Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

In ILL understanding of SIRIUS - it simply means - human being tortured out of their mind - and after so many years of torture -they begin to turn to the LEFT HAND PATH...

SUN in your head means GOLD and 'soul in mind' -a healthy human being.

SIRIUS in your head means RED and 'soul dying in your head - like a star going out' - a non-healthy human being who is about to 'go out' and become a complete robot.

Black Rabbit said...

Amadeus knew what was happening to the JESUITS...but he didn't describe them as DYING (RED) STARS to me...he didn't tell me anything.

I have to draw my own conclusions in relation to what I saw, in his flat.

All I can talk about is the fact that this projected image of a programmed RED-EYED BLACK DOG was well-known to the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY in 1980 (see previous notes).

Black Rabbit said...

RED-EYED DOGS are GUARD-DOGS and their master is the only one that can call them off...

AMADEUS knew that...

So why did the BEIT DIN blame me for not being able to 'call off' TOMLINSON? (See previous notes).

Even AMADEUS who knew far more than the JESUITS who turned up (after waiting for his call)...didn't know how to handle 'red-eyed black dogs' once they were in his room and alone with him...

He had to rely upon our help; in the CIA make sure that the situation was to his advantage.

Black Rabbit said...

Sunday morning...

I had a couple of odd dreams last night…firstly something that MARTIN GILL had asked me to find out - what had happened to the mother of an JOOISH girlfriend of his - this family had lived down St Bernards Road and my mother had always said how much she liked and admired this woman.

Apparently the mother had committed suicide.

Last night - I went back to this period of time and found RIMINGTON saying that she was going to get rid of her - as simple as that. I then saw this mother in her bath - under the water. She looked entirely peaceful - her hair had white stuff in it - either dye or conditioner. She looked like she had just slipped below the water rather than being pushed.

Additionally, I had an image of my father’s WARDROBE for some reason and woke up wondering about what had happened…it must have been pills - just like what RIMINGTON had done to me, here in this bedroom in 2004. How I had taken the pills without question - because I was so miserable - and then had my stomach pumped by the POLICE (all on the other side of the mirror).


I then thought that even if my father had supplied the pills - it was RIMINGTON who had wanted this woman dead.

I also thought about her in relation to my own mother - how my mother had nearly died at roughly the same time - after she had had her gall bladder out - including a full hysterectomy (RIMINGTON had then programmed her to commit suicide by stabbing the infected stitches down her stomach). I began to wonder about ‘lizard-brain’ RIMINGTON and whether she decided to kill women as they were about to hit the menopause.

I then thought about how sometimes I used to pass this mother - around the mere - she often walked her dogs there and how sometimes she said ‘hello’ although we had never formally met. We knew who each other was - vaguely. I then thought about where I could remember passing her on the path - and it was at different points where I had then ‘imagined’ the magician handing me things…I was always thinking up ideas for stories…and I had imagined ‘john waters’…handing me the ‘cloak of invisibility’ at one of these points. I then wondered if this woman had been part of his network? A telepathic network…

Black Rabbit said...

I also began to think about the MOON…and how this is related to the SHEKINAH…the power of the MOON…I also looked at how the REV MOON in 1980...had told KATHLEEN and I - how his country had been raped like a woman, by the ILL…had deeply humiliated and hurt he had been, by all of this…and he had then taught us the ‘bond of love’ within his secret garden…so he was building up a ‘resistance network’ to the ILL CULT too…and whilst he was supposed to be programming their slaves.

I thought about LADY DIANA and how she was supposed to have been sacrificed to the MOON goddess DIANA/ARTEMIS under that bridge in PARIS…

I then ‘saw’ what the KOREANS/CHINESE thought was going to happen…their remote-viewers who had understood it all…and I was given an image of ‘sky dragon flying across the MOON’…and I thought again about how CHINESE CULTURE is the ‘longer line’…how it understands more about the world than ABRAHMIC religions…the power of the EAST (MOON) against the self-destructive impulses of the WEST (SUN)…two principalities at work here…

For the last couple of nights, the MOON has appeared to be much closer to the Earth than is normal…so large in the sky…a late August MOON…and then I thought of the solistice which is supposed to be around the 21st of September…

Anyway, I then got up and went to the toilet (TOMLINSON’S ‘throne’ at the beginning of the corridor) and found that somebody had taken one of my PLASTIC tampon cases OUT of the plastic container (that I had bought) and thrown it into the toilet - and then peed on it. They had then left down the seat - presumably, in order for me to find it.

I hadn’t mentioned this one before…but AMADEUS had warned me NOT to leave TAMPON cases in the plastic containers in the toilets because he didn’t want the ILL to know that I was still menstruating. It was for my safety.

However, a few days ago I left a TAMPON CONTAINER in that plastic container and I am sure that it was related to the above - I was now ‘safe’ and I could flaunt the fact that I was still menstruating, in the faces of the ILL and their slaves.

THE 13 MOONS - and the 13 periods which is a woman has, annually…the power of the MOON.

It was important to inform the ‘lizard-brains’ at this point - that I still had the power of FERTILITY…that I still had this connection to the MOON.

Black Rabbit said...

Last night I also got some images back of what had happened to the LIFT up to the SPACE PLATFORM…

I also ‘saw’ AMADEUS and OBAMA together - they were remote-viewing everything in another COMPUTER SUITE…and so had taken whatever drug it was…which promoted this sort of ‘sight’…they were both at computers.

I asked them what had happened to the rest of them…MACDONALD, SWISS CONTROLLER, MARK R, ROS and TOMLINSON…

They appeared to think that MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER were still alive…I told them that I thought that MARK R was…NIKOLAS had told me…and I had already heard on the MOSSAD network that he was alive but hidden away…I didn’t know about ‘john waters’ but I am sure that I had seen him a couple of years ago.

They then told me that ROS and TOMLINSON had been left on the SPACE PLATFORM when the LIFT SHAFT had been hit by ISRAELI JETS…and damaged - they couldn’t get down.

As if turned out - the top of the LIFT SHAFT appeared to be a sort of ‘docking point’ for all of the ILL FAMILY satellites’…whether they were large enough to carry personnel or not…and there was only one LIFT SHAFT in existence, at that point in time. Once it had been damaged - this meant that anybody up there would potentially starve to death…unless as AMADEUS put it a ‘docking ship’ was available to get them out. He was rather ambiguous about that one but explained that the SPACE PLATFORM and SATELLITES had been sent up there but NO plans had been made to take them down again. That one had simply been missed out in the greediness of the ILL to get them up there in the first place. That meant that they couldn’t come down of their own accord - they would simply crash.

Black Rabbit said...

I then asked MR PUTIN what was going on…and he was very difficult to track down indeed - my ‘connection’ to him - now seemed to be faulty. He was hiding.

Eventually I ‘found’ him and bizarrely enough - he was dressed in some RED robe that he was taking off…he complained of having been made to wear this ‘mantle’ by the ILL - he called it FATHER CHRISTMAS. He had become the new top of the ILL CULT. He also showed me a list of ILL FAMILIES who had bought SATELLITES in order to control their slaves, come the NOW.

He complained that it was a list of 100s and that the ILL CHINESE families were giving him the most grief about the whole project. For his own part - they were trying to shoot down the ILL SATELLITES but this took time…it all had to be covered up - a way from PUBLIC view…and so the location of the crashed satellite had to be planned carefully in advance…otherwise they might crash to Earth and fall anywhere - upon a main city, for example.

I looked at the list - it was of about 2 pages - and the first name upon the list was CHERTOV. Somehow I ‘knew’ that this name was the one that the ROTHSCHILDS used as a pseudonym.

I then got back to AMADEUS who told me that PUTIN was currently the problem…he appeared to be unwilling to give up the mantle of the RA CULT and wasn’t shooting those satellites down quickly enough.

Black Rabbit said...

Early this morning…I also had ‘flashes’ of meeting the actress who played the wife of the ‘Englishman’ in ITALY - who gets beguiled into mafioso dealings by the JOHN MALKOVITCH character…what was the name of the film?

The actress was interviewed and you can watch this interview upon the DVD - where she does a brilliant imitation of ROS. Quite unmistakeable. Something that MARK R had requested all of the actors/actresses who starred in that movie, to do (watch the taped interviews of his ILL SLAVES pretending to be the main actors/actresses and then copy their mannerisms etc)…for reasons of his own.

At any rate - she used to be the ‘date’ of the SWISS CONTROLLER now and then - they were friends - OBAMA also knew her well.

She also appeared to be having something of a ‘stand-off’ with ROS. I can remember her asking me if I wanted to live with her - she then went and told ROS that we would be living together…whereupon ROS asked her wearily ‘when will you make up your mind?’. As if ROS had been in a relationship with her beforehand but the woman had then got cold feet about living together. It was all very odd but I can now see that this woman was most probably MI6 and spying on the lot of them…and the above is why she could do such a perfect imitation of ROS…she knew her so well.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, I got flashes of OBAMA telling me that I should come back to AMERICA…that I would be safest there…and he gave me images of SHAMANS’ HUTS…or that type of HUT that I remember seeing upon the beaches or close by…during our visit to HAWAII.

He appeared to want me to live in one of them…why? I do not understand why I was given those specific images but it must be for a reason…

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about the range of an ISRAELI JET - was it possible to shoot these ILL satellites down with a JET? I suppose that it must be...

Additionally, I could see that the damage to the lift shaft was longer functional at all.

The ILL - in their haste and their greed - hadn't got a PLAN B for anything...

Black Rabbit said...

What else did I see?

I saw that there was a 'docking ship' of sorts - which appears to have got the 'crew' off the SPACE PLATFORM but then various satellites started to fire at it...I suppose they must have thought that it was an 'alien craft' up in the sky and started to shoot with lasers by default...and the docking ship started to smoke as it began its descent but I think that it landed safely in the sea...but not sure.

I asked AMADEUS and OBAMA - they told me that they had no idea.

Black Rabbit said...

I continued to question them and they told me that the location of the ship was too far away for help to get there in time - they figured that everybody would have died.

Black Rabbit said...

The above is the new BLOG OF NOTE this morning.

It has two GUINEAPIGS at the top of the page. A light brown one and a white one - holding a carrot in their mouths, between them.

I knew that there was something that I had forgotten to mention…

In 2004 - after SCARLETT had told me to open the FRENCH WINDOWS of the breakfast room (they are just behind my table by the window) and walk out into the garden…

A very similar thing had happened…as to what had happened yesterday…I had heard the GUINEAPIG rustling under the FUSCHIA BUSH and then she had sprinted into the breakfast room and into the corridor…I was immediately in trouble with the owner (in case somebody opened the front door and the guineapig got out on the road)…however the guineapig was recaptured and put back into the hutch or garden…I do not know which.

I then realised what had happened…in a nutshell:

We had all been programmed as GUINEAPIGS from a very early age…I could remember the FRENCH WINDOWS of the house in BLACKHEATH - 2 St Austell Road…we used to run across them as children, in the summer-time…in and out of the garden.

The FRENCH WINDOWS had been closed to the ILL PROGRAMMING GARDEN within this B&B.

The GUINEAPIGS within the garden - in their hutch - represented our CHILDHOOD MEMORIES of ILL ABUSE.

Once that little GUINEAPIG had escaped her hutch….and then made a run for it - over the FRENCH WINDOWS and into the HOUSE in meant that I would get all of my memories back…from early childhood. My memories of being a ‘guineapig’ of the ILL - as a very young child.

Presumably, SCARLETT had wanted me to get those memories back…he wanted the whole thing exposed…the PINK PLANET…whatever ‘john waters’ and RIMINGTON had been up to…everything.

Black Rabbit said...

...and this BLOG OF NOTE appears to contain 'lookalikes' of the aforementiond ACTRESS and the SWISS CONTROLLER (when young)...

So did they get married in the end?

Did it all end 'happily'?

...perhaps this BLOG OF NOTE was simply to remind me of their friendship and involvement in everything...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

...and this BLOG OF NOTE appears to contain 'lookalikes' of the aforementiond ACTRESS and the SWISS CONTROLLER (when young)...

So did they get married in the end?

Did it all end 'happily'?

...perhaps this BLOG OF NOTE was simply to remind me of their friendship and involvement in everything...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

There is also what appears to be a little SILVER TABBY kitten on, POPPY was the very first cat that my mother had...she was a half-breed silver tabby...and she used to sit on my pram in the garden of 2 St Austell Road.

Black Rabbit said...

What is it about CARROTS then?

...and the TARTAN...

...the ORANGE and the GREY...and the WHITE...

Black Rabbit said...

Look at the first 'notes' as in comments left upon this site and you get OBERON posting:

Oberon said...
...we have the same name...i invite you to join globalove think tank.

Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:30:00 PM

Black Rabbit said...

Look at the first 'notes' as in comments left upon this site and you get OBERON posting:

Oberon said...
...we have the same name...i invite you to join globalove think tank.

Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:30:00 PM

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know - the last time I saw OBERON aka 'FERENGI' - he was holed up in his den underground - beside his destroyed ROTHSCHILD mansion...

Black Rabbit said...

Who got cast as ARIEL then?

arielsmiles said...
Congratulations on your engagement and the blog of note!

Seeing someone younger than 25 making it as a blog of note gives me hope! haha :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:59:00 AM EDT

Black Rabbit said...

Most probably DALDRY I would have thought...

I remember commenting upon this SHAKESPEARIAN character within my dissertation upon JARMAN and observing that within a modern context - ARIEL appeared to be the 'gay servant' of PROSPERO...I might also add the top remote-viewer....the 'spirit'.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember in PRAGUE 1995 - DALDRY told me that he loved weddings - never missed one...a good time had by all.

Black Rabbit said...

So what happened?

I went for a walk and the images came back - of what I had remote-viewed:

TOMLINSON and ROS put on their oxygen cylinders and suits - they knew that they might need them on impact.

However, once they had hit the sea - not far off the coastline and so not that far down below…they then had to open the door…and the water pressure was so massive that it knocked them back against the walls and the oxygen cylinders were crushed…TOMLINSON remained conscious and telepathically contacted ROS who told him that she was not conscious…extraordinary what you can do in terms of telepathy…she was a tiny red light’ in her mind…so he pulled off his oxygen cylinders and then hers….and pulled her up to the surface and trod water until help arrived…he kept telepathically telling ROS to rid her lungs of water but she kept on refusing telepathically…she had lost the will to live ‘don’t want to’…anyway, they were rescued and taken to one of those SHAMAN’S HUTS…where ROS was resuscitated…after this horror, it was rather like being dunked in MARSCAPONE’s pool…she had no memories of anything, whatsoever…complete amnesia but that seemed to be the only problem…

As far as I know MACDONALD appeared to be in charge of the operation or at least the ‘rescue operation’…

The other people up in satellites, were not so fortunate.

Black Rabbit said...

MI6 appear to be laughing 'we knew the ZOHAN would survive'...

Black Rabbit said...

The suits and oxygen cylinders were meant for the space platform and NOT for underwater - far too heavy.

Black Rabbit said...

The BI network are now saying 'JAMES BOND and his BOND GIRL'...

Black Rabbit said...

I went for another walk this morning…AMADEUS wanted me to do a couple more things…

I thought back to RIK ALLEN’s reaction (I had picked up telepathically) when he heard what the ISRAELI JETS had done in relation to the LIFTSHAFT to the SPACE STATION…‘fucking Israelis’…and my angry reaction to him…

First up - they were ISRAELI JETS but not the pilots…as far as I know, they were Russian pilots…

Secondly IF the ‘liftshaft’ hadn’t been hit and incapacitated - then the ILL would have gone ahead with all of their plans…and therefore I angrily rejected ALLEN’s ‘English Patient’ reaction to the above….so you would sacrifice the world to save a couple of people? You should not be allowed any leadership roles or any involvement in military decision-making…

It is an interesting conundrum though - as E M FORSTER pointed out - that he hoped he would save his friend when given the choice between his friend (read ‘partner’) and his country…

So I got very angry with this type of ENGISH PATIENT point of view…so you want us all to end up microchipped robotic slaves? Just to save the people that you loved? Who would end up even more enslaved and robotic than before, anyway…so you think that I am a ‘2 year-old Israeli robot’ with no ‘heart’? F*** off.

