Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can see now that MARK R had got to the point that ROS had (coming down from the SPACE STATION) - he had just had enough...and everybody gets to that point...and so he didn't want to live anymore...but after he had survived the trauma of having his back teeth removed and the accompanying microchips...he must have felt a lot better afterwards.

Oddly enough - that is generally more traumatic than a bullet shot removed from your shoulder...far worse.

Even odder - I seem to remember MARK R pointing out that picture at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...had I remote-viewed the future for him that far on and then promptly forgot everything about it?

So he had been given a complete view of his entire future to come...

Black Rabbit said...

"...and then you get shot again - but you survive it, as ever - not so close to the heart, this time and then they pull your back teeth out..." etc, etc.

Black Rabbit said...

So I clicked to learn the "truth" in hypertext at the bottom of this ROTHSCHILD blogspot and got this website:

...and what appear to be a clump of BAGELS outlined upon the MOON's surface...oh yeah?

Black Rabbit said...

A sort of outlined RED plank of WOOD...

WORKMAN'S TOOLS (a spanner of sorts) in ORANGE?

...and those BAGELS in APRICOT...

Black Rabbit said...

You don't seriously expect anybody to believe this, do you?

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

An update:


Black Rabbit said...

The above is the first YAHOO IMAGE RESULT for: PJEH

…and I ‘know’ that I took a photograph of these guys - incidental travellers.

I then clicked on the message below - in the top right hand of the page (having remembered that KUMAR was an alias of the MITTAL family):

“We found 2 photos matching pjeh. Click "search" above to see!”

Photographers: andrewkumar - North Delta, BC, Canada
See related photos

I then clicked on the little MAP to find this:

BURNABY - this photograph below looks like the nondescript CIA building that I had thought was LANGLEY…I have no idea what I am supposed to be looking at here:

So is BURNABY where the whole NASA lie was spun?

Did we go there instead of ‘somewhere outside of NEW YORK’?

I was drugged so much - long stretches of the journeys that we undertook…I have little or no memory of…

Anyway, all I can add to the above is this:

I can now see that the DRAGONIA ‘3D world computer game’ was what I had been trying to tell MR PUTIN about in SHANGHAI 2003:

I began to tell him about those ‘computer nerds’ who sit in their FBI computer suite and think up a ‘computer game’ to play in REAL WORLD situations…and that is effectively what they had done and I had ‘seen’ them do it.

This ILL GAME was manufactured by HUMANS - FBI employees and NOT ‘aliens’.

Black Rabbit said...

...and now, for no apparent reason...going back to the BURNABY site...this DUCK has flashed up.

Who or what is it supposed to represent?

Black Rabbit said...

wood duck by gdraskoy

A multi-coloured DUCK as far as I can see...

Black Rabbit said...

I know that the "Graham Ballantyne" was one of MACDONALD/SWISS CONTROLLER's photographs...and so who was the DUCK?


Black Rabbit said...

Who was the DUCK OF MANY COLOURS then?

Black Rabbit said...

If it's a WOOD DUCK then it would be the AMBASSADOR or one of his family, i suppose...

Black Rabbit said...

It's you, isn't it AMADEUS?

Black Rabbit said...

You certainly had many colours...MARRANO JEW...TOP VATICAN...ISLAM SUPPORTER...

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON and myself were termed BIRDS OF MANY COLOURS at the MI HOTEL in 1980 and that meant that the ILL CULT wouldn't allow us to 'breed' - no children allowed.

Whereas the WHITE BIRDS were allowed to 'breed' - those like MARR and DALDRY.

MARK R was ONEWHITEDUCK and allowed to have children...but you were not, AMADEUS?

He was part of your family - so the above ruling appears to be quite arbitrary, doesn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

I am not sure what the 'interesting' photographs upon this webpage mean but they symbolise something...

I get it...looking at all of the DUCKS down this webpage...

I can remember now...this was the CIA centre - the one where they had all been programmed as DUCKS in the DUCKPOND...

Black Rabbit said...

i remember MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER out on that football pitch at night...

This CIA centre was the most 'tucked away' and out of sight, of the lot of them...and for good reason.

Black Rabbit said...

So we stayed in CHINATOWN...and VANCOUVER...that was where MANNEKE and his wife ended up...

What are you saying here? That the CHINESE had worked it out and tipped you off? Apparently the Chinese population here is the biggest...anywhere in CANADA or the USA...

Black Rabbit said...

As ever, the people in these pictures are incidental...and not part of a spy ring...

That is what interests me now...MACDONALD and CO never took photographs of themselves or their 'contacts' or 'bodyguards'...but they did let out quite a few photographs of ROS (see previous notes) for some reason...although not of RIMINGTON or TOMLINSON...

Black Rabbit said...

The photographs of CHINATOWN are here:

Member since 14 Jun, 2007

Black Rabbit said...

Back to the YAHOO IMAGES SEARCH RESULTS page - just in case I need to check them all at a later date:

ēst smiltis n...
8g7pjeh jpg
1600 x 1071 | 623k 2s6pjeh jpg
600 x 600 | 132k 0t4sp18pjeh3 jpg
500 x 400 | 99k pjeh2 jpg
365 x 487 | 27k pjeh1 jpg
332 x 500 | 61k ceyPjehCdVfs jpg
500 x 375 | 54k
pjehDQzHL0 jpg
450 x 391 | 65k qq3pjeh68a03 jpg
361 x 481 | 149k 2j59749pjeh0 jpg
464 x 268 | 29k j6pjeh jpg
327 x 387 | 28k wvirginia pjeh gif
68 x 50 | 9k clairethumb jpg
321 x 123 | 57k souljahost jpg
321 x 123 | 47k
endurance jpg
321 x 123 | 56k herwin chillin on pjeh
belgium gif
18 x 12 | 369B 1006 325732383 ...10 jpg
200 x 245 | 24k

Black Rabbit said...



Are we talking about top secret DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY matters - conducted at this 'out of the way' CIA base?

YES, we has come back now - this was the place.

Black Rabbit said...

...and the reference to the KUMARS is that the MITTAL family and INDIAN INTELLIGENCE were also involved?

So MI6 knew all about it, quite quickly then? Seeing as the MITTALS ran MI6 at that point in time - they had 'bought it' off the ROYAL FAMILY...

Black Rabbit said...

The second image upon this search is of two POMEGRANATES.

Remember SHARON at the PP PRISON in Jerusalem - and his speech about POMEGRANATE BOMBS.

So are we talking about the programming of SUICIDE BOMBERS here at this base?

Black Rabbit said...

pjeh2 jpg
365 x 487 | 27k

I remember the blonde-haired woman because MACDONALD got on very well with her...they talked in German all the time and I had very little idea of what was being said...I cannot even remember what type of a college this was...see photographs and text about CHOuRAGE...

Black Rabbit said...

2s6pjeh jpg
600 x 600 | 132k

This bird in the tree, amongst the GREEN LEAVES...and the website link which is mainly about BIRDS and in GERMAN...

So did you put up a list of the ILL PROGRAMMING that went on at this CIA centre?

This was the BIRD programming symbolism then...remote-viewer programming.

Black Rabbit said...

0t4sp18pjeh3 jpg
500 x 400 | 99k

We then have an image of GAMING ONLINE and so I can guess that this CIA base was playing the DRAGONIA ILL GAME?

Black Rabbit said...

After the CHINESE site above - we then have the RUSSIAN site and this UNHAPPY CLOWN who is skipping over his SCARF...that was your programming wasn't it MARK R?

Also DALDRY's...he said that to PRAGUE 1995...that he was 'the saddest clown that had ever lived'.

Black Rabbit said...

ceyPjehCdVfs jpg
500 x 375 | 54k

We then have a selection of NOKIA cameras...the first one is a RED one and by ZEISS...I remember being shown that one...

Black Rabbit said...

pjehDQzHL0 jpg
450 x 391 | 65k

Look at the above diagram with MR RED, MR GREEN and MR BLUE.

The CHINESE appear to have got a handle on all of this, don't they?

