Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

I looked up the TAMIL song and found the above - with a BLUE BENCH and a WHITE 'X' upon it...

The X spot.

Now I get what the anonymous poster 'X' was getting at...

Not the 'G' spot of sexual ecstacy but the 'X' spot...the point where your brain goes 'dead' after gang-rape.

I had seen this happen in MARK R's eyes - after PUTIN's gang had got him. The eyes just go 'dead' after a while - something switches off in the brain.

I then remembered RIMINGTON from 1980 - we had all heard about the 'G' spot but she was telling us that we would be taught about the 'X' spot.

Recently, I read an article upon the ILL SATANISTS that for some reason, it is a CURSE upon them - that they have to tell you what they are going to do to you, before they do it - even down to telling you how they will kill you off in the end...many years ahead...the year of your death - the age that you will be murdered.

Black Rabbit said...

“At 4:42 PM, schaumi said…
Yeah, but for sure the orgy doesn't just symbolize sex. Remembering back, I think I felt the movie (or the orgy) had to do with the subversive nature of power and how that power can manipulate people without them being aware of it.
Heck, what do I know or remember. I ought to watch it again. “

I was interested in this quote because it was an alternative way of reading what KUBRICK had been describing - rather than simply describing the ORGY as:

A bunch of sick businessmen who like to abuse female mind control slaves. Those who liked to dress up this hideous abuse of human beings - in childish, Masonic and theatrical ways.

The above quote had a bit more depth, than that…

“The subversive nature of POWER.”

Now that is what SCARLETT had talked to me about - he had told me that I was luckier than himself because I didn’t want power over others - he had done so and he had been dragged into the ILL sewer.

SCARLETT seemed to think that you couldn’t remain a ‘good person’ if you wanted power over others. The whole ‘ILL system’ was against you and right from the start. You had to succumb to being EVIL, if you wanted power over others.

I can see how this went…for those like RIMINGTON…within the mind of a spiteful and vindictive 14 year old girl…she didn’t care at all, for her victims - if somebody annoyed her - she had them put to death or crippled.

One thinks of the saying ‘power corrupts and ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.’

However this doesn’t have to be the case - it is simply that the whole ILL system which has been in control of our societies - tries to dictate that this is the case.

The problem with mind control is that anybody can succumb to being ‘evil’ because we are all spontaneous within our emotions - we get angry with somebody and if the ‘buzzer’ to harm them, is at our fingertips - often as not - most of us would use it - and then regret it afterwards - but afterwards is always too late. The downward spiral. You’ve done it once, you do it again - it becomes a ‘norm’.

During my last few days at EAGLE HOUSE - I had begun to remember the mind control symbols that ‘john waters’ had taught me. Symbols of great power. I remember a particular one, in order to be able to do it with my hands - but I couldn’t remember what effect it was supposed to have.

I was at my wits end at the time - stressed out of my mind - see previous notes on the harassment I had suffered and from all sides…and I had no money - therefore, I had decided to sell off any books that might interest the local bookshop in HARWICH…I took along my two ZOHAR hardback editions…

Whilst in the bookshop - I wanted information upon TOMLINSON’s warehouse, next to the bookshop…the door had been open and I had seen the KARMA SUTRA left out on the table…amidst all of the ILL programming junk in there…the guy wasn’t answering and so I got annoyed and I suppose that perhaps I had some notion of what the hand symbol (see above) was…but I couldn’t consciously remember…so I made it…he immediately opened up and told me all he knew.

However, it could have been a symbol for the guy to have a heart-attack for all I knew…and I used it all the same. ‘john waters’ told me later what it meant ‘tell the truth or die’. He also added that I wasn’t quite ready yet for such power…

So, in summary - I can see how one’s emotions can de-stabilise one’s common sense and duty towards others - particularly if one is stressed out of one’s mind.

Black Rabbit said...

Unless you are in control of your emotions - you have no human right to exercise mind control over others.

The 'power' of your emotions takes over your 'thinking self' and makes you do things that you would regret afterwards.

Black Rabbit said...

...if you want power over others but you do not have power over yourself and your own are on the LEFT PATH straight away...the YELLOW BRICK road to HELL.

Black Rabbit said...

"At 4:47 PM, X. Dell said…

True. If the orgy symbolized only sex, the movie wouldn't have interested me. After all, why use something to symbolize itself?

Here sex represents many things: power, privilege, secrecy, class stratifications (the difference between being wealthy and being a member of the elite classes, for example), the corruptive nature of power, and many other things. It is (forgive me for saying this) a pregnant metaphor, full of meaning for many different things."


One big bubble that has to be pricked...

Although I would prefer the 'ALIEN' metaphor - not a real pregnancy - just something dreadful that has been festering in the bodies and minds of the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said... has to be expelled from the BODY and killed stone-dead.

Black Rabbit said...

SJ said:

"A few trivial points... Nicole and the sailor scenes looked mroe like a pair than Tom and Nicole did.

The song in the orgy scene is in Tamil my mother tongue."


So this was ROE/EGG/ZYGOTE slave programming - did the ILL use the film for this?

Black Rabbit said...

SJ also says that the TAMIL was added after an initial protest - presumably in NORTH AMERICA then...and they were happy with the addition of the TAMIL song?

"The original words for the song are a Hindu religious song and no doubt that triggered a lot of protest from Hindus. So the makers of the movie hired a Tamil guy to write non-religious lyrics to the same song. It was in the local news here."

Black Rabbit said...

X DELL says:

"And I will see what I can do to make my fonts a tad more legible."

Now - what is it about FONTS?

That must have been part of mind control programming too...


COLLIE had told me that she and her colleagues preferred ARIAL...

...and I noted that the NHS also preferred ARIAL for their documents...

Black Rabbit said...

What is the GOLDEN GANESH?

Apparently a RADIO/INTERNET PLAY upon this blogspot.

So I clicked upon the last episode 16 to get:

Sunday, August 02, 2009
The Golden Ganesh Episode 16

And with that ladies and gentlemen (and the rough people too) we reach the finale of the The Golden Ganesh. To who listened to it and liked it. THANKS. To those who didn't thanks for your patience while this blog was taken over by TGG.

If I ever win an Oscar for this... "I would like to thank the director X-Dell for all the effort he put into creating the idea, the screen play, the background effects, the splicing and dicing of all the actors' audio files. Thanks to all the cast and others who helped in the creation of TGG. It was great hearing all your voices and getting to know your acting abilities. Of course thanks to the fans who listened on here or at one of the other blogs. I had fun (and I don't care if you did or not.)"

Pssst... if you are hosting The GG Widget on your site or blog there's a problem, a bug, a defect in it. The link to episode 16 doesn't work. You can either manually edit the widget with the correct link for the final episode or delete it add it anew from

The Golden Ganesh Episode 16

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting here that this was MARK R's countdown to WORLD WAR - encoded in this website.

I have just listened to the GOLDEN GANESH - which appears to have been coded as 'elephant god' TOMLINSON.

I was JENNY/JEANNIE (keep her away from the white wine and sorry about her losing all of the tiny amount of money she has from Social Security upon travelling abroad to find out about ILL PROGRAMMING)...

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the download URL of this revolting little play which was quite obviously devised by MARK R:

Ricardo Lori (Detective)
Lauren (Dee von Zelle)
John B. (Detective Bob Toricello)
Jeannie-Girl (Lynn)
K9 (Felicity & Homeless Woman)
Foam (Diane)
Holy Cannoli (Jenny)
Rayke (Franklin & Sgt. MacBrian)
SJ (Criminologist/Futon Cop)
Boneman (Judge Ewing, the Mounted Cop & Smythe’s Answering Machine)
Crushed by Ingsoc (Lt. Fisher and the Angry Driver)
Pjazzypar (the Captain, the Caterer, the Hostess, Felicity’s old Professor, & FBI Agent)
Malcolm (Essex County Deputy)
Pamela Ringgold (Machine Dialer & Rude Cop)
Yinyang (FBI Demolitions Expert & Lynn’s Old Friend)
Foam Jr. (the Music Student)
Mr. Foam (Homeless Man 2)
X. Dell (Mr. Johnson & Homeless Man 1).

