today…so is he supposed to be the assassin…he was emanating ‘black shell’ energy but I could tell that he was severely deflated…the BLACK SHELLS have no SOURCE now and nowhere to go…they are depleted in strength and energy…they are beginning to fade away…and one day, they will be no more.

Additionally, there was a new couple at breakfast…the MASONS didn’t turn up this morning…

Black Rabbit said...


In the garden - there was a CAGE that I had recognised from 2004...RIMINGTON had made me get into it…and beside this ‘human sized’ cage was a BIRDCAGE with a BLUE budgerigar and a YELLOW one in it…

Anyway, I can now see all of this programming for the ILLUSION that it is…I am FREE and I know it.

Additionally, there was a DARK PINK BALL with the usual BLACK PENTAGONS upon it…beside the BIRD CAGE.

Black Rabbit said...


Last night I was thinking of the CAGE that my school teacher at BLACKHEATH PRIMARY SCHOOL had given me upon the day that school had broken up…before the summer holidays.

It was so odd - no prior warning…I was only about 5 years old…and had a long walk back across the heath…but it was a coveted ‘prize’ to be able to take the school animals home over the holidays and care for them…

The strangest thing is…I cannot remember if they were hamsters, or gerbils or rabbits…

Anyway, at the school gates…one girl from my class, pleaded so hard to have them that eventually I relented…against my will but she had started to cry…and so I gave them to her…as I walked home, I then got very angry with myself for being so soft-hearted and weak-willed…I had wanted to look after them, so badly…and now I had relinquished that chance…

After the school holidays were over and we had returned to school…this girl turned up and told the teacher that the animals had died whilst in her care…the teacher was naturally very angry with me for having given them away.

I cannot remember when…but I remember what happened next…RIMINGTON was to tell me that the little girl who had allowed them to die…had been severely tortured.

I wonder now…if I had inadvertently avoided an ILL TRAP there…by giving the animals away…the animals that were going to die anyway…that is what I sense was meant to happen…I had swapped my fate with the little girl who had wrested them off me…

Black Rabbit said...


Another memory came back last night and it was of a similar nature to my above thoughts…

It was from the 1980 course…we were all in BEIJING and sitting in a Chinese restaurant…I was sitting beside KATHLEEN and TOMLINSON was at the next table but keeping an eye on us…

RIMINGTON came round with a tray of FORTUNE COOKIES and we all had to take one…

KATHLEEN and I opened the cookies and then KATHLEEN said quickly ‘let’s swap them’ meaning the small strip of white paper with your fortune upon it - this was a ploy to make sure that we wouldn’t believe whatever the ILL MEANING was behind the ‘fortune’ that we had ‘chosen’.

RIMINGTON then came round and asked every one of us - what was written upon our strip of white paper.

She came to TOMLINSON and he read out:

“You will meet the woman of your dreams.”

When she came to me - I read mine out and it said:

“You will live the sweet life.”

KATHLEEN’S was as follows and she laughed after she had read it:

“You will meet the man of your dreams.”

So I wonder now - is that how come I learnt all about MR SWEET?

Is that why KATHLEEN joined the top SS and was required to torture people and ‘wipe’ them - within the MI6 basement?

So perhaps KATHLEEN got the short end of the stick, there?

We had ‘swapped’ fates.


As far as I can remember the school animals in that cage….were quite large and so either rabbits or guineapigs…two of them in a small cage…

The whole memory reminds me of something else…my parents agreeing to look after somebody’s rabbits for the weekend…and I couldn’t bear for them to be in a cage and so after my parents had gone out…I told HUMPHREY that we couldn’t let them out in the garden but we could do so in the front room with the door closed…ED and HELEN followed us in….and the rabbits went berserk around the room…and none of us could catch them again…after a few hours…there were pellets all over the sofa and chairs…everywhere…

My parents were predictably furious - once they got home.

Black Rabbit said...

For some reason, MACDONALD wants me to mention PILLARBOX programming at this point in time.

There was a RED PILLARBOX at the beginning of ST AUSTELL ROAD and as a child - I was shut up inside it and letters were then forced through the slot...

Why did the ILL and the POSTMAN do this to me?

Was this all part of MESSENGER/CARRIER PIGEON programming?

Black Rabbit said...

