Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

and I'm not.

Black Rabbit said...

i have put on the SLO-COOKER this morning...and flashbacked to this being an ILL TEST of sorts.

ASHER had overseen me do this in 2004 - when I had got too hungry and eaten the 'stew' a bit too early - not quite cooked enough.

Anyway, the ingredients appear to be important:

M&S STOCK (delicious - in jars)

i 'flashbacked' to JAMIE OLIVER saying that a bit of PAPRIKA would make it much tastier...I suppose that would make it into a HUNGARIAN GOULASH type event...if I can find some today when the shops open at 10am...I will go and get some PAPRIKA...

I put it on at about 7am in the morning and on 'high' - so it should be ready by about 1pm.

Black Rabbit said...

CARROTS - I forgot to mention that CARROTS are also an ingredient...

So what is the above all about then?

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - I had got the ingredients together but forgotten any meat...ASHER recommended that I put in some I decided to simply make a vegetable soup but only left it on for 4 hours and not 6.

I retorted that I was now a 'vegetarian' which was absolute nonsense...I suppose that would have been TOMLINSON's idea 'we are all vegetarians now'.

Black Rabbit said...

Now this is the weirdest thing...I unpacked all of the KITCHENWARE from EAGLE HOUSE...

i washed out the DARK BLUE PLASTIC stack-em-up VEGETABLE racks...and put them on a table that I also use for the MICROWAVE...

I had washed every single one out.

A few days ago - I bought all of the VEGETABLES (see above) and had made a conscious choice NOT to use RED ONIONS...preferring the GREEN of SPRING ONIONS...

However, as I took the VEGETABLES out of this rack...I found ONE RED ONION in there.

Where did that come from?

Somebody must have been in here and put it into the bottom DARK BLUE RACK.

I had had all of those small 'box-like' containers in the sink and swabed them with hot soapy where did that 'hidden red onion' come from?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I used up that FRESH red onion...and it was fresh...

Black Rabbit said...

So what is it about:


Black Rabbit said...


Looking through the comments that the CIA SUITE had made upon the KEN DODD videos upon YOUTUBE…I noticed that they were making jokes about TATTY rather than TUTTY.

I thought about how I had transcribed this word as TUTTY BYE.

I then realised…I wasn’t saying ‘goodby’ to the SPUDNIKS as in ‘potato-heads’ TATTIES…

I was saying ‘goodbye’ to KING TUT - the RA CULT ‘Tutankhamens’.

Black Rabbit said...

TUTTY-BYE thrice times spoken...a banishing command.

Black Rabbit said...

KEN DODD had been of an era where everybody thought that the MONARCHY aka the TATTIES were in control...but now that the PRANCING REINDEER had taken the reigns of the RA was time to say 'goodbye' to the TUTTYS.

Black Rabbit said...

I would now like to explain why I went on at length about TOAD OF TOAD HALL to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995...with particular emphasis upon the WASHERWOMAN element to the whole story…

TOAD escapes from prison, in the guise of a WASHERWOMAN.

LADY DIANA has been discreetly visiting BUCKINGHAM PALACE over the years, to see her SONS…disguised as a LAUNDRY operative.

In effect, she had been breaking INTO prison and out again - disguised as a WASHERWOMAN.

Black Rabbit said...

I have had a BT reply 'feedback' form which I do not think that I will bother filling in - the advice was a bit nebulous but if this building is too 'new' to be registered then what can they do?

However, the POST OFFICE does have the POSTCODE for this address and so I am awaiting their reply - which hasn't come yet and so not a 'prompt' email reply service.

Perhaps they are now deluged with people wanting to sign up for their HOME PHONE service.

You can imagine how it would be - a postal worker tells his/her friends of the 0845 cheap rate between 6pm-8pm and the information goes around like lightning...because so many people are 'on the ball' nowadays about telephone rip-off scams' and how to get the cheapest deals.

If you could 'watch' the whole must be like watching a vast SWARM get going...flying towards the POST OFFICE.

Black Rabbit said...

jiajing sun is 'pestering' me again - I will open this email in the library - I have to be extra-careful with this email address now:

UNREAD Jiajing Sun [ No Subject ] Sat, 26/9/09 5KB

Black Rabbit said...

Here is a another ILL email in my SPAM BOX:

Mr. Noel Panga Pls reply & call me. Sat, 26/9/09 7KB

LP(s) - as in long-playing record?

Are we still looking at RECORD-PLAYER programming?

Black Rabbit said...

LPS...APPLE...look back in anger...I am also getting 'OASIS' here...quite a few associations.

Black Rabbit said...

MR ICKE's updated newsletter makes fascinating reading and I would like to quote it in full (if he doesn't mind):

The main point of the mass vaccination is to implant nanotechnology microchips that will allow external manipulation of the body mentally, emotionally and physically - including the so-called 'death chip' that can be used to assassinate targeted people or cause mass extermination.

We are now seeing accumulating evidence that this is the prime reason for the engineered 'pandemic'. Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, who has taken on the German medical establishment with his own approach called New German Medicine, tells of an experience he had at a speaking event in Vienna, Austria.

He said that a woman in the audience explained that a friend who works for a pharmaceutical company in Vienna (vaccine-maker Baxter International has a subsidiary in Vienna) had told her that the swine flu injection needles contain nano particles in their very tip. They cannot be seen by the naked eye, but were clearly visible with as little as a twelve times magnification microscope.

The staff of the pharmaceutical company were told that these nano particles work in the human body like a motherboard in the computer and lots of data can be stored on them, the woman said. This fits precisely what I have been saying and writing for years about the human body being a biological computer that can be externally manipulated through implanted chips.

Dr Hamer said the woman explained how she was also working in the medical field and she had asked a lawyer who came as a patient how it was possible to avoid being chipped. The lawyer said he knew about the mass microchipping and most 'upper class' members of society were aware of the plan. He said there would be no compulsory vaccinations planned for this year and instead they would encourage people to be vaccinated voluntarily.

If too few chose to have the vaccine, he said, they would impose compulsory inoculation next year. He said the 'elite' and certain politicians would be exempt and, as a lawyer, he knew ways to avoid it, but for the majority of the population there was no escape.

We'll bloody well see about that.

Black Rabbit said...

So the threat is still there - it is how we all 'manage' it.

Black Rabbit said...

What worries me most about microchipping is that these 'nano particles' can be put into food - any food that you buy which is pre-packaged/processed.

However, unless the particles have a 'hook' at the end of them with which to embed themselves...they are unlikely to stay in your system for long.

Besides, eating and then excreting something is one thing - directly injected the CHIPS into your BLOODSTREAM is entirely another.

Black Rabbit said...

The simplest answer is to make MICROCHIPPING illegal and heavily punishable if any company or persons are found to be making them...

Black Rabbit said...

I thought a little bit more about what JAMIE OLIVER had decided should go into the pot in terms of adding PAPRIKA which would turn it into a sort of HUNGARIAN GOULASH…

I then realised that his subconscious mind would be working overtime upon that one…to ‘blend in’ all of the PROGRAMMING COMMANDS which are represented by the INGREDIENTS…and to form what?

A type of HUNGARIAN GHOUL - ASH (he he)

He had intuited that this was what it was all about…for some reason.

So let me look at the ingredients list again:

MINCE BEEF (no more ‘bullock’ behaviour from those like TOMLINSON)

You say ‘toMAYtoes’ and I say ‘TOMARRtoes’…so both went into the pot. (TOE was the alias of ANTHONY RADCLIFFE - head Dominican).

AUBERGINE - see previous notes about this CIA remote-viewing command.


The finishing touch?

I seem to remember seeing little jars of red-something on the bottom shelf at M&S…


I then remembered that the PRINCE OF MONACO and his team had added some specific ingredients to his CHICKEN STOCK.

Now - I have always felt that BEEF STOCK was too much with BEEF…and preferred to use CHICKEN STOCK…(watch out AK-HENS)…although naturally OLIVER disagreed at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…I pointed out that I would never ever use BEEF STOCK with chicken but that chicken stock instead of beef stock with beef - was less severe…and it didn’t really affect the taste at all - not in a bad way…I liked it - even though I know it’s not ‘proper’.


CHICKEN Extract: - water - salt - sugar - cornflour - Vegetable Concentrates - Chicory Fibre.
VEGETABLE Concentrates: contains Onions - Carrots - Fennel - Garlic

I have a feeling that the use of FENNEL was particularly important…but I am not sure why…



To conclude - whilst I wouldn’t exactly recommend the above recipe to anybody (ha, ha - I have yet to taste it) - one can see that it was a very important SYMBOLIC ‘stew’ to make here, in this flat.

JAMIE OLIVER supplied the most important ‘last ingredient’ and that was PAPRIKA (which apparently makes all the difference).

Black Rabbit said...


I am a bit behind upon looking up the above 'clues'...

Black Rabbit said...


I get it now - the SCOTTISH SAS were trying to save their SCOTTISH compatriots by sending those M&S shortbreads to EAGLEHURST…it was a ‘signal’ of sorts.

In 1980 when I had briefly talked with the SCOTTISH SAS captain about the division between SCOTLAND and ENGLAND - he had told me ‘we are planning the tank lines’ and he wasn’t joking.

This is a bit divisive though, isn’t it SCOTTIE - in relation to the REBEL GROUP at large?

I can understand that you want to save your own but in the current circumstances - perhaps it might be wiser to ‘expand’ the net.