Special guest stars: Ravi Khanna as Indra, Paul Weaver as Mountie Smythe, and Amy Insley as Col. Smith.

Written and produced by X-Dell.

Directed by Committee.

Dedications and Special Thanks to Monique Caddy, David Caddy, and the rest of our friends at Middle Ditch.

Music by Da Palm & Nurykabe

Additional sound effects by c97059890 of the Free Sound Project (

The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Labels: thanks, the golden ganesh

5 worshipped at my altar:
foam said...
awwwww .. shucks .. it's over ..
like you i tremendously enjoyed hearing everybody and, of course, esp. you .. ;) really did an amazing job. i was impressed each time.

2:57 PM, August 02, 2009
X. Dell said...
I think we were all curious to hear each other's voices, especially SJ. Thanks for all the work you two put into this. I hope you feel like crowing over what you did. I do.

11:02 PM, August 02, 2009
X. Dell said...
BTW, I goofed. Amy's last name is Insley.

11:03 PM, August 02, 2009
SJ said...
X, Fixed that!

12:12 AM, August 03, 2009
The Phosgene Kid said...
Nice to see the Elephant Guy on Broadway!!

3:37 AM, August 06, 2009
Post a Comment

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS is telling me to look at the first letter code of the last list upon this website:

thoughts (73)
fun (52)
life (43)
the golden ganesh (18)
politics (12)
travels (11)
India (9)
SoB (9)
movies (9)
music (8)
funky (7)
interview (6)
books (4)
sex (4)
"human rights" (3)
religion (3)
death (2)
family (2)
meme (2)
space (2)
terrorism (2)
Billy Joel (1)
Des'ree (1)
Doris Day (1)
Eminem (1)
Enya (1)
F1 (1)
Green Day (1)
IMDB (1)
Judy Kuhn (1)
Pakistan (1)
Pocahontas (1)
Que Sera Sera (1)
You Gotta Be (1)
beer (1)
bikes (1)
cars (1)
drama (1)
episode 1 (1)
episode 2 (1)
episode 3 (1)
episode 4 (1)
episode 5 (1)
episode 6 (1)
episode 7 (1)
episode 8 (1)
episode 9 (1)
feminsim (1)
friend (1)
georgia (1)
greatness life (1)
happy (1)
history (1)
law (1)
life work (1)
lolcats (1)
machismo (1)
nature (1)
oscars (1)
paranoid (1)
rabid (1)
road safety (1)
russia (1)
san jose (1)
terrorism. politics (1)
thanks (1)
winslet (1)
world war 3 (1)

Black Rabbit said...

I don't get it - so it isn't precisely alphabetical - but it runs alphabetically by the end of the list with WW at the end.


The last name at the bottom left of the website.

Black Rabbit said...

It didn't work as planned, tough.

Your FBI FIBS didn't work, did they MARK R?

RIMINGTON died early on.

YOU got 'outed' upon the INTERNET -your photograph put up for everybody to see...

I returned to the UK and didn't fall for the SOUTH OF FRANCE trap, this year...

Nothing went as you had planned - did it?

Black Rabbit said...

...and I am getting the feeling that you 'fell off a cliff'...rather than basking upon your sun-lounger...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

So what were the DEALS that you had made?

You stole the GOLDEN GANESH - was TOMLINSON the most expensive mind control slave out? The ZOHAN?

Black Rabbit said...

So I clicked on KRUGMAN to find another 'comments' page which had been created by us in the CIA SUITE.

I then decided to follow this link "crazy is a pre-existing condition":

"In America, Crazy Is a Preexisting Condition"

...meaning they are all KRAY programmed slaves? a priori mind control condition? I think NOT...

Black Rabbit said...

However, MARK R appears to think that KRAY programmed people are a deadly threat...the KRAZEE PEOPLE...

"It used to be different. You never heard the late Walter Cronkite taking time on the evening news to "debunk" claims that a proposed mental health clinic in Alaska is actually a dumping ground for right-wing critics of the president's program, or giving the people who made those claims time to explain themselves on the air. The media didn't adjudicate the ever-present underbrush of American paranoia as a set of "conservative claims" to weigh, horse-race-style, against liberal claims. Back then, a more confident media unequivocally labeled the civic outrage represented by such discourse as "extremist" -- out of bounds.

The tree of crazy is an ever-present aspect of America's flora. Only now, it's being watered by misguided he-said-she-said reporting and taking over the forest. Latest word is that the enlightened and mild provision in the draft legislation to help elderly people who want living wills -- the one hysterics turned into the "death panel" canard -- is losing favor, according to the Wall Street Journal, because of "complaints over the provision."

Good thing our leaders weren't so cowardly in 1964, or we would never have passed a civil rights bill -- because of complaints over the provisions in it that would enslave whites."

Black Rabbit said...

So what can I make of any of this?

MARK R was truly a split-personality, that is all I can say.

BENDER the ROBOT to the last - except that not such a nice guy - he just made deals and tried to run off with the money...

Black Rabbit said...

...and as far as I know, he didn't manage it.

The above websites...a maze of interlinking websites/blogspots that I have been ploughing through...had all been written between 2001-4. They itemised out what MARK R thought would happen because of the information given to him by remote-viewers...

Black Rabbit said...

The whole memory has come back now…

MARK R had lied once too many times to OBAMA, AMADEUS, MACDONALD, SWISS CONTROLLER…

He was entirely schizophrenic - he switched in and out of his dark alter…he had been the CHABAD guy at the LANGLEY CIA centre. He had no control over the HYDE side of his personality.

ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE - the SEPHARDIM had told me what to do in the eventuality of MARK R being murdered because of this…they must have known that was on the cards but hadn’t discovered how to ‘knit brains back together again’…by that point.

MARK R was eventually seen as an extreme liability - nobody could trust him anymore…I cannot remember what the last lie was…but it was so serious that the others had decided to kill him off.

Yes, he had been a best friend, partner, confidante and team-member to all of them but he had become too dangerous, in relation to the safety of the entire world…and I think that he knew it…

It is notable that neither TOMLINSON, ROS or RIMINGTON were around at the time.

When I read through MARK R’s last blog…see previous notes…and listened to the AUDIO broadcast of THE GOLDEN GANESH…and heard how he had sat on the top of a cliff to relax…his mobile phone had rung…and he had decided not to answer it and thrown the mobile off the cliff…it was at that point that the memory had come back.

MARK R knew what would happen to him…he knew that his body was BENDER THE ROBOT…he knew that he was controlled by microchip and brain-splitting…and when the ILL ‘called’…he switched alter…he had no control over himself, whatsoever. He was likening his BODY to a MOBILE PHONE.

Black Rabbit said...

So what really happened?

I went with MACDONALD, the SWISS CONTROLLER and MARK R to the cliff…he knew what was going to happen and he didn’t fight it…they pushed him off the cliff.

They then stood there, in their CHILD ALTERS…like little robots themselves…and began to chant a low murmur of a dirge…I ‘knew’ what they were doing and immediately ordered them away from the edge of the cliff. This was an ILL practice to trap the soul - to make it Earth-bound…and they had automatically clicked into this ‘alter’ after having killed MARK R.

I sent them away and then I did as I had been instructed by the SEPHARDIM - I called up MARK R’s soul and watched it rise into the heavens…to become a ‘flying dragon’ - a golden light in the sky…an ‘avatar’…just like NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH.

When I look back at this memory now…it is such a terrible waste of such a brilliant person…and I can only say this…that it is a pity that the MOSSAD had not developed the technology by that point - to pull his shattered self back together again…his JEKYLL and HYDE split-brain.

