Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

These people OUTWITTED the ILL.

You didn't need MONEY - you just needed a creative BRAIN and your WITS about you.

Black Rabbit said...

I could never trust PC GREEN because he was so much cleverer than myself.

I was used to my 'usual format' i.e. trick TOMLINSON/RIMINGTON/ROS and anybody else around, into thinking that I was playing along...and a real 'dumbo'.

PC GREEN played the trick on me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and i immediately fell for it.

Once I had discovered it - in a child alter - the only thing to do was to 'fight him' and so I a wrestling match...which DALDRY discovered and separated us.

He felt sorry for me...I was a 'little girl' in my head at the TEMPLAR CASTLE who thought that she was a 'little boy' and acted accordingly.

I had protected him during being tortured by AMADEUS because I knew that he was still 'in his head' but hiding...and AMADEUS didn't.

AMADEUS then told me to protect his 'little boy'...AMADEUS liked 'wild things'...rather like the PRINCES...and PC GREEN was much 'wilder' than myself in terms of the ILL being unable to control him.

So we ended up on TOMLINSON's 'death row' along with the likes of COLLIE/JONATHAN EVANS/SCARLETT.

PC GREEN had the sense to realise that we had to keep them all alive - fed and watered.

I had only done this for him - i was too scared to try to pinch a lot of 'Palestine supplies' wholesale from the TEMPLAR kitchens, in order to feed the whole corridor. He wasn't.

Real leadership qualities.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now...that children's book by MAURICE SENDAK...was it called WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE...

At any rate, PC GREEN had read it as a kid and loved had my brother ED...

It had been released way after my childhood...and I couldn't quite understand why my kid brother ED loved that was 'his childhood book'...the one that he loved the most...

...and now I begin to understand it a bit better...

Those like the PRINCES and AMADEUS (ROCKEFELLER) had decided that they weren't that keen on uniformity in their slaves...that the really 'wild' ones...had something about them...and should be kept as 'curios'...

Black Rabbit said...

...and then AMADEUS decided that walking around MEXICO or CLACTON...that 'wildness' was desirable...everybody was different and their dress, hairstyles, tastes...and that it was greatly 'people watch'...a fascination that he would have to do without...if he complied to ROTHSCHILD ILL planning...a world of ROBOTS.

Black Rabbit said...

In in my youth in could walk around in anything you liked...also in the centre of LONDON in the 1960s...there wasn't a restrictive dress code (unless you were working in the CITY and during a weekday)...

That is what i like about CLACTON could walk down the street in virtually anything and nobody would look at you...everyone wears such odd stuff is mainly a working class area but nobody wants to appear to 'conform' in any way.

This was also true of mother used to say to me...'don't dress up' in terms of putting on your clean clothes and putting on's not necessary in MANNINGTREE...and it wasn't...nobody judged you.

However one can see that in certain areas of the UK - you have to have a 'certain appearance' etc...but really...surely the person inside is worth more than what they look like upon the outside?

Let us forget designer tags...let us forget press photographs of 'celebs' looking like they are having a very bad day...

The beautiful red-headed sister of HARRY's - looked just as sweet and charming as my sister....upon her front door with no make-up...she was attractive...even if she didn't think that she was...without the massive amount of make-up that GIRLS ALOUD have to wear for their stage shows...people are attractive WITHOUT make-up....but they are only attractive to those who know them. To the media and outsiders who DO NOT KNOW THEM...they are seduced by make-up, clothes, image...the facade of a person.

Black Rabbit said...

The PERSON - without that facade of clothes, hairdressing, make-up is what really matters...and even if they look a bit 'rough' without point of fact, they look entirely HUMAN and normal.

That is what their nearest and dearest love them for - looking normal - rather than the stage-show and the stage-character.

Black Rabbit said...

If you are true to yourself - people who have always loved you - will still love you - and be relieved that you are no longer trying to project a STAGE SHOW.

If these people do not like YOU in your normal state - they have to be got rid of fast.

Black Rabbit said...

I guess that is what MR ICKE has been saying all along in terms of his many years of going through a similar ILL GAME to my own...

His wife had a hard time of it but they agreed upon a 'best friendship' and apart...because he had to concentrate upon what he had to do...

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know why MARK R picked DAVID ICKE to 'share the news' and to be THE PROPHET of this century but he did...

...and one can see that DAVID ICKE has been a SHINING STAR within this process.

MARK R had cultivated DAVID ICKE to do this...facilitating all of the trials and traumas...all of the different places of ancient and historic interest...never mind the tribal 'drugs' to enlighten him...

...because ICKE had the 'crazy brainwaves' that MARK R didn't understand...nobody did.

Black Rabbit said...


RIMINGTON and ROS had gone into my EAGLE HOUSE flat and there was a bottle of wine in a cupboard...a screwcap...I had had one glass of wine out of it...they filled it up with BLEACH.

I 'saw' all of this within the CIA LAB.

Once that wine bottle had been delivered to this flat - I emptied it into the sink and put it in the bin.

Nothing else as far as I can see...which the ILL had attempted to poison - within this flat - from EAGLE HOUSE.

i could be wrong...but we shall see.

Black Rabbit said...

So AMADEUS - you were what COLLIE'S mob called a MARRANO JOO.

You were under mind control too - and by a hierarchy of ROTHSCHILDS.

You being a ROTHSCHILD SLAVE yourself.

Was that the score?

Black Rabbit said...

SHARON had told me in 1979 that the JEWS would turn at the last minute - AGAINST the NWO...he was talking about REAL JEWS...those who had that biological and genetic inheritance to call themselves JEWS:


Zaportas of Monzón
Zaportas of Monzón

Cavalleria and the Santangel; the wealthy Espes; the Paternoy
Moses Chamoro

...also the Belmonte Project is worthy of note, upon this page.

I do not know why the person below is of NOTE but he is...and I am getting images back:

João Rodrigo Mascarenhas

Campo Mayor (also in RED)

Gouvea (also)

Ferrand Martinez (again)

Fernando de Goes Loureiro (as above in RED)

Duke Guido Ubaldo of Urbino (in RED)
[edit] Crypto-Jews
This referred to those who secretly held on to the Jewish faith in which they had been reared. These were known as judíos escondidos - hidden Jews. The derogatory term would have been marranos. They preserved the traditions of their parents. Although some held high positions with the official government, they secretly attended synagogue, and fought and suffered for their religion.[citation needed]

Many of the wealthiest marranos of Aragon belonged to this category, including the Zaportas of Monzón, and the De La Cadena Maluenda's, who were related by marriage to the royal house of Aragon; the Sanchez; the sons of Alazar Yusuf of Saragossa, who intermarried with the Cavalleria and the Santangel; the wealthy Espes; the Paternoy, who came from the vicinity of Verdun to settle in Aragon; the Clemente; the sons of Moses Chamoro; the Villanova of Calatayud; the Coscon; and others.

Black Rabbit said...

What can I make of it all?

Last night I tried to understand it in terms of looking at the STARS...

The STARS through my window...those bright lights in the sky...

Now, when you you go out of the atmosphere of this planet...they are NOT present at all...just planets and many of them...

Black Rabbit said...

So how come we see the STARS from the Earth but in outer space...there are no STARS or rather SUNS...just planets? However far you go...

Black Rabbit said...

So what are the LIGHTS in our upper atmosphere then?


Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' had told me as a child to not go towards the go out and to explore...and so I did (with no fear)...however PRINCE WILLIAM in an older child alter or adult persona - wanted to get back to PLANET EARTH as quickly as possible...

Black Rabbit said...

So what was it about the SUN?

'john waters' felt that remote-viewing souls got 'burnt up' by it because they never returned...

...and I suppose that a whole fabric of 'mysticism' had grown up because of that...

The SUN is a real MATERIAL energy...and is no threat to the SOUL... i told PRINCE WILLIAM...he saw a meteorite pass right through him...MATTER cannot touch or harm you...

However if you BELIEVE that it will...something bad is a question of belief.

So SWISS CONTROLLER was entirely is a matter of belief...a question of belief...

...and NOT about a soul...THE SOUL can pass through any matter, including the SUN.

Black Rabbit said...

Perhaps the SUN is our biggest ILLUSION upon this planet...and that is why it has become the RA CULT DEVIL that the RA CULT worships...

Black Rabbit said...

If I could remote-view right now...I would bomb straight through that illusion...what a waste of time...going the other way...seeking out life on other planets...

Black Rabbit said...

...but it gave us data on all sorts of stuff (says AMADEUS) microbiology (he was thinking of LIZARDITIZ)....

Black Rabbit said...

So what was the PINK PLANET all about then?

"We are beginning to understand that it was the refuge of true jews...we were of that knowledge...we were surprised to find you...a 'barbarian' who had found us out'.

Black Rabbit said...

So the higher echelons of the VATICAN and SEPHARDIC RABBI(t)S THEN?

"That is what it amounts to."

Black Rabbit said...

So the SACHS were on a 'no go' from the beginning - just puppets?

"Just so"

Black Rabbit said...

So how does this change the whole NWO picture?

How does this change my life PRACTICALLY?

"It doesn't. The whole cycle of time will work out - there were changes within it - you made some of them."

Black Rabbit said...

So who else made them then?


"We couldn't control them once they had worked it out."

Black Rabbit said...

It takes me back to the CORE of it all:


In REV MOON's garden with KATHLEEN.

The first time that I had realised that I truly loved another human being - not because I 'fancied' her in terms of some 'body part'...not because she was 'desirable' to the rest of my course (she was spurned, socially)...but because she had that golden energy in her head and she was 'HER' who went by the name of KATHLEEN - an individual.

Black Rabbit said...

KATHLEEN took me under her wing - and I have no idea why because as the PRINCES saw me...I was a 'wild thing'.

She was a social outcast to the RA CULT in 1980 but a very strong presence, regardless.

SCARLETT had 'saved' of his particular 'favourites' (i.e. he used to take the opportunity to rape KATHLEEN the most)...and set her up as a wife of a BELGIAN OFFICIAL in BELGIUM.

SEV was to tell the rebel group at the TEMPLAR CASTLE later...that KATHLEEN couldn't remember a thing from 1980.

Black Rabbit said...

KATHLEEN was made to play NAZI OFFICER according to RA dictates at the TEMPLAR CASTLE:


Black Rabbit said...

Perhaps one can go back...

To where I went to, last night...

To re-live those times, where MARK/SONIA/PUTIN/ATI many of us, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...had sat together, in a ring...all in CHILD ALTERS...and had organised a SYSTEM to not only view the future but to change it...

Black Rabbit said...

Every time that we 'sat' together...we would choose somebody who had seen something particularly important witin the fture...and we would tell them to OBE and to re-visit what they had seen...

...whilst that person was 'seeing' it...we would all 'mind-share' and see all of the images - people, thoughts, words.

PUTIN wouldn't share - they told him he was 'crap' at it...not true.

NIR would share - he had everything to lose and everything to gain by sharing.

The NWO want all JOO/REAL JEWS dead. That simple. Particularly MARRANO descendents.

Black Rabbit said...

I got the images back of that flight - yesterday.

AMADEUS/ROCKEFELLER had been waiting for that flight.

The departure lounge was sealed off - after security had found a bomb on the plane. One person in the lounge complained - he was searched first and a DETONATOR was found on him. The rest of the waiting passengers were also searched, just in case there might have been two detonators but there wasn’t.

A suicide-bomber then? He was white, Causcasian, well-built - light brownish hair - moustache.

A mind control slave - it is highly unlikely that he could ever remember the detonator upon his person - never mind the fact that he was going to use it.

Black Rabbit said...


I had some more images back and they were about MARK R.

He had survived that second ‘shooting’ and had been picked up by deep-sea divers and a MOSSAD submarine - lurking around in that vicinity - once I had informed them of what I was going to do. For some reason, they had thought it politic not to tell me until now.

I had thought that the whole thing was very odd indeed - the ‘welcoming committee’ upon the dock - the fact that the MOSSAD had said that they would pick him up - but weren’t there.

It was a touch and go operation because MARK R didn’t want to survive by that point. However, they had a specialist crew on board - they not only removed the bullet from his shoulder but also his back teeth and ‘neutralised’ any chips. He survived.

I then got an image back of an equally surprised AMADEUS - as MARK R walked into his office. He had no idea either.

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

I recognised several images upon this BRANMUIR blogspot of NOTE immediately.

The first one of the ALSATIAN head and the TECHNICOLOURED jumper - and MY right hand.

I flashbacked to having been made to dress up in this and then MARK R had superimposed the ALSATIAN as the ‘head’.


All I can think of is that this BLOG OF NOTE is referenced with a 51 friends who follow it.


This ILL GAME had originally been set up for TOMLINSON to play and not myself.

In flat 3 EAGLE HOUSE - the freezer number had been 51 - and this barcode number then turned up all over the place - for TOMLINSON’s programming.

In the CLACTON B&B - RIMINGTON had pointed out the ALSATIAN dog who roamed the ground floor as being ‘TOMLINSON’. She also pointed out the ornamental ALSATIAN upon the FISH TANK as being ‘him’.

So what MARK R was pointing to - was a composite figure - myself and TOMLINSON who were taking part in this ILL GAME.

…and one hopes that this BLOG OF NOTE is the last one.

I can now begin to understand the imagery upon it - I remember MARK R putting it all together at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - even though I couldn’t understand the imagery at the time and I am not sure that I do now - some of it has obvious references.

For example WORF from STAR TREK - is a ‘FERENGI’.

This is an obvious reference to the ROTHSCHILDS and so I suppose that MARK R was ‘arse-licking’ them at this point in time.

No, the top ROTHSCHILD wasn’t a ‘black alien’ with a good body. He was short, white, skinny, freckled with gingery-red hair.

Black Rabbit said...

Why did MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER call this man a 'ferengi'?

Maybe he dressed up as one at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...I have no idea...or maybe he just liked this 'macho' STAR TREK character as a sort of 'alter ego'...

Black Rabbit said...

I was the 'ferengi' pointed teeth that made MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER think of 'ferengis'...

Black Rabbit said...

I decided to check my facts here because i am not entirely sure that WORF is a 'ferengi' even though he looks passably like one and this was the first site that I came to:

It is quite an explicit 'spoof' upon what has been going on since TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...who wrote it?

Black Rabbit said...

Alien Intervention on Earth :
the Allegory of the Alien

I am quite sure that the article above was written by MARK R and his associates - although what state of mind he/they were in at the time - is questionable.

A sort of 3D video game appears to have been set out- with 'rules' to be followed - using PLANET EARTH as the basis for most of the action.

The fact that this whole 'ILL GAME' has been so meticulously thought out - read the 'motto' at the end in LOOKING GLASS backward writing - suggests that there is more truth to this spoof than would appear at first sight.

MARK R is basically saying that the above is NOT an allegory - it is really happening. Therefore it is worth quoting the whole website in full:

Black Rabbit said...

After clicking on the bottom link about having a flabby stomach - I got the old TOMLINSON/ROS/MARK R site about how to lose the flab in the easiest possible ways...

I then got a POP-UP screensaver which had made its way through the firewall of this laptop.

It is a rather odd image - see the above URL.

You have an open treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean and then what looks like a FOSSILISED ROCKEFELLER to the right of the picture.

So you figured that I wouldn't know what had happened to you MARK R?

You figured that the MOSSAD wouldn't let on?

We are of 'one mind' - I cannot hide anything from them and they cannot from me - that is the problem - like it or lump it.

Black Rabbit said...

So this ROCK image upon the seabed represents yourself, I take it...

You have a load of STARFISH stuck to you...and purple ANENOMES...and a sort of ORANGE 'ear-ring'?

Black Rabbit said...

...I always get the images back in the end...and for your long as you really recovered from that microchip and your belief that you were the 'devil'...I do not mind at all....if you are no longer a danger to humanity in general then I hope that you lead a long and healthy life - you deserve to do so.

Black Rabbit said...

Your OLD ROPE 'MONS STAR' sold to NASA - always gave me hope that you would do.

Black Rabbit said...

Alien Intervention on Earth :
the Allegory of the Alien


Part One - Who is who in the Cosmos reality

Part Two - The general rules of Alien Intervention on Earth

Part Three - Intelligent life on Mars and Venus

Part Four - The alien races living in disguise as characters on Earth

Part Five - George Orwell and the invisible alien cameras monitoring the surface of Earth

Part Six - The alien crystal of the spiritualized extraterrestrials on Earth

Part Seven - Alien lizards and the metallic implants inserted in the bodies of their terrestrial collaborators

Part Eight - The Matrix reality and the Alien War on Earth as a Spiritual War

Part Nine - The alien technology of human cloning used on Earth

Part Ten - The alien technology of teleportation used on Earth

Part Eleven - The alien satellite of the Confederates that orbits Earth

Part Twelve - The sons of Nirvana : the hybrids between a terrestrial and a spiritualized alien, conceived through invisible artificial insemination

Part Thirteen - Alien war : the neutralization of reptoid aliens by spiritualized aliens

Part Fourteen - Alien war : the desertion of reptilian aliens to the group of spiritualized aliens

Part Fifteen - Alien war : the neutralization of terrestrial collaborators of alien reptoids by spiritualized forces

Part Sixteen - Alien war : the liberation of terrestrial collaborators of alien reptoids by spiritualized forces

Black Rabbit said...


INTRODUCTION - This is an allegory about the alien intervention on Earth, where the two alien groups that operate with characters living in the terrestrial society masquerading as terrestrial humans were euphemistically called "the Confederates of Nirvana" and "the Consortium of Animals from Dragonia".

It presents details about the principles of alien teleportation, how and why alien clones are used on Earth, the alien technique of human mimicry used to operate on the "jungle Earth", and the rules of the secret alien war between these two groups on the surface of Earth.

Terrestrial countries are ironically designated as "tribes" in order to consider the alien point-of-view. In some chapters, terrestrial concepts as diverse as money, fallen angels, angelic beings or pristine conception are given a new treatment.

A down-to-Earth approach establishes a connection between the choices of your personal life and which alien characters already inserted in your social circle of relationships in the terrestrial society you're going to attract, as well as the consequences of this attraction : an alien crystal or an alien implant inside your head.

Black Rabbit said...

Brief references to specific shows or movies like "V", "Star Trek - The Next Generation", "The day the Earth stood still" and "Wag the dog" are merely illustrative.


The Allegory of the Alien

1. Who is who in the Cosmos reality

Once upon a time, in a distant little corner of the galaxy, there was a small blue planet called "Cosmos". Cosmos had three continents and a network of oceans. Each one of the continents is the dwelling place of a different civilization.

Two of the continents - called Nirvana and Dragonia - host two antagonistic societies with a very advanced technology and the power to easily travel in space. Their vessels were nicknamed "flying saucers" (some prefer to say "ufos") and their capacity to transport groups of organized molecules through space was called "teleportation".

Nirvana is inhabited by the Confederates, and Dragonia by the Consortium of Animals - or in short simply "the Barbarians". SInce the beginning of the known times, these two groups have been at war in space. They're like vinegar and olive oil : when put together, their essences do not mix.

The Confederates are formed by several races - mostly human - who value what comes from the heart and who share in complete harmony their very advanced societies, either spiritually or technologically.

They know themselves very well and have developed practically the full capacity of their brains, being able to dominate the elements around them. These capacities were nicknamed "paranormal powers" or paranormal faculties.

Black Rabbit said...

On the other side, the Barbarians that live in Dragonia constitute a mosaic of races of intelligent biped animals coming from different regions of space. Their societies are divided into castes and organized in a very rigid hierarchy. They are more dense creatures whose main motivation or natural impulse is to dominate the others.