GREEN appears to be in control of RED and BLUE...I am not sure about the ORANGE arrows and buildings...

Black Rabbit said...



Mobile phone companies...?

MARK R had seen his body as a 'mobile phone' that the ILL could call up any time they liked...via microchip and direct him...he couldn't stop it in the end...the chips were too powerful.

Black Rabbit said...

That was:

qq3pjeh68a03 jpg
361 x 481 | 149k

Black Rabbit said...

2j59749pjeh0 jpg
464 x 268 | 29k

Apparently the above diagram is the solution - if you can read CHINESE...something to do with the INTERNET...

Black Rabbit said...

2j59749pjeh0 jpg
464 x 268 | 29k

Apparently the above diagram is the solution - if you can read CHINESE...something to do with the INTERNET...

Black Rabbit said...

j6pjeh jpg
327 x 387 | 28k

i vaguely remember them putting this website together to show the STARRY SKY...and it represented the CHINESE remote-viewers who had found out about DIA and were now working against it...the best thing that we ever that knowledge to the CHINESE...they unravelled the whole lot...and solved it.

Black Rabbit said...

wvirginia pjeh gif
68 x 50 | 9k

All i get is OOPS - page not found...

OOPSI...a reference to PSI abilities...with no further information...remember that OPSY children's book...something to do with attacking the pineal gland by microchip...

Black Rabbit said...

Put it under a microscope and you get ?


SCARLETT - you can explain that one.

Black Rabbit said...


What is special about that flag?

" the place, that I was born...WEST VIRGINIA..."

We all had to sing that one whilst we were being marched around from one programming site to another...and across the 1980.

Black Rabbit said...

I am having difficulty in finding one single CLOSE-UP of the WEST VIRGINIA FLAG here...and i have tried so many upon YAHOO IMAGES.

i can remember that RIMINGTON had programmed us all with it - in 1980 - the details of it will be significant.

Black Rabbit said...

So I had to resort to GOOGLE instead...

You have a very simplified version above...and a close-up of the PLOUGH behind the guy in YELLOW for no apparent reason...

That reminds me of the nightsky and the PLOUGH for some reason...the only star constellation that I could easily identify in the nightsky...

Black Rabbit said...

The PLOUGH and the OX (computer commands)?

Black Rabbit said...

Of course you have the RED ROTHSCHILD 'hat' out in front...a sort of FATHER XMAS/ELF hat?

Black Rabbit said...

You could spend ages trying to get the symbolism of this 'simplified' flag...and i remember having been shown it far more recently than 1980...

Black Rabbit said...

This flag above - is quite different in colours - the OLD version of WEST VIRGINIA 'dia' perhaps...

To be replaced by the new version of 'ALL IN YELLOW' man with the plough.

The guy above is in blue, brown and pink...

The GOLDEN WHEATSHEAF of ILL CULT slaves bound together is by his feet (as by YELLOW guy's feet in the more modern version)...

So we are saying BRITISH ASHKENAZIM changed the WEST VIRGINIA flag once they had taken over the ILL CULT?

Black Rabbit said...

It is extraordinary - the more you look at different versions of this flag - the more the dress colour coding of the two men changes...according to the year or period of time in which a particular group had dominance?

Black Rabbit said...

...but the RED HAT remains the same, doesn't it?


Black Rabbit said...

You were the OX to their PLOUGH...

Black Rabbit said...

The 35th State apparently:

Flag Adopted: 1929
Date Admitted: 1863
State Capital: Charleston
State Motto: "Mountaineers Are Always Free"
Nickname: Mountain State
State Song: "West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home"
State Flower: Rhododendron
State Tree: Sugar Maple
State Bird: Cardinal

West Virginia gets it nickname from all its mountains and hills. Founded in the midst of the Civil War, the date of June 20, 1863 commemorating it. s statehood appears on the Rock. The two men represent farming and mining. Two rifles with a liberty cap on top of the rifles symbolize the peoples readiness to defend their freedom. Around the shield are a wreath of Rhododendron, the state flower.

Black Rabbit said...

Wait a minute - there's a PINK HAT on this one...

AMADEUS is this another of your 'little jokes'?

Black Rabbit said...

Funnily enough, the other day - I was looking at the photographs and headlines upon the daily newspapers and I saw DAVID MILIBAND on the front of the INDEPENDENT wearing what i thought looked like a PINK TIE.

"Jolly good" i thought...but on closer inspection it was revealed that his tie was made of RED/WHITE not so good after all...trying to pretend that he was wearing a PINK TIE when he wasn't...

Black Rabbit said...


The more I look through these WV flags the stranger they get...I am not sure what is behind the FARMER upon this one...

People are obviously having fun with this flag, nowadays...on the INTERNET.

Black Rabbit said...

it looks like a DEAD TREE to me...

Black Rabbit said...

...and forget the now have a bunch of what appear to be stylized EIDELWEISSES around it...

Black Rabbit said...

What about the CARDINAL BIRD that represents WEST VIRIGINIA?

HA HA - 'scary bird' in RED.

listen to it sing on the above website.

Black Rabbit said...

If you play it through your WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER you get some 'healing' NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH images - and the bird noise sounds more 'alarmed' than 'alarming'.

Black Rabbit said...

Then you get the ILL DARK GREEN MILITARY COLOUR...then a WHITE HOLY ILL GHOST image...then OCEAN DEPTH programming...and then OUT INTO OUTER SPACE...a sort of 'C' in the darkness...then PLANE imagery...a ZIGZAG of steps and sort of demonic nebulous imagery....a pink Z of some description in OUTER SPACE...a WHITE Z in the darkness above the colour at the bottom of the screen...a PINK Z in top right corner corresponding to PINK shepherd's HOOK in the bottom left hand corner...

Black Rabbit said...

Then GREEN MISTY TORNADO coming down in between two PURPLY 'Z's...

...and then MOTHMAN...that was TOMLINSON's demonic imagery as far as i can remember...

So let me see...was I shown this crap at the CIA BASE?

Most probably...nothing like remote-viewing in OUTER SPACE at all and so one wonders why they wouldn't have fooled anybody...

...then a BLACKOUT and two CLAWS coming at you from either side of the screen...

I suppose that was when they put mechanical 'grippers' to the sides of your head/ears...

...a GREEN streak in the top hand right corner...

...I get 'whale' imagery off the next bit and the RUSSIAN communist symbol...a multi-purpose shape created by two intersecting lines...also reminiscent of the UNHOLY GHOST...

...then YELLOW AMP programming for they were tuning the microchip then and programming you to respond to it...

Black Rabbit said... this visualisation turns the CHIP off?

One can see the YELLOW SOUND BARS disappear below consciousness after a while...

Black Rabbit said...

...perhaps it doesn't - that is the point...the CHIP then controls you subconsciously because your mind has become so accustomed to the 'noise' that it doesn't bother to register it anymore....

Black Rabbit said...

So MACDONALD you wanted TOMLINSON to be OUTED for being the MEDIC at this CIA BASE?

Black Rabbit said...

Hey, you can even BUY the 'birdie song' now apparently - I have just clicked onto it...but in point of fact, MICROSOFT won't let won't open the page.

Black Rabbit said...

Try playing around with ENHANCEMENTS VISUALISATIONS AND PLUG INS...if your media player gets stuck on those silly YELLOW mine did...

Black Rabbit said...


Click on:

BATTERY then...
i see the truth

Black Rabbit said...

You get a SUGAR CUBE in OUTER SPACE...a couple of misty white forms and that is about it really...

The SPACE CUBE is full of 'unholy crosses' for no apparent reason...



is that your 'truth' ILL CULT?

Black Rabbit said...

Now SAGES down the centuries have done a little better than that...perhaps you were lacking in INSPIRATION?

Black Rabbit said...

On the same menu as I SEE THE TRUTH we have BACK TO THE GROOVE...

This is even worse...another whirly UNHOLY GHOST image which now looks like a SWASTIKA...surrounded by a load of COTTON WOOL...ECT - no memories...

Black Rabbit said...

THE WORLD on the same menu finishes up with the MOLECH OWL image...all nasty stuff then and not healing at all...i was wrong...poor old NIKOLAS had to put his 'talents' to demonic crap...