I remember telling the others why I had adored MARK R…and I gave them the MONS STAR as an example…funnily enough, none of them had heard of that one before and they asked me why I had hidden it from them…I replied that I hadn’t…it was simply something that had never come up before…and that I was reciting it now because it was an example of why I had loved being with MARK R…why I had asked him to marry me in POLAND (on this side of the mirror - although we got on well on either side of the mirror)…

He had asked me for new materials to use in terms of scanning objects and then distorting the image upon an OUTER SPACE background, in order to create new images…

I was very angry and depressed that morning…and so found a bit of OLD ROPE around the TEMPLAR CASTLE…and walked into MARK’S room, making an angry joke…about ANY OLD ROPE WILL DO…sort of thing…

I had already been hanged from a NOOSE by TOMLINSON upon his homemade gallows, in one of the CASTLE rooms…the very image of the rope made me so furious…and so did the TEMPLARS and their ILL rites, their sick minds…sick ILL-speak…the whole lot…it was just a load of OLD ROPE to me…and I wanted MARK R to know that…

He then took all of that NEGATIVE ENERGY and turned it around…he showed me how we could create a POSITIVE out of that NEGATIVE image and emotions…I then remote-viewed the future…and MARK R presenting the MONS ‘OLD ROPE’ STAR to NASA and fooled them…suddenly the whole thing was one BIG JOKE…we would overcome…we would fool them…we would get the ILL in the end.

That is why I told them about the MONS STAR…to demonstrate how brilliant MARK R was…how he could turn such terrible ‘negatives’ into ‘positives’…into laughter, lightness and happiness.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know why I couldn't do that for TOMLINSON (I didn't even know that this was possible) in SWITZERLAND...and so perhaps MARK'S death occurred after SWITZERLAND...

Black Rabbit said...

One more LIE MI6 - just remember - I have had enough of lies.

You told me the last one - TOMLINSON and ROS - in relation to knowing who had been behind the POT PLANT operation - it wasn't you. I know who it was but I am not telling. I am SICK of your lying. Give my money back now.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just received another comment in 'comments to be moderated':

Black Rabbit, yes - it was an honest question an... Black Rabbit,

yes - it was an honest question and still is. I'm still struggeling to understand..

What's the intention of these comments anyway, is it your diary?

You are right, I pressed on "send" multiple times, because - due to the use of the NoScript-plugin for Firefox - I had disabled JavaScript for this page.

It seems I'm unable to get through to you, because you're too paranoid.. Although I do not know in which way answering my question could be harmful to you.

(I'm skipping the signature-part this time..)
Publish Reject (Anonymous) 01:41

Black Rabbit said...




Black Rabbit said...

The latest BLOG OF NOTE:

I checked out the above site and I remember TOMLINSON saying about this woman (whom, a little bird tells me is now deceased) that he had loved all of the programming objects around - the first time he had walked into this house - he could use it all - the woman had hoarded it all and filed it all away.

I then looked up a link upon the left entitled EMILY:

…and remembered ROS and RIMINGTON holding this ART class - they were responsible for the PHOTOGRAPHY…my painting was the one at the end of the ‘bird of peace’ flying away…they then concocted the DOVE attached to RED HAIRY SNAIL image, to ‘show’ me that I couldn’t fly away from them. IMBECILES.

They explained to me - the symbolism involved within the photographs of the little girl YINDI - to how she had been programmed.

They had also made the little girl in the art room dip her hands in GREEN PAINT and roll her tongue - I would guess that they were hoping to programme her as a ‘lizard’.

Isn’t this all a bit POINTLESS now?

The CAT is out of the bag and has been out for some time…

…yet I can remember MARK R telling me something…note how the ‘owner’ of this blog has used J several times in her posts - this means EYES OPEN (and not just a ‘smiley‘)…he told me that she was AWAKE…that she would WAKE UP to ILL ABUSE…one can only hope so…in order to protect the child that she is carrying, within the photographs…

Black Rabbit said...

Look at my last post - in relation to 'J'.

Now I had written this post up on WORKS beforehand (WORD no longer works on this laptop - the trial finished a month ago)...and saved it.

I had typed this


...and it had turned into a 'smiley'.

NOT a 'J'

I had then pasted from WORKS to the COMMENTS box upon this blogspot and the SMILEY turned into the letter J.

Has anybody else had this happen?

Black Rabbit said...

For the record:


Black Rabbit said...

For the record:


Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so this morning - I ‘knew’ what I had to do…I had a flashback to SCARLETT and BASSNETT telling me to change the curtains…BASSNETT had told me to take the curtains down first…because it is too much of a strain, to do it standing upon a stool.

I now know that this was a MASONIC event…anyway, this morning I went to SCOPE and found the perfect curtains - BRAND NEW - perfect size and fit…and the perfect colour for the room…they were also stripey like RIMINGTON’s curtains had been - but in different colours - those which matched the colour of the walls.

So BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and the MASONS have decided to give the SHIMELLS (owners) new curtains for this room 14 - a present, of sorts. Probably to mark the advent of RIMINGTON’s death. I shall leave them here when I go.

Anyway, the ‘regiment’ told me to take down the NET too…because ROS was supposed to be the VEIL (dressed up in a BURKHA) in one of the comic books (see previous notes - where ROS was the VEIL and I was the robotic ‘schoolgirl‘)…and the VEIL hides what is really going on…she works for RIMINGTON.

I thought about that one because I knew that the MASONS liked their ‘veil of mystery’…and that RIMINGTON had told them that this is what the VEIL symbolised - and not ROS.

I then thought about my own meaning for NET - I didn’t want to be ‘on view’ all the time. I also thought about the INTERNET as the NET and concluded that as new curtains had gone up - the veil could stay - but it could be pulled aside - whenever.

I then went and dumped the old curtains in a ‘safe place’.

Black Rabbit said...

As I was coming back from the promenade - I was nearly run over by an ice-cream van that had OZ as a registration. That annoyed me - but two ‘Euro workers’ in day-glo jackets, who were in charge of the pageant (a BBC RADIO roadshow?) today in CLACTON…were in charge of the icecream van backing out off the promenade and warned me in time.

Black Rabbit said...



I was in BOOTS earlier this morning and my BOOTS card wasn’t working in the machine - it is a bit dodgy in this way…sometimes the shop assistant has to try twice in order to get the ‘points’ on to it. However, it is worth the bother - every month or so - it has saved up £10 or more…and I can treat myself to something in BOOTS.

This is the points card that I have owned the longest.

I have only had SUPERMARKET cards like TESCOS or more recently the SAINSBURYS ‘NECTOR’ card…but I got the BOOTS card so long ago - that I cannot remember when…so RIMINGTON or TOMLINSON would have most definitely attempted to program me with it - they try to use anything that you use or see, upon a regular basis.

Anyway, the shop assistant told me to ring for a new BOOTS point card and to cut my old one up. She didn’t bother to try it twice in the machine and that bothered me - I could see that she had been ordered under mind control to say this…I didn’t pursue it…I figured that I wanted to know why I had to ring up…

…and now I know.

The assistant on the phone - asked me to confirm the number of the old card, name, old address (MANNINGTREE address) and then asked me for my date of birth…I asked if this information was necessary considering we all have to give out too much information nowadays…she agreed and told me that I didn’t…she then asked me if I wanted the ORGAN DONATION symbol upon my card…she asked that one very quickly indeed….and if one was in a hurry and not thinking about what one was saying…one might easily say YES…I said NO.

Why? The ILL see me as a ‘white black’ - of high cult ‘PSI’ value (just like JASON had said about himself) my organs are something to be bought and sold upon their ILL market.

I am not saying that I wouldn’t donate organs…if I were dying and knew that I could save a life - what I was worried about here was that the ILL might take this as a GREEN LIGHT to go ahead and murder me.

Too easy. They pick you up from the road - you have a BOOTS card with the ORGAN DONATION symbol on it - and you end up on quite a few of their barbecues.

So now I know that the ILL’s intentions are to me - they haven’t changed.

The above had all been pre-planned and I had ‘sensed’ that off the BOOTS assistant - her manner was peculiar - she looked embarrassed afterwards - not trying twice and telling me to ring up for a replacement.

Just ‘paranoia’? I wish it were so…

Black Rabbit said...

You think that you have got to the end of this ILL GAME - but there is always a 'little bit more' isn't there?