In theory, they should concentrate on fighting their common enemy in Cosmos : the Confederates. In practice, however, they often split themselves into a myriad of factions, wings and sub-groups who are constantly betraying and killing each other.

The Middle Continent is called "Earth" and is inhabited by a miscellany of primitive tribes that divide their society in small pieces of land nicknamed "countries". These tribes are frequently fighting one another in the search for power and natural resources. They're also seeking a curious primitive resource known as "money".

Apart from a very select elite inside their governments, the inhabitants of Earth are unaware of the existence of the other two Continents. They believe that Earth is alone in Cosmos.

Their science and technology are still very primitive when compared to the sciences and technologies of the alien races living in Nirvana or Dragonia.

In the lack of a better name, the dwellers of Earth were initially nicknamed "Neutrals".


Black Rabbit said...

On the other side, the Barbarians that live in Dragonia constitute a mosaic of races of intelligent biped animals coming from different regions of space. Their societies are divided into castes and organized in a very rigid hierarchy. They are more dense creatures whose main motivation or natural impulse is to dominate the others.

In theory, they should concentrate on fighting their common enemy in Cosmos : the Confederates. In practice, however, they often split themselves into a myriad of factions, wings and sub-groups who are constantly betraying and killing each other.

The Middle Continent is called "Earth" and is inhabited by a miscellany of primitive tribes that divide their society in small pieces of land nicknamed "countries". These tribes are frequently fighting one another in the search for power and natural resources. They're also seeking a curious primitive resource known as "money".

Apart from a very select elite inside their governments, the inhabitants of Earth are unaware of the existence of the other two Continents. They believe that Earth is alone in Cosmos.

Their science and technology are still very primitive when compared to the sciences and technologies of the alien races living in Nirvana or Dragonia.

In the lack of a better name, the dwellers of Earth were initially nicknamed "Neutrals".


Black Rabbit said...

2. The general rules of Alien Intervention on Earth

Albeit at war, the soldiers from Nirvana and Dragonia have to follow certain protocols when dealing with Neutrals. The obedience to these protocols is supervised by very special observers comprised of supra-human entities appointed by an extraplanetary group called the Great Nirvana, formed of hyper-developed beings who have the power to interfere if these protocols are not followed.

One of these protocols establishes that the free will of each Neutral individual should be respected, so that each inhabitant of Earth should be free to opt between joining Nirvana or Dragonia. Another one says that certain types of alien weapons cannot be used on the surface of Earth.

In order to invade Nirvana, Dragonia has planned first to occupy the territory of Earth and transform its primitive inhabitants into an enormous herd of human cattle (see picture), part of which would be killed and industrialized as digestible human tablets - a source of food and enzymes for some of the alien races that constitute the Consortium of Animals from Dragonia.

Some other factions of this Consortium, however, were planning to pulverize first the human life on Earth by turning terrestrials against themselves in order to produce a nuclear war between some terrestrial countries, or tribes. They could then slice up portions of Earth between their several races and head to Nirvana - their real target.

Such catastrophic event, if occurred, would pollute some cities in Nirvana because of their geographical proximity to Earth. Since the beginning of the development of the nuclear technology on Earth, Nirvana has strongly opposed the dissemination of nuclear weapons.


3. Intelligent life on Mars and Venus

Near the shore of Earth, lies a desert island nicknamed Moon where both Nirvana and Dragonia have settled down military bases as well as positioned their Armies.

The ocean that is located between Earth and Nirvana is called the Solar Ocean, also known as Oceanus Solaris.

There's a city in Nirvana on the coast of the Solar Ocean right in front of Earth which is the closest city to Earth and because of that it is used as a strategic nodal point that centralizes all the operations of Nirvana towards Earth.

This city is called Mars and has a satellite city denominated Phobos which was artificially projected. Phobos shelters a huge military base - the biggest of Nirvana. The inhabitants of Mars are called Martians.

Venus is the second city of Nirvana in proximity to Earth. Because of that, Venusian soldiers also have a significant presence in the alien war on Earth.

Black Rabbit said...

Mars and Venus are so close to Earth that the Confederates of Nirvana have observed very carefully the scientific development on Earth of telescopes (see picture) and other astronomical devices that could lead to the discovery of intelligent life on Mars and Venus.

Space programs and terrestrial expeditions in the outer space of the Solar Ocean were accompanied very closely as well, by extraterrestrial forces. Space probes and other vessels launched by terrestrial tribes towards the cities of Nirvana couldn't find out the true nature of reality regarding Mars, Venus and some other cities.

In order to preserve the structures of terrestrial society without interfering in the free will of earthlings as a whole, Martians and Venusians have dispatched to Earth special military units with the specific mission of altering the lenses of these telescopes and space probes. They have manufactured palpable holograms on Mars (see picture) and Venus using alien technology so that Neutral observers from Earth would find only craters, rocks, boulders, deserts, incompatible atmospheres, too high or too low temperatures or poisonous gases.

Mind reading capability and alien disinformation techniques have also been used on Earth so that terrestrial scientists would never be sure about the existence of intelligent life on Mars, Venus and other cities of Nirvana.

Dragonia has also covered up evidences about the presence of their soldiers on Earth, although some of their alien races presenting a relatively lower level of alien technology have been involved in disastrous accidents in space or unexpected incidents on the surface of Earth.

The aliens of Nirvana and Dragonia consider that reality is only a description : a dynamic description. For them, you can't imprison reality in a cage. If you can't repeat an experiment or show it live simultaneously on several channels of national or international television on Earth, then it has never occurred.


Black Rabbit said...

4. The alien races living in disguise as characters on Earth

The Armies of Nirvana and Dragonia can operate on the Earth chessboard, provided that they do not interfere with the main structures of the Earth society. To do this, they need to use terrestrial shapes and live as characters on Earth : aliens in disguise behaving exactly like terrestrials do. They have developed the art of human mimicry, acting as chameleons in a jungle : the jungle Earth.

These alien characters are able to pretend behaviors, opinions, emotions, preferences, likes and dislikes, prejudices, little manias and idiosyncrasies, voice frequencies, and so on.

They are capable of producing deliberate accidents for their very characters, and of improvising routinely calculated errors in their ordinary actions. They're able to meticulously measure their words and for example avoid demonstrating too much knowledge of a subject that is unrelated to his or her character. They can also fabricate apparent illnesses (they are apparent to the instruments, too) and manipulate coincidences, among many other things.

Each one of the characters is different from each one of the others, and is given a character guideline with all the details that must be followed.

In order to create a character, they need to fabricate the character's biography, and this can be easily arranged. A biography is created by overcarefully constructing in a consistent basis on the interlocutor's mind a detailed image about the places and persons and events that are allegedly part of the alien character's past. They're trained to do this, much more trained than a terrestrial conventional spy. To facilitate things, often the alien character comes from a different place (a small town, another state or region or country, etc.)

Furthermore, when the character in question is of a famous personality - especially politicians or entrepreneurs - who will have his or her past investigated by terrestrial authorities, then either some of the investigators are alien themselves, or false clues are introduced during the investigation. False documents can be meticulously planted in places like schools or hospitals, and providential testimonies of planted witnesses can also be carefully arranged.

Additionally, the aliens of Nirvana are able to easily read the minds of all the population, including the persons coming from this or that specific place, which means that they can use everything in the memory of these people so as to build a consistent image of their pasts.

On the other side, the aliens of Dragonia have the habit of washing the minds of their terrestrial collaborators using their alien technology and thus extracting from their memories any fact or image they need.

Using techniques similar to the ones showed in the movie "Wag the dog", the Confederates of Nirvana and also the alien creatures from Dragonia are able to easily create physical elements with the intention of reinforcing for the minds of their interlocutors a perfect and detailed description of reality regarding their fabricated pasts.

Black Rabbit said...

Elements like for example aged photos of the alleged childhood of the character, or an "old medal" tha t is an alleged "heritage" from a grandfather. They can show you a scar on the leg that was supposedly acquired in an accident. They can talk enthusiastically about an old TV show or radio program that they allegedly used to watch or listen when they were younger, even when the character has been first "activated" at the age of 54, for instance.

In some cases, they can activate a character or a group of characters for specific purposes during a certain period of time, after which they simply deactivate these characters as if they have never existed.

In order to deactivate a character, they don't need necessarily to create a pretended death for this character. The character may just disappear from the surface of Earth without a trace. The excuse varies from case to case : the person can be "transferred" to another state or country, or changes job, moves to another town, go study abroad, and so on. Whenever convenient, supporting witnesses or small elements like answering machines or P.O. boxes can corroborate the present "existence" of the character.

The aliens of both sides can literally imitate every little aspect of human behavior on Earth, in order to deceive Neutrals regarding their alien condition. In certain situations, some aliens of Nirvana manage to delude even the alien characters and cameras of Dragonia about their real origin, through the use of advanced techniques of disguise, specific behaviors and aura camouflage.

After the end of a tribal war that is known on Earth as "World War II", the proportion of aliens living in disguise among locals skyrocketed to the millions.

Nirvana dispatched over 30 million soldiers (trained citizens) to live as characters on Earth, the majority of which came from the cities of Mars and Venus.

Martians and Venusians are very spiritualized human entities that do not need to sleep. Their genes enable them to stay awake indefinitely. Their characters in the terrestrial society, however, can pretend to be sleeping, or somnolent, especially if someone else is observing them. They can also yawn or talk animatedly about the alleged dreams they have had. And you can't cheat, because they know first if there is someone keeping them under surveillance.

Black Rabbit said...

They have energy enough to stay away from food for a very long period. Sometimes in the Backstage reality they eat something resembling a special bread, very energetic and soft.

On the other side, their characters on Earth are part of the terrestrial society and therefore they have to act accordingly. They have to buy food when they go to the supermarket for example. They have to put some food in the refrigerator and also in the kitchen cupboard, in case they receive a visit. And they have to place rests of food and empty boxes, bottles or packages in the trashcan as well, so that any potential curious person observing their trash won't find anything strange at all.

But do they actually eat the food ? Well, unless someone else is watching, they don't need to. They have the power to dematerialize the food if they want, or yet the option of secretly transporting part of their food supplies via teleportation to orphanages or homes for old people that they maintain in many places of Earth.

They have an original shape which is their real shape and that is also human, albeit presenting little differences as opposed to the terrestrial human shape. This shape functions like a matrix mold for all the shapes of the characters that can be created over it. For them, physical shapes are like modeling clays.

They use terrestrial shapes like someone wearing clothes. They can change shapes in a question of ten seconds if necessary, just like an agile actor does in the backstage of a theatre. They can also borrow shapes from each other.

A same Martian has the ability to use up to three terrestrial bodies at the same time if necessary, although this can consume a lot of energy. This means that one only Martian can play up to three characters at the same time on the surface of Earth, especially if they're physically near each other. The only requirement is that all three must be of the same sex.

Black Rabbit said...

Their original shapes consist of very developed bodies for terrestrial patterns, either male or female shapes. Their original shapes are like the bodies of terrestrial bodybuilders.

Sometimes, Neutral persons witness the activities or the appearance of Martians, Venusians or other Confederate aliens in their original human-looking shapes and refer to them as "angels" or "angelic beings".

They have been observed as they really are several times near a terrestrial mountain known as Mount Shasta, in California, within the tribe of the United States. One of their hundreds of alien bases on Earth - also known as "Operation Centers" - is located precisely there under this huge mountain.

They have also been watched during a localized tribal war known on Earth as the "Vietnam War", where they used to appear to some Neutral soldiers in their original shapes.

And before that, in the tribal year of 1954, they have established formal contact in their original shapes with a terrestrial known as President Harry Truman, of the tribe of the United States, inside a tribal military base.

On the other side, Dragonia sent over 150 million soldiers to operate as characters on the surface of Earth, comprising several alien races : three main types of alien lizards (also known as reptilians or reptoids), that leaded the Consortium, and a number of other alien races claiming their own slices of the territory. Alien races like frog-faced aliens, Easter Egg-faced aliens (or Big-headed aliens), scaled aliens, and many others.

To this number, you can add millions more from Dragonia that couldn't operate as characters because their bodies were too small or too different from terrestrial humans, like for instance the alien race known as "Grays". These ones had to operate only outside the visible world, in their vessels known as "flying saucers", in alien bases or underground facilities, in the desert island of the Moon and also in the outer space.

Black Rabbit said...

The shape of one of these reptilian alien races that live as characters in the terrestrial society was portrayed with astonishing precision in a terrestrial TV show called "V" (see picture). The creators of the show knew very well what they were doing. They simply created a race of alien lizards identical to one of the main alien races from Dragonia already living in disguise as characters infiltrated on Earth. At least in this particular case, fiction was based on reality, not the opposite (the character and the show are fictitious, but his alien shape is not).

The aliens of Dragonia have developed the technology of covering their alien bodies with human skins. The blood cells of the epithelial tissues are also provided with red blood, in order to avoid the risks of an accident involving a cut in a finger for instance.

The results of their medical examinations are manipulated either by another character of Dragonia occupying the position of a doctor, nurse or employee of a hospital, private clinic or other medical facilities, or by altering the very instruments using alien technology.

For some of the alien races of Dragonia, a certain dosis of genetic manipulation is necessary to operate in society, as characters on Earth. For some other alien races, they have to mutilate their alien bodies, cutting off the tail for instance, or yet scrapping away their scales before wearing their human skins.

From times to times, the corpse of an alien lizard or of other alien race from Dragonia is captured by terrestrial authorities, usually as the result of an incident on the surface of Earth involving an internal battle between two or more factions of Dragonia operating in disguise as characters in society.

According to the aliens of Nirvana, the Government of the tribe of the United States alone is in possession of around 1,500 alien corpses from several alien races of Dragonia, which are spreaded all over the tribe and kept hidden in top secret military "alien mini-zoos". Some other tribes of Earth are in possession of hundreds more alien corpses as well.

Black Rabbit said...

The shape of one of these reptilian alien races that live as characters in the terrestrial society was portrayed with astonishing precision in a terrestrial TV show called "V" (see picture). The creators of the show knew very well what they were doing. They simply created a race of alien lizards identical to one of the main alien races from Dragonia already living in disguise as characters infiltrated on Earth. At least in this particular case, fiction was based on reality, not the opposite (the character and the show are fictitious, but his alien shape is not).

The aliens of Dragonia have developed the technology of covering their alien bodies with human skins. The blood cells of the epithelial tissues are also provided with red blood, in order to avoid the risks of an accident involving a cut in a finger for instance.

The results of their medical examinations are manipulated either by another character of Dragonia occupying the position of a doctor, nurse or employee of a hospital, private clinic or other medical facilities, or by altering the very instruments using alien technology.

For some of the alien races of Dragonia, a certain dosis of genetic manipulation is necessary to operate in society, as characters on Earth. For some other alien races, they have to mutilate their alien bodies, cutting off the tail for instance, or yet scrapping away their scales before wearing their human skins.

From times to times, the corpse of an alien lizard or of other alien race from Dragonia is captured by terrestrial authorities, usually as the result of an incident on the surface of Earth involving an internal battle between two or more factions of Dragonia operating in disguise as characters in society.

According to the aliens of Nirvana, the Government of the tribe of the United States alone is in possession of around 1,500 alien corpses from several alien races of Dragonia, which are spreaded all over the tribe and kept hidden in top secret military "alien mini-zoos". Some other tribes of Earth are in possession of hundreds more alien corpses as well.

Black Rabbit said...

Because of their spiritual development and advanced technology for alien patterns, not a single Confederate alien has been captured so far.

The aliens on Earth - either from Nirvana or Dragonia - do not need necessarily to form an all-alien family so as to operate as characters on Earth. They sometimes infiltrate terrestrial families through marriage for instance.

Regarding this type of inter-Cosmic marriages, the main difference between marriages involving the Confederate aliens of Nirvana and marriages involving the reptoid aliens of Dragonia is that in the first case the terrestrial wife or husband always knows about the alien origin of his or her partner; and in the last case the terrestrial part frequently don't know anything about his or her partner being an alien lizard.


5. George Orwell and the invisible alien cameras monitoring the surface of Earth

Although smaller in number, the Confederates from Nirvana presented an important advantage. They are very spiritually developed and because of that they can easily read minds and wisely analyze auras of terrestrial individuals.

However, they cannot read the minds of the aliens from Dragonia.

These latter ones, on the other side, are not able to read minds at all. They use instead an apparatus similar to an invisible flying little ball that can follow a person and read his or her humor or general feelings. They also use invisible plasmic apparatus and other invisible weapons capable of draining off one's energies and feelings.

Black Rabbit said...

A terrestrial psychologist known as Victor Tausk (disciple of another one known as Freud) wrote in the tribal year of 1933 an essay called "On the Origin of the Influencing Machine in Schizophrenia" where he described in details - albeit in a disguised manner - the use of these apparatus.

Using their alien technology, the aliens from Dragonia installed millions and millions of fixed invisible cameras on the top of stakes, lampposts, traffic lights, malls, subway stations, and other places of great movement all over the Earth, especially in the big cities of the main tribes, so that they could monitor the life and whereabouts of any terrestrial or character passing by.

Flying invisible cameras could also be dispatched whenever necessary so as to follow a specific person. Military facilities and bases, power plants, nuclear missile silos, top governmental buildings and palaces, and the media industry facilities were among the main monitored places as well.

Moreover, the alien creatures from Dragonia have developed the technology of using little alien robots with the appearance of terrestrial animals carrying microcameras : cats, cockroaches, newts, small dogs and ravens, among others. Whenever necessary, they could make use of this option.

A terrestrial writer known as George Orwell wrote in the tribal year of 1948 a book called "1984" where he depicted an allegory of this situation involving aliens living in disguise on Earth, symbolically talking about an oppressive Government called the "Big Brother" that controls the life of its citizens through the use of cameras that were installed everywhere.

The aliens from Nirvana also installed their invisible cameras in order to monitor the activities of Dragonia, but in a reduced scale : thousands and thousands of cameras throughout Earth.


6. The alien crystal of the spiritualized extraterrestrials on Earth

To compensate this apparent disadvantage, the Confederates have made use of a spiritual tool that they call crystal, which is a non-physical device placed inside their brains that in many aspects is similar to a personal computer and that enables a series of activities.

Black Rabbit said...

Activities like for instance :

a) the mental communication to any other person having an activated crystal in their brains;

b) the mental access to information organized in the form of a giant multi-language library stored in an alien satellite of Nirvana over Earth;

c) the capacity to read auras and understand and analyze very deeply the colors and their meanings;

d) the transmission and reception of images from one crystal to another, in such a way that anyone having a crystal is potentially a live and walking camera.
Those among terrestrials who have joined the Confederates used to receive a physical crystal with the task of activating it through meditation. Terrestrials having already an activated crystal can make use of additional features (that aliens do not need) like for example :

e) the gradual development of the so-called paranormal powers, through continuous exercises;

f) the capacity to unglue from their bodies, also known as astral projection;

g) the reception in internal mental screens of entire educational programs presenting didactically the reality of the alien presence on Earth, the modus operandi of the alien lizards, and teaching a series of techniques of disguise and procedures regarding the alien military operations on the Earth chessboard.
This alien apparatus is intelligent and dynamically respects the present level of spiritual development of each individual. It's like a mental computer with many programs and many internal tools. As long as you spiritualize yourself more and more, new features are progressively unfold.

Black Rabbit said...