The image of the PILLARBOX also reminds me of the PILLBOXES that surround the Anglian put a gun through the slot...

Additionally, it also reminds me of putting on a BURKHA and looking through that rectangular slot.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that the young man who is living in the room opposite to myself...had two girls back the other night with his 'mate'...

I had remote-viewed this occurence in the CIA suite...he and his 'mate' had the mind control commands of the girls and so used them for sex toys....

The young man then got in trouble for taking the two young women back to the B&B and was asked for payment in terms of two extra people in their rooms...

He asked me yesterday if I had complained about the noise that they had made and I replied that I had not...which is quite true - I hadn't.

He was extremely annoyed about the whole thing because he is basically GAY and had arranged the whole thing because of his heterosexual 'mate' supremely selfish and cruel.

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON runs the young man in the room opposite to me...he had given him those mind control commands...

Anyway, after telling me about the trouble he had had with the owners in relation to the girls...he lied to me and told me that they were old friends from 'Tottenham'...really?...his bike then fell on me....

We were standing in front of the front of the B&B at the time...

He didn't apologise at odd thing had just happened...a lighted cigarette had fallen out of one of the handlebars and he remarked that he had wondered where it was...

The handlebars of this black 'racing' bike are like black horns, sticking up...a 'devil' bike...

Black Rabbit said...

So SYMBOLICALLY - what was that all about?

The lighted cigarette coming out of the right handlebar 'horn'...

I would guess that this was all about TOMLINSON's microchipping of my right ear...and how one can get it out by having a doctor shoot a high-speed jet of water into order to clear out all of the wax etc.

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL mail in my SPAM BOX: David Icke Newsletter Preview - 22nd August 2009 4:56 AM 71KB

Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Fri, 21/8/09 10KB

Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Thu, 20/8/09 8KB

Unread David Icke soon in Phoenix, Seattle/Vancouver, Sante Fe, Amsterdam and Sweden Thu, 20/8/09 9KB

Unread felian kunam I am patiently waiting for your urgent reply. Thu, 20/8/09 10KB

Unread luise brown Hey Cute, Thu, 20/8/09 5KB

Black Rabbit said...

felian kunam

The network is telling me that IAN RICKSON (who used to roleplay that transvestite ANNE for FRANKLIN WATTS children's programming books) now in a position of power in MI6 and has to be chucked out fast...otherwise he will cause another genocide...another 'nam' - VIETNAM.

Black Rabbit said...

I also got a weird flashback to CAPTAIN CORELLI programming….in relation to the author of the novel, living upon a Greek island and knowing the fishermen…

AMADEUS had put TOMLINSON and myself up, in a house upon one such island…I was to look after him as if he were my ‘little boy’ as in cook for him and keep house - make sure he went to bed on time and so forth…TOMLINSON had taken up fishing for the duration and would be out in his boat for most of the day…this was all part of a ‘healing programme’ for TOMLINSON…to nurture his ‘little boy’ and help him to grow up…

That is what TOMLINSON had wished for in SWITZERLAND under GYSSBACH mountain…to have his little boy alter reunited with his adult alter…and then to ‘go towards the light’…I had told him that I couldn’t do this for him…

Later on, I understood why I couldn’t…because in order to heal, one has to regain one’s memories in order to be able to nurture one’s own inner child…and in relation to ‘going towards the light’…the ILL had tricked souls so many times with dark wells and mirrors to fake the ‘light’…that going towards the light in order to escape from underground entrapment…wasn’t always the way out…

So the CATHOLIC CHURCH had decided to grant TOMLINSON’s wish?

Black Rabbit said...

Read this extract from the above article:

The normally tight-lipped Van Praag put it this way: “We are obviously cognizant of the environment and the atmosphere that we’re operating in, but we also recognize that we have to pay our people to keep the firm competitive, which poses some issues for us.”

Black Rabbit said...

Van Praag was talking about GOLDMAN-SACHS and used the word:


Now that looks rather suspicious to me...not COGNITIVE but what is the difference?

The modern mean of COGNIZANT is apparently similar to 'knowing something well' or being 'aware of'...'conscious of something'...

Black Rabbit said...

So I decided to look up NIZ on a google images search:

...the above looked like a TEMPLAR CASTLE 'offering'...I recognise it from somewhere...

Black Rabbit said...