Black Rabbit said...

Funny about the new curtains:

There were 36 white pegs…

RIMINGTON’s curtains were uneven…one was larger than the other.

The LEFT curtain was much larger than the RIGHT curtain.

Additionally both curtains were comprised of two separate pieces of the same material, sewn together.

A really ‘botched job’ in terms of a sort of FRANKINSTEIN’s brain - on the left and the right. As far as I can remember - RIMINGTON had commanded the owner to either make them or to put them up for her. RIMINGTON had chosen the material.

RIMINGTON had used 20 pegs on the left and 16 pegs on the right.

The curtains that I have bought are even in length…unlike RIMINGTON’s. I also ‘know’ that JANE ASHER was asked to pick the design. I suppose SCARLETT and BASSNETT worked out the rest with their colleagues.

However, as I took one down - took off the pegs and replaced them within the next curtain…I used 20 on the first one again…without thinking that the curtains were uneven.

So I suppose I may take them down again and ‘right’ the situation so that it balances. However, they look good enough as they are, for the time being…

Besides, I somehow ‘knew’ that I had done it ‘right’…in an esoteric sort of way…

The funny thing is that I had put 20 for the LEFT and then 15 for the RIGHT and then found an extra peg…which I put at the end of the RIGHT curtain but hanging loose…and as I did so…I felt a weird ‘prickle’ at the back of my head…some ‘deadened part’ of my brain had been reactivated…this has happened so many times and then more memories have come back…

I am not working to anybody else’s rules here - I know more in PSI terms than anybody else…including SCARLETT and the MASONS…

Anyway, I came back from town to find that the owner had been instructed (by RIMINGTON etc) to tell me that it was wrong - but symbolically - by unhooking one white peg from the LEFT…

I am unsure about this one…

All I can say is that having regained the ‘prickle’ and brain activity again…it doesn’t matter how many pegs are upon each side to myself…that isn’t the point - is it?

So I can now re-do the pegs again tomorrow and BALANCE them with 18 on each side.

I still have no idea of what I did ‘right’ in relation to hanging one white peg loose to the RIGHT but something happened at any rate…

I can remember the MASONS - the men in general, from the ‘rebel group’ who were laughing about this CURTAINS task…the whole thing appeared to have flummoxed them…a specific number of pegs and a specific places to hook them into the two curtains - the numbers didn‘t match - how could you balance it all up?

It can be summarised as follows:

Too few pegs - too many hook-up points on the curtains.

How do you resolve that one - how many spaces between pegs do you leave?

They had laughed and said that maybe women’s brains are different from men’s in that they can do this sort of ‘maths‘.

I haven’t got the two curtains matching yet with 18 a piece - but I shall do that soon enough.

I know that ROS and TOMLINSON were specifically responsible for this horrible task.
The ‘trick’ lay in supposing that you had to put RIMINGTON’s number of pegs back into the two new curtains.

You don’t.

The two new curtains are of equal size and length.

So you can divide the pegs equally - 18 on either side.

You have 57 hook-up points upon each curtain.

Therein lies the problem but not a big deal.

Black Rabbit said...

So I have now hung the curtains up to perfectly balance.

18 pegs on either side.

To strengthen the 'hold' - I have put two pegs together at the end each curtain (meeting in the middle) and three pegs together at the beginning of each curtain (at the end closest to the wall) - every other peg is perfectly balanced between each other - 3 spaces apart.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

So what was it about RIMINGTON's brain that was so badly unbalanced?

Her programming:


A 20-16 ratio.

LEFT BRAIN: 2 separate parts sewn together.

RIGHT BRAIN: 2 separate parts sewn together.

METAL CHIP in between LEFT and RIGHT BRAIN to keep them apart.


Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had attempted to do the same to her slaves.

The ILL liked everybody to be the 'same' as themselves.

They were programmed to 'reproduce' slaves - just like themselves.

Black Rabbit said...

I would feel sorry for her and I do - but because I had been upon the receiving end of so much virtually indescribable horror from that woman and for all of my life...all I can say is that the robots have to go...they were once human...and have to be pitied for that one...but they are exceptionally dangerous to human beings.

Black Rabbit said...

Remember, the higher up you go in the ILL CULT...the more programmed you get...the more CHIPPED you get...and RIMINGTON had got to a very high position of power.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON was the product of the most hideous ILL experimentation possible.

They had tried to turn her into a living 'walking, talking' robotic DOLL.

Black Rabbit said...

Does ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE finally have the answers - or rather the CURE to what happened to those like RIMINGTON?

They didn't whilst MARK R was still alive. Do they now?

Why am I relying upon them for ANSWERS?

The BRITISH MONARCHY were responsible for what happened to RIMINGTON.

The ISRAELIS/RUSSIANS merely undermined that international control of the RA CULT - from 1980 onwards.

The HUB of ILL control had been 'LONDON CALLING' - until that point in time.

Black Rabbit said...

Am I wrong on that one, SCARLETT?

If so - tell me the TRUTH about what happened - if you dare.

Black Rabbit said...

...that the NWO was an international movement...and that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE were starved of money by the penny-pinching MONARCHY and that was the MONARCHY's downfall...military intelligence turned to the the FBI for answers...according to NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH...PRINCE PHILIP had shipped the NAZI SCIENTISTS over the continue their work...but people got 'greedy' didn't they PHILIP? They didn't want you or your EUROPEAN MONARCHISTS to run the ILL RA CULT...and mafia wars broke out...

Black Rabbit said...

You should have known better...I am thinking upon 'your side' now...stupid to trust those on the other side of the Atlantic...but you didn't want to shit on your own doorstep and you thought that the USA was basically still under RA CULT MASONIC control...and that you had all of the 'buzzwords'...the mind control commands...but you didn't.

NOT from 1913 onwards...but did any of you know it?

Black Rabbit said...

Had the JOOISH BANKERS taken over in 1913?

Was that what MARK R was telling me?

That was their year of ASCENDANCY over the BRITISH MONARCHY and their ARISTOCRACIES and PUBLIC SCHOOL system...

You cannot really blame them, can you?

Black Rabbit said...

One has to see it in some sort of HISTORICAL CONTEXT...the powerplay between those who RULED but in the most terrible ways...and those who controlled their MONEY.

Black Rabbit said...

So did the JOOS do any better? That is the question...



They had all been ILL programmed out of their BOXES into being the most demonic religion out.

Black Rabbit said...

So now the 'elite' have to enter 'higher consciousness' of what they have done - what their ancestors did and STOP THE ROT.

Black Rabbit said...

What were the ROTHSCHILDS up to?

POSING as JOOS - for the 'sympathy number'?

You can get away with MURDER if you claim that your attackers are anti-semitic.

So what happens to REAL JOOISH communities in LONDON under attack?

They daren't say a word - because it 'only makes things worse'. They are quiet as mice - whereas the ILL JOOS are vocal.

Black Rabbit said...

Something has to change doesn't it?

Somebody has to start outing the ROTHSCHILD myth - the very idea that they are JOOS - the 'regiment' should be the best bet for that one (they have the evidence)...and what about the ISRAELIS...ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE (come on, the ROTHSCHILDS never gave you that much money - look at ISRAEL - look at your unfinished public buildings and then look at KAZAKHSTAN)...

Black Rabbit said...

So the JOOS are caught in the SPOTLIGHT and they HATE anybody would...

They secretively crept up on the ILL CULT and stole their power...and hoped to use it for themselves but without changing a thing...because they were programmed out of their heads.

Yes - JONATHAN SACHS and your WIFE - it is SO unfair, isn't it?

However the fact that you ate my foetus out of my womb in that BROOKLYN PARK amongst your BRAIN-DEAD MIND CONTROL SLAVE BRETHREN OF ELITE JOOS (not forgetting those like the insane witch DIANE FURSTENBERG)...means that I will expose YOU and YOUR ILL programming to the ENTIRE WORLD until you stop this sick RA CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

I have to stop being angry and look at this all rather more objectively…

All I can say is this - after what I have exposed about the ILL CULT and the knowledge that I gained after escaping from it and regaining my memories…those memories that they did their best to hide from me…

If the WEST is still going to live in a PC world about ILL RITES…we can say that there has to be an ADULT CONSENSUS in terms of what this ILL CULT is really all about:

They think that they 'pass on knowledge' by eating the recently deceased or those they have chosen to sacrifice (for their DNA).