For instance, the communication channel inside the alien crystal of a certain individual initially allows a low range contact within - say - a radius of fifty miles. With time, this radius increases till it reaches the whole Earth and depending on the case also Mars and Phobos, just like if it was an international call.


7. Alien lizards and the metallic implants inserted in the bodies of their terrestrial collaborators

The alien races from Dragonia, on the other side, had also their collaborators among terrestrials, who were usually attracted by the characters of the lizard aliens living in disguise on Earth to their alien bases with promises of "personal advantages" like easy money and orgiastic sexual pleasures, in exchange for their participation in Dragonia's activities on the surface of Earth, which could range from disseminating hate or prejudice or nationalism among terrestrial tribes to selling drugs to harassing or emotionally abusing other people to commiting violent crimes or acts, among other activities.

What these persons didn't know, however, was that they were dealing with aliens on Earth. These people chose the wrong side and so they had to pay the price. And the price was physical slavery, consummated by the forced introduction of one or more metallic implants into their bodies, mainly between the eyes.

These alien implants are capable of transmitting images and sounds to Dragonia's alien bases on Earth, as well as of producing physical and mental pain to their possessors (when they refused to do what was demanded), just like a terrestrial known as Pavlov used to do in his experiments giving electric shocks to lab rats (see picture). The difference is that these alien shocks are worst. Compared to them, Pavlov was an angel.

Black Rabbit said...

The possessors of these alien implants were induced to practice virtually anything on the surface of Earth, including violent crimes. These unhappy individuals were remotelly controlled by one or more alien lizards from Dragonia.


8. The Matrix reality and the Alien war on Earth as a Spiritual War
Because of the free will of earthlings that aliens are forced to respect, the real war between aliens on Earth is actually a spiritual war that happens inside the hearts and minds of each Neutral individual living on Earth. Everything else is just a consequence of this fact.

Aliens do not recognize the structure of power on Earth, so that each human being is important : each heart, each mind. It is the will of each one of the inhabitants of the Earth that represents Earth's will in order to define which of the sides Earth will join : Nirvana or Dragonia.

The choices that each human being living on Earth makes in his or her ordinary life are the core of a matrix reality that shapes happenings produced by characters and that generates strong reverberations into the Backstage reality, including the physical war between Nirvana and Dragonia, with alien guns and alien technology.

By exploring the dichotomies that are present in the terrestrial tribes (concepts like right and wrong, rich and poor, beautiful and ugly, famous and anonymous, giving versus receiving, gaining versus losing, success versus failure, sex versus true love, among others), the characters of the aliens on Earth involved in this Cosmic War - either the Confederates or the Consortium of Animals - induce each one of the inhabitants of the Earth to "lose his or her soul", so as to accelerate the process of defining which one of these alien sides each one of terrestrials prefers, in order to establish an open and definitive contact with Earth in the near future.

Black Rabbit said...

For aliens, nothing is intrinsically right or wrong. It depends on the heart and on the beliefs of the person. You cannot lie to the aliens of Nirvana : you can only lie to yourself.

This process of accelerating the spiritual choices of Neutral persons is gradual and customized for each Neutral individual. It is a process that evolves slowly from city to city, from region to region, from terrestrial tribe to terrestrial tribe, till all the Earth is taken by this "spiritual hurricane". It is actually a Quiet Revolution that evolved simultaneously in several fronts : the Alien Quiet Revolution.

The alien influence is carried out secretly in the ordinary lives of everyone : it is present through the performances of characters that are workmates, relatives, friends, classmates, boyfriends or girlfriends, even wives or husbands, of the targeted persons.

The manipulation is so big and so tremendous that virtually nobody is able to survive a situation like this without losing his or her soul.

The key point is that nobody remains a Neutral person after losing his or her soul : indeed, the person makes a choice between one of these alien sides - an involuntary choice, without having previous knowledge of the alien reality on Earth.

After choosing between Nirvana or Dragonia, the former Neutral is no longer considered a Neutral : it is now a member of one of these alien groups.

Generally speaking, those ones who regret what they did involuntarily join the aliens of Nirvana. They are taken by surprise, have their brains unexpectedly operated and receive within their minds what is called an alien crystal.

On the other side, those ones who do not regret what they did are generally attracted by the characters of the alien lizards of Dragonia to one of Dragonia's alien bases on Earth, where they receive one or more alien implants within their bodies.

Black Rabbit said...

The new members of Nirvana - now with their alien crystals - receive then a character guideline : they learn how to pretend hypocrisy and at the same time spiritualize themselves out there in the Backstage reality.

The remaining Neutral persons cannot suspect about what is going on until it is their time to lose their souls and choose between the alien sides. After all, their free will must be preserved.

Therefore they can only talk about the reality of the alien presence on Earth in a disguised manner. Everything has to be deliberately reduced into symbolisms, archetypes or small compartments of reality : songs' lyrics, movies, everything - even propaganda.

These newcomers have then access to an entire new reality (see picture) : the reality of alien intervention on Earth, involving alien ships, teleportation, alien holograms, paranormal powers, alien orbital stations, alien little gadgets, intraterrestrial aliens and intraterrestrial alien bases and cities, alien technology in general, alien weapons, and the secret performances of aliens as characters on Earth.

With time, they are ready to see Martians and Venusians as they really are, in their original shapes : very spiritualized beings that some call "beings of light".

The aliens of Nirvana believe that there is no formula for happiness. For them, happiness is individual. You can be happy being rich, poor, middle-class, or a millionaire. You can be happy being single, married, divorced or widowed; being in love or not; having sex with a lot of partners, with a single partner or practicing sexual abstinence; being beautiful, "normal" or ugly; being faithful or unfaithful to your wife or husband. You can be happy being famous or anonymous, a scholar or an illiterate, an athlete or a handicapped, a successful professional or a complete failure, a vegetarian or a flesh-eating, living an honest life or a corrupt one.

Black Rabbit said...

Nothing is coercive or indoctrinated. YOu can change your present condition, if you want, and you'll be helped in doing this. You just have to be honest with yourself, and follow your heart. In their system, someone cannot intend to be happier than the other persons, and one's happiness cannot be reached at the price of abusing or causing deliberate suffering to other persons.

Furthermore, it is impossible to follow your heart if you at the same time consider that you're being selfish or taking advantage of the others. But what happens when you change your own beliefs ?

Some of these dichotomies may be polemic for Neutral minds. How can you be honest with yourself and at the same time be corrupt or unfaithful to your wife or husband ? How can you be happy and at the same time be a handicapped, an illiterate or a complete failure in your job ?

Well, if you have never seen the reality of the Backstage, have never left Earth and have not a an alien crystal in your brain, then it is difficult to transcend these dichotomies. It takes time. However, once your brain is accustomed with the alien reality "out there" in the Backstage, your perception of the world changes, and when this perception changes, everything else changes, too.

If you have constant access to the aliens of Nirvana, their alien ships, original shapes, Operation Centers on Earth, teleportation technology, orbital stations, alien technology in general, and to the performance of their characters on Earth, you do not take your everyday life on Earth so seriously any longer. You enter the world of characters.

Black Rabbit said...

As of the tribal year of 2001, the "spiritual hurricane" had already covered about 98% of the Earth population, which means that at this moment only 2% of earthlings are Neutral persons who are still unaware of the alien reality on the surface of Earth. Everybody else is a character belonging to the group of the Confederate aliens.

A small minority of alien reptilians from Dragonia still operate in the areas where the "spiritual hurricane" is in development or on the way.

These areas comprise among others the tribes of Taiwan and Nepal in Asia, Angola and Guinea in Africa, and Nicaragua in Central America, as well as some regions in the interior of the tribal territories of China, India, Indonesia and Africa.

Neutral immigrants - newcomers - or tourists coming from the regions cited above can also be found in cosmopolitan cities like London, Paris or New York City.

As for the tribe known as "United States", the last remaining mini-oasis of Neutral persons could recently be found in some areas of the sub-tribes of Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky and South Carolina.

The characters of some isolated alien reptilians are still active in some of Nirvana-controlled areas, especially because Neutral persons are not forbidden to travel to these areas.


Black Rabbit said...

9. The alien technology of human cloning used on Earth
The Confederates of Nirvana dominate the alien technology of human cloning with great perfection. Not only the external appearance is cloned with precision, but also the internal organs.

To facilitate the access to the Backstage reality, the members of Nirvana can sometimes be replaced by a clone which is an exact copy of them, the same way actors and actresses are replaced with stunts in a terrestrial movie.

So an alien clone can follow the ordinary routine of a character (going to work, to the school or university, to the course, to the gym, etc.) while the actual person is in the Backstage reality doing something more important or urgent like participating in the alien war, neutralizing alien reptoids of Dragonia, or rescuing Neutrals imprisoned in some of the Dragonia's alien bases on Earth through the rapid use of teleportation.

These clones can also be used in dangerous moments of confrontation in the terrestrial society with the characters of alien lizards of Dragonia, especially by new members of Nirvana that do not have yet enough training to face them in certain situations.

When a character is no longer necessary on the surface of Earth, or when the person simply wants to leave Earth (or to leave his or her character) forever, a pretended death can be arranged. The person is then replaced with a clone, and the body of the clone "dies" : it may be an accident, a disease, a heart attack, anything.

A human clone using alien technology can also be used if a person will stay outside the surface of Earth for a long period but intends to return to his or her character in the future.


Black Rabbit said...

10. The alien technology of teleportation used on Earth
The alien technology of teleportation is widely used on the surface of Earth and enables a dynamic movement for alien operations on Earth. It plays a decisive role in the secret war between alien groups on Earth.

Both alien sides of this war make use of this technology : Nirvana and Dragonia. However, the alien teleportation technology developed by the aliens of Dragonia presents a lower technological level. It is considered a more rudimentary technology, either in quality or in range.

The aliens of Dragonia used to need ten or more intermediary teleportation cabins so as to travel on foot to the other side of Earth. The Confederate aliens and the members of Nirvana in general do not need to take all this extra work. On the contrary, it is much easier for them.

The alien teleportation technology used by the Confederates on Earth is based on the optical principles of camouflage.

At the precise moment of the teleportation, a teleportation field is generated around the person. This field creates a set of mirrors that aligns the external image coming from any potential external angle with the image of the exact opposite side of the field, producing the illusion of transparency to any potential observer.

Thus, the alien teleportation can take place literally in the middle of a busy street or inside a mall for instance. The person do not need to go to the restroom or hide in a dark alley.

Black Rabbit said...

The eyes of a potential witness are deceived by the images. No special effects like rays or lights are produced. The teleportation occurs instantaneously : everything is so quick and natural that the brain of the observer is deceived, like if there was a rapid cut in the mental image being processed by the brain and in the next moment the image continues (altered by the teleportation operation) with the person being teleported in or out of the place. Any mental suspicion is barred by the rationalism of the observer's brain.

The alien teleportation for the members of Nirvana is performed by the means of an easy-to-use portable device. Coordinates may be manually given but the device can automatically calculate the best exact position in the destination place. In the case of a military emergency, the device automatically transports the person to any safe place in the surroundings.

The Confederate aliens and also the more spiritually advanced and trained members of Nirvana have developed the paranormal faculty of mental self-teleportation - an advanced form of telekinesis, where the person transports himself or herself to another place. This usually consumes a lot of energy and therefore the distances are not very big : no more than a few miles.

Albeit widely used in the alien war on Earth, the teleportation technique is NOT used unless it's really necessary. It is not used by alien characters on Earth in their ordinary lives as a means of self-indulgence or personal comfort. Their values are totally different from terrestrial values.


Black Rabbit said...

11. The alien satellite of the Confederates that orbits Earth
Around the tribal year of 1950, the Confederate aliens reached the conclusion that it was safer and more strategic to build an intelligent satellite to oversee the activities of Nirvana on Earth and manage the major part of alien operations and communications on the surface of Earth.

A satellite smart enough to deviate from any attack of alien ships from Dragonia and also to deviate from the primitive space devices launched by the terrestrial tribes. An alien satellite with the power to drastically interfere in the physical reality if necessary.

An alien satellite that could be the key to the Alien Intervention on Earth. (see pictures)

The satellite was immediately built. It has the power to suspend all the electricity of Earth; paralyze all the motorized vehicles (civilian and military) (see picture), and all the nuclear ogives; interrupt all the electronic means of communication, like telephone, radio, TV or Internet; and lock the triggers of all existing guns.

It foresees intelligently several exceptions like not suspending the power of the emergency sector of a hospital, or not suspending the electricity of a cable car in a ski resort, for example.

All civilian planes and ships en route to their destinations are also not interrupted by the Confederates' alien satellite till they arrive in the first safe place. Military aircrafts are escorted by alien ships and invited to land immediately.

Black Rabbit said...

A symbollic representation of the power of this alien satellite was shown in the tribal year of 1953 in a terrestrial movie called "The day the Earth stood still".

Later on, the Confederate aliens constructed supporting satellites to complement the functions of the main one.


12. The sons of Nirvana : the hybrids between a terrestrial and a spiritualized alien, conceived through invisible artificial insemination
Approximately between the tribal years of 1964 and 1973, the Confederate aliens of Nirvana introduced a new element in the alien war on Earth : the hybrids, that they call "pans".

The term "pan" was chosen because it corresponds to a prefix spoken in the tribe of Greece that is used by the languages of many other terrestrial tribes, meaning "all, the whole of; relating to the whole or to all parts of something".

A pan is a child born on Earth of a spiritualized alien father from Nirvana and a terrestrial mother, especially when the child, the mother and her terrestrial husband are all Neutral persons and consequently are not aware of the alien presence on Earth.

In this last case, the conception is performed through the teleportation of the semen of the alien father inside the uterus of the terrestrial mother, who then becomes pregnant, develops normally the baby and delivers the child : the pan.

The terrestrial families in which these children are going to be inserted are meticulously studied and very well chosen. In general terms, the terrestrial parents of these children have sincerely prayed, asking God for a child. In a certain way, it is a form of fulfilling the sincere wishes of these couples.

Black Rabbit said...

Martians, Venusians or other Confederate aliens living on Earth analyse previously the auras of these terrestrial parents, their jobs, their web of relationships in society, the general condition of their relatives, their neighborhood, etc., and foresee their probable future, before authorizing the conception to take place.

These children grow up in a Neutral environment, although part of their genes are alien. Their lives are carefully accompanied by the spiritualized aliens of Nirvana living as characters on Earth. Commonly a member of their families - like an uncle or an aunt - is a spiritualized alien of Nirvana that have married someone from the family who knows everything.

These children are physically protected against accidents by the alien satellite of Nirvana that surrounds the Earth. ANd although they're not aware of this, they're also protected against physical attacks of the characters of the aliens of Dragonia. These attacks are a consequence of the fact that one specific race of Dragonia's alien creatures has the ability to identify a pan in the middle of a crowd of Neutral persons.

The "pan" Neutral child frequently has the sensation that he or she is not from Earth. Usually during the childhood and adolescence, he or she is counciously unaware of his or her situation, but feels that his or her real place is not on Earth. The pan has a whetted sixth sense.

The "pan" has a gigantic potential. He or she doesn't have immediate access to the mental powers that derive from the alien genes. These alien genes are encoded, and it's up to the pan to develop the spiritual capacity to unlock these codes.

Likewise the spiritualized aliens of Nirvana, the "pan" has also an alien original shape. The original shape of a "pan" presents an intermediary form between the terrestrial human shape and the alien human shape of the Confederate aliens.

Black Rabbit said...

This "pan" original shape, however, is not immediately available to the "pan". It is encoded in his or her alien genes.

Unlike what happens with a spiritualized alien, a "pan" cannot move in and out his or her original shape unless he or she first abandons the terrestrial shape forever. Once abandoned, the terrestrial shape that a pan had been using up to this very moment can't be ever used again. The "pan" may use a similar shape, even a lookalike, but the shape cannot be exactly the same.

It's like if the "pan" was opting for his or her alien nationality. When a pan is prepared enough and is totally aware of the alien reality on Earth, he or she is able to make a choice in his or her life.

If the "pan" chooses to abandon the terrestrial shape and assume the alien original shape, he or she will then be able to move in and out any other terrestrial shape of the same sex different from the previous one he or she was using before.

In this case, the "pan" will be able to operate any shape (and character) of the same sex on Earth, for a short (or long) period of time, always returning to the "pan" original shape when he or she wants.

Unlike Martians, however, "pans" cannot assume more than one only terrestrial shape at the same time. Thus, in order to use a new shape (with a new character) on the surface of Earth, a "pan" always need to leave first the previous shape.

This generation of pans consisted of about four million children all over the Earth. Approximately ninety percent of these ones have exactly half of the genes from alien origin and half from terrestrial origin. The remaining ten percent of the pans present a 51-49 proportion of alien genes vs. terrestrial genes, respectively.

Pans are like alien seeds. They were born in strategic families across the Earth, especially families connected to the so-called "intelligentzia" of each terrestrial tribe : intellectuals, journalists, artists, teachers, lawyers, scientists, physicians, politicians, judges, entrepreneurs, and so on.

These children were spreaded among these influential sectors of society with the intention of placing the right people in the key positions in the right time.

From this initial sample of four million individuals, a small part was selected - the most strategic ones, using the spiritual and the military viewpoints. Between the tribal years of 1985 and 1990, these last ones were contacted by the aliens of Nirvana living on Earth. They have received a specific training as disciples of their alien masters.

Black Rabbit said...

Depending on each individual case, this contact may have happened in several forms : personal contact with the character of the alien master, for instance, or contact via impersonal channels like ordinary mail, telephone, and - more recently - via e-mail.

These pans were spiritually and meticulously prepared by their masters for several years to face what they didn't know would come then : the force of the alien manipulation during a "spiritual hurricane".

They were trained not to "lose their souls" during this delicate period in which their own Neutral relatives, friends, workmates and neighbors were being tested by both the alien sides. They were like spiritual lighthouses that helped guiding these persons around them.

They were trained to confront directly the characters on Earth of the alien lizards of Dragonia in social situations involving abuse, fear, harassment, insinuation and deceit.

And in many cases, just by following their hearts they have paved the way for the Confederate aliens to neutralize alien reptoids and principally to neutralize the characters of the terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia already inserted in their social circle of relationships.

Some of them have lost their souls during the passage of the "spiritual hurricane" through their cities, from the tribal year of 1993 to the present time. Some have survived.

The spiritual choice that a "pan" has to make if and when he (she) loses his (her) soul, however, is of a different nature. Because of the alien genes they possess, and also because of their different mentality, "pans" that lose their souls don't choose between joining Nirvana or Dragonia, because they are members of Nirvana already.

The choice that he (she) makes has a connection with the future of his (her) personal life either on Earth or elsewhere. Frequently this choice is made between sex and true love.

When the "hurricane" comes, these previously trained "pans" usually are in love with a Martian, Venusian or other Confederate alien living on Earth, and it is this love - a true love - that functions as one of the main engines of his (her) spiritual growth.

Black Rabbit said...

So this specific "pan" that loses his (her) soul - that some prefer to nickname a "fallen angel" - has to make a choice between having sex with other girls or boys or marrying the true love of his (her) life, which is a spiritualized alien from Nirvana.


13. Alien war : the neutralization of reptoid aliens by spiritualized aliens
The rules of alien intervention on Earth apply not only to Neutral persons. There are specific rules for the secret alien war between characters on Earth.

In certain specific situations the members of Dragonia - either alien lizards on Earth or their terrestrial accomplices - can be neutralized by the Confederates.