There were 3 employees at EAGLEHURST who had identifiably SCOTTISH accents but one could say many more…I remember one woman saying that she had a SCOTTISH mother and so maybe quite a few of them had SCOTTISH parentage…you never know.

It depends upon your ancestry as well - in relation to which ‘nation’ you tend to identify with most, in terms of ‘national identity‘…for example MACDONALD had SCOTTISH ancestry which is an interesting one…and so was his excessive interest in ‘all information’ concerning HAGGIS…see previous notes and link to this HAGGIS article and comments - one of his pet hobbies - being an encylopaedia upon HAGGIS.

I could never eat blood pudding without feeling a little sick (too rich)…but my father loved the MORTEAU sausages of the Franche Comte region and used to buy them whenever he was in BESANCON or in that town which manufactures them - in the JURA mountains (they were called JESUS sausages as a nickname and had a picture of JESUS on the front of the packets)…naturally MACDONALD wanted to try them too.

Is this something to do with anaemia and the ILL cult?

MACDONALD definitely felt that he had SCOTTISH roots and identified as such. Perhaps that is where the ‘extreme piss-taking’ came from…for which the CIA are famous.

So the TASCHMANS had SCOTTISH roots or was it a case of MACDONALD’s mother being of SCOTTISH origin…more likely…he didn’t seem to have been brought up with the 3 ‘older brothers’. They all grew up in the HOAG family home - alone.

MACDONALD appeared on the scene, much later on…so was GENERAL HOAG in the business of trying to track down his ‘sperm’, for want of a better way of putting it…and finding out who his children were?

Black Rabbit said...


I can now remember what the ROYALS had planned for me, after I had helped them at the TEMPLAR CASTLE. I was still seen as a ‘bunny rabbit’ and it was thought best to ‘keep the RABBIT in a HUTCH’ but to make that HUTCH very appealing…as in a sort of LODGE upon a country estate of a mansion, in BERKSHIRE…

I do not mind that sort of a future…I do not need a ‘big house’…just somewhere that I can roam safely (without getting shot by a gamekeeper)…

However, I had more set my sights upon living in FRANCE…or perhaps HIGH HOUSE overlooking HARWICH BAY…now that the diabolical trio have vacated there….me and MR TOM (who has probably always seen that house as ‘his’ - as well as that ghastly sofa, that he had tracked down to EAGLE HOUSE)…could live there, quite happily…him, with his ready supply of TUNA…me - with a sea-view, every morning.

Anyway, this is all in the future and nothing has even really ‘begun’ yet…

We have yet to get through what MR ICKE is describing as 2 years of SWINE FLU horror…the first year, the injections aren’t enforced…next year they are…so there is still a while to go yet…until I can think about ‘the rest of my life’ future plans.

Black Rabbit said...


When I think back to HIGH HOUSE (is that the correct name for the ‘poshest’ house in HARWICH upon the seafront?)…

…and the SEA CAPTAIN and his wife who lived there…but didn’t really ‘own it’ because RIMINGTON was forever marching her SLAVES in there…to be programmed upon that sofa and then throughout the house…in various rooms…

The WIFE had told me how she had HATED that sofa…it couldn’t even be dry-cleaned (the labels had specifically said NOT TO and obviously RIMINGTON would have told her not to clean it, too)…so many people had sat on it…year after year…as RIMINGTON led them in to be programmed.

Imagine living in a house like that…the pure horror of it all…

Anyway, RIMINGTON had made me sit on it with her…and MR TOM had climbed up the back to sit above us…and let out a large FART…he then walked along the top of it, FARTING.

RIMINGTON pretended that this was not a problem but it was…the smell was extensive.

MR TOM’s considered opinion, upon the whole proceedings.

Maybe that is why MACDONALD started the ball rolling on YOUTUBE in relation to FARTING CAT videos…

Black Rabbit said...


I had another memory back last night…not only had RIMINGTON been force-feeding me with OLANZAPINE (for slaves they want to kill off slowly and in the most tortuous way)…she had also been force-feeding me with RED/WHITE capsules.

I had learnt - that if I overdosed upon them (she had given me the whole plastic container)…that I disassociated and OBE’d…my body then went into a ‘trance’ state…and did what it was told…my body stared in front of it like a zombie…but ‘I’ was elsewhere…and doing what I needed to do…

I remember that the capsules took some time to work but when they did…I simply ‘popped out’ of my body…

For example, I was sitting upon a bench near to HIGH HOUSE overlooking the sea, with RIMINGTON and ROS…suddenly I was looking down on all three of us…

ROS remarked to RIMINGTON ‘she’s gone again’…she had noticed that my eyes had widened and were staring vacantly out to sea’…

RIMINGTON didn’t see this as a ‘problem’. She simply told ROS to keep a more careful check upon how many of the RED/WHITE capsules that I took a day…

Now - that all happened circa 2004 - whilst the diabolical trio were attempting to reprogram me.

In 2009 - I met JASON at PETER BRUFF and I was surprised to see that he was NOT being handed out OLANZAPINE…the main pills that he was being given were RED/WHITE CAPSULES…and I was also surprised to see that he was taking them and actually swallowing them…

JASON had also told me that I should go into the STAFF OFFICE at night…during NIGHT STAFF DUTY…and listen to their conversations…as if this were the easiest thing in the world and that one would not be spotted…which it is I.e. the easiest thing in the world - in terms of a conversation, from one REMOTE-VIEWER to another…he had obviously been OBEing and finding out what was going on in that OFFICE…whilst taking a large amount of those RED/WHITE CAPSULES…

So if one adds it all up - what might one conclude?

I wish I could remember the name of the DRUG that he was being given…

The capsules looked to me like the old PENICILLIN capsules that my mother had told me to take to CHINA…one half WHITE - the other RED…I didn’t use any of them…

However, naturally I kept them with me in case of emergencies…and I kept them for years…and took them with me to ISRAEL.

There - I saw SHARON’s highly infected foot (from the NAIL put through it - in relation to SON OF G-D programming)…and so I gave him my capsules and he took them away…my RED/WHITE capsules…

Make of that - what you will.

Black Rabbit said...


I went into M&S today to find the PAPRIKA…and found that the ‘red things’ had been CHILLI in a bottle…not precisely what I wanted…


This look to me like the ‘right sort of thing’ so I bought it.

I then added a teaspoonful to my HUNGARIAN GOULASH which is quietly bubbling away behind me as I type and smelling better by the minute…

So the ALLO ALLO TEAM wanted to add SWEET RED PEPPER and THYME to the mixture for some reason…

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday - MACDONALD contacted me to say 'we might have to get you out of there'...which I didn't think was the point - or necessary.

The big point here was defeating MARK R's plan to sink the UK under the waves...

We had to simply get rid of the ILL - however many there were of them...within this country.

That is why I am still it should be reasonably safe to live here...if MACDONALD and CO still want to save one of their top remote-viewers, I suppose...

Black Rabbit said...

...although, on the other hand...I could be going down with the ship.

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that the only advice I can give is that 'you are not safe anywhere upon this planet' and if the ROYAL FAMILY want to run away to CANADA (as they had done in WWII) let me inform you CANDIDLY that CANADA is definitely NOT SAFE either.

Black Rabbit said...

Did I mention previously (to those of you who watched AMADEUS' video of the UNDERGROUND NETWORKS of the ILL - see previous notes)...

...these videos were all shot in ILL BUNKERS...

I was there with AMADEUS in some of these bunkers...

I remember RIMINGTON wandering off in one of them...they were like empty modern MAUSOLEUMS...and saying that she felt much better underground...much safer and calmer...

AMADEUS said under his breath 'sad lady'.

Black Rabbit said...

...and she was alone...she worshipped death...she wanted peace and quiet and she had found it in those death-like mausoleums underground.

Black Rabbit said...

She had a dignity there that AMADEUS had spotted...and had also found 'sympathy' for her.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON went into her insane and frenzied states above ground - for some reason.

Black Rabbit said...

It all reminds me of the ARAB SHEIKS in that underground HOSPITAL in LONDON...they simply wanted to be 'soothed' return to the womb...but not to allow the women even to look at them...a weird state of mind for them all...they needed to heal...

Did any of them even know that they were in what was part of a large UNDERGROUND LONDON HOSPITAL?

Black Rabbit said...

All I have been able to point to so far is a 'blown-out' pineal gland...too much COCAINE abuse...and the resultant PHOTO-SENSITIVITY to the SUN...

Black Rabbit said...

TOBY MACKLIN had seen the same underground BUNKERS in EGYPT but he had no idea of what they were about...he had been down in them...and he posed the question to me:

They can stay down there for days and even weeks...they do not 'keep time' down they have no idea of day or night...why do they do it?

Answer...I do not know as yet...a complicated matter...

The ARAB view of TIME and the UNIVERSE...and the COSMOS at large is a way of understanding everything...

What the ILL might have twisted it into - is a different matter.

Black Rabbit said...

From how AMADEUS treated RIMINGTON - I can understand her, a bit better now:

She was attractive to many people because she was simply a LADY.

She had 'it' - rather like LADY DIANA had 'it'.

She watched people the whole time - she didn't miss a trick. She acted in an upper-class way but also in a comic 'JOYCE GRENFELL' way - even though, she didn't project 'ugly goofiness' as part of her character. RIMINGTON used negative sexual energy as her 'tour de force'.

Black Rabbit said...