I was then asked why I hadn’t ‘helped’ ROS by telling her to ‘hang on’…TOMLINSON was supposed to do doing that…and he was doing that…I had been given strict instructions as an ‘FBI WATCHER’…NOT to interfere in any way at all…just to watch and note everything…remember the last time that I ‘interfered’ and a MAFIA BOSS got shot? Nobody wanted to take any chances…

This makes me think about who is a good leader within the military…obviously those who can take the above decisions - and I had agreed with the decision taken above - before I knew whether it would be successful (and only those two were saved - the rest died as far as I am aware)…and I wonder if that isn’t something to do with not having the depth of emotional ties that others seem to have…I have saved my mother’s life before now…but if it came to saving the whole world from SATANIC slavery by the ILL CULT…I think that I know which way I would jump…but you can never be sure, I suppose - and it would be sod’s law that I now remember something which makes me re-think the whole lot.

I have a little bit more to add - the person who ended up blaming himself the most, for what happened to ROS was MACDONALD…who was virtually begging her to remember something, in that SHAMAN’S HUT…he had been in control of the entire rescue operation.

Black Rabbit said...

Of course it wasn't his fault - he had picked them up so fast - that this had been the reason why ROS had survived and still with a fully functioning brain/body.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, AMADEUS wanted me to do something specific - to clear out a few more programming objects upon the promenade by the sea - on the way to JAYWICK.

First up there was a very long plank of wood that had been balanced against a wooden fence - upon a CONCRETE platform by the promenade…RIMINGTON had told me that it was my CROSS…’son of G-d’ programming and that I had to pick it up and walk with it and then put it back again. Today I laid it out ‘dead’ on the CONCRETE and threw a long green grass off of the platform as well…I then saw that somebody had put a large GREY SLATE (‘blank slate’ programming) on top of the platform…and so I took that off and tried to break it on the promenade…it was just a bit too thick to do so and I could only chip bits off it, after several attempts. So I left it on the promenade for the MASONS to pick up…knowing as I did so that SCARLETT had specifically chosen that width of slate…so that I wouldn’t be able to shatter that BLANK SLATE programming…and I knew whose it was…ROS…her ‘blank slate’ state of being.

Why did SCARLETT think that this was necessary? Because remote-viewers know what they are capable of handling, in terms of their memories and when they are not capable of assimilating those memories into consciousness…ROS had reached saturation point…and had made a decision NOT to remember anything…it was her survival instinct which had kicked in…and SCARLETT had felt that it was best to respect that decision and not to try to get her to ‘wake up’ - no matter what information she might have had to add to what he already knew.

Black Rabbit said...

MI6 being ethical - what next?

Black Rabbit said...

I then had a couple more things to do…as I walked past ILL SLAVES who were now registering that the NWO was officially finished…however, a lot of new objects had been dumped into the YACHTING POOL and I recounted them to AMADEUS who told me that they were the ILL’s last stand and basically sabre-rattling when they didn’t even have sabres to rattle anymore…

I then continued to walk anti-clockwise around the pier…avoiding the ‘dodgy plank’ which had a GREEN carton upon it…RIMINGTON had picked the weakest one out…and I was supposed to use my PSI power to make it break, as I trod on it…anyway, it didn’t happen (and I didn‘t tempt fate by treading upon it).

I was told to count the FISHERMEN at the end of the pier but this was a usual ‘counting game’…let me explain…AMADEUS wanted to know periodically ‘how many whatever’ you can see…in order to make sure that the future around myself, within the environment…was the same one that we had seen whilst in the CIA SUITE, all of those years ago…it was a quick checking device to make sure that nobody had changed the future, whilst we weren’t looking, so to speak…

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention the two ORANGE games that were on the PIER today - one was a blow-up NOAH’S ARK for children to play upon…with the FOX painted at one of the windows of the ARK…AMADEUS told me to look at all of the animals painted upon the interior…there was a BULL’s HOUSE in the middle - a BULL with a RING through his nose….now that would be TOMLINSON and his ilk, no?

There was also a BLACK PANTHER and a GREY one too…how odd…and GREEN BIRD…and a CROCODILE/ALIGATOR and so on…all a bit peculiar…

This related to RAY FISHWICK and his NOAH programming…

I had asked DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995 (as I had asked DABYDEEN in 1991):

“Are you a NOAH/KNOWER?”

ILL- CULT speak for ‘knowing’ the whole ILL picture.

This directly related to ZIONISM.

I have also forgotten to mention that before I got onto the PIER - I went to the ILL wishing well - up on the promenade looking down upon the PIER…the one with the PALM TREES(SATELLITES) all around it - and saw that somebody had placed a 20 SILVER PENCE and 1 PENCE upon the grid under the water, within the well.

AMADEUS said ‘take the 20p out’ and so I did.


The 1p represented QUEEN ELIZABETH II.

I questioned AMADEUS - why not take them both out?

He replied that HER MAJESTY’S FORCES had been long engaged in a covert battle with the ILL CULT since the TEMPLAR CASTLE and that it was therefore best to leave her in there.

So I wondered what I should do with the SILVER 20P and approached the PIER…to see a RED BIN…and the ‘regiment’ shouted - throw it in - so I did.

I should also have mentioned that the other day - when I walked into the B&B ILL programming garden…somebody had taken the RED ROBOT vacuum cleaner apart…and had dumped the RED bottom of it, on a chair in the garden…emptied of dust, I assume…today, it is now back on the top of the first staircase - ready to use again - with the BLACK top back on its head but it’s ‘limbs’ as in the hose and hoover nozzle - have all been dislocated.

Black Rabbit said...

I have also to mention that over the past 24 hours...I have heard MARK R in a 'child alter'...moaning about how his brilliant project (ILL FAMILY satellites) had all come to an end...he was mourning the loss of the whole NWO 'satellite people controller' GALILEO project...

Black Rabbit said...

Oddly enough - he had programmed me to pick up his frequency upon the RIGHT rather than the LEFT...

Therefore he had programmed me with this in 2001...

...because in 1994 when he was in 'good guy' mode...was that JEKYLL or HYDE I forget...he had decided to put in his frequencies to the LEFT because the ILL MONARCHY/ROTHSCHILDS had used the RIGHT for theirs...

I have no idea why the above is important but AMADEUS said that I should make mention of it.

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' says:

"...he'll get over it..."

I suppose MARK R is now in 'recover stage' in terms of having his brain stitched back together.

Black Rabbit said...

When I look at the ASHKENAZIM who haven't had their brains stitched back together...I began to wonder about how they believed that the centre of the Earth was a 'black hole' where the DEVIL lived...

I then realised that somebody had probably 'burnt out' the godspot in the centre of their brains...

Surely it must be possible to reactivate this?

Black Rabbit said...

I still do not quite get the NAZI vision of the 'centre of the Earth' which was populated by an underground civilization - but I am sure that this was all ILL programming too...PUTIN had been a victim of it.

So what was this type of programming all about then?

Had the centre of their brains been shattered into so many different 'cells' that they then believed that they had a whole 'community' in the centre of their brains - the centre of the Earth?

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought back to my recurring childhood dream - which I was to tell ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER about in 1997 on WARWICK UNIVERSITY CAMPUS (BANK HOLIDAY when nobody was about - it was all closed)...

I told her of being upon a SWING high up above the EARTH but wanting to find my parents and so I used my mental energy to guide the swing down to Earth and got off it...however there were these thin white celestial 'cords' which tried to trap me but I could cut them...and walk as a free 'child' upon the Earth...but sooner or later the Earth would drag me down...and I would fall through blackness - I could 'see' my route- through the centre of the Earth and out again...not at all scary just weird...and then end up on the surface of the MOON...which appeared to be on the other side of the Earth.

I would then tend to scare a few 'skeletons' around who lived in the craters and then walk back...until I got to the desert...and then vegetation...and then a massive mountain range...

EMB knew what I was talking about - or in parts - she told me that this was what they had done (as childhood programming visualisations)...and that the mountain range was probably an image of the CAUCASIAN MOUNTAINS.

She told me that I had frightened the skeletons because I was such a 'strong spirit' but I have no idea what she meant by that...

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder now about the woman who lived up SAINT BERNARDS...

My mother hated almost all SOLIHULL women without exception...even her friends...but MRS BROOKS and I cannot remember the name of the woman who lived a few houses away...but she had nothing but good to say about them...and I never knew either of were they the REBEL group...put together by 'john waters'?

Black Rabbit said...

So at any rate - it wasn't suicide it was MURDER.

That is all I can say and now you know whodunnit - RIMINGTON and how she met her ignominous end in a room in MARSCAPONE's GREEN TOWER, NY.

Black Rabbit said...

When I started to tell DALDRY in 1995, that 'crying wolf' was a bad idea because you could do it so many times and afterwards nobody believed you...

Was I talking about the 'perennial practical joke' of the ALIEN LIZARDS threat?

Yes, I had seen a planet - filled with creatures that approximiated what some people might call 'humanoid lizards' and so all one can say is that JOKING about it... the SOE had done in relation to the ROCKEFELLERS and then 'john waters' had done in relation to the ROTHSCHILDS/BUSH family... can call WOLF so many times...and then you disarm people - in relation to if the real WOLF then comes along...

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to SNAKES and DRAGONS...

...the ILL had demonised both of these in relation to describing those who had woken up to ILL ABUSE as SNAKES...and those who could remote-view as DRAGONS...

So one has to be quite careful as to how one views these symbols...

Although one can say quite matter-of-factly that a LIZARD 'extension' to one's personality is NOT a good thing.

Black Rabbit said...

If you have got a TATTOO of a 'lizard' upon your body - NOW is the time to remove it.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember how I had saved a baby lizard from drowning in my father's swimming pool in had been one of those 'hot-sun-wall-lizards' and had fallen in...the first time...

I picked up a net and saved it...the little lizard's lungs were pumping wholesale and you could see it within its torso - half of the body...

I have no idea of what it was thinking or where it was 'at'...lizards do not actually have 'brainwaves' in an active sense - they do not 'think' they just 'survive'...

Anyway, I told TOMLINSON about the above event and how peculiar it was...and he just said to me "tell them about it - it will be a good thing"...but I didn' I suppose he did...

At any rate, the very idea that I could save this brainless species of 'survivors' was something that TOMLINSON figured would go well with those at the TEMPLAR CASTLE with inflamed LIZARD BRAINS.

Black Rabbit said...

Monday morning - 31st Aug.

A random memory came back of why RIMINGTON had wanted us to light a bonfire down the garden at night - then dance around it as a family…this had coincided with her trying to kill my tortoise HUFFY but not managing it - he could retreat too far back into his shell…she therefore put him on top of this bonfire.

The next morning - my mother found the bonfire ashes - and the shell. She figured that HUFFY had crawled in there for warmth from one of her other bonfires and then got burnt alive.

That was the sickness of RIMINGTON’s mind - that is what she used to do to children - she murdered their pets. She then tried to make you feel responsible - as if it had been your fault (see previous notes and the side-passage door left open and the bassethound which subsequently got run over - but didn’t really - RIMINGTON had taken him out to the countryside with DALDRY and a shotgun)…

Black Rabbit said...

Last night a large amount came back and in two parts.

Firstly I found out why ROS had given up the will to live.

Whilst on the SPACE STATION and alone with TOMLINSON - she had started to regain her memories. Her mother had died when she was young. ROS had been programmed to believe that she was responsible for her mother’s death. She told TOMLINSON this. He told her ‘so you murdered your mother - get over it.’

She couldn’t bear it. Hurtling towards Earth in a docking ship is one thing - having to deal with the belief that you either murdered your mother or were responsible for her death, is another.

I can understand why I meekly took the pills that RIMINGTON gave me - in order to overdose, within this ROOM 14 in 2004 - RIMINGTON had made me believe that I had caused the death of my mother by ringing her mobile phone whilst she was driving. That is the sort of belief that can make you give up the will to live.

In point of fact - I then remote-viewed what had happened to ROS - RIMINGTON and SCARLETT had done something terrible to her mother - her mother was on the floor and in agony - ROS was nothing but a terrorised child - rooted to the spot - unable to move - watching her mother’s death. She was NOT responsible but she was made to feel ‘complicit’ because she was too terrified to move.

When ROS remembered what had happened - she couldn’t ‘see’ her programmers in the room and so she believed that she was a selfish, evil little girl who had watched her mother die and hadn’t fetched help.

After that one - it is a downward spiral - the ILL keep on telling you how evil you are - and they make you do terrible things - you do them because you believe that this is what your ‘real character’ is but it is NOT.

Last night - I realised how one could reverse this ‘downward spiral’. One simply had to imagine a spiral of light and walk up it…once at the top - a LIGHT came on at the godspot as it were…or the top of the KUNDALINI SNAKE - the top of the spiral lit up again…you could reactivate the most important part of your brain…the ‘centre of the Earth’.

If ROS is to recover her memories - then her terrorised ‘inner child’ has to be made to understand that she was in no way responsible for her mother’s death.

This is the biggest BLOCK to recovery from ILL programming. This is the ‘BUZZER’ that they put into their ILL slaves and press it - every time the slave gets out of order - it produces almost instant memory loss. The child cannot cope - the psyche fragments - it splits.

The death of a parent is the wickedest card that the ILL can play - and with some people, they save it up for a long time…with others, they play it early on…and they always play it the same way…they blame the death of the parent upon the child or ‘child alter’.

Black Rabbit said...

I then looked at TOMLINSON and I ‘knew’ what had happened to his real father - as a child - he had been held and forced to watch as the ILL cut his tongue out and then murdered him. TOMLINSON couldn’t go near that memory again - he had been told that he was responsible for his father’s torture and murder because he had been a ‘rabbit’ about the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about TOBY MACKLIN and his mother’s death from an aneurysm and how I had suspected TOMLINSON of having something to do with it - the wrong thing to say - obviously he would have been made to feel complicit but it would have been RIMINGTON and the ‘ferengi’ behind it.

His stepfather also died - that year in PRAGUE…and TOBY MACKLIN went back for the funeral…again that would have been a RIMINGTON situation - designed to press the most dreadful ‘buzzer’ of all.

I was also implicated within this - I was told that because I had ‘cursed’ the people who were harming me at that DTO - that I was responsible for the ‘deaths of those fathers…untrue. Nothing to do with me but this is how the ILL operate - they try to hook as many people into feeling guilty as possible, for what they have done.

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about the family up SAINT BERNARDS and the mother who was found dead in her bath…and wondered if RIMINGTON hadn’t given her the same treatment as she had given ROS as a child and myself in 2004...maybe this poor woman also believed that she had been responsible for her mother’s death.

Also the daughter of this woman - would have been made to feel responsible for her mother’s ‘suicide’ - but luckily she knew that the whole thing was suspicious and didn’t take this ILL blame as deeply as she might have done.

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought of PC GREEN and the death of his mother - he told me that he couldn’t remember much about that time at all…

I thought about DALDRY and his father dying when he was 16 years old and again, he couldn’t remember that much about that time at all…

I also thought of what AMADEUS had told me about the PRINCE OF MONACO and the death of GRACE KELLY - he said that the PRINCE was such a small boy at the time that the ILL had figured that the ‘parent-child’ bond was too strong and they just kept him away from the events…he was too fragile to be made to feel complicit within what was indubitably her murder - they wanted to keep him on as a key player in the ILL CULT.

I then remembered AMADEUS saying that GRACE KELLY had in fact, been born in England and had lived there until she was 11 years old. She then moved to the USA - he didn’t say how. So we can say that GRACE KELLY had been ILL-programmed and then run as a ‘BRITISH SPY’ abroad. Her handlers then decided to murder her, later on. MI6 has the documentation to prove this. The ‘handlers’ appear to have been connected to the FURNITURE that AMADEUS had pointed out…was it LITTLE & CO - the chair that MURDOCH had sat on in the room before the one in which the ROUND TABLE/TEMPLARS met in NEW YORK.