Although the analysis of the situations may vary from case to case, in general terms the characters of the alien lizards of Dragonia operating on the surface of Earth can be neutralized (that is, killed) :

a) if they first try to kill any of the members of Nirvana (legitimate defense);

b) if they first drain off the energies of a member of Nirvana who is a survivor using specific invisible alien weapons or technology, provided that this survivor responds correctly :

b-1) following his or her heart;

b-2) recovering from the loss of energy; or

b-3) acting appropriately - not being taken by anger, for instance.
Regarding alien creatures of Dragonia, the positions of their characters on Earth are not really neutralized : only the very creature who was operating under that skin at that moment is neutralized. After being neutralized, the aliens of Dragonia have the right to replace the creature with another creature using an identical skin.

Black Rabbit said...

Sometimes the same alien character is neutralized several times in a sequence, each one of them being always replaced with a new identical one, just like if they were units of a production line.

The memories of the neutralized creature are partly reinserted (through the use of something similar to a "back-up") so that the new creature using the same skin of the same character will not forget important details of the life of the character. But even when this process fails, practically everything about this character could have been recorded by their invisible cameras anyway.


14. Alien war : the desertion of reptilian aliens to the group of spiritualized aliens
The only exception for this replacement rule is when an alien creature from Dragonia spontaneously leaves the Consortium of Animals and deserts to join the Confederates of Nirvana.

As a rule of thumb, alien lizards and the other alien races comprising the Consortium are very dense creatures, full of animality and hate inside their hearts. Sometimes they use rude characters to operate in disguise on Earth, sometimes sympathetic ones, but they're always full of an instinctive hate inside their hearts.

From times to times, however, an alien lizard or other alien creature from Dragonia can't stand the bestiality and dishumanity of his or her own alien colleagues and choose to join Nirvana.

Black Rabbit said...

A terrestrial writer known as Gene Rodenberry once portrayed symbolically this specific situation of an isolated alien creature from Dragonia deserting to join the Confederates by creating a character called "Lieutenant Worf" who was inserted as part of the crew of a popular series called "Star Trek - The Next Generation" (the character, the show and his alien shape are fictitious, but the situation is not).

When a desertion like this takes place, the character of this alien lizard infiltrated in the terrestrial society is transformed in a member of Nirvana and can't be used by the Consortium of Dragonia any longer.

The opposite case never happens. Nobody from Nirvana has ever deserted to Dragonia so far. They have seen all kinds of atrocities perpetrated on Earth by the reptilian aliens of Dragonia, and they know what would be waiting for them.


15. Alien war : the neutralization of terrestrial collaborators of alien reptoids by spiritualized forces
In the alien secret war between alien forces operating on the Earth chessboard, there are also specific rules for the neutralization of terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia.

Specific individual situations may apply in a different way, but generally speaking collaborators of Dragonia can be neutralized (in other words, killed) in the same cases described above for the neutralization of the alien lizards of Dragonia, that is :

a) if they first try to kill any of the members of Nirvana (legitimate defense);

b) if they first drain off the energies of a member of Nirvana who is a survivor using specific invisible alien weapons or technology, provided that this survivor responds correctly :

b-1) following his or her heart;

b-2) recovering from the loss of energy; or

b-3) acting appropriately - not being taken by anger, for instance.
When a terrestrial collaborator of Dragonia is neutralized, his or her character in the terrestrial society is substituted by an alien clone of Nirvana, presenting exactly the same human shape of the neutralized person. This character in terrestrial society is considered then a territory of Nirvana, and cannot be used by the alien forces of Dragonia any longer.

Black Rabbit said...

The clone has to follow the routine of this neutralized person as if nothing had happened, but depending on the case can now soften or smooth a little his or her behavior so as not to be so rude or violent as the person was.

Frequently there are Neutral persons in the family of this neutralized collaborator who do not know anything yet about the alien reality on Earth. This may include the wife or husband of the neutralized person. So the clone has to act exactly as if it was human, in order to minimize the trauma that the relatives and friends of this person will have to face in the future when they discover for themselves the true nature of reality on Earth.

The second hypothesis above that may justify this neutralization (item "b") only applies if the terrestrial collaborator of Dragonia has negotiatied with the alien reptoids a personal advantage in exchange for this dirty job : a price or prize for the survivor's head.

The Confederate aliens of Nirvana - like Martians and Venusians - are capable of reading the minds of the terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia (although they cannot read the minds of Dragonia's alien creatures), and thus they know very well what are the intentions of these collaborators.

Due to the fact that these latter ones have metallic alien implants inside their bodies and are mentally influenced and threatened by the alien creatures of Dragonia, sometimes terrestrial collaborators are forced to do what they do not want to, in order to avoid being neutralized by their own alien controllers.

In this case, a terrestrial collaborator is not neutralized by the spiritualized aliens of Nirvana even if he or she hits a survivor of Nirvana with an invisible alien weapon capable of draining off or exhauring the survivor's energies.

Black Rabbit said...

The clone has to follow the routine of this neutralized person as if nothing had happened, but depending on the case can now soften or smooth a little his or her behavior so as not to be so rude or violent as the person was.

Frequently there are Neutral persons in the family of this neutralized collaborator who do not know anything yet about the alien reality on Earth. This may include the wife or husband of the neutralized person. So the clone has to act exactly as if it was human, in order to minimize the trauma that the relatives and friends of this person will have to face in the future when they discover for themselves the true nature of reality on Earth.

The second hypothesis above that may justify this neutralization (item "b") only applies if the terrestrial collaborator of Dragonia has negotiatied with the alien reptoids a personal advantage in exchange for this dirty job : a price or prize for the survivor's head.

The Confederate aliens of Nirvana - like Martians and Venusians - are capable of reading the minds of the terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia (although they cannot read the minds of Dragonia's alien creatures), and thus they know very well what are the intentions of these collaborators.

Due to the fact that these latter ones have metallic alien implants inside their bodies and are mentally influenced and threatened by the alien creatures of Dragonia, sometimes terrestrial collaborators are forced to do what they do not want to, in order to avoid being neutralized by their own alien controllers.

In this case, a terrestrial collaborator is not neutralized by the spiritualized aliens of Nirvana even if he or she hits a survivor of Nirvana with an invisible alien weapon capable of draining off or exhauring the survivor's energies.

Black Rabbit said...

The clone has to follow the routine of this neutralized person as if nothing had happened, but depending on the case can now soften or smooth a little his or her behavior so as not to be so rude or violent as the person was.

Frequently there are Neutral persons in the family of this neutralized collaborator who do not know anything yet about the alien reality on Earth. This may include the wife or husband of the neutralized person. So the clone has to act exactly as if it was human, in order to minimize the trauma that the relatives and friends of this person will have to face in the future when they discover for themselves the true nature of reality on Earth.

The second hypothesis above that may justify this neutralization (item "b") only applies if the terrestrial collaborator of Dragonia has negotiatied with the alien reptoids a personal advantage in exchange for this dirty job : a price or prize for the survivor's head.

The Confederate aliens of Nirvana - like Martians and Venusians - are capable of reading the minds of the terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia (although they cannot read the minds of Dragonia's alien creatures), and thus they know very well what are the intentions of these collaborators.

Due to the fact that these latter ones have metallic alien implants inside their bodies and are mentally influenced and threatened by the alien creatures of Dragonia, sometimes terrestrial collaborators are forced to do what they do not want to, in order to avoid being neutralized by their own alien controllers.

In this case, a terrestrial collaborator is not neutralized by the spiritualized aliens of Nirvana even if he or she hits a survivor of Nirvana with an invisible alien weapon capable of draining off or exhauring the survivor's energies.

Black Rabbit said...

It is considered that in this case they have regretted their participation in the atrocities of Dragonia and want to be released from slavery.


16. Alien war : the liberation of terrestrial collaborators of alien reptoids by spiritualized aliens
Terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia often live in an oppressive situation. They are frequently terrified by what they see and by what they are forced to do. Part of them want to be released from the physical slavery and from the implants embedded in their bodies.

Differently from what happens with the alien lizards, terrestrial collaborators of Dragonia cannot simply "desert" to Nirvana, because they are remotelly monitored and controlled through the alien implants inserted in their heads. As long as they have these implants, their location can be traced. And if they do any suspicious movement, the lizard aliens of Dragonia can literally blow up their heads by remotelly blowing up their implants.

Sometimes these collaborators of Dragonia are very lucky to find a Confederate alien around them who shows them that he or she is capable of reading their minds. This is usually the first step for the liberation process.

The aliens of Nirvana can make use of an alien device projected to block, inhibit or cause interferences in the transmission of commands between the alien lizards of Dragonia and the alien implants of its collaborators, but this is a risky operation.

Depending on the situation, telepatic instructions on how to proceed may be directly given to the collaborator who wants to be released from the implant slavery.


Black Rabbit said...


.hturt eht si sihT .yrogella na ton si sihT


Nirvana. noun. (in Buddhism) "Perfect bliss and release from karma, attained by the extinction of individuality".

Karma. noun. (Buddishm & Hinduism). (...) " 2. destiny".

Individuality. noun. (...) " 2. separate existence".

Separate. adj. "Forming a unit that is apart or by itself;"

(Source : DK Illustrated Oxford Dictionary, 1998.)



Black Rabbit said...

Allegory of the Alien, by "Z. Left" (alias). Written in June, 2001.


== Chapters 4, 5 and 8 - updated in July, August and October, 2001 ==
== Introduction added in August, 2001

"V" is a trademark of Warner Bros. It is a Daniel H. Blatt and Robert Singer Production in association with Warner Bros. The "V alien lizard" and the "V alien ship" images are copyrighted by Warner Bros. This page is non-profit and for information purposes only. The images shown here are merely illustrative and no attempt is made to infringe on the rights of the trademark holders. This page is neither licensed or endorsed by Warner Bros.


Black Rabbit said...

Read also :

Intelligent life on Mars - Martians know quantum physics,
by Helen Canterbury.

(Mirror sites :,, and

(Versions in other languages : Francais, Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano, Portuguese and Dutch)

Radiotelescope collapses mysteriously (Green Bank, West Virginia - 1988). Compilation of news - Illustrative Appendix to Helen Canterbury's text.

(Mirror sites :,

Human aliens live infiltrated on Earth -
List of Martian characters on Earth,
by Josh Nevada.

(Mirror sites :,,,, and

"Free your brain" - (Artificial synchronicity, language manipulation, kundalini and the corners of reality - "THEIR" modus operandi on Earth)

(Mirror sites : and


Black Rabbit said...


(1) -

(2) -

(3) (text only) -


Site Sponsors

Black Rabbit said...

So I was a member of the BARBARIAN RACES in the above scenario, MARK R?

…and you say this isn’t an ALLEGORY and I for one, would believe you…

Therefore was the above ‘version of world history’ what you had found on LOEHRMANN’s FBI files?

Was this the ILL GAME that had been set up?

I feel sorry for GEORGE BUSH…one can see where his thoughts about MARTIANS came from…he was identifying people from FBI coded groups…

He started the IRAQ war off for the BANKERS but he made good in the end…in his last days in office…by getting those RUSSIAN ASHKENAZIM paramilitary bases bombed…with the acquiescence of MR PUTIN.

Black Rabbit said...

i haven't had time to read it all yet...but I am already remembering certain things about the above text - for example - MARK R wanted to indict WARNER BROS and asked me how to do I said 'just say that they had NOTHING to do with it'...and that is what he put at the end of this text.

Black Rabbit said...

So WARNER BROS had EVERYTHING to do with it...

Black Rabbit said...


MACDONALD was in touch last night - telling me this mind control command for some reason - with the pronunciation below:


Black Rabbit said...

So we are back to the old TITANIA, OBERON and the ASS number, are we?


Black Rabbit said...

The ASS being TOMLINSON as I recall - but he is supposed to be dead, right?

Black Rabbit said...

I have wondered for some time now why PRIVATE EYE has kept up a 'private war' against SOCIAL SERVICES and the MEDICAL PROFESSION in pouring cold water upon any media events/conferences which has DISASSOCIATIVE DISORDER as a key theme to the discussions at hand...

Black Rabbit said...

How can anybody in their right mind deny that it exists?

Go and ask MILITARY MEDICS...they have seen it so many times in so many soldiers...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so we have an OBERON posting within the first comments page of the new BLOG OF NOTE:

Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Wu Weekend: Intro & Method Man

I now present to you a series I did last year entitled "A Wu Weekend". I think it's pretty self explanitory. The series depicts an activity that each member of the Wu Tang Clan is us up to during the weekend. Check back every other day for the next 3 weeks to see whats up... yes ODB will make an appearance.

On set with Mickey Rooney for the buddy-cop film "Ukrainian Showdown".

Posted by Brandon Muir at 2:39 PM
Labels: wu tang clan
everton said...
achei legal olha manda um recado para mim

September 28, 2009 11:30 AM
Remy, The Quill said...
You are a legend man. Wicked editing...Hahahaha! Check mine me what say you...

September 28, 2009 1:48 PM
story_weaver said...
Congrats on being a blog of note!

September 28, 2009 3:07 PM
Tom H. said...
Would have been a great film. LOL!

September 28, 2009 4:32 PM
Oberon said...
...i invite you to join globalove think tank.

September 28, 2009 5:57 PM
Gretchen said...
Looking forward to more Wu Weekend updates. Congrats today! Nice blog!

September 28, 2009 8:55 PM
Firoj said...
Congratulation! Bran. nice blog on note.

September 28, 2009 8:57 PM

Black Rabbit said...

Here is OBERON's entry upon BLOGGER:

Age: 55
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Zodiac Year: Horse
Industry: Non-Profit
Location: United States
About Me
GlobaLove Incorporated is an idea for a new company that represents all of our best interests and goals.

Photography Space Philosophy History Aircraft Art Movies Gardening Fishing Oceanography HotRods Biology Physics SciFi Meteorology Raceboats Skydiving Flying R/C Airplanes Zen Aikido
Favourite Films
A Clockwork Orange Pulp Fiction I Robot 1984 Snatch Fight Club The Professional American Beauty Quills Fire in the Sky K-PAX Aliens It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Raising Arizona Metropolis The Big Broadcast of 1938 Lord of the Rings Gladiator Van Helsing One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Brazil Fahrenheit 451 Irma La Douce Blade Runner Johnny Got His Gun V for Vendetta Dr.Strangelove Gandhi Apocalypse Now Catch-22 Sin City Captains Courageous The Life of David Gale Dune The Rainmaker Candy The Elephant Man The Seven Year Itch Little Big Man Magnolia Barbarella The Abyss Zardoz The Road Warrior Brotherhood of the Wolf Breakfast on Pluto The Color Purple Shoot 'em Up Fur Father Goose It's a Wonderful Life M*A*S*H Payback 300 The Longest Day Full Metal Jacket Pay it Forward Big Fish Edward Scissorhands The Wizard of Oz The Matrix The Fifth Element Lucky Number Slevin The Transporter Sybil The African Queen Some Like It Hot Lawrence of Arabia Amadeus Network Forrest Gump The Shawshank Redemption The Great Dictator Close Encounters of the Third Kind Modern Times Bram Stoker's Dracula Star Wars Things to Come The Shining War of the Worlds Das Boot The Thing Sling Blade The Mexican Kill Bill Shogun Assassin Lifeboat Starship Troopers The Forgotten Iron Man Women vs Men The Day the Earth Stood Still
Favourite Music
Pink Floyd Talking Heads The Beatles Jimmy Hendrix Ray Charles Creedence Clearwater Revival Elton John Roy Orbison Patsy Cline The Eagles The Moody Blues The Doobie Brothers Johnny Cash The Doors Ace of Base Johnny Lang Pearl Jam David Bowie Allman Brothers Aretha Franklin Bob Dylan The O'Jays John Lennon Steely Dan 10cc Blue Oyster Cult Elvis Presley Three Dog Night The Tubes Buffalo Springfield
My Blogs Team Members
GlobaLove Inc.
GlobaLove Think Tank Julian Gallo Images with Personality Joseph Aprile CHM anne altman William Wren Alex Jenn PERSPECTIVE the loading dock gigi John M. Mora Ancient Clown brad4d The Quiet Anarchist Berto Sophia Marc Mai 37 more

Blogs I Follow
lettuce prey four whirled peas

Black Rabbit said...

Ah, yes - I forgot to mention that apart from being called NEEDLE at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (and also 'bunny rabbit') - they also called me LETTUCE:

lettuce prey four whirled peas


So when the ILL say 'let us pray for world peace' - what they are really saying is this:


Black Rabbit said...

So we are back then - to the old demonically programmed JOOS then aren't we?


Black Rabbit said...

So AMADEUS and MARK R - have you really gotten clean of the ILL CULT or are you secretly still practising this sordid and disgusting ILL practice?

You know that it only makes you sicker and has no positive benefits.

Black Rabbit said...

I am really sick and tired of this now - if I were a tyrannical world leader - I would simply outlaw this practice with 3RD STRIKE DEATH ROW - or in fact, simply capital punishment - shot on sight.

Black Rabbit said...

So I clicked upon the above link to find this extraordinary warning:

Content Warning
Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service

I understand and I wish to continueI do not wish to continue

Black Rabbit said...

I have clicked on that link.

So this appears to be MARK R's SATANIC CREED - what he was brought up to believe and what he then 'found out' in relation to believing that he was a 'god' and that the COSMOS apparently didn't have one which made it all right to use and abuse other human beings - murder, rape and torture them - because he was a 'god' and could do what he liked.

A god with a VERY SMALL BRAIN then eh, MARK R?

Black Rabbit said...

...perhaps I am maligning MARK R here - he was simply 'channelling' what the ROTHSCHILD believed.

Now, that is more likely - MARK R had tried to escape ROTHCHILD control - so many times.

Therefore one can say that this is the sick mind and lifestyle of a man gone mad - completely to the dogs:

Black Rabbit said...

lettuce prey four whirled peas
Heaven and earth and I are of the same root, the ten-thousand things and I are of one substance.....Zen Master Seng-chao.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Truth Is Coming......

I would be remiss if I didn't tell you the truth.

I believe in a Star Trek world.

I believe that food and housing and education

would seem to be better weapons against

extremism and violence

than murder, mayhem and war.

I believe that when we put profit above human life

we are feeding on our young.

Open your eyes to the new galactic perspective,

we are not alone in the universe,

human beings are but one race among many.

I believe it is time to reject our

culture of scarcity and corruption,

the drive for profit alone is self destructive.

The New Age of Enlightenment is upon us

and Gene Roddenberry had a perfect vision of it in Star Trek.

I believe it is time to change the world......

......we are feeding on our young.

Visit my other website and see proof of the alien presence.

posted by Oberon at 12:01 PM 1 comments

Black Rabbit said...

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
War of the Gods.......

Religion must that reason may live.....Bill Maher-Religulous.

.....god is not religion.

.....i will not humanize god......i will not sexualize god......god is change.....god is a process......god is......not a giant old white guy with a long white beard sitting in the clouds.......god!

.....all religion made.

.....ignorance is the original sin.

.....our ignorance is the reason

.....all the major religions teach the golden rule......that works.

.....god made man in his image.....but made god in his image.

.....fear has perverted religion, turning the golden rule.....into the war of the gods.

.....ignorance creates fear....fear creates intolerance....intolerance creates extremism....extremism creates hate....hate creates destruction.

.....intolerance is another word for.......extremism.

.....ignorance+fear+intolerance+extremism+hate=destruction. is innocent....ignorance is not.

.....religion divides us, spirituality brings us together.