"SEX is dirty, nasty and disgusting...but I like it...and the madder and more S/M it is...the better...and if everybody dies at the end - even better."

RIMINGTON was obsessed with DEATH.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

She had been a ZYGOTE SLAVE herself.

Black Rabbit said...

In her saner moments - she would give me advice such as:

"I told you so - everybody is like that - you just have to learn it."

i.e. that everybody will let you down and betray you - better to get them first.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had been let down and betrayed by EVERYBODY.

She had survived the ordeal and after that she just 'got them first'.

Black Rabbit said...

Wise advice - when reapplied into a POSITIVE situation...

Black Rabbit said...

...and it depends upon 'how' you 'get them' and 'why' - doesn't it?

Following RA CULT ways of being - is NOT the way to do it...their methods are atrocious and atrocities.

A good job that I had primarily the CREATIVE THINKERS upon my 'swarm' at the CIA SUITE.

Black Rabbit said...

...they simply thought of ways to 'do it better' than the RA CULT...

Black Rabbit said...

The CREATIVE THINKERS of our world...the unspoken PROPHETS...those who found their power...

Black Rabbit said...

...and I am not talking about those who tell everybody that they are the CREATIVES upon an AD TEAM that MARK R had composed and brought together...

Think of somebody like RIK ALLEN who had drawn up and designed that PARISIENNE monstrosity of a building (see previous notes) and then MARK R's 'creative company' had simply supplied the DESIGN...note that it was only the design and NOT the technical engineering instructions...for millions of dollars.

RIK stayed in his dirt-cheap rent flat in NEW YORK...which he couldn't terms of buying food at the same time, upon the little money that MARSCAPONE threw at pick up from the gutter.

Black Rabbit said...

You can see why the CREATIVES who were REMOTE-VIEWERS...might have got annoyed with the whole ILL world - can't you?

Black Rabbit said...

RIK had designed PUBLIC sculptures for all over the STATES (never mind NEW YORK - his designs were all over the place) and the world (one notable sculpture in JAPAN - he says)...

Yet he remained an impoverished 'church mouse' and the ILL reaped everything that they could from him...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night I had a dream that the DARTINGTON COURSE students of my year, were all fighting...

So what is new?

They were all fighting and 1986-9...

It was the most dishabilitating environment to be in...

So many souls...going down into MATTER and getting FIGHTING.

CAROLINE and BIG PAUL were the strongest of souls and managed to rise above all of it - in their very different ways...

Black Rabbit said...

...but they had 'recognised' each other as the STRONGEST SOULS against 'class/culture' divides...

..and become the 'best of friends' in terms of doing what they had to do.

Black Rabbit said...

The year above me was a sort of 'wasteland' of ROBOTS...apart from ALAN BOLDON who felt that he was so alone...he had been made 'head' of them all...but he hated it...hated the ILL CULT...but what could he do?

Black Rabbit said...

He knew 'SARAH's game' in the ILL CULT manoeverings...and told me so...she was 'clever' but he didn't like her at all.

SARAH had pinched all of the work off of her best friend JULIE...

JULIE was the only person to stand up for me in a last term discussion of the year above me...

They had all come back to say 'where they were now'...after leaving college.

They had also been told to view the year below them's final year exhibition.

ALL OF THEM hated mine...but more to the BOLDON had told me...they all HATED me.

How odd - I had only talked to about 3/4 of them - and yet my WORK had set them against me - so virulently.

I can now see that this was all about MIND CONTROL.

BOLDON told me that he thought that my work was good but that there were many other pieces of work that were good...and he recounted how many.

I approved of the list - we had the same view of what was good and bad, in the main.

Black Rabbit said...

i can now see that I was 'agreeing' with a respresentative of the MASONS...

Those 'lowly people' to the RA CULT...but those who UNDERSTOOD the insanity of the ILL CULT in terms of 'everyday' symbolism left out...

Like a plastic fork from a fish & chip shop...on the pavement...

To tell other MASONS that CCTV was in operation, within that area.

Black Rabbit said...

I had told the REBEL GROUP that it was necessary to add 'low level MASONS' because they would know all of the 'silly symbolism' that governs everyday life...

Black Rabbit said...

...what RIMINGTON called the 'magic of everyday things'...

Black Rabbit said...

but it was all about MIND CONTROL really...and the art/sleight/hand of the magician...the CIA MAGE...

Black Rabbit said...

Put simply:

The more you go up the NWO triangle:

The more you learn the 'silly symbolism'.

Okay - as a lowly MASON - you get the obvious stuff - like the plastic fork on the ground.

However, if you were enforced into being in BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and from a young age...

...and that is what happened to me...

...maybe I have battered you all with too many 'ILL meanings' to too many 'everyday objects'....

...but I had to do get this out...

THE MASONS must understand that one...they know the basics of the ILL SYSTEM...they know about FISSION CHIPS/FISH 'N CHIPS...

Black Rabbit said...

i love FISH AND CHIPS...that doesn't mean that I am not going out to buy them again and again...

...what it means is that I do not subconsciously see them as microchipping...


The POWER of the MIND is a wonderful thing.

Try it.

Black Rabbit said...

I have had a look at my SLO-COOKER and the smells good but having checked the potato slices...they do not 'fall apart' still have to 'cut them'...I do not like this type of stew...

The potatoes should have gone to 'nothing' in it...providing a soupy I will leave it for another few hours and have it for my supper.

Black Rabbit said...

i was walking back from EAGLEHURST when I took a somewhat diversionary route...and I need to find out what suburban road I ended up on but I can see it in my minds eye...down the road from EAGLEHURST...straight down until you get to the main junction and the road diverging...the left eventually takes you to the seafront...the right takes you to the entrance to MORRISONS etc...

I took the seafront left route and then turned RIGHT down a suburban road to find myself back in front of the poshest house on a mainly terraced house had the usual dark wood RA CULT exterior and front door - with the DARK WOOD 'rising sun' pattern on the window of it.


There was a large WHITE MOTORBOAT in the small front garden and a GREEN tractor by the side of the house, to the right.


FOX in large black letters upon its side. Also K20.

The GREEN TRACTOR had JOHN DEERE upon the front and 2040.

Black Rabbit said...

It didn't look like anybody lived in the house - the whole thing was a showcase for ROTHSCHILD 'FOX' programming.

That TRACTOR hasn't moved in at least 5 years - it looks brand new.

Black Rabbit said...

K20 appears to be a sort of motor.

The motorboat obviously had a motor upon the back of it...

Black Rabbit said...

I looked up K20 CHEMISTRY on YAHOO and got the above:

Naked Beauty

The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble.

Maghera Caves

It is not so much that the caves are particularly spectacular in themselves, it is that the chemistry of dark sea caves, the wide, dazzling silver beach which leads to them, and the wild, craggy hills above them, gives you an astonishing sense of being transported to a magical wilderness. Man seems to have made very little impression on this strong, vibrant landscape.

The road to the caves runs on the southern shore of Loughros Beg, cutting through steep-sided rock faces where streams tumble from their beds and free fall to the base of the cliffs. The most spectacular of these is Assaranca Falls. to your right, the huge beach occupies the inlet, with the sea beyond seemingly held at bay by an invisible hand.

You can park at a cottage, right, and walk the signposted track which leads to the dunes, the beach and the caves, frowning under the quartzite rocks which roof them.

Black Rabbit said...

Irishphotographer says:
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Sharons_Web says:
Beautiful...Stunning Colors...Perfect lighting...Wonderful textures

Extraordinary !! Definitely a winner!
and we'd love to have your photo added to the group.

Fl♥ckr Extraordinary Capture Award,

Please Tag your photo with ExCapture
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
susodediego says:
Vi esta foto no grupo LANDSCAPES DREAMS

Parabéns por esta maravilhosa FOTO!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
EL CUMPA says:
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
PhilC. says:

I have seen this amazing picture in the "IQ" - Image Quality Group.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Gabriella*- very busy! says:

Colour Art Award
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
PIG Awards!!!
Collect 5 Pig Awards to receive FAVE AWARDS...

Black Rabbit said...

Seen in:
PIG Awards!!!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
B L R says:
This is fantastic! Great shot!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Anna.Andres says:
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Cat-Art says:
Beautiful shot Kim :-)

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
willows_v says:
COOL SHOT!!! : seen in :

"Double Dragon Awards"
Post 1 Award 3
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
AcombDave says:
COOL SHOT!!! : seen in :

"Double Dragon Awards"
Post 1 Award 3
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Ambassade d'Anglia says:
superb !!!!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Yoan Bernabeu says:

You are a very good and creative Artist and I really like your Creative Photo.
After three awards from Creative Photo please post in our MASTER-group!
This photo was seen in:
Creative Photo (Post 1 - Comment 1 or more)
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Philipp Klinger (thanks for 3.333.333 views!!!) says:

I have seen this amazing picture in the "IQ" - Image Quality Group.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
robetanc says:
Beautiful shot!!

Seen in Very Flickr
Very Flickr (add 1,awards 3)

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
PONCE 2007 says:
Vi esta foto no grupo LANDSCAPES DREAMS

Parabéns por esta maravilhosa FOTO!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
jmb_germany....away..2weeks holiday says:

I have seen this amazing picture in the "IQ" - Image Quality Group.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
COOL SHOT!!! : seen in :

"Double Dragon Awards"
Post 1 Award 3
commented with SICI (2008-11-01)
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
SLpixeLS says:
I love this photo! It deserves another award!