Black Rabbit said...

Last night - as I was going through the above in my mind - I saw MACDONALD stand up - and there was an immense amount of ‘golden energy’ in his head…and he said ‘I AM A MAN’…he was standing outside of the SHAMAN’S HUT upon that coast-line…he had realised what was going on…he had healed the child/adult alter split…and rather like 100th monkey syndrome…suddenly we all ‘got it’.

You have to find out the ‘BUZZER’ in your head relating to the torture and or murder of a parent or somebody else who was a parental figure in your life…and the fact that as a child - you had been made to feel responsible for this person’s murder by the ILL.

Black Rabbit said...

After the death of ROS' mother - RIMINGTON then moved into her life as the 'wicked stepmother' but called herself 'Glenda the Good'...that is how the ILL CULT works...they turn the child against their parents or murder the parents...and then replace them in the child's mind.

Black Rabbit said...

This must have happened to countless people…as I looked back on my life…so many people cropped up…KATHLEEN for example - but she ‘knew’ that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had murdered her father even though her mother simply said that he had ‘run away’…and blamed her father for the break-down of their family life.

Black Rabbit said...

I know that KATHLEEN is the wife of somebody very high up in BRUSSELS and has been a key ILL CULT programmer for decades now...

Black Rabbit said...

I thought about CAROLINE from DARTINGTON…whose father had died in the car beside her - he had driven into a brick wall for no apparent reason (she was a young teenager at the time)…but she didn’t blame herself for his death…she must have intuited that it was all a ‘fix’…

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about RIMINGTON and how she had looked after her elderly mother for many years - in that BRIENZ luxury flat overlooking the lake...(see previou notes) and I wondered where her father had gone?

I then thought about PATRICIDE and MATRICIDE...

How if RIMINGTON had believed that she had murdered her father - that would make her a suitable candidate...for what?

To murder the head of MI5 (or was it MI6?) for example, in 1980...they called him 'fattie arbuckle'...

RIMINGTON had no fear of 'male authorities' at all...

Black Rabbit said...

The network then told me the programming command:


Apparently this was a programmer command to tell the slave to 'sing like a canary' about whatever had happened...

Black Rabbit said...

No wonder PRINCE PHILIP was scared of her...BUCKINGHAM PALACE 1980...I wonder now - did she make an attempt upon his life?

He had seen her as a really big threat...

Black Rabbit said...

Secondly - I remembered a very peculiar event in INTERLAKEN, SWITZERLAND - in 2004 as far as I know…but it could have been 2005...I am still not entirely clear upon the dates…all I can say is that I was taken there by TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON…MARK R was supposed to meet them at SCHIPOL AIRPORT…and they then took me round the whole ILL FILM ‘walkthrough’…telling me what I was supposed to do, during every ‘scene’ that they wanted to shoot…and they would shoot it as part of the ILL GAME…once I had begun to ‘wake up’ and made my way back to INTERLAKEN.

Black Rabbit said...

I made a small note of RIMINGTON’S flat, in a modernish block of flats - which you can see as you drive around the lake, through GYSSBACH MOUNTAIN and you then drive through the countryside until you get to the outskirts of INTERLAKEN (where these flats are located) but as far as I know…this is actually another town or village…but it joins up with INTERLAKEN as a ‘built-up’ area, around the lake.

RIMINGTON was in this flat alone with myself - I was in the small sitting room - with colouring books upon the floor so I guess that I was supposed to be in a child alter…RIMINGTON was sitting in the kitchen. TOMLINSON was nowhere to be seen.

I called out to RIMINGTON that I was hungry and I walked into the kitchen…she took some packaged food out of a supermarket bag and put a microwaveable meal into the microwave - then gave it to me, to eat. She didn’t attempt to drug the food - that surprised me. I sat and ate it - told her that it was ‘good ‘and then put the package into the bin.

All the while, RIMINGTON was sitting like some automaton, at the small table - staring into space. Eventually she said ‘something is wrong’.

She then told me to take her car keys and car - and to drive to a large CHALET which is located behind INTERLAKEN…it is just before that mountain pass…I need to check a map to get the precise location…but you drive out of INTERLAKEN and upwards…until the houses are all behind you…apart from that one large chalet to the left…and you can see the road go in between two mountains uphill…

So I took her car keys and tried the ignition - I had to do so several times- the motor turned over and cut out…I wondered why she hadn’t taken it to be serviced…she called it her SILVER DREAM MACHINE…but after the 3rd or 4th time, it started and I drove off.

I reached this ‘lone chalet’ and as I was driving up the hill to reach it…I ‘knew’ that ‘they’ were all in there….the rest of the ‘crazy company’…AMADEUS, TOMLINSON, ROS, SWISS CONTROLLER and MACDONALD…and they immediately ‘knew’ that I was there…looked out of the window, saw RIMINGTON’s car but then realised that I was driving it…I didn’t want to stop the car, my instructions were just to go there…that was all…so I did a slow three-point turn and began to come back down the hill…another car had begun to come up the hill and there wasn’t room for both of us…TOMLINSON told me telepathically to flash the lights at it…even though it was a sunny day…so I did…the car backed down and gave me enough room to pass it…

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that I hadn’t seen any of them within the chalet but they had seen me and they ‘knew’ that they were under attack…the car that was following me…I have no idea what happened next…I simply drove back the way that I had come…but as I got to an island…where one could turn left, go straight on or turn right…the way back to RIMINGTON’s flat was straight on…but for some reason…I had an urge to turn RIGHT…and to explore the area…I thought about it quickly and then thought that I didn’t want to get lost…what if I couldn’t turn round easily down that road…because it didn’t lead back in the direction that I was heading…however, in my mind I ‘knew’ that the PRINCES and the PRINCE of MONACO were located somewhere down that road…

Anyway, I returned to the flat…RIMINGTON asked me ‘were they there’…and I replied ‘yes’. She then took the car keys and marched off…drove off somewhere and I think that it was probably the centre of INTERLAKEN…

So what can I make of the above?

As far as I can now intuit…PUTIN was probably ‘driving’ RIMINGTON at that point…and he wanted to know where the ‘crazy company’ was…and he used me to do it…either PUTIN or the ‘FERENGI’…

All I can see from the above…was that there was some sort of STAKE-OUT going on…so who were they all after and who did RIMINGTON then make contact with?

My intuition tells me that it was the INTERNET CAFÉ in town…that HOTEL CHALET above it…the large triangular building…and also whoever had lived in the GREEN HOUSE nearby…

Black Rabbit said...

Another factor bothers me and that was what my father pointed out in the KOREANS had taken over control of INTERLAKEN…he had noted that even the RAILWAY had a KOREAN interpreter upon their staff now…to deal with tourist enquiries…whoever has symbolic ‘control’ of INTERLAKEN appears to have a large deal of control - in terms of the SWISS BANKS…so are we talking about REV MOON being part of the whole thing?

What can one say?

Was RIMINGTON working for the RUSSIANS at that point…PUTIN and the FERENGI…and the PRINCE OF MONACO and the PRINCES had arranged some sort of ‘stake-out gang’ which included the ‘crazy company’ in their CHALET?

Black Rabbit said...

So MARK R was basically filming for the FERENGI then?

Black Rabbit said...

Finally - at some point during these years - my father took me to see HANNI and my mother came later on…it was odd that my father and I went to INTERLAKEN first…normally my mother likes to travel with him…but she had ‘other things’ to do…

We stayed in that TRIANGULAR HOTEL in the centre of town…and my father came down to breakfast the next morning, complaining that there had been dried blood on the sheets…not much but it was unhygienic and disgusting for a hotelier to allow such sheets in the hotel…

I asked him why he hadn’t asked for them to be changed…but figured that it would be a cut toe or somebody menstruating…and thought no more of it. We then changed hotel, immediately.

However, when I think back to that event now…a flash of a memory came back…and that was of being in one of those bedrooms…and RIMINGTON was trying to cut the thumb off MIKE WEALE…

She didn’t manage it…something happened but I do not know what…there were quite a few people in the room at the time…and then some others came in…but I haven’t got the memory back clearly enough yet…

I am now trying to remember when MIKE WEALE supposedly lost his thumb during a sledging accident, my sister told us all about it…was it before their wedding or afterwards…

Black Rabbit said...

I went for my customary walk down the promenade and remembered quite a bit more about the above:

Firstly - after TOMLINSON had been in telepathic contact with me - watching me face the car on the road down below and told me to flash my headlights at it, to get it to back down (why - why not hoot the horn?)…I then had a ‘flash’ of the whole situation within the house…

MACDONALD had called the PRINCES for help…they had then made immediate plans - they had no guns - the two men in the car were obviously assassins…ROS and AMADEUS locked themselves in an upstairs room and baracaded it…the others positioned themselves around possible entry points…MACDONALD over the front door…which they had left unlocked…

However, the gun-men then entered via a window - so MACDONALD had to jump down and hide around the corner…as they began to search the ground floor…

I was ‘viewing’ this as the PRINCES hurtled past me in their car…so fast that I didn’t see them but I ‘knew’ it was them…on that stretch of road down the hill towards the built-up area of chalets…

The actual chalet was a large building, in the ‘middle of nowhere’ - it had fields in front of it and a forest behind it, going up the hill…

The PRINCES got to the chalet and drew up - got out and I told them telepathically to ‘explode the car - that’ll get them out of there’ as in the gunmen’s car…I thought that they might have a grenade or something like that but they were more practical…they opened the bonnet of the gunmen’s car in front of them and shot the petrol tank - which exploded.

The first man made a run for it down the fields and they got him…the other one exited the back of the house and they gave chase for a while but he was protected by the forest and had such a headstart that they gave up the chase…

Why did I think of exploding the car?

It had all come back to me in a ‘flash’…1980 with SEV and HELEN BROWNE in MELL SQUARE, SOLIHULL upon a crowded Saturday morning…we had been supposed to meet HARRY who had parked his brand new, shiny RED Citroen car in the middle of the square…but he was nowhere to be seen…we searched for about half an hour, his favourite haunts etc…but HARRY was nowhere to be seen…then SEV had an idea…he got onto HARRY’s car and began to bounce up and down on it…the car was rocking to and fro…everybody in the square was watching him…quite a spectacle and what a noise, as the suspension creaked and groaned…within about a minute or so…HARRY was shouting frantically, waving his arms around, running out of one of the shops towards him ‘GET OFF MY CAR!!!’…which added to the entire spectacle. HELEN and I were howling with laughter - sitting upon one of the fountains.

The chalet was in the middle of nowhere, the gunmen needed their car to escape…

Black Rabbit said...

So I made ‘good’ after having unwittingly exposed them all…

RIMINGTON must have been using my FBI WATCHER ‘radar’ as it were, to pick them all up…and I had been unaware of this until TOMLINSON got in telepathic contact with me, whilst in RIMINGTON’S car heading away from the chalet - in relation to the gunmen in the car coming towards me…it’s a good job that I hadn’t stopped the car or I would probably have been the first one to have been shot. All I was thinking of at the time was - if I stop it - I might never get it started again.


I can now remember a bit more about what happened in that HOTEL CHALET in the centre of INTERLAKEN…it was the PRINCES (with the PRINCE OF MONACO) who busted RIMINGTON and her ‘gang’ in that bedroom…and they then took MIKE WEALE off to hospital to try and get his thumb sewn back on again…

I was so shell-shocked that I could hardly register what was going on around me…a trance-like state. They spoke to me - told me that I was safe now - that I had been rescued but I couldn’t even speak, at the time.

Black Rabbit said...

So what I do not understand now - is the time-frame.

They had caught RIMINGTON and her 'gang' - so what happened next?

I know that RIMINGTON died in the GREEN TOWER in NY - so how come she had got her 'freedom' again?

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say is that a lot happened in 2005 - I am assuming that this was the year but I cannot even be sure of that one.

Black Rabbit said...

My father was also in the room at the time - for some reason.

Black Rabbit said...

...and as far as I can was TOMLINSON.

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my SPAM box:

© VIAGRA ® Official Site Dear 79% 0FF on Pfizer ! Sun, 30/8/09 4KB

...and this one made it into my main INBOX:

Yahoo! Inc© Yahoo! Alert: Important Information Regarding Your Yahoo! Account!!!‏ Sun, 30/8/09 4KB

Black Rabbit said...

So SWITZERLAND and particularly INTERLAKEN appeared to be the nexus of something…and in relation to BANKING…also perhaps NAZISM.

When I was to return to INTERLAKEN (and was joined by my father) in order to ‘walkthrough’ the ILL FILM…I was aware that the place was packed out with the CIA…who or what were they looking for or was INTERLAKEN simply ‘their territory’ nowadays?

I also met the ‘stand-ins’ for all of those ILL people like SIDNEY BRICHTO and MARK R…and lastly DOMINIC CARSON at the airport, as I was returning to the UK…so what was going on?

Black Rabbit said...


THE PRINCES keep on telling me ‘absent friends’…now this was a term that they used after their favourite slaves had been killed off…those who had been their friends but who had gone past their expiry dates or whatever…

I had also given DALDRY this as a ‘toast’ at my parents’ chateau…in front of SCARLETT, RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON, ‘French Chef’ etc…and now I know why…it was obviously a symbolic ILL toast…




Any connections?

Black Rabbit said...


I am getting the picture here of the SUN, MOON and STARS of the ILL CULT.

As far as I know the SUNGOD had been the ex-SHAH of IRAN…the MOON was REV MOON…and the STARS were the JOOS…

It is a RUSSIAN saying: ‘you are my SUN, my MOON and my STARS…’

Black Rabbit said...


This morning - the owner of the B&B told me that a man had got SWINE FLU in the B&B and so she had chucked him out…he had his family with him…she was telling another resident that the B&B would be closed down if she didn’t…because of the shared bathrooms and toilets.

The resident told her that the COUNCIL had offered him and his father - a 3 bedroomed house - apparently above a CHIP SHOP…but not the one that the owner was thinking of…and I know that this is ‘significant’ but I have no idea why…not a good idea for the pair of them…I remember this from 2004...SCARLETT had said something about it but I cannot remember what.

Black Rabbit said...

Now they are saying ABSENT BUNNY RABBIT...why?

Black Rabbit said...

I wrote this yesterday but put it up on the wrong blogspot - MI5 AND MI6 EXPOSED 3 - instead of 2, as usual. Here is the post:

I must go back and look at RIMINGTON’s ‘BLOG OF NOTE’ (the JULIA one) - I had no time to read any of it apart from the encoded reference to LEAD POISONING…and I do not suppose that I wanted to look at the rest of it much but it probably contains a lot more that I need to know.


I took the above library comic books/novels back today - and got out some new ones.

So far my ’to skim through’ list runs as follows:

I haven’t taken the GREEN BIBLE back yet…there will be something more to it that I haven’t yet got and it is useful as a reference book in relation to XTIAN programming (MR NANKEVILLE used to tell his class to write ‘X‘ for CHRIST to make our note-taking easier)…also…




The last book was on the bookshelf but I couldn’t borrow it - apparently it was ‘on sale’ and for 10p - so I bought it.

I had remembered it from the TEMPLAR CASTLE - this was MARK R’s work…was it in conjunction with ‘john waters’? What were they up to?

As far as I can see….

OBAMA is in a real fix…so many people under mind control around the world…microchipped and programmed…what do you do? Continue with the situation or create pure mayhem and anarchy by telling everybody about the RA CULT and how it has functioned…in some form or another…since the dawn of time…since people started torturing other people into oblivion (and found out that you could heighten their PSI powers but also make mind control slaves out of them) whilst worshipping the Sun…

However, the ‘knowledge’ is already out there and the BI network is telling me that the RA CULT has become a headless hydra…so many independent RA CULTS mushrooming up, all over the place…people just do not get that SUN worship is a bad thing, or making mind control slaves out of others…the world is an ‘evil place’ - still under the illusion of the RA CULT legacy…

I would guess that MARK R and ‘john waters’ had devised a solution in 1994...deprogram those whom you can trust to behave well…once they have their ‘PSI powers’ back…and are aware of microchipping and how you can ‘listen in’ on the networks…

…and leave those that you cannot trust to ‘behave well’ in mind control slavery.