I can remember this now...of course, TOMLINSON ECT'd me heavily afterwards which made it so difficult to remember these images but they are coming back...and I shall go through the whole lot at some point...but it is the usual ILL CULT shit...PAEDOPHILIA, CHILD-TRAFFICKING...DRUG TRAFFICKING...silly MOLECH OWLS....UNHOLY GHOSTS...that sort of thing...

Black Rabbit said...

STRAWBERRY AID - you can guess what this one was about - filthy bastards.

Black Rabbit said...


This is an interesting one because you have a few GREEN WORMS...what could it mean?

They were trying to kill the WORM as in yourself at the centre of your brain?

Why call it a SPIDER then?

Black Rabbit said...

So I went back to have another look at the BIRDIE SONG graphics after switching off my laptop and decided this time around - to fiddle about with the colour - I switched it to PINK and ‘HIGH DENSITY’…and then turned on CROSS FADING and put on the 10.0 seconds of overlap…realising that this was what I had been told to do if I wanted to watch the CIA ‘tape’ proper.

That was when I flashbacked to ASHER telling me that the tape was only 45 minutes and it wasn’t that long…I could concentrate for that long…

However, this time around it was MUCH MUCH LONGER…

…and I flashbacked to the CIA BASE after TOMLINSON had shown me the first 45 minutes.

This reminded me of 1980 and the far more ‘primitive’ computer graphics used - see previous notes - where SHANA got the ILL meaning of the images easily and quickly…but I had to watch the tape many times…guessing wrongly each time…I hadn’t got a clue…eventually I ‘got it right’ for each ambiguous image - by default. RIMINGTON just kept telling me to watch the tape and to guess…

Anyway, the same thing happened with TOMLINSON - he kept pausing the tape and going back…every time I got it wrong…lost patience and then started to simply tell me the ILL meanings of particular ambiguous images.

He also told me to see my reflection in the screen and to understand that the images were ‘in my head’…I took everything with a pinch of salt as ever…

Anyway, MARK R then shooed him off and showed me the next tape…that was of SCARLETT’s programming…if you follow the instructions as above….and flick through the images upon PLAY by continuously clicking on PLAY…you will eventually get to an OFF-CENTRE EGG (after about 2 hours - yes, it took that long to get there)…which MARK R called the EGGMAN…it looks a bit like the ILL image of a SHELL but is also egg-shaped…SCARLETT’s images were far more intricate that the earlier images - which had been my own programming.

I cannot be bothered to go through this imagery anymore…I think that I have got the basic gist of it now.

Black Rabbit said...

So I went back to have another look at the BIRDIE SONG graphics after switching off my laptop and decided this time around - to fiddle about with the colour - I switched it to PINK and ‘HIGH DENSITY’…and then turned on CROSS FADING and put on the 10.0 seconds of overlap…realising that this was what I had been told to do if I wanted to watch the CIA ‘tape’ proper.

That was when I flashbacked to ASHER telling me that the tape was only 45 minutes and it wasn’t that long…I could concentrate for that long…

However, this time around it was MUCH MUCH LONGER…

…and I flashbacked to the CIA BASE after TOMLINSON had shown me the first 45 minutes.

This reminded me of 1980 and the far more ‘primitive’ computer graphics used - see previous notes - where SHANA got the ILL meaning of the images easily and quickly…but I had to watch the tape many times…guessing wrongly each time…I hadn’t got a clue…eventually I ‘got it right’ for each ambiguous image - by default. RIMINGTON just kept telling me to watch the tape and to guess…

Anyway, the same thing happened with TOMLINSON - he kept pausing the tape and going back…every time I got it wrong…lost patience and then started to simply tell me the ILL meanings of particular ambiguous images.

He also told me to see my reflection in the screen and to understand that the images were ‘in my head’…I took everything with a pinch of salt as ever…

Anyway, MARK R then shooed him off and showed me the next tape…that was of SCARLETT’s programming…if you follow the instructions as above….and flick through the images upon PLAY by continuously clicking on PLAY…you will eventually get to an OFF-CENTRE EGG (after about 2 hours - yes, it took that long to get there)…which MARK R called the EGGMAN…it looks a bit like the ILL image of a SHELL but is also egg-shaped…SCARLETT’s images were far more intricate that the earlier images - which had been my own programming.

I cannot be bothered to go through this imagery anymore…I think that I have got the basic gist of it now.

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that if you watched this tape for long enough, you would get the SPUDNIK programming...the whole lot...

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that every so often you get what TOMLINSON called a 'colour test' card...I suppose it was to make sure that you hadn't gone 'colour blind' in the interim...not sure...

Black Rabbit said...

Also the 'flying snakes' were to keep your eyes on an even keel and to focus them again...

Black Rabbit said...

Whilst watching the tape - TOMLINSON clipped various things to your head/neck...i am not sure what he was up to but he then electrocuted you now and then...

Black Rabbit said...

...the imagery was all colour-coded and linked to everything that I have written about so far...

Black Rabbit said...

That murky turquoise is a PEACOCK blue/green isn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

The tape is entitled:


CARD - IN - AL (AL being a microchip linked to AL computer)

Black Rabbit said...

voiceatt.wav were important too for some reason...

Black Rabbit said...

GRAPHICS EQUALISERS...I put them all on 'independent' and pulled them down to the bottom of their columns...

Black Rabbit said...

I had some murky intimations of the future this morning…or rather, what had been done in the past to stop the evil in the present…

For a start up - on the above ROTHSCHILD/OBERON blog - he wanted to punish me for killing the TASCHMAN brothers and so decided to kill my father off and then my móther (who would be hurt most if he died first) by wine and Seconal…NONE OF THIS HAPPENS - I made sure of that.

Secondly, I had a flashback to AMADEUS and MARK R telling me ‘findus keepus’ as far as the HARRY POTTER money was concerned.

All I can say to the pair of them is this: if you do not give back to me, what you took and soon - it will be taken back forcibly - and I saw how this was done, last night - not pretty.

Some lizards never change, do they?


I didn’t mention this before but as far as I could see, the ‘man’ that CAROLINE loved and then married was TOMLINSON. He wasn’t happy with the arrangement - it was forced upon him because she loved him - ‘for his own good‘.

Anyway, I have no idea how that works out in the end but not a wise choice of husband, I would have thought.

What puzzles me now - is the fact that the BI network had thought that he was dead. So maybe CAROLINE is in mourning now.

The bit above was all really weird…finding out what the PRINCE OF MONACO had done, with his people…and also what the CHINESE remote-viewers had done, in relation to the ‘big picture’…so many people changed the future and probably continue to change it. All one can say is that the MOSSAD do not have enough remote-viewers to compete with the CHINESE.

PUTIN also thought that AMADEUS and MARK R could not be trusted at all and advised me against putting any trust into the pair of them.

“They’re ROCKEFELLERS, they can’t help it.” say the BI network.


Another puzzling factor that came up yesterday - why did ASHER tell me to watch the whole of that CIA colour-coded programming video CARDINALS in 2004?

All one can say is that SCARLETT must have instructed her to do so and so he knew that TOMLINSON had used that one upon me in BURNABY.

Yesterday, I had flashes of SCARLETT spluttering ‘that bastard’ when his own programming came up after mine - and ‘I should never have trusted that man’ etc in relation to TOMLINSON.

His own programming HADN’T come up after mine, in 2004. It had been added on in 2009.

I might also add that after SCARLETT’s images had finished - PRINCE PHILIP’s began, upon that CARDINALS video…


The new BLOG OF NOTE today - looks like it was put together at JO’s - so MACDONALD was mainly responsible for this one:

PHOO-D (foodie)


By this point - RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON/ROS/MACDONALD/SWISS CONTROLLER/AMADEUS had all figured that I would NO LONGER have an address.

This is YOUR ‘swansong’ and NOT mine.

By the time I am finished with the lot of you - if you are not dead and still have a ‘home’ - consider yourselves lucky.

Remember I had all of the power - none of you did and you do not have the power to undo what I have done.