Black Rabbit said...

This photo was seen in ***The Feel of Photography***
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
lucyna 77 says:
This is a stunning image by a talented photographer.
Thank you for posting it in SENSATIONAL CREATIONS of EXCELLENCE

(POST 1 ~ AWARD 1)
please add tag: sensational
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
globalrain says:
This photo gets a Butterfly Award

Found in:
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
ivoryflames23 says:
COOL SHOT!!! : seen in :

"Double Dragon Awards"
Post 1 Award 3
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
juan rodrigo legua says:
Please use the following COMMENT CODE and leave it on any FOUR (or more) shots in the pool!


Colour Art Award
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
sir_watkyn says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Creative Imagery (Fav 1,Comment on 1), and we'd love to have this added to the group!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Liisamaria says:
COOL SHOT!!! : seen in :

"Double Dragon Awards"
Post 1 Award 3
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
gary.moffat says:
Seen in Very Flickr
Very Flickr (add 1,awards 3)

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
AgniMax says:
very nice
Happy new year Buddy :)
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
D.O.A. says:
PIG Awards!!!
Collect 5 Pig Awards to receive FAVE AWARDS...

Seen in:
PIG Awards!!!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
domi-san says:

What a "Damn cool" shot!!!

:::::: Danke vielmals! ::::::::: _Thank you very much indeed! ::::::: _¡muchas gracias! :::: Mil agradecimentos :::: 1000致谢 ::::תודה ::::
::: Большое спасибо ::: شكرا! ::::Mille Grazie :::_ Merci beaucoup ! 日本語):

Black Rabbit said...

I saw this in Damn Cool Photographers in the World
You are invited to add this exceptional image to
GOLD STAR AWARD (award or invite needed)

please add the tag GoldStarAward
invited with SICI (2008-12-02)
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
girix2008 says:
Beauty indeed
Seen in:

Picture Perfect
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*~Tammy~* says:
Gorgeous landscape capture! Have a great day! :0)
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
DianeRocks is projecting health wealth abundance says:
Commenting code :
copy from here -------------------------------------->

Seen this photo in Ace of Spades ♠

<----------------------------- Until here

fab landscape
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Sherry Lynn Webb - sporadic time of Flickr [deleted] says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called WORLD WIDE LANDSCAPES ( Post Invited Images Only / post 1/ 3 Aw, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

fantastic composition, perspective and shot. GREAT image.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Sherry Lynn Webb - sporadic time of Flickr [deleted] says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called NATURE'S ELEGANT SHOTS ( Post Invited Images Only )Post 1 - 3, and we'd love to have this added to the group!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
photo by Dawn says:
INCREDIBLE the vivid colors...the sharpness of the rocks and the softness of the clouds really compliment each other...BEAUTIFUL!

I saw this great photo in: The Photo of The Week group.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
BlodynCoch (Away For Sometime) says:

What a “Colourful shot ” !
We saw this great work in
** ColourVisions**
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Norm_A says:
Quite lovely, even surrealistic.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Marina.r says:
So beautiful !!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
SINGER photos - ATS says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called NATURE'S - CREATIONS post 1/award 2, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

Black Rabbit said...

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
eowina says:
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Yvonne Mc says:
Great shot Kim xx
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
shaman_healing says:
Great picture my friend!

greetings from shaman_healing
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Cocobloom says:

(POST 1 ~ AWARD 1)
please add tag: sensational
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Brian D. Tucker says:
Lovely work!


TAG your photo NaturesElegantShots

This photo deserves a DIGIFOTO Pro Award, please join the group to compete for real prizes
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Brett Cohen says:
Wow this is a beautiful creation of nature!

I saw this in


Please tag your photos NATURE'S-CREATIONS
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photo !
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
b_streier says:
Wonderful shot! Love this!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Mark McCulloch says:
Excellent depth in this shot!!!
A place I would like to explore.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Gert van Duinen says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called HDR Ultimate, and we'd love to have this added to the group!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
!Kengaroo says:
Great shot.
Kris Kros Contacts
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Michelle*(xena2542)-on/off flickr says:

Black Rabbit said...

TAG your photo " NaturesElegantShots "
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
moonlitebaby21 says:
Beautiful scene
New Art, Surrealism, Fantasy, Pop Art
Sculpture, Abstract, Painting, Kaleidoscope
Graphic Design, Architecture, Special Effects
Visual Art, Mosaic, Photoshop Art, Deviant Art
This is so "Out of this World!"

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Craiu Ciprian says:
Lovely image, love the refreshing array of colors.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
♥ A.T.♥♥ says:
PIG Awards!!!
Collect 5 Pig Awards to receive FAVE AWARDS...

Seen in:
PIG Awards!!!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Ivy Kiss says:
Your pictures are always it!!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
manaspattnaik says:
Great pic
Seen in:
Super Photos
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Rick_Bailey says:
Oh this is so beautiful....
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
.KrIsTiNe says:
great shot!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Marina.r says:
Superb shot !
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Nemesis Fiko says:
Sağlık, huzur, mutluluk, başarı dolu nice yıllara….
Hoş gel 2009

Happy New Years
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Te invitamos a unir tu foto a /You are invited to add this image to
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
lotusfee says:

a href=" widelandscapes/">

TAG your photo " WorldWideLandscapes "
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Zorro-Art says:
Your photo is worthy
See you there :)

Black Rabbit said...

You are invited to join:

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Jordi Muñoz Quiñones says:
Excellent shot of a very beautifull landscape!!

Edition is superb

Happy new year!!!!

This great image definitely earned its place in INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

As seen in International Geographic

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Falcon EyE says:
very beautiful...

This great image definitely earned its place in INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

As seen in International Geographic

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Vampire Black Cat says:
beautiful, love your HDR images !
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
aswirly (away) [deleted] says:
What a cool scene. These rocks look amazing
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Saariy* says:

Foto vista su Photos Explore group - Photo seen on Photos Explore group
Photo Explore Group

and please remember to tag this photo Photo Explore
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Saariy* says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery. + 20 Faves are required, and we'd love to have this added to the group!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
z.patrizia says:

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
mickeydud says:

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
「My」'busy' says:
Wow.... what a excellent treatment !

Seen in:

HDR Ultimate
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Saariy* says:
Welcome to our group with your beautiful picture...
Please complete your comments if you haven't done already .

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
meunierd says:
Beautifull scene!

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Jenny Barnes Photography says:

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Philipp Berndt! says:
very nice! great shot!
Posted 2 months ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

You are invited to join:

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Jordi Muñoz Quiñones says:
Excellent shot of a very beautifull landscape!!

Edition is superb

Happy new year!!!!

This great image definitely earned its place in INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

As seen in International Geographic

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Falcon EyE says:
very beautiful...

This great image definitely earned its place in INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

As seen in International Geographic

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Vampire Black Cat says:
beautiful, love your HDR images !
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
aswirly (away) [deleted] says:
What a cool scene. These rocks look amazing
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Saariy* says:

Foto vista su Photos Explore group - Photo seen on Photos Explore group
Photo Explore Group

and please remember to tag this photo Photo Explore
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Saariy* says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery. + 20 Faves are required, and we'd love to have this added to the group!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
z.patrizia says:

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
mickeydud says:

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
「My」'busy' says:
Wow.... what a excellent treatment !

Seen in:

HDR Ultimate
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
*Saariy* says:
Welcome to our group with your beautiful picture...
Please complete your comments if you haven't done already .

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
meunierd says:
Beautifull scene!

Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Jenny Barnes Photography says:

*Saariy's Quality Pictures Gallery*
Please don't forget to comment other 2 pictures in the group's pool.
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Philipp Berndt! says:
very nice! great shot!
Posted 2 months ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

So why have so many people bothered to comment and to give so many AWARDS to this photograph?

I feel sure that it isn't the photograph that they are complimenting but what it 'represents'...where this place is...

Black Rabbit said...

There is a GREENHILL far away...

Black Rabbit said...

CAT- ART comments - leaving a video of a HAND GESTURE - which is of a heart - it can be made with your hands upside down or was this the trigger used for HEART-VALVE programming?

Black Rabbit said...

There was only one other image upon YAHOO search for K20 CHEMISTRY:

The bookmark had changed from: ~ kmopper...and I knew what this meant...KMOPPER had 'woken up' and got his SNAKE back in his head...represented by the '~'

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA have put this SCHOOL in RED:

St. Patrick's Co-Ed Comprehensive college

So this is a school for mind control?

Black Rabbit said...

I remember DEB MCD telling me a story about her husband taking her down a hole in the ground, in a cliff...which led to the sea...but the tide was coming in and he had gone on ahead...she got out of the cave and was confronted by the rocks and the sea lapping up at the cave's mouth...she stood there and yelled until her husband came back...he told her to climb up the rocks...

That couldn't have been MAGHERA could it? It looks like that sort of place...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night I remember remote-viewing the 'mystery' of DEB MCD's life...

RIMINGTON had stolen a baby from a member of the aristocracy - whom she particularly disliked. This woman had countless 'miscarriages'...and she was always told that the baby hadn't survived.

DEB MCD was one of the babies that survived.

The MCDONOUGHS were given the infant and claimed that she was their own - although the neighbours talked about it for ages afterwards...MRS MCDONOUGH was 40 or more (in those days it was ODD to have a baby that old)...and she hadn't even looked remotely pregnant.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why DEB MCD's mother treated her so badly - like a slave child - and called DEB her 'little goldmine'.