Black Rabbit said...

I had another look at JULIA’S blog of note and appeared to get THELONIUS MONK playing…I remembered a conversation with OBAMA- this famous jazz musician was a particular favourite of his…

The BLOG OF NOTE had already changed considerably…but I clicked on one of the videos called APOLLO AND MARSYAS because I remembered that MARK R had had this created for RIMINGTON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...and it all became clear…

MARSYAS the satyr has his ‘hide’ nailed to a tree by APOLLO for upstaging him…as a musician…

The CIA had singled out the following in RED:

1. LAKE AULOCRENE: Apollo then nailed Marsyas' skin to a pine tree,[7] near Lake Aulocrene (the Turkish Karakuyu Gölü)

2. MARSYAS in Phrygia

3. Nadine Sabra Meyer

I then got the picture that the SABRA (and that word means ‘born in Israel’) as in MEIER/GOLDMEYER etc…hadn’t given up on the RA CULT…

More to the point - TOMLINSON was cast as ‘MARSYAS’ and it was probably OBERON (as in ‘ferengi’) who had composed this blogspot to tell TOMLINSON how he would end up…RIMINGTON was his TITANIA…and TOMLINSON was the ‘ass’ as far as the ‘ferengi’ saw him.

So it still appears to be ‘mafia wars’ but one has to remember that the original blog of note, was composed in 2001...

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the 'new look' blogspot:

Black Rabbit said...

Another memory came back this morning - of the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

I had cooked a very large lasagne for quite a few people - I had just got it out of the oven in the kitchen when MARK R walked in.

I knew what he would try to do and so I told him not to - I told him not to poison it. He wouldn't reply to me - then suddenly whipped out a syringe and squirted the contents on top of the lasagne in the earthenware dish.

I saw where the liquid had fallen. MARK R then ran out.

TOMLINSON came in and I told him what had happened. I also mentioned that one quarter hadn't been touched and so he ate that then told me to throw the rest away.

I can also remember SONIA and MARK telling me that it was like RUSSIAN ROULETTE - you might get a poisoned bit of food on the plate or you might not...

Somehow we had all been conditioned to accept this. I should have punched MARK R on the nose for doing it but somehow I couldn't.

Black Rabbit said...

Another far more dreadful memory came back of meeting TOMLINSON - whilst walking around the TEMPLAR CASTLE - he had a baby's foot in his hand. He told me to put it in my womb.

I shouted at him NO and added that my womb was the size of a eggcup and then ran away. He had smirked at me like an evil child.

His entire head was in 'darkness' - no 'light' on in there, at all.

Whatever RAINBOW JUICE had done to these people - it had destroyed their brains.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember that RIMINGTON made us see this film:

As far as I can remember - we were in WALES at the time.

LANGOLLEN was the birthplace of my mother - or another 'tourist' town with a similar grandmother had given birth whilst on holiday.

The LIDDELL family (think ALICE IN WONDERLAND) used to holiday here - as 'JULIA' tells us...

Anyway, the CIA have singled out in RED:

Laurence Kinlan as Irwin

Seamus Reilly as Lawrence

Ruth McCabe as Ma Braden

Conor McEvoy as Patrick Braden (at ten years)

Black Rabbit said...

You can see who was behind 'JULIA'S blogspot' can't you?

The Problems of Adaptations

(written 5 Sept 2008)

I am currently giving much thought to the importance of screen adaptations. I have to think simultaneously of the stage adaptations, too, because very often we are speaking about one and same text adapted to either stage or screen. The reason why I am so preoccupied with the screen adaptations is because I feel that particularly Russian cinema of today suffers from the lack thereof. At the same time, world's cinema is probably just as deprived by the lack of attempts to put to screen the "old" or "foreign" narratives that exist out there.

To think about it, somehow it seems much easier to create a YouPorn channel, or to make a soft- or hardcore porn film, or to blend a pornographic content with some metaphysical or political discourse, than to actually put to screen the narrative of de Sade as it is. This is not to defy or to forget Pasolini's Salo (that draws on 120 Days of Sodom), but de Sade was writing on the wane of the Age of the Enlightenment, and he was drawing on the hyperbolas of Rabelais and contemporary ideas of theatre, in particular. The scholars who pointed out to de Sade's striking theatricality are correct in that they first find the place for de Sade in his own time, instead of dragging him all the way into the 20th c., openly linking Sadism to Fascism.

(120 Days of Sodom - French and English texts)."

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so let us forget 'art' and 'literary pretensions' and get down to BRASS TACKS.

RIMINGTON, 'FERENGI' and MARK R had planned a SNUFF MOVIE - nothing more and nothing less.

I was to be the main character - the ALICE who walks through their filthy 'wonderland'.

To make a bit more money - the sickos had enlisted 'pay as you go viewers' who were all under mind control and instructed to 'give commands' via their remote-control devices.

This was all a complete LIE - a big scam and con by VERICORP. The microchips didn't work but the mind control commands used upon their wealthy slaves, worked very well.

Black Rabbit said...

What the hell is BLOG ACTION day?

BLOGGER has been going since 1999-2009...

I reckon that a POLICE investigation is warranted into:

As a first step, the team wants to get your thoughts on the selection of this year's topic. To give your feedback on the topics being considered or suggest your own, click the link below to a short 5-question survey:

If you have any questions, additional suggestions, or want to get involved beyond blogging, email Robin Beck,'s Director of Organizing, at

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up BAD (BLOG ACTION DAY):

...and for some reason, I found this site highly suspicious:

Black Rabbit said...

So OCTOBER 15th then - the ILL were planning BAD DAY for this date 2009.

Black Rabbit said...

In addition - the post below gave me cause for concern in relation to being WIRED/MICROCHIPPED:

Just sent a mailout to all US
bloggers who participated in BAD08. We're giving away 300 copies of CauseWired -
11:47 AM Nov 25th, 2008 from web

Black Rabbit said...

I was walking down the promenade this morning and saw something that RIMINGTON had pointed looked like a FLAG POLE but was actually some sort of electricity conductor - presumably for stormy had a long wire coming off it - which in turn was tied up and padlocked to the IRON RAILINGS along the promenade...and I couldn't quite work out how it was supposed to be useful.

Black Rabbit said...

...and this is the site that concerns me most...I relate it to the 'little people' and that TEMPLAR MASONIC furniture manufacturer as a general 'theme' upon being SMALL...petit...

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up what might happen upon 15th October 2009 - because the SATANISTS always feel it necessary to tell you what they are going to do before they do it and I found the above ELIS website called 'MUMS IN SCIENCE'.

Black Rabbit said...

Previous: Real-time Resilience: How to Survive and Thrive on Organisational Change
Next: Small Scale Bio-production: Beyond the Flask.- 24th November 2009

ELISPOT technology: The latest tricks -15th October 2009
by Dr Astrid Englezou on Wed 29 Apr 2009 15:57 BST | Permanent Link | Cosmos

This meeting will take place at The Biopark, Hertfordshire, UK and has CPD approval.
The Chair will be Prof. Paul Lehmann, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, USA

Four clearly distinct, focused sessions are planned.. Session A will cover different applications of ELISPOT that are unique to the technique and should be of general interest because it can be applied to all fields of study in which ELISPOT is used. Session B will be dedicated to ELISPOT standardization, harmonization and validation. There are three major multicenter programs ongoing and these will provide a briefing on the progress they have made. Sessions C and D are assigned to the ELISPOT reagent and instrument manufacturers to share new developments on their front. Session E is dedicated to questions and answer. Participants will be asked to submit questions before the meeting, and also to ask questions ad hoc – these questions will be discussed.

Black Rabbit said...


The Agenda includes:

Session A. Unique applications of ELISPOT will be covered, in particular:

A1. Measuring the frequencies of antigen-specific T cells by ELISPOT
A2. Measuring cytokine signatures of CD4 cells by ELISPOT: Th1, Th2, Thpp, Th17 and more – cognate vs. bystander
A3. Identifying in vivo activated CD8 effector cells via their perforin and granzyme production
A4. Identifying hepless, lethargic T cells via TRAIL ELISPOT assay
A5. Detecting multifunctional T cells via their cytokine co-expression
A6. Measuring T cell avidity using ELISPOT.
A7. Detecting T cells in extralymphoid tissues including the target organ of autoimmunity. How representative are measurements of T cells in the blood vs. the target organ).
A8. The impact of APC on cytokine production

Session B. Summary of ELISPOT standardization, harmonization and validation efforts.
B1. Cancer Vaccine Consortium
B2: The Newcaps effort
B3: The Tubingen effort
B4: ELISPOT assay development, qualification and validation (

Session C. News on the ELISPOT reagent front – emphasis on multiplexing.
(C1) CTL- reference PBMC and serum free media
(C2) Mabtech kits
(C3) U-CyTech kits
(C4) Diaclone kits

Session D. News on the ELISPOT reader front – emphasis on multiplexing
(D1) CTL
(D2) BioSys
(D3) AID

Session E. Question/answer sessions. Participants will be asked to submit questions before the meeting, and to ask questions ad hoc – this questions will be discussed.

The deadline for Early Registration is 20th July 2009. After this time fees will double.
The deadline for Abstract submissions is 10th July 2009

If you would like to book a place, please visit:

Keywords: multiplexing, applications, validation, standardization, ELISPOT
Posted to: Meeting Announcements

BioOptics World Magazine: Focuses on the design, development, and utilization of optical technologies for the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease... Pharmaceutical Technology Europe: Is the market-leading publication for European professionals actively involved in pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical...
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Black Rabbit said...

I am beginning to get ELISPOT then tells the world that they have got the REAL vaccine for SWINE FLU or other 'mutated viral' conditions that transpire after the initial flu virus?

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - this MUMS IN SCIENCE had been specifically put together for RIMINGTON because she wanted to tell her two adopted daughters what she had really been up to...or that was MARK R's jokey comment upon this website, at the time.

Black Rabbit said...

Other notes of interest upon this website:

Life Science Meetings in the UK
Understanding dendritic cells and their ability to regulate immune responses - 12th November 2010
Induced pluripotent stem cells: production and utility in regenerative medicine - 7th October 2010
Laser Microdissection – 17th June 2010
Recombinant pharmaceutical manufacturing from plants - the future of molecular farming -11th June 2010
Advances in Cell Culture technology – 15th April 2010
Recombinant vaccines - right molecule, right place, right time? – 12th March 2010
One Medicine: Comparative Aspects of Research and Clinical Diagnosis in Allergic Disease - 20th November 2009.
Food Allergy: a global perspective - 23rd October 2009
Surviving as a Woman in Science - 13th November 2009
Efficient cytokine detection: The Way Forward – 3rd July 2009
Regulatory T cells in inflammatory and infectious diseases: new horizons for old friends – 5th March 2010
Antimicrobial Peptides: New challenges for Science and Medicine - 27th Nov 2009
Small Scale Bio-production: Beyond the Flask - 24th November 2009
Technological advance and pitfalls in targeting the Neglected Diseases
ELISPOT technology: The latest tricks -15th October 2009
Next months chemistry conferences, worldwide
02 - 04: FD 145 - Frontiers in Physical Organic Chemistry
02 - 04: Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference
02 - 05: Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences
06 - 09: Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials
06 - 09: Symposium on Micro- and Mesoporous Materials
06 - 10: Euro Analysis
06 - 11: Conference of the Colloid and Interface Society
06 - 11: Symposium on Organic Reactivity
08 - 11: Organic Process Research and Development
09 - 11: Green Chemistry Conference

Black Rabbit said...

...and a few more:

101 One-pot Dishes: … 206 Bones Bad Science Bake Breaking Dawn (Twili… D-Day: The Battle fo… Dead Until Dark: A T… Eclipse (Twilight Sa… Eclipse: Red Edged S… Economy Gastronomy: … Ghost Hunter: Bk. 6 … Living Dead In Dalla… New Moon (Twilight S… One Day Rick Stein's Far Eas… The Book Thief The Girl Who Kicked … The Girl Who Played … The Girl with the Dr… The Greatest Show on… The Host The Hummingbird Bake… The Last Fighting To… The Lost Symbol The Secret The Shack The Storm of War: A … The Time Traveler's … The White Queen Twilight (Twilight S… Twilight: Red Edged … Wolf HallPrivacy

Immunology Meetings
Meetings listed by the British Society of Immunology
Meetings listed by the European Federation of Immunological Societies
Meetings listed by the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania

Black Rabbit said...

REMEMBER the above website address - this really does require a POLICE INVESTIGATION and fast.

Black Rabbit said...

So I tried to find an address for ELISPOT but couldn't and so signed up for their website and got this in reply:

Subject: Signup Confirmation for

We have received a request to create a Reader account for you. Once you have confirmed this request and we have created your Reader account, you will be able to request access to enhanced features on all powered weblogs. These features include the ability to leave comments, post articles and photos to restricted areas and receive email notifications generated by the weblog system.

To confirm this request, please follow this link:

If you would not like us to create this account, or believe that you have received this message in error, simply ignore this message and the account will *not* be created.

This is a one time message and will not be resent. Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose if you do not confirm the creation of this Reader account.

Thank you.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so my last post and my 'entry key' into this 'mum's the word' website didn't post on this blogspot...but I will continue anyway...this is the only 'contact' name that I can find after logging in:

Dr Astrid Englezou

Chief Editor

Black Rabbit said...

The FREE HYPNOSIS link for 'PRIVILEGE' members looks mighty suspcious to me:

Black Rabbit said...

So why didn't this post?

Profile URL:

Black Rabbit said...

The BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network are shouting 'we've got them! We've got them!'


Black Rabbit said...

Let me just post this one again to make sure:

We have received a request to create a Reader account for you. Once you have confirmed this request and we have created your Reader account, you will be able to request access to enhanced features on all powered weblogs. These features include the ability to leave comments, post articles and photos to restricted areas and receive email notifications generated by the weblog system.

To confirm this request, please follow this link:

If you would not like us to create this account, or believe that you have received this message in error, simply ignore this message and the account will *not* be created.

This is a one time message and will not be resent. Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose if you do not confirm the creation of this Reader account.

Thank you.

Subject: Signup Confirmation for

Black Rabbit said...

...and another email has just come through from the same organisation:

Your blog reader account has been successfully created.

You may wish to keep this message for future reference.

If you would like to subscribe to the site that you created this account on, please go back to the site and login with the username and password you chose then click on the SUBSCRIBE link and follow the instructions.

If you would like to change your password, update your account profile, or invite your friends or family to create their own Reader account, please visit this address:

If you would like to visit your public Reader account profile page, please visit this address:

Team Blog Admin

Black Rabbit said...

I still cannot find an address for 'mumsinscience' and so I typed 'address' into their portal search and the only results that came up were this:

Real-time Resilience: How to Survive and Thrive on Organisational Change
by sharac on Tue 28 Apr 2009 10:00 AM BST
Address: womenintechnology offices, 114 Middlesex Street, London, E1 7JH Cost: £175 + VAT (£201.25).

Would you like to work at
by sharac on Sat 20 Jan 2007 09:08 AM GMT
address is Maggie Berry UK Communications Director. womenintechnology Direct line: 020 7422 9214

JIVE partnership development
by sharac on Sat 03 Mar 2007 12:18 PM GMT
addressed A4 envelope to :- The Women’s Workshop, Clarence House, Cardiff, CF10 5FB Or email...