The first 'find' on this NIZ search was:

KING OF HOOKS apparently...a popgroup of sorts...

Black Rabbit said...

I clicked upon this NIZ popgroup and found myself upon the above website - my CURSOR had turned into a GREEN DOLLAR sign...rather un-nerving...

Black Rabbit said...

GoodmoneY The ol’ Twenty
Rap / Hip Hop / A'cappella

"Politics as Usual!!!"

North Philly silly!!!, Pennsylvania
United States

Profile Views: 4573

Last Login: 20/08/2009

View My: Pics | Videos

Contacting GoodmoneY The ol’ Twenty

MySpace URL:

This is all the information that I can find upon this popgroup:

GoodmoneY The ol’ Twenty:
General Info
Member Since 22/11/2007
Band Members It's just me...
Influences Philadelphia...
Sounds Like
Type of Label Major

Black Rabbit said...



Some featured records...

This popgroup appear to be rapping against MAFIAS in general:

Music by Doap NixonGoodmoneY and Doap Nixon...

Black Rabbit said...

So we have the word BUSINESS transformed into:


So who are the COG - NIZ - ANTS?

Black Rabbit said...

Those who work for GOLDMAN SACHS...

You have to be the 'size of an ant' to get into WONDERLAND according to ALICE programming...that demonic 'underworld'.

Black Rabbit said...

"Niz’s raps are 100% kosher"

This site looks 'heavy duty'...particularly the photograph of the ORTHODOX JOO with the 'little black box' strapped to his forehead...
here is an extract:

After graduating from Clark University in 1994 with a degree in French, Niz flew to Paris, where he made friends with a brother and sister, both orthodox Lubavitch Hasidic Jews and huge hip-hop fans. They inspired Niz spiritually and musically.

“It’s all divine providence,” he said. “God found me. I fully admired and wanted to be part of their way of life at a time when I really didn’t know what it was about.”

As Niz strengthened his faith, his music changed. His lyrics became more spiritual and he stopped swearing. And he became a regular performer at a Paris nightclub, La Villa, where he found that people really loved his music.

“Whatever I said, they gobbled it up,” Niz said.

Black Rabbit said...

There is a NIZ DJ upon this 'TRIANGLE' ARTS website...which I have seen before...the TURKISH installation was thought up by MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER...after I had told them about CAROLINE's boyfriend who had been a music student at DARTINGTON...he had taken us to the RECORDING STUDIO halfway down the hill, on DARTINGTON estate...none of my course had ever heard about it before...they liked to keep it quiet...

Anyway, we were given 'wands' which could break the LASER BEAMS of different colours and every time you broke a beam...a different note was heard...

Black Rabbit said...

The above is a very weird set of 7 photgraphs - the first one being BLACK...

Black Rabbit said...

...ending with a 'black hole' upon a piece of paper...

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - the wording:

niezpomniane chivile

...this appears upon the BLACK HOLE photograph - no 1 in the series and it was a 'made-up' SLAVIC phrase by MACDONALD for some reason...

Similar to 'not able to stop' far as I can remember.

Black Rabbit said...



I have already pointed out that MARK R cobbled this script together quickly at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…he then gave us parts to play…

TOMLINSON ended up playing ‘MORRISON ‘MOZ’ SHEPHERD’ for obvious reasons…


I ended up with ‘KIM ‘ABI’ ABIOLA’

NIR ended up with ‘CALLUM ‘PERV’ O’CONNOR’

…and the other roles and who was asked to enact them - have to come back to me…I cannot remember as yet…

Anyway, it is such a mish-mash of peculiar disinformation about different themes of ILL CULTURE that I cannot be bothered to untangle it all…one can spot references to what happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (women used as sex slaves) and also what SCARLETT probably used to get up to in LONDON as ‘CROWLEY’…who knows?

Black Rabbit said...