Black Rabbit said...

I also remote-viewed what happened to DEB when this 'family' went on holiday.

DEB used to say things like - 'we went to a 5 star hotel (in SPAIN) and the waiter used to tell me that I was the most beautiful little girl that he had ever seen - they like blondes in SPAIN.'

DEB was prostituted out on holiday - her parents made a lot of money out of her upon these trips abroad - they knew which hotels to go to.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember the ALLO ALLO team commenting up these photographs of MAGHERA (shot by the NY 'crazy company')...they told me to think of the caves as MEGHERA for some reason - that would be MEG MATTHEWS and HERA - I still do not get the connection.

Black Rabbit said...

...but one assumes that MEG had become a GODDESS of the RA CULT and was helping to expose their practices from the top...and she thought that it was important to expose what was going on in MAGHERA.

Black Rabbit said...

So the reason that we met the women with the children and took photographs of them all...was because she also wanted to expose this ILL CULT trade at MAGHERA...and that it was about child-trafficking.

Black Rabbit said...

The above are the related links - all shot in and around MAGHERA.

Black Rabbit said...

HERA was the QUEEN of the gods was she not?

Who is ZEUS now, then?

Black Rabbit said...

MAGHERA on a YAHOO images search (all our photos - mine is called 'eggy boil'):

maghera caves
maghera bay
maghera caves
maghera caves
maghera caves
the maghera waterfall near ardara
2009 aoh parade maghera derry

ireland donegal maghera beach
Unique Item
lurach s parish church maghera
ireland donegal maghera beach
Unique Item
lurach s parish church maghera
parade maghera derry
aoh division 95 rosnashane at...
view into maghera

parade maghera derry
parade maghera derry
maghera fence
Eggy Boil
maghera 19
Magz Schmooz
old maghera church
behind maghera near
ireland donegal maghera beach
Unique Item

Black Rabbit said...

The FENCE was to remind me...'fencing' goods/contraband.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that my 'goulash' yesterday - took me back to CHILDHOOD...and I could hear SONIA telling me that it was 'baby food'.

Yes, I guess that minced beef and mushed up vegetables and potatoes is 'grown-up food' for was very good though - even if I hadn't added enough PAPRIKA.

Black Rabbit said...

I would like to make a proper HUNGARIAN GOULASH stuff.

Black Rabbit said...

It reminded me of MRS FISHWICK and her children who wouldn't eat GREENS to save their lives...the trauma was just too much - having been told by ILL DEPTFORD nursery programmers:


However, I had questioned one of them practically upon that matter -I was hungry-it was lunchtime and I wanted to eat my vegetables...

Anyway, MRS FISHWICK used to mush the GREENS up so much, into the minced beef that it was no longer 'green' and therefore she could fool the kids...

Black Rabbit said...


What is the above all about?

Black Rabbit said...

i tried: BHBBH on a YAHOO IMAGES search:

The specified image does not exist

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Black Rabbit said...

So it was all about ITCHY and SCRATCHY wasn't it?


Black Rabbit said...


SACHS - the house of SACKS/SACHS

Black Rabbit said...

Why is LUHV spelt in this way?


...again you have JOHN DEE and so forth...


Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up LUHV on a YAHOO IMAGES SEARCH and got the above - a very sinister looking photograph.

Black Rabbit said...

Love [luhv]

a strong affectionate feeling ♥

a strong affectionate feeling ♥


1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them.
Machinisto says:
I can't believe you haven't received more comments... This is really a very special image. The lighting technique here is superb. I've seen this done a few times before, but this is by far the best version I've seen.


Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
KaylaKay* says:
thanks huntie, and machinisto.
It's my favorite picture i've taken thus far.
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
Taylor's Wish* says:
great host
I did one of these shots a while back :D
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
Brittany [duh.] says:
i love the lighting in this. great shot!
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
jesialex says:
nice :)
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
KaylaKay* says:
thank you girls.
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
Kristine May. says:
a lot of people do this with the ring and the book and stuff
but this is seriously, the BEST (:
awesome lighting!!!
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
KaylaKay* says:
I love you too Lukie,
And i doubt it'll make it explore.

thanks a bunch kristine may. :D
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
wallatrope says:
the lighting here is really really nice. :)
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
paololivorno says:
This is a WONDERFUL photo!
You are invited to share it in the paololivorno's friends group.

Post one Award one

You can tag your photo paololivorno'sfriends
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
kevkev44 says:
Wow, this really is amazing... great job!
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink )
kahwai_gallery says:
Strong Feeling...
Posted 15 months ago. ( permalink ) says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Well Taken, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

Thanks for joining WELL TAKEN

My picture on the flickr
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Maria ♥ says:
This is perfect! I love it.
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
trèsroc! [deleted] says:
i love this picture!
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Poems of a selfish record player says:
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Tarantin0 says:
Its just lovely!

[discovered in the photophlow main room] (?)
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Mickey B. Photography says:
Wow... this is really cool. Instant fave.
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Yonaton13 says:
Very cute idea, nicely done.
Amazing lighting.
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Jake Yorath Photography says:
That's so well thought out. Effing genius.
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Just Basic says:
I <3 it.
The lighting is perfect and the ring is very well placed.

[discovered in the photophlow main room] (?)
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
jrdphotography says:
I like how there is two hearts.

[discovered in the photophlow main room] (?)
Posted 14 months ago. ( permalink )
Chris Settography says:
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
Joy*Us says:
Very creative kaylakay. Good job.

Black Rabbit said...

All i know is that this image meant a lot to the TEMPLARS and that it is the ring of SERVITUDE.

They had experimented with this particular shot - quite a few times.

Black Rabbit said...

I get it - when you balance the RING in such a way between the pages of the book - you get a SHADOW HEART underneath the RING.


It is also possibly the mind control command to have a heart attack if you were microchipped in or near to the heart.

Black Rabbit said...

Alternatively - you might say that it is the ACE OF SPADES upside down.

Black Rabbit said...

I went to sleep thinking about those RED/WHITE capsules and began to realise that it was possible that they were just PENICILLIN but that if you take too much of it…about 3 capsules in one go…that it aids remote-viewing.

I can now see that RIMINGTON had me on a cocktail of drugs during 2004. She made me take OLANZAPINE and also a PENICILLIN capsule - 3 times a day.

I had taken 3 capsules in one go and that made me OBE.

In fact, I can remember that park bench out on the HARWICH promenade.

PC GREEN (not in uniform) came up and waved his hand in front of my face - no reaction at all - I just kept staring straight ahead (I could see them all from above)…RIMINGTON and ROS were alarmed…what was he doing…he asked them what they had done to me…and in answer to their questions, said that he was just a ‘friend’…he then walked off quickly…leaving them spluttering…nobody normally accosted them in public.

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder now:


Was that their simple but effective way of getting people to OBE?

Black Rabbit said...

I had previously thought in 1980 - that they simply forced us to take horse-shots of anti-biotics because we were all being raped so many times...

Black Rabbit said...

It certainly had that effect upon me when I took 3 at a time...which RIMINGTON then put a stop to...ROS had to take control of the bottle.

Black Rabbit said...

If it wasn't PENICILLIN then what was in those capsules posing as PENICIllIN?

Black Rabbit said...

I know this is important for some reason:

Penicillin V is also known as phenoxymethylpenicillin, you may see either name on the packaging of your medicine. (Phenoxymethylpenicillin is spoken as fenoxy-mee-thyle-penicillin)
Penicillin V is used to treat bacterial infections, such as infections of the chest and throat, by killing or stopping the growth of bacteria. Penicillin V can also be used to prevent infections occurring.

Black Rabbit said...

This site has got the lot in terms of side-effects...

This takes me back to 1980 and MICHAEL the MASTER PROGRAMMER at FORT MONCKTON...who was severely allergic to PENICILLIN (nearly died as a child) but then became addicted to the 'HIGH' associated with injecting himself with it...

DALDRY told us that he entered an ecstatic state...we had to watch him contort on the floor and then go into a sort of coma.

So I had found that even though I wasn't that allergic...3 capsules could make me OBE and then I was on my do the things that I needed to do...

Black Rabbit said...

Not that I would ever want to do that again - but desperate times meant desperate measures.

Black Rabbit said...

I am now beginning to see what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...MARK R was poisoning all of the food there...and that meant that we were all kept in this state of 'allergy'...and this was why, once we had gained our PASSWORDS to 'go up'...we could pop out of our bodies so easily and quickly.

Black Rabbit said...

...I remember now...I had contacted was his day off and he was strolling down the promenade...we had known each other well from the TEMPLAR CASTLE so I got him to SEE the pair of them and what they were doing to me...

Black Rabbit said...

It was an odd one - just how many people couldn't see the DIABOLICAL TRIO.

They generally assumed that NOBODY could see them.

If you look at LLOYDS CHEMIST on the corner - just down from BITS N BOBS and M&S at the bottom of JACKSON ROAD...

You will see PAINT HANDPRINTS upon the wall.

The DIABOLICAL TRIO had got a can of paint and had made those HANDPRINTS in broad daylight with people walking by...

RIMINGTON had told the pair of them - that nobody could see them at all...they could do anything they liked.

It is a moot point - people might have seen them but just thought that they were dangerous lunatics.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why RIMINGTON had told TOMLINSON to put a stun gun to my neck on a crowded street down to the POST OFFICE...telling him that NOBODY would see them...they would only see me jerk around a bit as an after-effect...