If somebody else wants to ‘drink your blood’ with an emphasis upon the word ADULT - then this is NOT actually beyond the law, at this point - as far as I know.

Are there laws against it as a consensual practice? People agreeing to do it, behind closed doors?

So, in an ideal world - one could allow it but NO 'mind control slaves' and no people in child alters, or brainwashing or drugging of victims, allowed.

What else can I say to the ILL CULT but:


…and just to list just a few things…

...when you drink the blood (or the flesh) of another person, just remember this:

1. Do you really want them to ‘read your mind for the rest of your life’…(you could go ‘off’ them in a big way but you are still bonded to them for life…)

2. Do you really want their inherited DISEASES to infect your bloodstream?

You may not have cancer, strokes and early heart-attacks in your family but if their DNA infects yours…you might develop them…the DNA radios out…and it depends upon what your DNA receives, blocks, keeps under surveillance…and as a mind control slave, you have no control over that…(and all of the BEIT DIN and CHABAD are mind control slaves - how far do we have to take this?)...

Black Rabbit said...

By drinking somebody else’s blood - as TOMLINSON had instructed his ‘vampires’ to do, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…it opens up all sorts of ‘doors’ in the brain…and if you cannot handle them, it sends you insane.

I do not know why this is - and it should be a source of academic study and the information put out in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, in relation to the ‘dangers of joining the ILL CULT’.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now...'john waters' was made to suffer so much and for all of his life...

The ILL wanted to know his 'enlightenment' during that passage of time...pure that they could FEED off it like mercenary insects...

I have been through the same voyage of HELL...

MARK didn't make it...he just wanted to screw the money out of 'underlings' like myself and make a run for it...

...and he died because of it.

He didn't deserve to die.

The ILL deserve to DIE.

So today, I was contacted by the ILL who telepathically wanted my 'statement' about life and human nature that would 'enlighten' them.

I told them where to go.

I know where they are going anyway - straight to HELL.

Black Rabbit said...

HEAVEN 17 - I am now at that level.

Black Rabbit said...

HEAVEN 17 - lots of little bits came back last night…

Firstly about SATELLITES…DAVID ICKE had a Sci-Fi version of what the RUSSIANS appeared to already have in terms of their ‘6 crew’ SATELLITE ‘tower’ - because as far as I can remember, when RIMINGTON came to pick me up - we had to go down by LIFT and it took about ½ hour or more…to my mind, it took forever.

This morning - I remembered MR D’AJANI’ nephew and his oil paintings, commissioned by the ILLuminati - and one was of a SCI-FI world…where human beings appeared to be living in horizontal, elevated pipes - above the Earth and towers with rotund domes - similar to the one in SHANGHAI…

The NEPHEW had said to me that ‘they were putting all of their money into it’ - this new world vision…and that they were certain that this would be the future, but he didn’t think that it would happen…and I agreed…it wouldn’t happen. It all looked like BRAVE NEW WORLD to me - as if they were following that sort of a script. Human beings living like RATS in horizontal drainpipes, around the globe. Apparently the most wealthy people in the world had decided that they would POLLUTE the environment too much - so that human life would no longer be sustainable upon the planet surface.

Anyway, I thought some more about the possibility of this BABEL TOWER that reached where the SATELLITES are…was it possible to building such a strong metal tower and lift shaft that it could reach into the heavens? How did it manage to withstand the wind? I thought how planes disappear from sight at certain point in the sky and then realised that if it was possible…it would disappear from human sight and look a lot shorter than it was….and then I began to think of that fairytale JACK AND THE BEANSTALK for some reason…where he climbs up above the clouds to where the ogre has his kingdom.

I then remembered seeing the DEBRIS of the wreckages of the APOLLO missions…none of them had managed to break out of the BUBBLE that surrounded the Earth and to penetrate Outer Space. This was a hazard for the satellites and they were trying to clean it up.

Only remote-viewers had the ability to ‘go beyond the bubble’.

I remember that OBAMA and TOMLINSON were both studying what they could do in that ‘space station‘…how they could get the satellites to turn their lasers upon each other…

So was it really a ‘control tower’ or not?

Did we have to take a ‘shuttle’ down to the ‘lift shaft’ or was the whole thing attached to the Earth?

I remember that the journey was in two stages and so it is possible that we were in some sort of shuttle first and then the floor began to shift at one point to be replaced by another…RIMINGTON just started to walk like an automaton at that point but I was nearly falling over. Some transition point in the journey.

As far as I can remember - I entered the lift with RIMINGTON and I sat on the floor - I hated it…and after what seemed like ages I asked her how long we had to go and she said ½ hour - which seemed like forever…and I was sick on the floor - as we left the lift on ‘ground floor’ - RIMINGTON ordered the minions to clear it up.

Black Rabbit said...


Last night I remembered that SCARLETT and CO had asked me for an image - a mental image for them to hold that would protect them.

PINK is the colour of protection from the ILL and from the ‘BLU RAYS’…I had used this whilst protecting myself against ILL psychic attack…none of the TEMPLARS could ‘get into the computer room’ that MARK R had made me visualise…all I had to do was to bathe it in PINK LIGHT…
Additionally, I thought about ‘lighting candles’ in my mind to dispel any darkness…

The LIGHT GOLD of a candle is akin to the GOLDEN healing energy of the SOUL even though the SOUL is more like a ‘gas’ - it cannot be ignited. It is immortal - not really a ‘flame’ and nothing like the SUN or the fire of Prometheus.

It is simply the colour which is important…so I thought about lighting an immortal candle in my mind and surrounding it with PINK LIGHT.

LIGHT GOLD and LIGHT PINK seemed to work very well - in terms of the healing power of the GOLDEN ENERGY and LIGHT PINK which the NEW AGERS say is the colour of LOVE.

I then thought about the healing power of LIGHT GOLD emanating throughout my whole body and again the protection of LIGHT PINK all around me…this also worked…but I liked the idea of the single flame (my soul back in my head) and the PINK surrounding it…within my mind.

Black Rabbit said...

How did I come up with the above?

I began to think of the CENTRE OF THE EARTH again...a condundrum to me...why did PUTIN think that it was populated...why did scientists feel sure that it was like a BALL BEARING which attracted IRON FILINGS?

You see, the CENTRE OF THE EARTH is never just the geophysical location of the middle of this planet to an ILL slave - it is also about the GODSPOT and the centre of their minds...and so I figured that the image had to say SOUL and HEALING in the middle...and then have a strong enough COLOUR RAY to protect the SOUL within the mind.

Black Rabbit said...

Did I mention this BLOG OF NOTE yesterday? I cannot remember...

Anyway, look at all of that ILL IMAGERY.


Black Rabbit said...

The above is the new BLOG OF NOTE today.

I skimmed down it and found two things of NOTE for myself:

Firstly the RABBIT game - a memory had come back last night about the CIA SUITE...

OBAMA/MACDONALD/SWISS CONTROLLER didn't want me to see the images...they thought that it would upset me...I do not see why.

Anyway, I can remember now - in our second year at LANGLEY SENIORS - a guy had come round with a video camera...and walked around the class videoing us idea why...we weren't allowed to see the tape afterwards - I cannot remember the reason.

I 'saw' myself sitting next to DEB MCD and SUE WHALLEY/WALKER sitting at the desk behind...this was in the MATHS room...our new form room that year or term...

I was wearing a GREY school jumper and my friends were all wearing RED.

I had got hugely fat by that point...or not that fat but in contrast to DEB who was being starved by her ILL paedophile was almost a 'comic' image - the two of us at that small desk on the front row.