I also got out:


This came in useful this morning…as I looked up all of the NEW TESTAMENT ENTRIES for the ‘devil’ and found an astounding proximity to THE BLACK SEA in relation to the LAKE OF FIRE AND SULPHUR…found in REVELATIONS…

I then thought about the chronology - AMADEUS must have known that the CHINESE had ‘blown up the DEVIL’ and one assumes that they had thoroughly tested the BLACK SEA afterwards, to make sure that this ‘micro-organism’ was really dead. He then went out ‘freeing the souls’ from ILL SOUL-TRAPPING SITES in order to begin the ‘ascension of the CHURCH’…

I then thought back to how the CHINESE EMPEROR and the JESUITS had got on so well with each other…that the JESUITS even had their own church within the FORBIDDEN CITY…and I wondered just how many discussions had gone on between the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the CHINESE in relation to their ‘historical accord’…

I then thought about ANDREW ‘TAIT’s poetry and his quote concerning an ARABIC SAGE who had said that if you really wanted to solve the problem at hand - then you had to draw a LONGER LINE IN THE SAND (than the previous one) and then all would become clear.

Look at the UNBROKEN LINE of CHINESE CIVILIZATION…how much longer it is than the chronological history or ‘LINE ‘ of JUDAIC/CHRISTIANITY/ISLAMIC civilisations…

By getting the CHINESE with their far more ancient civilisation behind them - to analyse the problems facing the ABRAHMIC FAITHS…they had obtained a fascinating perspective upon everything…they were the ‘longer line’…

…and so one can see how parallels might have been drawn…

The SKY DRAGON for example…which is POSITIVE in nature…but what if one had fallen to Earth and been trapped in a lake? Turned ‘poisonous’ and ‘negative’ under the waters…

REVELATIONS talks about the DRAGON and his ANGELS who were thrown out of HEAVEN…out of the HEAVENS…

So a ‘dragon’ has ‘angels’ to accompany him?

It looks rather like an alien battle to me…

…and the evil dragon wasn’t killed…just thrown out of heaven…it hit the BLACK SEA…and its accompanying angels became ‘lesser entities’…his evil followers…

So who were they? The Semitic demons of the Middle-East…those like BAAL, ASTAROTH, MOLECH…and now they are LEADERLESS if the testing of the BLACK SEA was accurate…without their ‘dragon’.

REVELATIONS 20-21 also states that once the DEVIL has been vanquished…and all of the ‘evil ones’ thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur…then a NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH is possible…and comes into being.

Is this the state of play that we are in now but haven’t realised it yet?

The CHINESE and CATHOLIC CHURCH appear to have circumvented the DEVIL laying waste to JERUSALEM…if that is the place where the ‘SAINTS’ are supposed to be…by destroying him before he could really get going…

I suppose that CHABAD should be pleased by the above…the stated aim of JUDAISM is to create a ‘new heaven and a new Earth’ in terms of the garden of EDEN…and so they shouldn’t be too put out if their ‘lizard god’ bit the dust, some time ago…

I do not know how the NEO-CONS and the SAINT JOHN CULT are going to react to the above in terms of their former plans in relation to RAPTOR JETS but one can see that perhaps the ‘rapture’ of the CHURCH has now already happened…here’s hoping.

Black Rabbit said...

The CHINESE have many folktales about how GHOSTS hang around WELLS...

In relation to FENG SHUI - 'water' is seen to attract 'bad spirits' and so has to be handled very carefully indeed...this is a belief held across the FAR EAST...

SHARON had told me something similar in terms of SEPHARDIC in 'never drink from a cup of water that you have left out all night because it might have absorbed bad spiritual forces'...

Black Rabbit said...

JERUSALEM was once a network of WELLS and underground tunnels...

The wells have to be kept clean...and not only because it is a 'public health' issue but because it is also seen to be a 'spiritual' issue.

Black Rabbit said...

The TEMPLAR CASTLE had an underground WELL which had been infected by a FUNGHI growing upon the walls of it...

Bizarrely enough - the TEMPLARS continued to drink the poisonous waters and began to trip out...and worship a MUSHROOM god.

Black Rabbit said...

You have to be very careful in relation to the water you drink...where it comes from...

Perhaps SKY WATER is the best...rain water...although the PRINCES had thought about experimenting with it in terms of interfering with the biochemistry and creating massive raindrops..also one has to think about CHEM TRAILS nowadays....but I think that on the whole, rainwater is much better than the CHEMICAL SOUP of the local reservoirs...

Black Rabbit said...

I was listening to SONIA and some of the CATHOLIC colleagues…she was saying ‘I ‘don’t trust the JESUITS at all - they are up to something…this is a SCAM’…but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

Later on - she had resolved the matter, in the following terms:

The CATHOLIC CHURCH had lost control of the ILL RA CULT to the JOOS.