Plus I made many friends who wish to see me get what is mine - back again. If any of you continue to stand in my way - you have been WARNED.

Anyway, this is a disgusting little blogspot - full of the usual food/human body symbolism.

The main theme is CANNIBALISM.

The person who had had their forearm burnt, was JO.

RIMINGTON had burnt her on the stove.

(Most probably in a fit of jealousy - ROS liked JO too much. JO was a completely obedient ‘zombie’ slave).

My comment was the last one upon the blog about how I tended to burn my ELBOWS or something like that…elbows were the key point…RIMINGTON used to burn my elbows on the stove. I still have scar tissue upon them but having treated it with cream for a year or two now - it is fading.

Black Rabbit said...

So in retrospect, I do have to compliment MACDONALD in providing the information necessary to blow up that NORTH KOREAN HQ for 'ILL remote-viewer' control - that made everything so much easier and everybody so much 'freer' to do as they pleased.

Black Rabbit said...

One of the particularly nasty images upon that CARDINALS video was what TOMLINSON described as a flock of SWANS who had all been caught on a GRID in the atmosphere.

These 'birds' and all other 'remote-viewing birds' are now FREE.

Black Rabbit said...

Otherwise, we might have had a scenario like BLADERUNNER or ODD JOHN where these programmed remote-viewers were hunted down 'on the grid'.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

The CHINESE video of all of those STARS in the sky (see pjeh search)...made me cry yesterday...because i knew what it represented...all of those to roam the COSMOS...that is what it is all about...freedom within the COSMOS as a soul.

Black Rabbit said...

UPDATE - i haven't quite finished checking these 'pjeh' search results out yet...better finish off what I was doing yesterday and read that horrific FBI game:

clairethumb jpg 321 x 123 | 57k
souljahost jpg 321 x 123 | 47k
endurance jpg 321 x 123 | 56k
herwin chillin on pjeh andrewkumar
belgium gif 18 x 12 | 369B
1006 325732383 ...10 jpg 200 x 245 | 24k

Black Rabbit said...

You can see that MACDONALD had 'shades' of GENERAL HOAG about him...he'd 'forgottten his map' so he just did what came naturally...

Black Rabbit said...

...and it worked.

Black Rabbit said...

So when the REMOTE-VIEWING GRID came down - it turned into a 'free-for-all' didn't it?

That is what I had deduced, must have happened and now I can see that this must have been a reality - in terms of remote-viewing 'warfare'.

Black Rabbit said...

In terms of human rights, it was and is a necessity - to stop anybody from gaining a monopoly over the atmosphere of this planet (e.g. by HAARP beams) and the free passage of the soul to the COSMOS.

Black Rabbit said...

I am still uncertain how this all worked upon a scientific basis - all I know is that our details as remote-viewers were all recorded upon that NORTH KOREAN database - our historys and our ILL-planned futures.

It was a 'tracker' base.

Black Rabbit said...

This morning an odd memory came back…the ALLO ALLO TEAM had wanted to change my appearance and the quickest and easiest way was BROWN CONTACT LENS and a DARK BROWN wig…after putting them on me, they fell about laughing and said ‘you look CHINESE’. Looking in the mirror - I certainly looked as if I could pass for ‘mixed race’ CHINESE.

They then took a few photographs of me to send to their ‘Chinese friends’ for a giggle.

So I wonder now if this is all part of the genetic identification of BIRDS OF MANY COLOURS?

AMADEUS had been classified as one of these but MARK R who was of the same family…wasn’t, for some reason…

I had always said that my sister looked like a ‘blonde Chinese’ but I had never recognised this in myself. I do not have that ‘slavic look’ to the eyes and yet once the BROWN contact lens were in…suddenly I recognised that subtle CHINESE look to them…even if my eyelids weren’t precisely the same…the shape and placing of the eyes in the head, was the same…

Now - if you did this to any BLUE-eyed person, you might not have quite the same effect…it was something to do with the genetic make-up.

ROS had far more of a Chinese shape to her face and facial features - with me, it was simply the eyes and the fact that very dark hair didn’t look un-natural.

Black Rabbit said...

EP as the latest YAHOO IMAGES SEARCH brought up this one and I am getting something back here:

EP - so you tried to programme me as an EP 'doll'?

Once the contact lens had gone in?

Why EP and not ET?

Black Rabbit said...

EP is a short-term playing record, isn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

The person who commented upon the above photograph of EP has their own DOLL website - see above.

Here is the 'story':

angelfish_68's photostream
Guest Passes let you share your photos that aren't public. Anyone can see your public photos anytime, whether they're a Flickr member or not. But! If you want to share photos marked as friends, family or private, use a Guest Pass. If you're sharing photos from a set, you can create a Guest Pass that includes any of your photos marked as friends, family, or private. If you're sharing your entire photostream, you can create a Guest Pass that includes photos marked as friends or family (but not your private photos). Learn more about Guest Passes![?]

pretty lat/longBehind the scenes: Two grubby little Hounds Behind the scenes: Attila waxes philosophical

Rudy and Bo...on all my clean bedding. I washed all my bedding today and of course that's JUST... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


I have no idea what Attila's talking about here. Ghost and Meep do not look amused. I just thought... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


1) Honey Bear works on her tan..:) 2) Ghost are you coming?

Hilary/Snoopygirl let her HS come and stay with me and I had a little fun with her DaBi scalp that's... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009


Honey Bear waits for Ghost. She thought that if there was any of my girls that needed some color it... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009


3) I'm coming! 4) AUGGGGGGH!

Ghost peered out the doorway of the looked awfully bright out there! All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009


Black Rabbit said...

Ghost: "IT BUUUUURNS!!! Omghowdoyoustandit???" Hon ey Bear: " ..........." All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009


5) From the darkest to the lightest.. 6) Not in agreement over this 'tanning' thing

The two opposite ends of the blythe skintone spectrum...both in stolen pink hairs...:D All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009


Ghost: "What is it with the weirdos in So Cal, don't they all know they're going to look like... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009

2 notes / 8 comments

Meet grumpy Fairy Princess Aur...I mean Attila! You suck!

Finally, a name! After many days or arguing about how I was NOT going to name her 'Caligula'...(she... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 21, 2009

1 note / 27 comments

"For making me wear this!" Poor Attila...she's a fairy princess so I couldn't resist... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 21, 2009


Hahahaha! What's in here?

Ghost couldn't resist poking fun. Originally I bought that outfit to torture her and make her wear... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 21, 2009

2 notes / 8 comments

My still unnamed new girl spys another blythe.... "C'mon, let's free her! She looks like she... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 16, 2009


Hey...... Papua New Guinea gets her scalp back!

"You look like me but without a tan!" No this is not my MLC. I wouldn't mind one someday... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 16, 2009


After borrowing Snoops' DaBi scalp for awhile, Papua New Guinea got her MSR scalp back. She's... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 16, 2009


Candy-colored MRMs! I am the cutest hybrid ever!

What could be better? All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 16, 2009


Chupa, my MSR/MRM hybrid jumps in the picture. She really does believe she's the cutest... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 16, 2009

1 note / 17 comments

My two favorites Good morning, sunshine!

My two favorites, Bo and Ghost...the only two dolls that have a permanent place in my bedroom...:) ... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 11, 2009


Cal, as surly as ever did not appreciate being woken up for pictures! Me: "Evidently you've... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 11, 2009


Black Rabbit said...

I then clicked on this horrible image of a TURQUOISE 'cat' little girl doll with a STRAWBERRY dress on and ORANGE shoes...she is 'up for adoption' from ANGELFISH.

Along with some other 'dolls' that are also 'up for adoption.

I clicked on the photograph (properties) to realise that this was the FARM/CIA at work again:

Black Rabbit said...

Let me go back a bit to the first DOLL URL:

I remember now - CAROLINE and MEG MATTHEWS were depicted as the two DOLLS below:


My two favorites, Bo and Ghost...the only two dolls that have a permanent place in my bedroom...:) ... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 11, 2009


Black Rabbit said...