The PRINCES had sent this video to the CIA was because the young PRINCE WILLIAM had been shown video footage of the ROYAL ILL SLAVES and WILLIAM had taken one look at me...a sort of 'ball of GREY' hunched over my desk with a really pissed off look on my face and I had immediately reminded him of his pet RABBIT...who was also large, grey and very fluffy...with an angry/defensive look in his eyes...and so WILLIAM had chosen me as a slave...because I reminded him of his pet rabbit.

DIANA had cultivated a love of RABBITS in her sons...and they looked after their real pet rabbits very well indeed...

Black Rabbit said...

At that point - in real life (when the PRINCES were young boys) - I had been much older than a schoolkid but it was obviously ROYAL practice to show the children - video footage of their slaves throughout their lives...a sort of pastime, I suppose.

Black Rabbit said...

MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER then showed OBAMA a photograph of myself - taken by 'john waters' friend a year or so before...when I was at LANGLEY JUNIORS - I was slim and tall...I looked quite different and they exclaimed upon what had happened to 'john waters' had managed to protect me from the paedophiles by turning me into a FAT GREY BUNNY.

Black Rabbit said...

OBAMA then told the 'boys' to send the images to him (they had juxtapoised WILLIAM's rabbit with a still from the classroom video and there was a certain 'similarity' between the look on my face and said rabbit) - then quickly said that upon reflection 'schoolgirls' on his computer might not be a good idea - his wife had a habit of going through his files.

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' had also shared a few more 'funnies' with them as in get her to do 'drunk toddler' and so I performed 'drunk toddler' in the CIA SUITE...'john waters' had given me something to drink in his house in BLACKHEATH when I was very young indeed...and they found it hilarious...almost as funny as ISRAELI 2 year old robot with a scowl on my face...

Black Rabbit said...

The game BACCHUS upon this website...reading through it - two things struck me:

Firstly - I have already outlined what happened to me at that PRAGUE PARTY 1995.

Secondly, I have already made notes on the HOLLYWOOD movie which starred somebody like CARY GRANT but I cannot remember any rate - one of the wives gets drunk and does some sort of primitive tribal dance in a NEW YORK apartment...and I 'knew' that we had been programmed with this film...

The HOLLYWOOD moguls obviously loved to get their STEPFORD WIVES to be like 'animals' now and then - in order to film the order to titillate themselves and maybe sell the footage on...

However, the PRAGUE PARTY was rather a different kettle of fish...DALDRY came on scene with MALCOLM and we began to empty out every little bit of ILL programming...everything that we had seen in the FUTURE...the whole lot came out...what a spectacle...

Black Rabbit said...

The whole place was bugged out...and buggered one might add...

Everybody in 'intelligence' was listening in, around the room - upon our was a massive operation of sorts...but I still do not have a clear idea of why.

Except the main point of it all:


Culminating in a rendition of DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD after RIMINGTON had stalked out of the party...the 'fork and the waitress' story had ensured that one.

Black Rabbit said...

So who was RIMINGTON really married to?

Who was OBERON to her TITANIA?

Black Rabbit said...

Was it the 'ferengi' - as MACDONALD and CO had dubbed the ROTHSCHILD, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?

Black Rabbit said...


ROTHS apparently means RED.

So what about the RED and the WHITE?

Who was the WHITE?


So where does WHITE come from?


I am getting the idea that the ROCKEFELLERS were in fact, of SLAVIC descent and their surname was akin to BIAL...BIAWY...

I then thought about BIENNE/BASEL/BALE for some reason...

The NAZI terminal for all trains within that region of EUROPE...there was a link to the ROCKEFELLERS here...

...and to the worship of the god BAAL.

I remember TOMLINSON taking me back there in 2004 and asking me if I remembered the place...not with him...but one can say that we had probably been taken there in 1980 for some reason...and that would have been because of the ILL railway families..and WWII...

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday, my mother rang me in relation to CHP and also the fact that she had come down with FOOD POISONING from eating PLUMS.

The PLUMS were given to her by ANN FISHWICK and they were from LADY PAMELA's garden.

LADY PAMELA's house is visible across the STOUR ESTUARY from MANNINGTREE.

It is a large PINK and TUDOR DARK-BEAMED building...

Anyway, I know what this is all about (having remote-viewed it before) - this WICKED WOMAN had been using highly ILLEGAL fertiliser upon her fruit- trees.

She should be prosecuted for it. LADY PAMELA is one of RIMINGTON's operatives.

Black Rabbit said...

Another attempt on my family's lives then...when will the ILL stop?

What are you up to SCARLETT?

I do not get it...when the 'ferengi' was caught in his den - didn't that stop the programme?

Why am I still walking through it?

Black Rabbit said...

As you can now see - ROS and I arranged the 'taking out' of the RED QUEEN.


Therefore the whole ILL 'American McGee's ALICE' game is now officially FINISHED.

RED QUEEN down - end of game.

QUEEN ELIZABETH II was never the RED QUEEN in this scenario - as it is now plain to see.

She wasn't 'MRS ROTHSCHILD' to the FERENGI.

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON and MANNINGHAM-BULLER had doubled up (as they had also done as KAVANAGH at the CID) the PUPPET RED QUEEN...that was all a con and a blind...designed to hide RIMINGTON's control of the pair of them.

Black Rabbit said...

It is funny to be on the side of the MONARCHY again after so long - but having saved QUEEN ELIZABETH from her courtiers and having been given to the PRINCES by LADY DIANA as a 'lucky rabbit' - one can see that this is where I am heading.

Black Rabbit said...

So 'ericswan'...

You email regarding 'alien lockdown' of this planet needs to be re-visited.

Was it always impossible to send 'tin-cans' into OUTER SPACE or only recently?

Let us put it this way: did LIZARD infection of this planet, end up with an interplanetary lockdown?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so after thinking about the above…I then got a ‘flash’ of ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE…it was of NIR’s mother waking up to something…a flash of golden light above her head…and she said telepathically ‘it’s all a hoax’ but she hadn’t the words to explain why…just a sort of feeling…she had seen beyond the veil.

…and so I asked ‘john waters’…what was going on…

He replied to me along the lines of ‘the magician’s art - deception’…

He then said that it had been the greatest achievement of his life…his life’s work.

I asked him what part was the DECEPTION - obviously quite a lot of it was true…

He said that it was all ‘in parts’ - some parts had bits that were true and bits that were false…

He then told me that as far as they knew…the ‘lizard virus’ was in fact some organism that inflamed the lizard brain of those who were dunked in freshwater lakes and that wasn’t just the BLACK SEA…

GEORGE BUSH and others had been hoaxed into thinking that they were ‘alien lizards’ - as far as ‘john waters’ knew - this wasn’t actually true…he had simply been infected and his lizard brain had become inflamed.

So what had been the whole aim or goal or let us say by-product of proving the art of the MAGICIAN?

‘john waters’ replied that they had wanted these people to believe that they were ‘alien lizards’ and trapped upon this planet to expose the fact that NASA etc is a lie…to start exposing just how mad the wealthiest people upon this planet are…to expose the cocoon of self-deception and lies that they construct around themselves…so by getting them to believe that they had to get off this planet…because they were under threat…that meant that the whole ‘ILL BALL’ would begin to unravel and it did…

So we are back to the old SOE number, are we?

The ‘lizard theme’ seems to be a perennial favourite.

However, the SATELLITE plans etc are all quite true…the SPACE STATIONS…’gods’ as in tin-cans…and there is no possibility of leaving the orbit of this planet and going into OUTER SPACE - not in a ‘tin-can’ at any rate…that was the biggest cover-up going on here - and that has now been exposed.

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL mail in my SPAM box:

Rightmove News Celebrity rentals and House Price news Thu, 27/8/09 34KB

Black Rabbit said...

I was washing a few things this morning when I noticed a mark on the back of my long pink nightgown…and then I remembered RIMINGTON saying ‘you can’t get it out - it means that somebody will shoot you today’ as in a ‘bloodstain’.

Brilliant. Never-ending, isn’t it?