Yet on the beach near to JAYWICK end of town...TOMLINSON/RIMINGTON/ROS/AMADEUS were all sitting on deckchairs to watch the airshow...and a group of ex-military (they looked like it - muscular with tattoos) walked by and wolf-whistled...RIMINGTON thought that they were whistling at her and told ROS 'darling, it was me'...because ROS had immediately assumed that it would be her...

So at that point - they thought that they could be seen...or maybe only by the MILITARY?

Black Rabbit said...

Then you have the case of SCARLETT and BASSNETT who apparently couldn't see AMADEUS at all...and had begun to call him 'your imaginary friend' - every time I spoke about him.

However, AMADEUS wasn't imaginary to the hotel staff in the hotel in which he was staying at the front...nor was he imaginary, to the shop people...when he went to buy things...and yet the entire REBEL GROUP didn't appear to be able to 'see' him...

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS wasn't imaginary to PRINCE PHILIP either...when I said that AMADEUS was the only 'contact' I had who might possibly know of people who could deal with microchips...he replied:

"Oh him..." and words to the effect of "I don't really trust him"...

Black Rabbit said...

Then you have the PRINCES and their spoof upon the ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER alliance...where MR ROCKEFELLER is spoofed as 'polie'...

Black Rabbit said...

...and I can remember now...walking down that street on the way to EAGLEHURST with the DIABOLICAL TRIO...the street upon which the MORRISONS complex is...and they told me to walk between the WHITE POLES...bollards...

I immediately smiled and said AMADEUS...the WHITE POLE.

They asked me how I remembered and I said 'because AMADEUS wanted me to'.

Later on and in town...we were all outside SAINSBURYS and TOMLINSON panicked:

"She can see our reflections."

I had been beaten up to the point that I no longer dared to even look at any of them...but I could see their reflections in the mirrored side of SAINSBURYS.

RIMINGTON told him not to worry...I would forget it all later on.

I assured TOMLINSON that I would forget later on...I had only remembered AMADEUS because he had wanted me to remember him - he was higher up than they were...they were not allowed to question that one.

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS was the top ROCKEFELLER and so I am assuming here that he was a relative of MARK R's (although not his father).

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS joined the REBEL GROUP against the ROTHSCHILD.

Black Rabbit said...

To prove his point - he showed me how to demonstrate this 'symbolically'.

The DIABOLICAL TRIO had taken me down the beach...towards the ROCKEFELLER rocks...

If you go over 3 breakwaters...and then look at the steps which take you off the beach...

There used to be two large stones which had been wedged behind the silver poles of the stairs - to the left and to the right.

RIMINGTON had said to me 'you may be able to remove that one' she pointed to the left stone...'but you will never be able to remove the other' she pointed to the right stone.

AMADEUS instructed me - whilst remote-viewing this stage in the ILL GAME 'use my rock' (his was much larger than the other but more easily removed)...and 'hit the other'...that is what made it easy to remove the other rock - the larger stone forced it out.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention - that this is precisely what I had done - on the beach - yesterday morning.

Black Rabbit said...

So out of COLLIE's regiment...somebody had mooted the idea that the ROCKEFELLERS were in fact MARRANO JOOS...this was most probably true (in relation to the fishermen disciples)...but they had also become staunch CATHOLICS.

Black Rabbit said...

i forgot about another piece of symbolism at the silver poles of those stairs from the beach...

Somebody had tied a DARK GREEN thread about the left post...MR ROCKEFELLER's post...and then tied dried BLACK SEAWEED to it...I cut it off the pole.

DARK GREEN - that would suggest the ILL MILITARY to me.

Additionally, the BLACK SEAWEED suggests the 'black spider attack' upon the TIME STREAM.

Black Rabbit said...

So where are the SACHS now?

The ROTHSCHILDS are going DOWN...who will protect them?

Black Rabbit said...

I am sorry about MARK R - I do not know what else to say.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so let us now have an update upon BILLING at this flat:


I have heard NOTHING from them yet and so I have sent this email, this morning:



I am a bit worried that you haven’t sent me an ACCOUNT NUMBER for my GAS or ELECTRICITY.

Please CHECK YOUR RECORDS to ensure that you have the correct ROYAL MAIL postal address - pay particular attention to the POSTCODE:







(I have contacted NPOWER several times by telephone and every time I ring up - CUSTOMER SERVICES tells me that they are changing their database from the INCORRECT CO151JP to the CORRECT CO151FH - but nothing seems to have been done yet and I risk my bills going astray - and most importantly my CUSTOMER ACCOUNT number. Please RECTIFY this mistake asap.)

Best regards,


Black Rabbit said...


What is going on there, then?

Black Rabbit said...

I immediately got this back from NPOWER:

Flag this messagenpower Helpline receipt of mailMonday, 28 September, 2009 8:28 AMFrom: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: you for taking the time to contact us.

Normally we provide an immediate response to our valued customers who contact us by email. Please accept our apologies for any delay in responding to you and rest assured that all efforts are being made to improve our response time.

You can be confident that your enquiry is important to us and that we will reply as soon as possible.

Black Rabbit said...

i have sent the following email to MELANIE DAY at VEOLIA WATERBOARD:


I am a little concerned because my PAYING IN SLIPS haven't arrived yet - I will notify you when they do.

Please note the address:







Some billing companies have got the POSTCODE wrong before now - notably NPOWER who INCORRECTLY billed me at CO151JP - if this is the case upon VEOLIA WATERBOARD's databases - could you possibly get somebody to CORRECT it asap?

Best regards,


Black Rabbit said...

So that should stop any ILL PLANS concerning turning off the water/electrics/gas to this flat, at this point in time.

I can remember now - this is what had happened in 2004. All of the services were cut off - one by one - EVEN the water - which as far as I know, is technically illegal.

Black Rabbit said...

So having dealt with the above this morning - all I have left to deal with is:

1. the DOORS (and a carpenter from CHP)

2. 'MEL' the manager at EAGLEHURST tracking down what happened to my bike and ringing me on my mobile.

Black Rabbit said...


i tried out CO151JP and got a few results on GOOGLE for JACKSON ROAD - not ELLIS ROAD - it is obviously wrong - an implanted postcode upon these services databases.

Secondly I tried the correct postcode CO151FH and got only ONE entry:

Track status of CO 151 from Raleigh/Durham (RDU) to Houston (IAH)

28 Sep 2009 - On schedule
Estimated departure: 6:00 AM, Estimated arrival: 7:49 AM

Black Rabbit said...

So who left and arrived on that PLANE (I do not know the time diferential between the UK and the US) today?

Black Rabbit said...

...but I know that like 'JERAMY WICKS' that it will have been left as a big clue...

Black Rabbit said...

Continental Airlines 151
Auto Zoom

Map data ©2009 LeadDog Consulting, Tele Atlas, INEGI - Terms of UseCO 151 Has Not Yet DepartedFlight: (CO) Continental Airlines 151
Departure: (RDU) Raleigh/Durham Airport
Arrival: (IAH) George Bush Intercontinental Airport
Duration: 169 minutes

Status: Flight has not departed.

Tracking will begin upon departure.

Sign up for flight alerts to receive e-mails updating you about the status of this flight. Registration is required but it is completely free.

Black Rabbit said...

So why is my POSTCODE tied up with this particular flight and only this flight - the only search result upon GOOGLE for CO151FH?

Black Rabbit said...

So who is going to be on that flight and why?

MI6/5 had better start doing their 'stuff' and fast...

Maybe there is a bomb upon it...I do not know but I know that this is very the last stage of this ILL GAME...

Black Rabbit said...

...and because, so many years ago - MACDONALD had a 'go' at me for not warning the CIA about 9-11...even though he had CHECKED to see how the bombs worked in the basement and KNEW all about it beforehand (see previous notes)...and I had told members of both MI5 and MI6 that I had 'seen the images' of it - in 1997...anyway, this is now a public warning to all concerned...

CIA/FBI/AIRPORT SECURITY the whole lot of you (all interested parties)...the above flight is a very SUSPCIOUS one...I have no idea of what the ILL have planned but you had better check it out very carefully ineed.

Black Rabbit said...

It will be the BANKS won't it?

Those men in their SMOKEY GREEN room...telling OBAMA to do as they say or else...assassination time.

Remember the DOCTOR DEATH song that the CIA/FBI programmers sang to me - put on a tape and danced around the room...then POINTED out to me YELLOW PAGES and a list of banks...telling me that they were BANKROLLED by the lot of them...almost.

The BANKS dictated what the CIA/FBI did...

Black Rabbit said...

Here it is again:

Track status of CO 151 from Raleigh/Durham (RDU) to Houston (IAH)

28 Sep 2009 - On schedule
Estimated departure: 6:00 AM, Estimated arrival: 7:49 AM

Black Rabbit said...

Flight: (CO) Continental Airlines 151
Departure Date: Mon - Sep 28, 2009
Route: RDU to IAH
Equipment: Boeing 737-800 Passenger
Status: Scheduled - On Time.
On-time Rating: 4.8 of 5 View more Details

Black Rabbit said...

Here are some CUSTOMER COMMENTS left about this particular flight - I do not know - maybe they are important:

On-time Performance Rating Details Overall Rating
4.8 of 5
Very Good On-time:
Avg. Delay: 95%>
11 min
FlightStats Rating is a merit measurement considering both on-time performance and delay severity. The score, 4.8, shows that this flight has on-time performance characteristics better than 95% of all other flights in the FlightStats database.