Here are the comments left about the photograph of two dolls - representing CAROLINE and MEG MATTHEWS:

My two favorites, Bo and Ghost...the only two dolls that have a permanent place in my bedroom...:) Here they are sitting on my high boy where I can always see them....Ghost, of course is more than content to alwyas sit in Bo's lap...:)
janapha says:
this is how they are now? so cute!!!!
i have all my blythes in bedroom.
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
angelfish_68 says:
Nope...the others live in a glass case where they are protected from sunlight and whatnot...these two are in my bedroom on my highboy where I can always see them...:) And yes...this is how they are now and usually are unless I'm playing with them..:)
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
janapha says:
it is sweet. and james is ok with that? :-))))
peter always support me with my crazy hobby.
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
angelfish_68 says:
He's long as it's just them. To be fair he's never minded my dolls; one thing that I love about him. He does wince at their prices though, as do I! Loool!
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
janapha says:
i understand him. now i have to run. bye bye ;-)
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
AtomicSpaceKitty says:
Aw, so cute! I want to be Ghost for a day so I can sit in Bo's lap. ;) All my dolls live in my bedroom (they sit on my dresser and nightstand).
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
angelfish_68 says:
Jana....hugs and speak soon.;)

Kara...I think Bo would like that...;)
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
EddopusComplex says:
I like hearing about our significant others supporting our hobbies. Just so unconditional...well on that point. lol
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
xkimdaisyx says:
Awe so nice to see tehm out of a cabnet, mine all live in a glass from cabnet too. : )
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
rockymountainroz says:
I love these two too! :D I am happy that you can always see them! My faves hang out in the family I see them all the time too!
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
angelfish_68 says:
Eddo...I think that's very important...couldn't imagine a partner who hated my dolls!

xkimdaisyx...These are the two that are never in a cabinet...:)

Roz...they love you too...:) They make me happy to see them sitting there...:) I forgot...over to the right, Jenni's Linus sits too!
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink )
plastic_fashion says:
i can so tell she is happy to be where she is! darling shot of both of them. I bet Ghost wishes more would come of their friendship
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink )
angelfish_68 says:
Laura...she loves Bo a great deal...:) Ghost does indeed wish there was more but the size descrepancy gets in the way...;) For his part Bo is a gentleman and I believe he feels the same..:)
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink )
happibug says:
They are darling like that!
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink )
Blythely I go says:
I'm a little late to the party, here, but OMG, sooooo cute. Bo is quite protective of Ghost, love that!

Speaking of Ghost---I came across an interesting group called "Gry with FM Einheit and his Orchestra" because I was after their song "Princess Crocodile" and they have a song called "Ghost"! It's a pretty cool song, you can hear a sample on iTunes. Makes me think of your dolly! :)
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink )
angelfish_68 says:
Thank you Lynne!

Val, er.....Princess Crocodile isn't about Miss Broccoli, is it??? ;) I will have to check that out, Ghost would love a theme song....:D

Black Rabbit said...

NOTE how ROZ is mentioned in one of them...I sense the CIA SUITE and the PRINCE OF MONACO behind all of this...and 'john waters' and his friends were there, to set up all of those 'human doll' scenes.

Black Rabbit said...

angelfish_68's photostream

So who decided to set this all up?

Let me guess...

Behind the scenes: Two grubby little Hounds

That would be MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER, wouldn't it?

...with MARK R behind the SHADOWS...

Black Rabbit said...

angelfish_68's photostream

So who decided to set this all up?

Let me guess...

Behind the scenes: Two grubby little Hounds

That would be MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER, wouldn't it?

...with MARK R behind the SHADOWS...

Black Rabbit said...

So as far as I can remember...although I tried to pay as little attention as possible to the insanity going on around me...I was supposed to be ATILLA and then they tried to make me believe that I was the same doll but with different coloured eyes etc...all crap...i just bore it all and continued...

Black Rabbit said...

The worrying thing here is that the ILL think that this sort of brainwashing works upon 'young child alters'.

They believe that they can make your 'young child alter' fragment into many different personalities who 'look the same' but have different coloured eyes/hair etc.

Black Rabbit said...

I didn't work on me - and so I wonder how many people this actually works upon?

Black Rabbit said...

You just grin and bear it - or act dumb - or have a childish 'pet' to show them that you are a 'child at heart'...and they continue on in their insanity, around you.

Black Rabbit said...

The funny thing is that at the 'jesuit' monastery and in a 'child alter' as in my state of mind when I knew 'john waters' as a child...I had an immense recall of that time - which I do not have normally and therefore it is easy to 'act as a child'.

I remember sitting with his friends/monks in the refectory and they were having a 'healing session' where you could talk about your 'wounds/hurts' from childhood and they asked me...

I began:

"I am a little boy without balls..."

...and they tried to keep a straight face but then cracked up laughing.

'john waters' was in telepathic contact with me the whole time...I got up and left the table, quite angry but also 'acting'...he told me that I had kept an even keel with the lot of them...they were amused...I hadn't upset the ambiance of their telepathic inter-relationships...

Black Rabbit said...

My sister and I had both wanted to be boys before the age of 4 years old - because we could both see that life would be 'hell on Earth' if we weren't and as very young children - you do not know that gender is not a 'chosen thing' - it is a biological thing.

Black Rabbit said...

I remembered last I asked the TEMPLARS to play BOYS KEEP SWINGING at one of their 'party events' in the evening...because I loved the song but because it was also subtle pisstake of the whole gender inequality.

I remember shouting the song at GREEN and he asked me why I was so angry...obvious reason...I hadn't been born a boy...growing up with gender inequality isn't 'fun'.

Black Rabbit said...

Now, you see if the SPICE GIRLS had been around in the 1960s and done a cover version of BOYS KEEP SWINGING (if BOWIE had written it in the 50s)...

GIRLS KEEP SWINGING (in a macho way) - that would have been really fun.

Black Rabbit said...

It's the line:

" can wear a uniform..." that I love the most.

Black Rabbit said...

Check it out on the KENNY EVERETT show:

I had told MACDONALD how much I had loved EVERETT - and he had found this clip - see above.

The 'crazy company' then added the comments below.

Black Rabbit said...

I could watch that clip many times - BOWIE at his most beautiful and macho...and KENNY...well, isn't this what BRITISH CULTURE is all about?


salmonofknowledge (3 years ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply

David Bowie - the only man in history who could look cool doing jazz hands while goosestepping -

Black Rabbit said...

i am not sure why but MACDONALD's brief or his 'mission statement' was to take a voyage around BRITISH CULTURE at this point in time and to put up as many videos on YOUTUBE as possible...

Black Rabbit said...

So what is a BLYTHE, MACDONALD - tell me.

'john waters' decided to 'torture me' by dressing this doll planet doll in this very feminine outfit...naturally he thought that my 'little boy' child alter wouldn't like that one at all.

...and his little joke about how I didn't want to be called AURORA (sleeping beauty pun):

Finally, a name! After many days or arguing about how I was NOT going to name her 'Caligula'...(she fought hard for that one...) we both decided on 'Aurora'. I think it suits her even though she's a bit grumpy for a fairy priness...:)

Edit....thank you Hejy! We both like Attila muuuuch better....;)

Black Rabbit said...

One of the commentators then retorts that I am a bit too 'sweet' for being a 'killer doll':

hejog says:
Aurora is pretty but maybe a little sweet for a Blythe....they are all serial killers and world dictators in the making you know! (Well most of them)
Posted 8 days ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

FiddybobiddyFiddy says:
Awww, you got a White Magic Grumpy to add to your twins!
Posted 32 hours ago. ( permalink )

FIDDYBOBIDDYFIDDY was TOMLINSON and I am not quite sure what WHITE MAGIC GRUMPY adds to the 'twins' but I appear to have spent too much time with FIDDYBOBIDDYFIDDY:

angelfish_68 says:
Fiddy.....hahahaha! I sure did! She looks like she's spent some time with your crew...;)
Posted 30 hours ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

So who was the PINK RABBIT?


Black Rabbit said...

Who owns DURACELL?

They advertise with a large PINK RABBIT...