I have no idea whether or not she did organise to have a sniper have a pop at me today though and that is a bit worrying.


The AIRSHOW continues today…

…and that brought back a lot of memories of PLANES and how much I have loved them all of my life…

The memory of that crazy BRITISH COUNCIL party upon the private military airfield in KATOWICE and the pilots going up in those tiny ‘bone-shaker’ RUSSIAN planes…giving free rides to anybody who dared to have a go…JONATHAN EVANS told me that I must be ‘f***ing mad’ to go up with WITEK but he was a teacher-trainer of pilots and gliders…the best that there was…EVANS didn’t doubt the skill of the pilots - he doubted the planes…they were so old…what if the engine cut out over SPODEK for example…the concrete SPORTS STADIUM in the heart of KATOWICE city…luckily the engine didn’t cut out and it was one of those incredible experiences…just you and a very thin window and metal case around you…with WITEK laughing and singing away, as he flew the plane…

I saw two RED/WHITE WWII planes up above the promenade and flying over the beach and sea, as part of the AIRSHOW, yesterday…and it made me cry for some reason…the beauty of flying in them…but also the terror and the pain…of WAR…a ‘terrible beauty’ about those planes…

The ILL had programmed remote-viewing alters to be ‘planes’ although I do not think that everybody was programmed to think of themselves as a plane…I know that the WATCHERS didn’t feel themselves to be ‘planes’ whilst remote-viewing…

Black Rabbit said...

I also had a chat with my mother about the SWINE FLU VIRUS and she told me that she wasn’t going to have it and that would make two of us…not something that either of us needed…we had enough immunity against just about everything (particularly after those ‘shots’ before CHINA)…

She told me that DR BETTLE had already had it and was making plans to have the children at his surgery, injected - in the main…I suppose it is still optional in this country at this point…

My mother had found out that it was the CHILDREN who were to be targeted…and she couldn’t work out why but figured that older people had more immunity to all sorts of things.

She also made a Freudian slip and said that she didn’t want TAMI FLU and then corrected herself and said SWINE FLU.

She also told me about my brother ED who has been involved in the ‘helplines’ relating to TAMIFLU…apparently he and his wife had tried TAMIFLU on their little boy JAMES but he kept on vomiting it up again…the helpline tells worried parents to simply keep on giving the TAMIFLU pill to the kids even if they vomit it up again…apparently this was very common…lots of people ringing up to say that they couldn’t keep it down…kept sicking up the pills…

I asked my mother what the problem was - surely TAMIFLU must have something very nasty in it to provoke almost instant vomiting? She didn’t know…

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I meant the SWINE FLU VACCINE in the first line of the above post - another 'Freudian slip' just like my mother, I suppose...

Black Rabbit said...

Going back to MARK R's 'death scene' off the cliff...MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER weren't actually mumbling an ILL song...they simply knew a JOOISH funeral dirge but I have no idea time to change your funeral songs, then...not appropriate for sending souls to 'heaven'.

Even more strangely...the cliff wasn't that high and I get the feeling that MARK R may still be alive...this is all so odd. I saw his 'soul' go up...but what if he wasn't quite dead - just OBEing?

MOSSAD would know...

Did he fake his own death?

Black Rabbit said...

That is the point - MOSSAD are very good at faking deaths…SHARON in the middle of the main HQ office…the Head walks in - reads out little-known ‘traitor to ISRAELI STATE law’ - takes out a gun - shoots him - SHARON breaks red liquid capsule down the side of his mouth and his colleagues have to carry his ‘still warm’ body out to an ambulance…entirely convinced the whole office.

Black Rabbit said...

I looked back at the DAVID ICKE article on:

Space elevator faces reality Posted: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:46 PM by Alan Boyle

...and began to read through was the picture that had triggered me to remember...and I might add that this morning the owner of the B&B (possibly to remind me) had started to talk about a builder who had been asked to work (with no safety equipment) upon a PLATFORM which was higher than the buildings upon the seafront and he had refused...

Anyway, I read through the COMMENTS page and realised that yet again...the CIA SUITE were largely responsible...we were trying to give as many clues away as possible...I had written under the pseudonym FRITZ (one of my father's nicknames for my mother).

Like almost everyone else in the space vision business, the enthusiasts who foresee a "railway to space" are adjusting their high-flying dreams to fit down-to-earth realities.

"We don't have all the questions, let alone all the answers," Michael Laine, head of the LiftPort Group, told an audience of about 50 people on Saturday during the 2009 Space Elevator Conference on Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Wash. (Microsoft is a partner in the joint venture.)

Laine probably knows as well as anyone how few answers are available.

LiftPort's Web site is still counting down toward his goal of putting a real live space elevator into operation by 2031. But Laine's years-long quest to turn the concept into an actual business left him hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt by 2007, with a legal cloud hanging over his head.

Black Rabbit said...


Laine put LiftPort into mothballs and lay low for two years, spending part of that time in the International Space University's study program. It's only been in the past few months that he's been able to lift his head above the clouds again. "We went through some difficult times," he wrote last month in a newsletter, "but are beginning to get all those issues settled to the point where LiftPort will rise again (pun intended)."

Laine told me today that his legal troubles are "kind of in a strange point of limbo," and that he's still massively in debt. But he has enough hope for future ventures that he's willing to get back into the space elevator game rather than moving on to more conventional business ventures.

"I'm actually really happy to be back out there," he said.

Still a laughable idea?
The space elevator concept is one of the highest-flying ideas out there: Imagine a super-strong tether swinging out, say, 100,000 miles from Earth's surface, with laser-powered robots shuttling up and down from a ground- or sea-based station to an orbital platform. If such a thing could be built, the idea's proponents say the system could cut the cost of putting cargo into space from $10,000 to $100 per pound.

The idea is at least a century old - and was most famously popularized by science-fiction guru Arthur C. Clarke, who once said the space elevator would succeed "50 years after everyone has stopped laughing."

At last year's Space Elevator Conference, pioneer researcher Bradley Edwards said the first elevator could be built within 15 years, at a cost of $7 billion to $10 billion. The speakers at this year's conference took a far more sober view of the financial and technical resources that would be required. "They're not the rosy numbers that you hear," said Ben Shelef of the Spaceward Foundation, who manages two NASA-backed contests for space elevator technologies.

Black Rabbit said...

In a technical paper presented at the conference, Shelef concludes that the conditions required for a working space elevator are "actually very difficult to satisfy" at any price. That's the bad news. The good news is that the technologies needed for a theoretical space elevator project could well lead to payoffs - even if the elevator itself never gets built.

Those technologies fall into three categories:

Super-light, super-strong materials
The biggest piece of the space elevator system would have to be a tether strong enough to stretch for tens of thousands of miles, passing through Earth's rough weather and the radiation-pounded space environment. NASA's $2 million Strong Tether Challenge is aimed at rewarding the breakthrough development of lightweight materials that are twice as strong as the current industry standard.

Ted Semon
After being put to the test, a Japanese-made carbon nanotube tether looks like a stretched piece of videotape.

Black Rabbit said...

During this year's conference, a Japanese-American team tried to win the challenge with a tether made out of carbon nanotube strands. The tether looked and felt like the videotape from an old VCR cassette, as described on Ted Semon's Space Elevator Blog.

The nanotube tether didn't match the strength of its industry-standard competitor, known as the "house tether" - and that means NASA's prize has gone unwon for another year. But Shelef said the contest is still fulfilling its goal of promoting materials research that goes "beyond the leading edge."

He said the materials developed for the competition could conceivably be used in super-strong parachutes for NASA's Mars landings, or better carbon composites for spacecraft, airplanes and automobiles.

Power-beaming systems
Another NASA challenge offers $2 million in prizes for beam-powered robots that can scuttle quickly up a fabric ribbon - sort of like the robotic climbers that would make their way up the thousands of miles of a space elevator's tether.

The Power Beaming Challenge's bar has been raised every year over the past three years. To win any money in this year's contest, a team would have to send its climber up a kilometer-long (0.6-mile-long) tether stretched between the ground and a hovering helicopter, at an average rate of at least 2 meters (6.6 feet) per second.