.....we cannot fault man for faith....we can however, hold man and religion, responsible for ignorance. must first define, "faith".

from the 1: allegeance to duty or a person: LOYALTY 2: belief and trust in God 3: complete trust 4: a system of religious beliefs. the definition of "faith" what your trust is "in".....duty, a person, God, or a religion.

.....the word "trust" more deeply describes "the reliance on the truth of something"....or truth. you might say that faith boils down to what you "believe" is true......or "your belief."

.....and as i've said before.....

.....the "truth" has nothing to do......with what you "believe". other is not always founded on truth.

.....i have faith the sun will come up in the morning......i have no faith in war.

.....i'm not afraid of god....what reason could there be?

.....i don't believe in a god that needs to be worshiped.

.....i don't believe in a god that would doom me to burn in eternal pain.

......though god may be love, god is above all truth.......god is even the atheism of the atheists........mahatma gandhi.
posted by Oberon at 12:22 PM 6 comments

Saturday, February 07, 2009
The one percent.......

Black Rabbit said... not a game....................................Miss Pettigrew.

I am life is a dream.

If you have a computer......more than one TV......a home and a car or are in the top one percent of the world population......what do you feel for the other 99%?

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all......Jefferson Airplane.

Why did the Mafia go extinct?.......they didn't, they "went legit"'re paying 29.99% on your credit card aren't you?

This just in from TV news........"burglars rob food shelf, take food"......newsflash!......they give it away for FREE!

I want a new drug.......One that won't make me sick.......One that won't make me crash my car......Or make me feel three feet thick......Huey Lewis.

Some "religious" people think God made Adam's head, body, arms and legs......and then the Devil slapped on the genitals.

Greed exploits the difference between the rich and the poor.....Wal Mart demands cheaper products so production moves to China:
American jobs..............gone.
Wages.............25-.50 cents an hour.
Tibet............estimated 1.2 million dead.
Human's a dictatorship. we're partners.
Poison.................pollution, coal plants, lead toys, melamine.

They warned me satan would be attractive......Ned Flanders.

Remember? were really excited when you found the prize in your box of Cracker Jacks.

Don't worry........everything is going to be matter how badly you screw up.......just try your best and be happy.

You can't handle the truth handler are you.......I deride your truth handling ability......Sideshow Bob.

If I didn't have bad luck.......I wouldn't have any luck at all.

Eat, drink and be merry......for tomorrow we die..........really.

Oh God........have mercy on my wicked soul......Oberon.
posted by Oberon at 6:55 PM 4 comments

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
It's a Sin.......

Black Rabbit said...

Hate the the sinner.......Mahatma Gandhi.

Fear will keep them in line.......drain their pocketbooks and make both parents work......who's looking after the kids?

The Emperor.................has no you see?

Female genital mutilation.......the involintary mutilation.......of underage girls.......once called "circumcision".......why don't you google it and look at the pictures.

It's a sin............that sexism and racism.............creates a lower class of citizen.

Among all the terrible injustices......female genital mutilation........of an estimated 6,000 girls every the most..........imbicilic, immoral, idiotic and unneccesary profanity of them all.......I believe it's time we put an end to this horrible desecration.

Mono-syllabic mouth-breathers.......I am so tired of ignorant non-thinkers.

We will have to drag them.......kicking and screaming.......into the 21st century.

It's a sin.......that education of an unlimited scope is not offered free to everyone.

A "Citizen"......has the make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility.......Starship Troopers.

Observe......various images of lovemaking and war casualties.......and then tell me what is obscene.

Call your doctor if you experience an erection lasting longer than four hours.

Sometimes........I wonder if i will ever master the notion of........cope.

It's a sin......that war and the global arms trade......consumes so much of our assets.

God made Man in His image.......but then.......Man made God in his image.

You've got the wrong god is the right ninny.

Did you know the bees are disappering?......"Colony Collapse Dissorder" they call it.......pollen collected and tested for poisons (insecticides) found 40 different chemicals......we're killing the bees......the best thing that every happened to us.......what're you gonna do without pollination? more Lavender Honey.

Black Rabbit said...

What is done out of love.......always takes place beyond good and evil.......Friedrich Nietzsche.
posted by Oberon at 7:45 PM 6 comments

Friday, September 19, 2008
Try to understand.........

Candy's dandy.........but liquor's quicker........Ogden Nash.

Most of what I'm about to show above Top Secret.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell.......scientist.....boy scout......Texan......Apollo 14 astronaut, setting the record for moon walk time at 9 hours 17 minutes.....great American what he says about Aliens and UFOs.......this is not a man who lies.

Remember the promise of cable tv? commercials?.......they lied to us again.

When confronted with the inequality in the world.......I am forced to seek......anger management.......I'm a love monkey.......I want to see everybody happy.

Have you ever heard of Travis Walton?.......why don't you google him and see what happened to Travis......ask yourself if you are ready to see the truth.

Where is the.........."Tank Man"........I want to thank him.

A nine month old baby died......upon seeing the Angel of Death she asked , "why did you take me so young?"........Death replied, "you got what everybody got a lifetime".......Author Unknown.

Youtube......"Mystery Space Machines"........and look through John Lenard Walsons' telescope. stranger than fiction...........remember that.

Conspiracy theory?'s not a theory.

Newspaper headline......."Vatican: It's okay to believe in Aliens."......I wonder what would make them say that?......they don't say anything unless they know.

Black Rabbit said...

Alien and earthly spacecraft are orbiting the earth......we've been working with them......have been for some time now.

And yes......we have bases on the moon.......think we haven't been back for thirty six years?.....did you forget about the secret astronauts?

You are bystanders.....onlookers...........Myanmar Buddhist Monk.
posted by Oberon at 6:49 PM 13 comments

Friday, August 08, 2008
Just do it..........

I'm not a smart man but.......I know what love is.......Forrest Gump.

They don't need monkeys and rats to test drugs on they've got us.

Look at me........I'm a total disaster.......I've wasted my entire life.

Watching the UFC fights......blood flying everywhere........I see the truth of's guttural......the essence of life.......kill or be killed. the debt that all men pay........Euripides.

What are you waiting doesn't last forever.

You are going to die.......I have to remind my self often.

It's always raining.......................somewhere.

Psychiatrist: "That is not a car.......that is a penis, mit chrome".......Hammersmith is Out.

I know how to eliminate all poverty.......everything is free.

I'm starting a new company......."GlobaLove" are a member.......everybody is a member.

Is it just me or.......are you sick and tired of seeing pharmaceutical commercials on TV?

The reports of my death......are greatly exaggerated........Mark Twain.

This is my window to you......sitting in one spot.......I am so far away.

Seeing my fingers......touching your glowing face......I send my message.

Attention all earthlings......there now exists a......."State of Planetary Emergency"........we better get our shit together.......asap.

Note to self.......shut the hell up........Oberon.
posted by Oberon at 2:32 PM 19 comments

Black Rabbit said...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
War of words.........

There's something happening here.......what it is ain't exactly clear.......there's a man with a gun over there.......telling me I got to beware.......I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound.......everybody look what's going down.......Buffalo Springfield.

I have unexpected talk to strangers........I'm doing it now.

A question is a dangerous thing..............a bull in a china shop.

Why are a million young girls being sold into sexual slavery every year?......why do immigrants want to come here?.......why aren't their own countries as well off?.......why are 18,000 innocent children dying each and every day from starvation?........why is our water full of poisons and phamaceuticals?.......why is plastic the bane of our age?.......why do they cut fins off of sharks and throw them back?.......why do they fly airplanes into buildings?.............why are all the ice caps and glaciers melting?.......why do they stone girls who've been raped by their brothers?.......why is the Amazon rainforest being destroyed at the rate of fifteen hundred square kilometers per month?.......why is one religion the "real" one and another is not?.......why are Jews and Arabs fighting when they are brothers?......why are priests molesting children?......why are corporations being allowed to buy our government?........why is my penis a pornographic thing?

I suppose if I had lost the war......I would have been tried as a war criminal.......General Curtis LeMay.

Have you seen the North Pacific Gyre?........also known as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch".......composed of "plastic soup".......they're finding animal carcasses filled with plastic bottle caps and various other plastic trash tidbits mistaken for food......the ratio of plastic to food is......ten to one.......of course their eating plastic......that's all there is to eat.....we've got to get a handle on plastic.

"Disposable" garbage that lasts forever.......plastic is the bane of our age.

Superman's got nothing on me........except he can fly.......and see through walls........and crush coal into diamonds......and bounce bullets off his chest..............are you trying to seduce me?

Regarding the psychology of has been said that......"all sex is rape".......sperm attacks egg.......enters and has also been said one time or another.......male and female were one complete being.......and only when we join together....... are we made "whole" again........make love, not war.

Can't we all just.......get along?.........Rodney King.

Liberal and conservative.........what is that?........oh yeah, right and left........selfish and generous......myopic and tolerant.......fearful and hopeful.......small and big.......dream big.

Black Rabbit said...

Turning food into turning the hungry......into the the new gold. another word for........waste.......more waste equals more profit........waste equals profit.......something wrong with that.......ya think?.......nothing is disposable.......think re-usable.

Animal wildlife in Africa is disappearing because.......they are food........and people are hungry.

Art is the proper task of life........Friedrich Nietzsche.

The "Great Principle" of Confucius........says that we are all brothers and sisters........we are all related in the family of world, one or die together........the operative word is......together.

I was always amazed.......that you could combine two gases........hydrogen and oxygen.......and get water.......the water of life.

Remember the photos from the moon landing.......earthrise over the moon?........that was us.....on our small blue lifeboat called earth.......we're all in the same boat brothers and sisters........small lonely rare earth.......better take care of your life boat in space........where else you gonna go?

You are.......what you do.......only the dead......are truly happy.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.......Henry David Thoreau.
posted by Oberon at 4:01 PM 21 comments

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Axis of Evil.........

At a time of universal deceit......telling the truth is a revolutionary act.........George Orwell.

Racism.......poverty.......and war...............the real Axis of Evil.

While most of us are worrying about how to fill our gas tanks.......people in poor countries are worrying about how to fill their stomachs.......who's self important now? you will be forgiven.

Would you judge a book by its' cover?........what about people?........would you judge a person by his/her color?.......see where I'm going with this?

All great truths......begin as blasphemies........George Bernard Shaw.

$$$$$$$17 billion spent on dog and cat chow each year in the U.S. and Europe........and elsewhere........18,000 children are dying each and every day........from starvation.......what's wrong with this picture? know, don't you?........if we can manage to feed all those cats and dogs........couldn't we make sure no human being starved to death?

The truth has nothing to do...................with what you believe.

Black Rabbit said...

Newspaper headline......."Drugmakers close to making FDA a lawsuit shield"......are you getting this?

"This is the scariest example yet of how much control big corporations have over our government".......who owns you America?

Why the content warning?........because art is dangerous........Oberon.

Youtube George Carlin "Who owns you Americans?" seems only comedians tell the truth.

Every six seconds.......a child dies of hunger.......can you live with that?

I think all those mega rich guys ought to each pick a poor country and buy it and put all the poor people to work.......each country could be a company.......yeah.

Do I plagiarize? regurgitate.......there's nothing new in the world.

War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.........Thomas Mann.

A Babtist died and went to Heaven........St. Peter greeted him at the Pearly Gates and took him on a tour of Heaven.......during the tour St. Peter turned and motioned to him......."shhhh, we have to be very quiet while we walk through here"......."why do we have to be quiet?" the Babtist asked......."because this is where we keep the Catholics and they think they're the only ones here"

Try to understand.......we are headed toward the cliff........we need a paradigm shift soon........or........the human race is doomed.......only together can we make the world right again.

Racism.......poverty.......and war........what a waste of time.........think what we could do with all the money we've spent on bombs and guns and bullets and tanks and rockets and plutonium and aircraft and warships and submarines and torpedoes and mines and flamethrowers and grenades and cannons and bayonets and bare hands and..........flesh.


Why and right right now......."Heaven is right where you are standing".

I am the mirror............................what do you see?

Black Rabbit said...

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.......Dwight D. Eisenhower.
posted by Oberon at 1:26 PM 20 comments

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Whore of Babylon.........

For while religion prescribes brotherly love in the relations among the individuals and groups, the actual spectacle more resembles a battlefield than an orchestra. Everywhere, in economic as well as in political life, the guiding principle is one of ruthless striving for success at the expense of one's fellow men.......Albert Einstein.

One person can make a difference........when they speak out.

Babble babble babble.......we all babble on.......looking for a see ourselves in......I should write that down.

Why did Jesus drive the money changers from the Temple?........He wanted to tell you.......that you are the Temple.......and materialism is a burden on your soul.

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?.......Mark 8:36.

Supply manipulation.......the new price fixing......I had to open my mouth and talk.

People are free to be assholes.......regardless of their skin tone or gender......or nationality......or religion......or sexual preference.......or political leanings.......or age......or shoe size.

Don't make me can't lie........well, you can lie.......but it won't help you.

I don't know who I am anymore........they came to our village........they gave all the young boys guns.......they made us kill our parents........they made me kill my parents.......they told me I was a soldier I serve the Revolution........Boy Soldier in, Africa, Asia, Palestine, Europe.

Do something's time to change the world.

Wild salmon stocks have collapsed.......get ready for 30-40 dollars a pound........and then, there'll be none.

They are lying......when they say........Gulf of Tonkin......Lee Harvey......Roswell......WMD......Iran-Contra......JFK......we don't torture.......I am not a crook.......Mission Accomplished.......the number one rule of Hate never talk about Hate Club.

Divide and rule, the politician cries; unite and lead, is watchword of the wise......Goethe.

It's a failed policy.......that uses our taxes to bomb bridges in foreign countries.......while our own bridges here.......are falling down around us.

Religiosity......................the use of religion for your own gain.

War is good bombs.......sell bombs.......blow up shit......get more money rebuilding everything you just

Black Rabbit said...

China, has accused.......His Holiness the Dalai Lama.......of being a terrorist........HA!

They must find it difficult.......those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.......Gerald Massey.
posted by Oberon at 7:09 PM 20 comments

Monday, January 21, 2008
Pearls before swine.........

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.......when the government fears the people, there is liberty.......Thomas Jefferson.

Oh God, oh God......I get in trouble every time I open my mouth......I just can't shut up.

Thank you......Father, God, Allah, Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, Krishna.......thank you for my life.

Religion should embrace know God's Truth is our greatest challenge.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.......but I have promises to keep.....and miles to go before I sleep.......and miles to go before I sleep......Robert Frost.

There's a war coming.......though they try to dumb us down, we slowly learn......and in the learning we finally see.......we are slaves......slaves to our fear, our ignorance, our hate......and in learning this......we begin the battle that leads us to true liberty.

In a forest of's hard to see the truth.

Smart money says......there's money to be made in prisons.......just ask investors who have seen their stakes in the private jailer more than triple in value in the past year......the prison business is booming.......yes indeed.......the profiteering prison-industrial complex has many government incentives to maintain a high prison we can profit from the poor and retarded......and mental patients.......and homeless.................I know some people need to be incarcerated but.............should this be a business?

Hunger.......makes a thief of any man........Pearl S. Buck.

Every person deserves a image of ourselves.......what we do to another can be done to us.......what example will you also endure?

Black Rabbit said...

I'm guilty......guilty as hell.......I've done things.......bad things.......I wish I could do it all over again......I'd change a million things........and nothing.

"The fact is, milk lacks some important nutrients needed for infant development"......this is the copy on the side of an infant formula box......that obfuscates the fact that.......breast in fact recommended over any formula.......deception at the expense of a baby.

Every a hate crime.

Now let's get down to the business of sucking every loose penny out of Mr. and Mrs. Average Knucklehead........Robots.

I can buy a kidney in India........for 20,000-30,000 bucks.......the poor sap that parts with it gets a thousand or so.......if they don't stiff 'em while he's still under.

Why is it okay for Google and Yahoo and enable the Chinese to censor the internet?

Father................the sleeper has awakened!.......Muad'Dib.

Since 1950, an estimated 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese........cultural genocide can be overlooked.......when you offer cheap labor.

If those bible thumpin' moralists were so intent on preventing abortions........they'd be on every street corner passing out condoms........ya think?


Read "A Culture of Corruption" Bill Moyers.

If those gays want to get married.......I think we should let 'em.........they have the right to be as miserable as the rest of us..........hee hee.

You ever seen a UFO?........I have........ask Travis Walton about it.

Black Rabbit said...

Money, money, to have it......really need it......O'Jays.
posted by Oberon at 12:08 PM 20 comments

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Dead man walking.........

An eye for an eye........makes the whole world blind........Mahatma Gandhi.

I'm a madman.......I feel like there's a monster inside of me........I know horrible things are going to happen.

How long till they start making up diseases? they can sell their pharmaceuticals? Goya's "Saturn devouring one of his sons".......we are feeding on our young.

You're floating on a boat at sea........water, wind and sky........suspended in one moment......for eternity.

I killed three brothers.......I held on to the rope as they yelled, "let go! let go!".......rain coming down in sheets.......thunderous lightning flashing all around revealing the rubber raft filled with three brothers.......we weren't thinking, caught up in the storms' power and excitement.......we watched as I let go the rope.......the concrete storm drain running behind our house was awash with rushing water spilling over the top as they rounded the curve, screaming and yelling with glee, running the rapids, riding the river........we never imagined the destination, only the ride.......they were swallowed by the earth.......they never came back.......I killed three brothers.

Tiny little spiders.......floating into view.......tiny little spiders.......coming down on you.

I killed others too.......I killed my mother......left her a big old live all alone......thirty seven Seconal and a fine bottle of wine....... and well, you know the rest.

I'm in a constant state............of overwhelm..........I'm paralyzed.

I brother........little babies.......sons and brothers.......mothers and fathers.......I killed them all......I kill the ones I love.......with my poor, poor choices.

As soon as you have made a thought.......laugh at it.......Lao Tzu.

I have changed the future.......and choice.........was my weapon.......slicing blindly, the damage done.

Black Rabbit said...

We are using the oceans as our toilet and trash wonder we're living in a cesspool......we are feeding on our young.

We are fishing out the seas and filling our atmosphere and land and waters with poisons of every kind.....we are feeding on our young.

Now I have to worry about how much mercury is in the fish I much poison is okay in your fish?

We are slaughtering one another at an ever astounding rate......I thought we were supposed to be "civilized"......we are feeding on our young.

We are enslaving ourselves in an economic brutality......slowly strangling ourselves in our own greed.....we are feeding on our young.

It's in our nature to destroy ourselves........our choices are all that can save us.

It's time to change the and housing and education would seem to be better weapons against extremism and violence than murder and mayhem.......we are feeding on our young.

In an experimental computer game......we can choose to compete or cooperate with our perceived opponent......with experience we learn that with cooperation we gain more points than when we compete......learning......that working together makes us stronger.

When we put profit above human life......we are feeding on our young.

In the absence of light......darkness prevails.......Hellboy.

If you kill'll just be putting me out of my misery........I'm serving a life sentence with my choices......I guess I've earned it.

Good and a matter of perspective.......just choose what works......and work together.

Have you ever wondered why there are no more heroes?'s because today......all men and women are heroes. one gets out alive.

Go to your bosom......knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.......William Shakespeare.
posted by Oberon at 5:22 PM 24 comments

Black Rabbit said...

Sunday, June 24, 2007
The bottom line..........

Lost is all the time.........that is not engaged in love........Unknown.

I'm going to kill myself..........if I don't stop smoking........and still I don't stop.

The crux of our lives......begins between our legs.......procreation, defecation, urination.

You can't live in fear..........Johnny Blaze "Ghost Rider".