Black Rabbit said...

...and NO, I didn't ask to be called CALIGULA - this is how 'little boys' are when they play with their 'human dolls'.

Black Rabbit said...

I’ve spent too much time on this BIRDS OF DIFFERENT COLOURS business - so all I want to add is this:

One can see that if you were of such MIXED ‘race’ as in different genetic elements…that the ILL put you at the bottom of the pile. You were NOT allowed to breed.

The ILL liked people who were in SET CATEGORIES and that meant: WHITE, BLACK, BROWN, YELLOW, RED…you name it.

Black Rabbit said...


5 dance or die ep
olympus ep 1 and leica
John Sypal
blinding ep original
Guy Eppel
eyes on yuna s ep
yuna s ep cover
released ep entitled
Horizon Fire
come n get me ep

la bouche de ep
Elfe de Lune
EP Kazetta 1 jpg
1280 x 852 | 513k 0 The EP cover JPG
1600 x 1200 | 313k jonathansalas e...hi jpg
1849 x 1650 | 1MB nina hagen band 10 ep
Teisco EP 10T jpg
704 x 1152 | 99k
01032005 1 ep jpg
600 x 729 | 84k 03 ep lmv jpg
771 x 600 | 159k TheReptileEP jpg
558 x 555 | 143k ep 2 echoplex
EP Release Part...2 jpg
640 x 480 | 59k 24 ep lmv jpg
1006 x 600 | 198k chlorophylle ep
*~. Mar .~*

Black Rabbit said...

Look at the last one.

MARR's photostream.

Funny how I dreamt last night that I was GETTING RID of two chairs - VERY SIMILAR ones.

Black Rabbit said...

*~. Mar .~*'s photostream
Guest Passes let you share your photos that aren't public. Anyone can see your public photos anytime, whether they're a Flickr member or not. But! If you want to share photos marked as friends, family or private, use a Guest Pass. If you're sharing photos from a set, you can create a Guest Pass that includes any of your photos marked as friends, family, or private. If you're sharing your entire photostream, you can create a Guest Pass that includes photos marked as friends or family (but not your private photos). Learn more about Guest Passes![?]

pretty lat/long

All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


The skirt is made by me from first doll coordinate recipe. All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


Deux chaises Bento #1

Route de Pont-à-Mousson - Mousson (54) Septembre 2009 All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


Voici mon tout premier bento. J'ai trouvé les recettes dans un livre. This is my very first bento.... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009

6 notes / 4 comments

Boîte Bento et accessoires Accessoires

J'ai décidé de me mettre aux bentos. J'ai donc acheté une boîte et des petits accessoires. I... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


J'ai trouvé ses petits moules au supermarchés. Ils son supers. I found these little molds at... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009


Vue de côté

Framboise avait envie de faire des bêtises aujourd'hui... Framboise wanted to do something stupid... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


La construction est finie, manquent les meubles... :-) All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


Vue de côté Vue de côté

La construction est finie, manquent les meubles... :-) All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


La construction est finie, manquent les meubles... :-) All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


Vue de côté Vue de dessus

La construction est finie, manquent les meubles... :-) All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


La construction est finie, manquent les meubles... :-) All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


Et après elle boude... Then she's sulking... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Aug 11, 2009


Voici le troisième espace de ma construction pour poupées. J'aime beaucoup cette couleur. This is... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Jul 25, 2009

1 note / 0 comments

Voici Nikki dans une tenue que je lui ai faite cette semaine: la jupe et le t-shirt (DCR#6... All rights reserved
Uploaded on Jul 25, 2009


All rights reserved
Uploaded on Jul 25, 2009


1 set

Visites / Expos
3 sets

3 sets

17 sets

Black Rabbit said...

Losing the furniture and 'sulking' - isn't that un petit peu insulting?

The FOX is dead and the FROG had better watch out...

Black Rabbit said...

Framboise avait envie de faire des bêtises aujourd'hui... Framboise wanted to do something stupid...

So they are calling me RASPBERRY now?

Guess what I am calling you? (Deep within your subconscious minds...)

Black Rabbit said...

The FOX in the WEST VIRGINIA 'RHODODENDRUM' BUSH...LILAC too...says it all...

Black Rabbit said...

...wearing his GOLDEN SHOES?

Did they bury him in them?

Black Rabbit said...

They brought my mother in to 'inspect' me:

"Your mother's the cat (silver tabby) and you are the doll..."

You just grin and bear it.

So that I could EXPOSE this SHIT here.

Black Rabbit said...

come n get me ep

I am sure that enough people can 'come and get you' AMADEUS - if they really wanted to - YOU were supposed to be on THAT flight - remember?

Black Rabbit said...

That's right - I saw you in that crowd of people in that DEPARTURE LOUNGE - maybe I should have mentioned that before - but not to worry - everybody knows what you look like now.

Black Rabbit said...

Teisco EP 10T jpg
704 x 1152 | 99k

Looking through the EP photographs - there is far more important ILL stuff to mention, for example the above is all about KIDNEY programming.

Remember how the ILL instil fear into their slaves by the KIDNEYS - producing the FIGHT/FLIGHT syndrome (via microchip)?

Black Rabbit said...

Work this circuit board out - courtesy of the CHINESE.

Black Rabbit said...

Magnify it to see the MR ONE-TWO as in MARK R circuitboard...

Black Rabbit said...

It appears to be saying that the RED CIRCLE denotes where the two main chips are:

To the right of the GOLD DIAMOND as in pineal gland.

Also a HAIR upon the head - it is coming back now.

Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact, when you think of yourself in your body - it is probably to the LEFT of the pineal gland.

Black Rabbit said...

The PURPLE BATTERY was probably what TOMLINSON injected into your RIGHT temple.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, it's coming back now - the above is correct - I learnt it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

i remember this from the TEMPLAR CASTLE too - the image was created from somebody that the ILL reptiles had murdered - a dead body.

Black Rabbit said...

EP-2 Echoplex

My late model EP-2, with Sound-On-Sound.

story @
This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them.
Joey Harrison says:
So what does it do?
Posted 44 months ago. ( permalink )
pheezy says:
It's a tape echo, or an early delay unit. (The tape feeds out of the cartridge in the center, and past those three heads. One is RECORD, one is PLAYBACK, and one is ERASE. If they're all on, the sound coming in is recorded to the tape, played back and then erased from the tape, all in a matter of (variable) split seconds.)

This page [1] explains it better than I can. It's really a piece of music gear history.

And, to talk to the man who invented it (see the link above) was a real honor for me.

Posted 44 months ago. ( permalink )
Voxphoto says:
Oooh, supercool! Much beloved as an effect indub reggae...
Posted 44 months ago. ( permalink )
Bobby, KF4GTA says:
I have the same one. Do you have a schematic for it?
Posted 20 months ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

ECHO BEACH - far away in time...

The ECHOES of such horror - in terms of ILL ABUSE/TORTURE that nobody wants to visit...yet the ECHOES come back in later have to live with them and act upon them...stop these atrocities from ever happening again.

Black Rabbit said...

EP Release Part...2 jpg
640 x 480 | 59k

ORANGE eps...

Black Rabbit said...

24 ep lmv jpg
1006 x 600 | 198k

Are these really kids from HELSINKI?

i get the feeling NOT - they are 'lost kids' - used and abused by the ILL CULT - in HELL'S SINK.

Black Rabbit said...

olympus ep 1 and leica
John Sypal

i remember that I preferred the LEICA - simply because I didn't like the associations with OLYMPUS and ZECHHIN had always sworn by LEICA cameras...

I wonder what programming was attached here...LIE-CAR?

Black Rabbit said...

blinding ep original
Guy Eppel

They loved the fact that this guy looked so sick...a suffering 'son of g-d'...

Same with NINA of Meg Matthews' favourite singers. Swiss controller adds that she looks like a real heroin addict...sure, they are all 'addiction-trained' during programming.

Black Rabbit said...

5 dance or die ep

What does the first one mean?


So who are the 5 in question, AMADEUS?

Nobody has tried to blow my plane up recently....