Desperate times, meant desperate measures…

They therefore decided that killing off the LIZARD god of the KHAZARS/ASHKENAZIM…their ‘alien supernatural DEVIL’ whom they worshipped - at the top of FREEMASONRY…would be a good way of killing the RA CULT stone-dead…if the VATICAN was unable to run it - then nobody else could.

True or false - AMADEUS?

For my own part - I know that AMADEUS was genuine about freeing the souls…he was also trying to work out the DEMONIC BLOODLINES…but not in the context of ‘alien infection’ from the BLACK SEA…that research must have commenced, later on…

The big question to be asked - says the ‘regiment’ is:

Did the CATHOLIC CHURCH know about this practice of infecting people with ‘lizarditis’ whilst they were running the RA CULT?

Presumably they did - however, perhaps they saw it more as a ‘demonic mystical exercise’ rather than ‘alien microbiological infection’…

Black Rabbit said...

There are other loose threads around and about...

For example - why just the BLACK SEA?

Meteorites fall from the sky quite often, apparently - rocks which contain traces of alien plant DNA etc...and some scientists claim that this Earth has seen plenty of alien 'viruses' or 'bacteria' which have entered the atmosphere of the planet...

So is it not conceivable that quite a few freshwater lakes got infected?

Black Rabbit said...

However, perhaps 'alien' plant DNA is just that...simple organisms which are harmless to humankind...

The 'LIZARDS' in the BLACK SEA were a different problem altogether...a microscopic race...but an intelligent life-form...

This 'alien lizard' race could only exist as a PARASITE within the Earth's relied upon taking over a HOST (a human being), in order to survive outside of the BLACK SEA...

Black Rabbit said...

So is there a cure for it?

Who would know?


I am thinking that SCARLETT should know...he used to be (and probably still is) controller of TENDRING HUNDRED waterboard...

WATER is a key principle within this whole matter...

Black Rabbit said...

Are you 'experimenting' upon the people who live in ANGLIA, SCARLETT?

To find out what cures 'lizarditis'?

Black Rabbit said...

So we are not quite on the NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH number yet, are we?

Black Rabbit said...

Although I can see that the ECOLOGICAL element within this whole matter - would have probably got PRINCE CHARLES upon your side and possibly to 'reform' his former SATANIC ways?

Black Rabbit said...

The BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network has just told me to search for HIS SATANIC MAJESTY...and so I find this website as the first port of call upon a GOOGLE IMAGES SEARCH:

I recognised it immediately...the SATAN in question, looked a bit like MARK the cartoons...

I also had a dreadful feeling that I might have drawn these cartoons at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...but I am not admitting to anything as yet until I have scrutinised them...

Was this part of my 'education' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...whilst being re-programmed from birth?

To write up all of this crap?

Did COLLIE or somebody smuggle it out?

I have to say that it doesn't look like my handiwork...but one can see that a LEFT-HANDER wrote it...note the writing which slopes who was a LEFT-HANDER at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?

A small pool which included the RIGHT-HANDER GORDON BROWN who wrote like a LEFT-HANDER with his writing sloping to the left...

Black Rabbit said...

The BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network has just told me to search for HIS SATANIC MAJESTY...and so I find this website as the first port of call upon a GOOGLE IMAGES SEARCH:

I recognised it immediately...the SATAN in question, looked a bit like MARK the cartoons...

I also had a dreadful feeling that I might have drawn these cartoons at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...but I am not admitting to anything as yet until I have scrutinised them...

Was this part of my 'education' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...whilst being re-programmed from birth?

To write up all of this crap?

Did COLLIE or somebody smuggle it out?

I have to say that it doesn't look like my handiwork...but one can see that a LEFT-HANDER wrote it...note the writing which slopes who was a LEFT-HANDER at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?

A small pool which included the RIGHT-HANDER GORDON BROWN who wrote like a LEFT-HANDER with his writing sloping to the left...

Black Rabbit said...

This is fascinating - when you see the drawings up was I programmed with this 'cosmological perspective' whilst at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?

Whoever, did these drawings...was in a child alter at the time...and we were all in child alters...

The drawing above, is entitled MILTON'S PARADISE LOST and probably contains key codes to RA CULT SLAVE programming...