Immunology Programme at National University of Singapore
by sharac on Tue 08 Nov 2005 09:49 PM GMT
addresses of at least 6 referees to: Prof Mike Kemeny - Immunology Programme National University

Breaking the Glass Ceiling
by MumsinScience Editor on Mon 24 Oct 2005 08:54 PM BST
Address Eastern Mediterranean University Center for Women's Studies, Gazimagusa (Famagusta), KKTC, Mersin-10, Turkey

Gender & excellence expert group
by sharac on Wed 24 Oct 2007 11:00 AM BST
address: SDME 7/94 - B-1049 Brussels Tel: +322 29 53301 Fax: +322 29 93746

...and I cannot get the next search results page to open...anyway, it shows you the extent of RIMINGTON's 'reach' - doesn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

I've got the next page up now:

Post-doctoral Research Associate:Immunobiology of Periodontal disease
by sharac on Wed 11 Jan 2006 12:00 PM GMT
addresses of two referees to Dr Philip Preshaw, School of Dental Sciences, University of Newcastle

One day course at The Institute of Biology
by MumsinScience Editor on Tue 27 Sep 2005 10:59 AM BST
address the issues of obtaining funding from Research Councils,
Novacta launches its two new branded business units and website
by Dr Claire Morgan on Thu 08 Jan 2009 12:14 PM GMT
addresses current unmet need with novel antibiotics; and Novacta Biosystems, a specialised service provider with
Partnership Development Manager
by sharac on Mon 26 Feb 2007 12:00 PM GMT
addressed A4 envelope to :- The Women’s Workshop, Clarence House, Cardiff, CF10 5FB Or email

Black Rabbit said...

So this hybridic 'monster' of female mind control slaves within the MEDICAL PROFESSION worldwide...was being organised by RIMINGTON to begin the NWO on:

15th OCTOBER 2009

I remember now - I had told SCARLETT that I would be able to 'guide him' to the ILL about a month before they decided to get I have done it a bit earlier than that...about 6 weeks before time.

Black Rabbit said...

As I recall - the NAZIS tried and tested technique was to 'get the women' and the rest of society will follow...that is what HITLER did in NAZI GERMANY.

However, this time around the ILL have been a bit more 'selective' than that one - they have narrowed it down to MUMS IN SCIENCE.

Black Rabbit said...

Another thing that came up last night...

Firstly IRISH MARK at the TEMPLAR CASTLE telling me that he still loved GUINNESS - no matter who owned the company...

...and last night, the PRINCES kept saying PURE GENIUS...

They were thinking of the PRINCE OF MONACO - whom I believe to be now on the 'side of the angels' so to speak in terms of fighting the ILL CULT...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

LEVEL 19 - what could be at this level?

Have I already gone far enough in terms of exposing MUMS IN SCIENCE?

Will SCARLETT and his associates be able to work it all out and stop it in 4-6 weeks?

I would guess that the combined power of HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE with the PRINCE OF MONACO and AMADEUS…should lead to positive things.

I am still puzzling over the PARASOL and HAND-TASCHER scenario that my great aunt COLLETTE had told me about as a child…how the PARASOL was bad as a mafia organisation but that the HAND-TASCHERS were so much worse…virtually indescribable.

I then thought about the word AGILE…PETER SMITH DTOM at the PRAGUE DTO had emphatically described me as this and I didn’t identify with the word, at all…those like DEB MCD and SUE WHALLEY were ‘fragile’…very feminine women…whereas I was robust and a ‘tomboy’.



I then thought of the website that I had visited about ‘what the FRENCH are really like’ I had omitted to admit that I had written it…MACDONALD had recommended me to do so…to research it - after I had told him about my complete non-comprehension of my father’s understanding and interpretation of CANARD ENCHAINE and French humour/culture - what they tend to laugh at, that sort of thing - in general.

I can remember MACDONALD describing the French in US MILITARY terms as ‘surrendering cheese-eating MONKEYS’.

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about the ‘crazy company’ and how all of them - with the possible exceptions of AMADEUS and TOMLINSON - had all learnt GERMAN as either their first or second language…whereas mine had been FRENCH for a very short while…Swiss-French…

AMADEUS - knew so many languages that I had no idea which had been his first or second one except to say that SPANISH/ITALIAN would have been one of them…

TOMLINSON obviously knew a lot of languages too but I am assuming here, that TURKISH would have been his ‘mother-tongue’.

So then I wondered about the PARASOL (French) vs the HANDTASCHER (German).

If we were going to have an ILL ‘re-match’ as far as WWII was concerned…would the FRENCH still be ‘surrendering cheese-eating monkeys’ in the US MILITARY’s book?

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about the ‘crazy company’ and how all of them - with the possible exceptions of AMADEUS and TOMLINSON - had all learnt GERMAN as either their first or second language…whereas mine had been FRENCH for a very short while…Swiss-French…

AMADEUS - knew so many languages that I had no idea which had been his first or second one except to say that SPANISH/ITALIAN would have been one of them…

TOMLINSON obviously knew a lot of languages too but I am assuming here, that TURKISH would have been his ‘mother-tongue’.

So then I wondered about the PARASOL (French) vs the HANDTASCHER (German).

If we were going to have an ILL ‘re-match’ as far as WWII was concerned…would the FRENCH still be ‘surrendering cheese-eating monkeys’ in the US MILITARY’s book?

Black Rabbit said...

The network were laughing at me this morning…that my guidance was like being led by a ‘drunk basset hound’…ungrateful bastards….and then ‘rabbit has no idea what she is doing….she is hopping so fast that she cannot tell friend from foe’…too right.

As far as I can see, the world is run by BIG BUSINESS MAFIAS…family clans who BANKROLL ‘intelligence agencies’.

Black Rabbit said...

...and then I got a flash of OBAMA telepathically contacting TOMLINSON and saying 'what shall we do with RABBIT - is it RABBIT STEW time'? some sort of a 'joke'?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so now I can see clearly what AMADEUS and the PRINCE OF MONACO were up to in relation to that M&S ‘Casablanca Valley’ wine…they had added a drug to it and got it past the official boards because it was a natural ingredient…some sort of ‘herb’ that aids memory recovery…they had also added a sedative ‘herb’ to make sure that there were no unpleasant side effects. They then sat back to watch the sales of it go up…and they did…those like the SAS switched from BEER to WINE for a while…and began to ‘wake up’…I can remember the SAS ex-’Libyan seige’ Captain saying - ‘I got used to it, a couple of glasses every night’…

Why was it done in this way?

Why didn’t they just hand out the herbal remedy - or a phial of the stuff? I suppose because MONEY is always a big factor in any ILL game…and because the PRINCES wanted to continue the whole ‘international ILL game’ as a sort of murder/mystery/esoteric tour…almost like a DAN BROWN novel times 1000...

…and I suppose that this was important…because if you give people the hard, cold facts such as:


Most people see a WALL - and an insurmountable one.

They then get ‘tunnel vision’ - as in “it’s all a bad dream (haven’t I got enough on my plate?) - even if it does happen - I cannot do anything about it and I am going to bury my head in the sand and hope that whatever happens - that it is all over quickly.”

If you give them a ‘roundabout tour’ of the whole horror in terms of the FAÇADE…all of the interesting but horrific details of how the ILL CULT operated…you get more people interested - wanting to find out what was at the end of this YELLOW BRICK ROAD…and then you had the chance of raising awareness enough, in order to stop it.

I suppose that was the ‘thinking’ behind it. I do not know. Nobody ever tells me anything.

Black Rabbit said...

WINE is a 'wussy' drink to the SAS, apparently.

Black Rabbit said...

Isn't it good to know that there are a few 'red-blooded' males around (she said, tongue-in-cheek, knowing that many of the SAS didn't have the same reaction as their 'macho' commander).

Black Rabbit said...

Doncha love them?

The heart is...I the right place.

Black Rabbit said...

I shouldn't take the piss out of him too much...he had introduced us all to MARTIAL ARTS in 1980 and that was to be my 'saving grace' in terms of self-defence, without that - I wouldn't have survived.

Black Rabbit said...

So I am back to where I started - almost…

Back to 1997 and ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER telling me that they were all bastards…or words to that effect…from top to bottom in UK society/politics…no justice to be had anywhere unless you had the money to pay for it…justice was another ‘commodity’ upon the ILL market and you had to BUY it…

Black Rabbit said...

Although I now have a clearer idea of what was going on…

…and that is why MACDONALD bothers me…

Last seen, on a beach…in a SHAMAN’S HUT…most probably upon a small island off HAWAII…and realising the whole ILL GAME…how he had been conned…how ROS had been conned…and why she couldn’t get her memory back.

I juxtapose that to seeing AMADEUS and OBAMA at their computers in a sort of MI6 set-up, being able to ‘hear and see all’…and I wonder what they were up to…

MACDONALD had been a younger ‘TASCHMAN brother’ who was being punished for attempting to escape the ILL and with ROS as his BOND GIRL, so to speak…but afterwards she couldn’t remember a thing…he had been put in precisely the same situation again, upon that beach…

PUSSY GALORE maybe - as in the lesbian aspect of ROS’ life that RIMINGTON had inculcated into her as her ‘mother/lover’…but ROS was always worth saving to MACDONALD and yet again - he was put into the extremely emotionally painful situation of trying to ‘bring her back’.

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I can see…this was all about LOVE fullstop.

MACDONALD had his lover and best friend as the SWISS CONTROLLER - I had seen them so often in their ‘little boy alters’ - the thickest of thieves - they worked as the best of friends - a bond that couldn’t be dissolved by anything…had they gone to the same schools…had they been friends for life?

So despite his homosexuality - there was something about ROS - he loved her. Pure and simple.

Black Rabbit said...

Does anybody love me apart from when they imagine me as a large, fat, grey rabbit called MAJOR TOM with a very defensive look in its eyes?

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' are telling me that the '2 year old ISRAELI robot' within the ZOHAN was what made them 'feel' for me...

You see that was my idea...I had wanted to send myself up...and to make the point that I wasn't that...but who cares, is always misunderstood.

Black Rabbit said...

Besides - I had read that many PALESTINIANS had called the IDF 'robots' and so I wanted to make fun of the idea, from my own experience...I was no 'robot' but I was under mind control and made to think that I was a 'COMPUTER' although I didn't believe that I was...I cannot talk for other people...

I regained my memories because I DIDN'T BELIEVE that I was a 'computer' which could be run by the ILL.

That is all you have to do - as a mind control slave - break through the illusions.

I was simply a very unhappy '2 year old' but as an FBI watcher - I could also gain a perspective upon what the ILL were trying to make me be...and what they thought I was...

Black Rabbit said...

...MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER capitalised upon the the 'little robot' created and then went to town on creating a script for what it would say in the 'extras' - I was allowed no part in the writing of that one...and so was considerably peed off, once they had shown me the 'finished product'.

Black Rabbit said...

That is what they were like, in their 'creative little boy alters' as a partnership...

Black Rabbit said... thick as thieves.

Black Rabbit said...

Yet they were then separated…MACDONALD appeared to have been thrown into jail (‘but I learn from that experience’ he was to tell me (we had seen it in the future) - I.e. to kick drug habits and to make friends with every underworld contact going whilst entertaining them all (he was always the guy who could make everybody laugh)- shades of TOMLINSON then - see previous notes on his gaoling in LONDON)…AMADEUS then saved him from’ death row’ and he swore blue - as if it had all been some ILL trick…which he hadn’t known about…and he obviously hadn’t…in the dark, like myself. We had all seen the ‘future’ but then had had our memories wiped.

Black Rabbit said...

SWISS CONTROLLER then ended up as an AIDE of OBAMA…

AMADEUS had been called back ’into the fold’ from SOUTH AMERICA…and he had willingly accepted the ‘invite’.

…and so does anything within the above, bear any relationship to what is now happening within the world?

I do not know…

Black Rabbit said...

Perhaps I need to make clear how an FBI WATCHER operates and how they were taught to operate...

MARK, SONIA and myself had worked it out at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

Our main REMOTE-VIEWING ALTER had been taught to simply 'watch' everything in our lives...every person we came into contact with...the whole lot.

Our 'remote-viewing' alter was 'ourselves'...

We knew that we were growing old...we knew everything...unlike those programmed into the RA CULT and into those terrible 'child alters'...

However the ILL had come up with their WONDER DRUG which made even those who were like TOMLINSON (who had let their most powerful part of their brain - early childhood remote-viewing alter go)- this drug deadened the brain and made these people so easy to control by microchip - hence WACO at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

Black Rabbit said...

I questioned MACODONALD - who was really behind TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001?

He told me that the ROTHCHILDS went under many different names…he then told me:


Black Rabbit said...

The problem is with a GOOGLE SEARCH is that MACDONALD and CO had put their 'stuff' up as the 'first number' and yet they had found that my eye wandered to other things pulled up on the page...they got annoyed with that one...and decided to put their 'eye-catcher' stuff in different positions around the first page of a GOOGLE IMAGE that I would 'get it'...

I suppose that even then, I didn't fully trust them at all and wanted to know 'context' before I read their stuff...

Black Rabbit said...

...and so on a RACHMANIOFF search - what dragged my eye in was this image:

Black Rabbit said...

An odd number:

"In 1969, Pfizer sponsored several classical ablums to promote its new anti-depressant drug “Sinequan”. Their choice of the composer Rachmaninoff is particularly telling. A famous depressive who had almost lost his promising young career to anxiety and paralysis, Rachmanioff eventually recovered with the help of a Danish doctor—Dr. Dahl, who was experimenting with “autosuggestion” at the time. Everyday as often as it was necessary, the Russian artist would repeat: “You will begin to write your concerto ....You will work with great facility ....The concerto will be of excellent quality ...”

Black Rabbit said...

It doesn't ring any bells with my life...

...but in terms of my SISTER HELEN and her subconscious ILL programming kicking in...abusing her first child...

Look back to the last SIMPSONS book that I have read...where LISA has a story to her own - she is the JAZZ musician who cannot remember how to act...and yet she does perfectly within the end of the story...

Black Rabbit said...


Her husband can circumvent it...but he has to be alert all of the time...

Black Rabbit said...

He knows that she is of good character as an adult...he loves her...but he also knows her programming of the SEEDS of the ILL CULT and how she tries to abuse without knowing that she does...

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had sown these SEEDS of the ILL CULT in so many women's minds...the ILL CULT hoped that it would be a generational thing...passed down by the MOTHERS from one generation to the next?

Is this a good time to say that ROS and I protected my mother - in terms of protecting us (my mother had walked into the CIA SUITE and put her arms around ROS and kissed her head saying 'ROS- always a good child' and hugged mother obviously preferred her to me...and then she said 'where is that DAUGHTER of mine' as if I weren't a 'daughter' at all...and then found me with the SWISS CONTROLLER in one of the small rooms off the main corridor and began to berate hugs or kisses...just 'you haven't done what you were told to do'...and I tried to explain...'look at me...I am an adult...look at me...look at how wrinkled I am...I am not a child..don't you understand that you cannot treat me in this way...'

...but she couldn't.

The SWISS CONTROLLER couldn't hide his laughter...he was at the 'same age' as my mother...he saw us all as at similar childhood ages...he was a 'child' but in control of the rest of an OLDER age.

Black Rabbit said...

THE SIMPSONS are saying that LISA isn't a musician is a very 'gay' and 'misogynistic' hand that wrote that script...

They are saying that LISA has learnt the art of the 'black magicians'...

She has learnt the art of programming her children into the RA CULT.

She just needs to 'press the right notes'.

So mystery SOLVED about the SIMPSONS.

Yes, MARK R and 'john waters' - you had 'your day' but now the 'joke' is over and NOT 'ova'.

Black Rabbit said...

...of course the JOOS tried to drag the BLACKS like OBAMA into it...whose mother had classified him as JOOISH and not BLACK (but the ASHKENAZIM had decided otherwise upon the 'dating scene' - can you imagine the 'hurt' for a young teenager to be made a social and sexual outcast because of the colour of your skin?)...

Black Rabbit said...

OBAMA'S mother was ASHKENAZIM and white...

He was brought up, wkthout a 'father' - where had his father disappeared to then?