On-time Performance
5.0 of 5
Very Good On-time: 95%
This flight has an on-time performance of 95%. Statistically, when controlling for sample size, this flight has on-time performance characteristics better than 100% of other flights.

Delay Performance
4.6 of 5
Very Good Avg. Delay: 11 min
This flight has an average delay of 11.0 minutes with a standard deviation of 25.6 minutes. Statistically, when controlling for sample size, standard deviation, and mean, this flight has delay performance characteristics better than 91% of other flights.

Black Rabbit said...

Route: Raleigh/Durham to Houston Route Ratings
Date Range: July 15, 2009 to September 15, 2009 This Route Time of Day
Flight: (CO) Continental Airlines 151 CO - Overall Rating
CO - Route Ratings
CO - Route Time of Day

Departure Airport: (RDU) Raleigh/Durham Airport

Departure City: Raleigh/Durham, NC, US On-time Performance Scorecard

Arrival Airport: (IAH) George Bush Intercontinental Airport

Arrival City: Houston, TX, US On-time Performance Scorecard

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...


This morning I noted the symbol of the 'soft C' in FRENCH.

I remember my first French teacher at LANGLEY JUNIORS who taught us how to write it by telling us to imagine drawing a 5 under the C...

Now I know that this also means C5 in ILL CULT code, for some reason but I haven't worked out what it means yet...

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - some 'disaster' was planned to happen upon that flight and RIMINGTON told me 'you remember too late'...and 'you get blamed for it'...


It hasn't taken off yet.

We should all blame YOU and the ROTHSCHILD, RIMINGTON - if you were both still alive...which you are NOT. So who carried it out then?

Black Rabbit said...

...and why?

Worst case scenario would be that somebody like OBAMA was lined up to be on that flight, I suppose...and the BANKERS have had enough of him...

Black Rabbit said...

Could this get any worse?

I have to be 'on the ball' now, don't I?

i 'knew' that when the ILL told me that the game was 'over' that it wouldn't be...and then I find this flight out - just in time.

Black Rabbit said...

They had told me that the game would be over - when I had found that photograph of the RING upon that dictionary...but of course, it was a LIE.

Black Rabbit said...

i remember now - in relation to OASIS experimenting with drugs and ODing...this wasn't exactly 'recreational' - it was more a case of trying to find out the right combo of drugs that would allow you to REMOTE-VIEW.

A bit of a let down to realise that it was that most common of drugs PENICILLIN - isn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

It makes me wonder about the CHINESE...whom SHANA had told me took ANTIBIOTICS like smarties and from childhood onwards...they could buy them over the counter...hence many young people with 'yellow teeth'...just like my own...

So how many CHINESE people/children have been remote-viewing then?

SHANA was of the opinion that they took far too many...nobody cared about 'dosage'...

I wonder about the CHINESE government now...did they know?

Anyway, one can see that a lot of let us say 'chaotic' remote-viewing must have been done by the CHINESE and all over China...through overdosing upon PENICILLIN.

Black Rabbit said...

A new comment to be moderated has turned up on the STELLA RIMINGTON blogspot:

Select: All, None
Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
Still it would be amusing to talk over old times w... Still it would be amusing to talk over old times with Stella.

The man with the white cat. The Nixon connection. Who are the heirs? Who got the Yacht.

The PenDragon endgame! The Anti...!Thoroughly!

And of course Alrak, with the wicked witch of the West. It might save time for him who must not be named.
Publish Reject (Anonymous) 27/09/09

Publish Reject

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so it doesn't make much sense to me at this point in time but maybe it will later on.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - I am beginning to remember now:

The first letter code is this (once pasted onto WORKS):

1.Still it would be amusing to talk over old times w... Still it

2.would be amusing to talk over old times with Stella.

3.The man with the white cat. The Nixon connection. Who are

4.the heirs? Who got the Yacht.

5.The PenDragon endgame! The Anti...!Thoroughly!

6.And of course Alrak, with the wicked witch of the West. It

7.might save time for him who must not be named.

Black Rabbit said...


As far as i can remember - MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER used the 'P' in publishing under the email too...they liked AMP for some reason...see previous MACDONALD references to amp and a ; for some reason...

Additionally, they pointed out to me, in the CIA SUITE:


This was to be their code.

Black Rabbit said...

'ano' - meaning YES in Czech...the first word was 'ano'.

Black Rabbit said...

So Sou-westers (TEMPLARS) and the TTT with 'amp' for some reason...

Black Rabbit said...

No joy on apart from images that won't open - for AMP on a YAHOO IMAGES SEARCH.

Highly suspicious.

Here is an example of a photograph that won't open:

Black Rabbit said...

Amp with Fisheye

What does AMP mean then - technical equipment or a girls' name?

Black Rabbit said...

I know that MACDONALD took the above photograph:


...and it was a big clue to something...

Black Rabbit said...

On a YAHOO IMAGE SEARCH - this girl looks like the young woman who lived across from me at the B&B - and I KNOW that this photograph was taken at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - after they had starved this 14 year old girl into the ground...

amp by andrew kuykendall

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the rest of the YAHOO IMAGES search for AMP;

amp by andrew kuykendall
amp tallboy ene...nk jpg
200 x 211 | 51k amp with fisheye
Gun Sydney
Twin Amp jpg
567 x 471 | 98k Twin Amp jpg
567 x 471 | 98k intro2 amp jpg
240 x 233 | 18k guitar and amp jpg
447 x 431 | 32k
amp 204ii jpg
400 x 206 | 14k AMP FIDDLER tif big jpg
422 x 472 | 31k 20050209 amp 02 amp jpg
150 x 113 | 4k AMP jpg
384 x 230 | 51k amp fiddler jpg
250 x 250 | 12k Amp3 jpg
174 x 170 | 27k FCSSETSG amp back jpg
859 x 900 | 102k
FCSSETSG amp jpg
900 x 316 | 54k FCSSETSG amp tubes jpg
900 x 324 | 42k FCSSETSG amp front jpg
896 x 900 | 230k SQBP TRD amp jpg
640 x 480 | 38k 160U 104 amp jpg
640 x 480 | 64k SQSE100 amp back jpg
480 x 640 | 71k SQBP BLK amp jpg
640 x 480 | 38k

Black Rabbit said...

Amp3 jpg
174 x 170 | 27k

The '3' denotes that 'fiddler' is under mind control.

So what does AMP mean?

Something to do with turning the sound up on your AMPLIFIER I suppose...or turning the sound up on your microchip...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that is the main point under consideration here:


I remember now - RIMINGTON knew that MICROCHIPS had been so extensively developed...that they would have been by this point in 2009...that she even told me that there would be no more need to ILLuminati-program people in order to make slaves of them.

The CHIPS would be powerful enough to control people without extensive torture, mind-splitting and compartmentalisation of the brain.

Black Rabbit said...

...but NOT witout the SATELLITE complex...which is not working...therefore the ILL have to rely upon RADIO TOWERS at this point in time...

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS had left this pic for me to have a look at:

It says ANDREW MARR to me.

'MEL' as they called him at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Here are his details:



3 Ventile
Messing lackiert
Bohrung: 11,7 mm
Schallbecher: 260 mm


PREIS: 899,00 EURO

Versilberte Ausführung AMP 204S:

PREIS: 998,00 EURO


Black Rabbit said...

This is all about SOUND WARFARE isn't it?


Black Rabbit said...

...and now for the 'Science' bit as I jokingly commented to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995:

Amp or AMP may refer to:


Adenosine monophosphate, a nucleotide found in RNA;

Ampere, a unit of electrical current;

Amplifier, a device that increases the amplitude of a signal;

Antimicrobial peptides, immune system peptides;

Amphetamine, a phenethyla
mine stimulant used for treatment of ADHD and certain sleep disorders;

Ampoule, a medical container
Ampicillin, a common antibiotics used in bacteria culture.

Black Rabbit said...

AMPICILLIN was that what my mother had given me to take to CHINA?...which I then took to ISRAEL later on...

I kept those RED/WHITE capsules for years...and never used them myself.

My mother had given me them out of her bottle...and poured them into a little PINK EGG CUP which she then tied CLINGFILM over...

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting the feeling that it was AMPICILLIN...

RIMINGTON had told me that I was allergic to PENICILLIN and must never ever take it again...I was 17 years old at the time...

However, my mother told me that this was nonsense when I told her that I might be allergic (RIMINGTON had made me take her pills and drink some vodka - in 1981 - which produced a rash)...and she gave me those RED/WHITE my mother was 'on' to something...and she knew I had to take them abroad (even though I wouldn't use them)...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA have singled out in RED:



Ampicillin is closely related to amoxicillin, another type of penicillin, and both are used to treat urinary tract infections, otitis media, uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae, salmonellosis and Listeria meningitis. It is used with flucloxacillin in the combination antibiotic co-fluampicil for empiric treatment of cellulitis; providing cover against Group A streptococcal infection whilst the flucloxacillin acts against the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. Of concern is the number of bacteria that become resistant to Ampicillin necessitating combination therapy or use of other antibiotics.

All Pseudomonas and most strains of Klebsiella and Aerobacter are considered resistant.[3]

Black Rabbit said...

Let me the top of my head...STREPTOCOCCI are a bacteria that 'hooks' into the back of your throat...