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL MAIL in my SPAM box:

Mrs. Beth Schroeder Attachments Important! 7:49 AM 448KB

Unread Rightmove News A peek into Katie & Peters' stateside house and the latest news from Rightmove! 2:07 AM 34KB

Black Rabbit said...

I am angry with MARK R and AMADEUS this morning...I had helped them so free them from ROTHSCHILD control and yet they were still unwilling to pay back the money that they had stolen from me.

I do not get their behaviour at all.

They try to behave like good human beings and then they shoot themselves in the foot - almost immediately afterwards - no interest in being 'good' at all. Just interested in stealing money - how insane is that?

Black Rabbit said...

Everything only in their self-interests...despite having had proof that there were 'whole worlds' out there...their belief in SATANISM and/or ATHEISM rocked to the core...and yet still behaving like selfish little fools.

Black Rabbit said...

Is it because it is too big an admittance of PUBLIC GUILT?

i can hardly believe it but that is probably the case...

I cannot believe it because EVERYBODY in their social milieu will know precisely what happened by now - and what do they care about the 'sheeple' opinions?

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

Obviously there is a bit more to find out then...although we are mainly covering very old ground by now... has to also state that the other 'interested parties' will have to show their hands too, at some point i.e. the ROYALS and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE.

Black Rabbit said...

...and no call yet from EAGEHURST about my missing bike...

...or any mail from NPOWER so far...

Black Rabbit said...

A newish email in my INBOX from the infamous JIAJING SUN:

Saturday, 26 September, 2009 1:37 AM
From: "Jiajing Sun" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:
Hi Emily,

I will try harder from an entertainment prospective as you suggested. To be honest, you need to come out from this shell and depression, be glad that you have survived after everything, there are people dying everyday, and God had mercy on you. Think about what you already have. I really geniunely wanted to help you. But you have always turned down my help.

Since my returning to the UK, you are one of the persons that I concern most, not because you are a victims of this whole ill-game, but also because you have shown your fighting spirit, your uncomprising soul. God punished everybody who think they are great. Didn't you think secrectly that you were a queen, he has brought us the real reality of what we really are. The way of destroying evil is to allow evil does his worst.

I have left several comments on your blog, and I will not really keep on trying to meet you, after all I was trying to help, but I can not force you accept my help.


Black Rabbit said...

This is all about RIMINGTON again, isn't it?

Proving that she was 'as much a QUEEN as QUEEN ELIZABETH II' by taking the ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD test...and she doesn't want me to be a 'queen' at all...

I can't help but giggle.

Black Rabbit said...

Standing like an electrified robot on her CONCRETE PERCH saluting the distance...for 1/2 an hour.

I am beginning to think that it might have been TINSELTOWN...

I mean the helicopter ride back to the base and beach where we used to swim with SANDLER wasn't so far away...

Black Rabbit said...

I can add a little bit more to the above now....

MARK R had seen that I would have to go through this 'horror' in the future..and he 'sniffed' in the way that RIMINGTON used to do...I had 'failed' the test...

...but he added, not to worry...LADY DIANA had done too but NOT as badly.

She had gone down on one knee, for about 15 minutes and that was enough to FAIL her.

I wish I could laugh out loud in this library (at a library internet computer at present) but all I can do is smile...

Honestly, if the above was all that was required in order to be a QUEEN then every circus/trapeze artist in the world could apply...and they could do it standing on their heads - quite literally.

Black Rabbit said...

What about that guy who did NIAGARA FALLS on a high wire...wasn't he on a bike and upside down?

What ROYAL STATUS does that qualify him for then?

Black Rabbit said...

This sort of thing...

Black Rabbit said...

Upon ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD criteria, I hereby nominate:


To be the FUTURE KING OF ENGLAND, WALES and SCOTLAND (if the Scots and Welsh 'happy' about it).

Black Rabbit said...

Now - looking at the photograph here, that is the sort of view that we had from that CONCRETE CIRCLE but we were far out to sea...with the threat of high winds...even though it was a sunny day.


Black Rabbit said...

So I am assuming some sort of construction (oil rig?) out to sea?

But I cannot really remember what...MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER knew...for some reason, they had to do it more than once...

Black Rabbit said...

The coastline in the distance was a relatively straight line - with a large city sprawling behind the 'beach resort' places.

Black Rabbit said...

I tried to post on MARK ROCKEFELLER's blogspot:

...and got the following message:

Error 403
We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /?p=2191#comment-6663 on this server.

You do not have permission to access this server.

Your technical support key is: 550c-4094-dfd9-b1ad

You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.

If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact tonygibran at and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.

Black Rabbit said...

Isn't that the strangest error message?

Who is TONY GIBRAN then?


Wasn't BRAN the one of the last BLOGS OF NOTE?

...perhaps this is about the poet GILBRAN (I need to check the spelling but TOMLINSON and the TEMPLARS loved this prophet poet)...

Black Rabbit said...

Khalil Gibran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaKhalil Gibran (born Gibran Khalil Gibran bin Mikhā'īl bin Sa'ad; Arabic جبران خليل جبران بن ميکائيل بن سعد, January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931) also known as ...

Youth - Art and poetry - Political thought - Death and legacy - Cached - Similar

Black Rabbit said...

They had a well-thumbed copy at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

...and so what is MARK R telling me here...that 'TONY' needs to fix me up a connection to POST on his blogspots...there being quite a few...DEADMAN WALKING is another one...MR ICKE's 'headline articles' have most of the CIA SUITE's websites/blogsites mentioned...I spot new ones every day...

Black Rabbit said...


Who OWNS the HSBC nowadays?

Who runs the HSBC as in the top FAT CAT ILL slaves?

I found out and I dealt with them.

Let me explain:

Whilst in that so-called 6 hours in the CIA SUITE - the MOSSAD were not to be trusted - as I found out in relation to MARK R - I then ‘blocked them out’ - NIR’s mother was particularly worried - she couldn’t form a link to me - to find out what I was doing.

All I can say to MARK R and AMADEUS - I have saved your lives before now (and you know it) but it will NEVER happen again.

Plus - I went to see AMADEUS in his ‘counting house’ - counting out his TRILLIONS.

You can’t take that stolen money with you, AMADEUS.

Surely you are an intelligent enough man to know that this line of thinking ‘I can take it with me’ is an exceptionally stupid line, to take.

All I can say is that NOBODY saw how I dealt with the top ILL - those who own the banks and the top SLAVES who run them.


So I was quite incredulous to find out this morning that the HSBC had charged me roughly £100 this month for having an unasked for £100 overdraft upon my account.

Now - at no time have I ever gone above £100 as an overdraft and most of the time I haven’t been overdrawn this month and yet the HSBC still managed to charge me £100 upon this infrequent overdraft.

How did they do it?

Every time I dipped into the RED (and always BELOW £100 overdrawn) - they charged me £25.

To be precise - the HSBC have charged me: £90.80

So all one can say is that is BAD BANKING - who on EARTH is going to want to bank at the HSBC when this is the way that you are treated?

Close down your accounts at this HSBC.

FREEZE them out.

…and I already know that plans have been laid to do just that…

Not that I want to be unfair to the HSBC…I am simply sounding the DEATH KNELL upon all of these BANKS…the FAMILIES who own them are now dying like FLIES…those who run them are now having ‘car accidents’ and so forth…all of their BAD KARMA is now coming home to roost…

It wasn’t hard going through these families…it was more time-consuming going through their BANK MANAGERS and so forth…


Just remember AMADEUS/MARK R - even the MOSSAD couldn’t see what I was doing…they tried to ‘get in’ and failed.

Plus - whilst I was in HARWICH with ROS/RIMINGTON…I OBE’d…and guess where I went? Straight off to LONDON…to do what…that would be telling…you have no idea how ‘thorough’ I can be when I want a job done well.

I ‘got’ the TASCHMANS…and that should mean something to you….I was quite happy to kill you off MARK R…but my misbegotten ‘loyalty’ to the MOSSAD got in the way and I told them what had happened…after that, I learned from my mistake and BLOCKED them in terms of allowing them to know anything about what I did next…what EMILY did next…

So any of you still blocking repayments of MY money?