We are born alone........we live alone.........we die alone........what have we without love?

You are the flower.........I am the is our purpose to create infinity.

Don't let the past dictate who you are........rather.......let your past be a part of who you become........Unknown.

I am here to erase all doubt.......between the consequential and the's a only matters to you.

You can't do enough good.......even if they don't deserve it......who doesn't deserve kindness?.....even our thy enemy God commands us., sex, birth, life,, sex, birth, life, being.....etc.

Ultimately, we are all dead men........sadly we cannot choose how but.......what we can decide is how we meet that order that we are remembered, as men.......we mortals are but shadows and dust.......shadows and dust Maximus!.......Proximo.

Shadows and dust.......if that's the truth......I think you should find someone you love.......and make a family.......what are you waiting it now.

The only consolation.......when confronted with the knowledge of our the joy and experiences of the love we share with others.

I close my eyes.......only for a moment......and the moments gone........all my dreams........pass before my eyes a curiosity.......dust in the wind.......all we are is dust in the wind........Kansas.

If I was blind.......would I know the difference between black and white skin?.......and if yes......why?

Black Rabbit said...

Post Guernica now!.......plaster it on all the walls.........on freeway billboards, schools, work spaces, churches, and moves the bowels in a most agreeable manner.......the smell of shit brings one down to earth again.

Seems I got to have a change of scene........cause every night I have the strangest dreams........Joe Cocker.
posted by Oberon at 7:11 PM 21 comments

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Right and Wrong.........

Woman is the nigger of the world.......we make her paint her face and dance........John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

I like candy.......everybody likes candy........but on the backs of our brothers is no way to get makes slaves of us all.

Sometimes........I'm ashamed to be a part of the male of the species.......ninety nine percent of rape and sex crimes are perpetrated by men.......and then there's this.......ninety eight ways to diminish and enslave another human being.......alphabetically.

Abo, adolf, ahab, albino, ann, ape, aunt jemima, beaner, bohunk, boonga, brit, charlie, chee-chee, chicano, chink, colored, coolie, coon, cowboy, cracker, crow, dago, dogan, dutchman, eskimo, flip, fritz, frog, gook, goy, gringo, guinea, gweilo, gipp, haole, heeb, honky, ikey, inkface, jap, jerry, jigaboo, jock, jungle bunny, kaffir, kike, kraut, leb, limey, mammy, mick, mohawk, mongolian, mongaloid, mongrel, monkey, muck, munt, nigger, nigra, newfie, nip, ocker, oreo, oriental, paki, paddy, peckerwood, pickaninny, pikey, polack, raghead, rastus, redneck, redskin, roundeye, russki, sambo, sand monkey, slope, snowflake, spade, spic, spook, squaw, taffy, tar baby, tinker, towelhead, uncle tom, wasp, welcher, wetback, white trash, whitey, wop, yankee......I hope I didn't leave anyone out.......I wouldn't want to offend anyone.

There is nothing either good or bad......only thinking makes it so........Nietzsche.

Black Rabbit said...

In a local editorial, the writer referred to the Muslims as "those animals".......and elsewhere a high ranking policeman, commenting on the first elected Muslim Congressman said, "we are at war with the Islamists, that's who we're fighting against"................


.........we are fighting against extremism and intolerance........we are fighting against prejudice and ignorance.........we are fighting against hate and fear.......we are fighting against sexism, racism, fascism, xenophobia and any other attempt to make one person worth less than another.

When we see others as "animals"........we become "animals" ourselves.......we make it okay to treat them as less than human, as animals.......we make it okay to torture, starve and kill.

Women are nurturing are destructive sperm shooters........the macho man has an image sexist as this gross generalization's mostly true.

I don't care what you say about that man in the White House.......because he made people believe that anyone.......and I mean anyone.......could be president.......The War at Home.

I say to my self are always just that close to losing it......relax.

There sits a a dim room.......reading these words.......reporting to the highest levels of is that possible?

If you Google the right things.......they will read your words too.......Google on people.

A man worked all day planting trees.......and when he came home he told his son, "son, I planted five rows of trees today, and in every row I planted four trees"......his son, eager to show off his multiplication skills said, "dad you planted twenty trees!"......"no", said his father, "I only planted is that possible?"........yes is that possible?

War is over.......all we are give peace a chance.......John Lennon.

There is no right and wrong........only what's it workin' for ya?

Remember.......censorship causes blindness.........and the truth is a dangerous thing.

It's right to want a good's wrong to get it at the expense of others.

Black Rabbit said...

Like sand through an hourglass........these are the daze of our lives.

It's right to say you know's wrong to say you speak for Him.

Has it ever occurred to you......that you might be wrong?.......Snoopy.
posted by Oberon at 3:58 PM 23 comments

Monday, January 15, 2007
Brave new world..........

Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!........Friedrich Nietzsche.

Tell the truth long enough........and nobody will believe you.

Johnny got his gun and became a........rude full-scale joke........impossible to tell.......if he was awake or dreaming.........what makes you so sure you're not dreaming?

Let's stop.......for a moment.......and smell the roses........because we're lost in the garden.

If life is so precious......why are 18,000 children dying each day.......from hunger?

Poverty is but the worst kind of violence.......Mahatma Gandhi.

Where is our sense of priority......when the words........scrotum, in a child's book...... and nigger, in Tom Sawyer......set off more outrage in our world than all those thousands of poor and helpless children who want only for a mouth full of food to keep them alive?

There's no such thing as a bad word......there are no bad words......only bad deeds.

Our ignorance and over-inflated sense of entitlement......has blinded us to the rest of the world.

The needs of the many.......far outweigh the needs of the few......or the one......Spock.

We must not fight for war.......we must fight for peace......make love......not war.

I'm changing the can are only a part of the family.......remember your brothers and sisters.

Black Rabbit said...

We are all children of God.......we have more in common......than we have differences.......oh, God help me......I am afraid.......I am weak.

The surest way to corrupt a to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike.......than those who think differently..........Friedrich Nietzsche.

I am proud to be an not mistake my love of peace for weakness......I am a Warrior for Peace.

Murder in Darfur......murder in Iraq......murder in Rwanda......murder in America......murder in your world......murder in the streets.......when will you stand up and say STOP?

I'll tell you what's dying.......the truth............our ignorance is their power.

There are only two levels above death......acceptance and sharing.

I believe that putting resources into improving the lives of the poor a better strategy than spending it on guns.......poverty is a threat to peace.......Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Yunus.
posted by Oberon at 7:46 PM 17 comments

Monday, December 25, 2006
Brotherhood of Man..........

The only alternative to peace.......the only road to negotiation........Golda Meir.

If I don't write something.......I'm gonna hurt somebody.

What is.............the most important thing? is our Family of Man.

We are not one in the Brotherhood of Man.........we all serve God in our own way........God is not exclusive.

Why don't you ask Travis Walton.......about the Family of Man........about that fire in the sky.

Am I dreaming?......or am I awake?.........who doesn't know we're all related?.......say hello cousin.

Black Rabbit said...

Upon entering high school in Texas, in 1969......I was asked, since I had come from California, if I was a nigger lover......after thinking a moment.......I said......well, yes, I guess I am.

I African.......don't you get it?'re an African getting this?

Catholics kill Protestants.......Sunnis kill Shites........Hindus kill Muslims........Muslims kill Christians........Hutus kill Tutsis........English kill Indians..........Egyptians kill Spanish........Hamas kills Fatah.......Arabs kill Americans.........Americans kill, Germans kill, Italians kill, Japanese kill, Vietnamese kill, Loatians kill, Somalians kill, Chinese kill, Koreans kill, Russians kill, Serbs kill, Albanians kill, French kill, Spanish kill, Mexicans kill, Turks kill, Greeks kill, Romans kill, Aztec kill, Mayan kill, Hawaiians kill, Moari kill, Sioux kill, Apache kill, white men kill, colored men kill, mothers kill, sons kill, I kill, you kill, we kill, they this population control?

Remember Romans 12:19-21........where we are admonished not to seek vengeance........retribution is beyond the purview of Man.

I love you when you're good.......I love you when you're bad.......mostly I love you when you're good.

Attitudes regarding poverty and wealth........are one of the most talked about subjects in the Christians we have a responsibility to act in a generous manner.......God is a liberal.

Black Rabbit said...

It's okay if we pollute our waters........then we can $ell them clean water in a bottle.

Am I dreaming of a Star Trek world? bet, what's so hard about that?

Let us never negotiate out of fear.......but let us never fear to negotiate.......John F. Kennedy.
posted by Oberon at 1:20 PM 16 comments

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Let us pray.......

What is more immoral.......than war?........Marquis de Sade.

Let us pray.......for faith and patience.

Just like you.......I often outraged by the truth.

Let us understand.......agape.......selfless love.......God's Love.

Liberal.......[fr.L liberalis, suitable for a freeman, generous, fr. liber free]:GENEROUS, BOUNTIFUL, not narrow in opinion or judgement:TOLERANT, also related to liberty and liberate........maybe it's not such a bad word after all.

Let us pray........that our eyes be all the truth.......and not just the parts that are comfortable.

Infinite time.........infinite space.........infinite possibilities........what is not possible?

Let us pray........for God's Love for us..........that God has not forsaken us.

Like you, I once me, you shall be........put that on my tombstone.

Let us pray.......for see God's work unfold........with acceptance........without judgement.

Time is up..........own your own death.

Black Rabbit said...

Let us pray..........for a kinder world........Amen.

Terrorism is the war of the poor.........and war is the terrorism of the rich.......Sir Peter Ustinov.
posted by Oberon at 1:27 PM 23 comments

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fear I'm afraid..........

If you're not're not paying attention..........Anonymous.

I'm afraid........your worst nightmare will come will die......everyone you know will die.......everyone you love will die......are you afraid?

This is your wake up is a banquet.........and death is dessert.

It's a fearful love what death can touch.........Rabbi Chaim Stern.

My religion is the only true God is the only true God......all the rest of you are going to ridiculous is that?

Tell I crazy?........or........are you all nuts.......and I'm the only sane one?

What makes a man........lie, cheat and kill?..........Fear I'm afraid.

Intolerance and extremism........are the result of fear........fear is the mind killer.

Terrorism has always been with comes in many forms........but it always looks the same.......pushing and shoving.......extortion is its name........from Wall Street to the alleyways.......using force and violence and self-righteous idealism, a place for the weak of mind to hide.......they are afraid, so they cheat their way in.......getting ahead on the backs of the innocent.......might makes right, or so they say.......but they're all just bullies........and we acquiesce to lighten our fit feel safe.

Black Rabbit said...

It's a big world.......will we ever be safe? stalks you........all you can do is be there.

I know what's happening.......that makes me a dangerous man.......if I make too much noise......they will come for me.......but they needn't bother.......I'm killing myself slowly.......with cigarettes and double cheeseburgers.

I'm a monster........a big fat rat.......a big fat dirty no good lousy rat........I'm a selfish person........a criminal........a lover.........Mafia........what part of love thy enemy don't you get?........blessed be the peacemakers.......not warmongers.......were you confused?

If you put a frog in boiling water.......he'll jump out........if you put a frog in cold water........and slowly turn up the heat, little by little.......he'll stay in there till he's cooked.

Don't be confused by their outer shells.......they merely serve the system........the system is the you know what to do.

Sometimes a revolution is exactly what is needed to clean out the giant enema.......which just happens to be my area of expertise........Johnny Depp.

I'm going to do something.......I don't know what yet........but I'm going to do something.

They call it the never-ending hatred.......but it is fear that is our enemy........try as we might.......we never grow up, we are still children...........the opposite of hope is fear.......fear is the emptiness.........will we ever be safe?

It's all in your mind.......that's where the battle is.......between the light and the dark.......the fight is in our soul.......the fight is between good and evil........hope and and hate.

Along come a sperm.......looking for mother nature.......who would have thought......I'd find you?

Google.......Frida Kahlo........look deep and see Beauty and Truth.

So..........tell me my man.........are you happy here in the Big World?......Ruby Rodd.
posted by Oberon at 5:22 PM 27 comments

Sunday, September 24, 2006
If I offend..........

Relax Maude.......the human wang is a beautiful thing.......Homer Simpson.

Black Rabbit said...

If I offend........remember where you came and sticky out of your mothers' hole.

Acceptance does not require require acceptance.

If I the news tonight.......and see what true offense occurs daily.

I make a mess.......of almost everything I touch........I'm a lazy, lazy man.

If I offend.......recall the stories of horror.......of rape and murder and mayhem.

I'm not a smart man but........I'm sure I could do a lot better........if the world would just do what I say.......I'm sure I couldn't do much're all just making a big mess of it.

If I offend........think back in your past.......and tell me you never gave offense.

I'm not afraid of God......why would I need to be afraid of God?.......what reason could there be?

If I offend.......think of all those bullets........flying unaware........where do they go?

People who are easily mocked.......should be mocked more often.

If I offend.......see how many heads........fall to the sand........where war takes place.

I'm not sorry........if I tell the truth........I'm not sorry........if you're offended by the truth.

If I offend........remember all the abuse........those children will suffer.

Black Rabbit said...

What is the most dangerous part of your body?....................your mouth.

If I offend.......think of all the time we selfish.......mental masturbation.

Just say.......................................nothing.

If I offend.......accept responsibility for what we have produce a failed existence......we call our world......and accept responsibility for failing to change it.

The modern engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy.......that is.......the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.......John Kenneth Galbraith.
posted by Oberon at 5:20 PM 28 comments

Monday, August 07, 2006
You don't say..........

No normal person is just one thing......most of us are somewhere in the middle.......when it comes to crime, I'm conservative........when it comes to prostitution, I'm liberal.......Chris Rock.

Open your mind.......and shut your mouth.

Red leather.......yellow leather......yellow leather......yellow leather.......I was burned by the flame.

Holy war? such thing........What would Jesus bomb?

I.Q. test, read aloud.......I am sofa king.......we Todd did.......I am sofa king.......we Todd did.......I am sofa king.......we Todd did.

Suicide note from God.......everything is not going to be's up to you now.

These are the things I don't say.......don't read this.......these are the things I only think silently......I'm afraid you can't say that.

Black Rabbit said...

How to stop?.......kill the killers?.....the never ending hatred.......each side is to stop.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Fear, greed, that order........fear of loss leads to anger......anger leads to hate......hate leads to suffering......greed comes from fear......evil is the fear.

I don't know what I'm's's compulsive......I don't know what I'm doing.......repeat.

Walking meditation.......take each step in peace........walk the path of Peace.

You should be made to bloody awful........things really don't seem to understand........we're making a bloody awful mess of it.

The best way to destroy an to make him your friend......Abraham Lincoln.
posted by Oberon at 5:15 PM 22 comments

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Welcome to earth........

I am not an animal......I am a human.......I am a man........John Merrick.

You were squeezed......from twixt your mother's all the animals.......some say we are the only divine animal.......I look around and see......not much divine about it......lying and cheating and killing......oh the image of God?.....I think not......more like something else......more like a hot steaming poo poo platter.

How about a nice hot cup of shut the hell up.......note to self......shut the hell up.

My sin is original my ignorance........God.......Lights the Way......illuminated......I see God's Truth.....aware.....I feel God's Love.

Black Rabbit said...

Life is but a my dream.......I am the would be king.......who failed his duty.

You're just a worm........I know what happened.......Cash became your God you're just second rate fodder.

When fascism comes to will be wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross.....Sinclair Lewis

You never appreciated your mother I a good man.......or am I a bad man?

I traveled the speed of thought.......I am three hours younger.......than the day I was born.

What's it all about Alfie?'s not about fault and's about what works.

Looking for reason.......I think of reduced to the essential.

Yu suk.......i'm purfict.........I deposit my thoughts to remind myself I'm an are you......note to self.......shut the hell up.

I am naked man.......forgive me if I offend........everything they say about me is true.

I am......just like you.......a putz, a schmuck.......just like you.......I'm gonna die, just like you......beating the odds, just like you......I'm just trying to make you laugh.......laugh it up funny boy.

I crack myself......consistantly......up...................what!?

Life is messy.......go ahead and get dirty.......It'll wash off.

Black Rabbit said...

Space is the empty void......the power of nothing.........from nothing.......something is pulled......patience........something from nothing.....voila.

A one who is pay the price.......that life exacts for peace........Unknown.
posted by Oberon at 11:18 PM 17 comments

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Ruminate and Illuminate..........

Truth is the offspring.....of silence and unbroken meditation.....Sir Isaac Newton.

Eschew much do you really know?

You can lead Don Quixote's horse to water.....but you can't make it think.

When you've hit the bottom.....the only direction up.

You make me wanna be a better man.....Melvin Udall.

If I could.....I would never sleep.....If I could.....I would never speak.....If I could.....I would change the world.....I can.....I am.

View the Mandelbrot set.....see the fingerprint of God.

Do no evil.....cultivate goodness.....purify one's mind.....strive on with awareness.....Buddha.

Easy peasy.....lemon squeezy.....the twin pillars of sunshine and patience.

My logic is are a human.....being. don't hate hate what they do.

What are you so upset about?.....they're only words.....laugh it up funny boy.

Black Rabbit said...

Now and have to be live in an insane world.
You and I could rule the world.....and make every dream come true.

In the time it takes for you to read this.....I have had brief control of your mind.

We have met the enemy.....and they are us.....Pogo.

posted by Oberon at 4:27 PM 25 comments

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The human condition........

Life is the only which the object of the to learn the rules.........Ashleigh Brilliant.

Warm in your mother's have no............expectations.

Heads you live............tails you I so bad?........Domino.

Without expectation.........disappointment is not possible.

Life is short.........and this pity party is over.........attach all the labels you want........they are still your kin........would you forsake your brother?........our weapons shall be Truth and Love.......the way of harmony........the battle has begun.........but who is the enemy?

I expect.........we expect..........they expect............why expect?

Short, fat, and ugly.........what you what you get.........who said you were ugly?

When we expect.........we allow determine the hour of our happiness.

So many mistakes..........that's how we learn..........are you getting all of this?

Black Rabbit said...

There are realistic and unrealistic............expectations...........I can realistically expect the sun to come up in the is unrealistic to expect others to do what I want.

To err is forgive is are human........can you be divine?

Instead of expecting.........which relies on externals.........replace "expect" with "want"'s okay to relies only on you.

I'm afraid..........I need you by my side..........I don't want to be alone........I'm afraid.

Our Father who art in Heaven...........forgive us our we forgive those who trespass against us.........Amen
posted by Oberon at 3:54 PM 26 comments

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Life is unfair........

Life is's even harder if you're stupid..........Anonymous.

Oh baby's dead!..........yeah, well, maybe you should lay off the drugs, eh?

I had to put my dog down..........she was old and wasn't eating..........makes you realize it'll happen to you too..........soon enough.

Life sucks.........then you die.........and it's all you've got.

My mom and dad both.........took their own lives.........not at the same time.........and still doesn't surprise me.

The mine caved in..........we should have thought of them.........before.

When you're feeling sorry for could be worse.

He has a stroke............Pat Robertson gets another show his foolishness.

A little kitten got run over........a vision of horror as I many die at this much waste.

Black Rabbit said...

The suicide bomber went to Heaven..........and saw the Truth he had created.........and thus was in Hell.

What I am...........I am a radical advocate for Peace..........Oberon.

Forgiveness is not an occasional is a permanent attitude.........Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
posted by Oberon at 6:04 PM 14 comments

Friday, January 20, 2006
The only choice...........

Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made...........There is no way to happiness...........Happiness is the Way.............Dr.Wayne Dyer.