Black Rabbit said...

So why is PARADISE under MOUNT SION?

I thought that HEROD'S TEMPLE was under MOUNT SION...see previous notes.

Black Rabbit said...


Take a trip down WARREN'S SHAFT to walk through the 'ride the snake' tunnel...the spring waters have receded but they are still have to wade through them...

SHARON was upset about the whole thing when I told him...he appeared to have no idea about KING DAVID'S CITY below TEMPLE MOUNT...and he told me that the waters were being polluted by tourists who waded through them...

Black Rabbit said...

In summary - the only FRESHWATER supply into JERUSALEM has been sold out to TOURISTS who wade through them in that 'underground channel'...contaminating the waters with whatever they bring in on themselves and their footwear.

Black Rabbit said...


"All text references are to book three except where noted."

I get it now...

ESSEX UNIVERSITY...we all had to write an essay upon MILTON'S PARADISE LOST except that I didn't bother to read a word of it...

IAN RICKSON had ploughed through the whole had made an excessively deep impression upon him.

I had taken one look at the tome and in my expedient way, I had thought 'no way' and got out a few criticisms and...please see previous notes as to how I got top marks in exams...which RICKSON was FURIOUS I had managed to 'top him' in exams without even reading the books.

Black Rabbit said...

So now I am beginning to understand the MACDONALD 'warning' given to me in the last ILL MAIL into your SPAM BOX...concerning RICKSON and 'nam.

He had taken MILTON'S PARADISE LOST a bit too seriously...

I say 'MACDONALD' which suggests the 'farm' as in the CIA (his last appointment - the last time that I saw him)...however, the MACODONALD that I knew...had been one of the BROTHERS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - one of THE TASCHMANS - who had been the controllers of the MOSSAD...

However, MACDONALD had 'erred' from their ways and had been demoted...he wasn't 'up there' with the other 3 older brothers...but he was still useful to them...their 'creative brain' within the media.

Black Rabbit said...

GOOD GRIEF - if you want to know what this is all about - you had better ask IAN RICKSON.

I do not suppose that I understood his 'conceptual' view of the world then and I do not understand it now.

Despite these 'enlightening' diagrams.

Black Rabbit said...

Look at MARK R's portrait - he is all XX XX upon his shoes...meaning so many NDE's of horrific proportions...poor old MARK...condemned to sit on the GOLDMAN-SACHS throne to their 'lizard god' the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

Black Rabbit said...

NOTE also that his TRIANGULAR SHOES have had the pinnacle cut off...his connection to his soul...

However, he was in connection with I was later to find out...desperate to 'repent' and find a way out of the hideous situation that he had been put in...and our only hope was to send the tapes to ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE...

This obviously provoked a furore...the CIA got hold of the many others did...

Black Rabbit said...

In short, the tapes didn't go back to GOLDMAN-SACHS and 'all hell' resulted.

Black Rabbit said...

So RICKSON was telling everybody that HELL was a place where GENIUSES go?

You were NEVER a 'genius' RICKSON - let it go.

You lived upon borrowed time and borrowed scripts all of your life...

The first one being, THE WEIR which I gave you, whilst at ESSEX UNIVERSITY...

You never did ANYTHING after lived upon the fame of one play...

Black Rabbit said...

See the above in terms of what RICKSON was teaching the TEMPLARS as their 'master of dark arts'.

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R appears to have added a comment here:

"William Blake, who made thee?
I decided I wasn’t being hubristic enough, so I collaborated with William Blake. The watercolor shown here is The Ancient of Days. I think I would like to illustrate some of Blake’s Proverbs of Hell, which are really wonderful. No stix soars too high, if he soars with his own wings."

So now I can equate this with torturing remote-viewers into believing that they no longer had a connection with their 'souls' and also the 'egg-throwing' above the triangular plinth above one of the doors...which all WATCHERS were told to order to fool them into thinking that their PSI powers were unable to 'watch' what was going on, in there...or to remember it afterwards.

All a LIE.

I have pretty much, remembered the lot, in terms of basic details - the rest of them will do, too - and add to this 'blog' of mine - or in their own way...

Black Rabbit said...

...they will expose the TRUTH of what happened there...according to what they saw and recorded...

Black Rabbit said...

How far can a STIX soar?