Courtesy of the ILL CULT - how to really f*** a chld up before you 'groom' them (unimaginable assaults upon the person - mind control and microchipping) until you let them loose as a PRESIDENT.

The fact that OBAMA still has a 'mind' is a wonder.

Black Rabbit said...

...and not content with that...theI LL up the 'ante' with:

... his wife:

'i am a REAL black - I uphold all ISLAMIC PROTCOLS and 'speak' to ILL Islamics in coded phrases.

She has apparently been a 'lesbian' all of her life and thought it was her 'duty' to be his wife.

He 'feels' that number in terms of an intense 'loneliness'.

Black Rabbit said...

So - you tell me what is going on in the WHITEHOUSE.

OBAMA holds his own - together with AMADEUS but they appear to be 'on their own'.

There are many other intelligence agencies in the USA apart from the CIA - says MACDONALD.

The fact that OBAMA's wife is part of 'his problem' isn't an issue here, says MACDONALD.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking at what I was told to write yesterday - the whole RACHMANINOV thing doesn't make that much sense...they just wanted me to 'out' that drug for some well as 'outing' the OBAMAS 'arranged marriage'...BLACK RACK RABBIT...RACK-MAN-IN-OV(AL) - was that the gist of it?

Black Rabbit said...

Last night I had a flashback to an ILLuminati ISLE run by ‘john waters’ and MARK R.

There was a monastery upon the ISLE and I have no idea where it was geographically but it seemed to be ‘Mediterranean’.

No matter- SCARLETT turned up there later on, with the SAS as far as I am aware - so he must have got an ‘invite’ somewhere along the line…but then ‘john waters’ had been a ‘good friend’ of his, in his youth. You wouldn’t want to turn up uninvited…

So MI6 had been tracking me…wherever AMADEUS had taken me (to this tiny island)…and for some reason, ’john waters’ etc thought that I would ‘fit in’ as the only woman at that monastery - at that point in time. I had my own separate room, away from their quarters and I washed the pots and pans as my ‘communal duty’ - they cooked. No servants - the whole thing was a community-based operation.

Everybody there was telepathic to such a high degree - that nobody ever spoke. All communication was ‘monitored’ and received by everybody else within the community - it was really like being of ‘one mind’.

I remember MARK R asking me if I wanted to meditate - the men there, spent most of their day in prayer to G-d and I told him ‘no’…I preferred to walk around the island or sleep…I wasn’t good at conscious or ‘rigorous’ meditation…no stamina for that sort of thing.

I was walking to the end of the island one day…when I saw a man had landed - he had a small boat/canoe and I asked him what he was doing…he spun me some story…he was a nasty character…and so eventually I made a run for it back to the monastery, ‘shouting’ telepathically to the others that there was a ‘snake in EDEN’…I suppose that they called it EDEN.

They all then concentrated upon this man - applied pressure points - and that was the end of him.

Anyway, then MARK R asked me if I would join them for what appeared to be ‘self-flagellation day’ but with a difference…he wanted me to be the ‘master’ as it were…he took me to their courtyard and I was told to do whatever each man wanted…they were like children but ‘consenting adults’…I had to cause each one ‘pain’…but precisely in the way that they wanted it…I had to read each man’s mind - work out what type of pain and how to apply the measure of it, that he wanted…so it was quite easy really…none of them were real S/M freaks...nobody got really harmed…most of them wanted to be whipped a bit…TOMLINSON was there…and he asked me to beat him…but he didn’t mean it…he didn’t want any pain at all…and so I picked up the whip with felt bits at the end…completely harmless but pretended to whip him harshly…a couple of times…he then said telepathically ‘again’…and I thought about it…then walked off. That was psychological torture for him - the fact that I wouldn’t obey him.

MARK R talked to me about him, some days later…’he can’t stop thinking about you - therefore you have to go’…I was interfering with his prayers and telepathically this was disrupting the whole group.

I remember the ferryman from the mainland came…and I got on the boat with my bags…AMADEUS saw me off…I heard him telepathically saying ‘ goodbye RABBIT, you don’t fit in here, you have to find somewhere that you can fit in’…

Before I left - I had a final ‘interview’ with ‘john waters’ behind his desk in his office…and he told me that I had to respect the community and what they wanted…I told him that I would prefer it if they healed…he said that this was what they liked and I had to respect that…and so I did…it was all harmless enough…a ‘consenting adults affair’…a community of telepaths…all dressed as monks…some of them may have been real monks - perhaps most of them - I do not know…

However, SCARLETT pointed out the foundation stone just outside the monastery which said IGNATIUS LOYOLA or words to that effect…so it had originally been the site of a JESUIT monastery…although whether it was still run by them…I do not know.

Black Rabbit said...

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Black Rabbit said...

So what is that supposed to remind me of? Had 'john waters' become the 'BB'? I get the feeling that he that right?

Black Rabbit said...

The whole thing scares me a little because these men were doing no harm to anybody as far as I know - but the whole set-up reminded me of ODD JOHN by OLAF STAPLEDON and I hope that they are not under threat in the same way.

Black Rabbit said...

I would have been quite happy living there...yet TOMLINSON always messed things up for me...whether he meant to do it or not...the antagonism that he felt towards me...the need to dominate and control.

Black Rabbit said...

...that is probably what he had been thinking about but because he had done it all of his life...I had merely ignored it...but the rest of them had been agitated by those to 'trap the rabbit' I suppose...

Black Rabbit said...

I also remembered something more about OBAMA's wife last she used the LEFTHAND to control her circle of women...literally putting it up to stop any one of them speaking within her 'court'...

Black Rabbit said...

...and then recent reports that her mother had been involved in 'witchcraft'...runs in the family then...the LEFT HAND path.

Black Rabbit said...

She reminds me of how PAT ANDREW used to be, at FORT MONCKTON in a way...and has to be got back onto the RIGHT HAND path...

Black Rabbit said...

One can see that the NAZIS were working through the women...and most particularly the MOTHERS...see previous notes on RIMINGTON's group 'MUMS IN SCIENCE'.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking for the article that was on the top of YAHOO! a few days ago...I came across this odd post:

[Michelle's Momma] Don’t Practice Santeria/ [She] Ain’t Got No Crystal Ball [Birth Control]

So in ILL CULT speak:


How odd - because I had a perfect GLASS BALL (not actually crystal) that I took with me to CHINA but I am still not sure why...

I simply loved it as a 'toy' - because it acted like a MIRROR - you could hold it up and walk around a room and see everything reflected within it - your whole surrounds...and I wanted 'something from home' to make me feel more comfortable...some 'object' to put on my dressing table at the ACADEMIC CENTER.

Black Rabbit said...

So I would have been programmed to do that, wouldn't I?

BIRTH CONTROL - all part of a zygote slave's programming.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking back at the MOONBASE codes...for 'hokkaido'...that ILL BASE upon a Japanese isle...


crystio was another that all about BIRTH CONTROL/ZYGOTE SLAVERY?

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up SANTERIA upon WIKIPEDIA and came across another example of 'cross-fertilisation' of different belief systems...

The CIA had singled out in RED:


The Hector Lavoe song, "Aguanile", is based on Santería religious beliefs and practices. Scenes of an actual performance of Santería is also displayed in the biopic El Cantante, which is based on Hector's life.

...and the following authors:

Chief Priest Ifayemi Elebuibon, Apetebii: The Wife of Orunmila ISBN 09638787-1-9.
J. Omosade Awolalu, Yoruba Beliefs & Sacrificial Rites ISBN 0-9638787-3-5.
Baba Ifa Karade, The Handbook of Yoruba Religious Concepts.
David M. O'Brien, Animal Sacrifice and Religious Freedom: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah.
Miguel R. Bances, Santería: El Nuevo Manual del Oba u Oriaté.

So we can say that there is an ILL form of SANTERIA and that it is used to program new slaves with?

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up HECTOR and AGUANILE upon YOUTUBE - expanded the comments to see all of them and flashbacked…yes, another one of ‘our’ sites…the comments below had been marked - for me to put them up here:

Vecky888 (2 years ago) Show Hide
0 Marked as spam
Aguanile is the name of a saint in the Santeria beliefs.Hector coverted to santeria after going clean on drugs for a while. That was the era when he would only wear white clothes.And thats where this song came from...
shawniboom (2 years ago) Show Hide
0 Marked as spam
Aguanile is not an orisha (saint). It is a praise to the orisha Oggun. I have seen some crazy/funny answers to what this means like it is for the orisha Eleggua. It is a praise to Oggun. Being a santera with years of ocha, I must add that Yemaya is an orisha also.
ariam724 (2 years ago) Show Hide
0 Marked as spam
I appreciate your answers. It seems Willie Colon was
asked this same question and responded that he thought it was praise for Elegua but that he wasn't
sure and it has caused some confusion. Praise for Oggun makes sense since the song starts with a chorus to Yemaya, Oggun's mother, in the album version.
Hector, gracias por rociarnos!
ChrisPolanco17 (2 years ago) Show Hide
0 Marked as spam
No idea, but Hector is El Hombre Mas Famoso de la Tierra, have you seen the movie, it explaines where it came from...

Black Rabbit said...

This is the actual video of HECTOR performing AGUANILE with his band...

...note that most of the comments are in SPANISH - there will be a reason for that one...assimilated by the LATINOS in the US.

This took me back to BLACKHEATH in the mid-1960s. This was the type of music that 'john waters' loved...and as a tiny child...drum beats are the thing for stomping around to, aren't they?

We used to have 'dance sessions' around his living room floor...

The song that I loved the most was: 'I PUT A SPELL ON YOU (BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE'...I loved that one so much...'john waters' acting the great magician...and me jumping around pounding around the floor like a crazy chick...only a toddler at the time...he was teaching me to be a 'great magician' like himself.

Black Rabbit said...

...and they all start arguing as usual...

avf6469 (1 year ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply hey RonPo i don't know how old are you but father is not the one who said i Fu.. that girl, is the one who shape,encourage, and loved the baby's life. so with all due respect SHUT THE FUCK UP! WITHOUT HECTOR WOULDN'T BE THE SALSA MOVEMENT ,NOBODY WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE CUBA IS.COME ON BE HONEST AND RESPECT TO WHO REALLY KNEW AND MADE THE PEOPLE FELT, DANCE AND CRIED. SOMETHING THAT NOBODYYYYYY HAS DONE SO FAR. IT'S GONA BE 15 YEARS AND I DON'T SEE ANY GOOD "SINGERRRRRR"[CUBANITOOOOO]

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember now - those of us who hadn't had this experience when young were a bit nervous at first...ROS was very unsure to begin with, once we had put the music on...'john waters' was there...she had been trained as a 'mover' upon the DARTINGTON ART COURSE and how to be very conscious of your every move...and this music required a getting rid of that one...a raw sort of dance...that got you in touch with who you are and the earth beneath your feet...that is how I saw it...your basic energy didn't matter what you looked like...

Afterwards ROS said that she had never enjoyed herself so had been a 'break' with all of her training so far...

Black Rabbit said...

Here is a video that we all watched of 'SCREAMIN' JAY HAWKINS' sending himself up...not the version I remember - that one was a studio recorded version and far more intense/dramatic...this is a send-up...anyway, the cigarette in the SKULL on his stick, is quite witty.

Black Rabbit said...

I believe this is the earlier version...of I PUT A SPELL ON YOU.

Black Rabbit said...

This was the SWISS CONTROLLER's blogspot - the new BLOG OF NOTE today.

I remember MARK R telling me that my own 'art blogspot' was copied from his - he had had the idea idea where my blogspot went to...

So he tended to draw his mood - you can see how depressed he was at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...a 'little green man'...

Black Rabbit said...

The illustration that I find the most interesting (but I cannot remember as yet, who did it) is:

Moon - Illustrated by Pascal on 8/29/2009 0 comments
Labels: moon, pascal kirchmair

You have a NASA SPACEMAN trying to INJECT a sleeping MOON with something nasty - colour-coded RED/WHITE.

The MOON has the inmistakeable nose of TOMLINSON.

Black Rabbit said...

It speaks to me - it says NASA are behind all of the torture and drugging involved in order to send their SLAVE 'researchers' into OUTER SPACE...their remote-viewers.

The most SECRET project in the world - for the last 50 years or so.

Black Rabbit said...

I did these two (see below and apologies for the artwork) - did I mean to say anything other than to pisstake the fact that nobody really knows what the MOON is made of (because no human being has ever been up there - or SPACE ROCKET for that matter):

Moon ( is made of cheese... maybe )

Hello to everybody!
My name is Kinga Neuburger-Kohanszky. I am a hungarian graphic artist and illustrator.
This is my first topic here, and I am proud of being a part of Monday Artday!
I have two illustrations to the Moon challenge:

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can imagine that OBAMA is now overwhelmed with ‘offers’ and so I do not suppose that he will be feeling that ‘intense loneliness’ again…quite the opposite - which made me think about my own position.

I thought about how MACDONALD had bonded to ROS in a positive way…and then how TOMLINSON had bonded to me in a negative way. We had both been the ‘children’ of ‘john waters’ but TOMLINSON had not been allowed ‘full control’ over me - from the time of that 1980 ILL ‘handover’.

I also remembered how AMADEUS had put TOMLINSON and myself into a house by the sea and given him a boat and fishermen’s gear…I was simply to look after him - to cook the meals and ‘keep house’. It didn’t work out. TOMLINSON eventually disappeared off and took a large hit of heroin. His ‘dark alter’ then returned. I had been instructed upon what to do - contact a ‘friend’ - a strong man - and get him onto a plane to a HEALTH SPA/rehabilitation centre…which is what I did. AMADEUS then decided that letting us live together was not a good idea in terms of his rehabilitation.

All I can say is this - TOMLINSON still sees me as a ‘rabbit’ to be trapped - but in point of fact, he and his father were also RABBITS - and how can a ‘rabbit’ trap a rabbit? We have won the ILL GAME - we ‘rabbits’ have got it all out to the public.

He might blame me for the apparent death of his wife and child - I do not know why this happened - best to ask AMADEUS. I can blame him for ‘eating out of my womb’ - my own children that might have been…plus threatening any man that came near me…to ensure my zygote slave ‘status’.

I then thought about how the ILL had programmed all of us to be DRUG ADDICTS in some form or another…and that HEROIN addicts had told me that only another heroin addict can truly understand how another feels, after kicking the drug…so TOMLINSON would be a natural partner of ROS or ‘VINCE’.

I also thought about the SWISS CONTROLLER and inquired - apparently he did marry the actress and they lived happily ever after…

I thought about how we had all bonded as a team because we had such a strong purpose and goal…but how we could never all live as a ‘community’ - one can see upon the websites - how we all argued vociferously sometimes and lost our tempers with each other…even though we knew that this was all to be ‘part of the façade’ in order to make the website comments pages look ‘real’.

However, ‘john waters’ wants me to tell TOMLINSON that I will ‘obey’ him but on one condition…that he follows the RIGHT HAND PATH. That would make things right.

Black Rabbit said...


Back to the ‘john waters’ and his ‘Jesuit’ isle…his pleasure palace…his friends had all decided to follow the RIGHT HAND PATH…so why was the ‘flagellation’ necessary?

I thought back to childhood and how a child naturally tests his/her pain thresholds…by jumping off a wall which is too high and hurting yourself…putting your hand too close to a flame…dropping a stone on your foot…sticking a drawing pin in your arm…all the things that kids do to test their pain thresholds…to see how much they can ‘bear’ something…and then they dare others to do the same.

I then thought about the ‘monks’ upon that isle…and I realised that this was the biggest MILITARY secret of all…they had all previously been in the military or at any rate, they had all been ILL-programmed at some point…and they were testing their pain thresholds because it made them feel ‘real’ again…so that they wouldn’t float away into the ether…it brought them back down to the ground, whilst getting in contact with the world around them - with NATURE and praying to G-d.