There is no "hope"..........only choices..........if you look real close you can see it.

You have two choices in your be happy...........or not to be happy..........what do you choose?..........I choose to be matter where, or what I'm doing..........what's your choice? you want to be happy?'s the only choice.

Do you want peace in your life? the world? starts with you...........cultivate peace in your life and share it with your family............from the family to the nation...........from the nation to the's the only choice*.

The Path of the Way of Harmony..........Peace, Love and Harmony..........are the Path to's the only choice.

We are poisoning our Mother Earth..........with our negligence..........our avarice.........we will drown in our own filth if..........we don't clean up our's the only choice.

God made us free is our uphold liberty..........for every person on the's the only choice.

Assume responsibility for your self..........and the rest of the world.........they are your brothers and sisters............mothers and fathers............sons and daughters.............they are your's the only choice.

Black Rabbit said...

Be here now...........share the glorious bounty of God's universe...........there's plenty to go around...........have no fear...........all of God's gifts are one will be left out..........stop struggling against the's the only choice.

Acceptance of the Truth...........and the sharing of your life............with those around the living of your life............don't's the only choice.

Happiness is the's the only choice.

Economy is the basis of society. When the economy is stable, society develops. The ideal economy combines the spiritual and the material, and the best commodities to trade in are sincerity and love.............Morihei Ueshiba*.
posted by Oberon at 12:52 PM 7 comments

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Life in Hell..........

It is the duty of the hold an image up to scrutiny..........and the duty of define the real truth of our lives and our societies...........Harold Pinter.

God talks to me............He talks to you too.............are you listening?

Our being corporations.

This just in from the Ministry of Truth.........War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

Now that I have your attention...........that's funny, you thought I was talking to, I'm just talking to no that man behind the curtain.

Wise man say.........must have hit a nerve..........we have them on the run.........the forces of evil I am speaking of...........and they've convinced us..........they're on our side.

I have a confession to make.............I've made so many mistakes in my life........maybe that's obvious to you........but there's something else..........I'm destroying the world.

You might be might just be blind.........but we are all in a terrible trap.

Capitalism is a great thing..........runaway a money machine that will eat you alive.

They say that money talks............I say money doesn't screams obscenities.

When you make evil look like good.........and good look like evil........that's one hell of a trick........a trick on us.

Black Rabbit said...

Luxury is one thing..........necessities are necessities.......that's where the squeeze is.

Don't get me drives me crazy........this is both good and evil.........just like's what we do with them............that matters.

Stock Exchange buddies..........that's what we are.............all the while the money monsters.........have their way with is only in..........union............that we are predominant.

Yes.........God is great.........and He doesn't want you killing your brothers and sisters.

Beware of the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword........It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.........And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry, who infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.......How will I know?.......For this I have done.....And I am Julius Caesar.
posted by Oberon at 2:49 PM 6 comments

Thursday, November 17, 2005
The shocking truth..........

Everybody knows.......babies got no clothes.......Bob Dylan.......sort of.

It never fails to amuse the sight of naked flesh.......incites.

The only power we in our.......word.

Unity.......of mind, word, and integrity of purpose.

Sometimes.......I can barely hang life is a total disaster.......then I think.......wake yourself up.......the future is what you make it now. our only source of's all we have.......if our word reflects gives us power. the power of the Truth.

Black Rabbit said...

Noble.........are all who seek the Way of Harmony. what we earn with our word. reflect your word in your actions.

Glorious......are true thoughts, words, and deeds.

Redeem...........your self with a new purpose.

Imagine..........a new world of peace and love.

Transcend...........your perceived limitations.

You........are the beginning of all possibilities.

To put the world in order.......say what you mean.......mean what you say.

The Art of Peace begins with is medicine for a sick world.......foster peace in your own life.......then apply the Art to all that you encounter.......Morihei Ueshiba.
posted by Oberon at 10:41 PM 11 comments

Monday, November 07, 2005
Warrior for peace...........

Eternal the price of liberty..............power is ever stealing...........from the many to the few...........Wendell Phillips.

If at don't succeed............skydiving is not for you..........maybe golf.

I am a Warrior...........I fight for Truth............I fight for Love..........I am a Warrior for Peace...........sometimes I stumble and fall...........but I get back up.

Would not the greatest victory.................for Lucifer turn God's children............against Him?

Black Rabbit said...

You want to talk about...........obscene?.............observe what man.............has done doing to fellow man.

How much human...........misery, carnage, and death...........has been being the name of religion? the name of God?..........we profane His name..........claiming to be of God.

How is such hate...........being something that should be good?.........could Lucifer be perverting the faithful?..........has the lamb of God gone astray?

Let us not hope...........that God is on our side............let us pray..........that we are on God's side........Unknown. not wisdom...........nor necessarily..........the is a collar...........with which to control you.

Without an open are merely a slave............without choice.

I am a Warrior............I serve only God............the God of Truth and Love.........the One.

God made us free is our duty to uphold liberty...........for everyone.

Those who will not reason, are bigots..........those who cannot, are fools.........and those who dare not, are slaves..........Lord Byron.
posted by Oberon at 11:35 AM 12 comments

Monday, October 31, 2005
Make a wish...........

Time is the school in which we learn........time is the fire in which we burn........Delmore Schwartz.

Just because I'm paranoid.........doesn't mean they're not out to get me.

Black Rabbit said...

I once believed in the death penalty.......then I watched The Life of David Gale.

From the moment we are born.......we reserve a spot in line for death.

Everyone thinks I'm a freakin' psycho.........I am........I've done terrible things.

I am.......a bully........why does a dog lick his balls?........because he can.

I am........a victim.........why do you play victim?.........because you can.

I least I'm aware of it.

I am........changing the can too.

I am........making a wish........that everyone learns........the Art of the link above.

What's the difference between an asshole.......and a real asshole?.......the asshole knows he's an asshole.......the real asshole has no idea.

Religion divides us.......spirituality brings us together.

We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex........The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist........Dwight D. Eisenhower.
posted by Oberon at 9:38 PM 9 comments

Saturday, October 22, 2005
About your family..........

Because all you of earth...........are idiots!............Plan 9 from Outer Space.

You can pick your nose............but you can't pick............your family.

Black Rabbit said...

I remind myself...........I am a resident..........of earth...........I guess that makes us..........related..........I guess that makes us family.

I'm changing the world.........there are things I'm not proud of.

Money is not inherently evil..........selfish desire beyond

There is a dark grey chasm........between good honest profit........and cruel unconscious mindless monopolistic greed, which is a vice.

Stop being afraid..........stop being selfish..........stop being greedy..........stop being stupid..........stop being stubborn..........stop being ignorant..........stop being angry..........stop being hateful..........stop being rude..........stop being ungrateful..........stop being rigid..........stop being myopic..........stop being insane.

You are a're being the best........everything I a lie.

What am I going to do about you?.........I'm going to trust you.........and love you........and feed you.........and educate and nurture and share and laugh and enjoy my family.

Come my friends..........'tis not too seek a newer world...........Tennyson.
posted by Oberon at 3:43 PM 5 comments

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Secret of life..........

Life is the only thing............worth living for.............Zen proverb.

I asked my grandmother.............what is the secret to life?................she said, just keep moving sweety............just keep moving.

I'm a lesbian...........trapped in a man's body............look through my eyes...........and see my mind.

Black Rabbit said...

My sister was a junky............trying to find her she has a few kids...........that fill up her whole day.

My brother was couldn't tell by he's dead of aids..........I buried him with his mother.

My mother and father............killed was suicide............that got them...........but it was love that did them in.

My sister was molested............I'm wasn't fun.

My brother is a great guy...........he was tortured................when he was he kill the pain.

I'll tell you 'bout my tell me all 'bout yours............then we'll sit together...........and taste eachothers tears.

Sitting peacefully..........doing nothing..........Spring comes...........and the grass grows all by itself...........Zen proverb.
posted by Oberon at 9:36 AM 10 comments

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Why we fall.............

Why do we fall? that we can pick ourselves back up..........Alfred Pennyworth.

You can't change the world................on your own..................can you?.................or can you?

Gandhi changed the world................with non-violent.................non-cooperation.................non-participation.

Evil, fear, anger, the darkness...................goodness, courage, faith, the way of Light.

You want my need to Lighten up.

Humility against pride...............kindness against envy.................abstinence against gluttony...............chastity against lust.................patience against anger..................liberality against greed...............and diligence against sloth.

Tell me about your family.................your mate................your children.

Are you happy...............with the've created for your children?

Civil disobedience.............becomes a sacred duty...............when the state has become..............lawless or corrupt..............Mahatma Gandhi.
posted by Oberon at 2:28 PM 2 comments

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Burden of love...........

I'm as mad as hell.................and I'm not going to take this anymore..............Network.

Assumption of a burden.............a burden of love.

Black Rabbit said...

Love is the reason.............we take responsibility...............for our children.

Children are the fruit of's our job to have share our blood.

Blood does not tells us that we are all...............brothers and sisters.

Brothers and sisters................we must assume our responsibility............for our self............and the rest of the world.

Smile's the every language.

Being responsible...............means being able to respond..............are you responsible?

Am I my brothers keeper?..................................Yes.

Assume the responsibility.............for your self...........and the world.

Assume responsibility..............for the way things are..............and the way to change it.
posted by Oberon at 2:37 PM 1 comments

Monday, October 10, 2005
Real and Not-Real...........

The war is going well...........cheating is easier...........than being honest.

You are driving with the rearview are going to crash.

You think what you feel is real?...........your emotions are real? just made them up.

You think all the voices are your own?..........they're not.

Black Rabbit said...

Who are you.........really?...........yourself?

Have you lost your all that noise and emotion?

You are a machine...........with a self inside.........wake up.

You are completely responsible.........for every person on this planet.

There are no victims...........there are no excuses.

You create your own reality..........what will you create?

Nothing is required for the triumph of evil..........but that good men do nothing.
posted by Oberon at 10:40 AM 4 comments

Monday, October 03, 2005
What you see..............

A beautiful desirable...................the Monarchs return home.

Sitting still I see time..................the stars twirl all around..................the breeze is hot on the equator.

Memories remind me of you................sleepless I wind blows blue curtains inward.

What do you know that I don't.................nothing.................only what your eyes have seen.

Black Rabbit said...

I try not to blink...............I see the Truth.................clouds quickly cover the moon.

Small child bends forward on knees...................encountering mud....................dry dust blows all around him.

I lived for a long time...................thought I knew it all..................the present moment comes into focus.

A dream is wildly exciting................I am startled by noise.................frost forms lacy patterns on glass.

Believe nothing of what you hear.................half of what you read..................what you see could be a mirage.

I pull back tightly on my bow.................arrows fly unaware...................surprised rabbit colors fresh snow.
posted by Oberon at 6:35 PM 6 comments

Monday, September 19, 2005
Love and fear.............

There are more heaven and earth............Horatio..........than are dreamt of in your philosophy................Hamlet.

Yoda said............fear is the path to the dark side..............fear leads to anger.............anger leads to hate..............hate leads to suffering.................imagine that.............Truth from a muppet!

Gandhi taught me..............though God may be Love................God is Truth above all..............even the atheists...........who have pretended to disbelieve in God.............have believed in Truth.

Black Rabbit said...

Get a life..............and save the universe.................what can I do, only one person?...............starts inside, you can't make anyone else do it.................use the power.

I've seen it..............the ultimate Power of the universe..............that four letter word..............Love............when they say..............go with the means the flow of God's Love and Truth.

Hair peace or whatever...............don't care what you call is the juice that runs the is the drug got a hook on me.

Try it and see..............just gotta mom................she always had your love for you huh? I Corinthians, hope and love...............the greatest of these is love.

What do you want to do.................before you die?................better hurry...............before you miss're just one in a in promises...............don't's the best way................the way of the universe..............the way of harmony.

It's all been said before..............I'll try not to forget..............and as for you.............these are but wild and whirling words, my lord.
posted by Oberon at 1:10 PM 2 comments

Monday, September 12, 2005
The big lie..............

Just because you believe something..................doesn't make it true.................truth is can fooled.................isn't that true?

Black Rabbit said...

The greatest asset of the lie................from our ignorance.................and free will..............we choose what to believe..................isn't that true?

Where we find the truth................we also find un-truth................good and evil are often found together...................confusion is not the truth.................isn't that true?

God is Truth..............God is Love.................where there is falsehood...............where there is confusion.................where there is hate................this is not of God...............isn't that true?

Lucifer's greatest turning a lie..................into the truth.................the greatest lie is................making the world believe that he doesn't exist................isn't that true?

The red devil...............with horns and pointed trident in his what we all imagine................but Lucifer was an archangel................isn't that true?

God is Truth..............God is Love..................actions without Truth and Love..................are not of God...............God's Law means living in Truth and Love................isn't that true?

Black Rabbit said...

When we people of earth................begin to live in Truth and Love.................judge our actions by these standards.................we will see the beginning of Paradise.................isn't that true?

This is a photograph.................of a thirty-six inch rock on the beach................isn't that true?.............est!
posted by Oberon at 12:31 AM 2 comments

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Row your boat...........

Row, row, row your boat................gently down the stream.................merrily, merrily, merrily, is but a dream.

Remember singing...............together in rhythmic refrains..............the melodious chorus.............a silly childs song..............always sounded so beautiful..............Gandhi said, that all truths, not merely ideas, but truthful faces, pictures, or songs, are highly beautiful.

Truth is everywhere............find the truth and beauty...............philosophy of the obvious.

Row, row, row your boat...............chop wood, carry water...............Zen masters say...............everyday life is the, be, exist................follow the the service of the One.

Black Rabbit said...

Gently down the're on a river of time that is your life..............we only have so much's inevitable, so take it easy and enjoy the a little good along the way.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily.............have a good time...............don't worry, be good things................reap the rewards of a life well spent.

Life is but a dream...............if God takes care of the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields, He certainly will take care of His children...................I don't know what happens after I die.............I think everything will be alright.
posted by Oberon at 11:55 PM 1 comments

Monday, September 05, 2005
Truth and tolerance...........

God is the Light of the the Light the truth is illuminated..................the Light is the truth...............God is seek the Truth is to seek God. allow to what we are all be..................God's precious gift to us all.................return the favor.

Black Rabbit said...

Truth is.................and is absolute..................your perspective will have a lot to do with that..................truth's all relative.

Truth is................we have all been allowed to exist.................with what bold arrogance.................would you challenge................the Truth?

Truth just is with...............or without...............our much do you really know?

Truth're not ready for the would be entirely overwhelming.............the Light of Truth.................will burn your eyes.

Truth open the the still, small voice................of the Truth................humble yourself.................and hear the voice of God.

Truth is...............only in God's Light.................will the Truth become clear to still and your eyes................and every day you will hundred million miracles.

Black Rabbit said...

Devotion to Truth is the sole justification for our existence.................Tolerance gives us spiritual insight.............which is as far from fanaticism as the north pole is from the south..............Mahatma Gandhi.
posted by Oberon at 10:41 PM 1 comments

Saturday, September 03, 2005
Imagine a dreamer............

You may say I'm a dreamer................But I'm not the only one.................listen to John Lennon.................Imagine.

Imagine all the world..................small blue oasis.................Above us only sky...............alone in the night................we have only's up to us.

Imagine all the people................Living for today.............putting a stop to..................pollution of our Earth and minds too.

Imagine we're the same boat..............sink or's up to us.

Imagine nothing to kill...............or die for.................what's wrong with your world?.................from here it don't look so great.

Imagine all the people................Living life in that so hard to do?.................why not try it now.................let's all do it right now.

Black Rabbit said...

Imagine................No need for evil the money machine getting out of hand?.............what's more valuable.................people or cash?

Imagine no hunger..............we have the resources................we have only to find the will...............who will care...............about the Brotherhood of man?

Imagine all the people...............Sharing all the world...............who gave it to you're just'll be gone in a short while.

You may say I'm a dreamer..................But I'm not the only one...................I hope someday you'll join us...............And the world will live as one.....................John Lennon.
posted by Oberon at 1:08 AM 4 comments

Sunday, August 28, 2005
Be child like............

I saw naked children..........running on the beach.........joyously soaking in the sun...........oblivious to the seemingly important.

Left with only the now..........we become aware of the moment.

Clearly seeing the reveals its miracle.........neatly arranged dominos.........all ready to fall.

Evolution or intelligent design.........universal law or fate........chaos or miracle.........see it all.

Black Rabbit said...

Didn't you know.......there is no past........there is no future........there is only the eternal now.

Be here now.........everything else is a dream.

Remember when they punished Galileo..........for telling the truth?........Question authority.........tell the truth.

You were a child.........the bliss........a kiss of wind........the sun warm........gentle sounds..........river of living in your eyes........a steady flow.........the eternal now.

Don't in the now........choose childlike........all your childlike.
posted by Oberon at 4:57 PM 4 comments

Thursday, August 25, 2005
Looking for answers...........

It's all in your starts there...........what you think is what you are..........think good things.

You are the most powerful person in the world..........what will you do with such power..........think good things.

To make it happen...............starts with a thought...............think good things...............good things will happen...............think good things.

Faith is strength................hope is strong, make good choices..............there is power in your thoughts...............think good things.

Black Rabbit said...

There is a battle between light and the light we see the the dark we languish in ignorance.

We all seek the same, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..................we are all the same under the skin..............working together we can do anything.

Only our fear keeps us from the light..............only two levels above death..............acceptance and sharing..............accept the truth..............share your life................with those around you.

How will I know the truth from the lies? ask yourself.................all I can tell you is that rocks are hard..............water is wet.
posted by Oberon at 6:19 PM 3 comments

Sunday, August 21, 2005
The bad man...........

I am afraid of the bad man...............the bad man is afraid of me................I am the bad man.

Dark thoughts cloud the eye...............light is there and not seen.................afraid to move.

Nothing from "hope" of self is lost in a hole too deep.

Black Rabbit said...

I am responsible.................for every person on this can I save you all?

I need you................not your help................your presence, your thoughts, your need, your love.

All together now.............all together now...............all together

I am the bad man...............within you..................without you.
posted by Oberon at 4:59 PM 4 comments

Saturday, August 20, 2005
Who wants peace...............

Life is unfair everyone will tell you.................what we do in the few short years we have...............constitute the matrix of human ants on a anthill.............we..........all of us............collectively determine our direction as a whole.

Black Rabbit said...

Who wants peas...............pass the mashed potatoes................I'll take a leg.............we share a meal............with the ones we love.

We share our lives.............that's how we LIVE our lives..............pass our love on.............procreate...........start it again.

Share the love.............everyone belongs to the whole.............all one............what hurts one, hurts body...........the One.

Greed beyond reason.............the panic from fear............drives our foolish eyes over the cliff.............unthinking, we suffer the fate of our ignorance.

Fear not............together is an answer.............Governing Dynamic shines a light.............see how together we are more...........the One.

Black Rabbit said...

Strive for the possible paradise............born with nothing, can't take it with you.............everything a gift.............a wonderous thought.

So why not make the choice..............serve your best interests.............serve the it were given a life, a owe it to yourself.
posted by Oberon at 3:47 PM 1 comments

Friday, August 19, 2005
What's wrong here................

How can the light be off, if the switch is on?.................the answer is the can children starve to death when there's so much to eat?

Why do some have so little....................while others have more than they can ever use?

What powers battle............over dominion of our souls..............and do deceive what end who knows.

Is it possible you've been fooled...................could you have been tricked?................are you so sure you know..............what is even right?

It doesn't matter what you feel..................only what why isn't life a perfect paradise?