(The only way that you can change your futures - is to repay MY money in full. I am sick to death of you talentless, greedy and vulgar fools…and that includes the ROYAL FAMILY).

A NOTE to the MOSSAD - I would question NIR’s mother rather closely at this point…I remote-viewed her saying that she had me ‘under control’ to you, when she knew full well that she didn’t…and maybe she didn’t want to in the end…who knows? A simple ‘yes, I didn’t know what she had done’ would suffice - NIR’s mother - then they won’t torture you. I can VOUCH for that. She didn’t know.

Black Rabbit said...

Naturally, I always kept the main perspective in mind:


Then deal with their slaves - such as the top bank managers of the HSBC, BARCLAYS, LLOYDS, LEHMANNS and so forth…

So NO, I am not really that bothered about the HSBC charging me nearly £100 for virtually nothing, today…it was an important stage in this ILL GAME…to show how the BANKS are still ILL and still out to persecute everybody…particularly those upon low incomes.

Do you think that MR ROCKEFELLER would pay those sorts of bank charges if he had gone ‘a little’ into the RED every month?

Of course he wouldn’t….and anybody who dared to charge him - would have ended up without a job…or at the bottom of the canal.

One of MACDONALD’s comments upon a recent article said it all - he summarised the situation in a jokey way…the MAFIA went ‘legal’ a long time ago…they just started to charge 33% on everything.

Black Rabbit said...

We do not have to pay 33%...

We do not have to pay them anything at all...

We can take all of the money that they stole from us back off them...

...and in the future, that is what we all do.

Black Rabbit said...

That is happening now and will continue until it is finished.

Black Rabbit said...

Puny, little men in the SMOKEY GREEN ROOM - we know who you are, we know where you live...every identification factor known. You cannot move, without us knowing.

Black Rabbit said...

You cannot breathe, without us allowing you to.

Black Rabbit said...

Such is the POWER of the remote-viewing community.

Black Rabbit said...

No KOREAN HQ BASE - no more control at all.

Black Rabbit said...

I 'saw' GEORGE BUSH congratulating OBAMA in private - 'it looks like we actually might win this'.

TRUE- George.

The world always saw you as a 'sinnner' but you were made of sterner stuff and you got through the shit, to end your PRESIDENTIAL 'term of office' with an act that began to free HUMANITY in general.


Black Rabbit said...

I had always said in my notes and from way back...that GEORGE BUSH wasn't as bad as anybody said he was...but COLLIE's mob got angrier and angrier with me...they hadn't seen the future and that far...or not in that detail...

Maybe they just thought that 'liking' GEORGE BUSH and being in collusion with the MOSSAD was a double-whammy 'bad thing' and I was to be spurned, treated badly and mistrusted...

So you didn't have the BIG PICTURE and I did...f*** off.

Black Rabbit said...

USA PRESIDENTIAL PUPPETS are just that...and after KENNEDY they were literally 'puppets on a string'...

BRITISH INTELLIGENCE - you KNEW that so why not 'wake up' and stop bandying about silly stuff about OBAMA having any hand, in any of this, at all...

You all KNOW that he doesn't...

You all KNOW that he is a puppet controlled by the forces behind him...

So why not give the local VIGILANTE BRIGADES who live in the areas of the SMOKEY GREEN ROOM MEN...every possible bit of information?

Why not have a free-for-all on them?

You make the REMOTE-VIEWERS do all of the work...I suppose because it is 'unseen' and undetectable...but sooner or later, you should start using the GENERAL PUBLIC upon these criminals...

Black Rabbit said...

I am sure that 'alternative' AMERICA would be happy to oblige and that they would make GOOD use of such information.

Remember the network that I had talked about previously?

The network that was planning how to survive an 'Armageddon' scenario and was willing to teach the BRITS?

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting a bit sick of the demonisation of OBAMA upon DAVID ICKE 'articles'.

He was a GOOD GUY who did what he could do - in the TIME, situation and circumstances that surrounded him.

BEFORE we really started to get going and to GET the ILL CULT.

YES, he was the director of the CIA.

Okay, that doesn't make you a 'GOOD guy' necessarily (it makes you sound like the biggest bastard in the valley)...

What it really makes you out to be, is the CLEVEREST GANGSTER in the USA.

Black Rabbit said...

i loved JOHN LENNON's book...somebody showed me a copy on the other side of the mirror...AMADEUS...because it is now a collector's item...because I loved what people used to quote from it...

It was a spoof upon a bibical saying and ran something like this...

"...and yea I have no fear as I walk through the valley of death...

...for I, am the biggest bastard in the valley"

It still makes me laugh, a bit.

Black Rabbit said...

MUSE on that one, MOSSAD.

"I' as in "me'.

When you want to rid the world of pure evil - you have to do the job thoroughly.

Black Rabbit said...

YES, 'accidents' have already happened - haven't they? didn't know why...

...I can say only this:

You didn't have the FULL INFORMATION upon that person and if you had have done - you would have done it yourself.

Black Rabbit said...

...or else I hope you would have done, let us put it that way.

Black Rabbit said... just have to draw a longer line in the sand...

MARK R knew knew it...

...but can you cope with it?

Black Rabbit said...

Under COMMUNISM...under ILL CONTROL in terms of a 'society' that was supposed to be made of robots...

I found the reverse to be true...

Black Rabbit said...

...and I am talking about one of CHINA's POWERHOUSES:


Black Rabbit said...

The CHINESE like the POLISH - wore so many 'political hats' (including COMMUNISM) but the people and the CULTURE remained the same.

COMMUNISM was a recent 'hat' for both the POLES and CHINESE...

The POLES gained nothing from it.

The CHINESE realised that they could derive a certain 'strength' from topple the ROTHSCHILD control of this world...and any others...ROCKEFELLERS included.

Black Rabbit said...

The BI network is saying:

"Clever bastards"...

It is simply the 'longer line'...

Black Rabbit said...

You have no the CHINESE suffered...the mass famines...the millions dead...

Black Rabbit said...

Until they realised the ILL CONTROL of this world and decided to take it on...and as ever, the FIFTH COLUMN within their own society...within their own massive country (the size of EUROPE).

Black Rabbit said...

The CHINESE 'got it' a community, as a nationality and as a massive country...

EVERYBODY in SHANGHAI and I went about in 'journalist mode'...during SARS was telling me that 'yes, we all know that SARS was started in a US BIOCHEMISTRY LAB on TAIWAN'...

What about the WEST?

They still do not 'get it' even now...

Black Rabbit said...

So CHINA will survive.

Anybody else want to 'up' their survival statistics by taking or not taking vaccines...

As I had said before in my post about the TEMPLAR CASTLE (you might get the injection that helps you to survive - but probably not if you are a really talentless person - the NWO will be filled with people who 'can do')

Black Rabbit said...

So - let us simply say that if:


...and any of their children take the vaccine - it means certain DEATH - fun, eh? Get rid of the USELESS ONES.

You thought that your name wasn't on the ILL LIST because you had been SO OBEDIENT - think again.

Black Rabbit said...

This is an FBI EUGENICS project.

Realise that.

Understand everything.

Black Rabbit said...

The ILLuminati do not want TRULY USELESS PEOPLE to survive.

It is that simple.

Black Rabbit said...

I was extremely 'useful' and for all of my life.

The HARRY POTTER books are obviously a case in point but that isn't everything that I my...let us say....chequered career.

(CHEQUERED has two meanings...MASONIC and non-masonic CHECKERED - this is all silliness)

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so yesterday was a bad day - in point of fact- I went into the HSBC and printed out a statement - the HSBC had ‘fined’ me £100 for using an unauthorised overdraft of a limit up to £100 4 times within this month and my balance now stands at 90.80D.

I remember now - I saw it all in the CIA SUITE underground and MARK R was waiting happily to see me ‘use the phone’ at the HSBC - whereupon he in person would be on the other end of the line - happily telling me that I had used OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY that wasn’t my own and that the HSBC was being FAIR in charging me £25 a time, to do it.

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