Now the ILL were working upon MICROCHIPS which would do a similar thing to STREPTOCOCCI...and guess what?

Ampicillin - can unhook STREPTOCOCCI and so one might hazard a guess that it can 'unhook' microchips...

Black Rabbit said...

Noun 1. Aerobacter - aerobic bacteria widely distributed in nature
genus Aerobacter
bacteria genus - a genus of bacteria
Aerobacter aerogenes - a species of Gram-negative aerobic bacteria that produce gas and acid from sugars and are sometimes involved in the souring of milk
Enterobacteriaceae, family Enterobacteriaceae - a large family of Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Black Rabbit said...

So this is resistant to AMPICILLIN...and reading through the definition of this type of needs 'air' to survive...and it reminded me of that strange 'sulphur belching' stomach upset that my mother had had for a many years, whilst we were all growing up...the 'souring of milk' made me think of it...

Black Rabbit said...

What on Earth is this strange advertisement about?

The image doesn't appear upon the website above (even though YAHOO IMAGES says that it does).

I will therefore transcribe the advertisement:

LEVITRA 20mg for only $4.44
VIAGRA 100mg for only $3.19
CIALIS 20mg for only $4.38

Also if you take a line of the BLUE LETTERS down the page as MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER had instructed me to do, you get:


Black Rabbit said...

...but I guess that I knew that anyway...TOMLINSON had become the ILL CULT 'MD' as in 'head doctor' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

Has anybody heard of LEVI-TRA and CIA-LIS before?

Black Rabbit said...

There might be some more codes here, I don't know...but I do know that this 'ad' was put together by MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER.

Black Rabbit said...

You can see the funniest ILL images upon this site - cartoons...why?

Black Rabbit said...

I know that the entire site was put together by MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER so it will be coded in relation to BIOLOGICAL far as I can remember it was used as 'teaching materials' for the TEMPLARS - note the LIZARD MAGICIAN with his 'magical CHEMISTRY' book upon the main site.

Black Rabbit said...

They have made this table literally impossible to copy - but the heading is:


So this would have been all about ILL PLANS relating to your local waterboard.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the list from the table of contents:


Our solutions
Oxidizing biodispersants
Chlorine releasers
BDS 6150
Bromine releasers
BDS 6600
BDS 6610
BDS 6650

BDS 6010
Non oxidizing BDS
BDS 6208
BDS 6220
BDS 6500
BDS 6950



Anaerobic bacteria
Aerobic capsulated bacteria
Other bacteria
Legionnairs disease
Bacteria cell structure
Bacterial slimes

The asiatic clam
The zebra mussel

Microbial population growth
The bioflims

What a biofilm is
Biofilm in the food industry
Problems with biofilm
SRB into biofilm
Biofilms in cooling water

Problems caused by microbial growth
Microbiologically influenced Cor
Bacterial corrosion
Differential aeration cells
Bioflims and differential aerati
Corrosion inhibitors into biofilm
SRB inside biofilm
Deposit problems
Are dangerous to human?
Wood deterioration

Against planktonic cells
The mechanism of microbiocidal action
Oxidising toxicants
Solid chlorine donors

Non oxidizing
Quaternary ammonium salts
Organosulfur compounds
Methylene bisthiocyanate
Other non oxidizing

Measurement techniques

Against biofilms
Chemical treatments
Physical treatments
Biofilm recovery

Table of contents
Binary fission diagram
Kingdom monera
Kingdom protista
Algae gallery
Blue algae
The diatoms

Bacteria gallery
Thiobacillus thiooxidans
Bacillus subtilis
Aerobacter aerogenes
Proteus vulgaris
Bacillus mycoides

Fungi gallery
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Torula herbarum

Our bacteria manual

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - each ILL person was given a name upon the above list...

TOMLINSON told me in 2004- that I wouldn't possibly be able to type them all down and get them all up here...and so I should just pick a few and type them up...HA HA.

Black Rabbit said...

i do not think that I need to add anymore to the above.

All I can say is this - if you want to know about TERRORIST behaviour and tactics using BIO-WARFARE...then this is the TEMPLAR HANDBOOK for you...

Black Rabbit said...

My post today:



Amount due: £0.00

Good - so it is being paid by HOUSING BENEFIT.

Black Rabbit said...

Letter 2:


change of payment

"How to pay this bill.

Your account has been passed to our ENFORCEMENT UNIT.

Please contact them on 0845 6002118 with your payment proposals.

Black Rabbit said...

The amount due is apparently:


Did TOMLINSON and PETRONELLA have anything to do with these 'meter reading' too, I wonder?

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, it is a surprise that the letter actually got here because the POST CODE upon it is:

CO15 1EX

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so on a GOOGLE SEARCH - it is an ELLIS road on the right road...not the right place.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, i now have the £20 payment slips at the back of the VEOLIA WATERBOARD letter which I can pay into the was BARCLAYS I suppose...I shall check back.

Black Rabbit said...

Letter number 3 is from CHP:

Enclosed is a CUSTOMER FEEDBACK survey - which I shall look at and complete later on.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just received another email from MELANIE DAY - she is going to send some more pay slips out - this isn't a problem - one can see that I will need more than the 3 that I received this morning in order to pay the whole debt off.

Dear Ms Gyde

Thank you for your email received into office today, the contents of which are noted.

As requested, I can confirm that I have amended the postcode for your billing address accordingly. I have arranged for a further set of £ 20.00 per month payment slips to be sent to you under separate cover; your first payment will be due on 05 October 2009.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact our office on 0845 600 2118.

Yours sincerely

Melanie Day
Enforcement Officer
Veolia Water East Ltd
Mill Hill, Manningtree, Essex CO11 2AZ
T: 0845 600 2118
F: 01206 399 212

Black Rabbit said...

So I have now paid off the first payslip to VEOLIA WATER and will email MELANIE DAY accordingly.

This had all been planned as part of the ILL GAME - not enough CASHIERS and a long queue of people who wanted to pay-in cash…small businesses, I suppose…JONATHAN EVANS’ lot are saying ‘businesses on the side’…meaning that they do not pay tax, I suppose…what does it matter? You have to get by somehow these days…and nobody looked wealthy.

I then remembered how RIMINGTON had told me ‘I have put the couple in behind you to annoy you - you cannot stand their loud voices’…and they were LOUD…

I suppose that on OLANZAPINE…I would have felt claustrophobic…that coupled with what I now realise was supposed to happen today…the upping of the AMPS as in ‘noise levels’…

I went around in 2004...upon this day…asking people if the ‘noise levels’ had gone up in CLACTON…everything seemed to be 10 times amplified or more…every single noise you could imagine.

It as all designed to send me stark-staring crazy…and unable to pay in the £20 payslip at the BARCLAYS BANK counter - being unable to stand in such a long queue for such a long time…with so much NOISE going on around me…the couple behind….the TV set on the wall…news constantly on and talking about various DISASTERS around the world…and the slow-moving queue of people paying in massive wads of money…


Here is the email that I have just sent to VEOLIA WATERBOARD:


The second post brought the PAYSLIPS - even though VEOLIA WATERBOARD’s postcode for myself was wrong - the letter was sent to CO15 1EX (which is ELLIS ROAD but not the BELLE COURT complex which is just off the road).

The correct Royal Mail postcode is a new one CO15 1FH (BELLE COURT is a ‘new build’ behind the TRAVELODGE)…but the post office employee knew where to redirect the mail, so all is good.

Therefore, I have just paid in the first £20 at BARCLAYS BANK today - 28th September 2009.

I will pay in my next payslip upon the 25th October 2009.

I am very grateful to you for having made this whole process so easy.

Best regards


Black Rabbit said...

So RIMINGTON (and the ROTHSCHILD) had decided to up the 'decibels' somehow - by using the microchips that I had been microchipped with...I have no idea how they did it...but they did it in 2004.

Black Rabbit said...

All I knew was the 'street noise' was blaring out at me...and from every direction...I could hear a crisp packet, rattling away down the street as it was blown by the wind...even somebody coughing or sneezing was a massive amount of noise...

Black Rabbit said...

So this is what MACDONALD had been referring to as AMP control - in relation to what would happen to me today...

Okay - so it had many other ILL meanings too...the ILL use a word and/or image and then have layer upon layer of meaning for the whole lot...but in this particular this stage in the ILL GAME that they were forcing me to meant NOISE.

UPPING THE AMPS via microchip.

Black Rabbit said...

Luckily - the PRINCE OF MONACO and his associates...had had the worst microchips taken out and from my WISDOM TEETH.

Therefore the above didn't happen today.

In fact, I could 'hear' the ALLO ALLO TEAM (who had been guiding me through this point in the future) - telling me to be as they calm as they feel their strength...because I was now as STRONG as they were...

it was a tricky business...but I held strong...I wanted to be as STRONG as they were...

Black Rabbit said...

...despite the flashbacks to 2004.

Black Rabbit said...

So it could have gone either way, today...let me tell you.

I am a STRESSED OUT individual but I had a 'model' to work on and that was the ALLO ALLO TEAM to pull me through it.

Black Rabbit said...

MELANIE DAY is a PURE GENIUS at VEOLIA to have got the whole thing through - so smoothly.


Also PC GREEN - he was so much cleverer than me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...kept it hidden...we made plans for the future...I remote-viewed it...we plotted it out...and he took it as it came...walking along HARWICH promenade etc...

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