For some reason - they needed to keep on testing those pain thresholds - and SCARLETT was to tell me later on - that this was one of the biggest secrets of having been in the military - it was a natural response…in order to keep sane. It didn’t matter whether you were homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual - the need was there, in so many men.

However, he didn’t appear to enjoy it that much - his ‘stay’ at the monastery. The SAS on the other hand - found it quite ‘refreshing’.

Black Rabbit said...

I then thought about that 'jokey' article by ANDREW MARR about his journey around the 'pleasure palaces' of LONDON in terms of RUSSIAN MASSEUSES in SPAS...that sort of thing...and how he had got much more than he bargained for...'he certainly did' I heard AMADEUS chuckle.

This 'need' can be catered for in many different ways.

Black Rabbit said...

I feel so sorry for TOMLINSON even though he will hate me for it - he had been so ILL programmed that 'physical pain' was meaningless to him. He could only feel psychological pain in the end...

Black Rabbit said...

So I will say again - I will obey you in everything that you do - but it has to be on the RIGHT HAND PATH. That should dissolve any ILL programming between us. The old 'bull and cow' number...'beauty and the beast' - that sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

Oh yes, 'john waters' isle...they all packed their bags and left after SCARLETT and the SAS had no, the ODD JOHN script will not play out.

Black Rabbit said...

I also thought about CHP and what they were up to...apparently there is the possibility of an 'interview' this THURSDAY.

SCARLETT tells me 'no' that will not transpire...and so if they do contact me to tell me that it is all 'off' - I shall thank them for their interest in my application and request that they keep me upon their books, in relation to other properties.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - there was a particularly big man within that ISLAND community…their ‘strong man’ in a way…and often as not - he would sit and cry in the courtyard…telepathically, he was the most beautiful soul of them all…he was crying it all out…everything…war, ILL-programming…the whole lot…and I put my arms around him and told him that I loved him…and I could feel the entire community telling him the same…they all loved him…his pain was so deep and so great, though…it was going to take him a long time for him to heal…I ‘knew’ that they would all heal…and that one day, they would go back into society…the isle was a temporary abode for all of them…and I could see ‘SAN FRANCISCO’ ahead for him…the noise and bustle of a city around him…and how he would be able to not only cope with it all again but take an active part in the life going on around him…with family and friends…the whole community around him again.

So I can see that what ‘john waters’ had set up - was a ‘healing community’ for the MILITARY and for the ILL-programmed…telling ex-Servicemen that they shouldn’t ‘cut’ themselves for example - isn’t attacking the root problem at all…it has to be understood first…and it isn’t at present…anybody who dares to come forward and admit to ‘self-harm’ is seen as having something ‘wrong’ with them…whereas it is in fact a ‘healing process’…and for every one person that comes forward…there are 10 in the shadows…SCARLETT knew just how large this issue was…how many it affected…most of them…and mainly the men.

As far as this ISLE is concerned…you might say that the ZENO cult started here…

Black Rabbit said...

I checked out DAVID ICKE's newsletter to find the above YOUTUBE video.

"George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is"

I remembered it from the CIA SUITE- shocking but true.

We had remote-viewed what would happen to OBAMA once he had entered that 'SMOKEY ROOM' with the bankers...and the first thing that they did was to play him their tape of THEIR assassination of KENNEDY.

Black Rabbit said...

The same old pseudonyms that we used for these 'comments pages' keep on coming up.

MACDONALD had recommended to us all, that we each keep a list of our own particular names and then re-use them where appropriate. Everybody ended up with about 50 different names or yes, I can remember who "halliburtoncrusher" well as "QuantumBios" and so makes me laugh reading this all back now...

I can see how we tended to operate in teams...ROS and MACDONALD would harangue each other...

I would put up something and SWISS CONTROLLER would have a go at me...we were supposed to be like a 'relay team' pushing each other on to get out vital pieces of information - this exchange isn't an example of the above (myself and then Swiss Controller) but it makes me laugh in retrospect:

EarthaKit2 (3 days ago) Show Hide -3 Marked as spam Reply

So Carlin was a success, eh?
I wonder whetehr he was a Mason?

2unearth (3 days ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply

I wonder if EarthaKit2 is a comedian, eh?

Black Rabbit said...

"lostinthemix (4 days ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply

Bill Hicks was murdered."

MACDONALD had found that one out or was it any rate - this comedian was murdered for telling the truth.

Watching this video again - reminded me of remote-viewing OBAMA who was sitting - completely subdued in that 'smokey room' and being told what to do by those BANKERS...and he just kept saying 'yup' in the meekest way possible - after everything that was said.

Black Rabbit said...

OBAMA had also viewed his own future, with us - and so he knew what would happen to him.

Forewarned is forearmed?

Black Rabbit said...

MI6 put this website together - after I had got back from NY and could remember enough to tell SCARLETT and COLLIE what I had found out...I was trying to steer them away from using the concept of 'time' in quantuum research because it was irrelevant and misleading as the '4th dimension'. It wasn't a 'dimension' as such and shouldn't be used in equations.

Black Rabbit said...

They decided to go up to the 10TH DIMENSION and 'string theory'.

What can I say but HAARP uses string theory for its beams - remote-viewers can break through this 'illusion' though - it isn't as powerful as the ILL appear to believe.

Black Rabbit said...

We then have the above document which I can remember putting together - or most of it, at any rate.

I based it upon what MARK R and NIR had taught me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

So all one can say is this: the research is what NASA/THE PENTAGON have found out but kept secret.

I am making no claims as to the veracity of any of it - but it will be more accurate than current 'textbook' theory.

Black Rabbit said...

Change Font Size: A A A Properties of Energy & Matter...
Common knowledge in the 21st century
By James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98

Dimensionality | Flux | Gravity | Atomic Structure | Relativity | Big Bang | Misc. | Elliptical Orbit Gravitational Engine


Everything in the Universe is made from one type of particle.
All workings of the Universe are result from said particle.


"Flux Particle Theory... How to make the most universe with the least amount of material"

Every first year Chemistry student learns of the proton to electron orbital ratio (how an atom is mostly empty space). But if you asked the same student what a three dimensional object is they would undoubtedly say a solid. To me this is just flat out wrong (nothing is solid).
If we look back in history, there was a point in time when everyone thought the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun revolved around it. Even the educated people of the day wouldn't have had any doubt to the validity of this concept, based on the fact that you can actually see the Sun rise and set (supposedly orbit) around the Earth on any given day.
Extremely accurate measurements of the Suns orbit could have also been taken. Leading the whole scientific community to believe they have proved something to ten or twelve decimal places, ...not only falsely confirming the theory, but also inadvertently giving a fundamentally incorrect foundation for others to build upon, that's an extremely important point... even though all the egg-heads concur on something... they can see it, measure it, derive a math formula about it... they are all backwards and thereby wrong.
Therefore, even though everyone thinks something works in a certain way and can actually see it with their own two eyes, there is still an allowance for something happening in a completely different manner, and there is always an easier explanation or a different way to explain something. There can even be a completely new math based on particle lengths, it doesn't mean everything else is incorrect ... it just means this can also be correct and deserves consideration.

Flux theory is a complete theory of everything ... including Gravity, The four forces, and a completely new way to understand the way dimensionality actually works. It is based solely on irrefutable logic. And although it is easily understandable by anyone, it requires an open mind and a completely new way of thinking.

Flux Theory explains (or you will automatically understand) Gravity, Mass, Particle shapes, The Double Slit Experiment, The Four Forces, The Fifth Force, Fringe Patterns, Dark Matter, Missing Matter in the Universe, Binding energy, Alpha Beta Gamma Radiation, Atomic Structures, Induced Fields, Interference, Photo Electric Effect, Polarization of Light, Wave / Particle Duality, Zeeman Effect, Zero-point Energy, Why Superstring theories work mathematically in ten dimensions, Previously unknown effects, Constants and Theories of others (if they were on the right track). It makes everything fall into place.
... A great scientist once said the Grand Unified Field might be a geometric problem and that's exactly what this solution is.

Properties of Energy & Matter | Part 1 Dimensionality |

Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

Change Font Size: A A A
by James Clifford Cranwell 3/27/98 Part I ... Spatial Dimensionality

Contrary to popular belief... nothing is even remotely solid. At the sub atomic level it is well known the nucleus radius to electron orbital ratio is one hundred thousandth.
That makes the volumetric or spatial difference one quadrillionth = 10-15 = ( .000 000 000 000 001 ) . This ratio is approximately the same size as a spherical dot above the letter " i " (the proton) on the fifty - yard line in a football stadium (the orbital) everything else is empty space. So if we think of or visualize a huge sphere the size of a stadium (a small moon for instance) in reality the amount of actual continuous mass (just nuclei) (4/3)Pi 13
(4/3)Pi 100,0003 = 1
1,000,000,000,000,000 = one
is equivalent to a solid dot above the " i " made of only protons cut up into one quadrillion times 1,000 billion billion pieces and evenly dispersed (that's one quadrillion "i" dots to fill the moon sized sphere (ignoring sphere packing) then 1,000 billion billion atomic radii to fill the "i" dot). That's why neutrinos can zip right through anything completely unfettered and why the moon is only there when someone is looking at it... if we couldn't see vibrations of electron energy, the moon would be completely unnoticed.

Quantum Math
When we differentiate, we get the instantaneous change in whatever equation or shape we consider. It's easy to visualize because the starting equation or figure, for instance a 3-dimensional cube ( y = x3 ), gets lowered down a degree in power or dimension. i.e. ( y' = 3x2) this can be equated to three planar two dimensional sides of the cube or the instantaneous change needed to increase the length, width and height (volume) of the cube, so, this means to instantaneously increase volume, tack on area to half the outside surface. Taking this one step further we arrive at ( y'' = 6x ) this is simply six one dimensional lines or the instantaneous change needed to increase the length and width (area) of the three planes, every plane needs two lines (length and width) to increase its area, three planes times two lines equals six lines total.
Now it gets even easier ... six points ( y''' = 6 ) are the instantaneous change needed to increase six lines in length (notice the six points are zero-dimensional). Now we arrive at ( y (4 ) = 0 ) this is the instantaneous change needed to take the six points out of existence.
A big problem occurs when we try to integrate something cubic ( y = x3 ) into the fourth dimension, in this case ( integral y ), we have an exact mathematical representation of it ( x 4 /4 ) and if x = 1 we know this is equal to 1/4's worth of fourth dimensional volume (tesserarea?) but, what shape is it? Is it a snapshot in time? Is it an hypercube? Is it a mysterious visitor from the fourth dimension?

Black Rabbit said...

The cube isn't solid
...Remember, nothing is even remotely solid, so you will rack your brain trying to visualize the integration of a solid or in this case an actual misconception. The mysterious fourth dimensional shape is a tetrahedral axes shaped particle group of higher density. Any one dimensional object is a line. Any two dimensional object is a plane, but that's a slice of a supposed cube, and can't be thought of as for instance a sheet of paper because, if we integrate enough of them into a stack, we have a solid cube of paper and by now we know nothing is solid.
The cube can't be solid. So that form of thinking is simply wrong (note: The one dimensional line would also have to be in segments, and although we can actually integrate lines into a plane ... the lines in this case are never arranged parallel so they won't form a continuous plane that could then be integrated into a stack)...

The cube isn't solid but since it is there, it must be made of something. If we call the basic unit of whatever the cube is comprised of a particle. The particle must be capable of conveying information, for instance electro - magnetic vibrations. And since there are different frequencies and / or strengths of vibrations with multiple simultaneous combinations, a zero-dimensional single point particle would be incapable of achieving this. It can spin or move or remain at rest but there is no chance of Simultaneity or vibrations. The next possible alternative is the one dimensional line or string (any intrinsic universal characteristic will always be the simplest and at the same time most efficient option).
The string seems to be the shape of choice in this case. On a musical instrument, a violin for instance, the string can convey a multitude of vibrations, tones and harmonics. This means there can be a lot of simultaneous information transmitted along a one dimensional string. There is no need to attempt theoretical construction of a particle made of two dimensional planes because ... if we integrate enough of them into a stack...

Particle Integration :
x4/4 = 1/4
x3 = 1
3x2 = 3
6x = 6
...So, the basic building blocks of particle construction must be line segments or strings. Their arrangement makes all the difference... The basic unit of the x 3 variety is the X-Y-Z axes shaped particle, this is three strings joined at their centers. If in this example x = 1, then the three axis will be 1/3 in length (X, Y and Z are 1/3 long) with a total length of one. All widths are infinitesimal. When we differentiate x3 we get 3x2 , this is 3 plus signs or XY axes shaped particles with a total length of 3, that makes 6 axis with 1/2 length... this is also the exact amount of length needed to make three cubic particles... the XYZ's with 1/3 axis length, and the correct amount to add one particle either cubic XYZ or quadratic XY to every axis of the original differentiated particle giving the XYZ an instantaneous change.
So, working this in reverse we see that as we integrate into a higher power it changes the shape by adding an axis and it shrinks in size giving it a greater density. So the fourth dimensional object is composed of tetrahedral axes shapes, in this example 1/4 total length f (1) = x4 /4 = 1/4 with 1/16 length axis ( one fourth of 1/4 total ), it gets small very rapidly. More particles are needed to fill any volume because of the shorter lengths and tighter pack, ergo higher density. Now it is easy to see... in a field of 2-D ( XY ) particles we can only traverse horizontally and vertically. When we bump this up one dimension into 3-D we also have the toward and away axis, alas we still can't move on a diagonal, for that is reserved for the higher dimensions.
Now it's a piece of cake to see how any length, for instance 1/(10 * √26 - 1)c, divided up correctly can be a direct representation of a particle(s).

Black Rabbit said...

Spatial dimension is directions.

An Abbott Flatlander from Flatland living on a two dimensional plane would actually be living on an infinity of dimensions if he can turn or move through every angle or vector direction on the supposed plane. The way this actually works is by using axial directions as dimension. An actual working two dimensional model of space would be an infinite array of 2-D axis shaped particles arranged in a plane with the negative or expansive force vibrating through their continuum (matrix). In this 2-D model light is coerced into traveling in straight lines in only two directions (This model can also warp or flex, forcing the curvature of light). If you took enough 2-D particles and curved and connected them into a spherical surface shape, it would be misinterpreted as 3-D.
The actual 2-D electron is pulling this same prank by orbiting spherically and mimicking a 3-D solid, nothing is actually 3-D and/or solid. Now that we know the basic workings of particles at the quantum level and we know vibrations occur in every possible direction, a 3-dimensional particle will not sufficiently transmit vibrations along a diagonal, so, 3-D doesn't work. The particle capable of angular conveyance must be of higher dimension and have the most efficient shape to pack space. It turns out to be a particle with 10-dimensions or ten axes. In the ten dimensional dodecahedral matrix, light is actually forced into zigzags.
This axial concept allows for an actual visual of higher dimensions. If we integrate a supposed three-dimensional cube into the fourth dimension the result isn't a snapshot of the cube in the fourth dimension, it is a tetrahedron with an increased density field matrix (tetrahedral).
You have to remember... nothing is 3-D and/or solid... a proton is 0-D (zero-D), the electrons orbiting it are 2-D, we're seeing this whole configuration through a 10-D field, so if you want to bump up one dimension higher than the dimension you actually see things in, you're going to have to contemplate a mysterious visitor from the eleventh dimension (not the fourth).
If you want to bump up something in dimension until it is actually solid... you're on your way to creating your very own neutron star with a contiguous proton/neutron pack, We're all in trouble if we get a visit from one of them.

Quantum Weirdness:
Since everything involved in the continuum structure is completely controlled or regulated at the speed of light (including Stars, Planets, any type of measuring device, Plants, Animals, Humans and everything else, excluding for instance neutrinos), we have no way of knowing what speed things are really happening.
It's like being a character in a movie, you're just film and you're trying to find out what speed(s) the projector is running. The Speed of light and all particle interactions might be traveling or happening at the pace of an Escargot (snail) but our brains are using the same speed vibration set by this cosmic speedometer so we'll never know.