How can the light be off, if the switch is on?................because it's doesn't needs to be fixed.

Blood does not lie..............our blood tells us that we.............all...............are brothers and big family.

Black Rabbit said...

The answer is the answer...............fix the broken thing..............the answer is love..............God is love.

If you understand, things are just as they are................if you do not understand, things are just as they are............Zen proverb.
posted by Oberon at 3:44 PM 1 comments

Thursday, August 18, 2005
The Face of God.........

If you look real close you can see the face of God in this picture........if you look real close you can see it in everything..........look real close.

I don't think God has a face...........people think they know something about it, but they're just guessing.

The only way you know you're getting when you realize how ignorant you really are.

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me...............than a frontal lobotomy.

People who are easily shocked..............should be shocked more often.

Watching a baby being born............I was shocked to see the is our reason for's not pornographic, it's normal.

Black Rabbit said...

Nothing is inherently evil...........God didn't make any bad like Mahatma Gandhi.

There is no "hope"..............only choices...........if you look real close you can see it.
posted by Oberon at 9:46 PM 3 comments

Four letter words.............

What the world needs now is love sweet love..........I remember that song..........what is love? is giving what is needed without expecting anything in return.

We are born alone...........die alone............what have we without love?

If we were all naked as God created us..............there could be no war.

Okay, you've all been wondering............God created evolution...........everybody happy now?

Here's a picture of what God made me look like.................any questions?

Black Rabbit said...

Remember...........the truth shall set you free..............also "truth" is relative.
posted by Oberon at 6:53 PM 15 comments
About Me

Name: Oberon
Location: United States
I am sharing my photographs and inner dialogue to promote enlightenment and world peace.........what are you doing?

View my complete profile

The Man of Peace
The Way of Peace
The Art of Peace
New World Order
GlobaLove Inc.
GlobaLove Think Tank
Truth is coming
The Disclosure Project
Lunomaly Research Group
John Lenard Walson
Dr. Edgar Mitchell - Apollo 14
Travis Walton - Fire in the Sky
Previous Posts
Truth Is Coming......
War of the Gods.......
The one percent.......
It's a Sin.......
Try to understand.........
Just do it..........
War of words.........
Axis of Evil.........
Whore of Babylon.........
Pearls before swine.........
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
June 2007
September 2007
January 2008
April 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
April 2009
August 2009


Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I get it now - MARK R wasn't just channelling the 'FERENGI' as in the fact it is probable that he didn't even know that he was channelling this madman.

MARK R had the most demonic swarm of souls attached to him - that was humanly possible.

I was far luckier - I had the good people behind me, in my swarm.

MARK R was channelling and using all of the demonic thoughts...grief and fear of those at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...the 'ferengi' had his microchip in MARK R's brain...and was 'feeding' off those thoughts.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - it is coming back - the UBER-ROTHSCHILD had asked MARK R to create a site for him...the uber-site...where his SATANIC CREED would be interspersed with the thoughts/comments of the mind control slaves at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

I have just read the last comments page upon this blog and it is full of ARSE-LICKING terrified slaves...apart from MIRANDA who laughs at it all...MIR AND A...that was PUTIN and myself...poking fun at the whole thing.

Black Rabbit said...

Post a Comment On: lettuce prey four whirled peas"Four letter words............."
15 Comments - Show Original Post
Collapse comments kbryna said...
this is one of the most beautiful photographs i have ever seen.


11:14 PM

disnait said...
El texto no he reparado en leerlo pero seguro que es excelnte al igual que las imgenes, un 10.
Saludos disnait

5:49 PM

Shara Lee's Photography said...
I love!!!!

2:57 AM

Miranda said...
yummm thats what you wanna wake up and see every morning lol NOT!!

5:44 AM

Gummby said...
Thank you for being cool. The last thing on this earth that I want is to upset the balance of things.

I just want to share the things that make me smile.

Would it be okay If I link you on my site?

You sure know how to wake someone up.

take care,

10:09 PM

Eugene said...
That is ...

3:36 AM

Black Rabbit said...

Post a Comment On: lettuce prey four whirled peas"Four letter words............."
15 Comments - Show Original Post
Collapse comments kbryna said...
this is one of the most beautiful photographs i have ever seen.


11:14 PM

disnait said...
El texto no he reparado en leerlo pero seguro que es excelnte al igual que las imgenes, un 10.
Saludos disnait

5:49 PM

Shara Lee's Photography said...
I love!!!!

2:57 AM

Miranda said...
yummm thats what you wanna wake up and see every morning lol NOT!!

5:44 AM

Gummby said...
Thank you for being cool. The last thing on this earth that I want is to upset the balance of things.

I just want to share the things that make me smile.

Would it be okay If I link you on my site?

You sure know how to wake someone up.

take care,

10:09 PM

Eugene said...
That is ...

3:36 AM

Black Rabbit said...

Cranky said...
What is the most important thing? I don't know, but I hope it has something to do with compassion and ending suffering.

12:33 AM

Nea said...
I am curious, why do you not post faces? Are the people in this picture modest only if we know what they look like? I guess an anonymous body without a head makes it so generic as to be almost random and thus no one feels shy. I am curious also, where it is you can walk along the beach without any clothes? I once went swimming eight months pregnant totally nude with only my husband around, we were way up in the mountains with no one around. Swimming nude when pregnant is a great relief from the burden of pregnancy. The second best thing is to carve out a nice little hollow on a sandy beach and place your belly in the hollowed sand. Such a wonderful thing to be able to lie on you stomach when that far pregnant.

11:58 PM

The Melody Censor said...
Truely breathtaking!

11:33 AM

Black Rabbit said...

Sarah said...
The thing which I like about your nude photographs, is that they are not meant to intice, as most sensual/erotic nudity photos seem to do... and, almost all women, hardly any men. Some of yours seems to make a blunt statement, of "this is the way it is"... "life is beautiful, in all it's perfection... and imperfection, too" is beautiful and that makes it perfect! I particularly like this one, for we see the fruit of what those parts have produced, in all it's Blossoming Beauty. I wouldn't hang it on the wall, for it's far too shocking...but, it tells a beautiful story, all on it's on, in a very intimate way... if you have eyes to see... and if we want the Truth, and not just something contrived.

11:01 AM

Kecia said...

I appreciate your comment and your compliment.

I like your blog, Oberon. Your photographs are cool. I want world peace, as well.



3:37 PM

nixx07 said... is simply and definitely TRUE

8:35 AM

linda said...
as always..i love this site.
see you around the grove

5:47 PM

Terri said...
it is very beautiful. i got a warning before i entered your blog. but i don't feel like your photos are offensive. i think some people are afraid of themselves coming to rebirth if they look at a naked body. lol

11:42 PM

Preposterous Proposals said...
Beautiful blog, writings and photos... thank you so much for sharing.

2:03 PM

Black Rabbit said...

“A difficult habit to give up” -MACDONALD on the eating of ‘christ children’.

Maybe that is why you ended up on DEATH ROW STRIKE 3 - MACDONALD?

Think about it - remember how the ‘call’ came at the last minute for you to be released?

Suddenly it was ‘all a big joke’ as AMADEUS let you out of prison…but was it just a ‘big joke’?


He was teaching you - and in a rather unsubtle way - that this is where you would end up if you continued to eat ‘christ children’.

JOOS of the UK be warned - you do not need to live in CALIFORNIA to face the same DEATH SENTENCE.

Remember how people can ‘disappear’?

Remember those CIA rendition flights?

Once in CALIFORNIA - you are then sentenced and UNLIKE MACDONALD - you might not be so lucky.

In fact, AMADEUS says that you most definitely won’t be so lucky.

SACHS of the world - you have been warned - ZERO TOLERANCE.

(As far as I know - MACDONALD is still alive and so it is possible to ‘kick the habit’).

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

A new email from VEOLIA WATERBOARD today. MS DAY doesn't say that she has received the first payment but I suppose BARCLAYS BANK won't have put it through immediately.

Dear Ms Gyde

Thank you for your email received today.

I can confirm that I have noted your account for you and we await your first payment of £20.00. As you have now received your payment slips, I have cancelled the slips I requested earlier today.

I can confirm that I have amended the postal code on the billing address on this account for you. I have also advised our Customer Services Department to ensure that your new account for your flat at Belle Court has the correct postal code.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our office on 0845 600 2118.

Yours sincerely

Melanie Day
Enforcement Officer
Veolia Water East Ltd
Mill Hill, Manningtree, Essex CO11 2AZ
T: 0845 600 2118
F: 01206 399 212

Black Rabbit said...

I have the stamped GREEN chit from BARCLAYS BANK to prove it - anyway - with the VEOLIA WATERBOARD address upon it.

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL MAIL in my SPAM box this morning - what could it mean?

Unread bob hakam PEASE REPLY IMMEDIATELY Mon, 28/9/09 9KB

Black Rabbit said...

I am not sure about the first one but I am getting:

i - am - mud - U

Black Rabbit said...

...and the second one...a reference to BOBO as in TOMLINSON?


Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I can now say in all sincerity that I want a QUIET day today.

NOBODY bothering me - recuperation time.

Black Rabbit said...

No news from NPOWER is bad news though...

Unless they get my CUSTOMER ACCOUNT details to me looks like they are still following the ILL PLANS to cut off my gas and electricity.

You have all been warned. This had better not happen - or else.

Black Rabbit said...

I have been in contact enough times now - by telephone and by email to spell the problem out very clearly indeed.

NPOWER has to change its POSTCODE databases from the INCORRECT CO151JP to the CORRECT CO151FH and they are running out of time...

Black Rabbit said...

An odd one last night...the SOCIAL SERVICES building - the lights went on in the top floor of the back of the building nearest to me (not the higher part of the building - the lower part)...and I wondered...who would want to be on the top floor at about 11.30pm at night?

No other lights were on in the building...

Black Rabbit said...

The cleaners tend to come in as soon as everybody has left at around 6pm but they are all gone by about 8pm...

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I can remember the light stayed on for some time...I cannot be precise but some time around 11pm-11.45pm and then they went out again and the whole building was in darkness as it normally is.

Black Rabbit said...

It may be nothing of course - just somebody with the keys who had forgotten some work at the office and wanted to drop back in to pick it up....but the lights were on for such a long time that it does make one wonder...

Black Rabbit said...

The PRINCES/ROYALS had had a plan to keep me in a sort of cottage upon one of their estates in BERKSHIRE…but I saw more of the future than that…they wanted to get me pregnant one more time - and to bring the baby to term and then…it was too horrible.

So the ROYALS are now being warned too - CIA rendition flight and face the DEATH PENALTY in California. They will all have to get used to living UNDER the LAW of this land - as well as new INTERNATIONAL LAW. It won’t be such a tough ride either - if the ROTHSCHILDS had still been in control - they would have all been DEAD POTOATOES by now.


I had a nap and a dream this afternoon…and saw that ‘it’ was working…so many people were involved in accidents or near-death experiences after stepping out of their front door…particularly the MORES and THOMPSONS (and their associates) for some reason (these people featured in my dream)…I then woke up to hear the MOSSAD telling me ‘deaths as well’…I then saw COLLIE’s network and realised that it had worked…these extremely ILL people were now being terrorised and they were also dying off…and not just the above ‘family’ surnames…that was just to give me the general message that NOBODY was untouchable even if they thought that they were…the high and the low…Clare More and Ben Thompson (from Dartington)…


For some reason, I began to think of ROS who had been looking for a place to stay after she had left my flat…and she had come back agonised…she had found the one HEROIN HOUSE in Totnes…a student house at the top of town…possibly the one where the 3 drama students lived in…where ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had turned up - after the BERRY POMERY ILL rite - as planned by RIMINGTON.

I talked about it to the ‘townies’ around and they told me that they had driven HEROIN-dealers out of their town…only Cannabis was now allowed…so the above was all news to them - although I bet it wasn’t to JACQUI CARROLL - I remember now - she knew about them but also just how dangerous people could be whilst on the stuff and if you ratted on them…the most evil drug out…or was, until CRACK COCAINE came along…and other derivatives.

ROS couldn’t believe that the first ad for a house-share was a HEROIN house…she had tried so hard to stay clean but it was almost as if the Universe wanted her to become addicted again…her senses had led her straight to the only HEROIN house in CLACTON…

I have kept on mistakenly typing HERON instead of HEROIN above…and looking back upon that ‘HIGH HOUSE’ on the HARWICH front…next to the SEAMAN’s house next door…it has a HERON in the front window…that tells me that it is the symbol for HEROIN…a ‘heron’, ’stork’ or a ‘crane’ what does it matter…they all look like similar types of wading birds…

DR CRANE…DR HERON….DR HEROIN…what does it matter…the ILL change the goalposts now and again but the symbolism remains the same.

Look at the words…CRANE…STORK/STALK…HERON/HEROIN…I am now beginning to understand the ILL meaning attached to the CRANES upon the docks…

CRANING YOUR NECK…being hung in the ‘gallows flat’…

Black Rabbit said...

The other odd thing that I noted this morning...was a choice of 4 cans that I had bought from M&S as a 'stock cupboard' - the only thing in there...and I 'knew' that the ALLO ALLO TEAM had programmed me to put them there...

I ate the CHICKEN SOUP for breakfast (I didn't want scrambled eggs in the microwave this morning - I wanted something different but had nothing else)...and followed it up by CURRIED CHICKEN for now I have left:


Now I know that these 4 cans represented something ILL but I am not sure what...



Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mentiont that I had a couple of fruitpots from M&S yesterday...these had been made to CAROLINE's taste...she used to make large bowls of it in FRANCE and for a reason, one assumes...

SULTANAS, APRICOTS and a couple of other was very sweet indeed but not unpalatable. The rest of the ALLO ALLO TEAM loved this mixture...they always hoped to get a dish of it, when they called round.

Black Rabbit said...


Okay I have had a brief look at the first few articles upon this site about ALIENS but more specifically UFOS and came to a few rapid conclusions.

1. The UFOs that have been filmed around the world all look like ROTHSCHILD 'POD' satellites to me.

Black Rabbit said...

2. As far as I know - we disabled them all and so that should lessen any more sightings of such POD-LIKE UFOS.

Black Rabbit said...

3. NIR agreed with me upon a few general points (as did the MOSSAD):

OUTER SPACE is NOT governed by the laws that NASA says it is governed by.

It is most likely to be a MICROSCOPIC WORLD in relation to this MACROSCOPIC one.

Therefore - even if it were possible for ALIENS to get into TIN-CANS and penetrate the atmosphere of this planet - it would be rather like that DAN DARE WWII adventure that SCARLETT and BASSNETT had pointed out i.e. their spacecrafts would be so small as to be undetectable by the human eye.

In point of fact, the MOSSAD believe that it is impossible for aliens to penetrate this atmosphere in TIN-CANS as it is impossible for us to break out of it, in TIN-CANS.

Black Rabbit said...

4. We all know that it is possible to REMOTE-VIEW in SPACE and to remote-view other planets and civilisations.

I know that it is also possible for aliens to REMOTE-VIEW upon this planet - so if one can call this a 'visitation' - aliens have possibly been paying us visits for quite some time but in the dimension within which SOULS reside...not a dimension of MATTER and 'TIN-CANS'.

Black Rabbit said...

5. Somebody on another blogspot said that if the VATICAN is now saying that ALIENS are a reality - they will be telling the truth as far as they know it and that means that they will have had 'conversations' with aliens via their remote-viewers.

Black Rabbit said...


The above ROTHSCHILD website appears to be appealing to those who have seen INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Note how many ROTHSCHILD 'PODS' have been spotted over primarily highly superstitious populations, within the past.

Why do they tend to be spotted over Catholic, South American populations for example?

...also the American Military were programmed heavily with the ALIEN number - particularly the CIA and in desert regions - a high number of sightings of these PODS has been recorded - and I would say for obvious reasons.

The first one being a- big cover-up for what the ROTHSCHILDS were really up to...

Secondly - the old INDEPENDENCE IDEA...hence you have a video of PODS over the WHITE HOUSE, DC.

If people have seen the HOLLYWOOD movie - then they are twice as likely to believe it - sad but true.

Black Rabbit said...

7. Here's that blogspot again (it didn't come out properly in the last email):


There is also the possibility of alien 'viral infection' via the remote-viewing channel but I do not understand enough about this as yet - or haven't remembered it.

See previous notes upon BLACK SEA 'LIZARDITIZ'.

'john waters' was of the opinion that this WASN'T in fact an alien species of microscopic lizard - but one that was indigenous to planet Earth - just not properly identified and studied.

Black Rabbit said...


NINO's restaurant in FRINTON - that belonged to AMADEUS (or rather his slaves).

Okay - so you painted that SHIP with GOLDEN LIGHTS on it - afterwards - didn't you?


The ILL CULT are all forgers and fakers...I have to take the above with a pinch of salt.

Black Rabbit said...

Besides, it looks like an ALIEN SUBMARINE right?

You were really taking the piss with that one, weren't you?

Black Rabbit said...

I think that this is one of AMADEUS' little jokes which I always had trouble getting at the time...

So this is to mark the MOSSAD SUBMARINE saving MARK R from the ocean waves - isn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

So if I hadn't remembered it by now - that would have been an AIDE MEMOIRE?

How very funny.

Black Rabbit said...

...but it is also dangerous - I think that one of your picture restorers should remove it quickly - just in case the 'sheeple' take it a bit too seriously.

Black Rabbit said...

I am sorry but I just cannot take the NEPHILIM thing seriously at all - even though it is an excellent myth to get everybody thinking about the massive subject of the ILL CULT and what they were up to...

'john waters' had told me that from his extensive experience of programming...that EVERYBODY was capable of being a remote-viewer...the human brain had extraordinary capabilities and we all had those we were all 'nephilim' in that way...we could all have been quantuum physicists, chemists etc...we all had that capability from birth but the ILL CULT didn't need that many of the above...there are many other jobs and roles within society...

Black Rabbit said...

How extraordinary - were the US MILITARY shooting down the ROTHSCHILD 'PODS' at this point in time?

What really happened in 1942?

Black Rabbit said...

1983: Office of Air Force History

So reading through this report - it looks like the US NAVY caught them by mistake and being on 'war alert' travelled quickly.

As far as I can see - this was all a 'big mistake' and must have put the ROTHSCHILD's whole plan back a few decades.

Black Rabbit said...

The incident was part of the inspiration for Steven Spielberg's World War II comedy 1941.[13]

SPIELBERG obviously saw the humour in it.

Black Rabbit said...

"The incident appears to have inspired the plot for author Roger Conlee's novel Counterclockwise in which a couple from 1988 find themselves displaced into an alternate history in which the attack actually took place, shortly before the event occurs."

The above would have been a 'disinformation' exercise....

...and we have a new one in the making:

"Columbia Pictures is currently filming a movie inspired by the event entitled Battle: Los Angeles in the cities of Shreveport and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. "

Black Rabbit said...

What I find extraordinary - is the level of PARANOIA in the ROTHSCHILD's mind - to the point where he had armed his PODS with LASERS to ward off ALIEN attack whilst in the upper atmosphere.

No such 'attack' ever came.

...but then the MOSSAD could have told him so...the laws are not the same 'out there' in OUTER SPACE - the idea that anything 'material' or 'physical' getting through to this planet, is remote.

In point of fact, it was the PENTAGON's 'pod' called 'goddess 401' which got 'em all in the end, HA HA.

Black Rabbit said...

...but he was that paranoid...that 'aliens' might usurp his control of this world...that he had armed those pods against possible 'alien attack'...

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