NOWHERE is the answer to that one.

They are GROUNDED but they LIE.

Their POWER is telepathy between human beings - the interconnectivity between two human beings encountering one another.

That is how they maintain their POWER.

They have NO other power.

Black Rabbit said...

The BLACK SHELLS control from 'behind'...

Those such as TOMLINSON were well on the way to being BLACK SHELLS...they only had their child alters still within their deadened brains.

The only part of their brain which had the energy to FIGHT being taken over by an alien entity.

Black Rabbit said...

How does one reverse the process of 'becoming a dead shell'?

The re-activation of the brain - everywhere...




She believed that one could re-programme and re-route a human brain into a simplistic set of RAIL TRACKS.

She believed that you could create ROBOT SLAVES out of the human race.

Black Rabbit said...

All you had to do was to PARALYSE and SECTION OFF different parts of the brain in a young child.

You then had to re-direct the ENERGY and LIFEFORCE of the brain into specific channels - specific ROUTES within the human brain.

Black Rabbit said...

They were then your SLAVES and for LIFE.

Black Rabbit said...

'LIZARDITIS' - I do not have a better name for it - all I can say is that RIMINGTON was severely infected with it...and she was being controlled by the PARASITE that had infected her brain....

Black Rabbit said...

The SADNESS for those like RIMINGTON was that the controlling PARASITE could never exist without a HUMAN BODY...and that meant DEATH for their species...

RIMINGTON had become a 'bodysnatcher'...she had become the living body for the PARASITE..and this PARASITE had realised that it couldn't mutate into human could only convey a telepathic ILLUSION to the humans around it...

Black Rabbit said...

that of a 'lizard'...

...and it couldn't convey that to most people...only those who were 'sensitive' and gullible to that type of PSI output...

I have to say that the SAS got very angry with me - in relation to some WOODS that they said had an inordinate number of RABBITS in them...and I laughed my head off...and then got serious as they walked into my body space, furious that they had been fooled and intent upon taking it out upon myself...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I have had to deal with a lot of 'violent child alters' in my time and the BRITISH SAS were no exception...just stand your cool until they have all of the information...whatever SHIT they throw at you...and I have had to withstand so many 'evil-minded toddlers' throw shit at me, for what I have been exposing...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, the retired CAPTAIN of the SAS LIBYAN SIEGE behaved like an evil-minded toddler to me...but SCARLETT must have thought that one could 'rehabilitate' him...or I did...or somebody did...

His friend - also a CAPTAIN of the SAS - and of a younger generation, within the SAS - was far more on the ball but refusing to chuck the 'sack of blame' onto the ILL for some reason (crazy - none of it was ever your fault)...and he suffered the most, in respect - whilst he 'got it' before his older and retired colleague did.

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say to the SAS is:



You were put under mind control by the ROYAL FAMILY because you were exceptional people. You all retained your MINDS and who you are - because the ILL CULT was unable to BEAT and TORTURE it out of you (otherwise you would have ended up as some nameless government worker).

You are the 'end result' of what happened to the 'free and imaginative thinkers' of the SOE in WWII.

Be proud of it.

Black Rabbit said...

..and let us not get onto the old 'TELL IT TO THE MARINES' business...also another exceptionally important source of information upon ROYAL activities....

Black Rabbit said...

I am sorry that I summarised you as 'gay baskers in the sun, on the decks of your ships'...

That was NOT true and an entirely unworthy stereotype.

Black Rabbit said...

I wouldn't survive an SAS course or a MARINE course - at ANY age within my life and I know it.

Point taken.

Black Rabbit said...

...but then, I was supposed to be in 'British Intelligence' wasn't I?

...but UNPAID and used by a syndicate worldwide...a mafia syndicate called ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY.

Black Rabbit said...

This evening - I dropped my laptop - as planned by MACDONALD...luckily it was unharmed...but the DVD DRIVE came out and a thin piece of silver metal...

As I looked at it - I remembered TOMLINSON extracting this very piece of metal and telling me that it was the 'silver lining'...

I had no idea what he was talking about...

...but today - it was important to look at that 'silver lining' whatever it meant...and so that is what happened.

Additionally, a small key to a padlock that I thought that I had lost...also fell out of my computer case...

So a KEY and the SILVER LINING...what does that all add up to, MACDONALD?

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