Properties of Energy & Matter * part II *

Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

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by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 Part II ... The Flux

It is well known that all matter in the Universe is composed of atoms and sub-atomic particles, held together by four and only four fundamental forces. These four forces are:
The Strong force (short range) : 100 = 1 = Unit force
This is the force which powers the Sun, is the devastating force behind hydrogen bombs and the force that binds protons / neutrons into nuclei. This unit force is given the value of one, or ten to the power of zero (100), all other forces are measured as a relative strength of it.

Electro-magnetic force (long range): 10-2
This is the force that binds atoms and molecules together and is also the force of electricity. The source of power behind for instance a light bulb. It is one hundredth the strength of Unit force so, the value is 1/100 or one divided by ten to the power of two = 1/(102) = 10-2

Weak force (short range): 10-9
This is the force responsible for radioactive decay and instability in certain nuclei. It is one billionth strength of Unit force so, its value is 1/1,000,000,000 or one divided by ten to the power of nine = 1/(109) = 10-9

Gravitational force (long range): 10-38
This is the force that holds the Earth in orbit around the Sun, keeps our feet firmly anchored to the ground and makes apples fall from trees. It is 1/(1038) (one divided by one followed by 38 zeroes) 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 strength of Unit force so, the value is one divided by ten to the power of 38 = 1/(1038) = 10-38

The Gravitational force between any two objects for example the Earth and Moon can be measured using one of Newton's equations F = Gm1m2/r 2 . The constant G in this instance is the Universal gravitational constant. Meaning the force of gravity equals the product of any two masses divided by their radius (separation) squared, quantity times G.
The value of the Gravitational constant is 6.67259 E-11 ...m3 kg-1 s-2
The exact value for this is G = 1/(10 * √26 -1)c ...m3 kg-1 s-2
G = 1/(10 * √26 - 1)c = 6.6725903807971 E-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 Exactor
In this instance the speed of light "c" is just an amount of meters or a specific number , not meters per second.
Which gives us the very intriguing...perfectly repeating...continued fractional form ...
1/(10 * √26 - 1)c= 1 / (10 [5,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,...10 ]-1)c
that fits in really nice in our ten dimensional Universe.
Square root 26 = [5,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,...10 ]
that's 5 and 1/10 with another 1/10 tacked onto the ten in the denominators forever

5 + ----------------
10 + --------------
10 + 1/(10 + 1/(10 + 1/10... etc.))

G = 1/((10 * (√26))-1)c

Black Rabbit said...

center of axis
(cut away view)
...So, this is the exact value for the Universal Gravitational Constant. But more importantly this defines the exact shape of the Unit Flux, it's a particle and by simply altering its shape it becomes anything and everything in this Universe. It has 10 hypotenuse or diagonals joined at their centers, terminating on the vertices of the dodecahedron.
This is the same as twenty radii emanating from a common center called a Flunot...
Arrangement of Axis Unit Flux 10-D
It has ten diagonals, nine with the force of light, one minus the charge or plus gravity (the normal state). They are composed of one dimensional (1-D) infinitesimal width string or tube like objects arranged in a ten dimensional Dodecahedron axes pattern terminating on vertices or the set of twenty points...

(+-x/y, +-xy, 0) where y = (√5+1)/2
( +-xy, 0, +-x/y) x = G /(20 * √3)
( 0, +-x/y, +-xy) G = 1/(10 * √26 - 1)c
( +-x, +-x, +-x)

Black Rabbit said...

...but, since we are at the quantum level where dimension is viable direction only, that makes ten dimensions in the actual space time continuum. The strings are only one dimension but are arranged in ten dimension the 10 different axes (20 different directions from origin) occupy or commandeer space in 10 dimensions without actually filling its volumetric area, thereby leaving it almost empty.
The Flux particles set up their own field (face centred cubic spherical space type pack) relative to the object of largest mass in proximity. This corresponds to a lattice which the center of every sphere or particle is the set of all points (x,y,z) where x, y, and z are integers adding up to an even number (That's arrangement, not size).
Flux particle...Nine Dimensional dispersion or 10-9
One axis is used to convey the force...either photonic or gravitational, the other Nine axes are one dimension each.
This is a ten dimensional Universe so, every axis is a power of ten. When a force or vibration is being transmitted through one axis of any particle it causes the 18 remaining radii repel away from the charge. As the shape changes from nine Dimension (remaining axes of dodecahedron) weak down to two dimension (disc) electron it causes the particle to separate from the field connections lattice along the way.
The number of field connections is the determinate factor of relative strength or dimension of any particle. Any amount of repel or dimension change is possible here allowing force values from 10-9 through 10-2 on any particle or field created.

Black Rabbit said...

Electron...Can disperse energy in 2-dimensions or 10-2 strength
When one axis of any particle meets up with a proton charge and is held in place or a large force is being transmitted through it, two of the twenty radii are used as the Unit Force spike. The 18 remaining radii repel away from the charge into a two dimensional disc thus becoming the Electron.
This makes "18" the determinant number in Electron shell arrangements, check the larger noble gases: Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, the amount of electrons in outermost shells will always sum to 18, the first three even have atomic numbers that are multiples of eighteen.
Three groups of six radii from one electron can form (along with seven other electrons) the corners of a cube or the "Octet Rule" (do the works).

Proton...Zero Dimensions or Unit force strength...100
With the positive or constricting force the 18 remaining radii curl into six types of Quarks in three flavors thus creating a proton with two string radii left. The flux strings always curl in groups of three (red, blue, green) with combinations of either charge (frequency) or rest (zero) giving the Quark a characteristic One third or Two thirds spin flavor. A group of two is the Proton - Neutron - Connector Meson.
If the proton were the size of the dot above the letter "i" then the strings could be compared to something a lot finer than the web of a spider extending out a few hundred meters, fine enough where eighteen strings can curl into a space the size of the proton and have a spaghetti ball type configuration with a very loose string (or filament) pack.
It is the way to make the most universe with the least amount of material.
Newton's equation F = Gm1m2/r 2 breaks down and becomes ineffective at the proton - electron size or atomic realm, the particle shape has altered and the actual mechanism of attraction or attachment has changed.

Neutron...Nineteen curled radii, one spike left
(dying to curl up with a proton spike)
The Neutron has one more string radius curl than the proton giving it slightly more mass. Protons can chain together as they curl, a Neutron is a nice way to dead-end the chain so the force of Gravity can ensue.
The string radii or spikes are the mechanism any particle...electron, proton or neutron etc. uses to connect and relay charge or vibration. In the atomic nucleus the last spike (one radius) of a neutron and one of the two proton spikes curl into a meson, that leaves the whole proton-neutron package with only one spike emanating from the proton, thereby leaving the neutron without an outlet, giving it a neutral charge.
This means an actual free neutron will have all twenty radii curled. If one curled neutron radius suddenly uncoils... it will convert into a proton with the ejecting charge or vibration creating an Electron in the process and is called Beta Radiation (one diameters worth of charge is an Electron or in this case one half... spin?), note: if the curled radius in the proton / neutron connector opposite the proton spike actually breaks off from the proton, once again the neutron radius suddenly uncoils creating the electron and proton but this time there is a free radius or diameter also and is called a neutrino.

Quantum Weirdness:
Electrical energy is used to power mechanical devices but at the quantum level Electrical energy is just a frictionless mechanical vibration.

Properties of Energy & Matter * part III *

Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

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by James Clifford Cranwell 3/12-14/98 Part IV ... Atomic Structures

It's ludicrous to believe there was a Big-Bang, then billions and billions and billions etc. of groups of different type particles ( Muon, Alpha, Down, Electron, Lambda, Yada, Neutrino, Green, Blue, Eta, Red, Gluon, Tau, Pion, Kaon, Proton, Neutron, Sigma, Xi, Omega, Up, Strange, Photon, Charmed, Bottom, Top, Positron, Meson, Baryon, etc.) all magically formed themselves together into exact arrangements to become elements. How do they know how to arrange themselves without any external guidance?
This implies two things...
No.1 morphic field : There is some kind of morphic field guidance system that arranges particles into matter as we know it, exact same structures every time. If this is so, then not only are there all these types of particles, there is also another field (morphic) to describe. The only difference here is the morphic field isn't the effect created by electron movement and charge, it's a field that controls everything, it's the cause. That implies the morphic field has a brain or some other type of intelligence controlling it (perhaps yet another morphic field), that is quite impossible.
No.2 pre-formed matter : All particles and atoms just happened to be already formed. Hydrogen, Iodine, Magnesium, Sulfur, Gold, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Silver, Krypton, Iron... you name it, it was already formed. If that's the case, how did everything get formed? Was there a Morphic field? Were the heavier elements created in the hydrogen fusion of stars? Where did that hydrogen come from? Was there a Morphic Field?
Cause and effect:

Black Rabbit said...

For any action to take place there must be an underlying cause, something where the end result is the action in question, therefore we have to realize there must be something causing the cause, and something else causing the causing (the middle-man cause). This will tend toward infinity with no explanation of an initial cause unless of course there is something that behaves automatically in an exact manner when an outside influence affects it, an Automaton. If there is a vibration on it, it will expand or repel and convey the vibration (if something is vibrating it automatically shakes everything in proximity away).
If there is a lack of vibration or state of rest it will curl up and pull. Now the whole thing is simple, at the quantum level or the actual beginning of particle interactions things have to be this simple, anything else implies and endless string of cause and effects. Thinking there is more than one type of particle in this Universe is ridiculous... if there is more than one type of particle and there isn't an infinite number of particles, then there is an absolute number of different type particles, for instance twenty-nine or thirty-seven.
How are all the different type particles magically finding each other in order to be formed into matter? Do they just happen to be in the right place at the right time billions and billions of times (for even the head of a pin) everywhere in the Universe? Is there a Morphic Field Cousin that moves matter from place to place and knows exactly how much matter to move and where to move it? What's controlling this Morphic Field Cousin, a Morphic Field Uncle? The only questions here are... Why are there particles? What caused the initial vibrations or lack there of ?

Basic Particle Construction:
They're right in front of our face, we're made out of them, ...Everything is made out of them. So, where did the basic flux particles come from and how were they formed? Although their ultimate creation or coming into existence is unexplainable there had to be some form of matter or substance from which everything was initially formed or else we wouldn't be here. And the most efficient type of construct is the string, ...if it's just a coincidence, it's the most amazing coincidence that ever happened.
So... if we have a bunch of strings floating around how do they automatically form into the ten dimensional or twenty radii from center shape? That's easy... if any strings join together at their ends and then more strings are attracted to the joint... it will build into the shape in question. When it reaches a point where there are twenty strings sticking into one center, that's the point where no more strings will fit all the way into the center of the package, it's the cut off point. It's the vertices of the dodecahedron or the faces of the icosahedron ...the flunot... center of axis. The flunot will automatically form then everything else will automatically form from it... it couldn't have happened any other way.

Black Rabbit said...

By the way:
What are all those different particles their talking about? Their just a certain amount of the string particles from a busted up proton, that's why there's a distinct ratio between all the supposed different particles MeV, something might be three strings broken off but still balled up together something else might be nine strings still balled up.

At the quantum level there isn't anything we can actually perceive as color or shape. Color is a specific frequency (a photon) traveling along one or more of the Flux strings. All we are able to see are the vibrations in a direction toward us... not the string or particle itself.
... Analogy: ...we can use a voltmeter or a galvanometer to measure current or voltage through a wire, but there is no chance of the voltmeter or galvanometer seeing (actually looking at) the wire. An human brain, like the galvanometer, is just a measuring device and it is only measuring frequencies that we perceive as color, we can't see the wire (flux strings).
The electron radii are the spines of an umbrella like structure without the fabric (The fabric of space doesn't have fabric). Light or vibration is conveyed to the atom then is added to the existing charge or vibration quantity until the threshold is exceeded and a quantum leap is made by adding other flux as connectors between electrons. This will give an instantaneous change in orbit or shell size.
This process also changes the amount of repel or what we now know is actual "dimension" of individual particles in specific amounts. They can load or vibrate up to full 2-D charge, then upon discharge will be released in discrete packages or amounts and are called photons. Electrons travel through free space at the near the speed of light. The speed of light is a vibration along the Flux particle field.
An Electron force is an actual shape conversion of the particles as it traverses (a pulse like snapping in and out of 2-dimensions ). That's more work, so, it takes slightly longer. A stronger Electron force, for instance lightning, also has the effect of straightening out the zigzag property of the field lattice, thereby totally disrupting the proximity space-time.

Black Rabbit said...

Quantum Mechanical:
... A force is something that causes action to take place, and although there can be any number of forces working in unison or opposition. There can also be a series, or one force that is a direct result of another force, "this caused that". But, there is a limit to the number of forces that can be working in series, because there has to be an initial force or an ultimate beginning of any series. This can be quite perplexing, if we are at the ultimate beginning in the force series chain, there must be something causing the initial force, and it can't be another force or else we are not at the beginning and there will never be an initial force or beginning. So the initial force can't be a force at all. It can only be an intrinsic Mechanical vibration.

Quantum Weirdness:
... At a size or realm smaller than the electron orbital radius itself, light doesn't enter (light is only a vibration) . Only highly charged particles with velocity high enough to disconnect from the continuum can. Any scientific measurements made in this manner are actually accomplished outside of space-time.
Any particle that has charge high enough to disconnect from the field will have a speed completely irrelevant to light or anything else. A particle is actually something, a photon is only a vibration on the particle...
if you hold a piece of rope, you have a rope... if you shake the rope, you have photons... does the shake or vibration have mass? If we use this as an example of an atom and magnify the nuclei (proton) until its size is proportional to the dot above the letter "i" ... the ropes or strings would be like one silk strand of a spiders web (per proton) extending out a few hundred meters to the electron, it (the strand) would have to be fine/thin enough where eighteen or nineteen of them can curl up together into a spherical space the size of the proton, because they (the strands) actually are the proton.
The speed one wave crest vibration travels along the string would be considered the speed of light... any balled up string zipping by has little or no chance (31,415,926,535 to one)* of coming in contact with anything and completely irrelevant speed and existence.

Black Rabbit said...

* 31,415,926,535 to one... that's the area of one slice taken through the atom with the nucleus being the bull's eye and the slice area equal to pi radius squared or pi 100,000 2 ...

More on Size:

A hand ball sized nucleus (2.00 diameter, 1.00 radius) would have strings extending out 1.57828283 miles

100,000 inches * (2.00 / 2) = 1.57828283 miles or
100,000 * (1.00) inches = 100,000 inches
And the volume of the hand ball would be 4.1887902 cubic inches
(4 / 3) * pi * (1.00^3) = 4.1887902

Volume of cylinder...
V = (pi * r^2 * h)

Find thickness (radius) of 100,000 inch cylinder with volume 4.1887902

4.1887902 = (pi * r^2 * 100,000)
((4.1887902 / 100,000) / pi)^(1 / 2) = 0.00365148371 thickness in inches if handball nucleus

2 / 300,000^(1/2) = 0.00365148371

If there are 20 strings, find radius of one... volume of one = 4.1887902 / 20 = 0.20943951
(((4.1887902 / 20) / 100 000) / pi)^(1 / 2) = 0.00081649658
Ratio of
((((4.1887902 / 20) / 100 000) / pi)^(1 / 2))^(-1) = 1 224.74487

If there are 18 strings, find radius of one... volume of one = 4.1887902 / 18 = 0.232710567
(((4.1887902 / 18) / 100 000) / pi)^(1 / 2) = 0.000860662965

(((4.1887902 / 19) / 100 000) / pi)^(1 / 2) = 0.000837707816

1 / 0.000860662965 = 1,161.895
1 / 0.000837707816 = 1,193.73364
1 / 0.000816496580 = 1,224.74487

radius of the sun = 695 500 kilometers
Distance from Sun to Pluto...
39.48 Astronomical Units = 5 906 129 040 kilometers
5 906 129 040 / 695 500 = 8 491.9181

Properties of Energy & Matter * part V *

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