"Think about Batman shooting his little dart arrow and going up," Shelef said. "He's going about 2 meters per second."

Black Rabbit said...

Europe's EADS group has tested laser-powered rover prototypes.

Three teams - the Kansas City Space Pirates, Seattle-based LaserMotive and the University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team - have devised laser-powered systems to meet the challenge. They're all likely to go for the gold during a contest tentatively planned for October at NASA's Dryden Research Center in California's Mojave Desert.

"This is like military-grade stuff," Shelef said. "They're doing work on the level of military contracts."

Even if robotic climbers are never beamed up an actual space elevator, the resulting technology could be used to power rovers operating in the icy, sunless depths of craters at the moon's south pole, Shelef said. He didn't mention the potential military applications, but if you watch video of the laser-beam tests, you could easily imagine infrared laser systems capable of tracking or disrupting aerial targets.

High-flying platforms
Another piece of the space elevator puzzle involves building aerial platforms that would serve as way stations for those robotic climbers. In the past, LiftPort's Laine has focused on balloon-lofted platforms that could serve as weather monitoring stations or telecommunications relays - and he said he's hoping to revive the balloon venture, perhaps as part of a military research program.

Others are working to build different kinds of platforms for spreading the space elevator gospel: academic programs that would back research into elevator-centric engineering issues, for example, or a peer-reviewed journal that would publish such research. The talk at this year's conference was that Canada's McGill University would soon be raising its research profile.

"We need to partner with everyone we can," said Semon, who does his part as the president of the recently formed International Space Elevator Consortium as well as a leading blogger following the field.

Black Rabbit said...

Should NASA be offering millions of dollars to support technologies for a space elevator that may never be built, at the same time that it's apparently falling billions of dollars short in its drive to re-energize space exploration? Shelef and his colleagues are under no illusion that they'll come up with the next giant leap into space anytime soon. For now, they're content with the small steps being encouraged by NASA's prize program.

"At this budget level, it can't hurt," Shelef told me. "It can only give you a good answer."

Update for 10:15 p.m. ET: Personal Spaceflight's Jeff Foust, who attended the weekend space elevator conference, passes along word that Armadillo Aerospace plans to take aim at NASA's $1 million top prize in the Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge during Labor Day weekend. The timing for the prize attempt is mentioned on The Space Fellowship's Armadillo discussion forum. Armadillo won a $350,000 prize last year for a less ambitious flight.

More about the space elevator concept:

PC World: Space elevator - science fiction or climate cure?
New Scientist: Inflatable tower could climb to edge of space
Red Orbit: Japan looks to build first space elevator
io9: This space elevator is the terrorists' next target.


I wonder if it's such a stupid idea to suggest not trying to do the whole tether in one go, but rather to have some form of support along its length with large helium balloons to balance out at least part of its weight? Wouldn't even a slightly heavier strand material work if the weight were partially counterbalanced by lift?
John Burkitt, Nashville, TN (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 9:35 PM)

Why is everyone so intent on a space elevator for the Earth? Why not use it for the Moon? Lift/lower materials without the penalty of its gravity well. With 1/6 the gravity and no atmosphere, the physical/mechanical requirements are greatly reduced. A moon base thus endowed would be very practical -- the presence of gravity to make life easier for humans, raw materials for structures and no need for "water deposits" to make fuel -- just mine a few NEOs for volatiles and lower the stuff to the surface. And, if you mine He3 for Earth-based fusion, just lift the “bottles” up the elevator and drop them back into the Earth. All pretty “now-tech” stuff.
Jon, Honolulu (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 9:48 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

Great concept that should generate many great spin-offs...
Hamid Chowdhury, New York, NY (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 9:56 PM)

As many times as I have seen this presented, I have never seen the following issue addressed. The elevator is a stationary object basically in a geostationary orbit. It would remain above a single point of the equator rising thousands of miles. We currently have thousands of other satellites traveling in orbits of various inclinations. But let’s concentrate on those in a polar orbit. The point of a polar orbit is that the earth rotates under the orbital plane of the satellite so that it eventually passes over every point of the earth. Although it depends on its altitude, and it would not happen in a single day, it seems logical that something in a polar orbit would eventually “clear” the entire path at the altitude of its orbit. Does this not mean that every polar orbiting satellite is destined to eventually impact the “stationary” elevator at 17,600 mph or more? We already have satellites running into each other. This sounds like an air traffic control nightmare.
Fritz, Greensboro NC (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 10:04 PM)

Getting into orbit was never going to be easy. The materials angle is fantastically tricky, but carbon is proving amazingly versatile and there may well be a break-thru in time. But the barrage of high-velocity dust that a space-ribbon would have to face is daunting. Shorter tethers might allow much of what space-elevators are promised to do... maybe.

But then even if the SE proves dubious a break-thru in materials will benefit regular rockets and may well lead to a real space-plane. Look at SKYLON, for example. Super-light, super-strong carbon materials would make it that much easier to make and fly back to Earth - really fly, rather than plummet and fry like the Shuttle or capsules. Eventually space-elevators or rotovators may well be deployed on the Moon or Mars, enable by the break-thrus developed here on Earth.
Adam (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 10:46 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

The space elevator is no less likely today than getting men to the moon was when President Kennedy declared we would do it. If the space elevator is never built it will not be because it is impossible but due to a failure of imagination. Remember that many knowledgeable individuals claimed that cars would never go faster the 50 mph because the human body could not take such violent speeds. The question is not if the space elevator can be built, the question is do we have the will to build it.
John (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 10:50 PM)

A note on the question about building one for the Moon: The elevator stay up by having the center of the cable/ribbon being at just over escape velocity. Since the Moon rotates only once every 28 days the cable would need to be several times longer than one for Earth.
John (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 10:55 PM)

My question is why build from the ground up? Technically the carbon fiber nanotubes could be built in space and eventually be lowered to a point predetermined to optimize usage. I do not understand the physics of this but apparently neither does any one else... :)
scott (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 10:59 PM)

On the subject of impacts, the ribbon proposed for the cable is about a meter wide. Even if perfectly stationary it would not be difficult to place it to avoid almost all currently active satellites. The design of the elevator is that it is attached to a floating platform. The platform would be in regular motion to keep it in the clearest possible orbit.
John (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 11:00 PM)

Wow, Fritz, that's a good question. Thanks. Does anyone the answer to this?

I like this idea of space elevators, but I wonder if all of the practicalities have been thought out.
David, Columbia, SC (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 11:13 PM)

Black Rabbit said...


The lack of atmosphere and gravity on the moon would reduce the cost of a lander carrying cargo from a moon base to orbit.

I think electromagnets attached to large metal rings could be used to create a "space elavator" where a platform could be sent up and down the length by varying magnetic properties between the rings. The magnets would also support the weight and position of the rings as they go up. You would be able to have a stabilizer bar along 4 edges and the "tether" wouldnt nearly need to be as strong as what these contests require.

Best place to build it would be in a mountain perhaps bored out at the top. You would prevent most of your major storm issues, tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, etc.

You could power it with huge solar panels.

I just hope in 2039 were not sitting here complaining about the price of gasoline and how "cool" Miley's 36th birthday was. You never can tell.
America Today Anthony (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 11:38 PM)


Those questions have been addressed. One of the myriad proposed solutions would be to use multiple tethers for redundancy if one should break or get cut.

Another tangential issue that's been addressed, and I haven't seen any answers, is should one tether break, how would we deal with the tether as it falls to Earth.
MrPex, Sacramento, CA (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 11:49 PM)

Even though the physics support this idea, there are other realities I have not seen addressed. You can only "get off" at a geo orbit (22,000 miles). If the elevator went 100 mph (a feat in itself), the trip would take 220 hours (9+ days) one way. So for multiple people taking this trip, this "elevator" is not just a small room to stand in, it has to be a complete hotel (rooms, beds, food, sewer system, etc) capable of support for weeks without external supplies. This "tether", regardless of super light materials, is a structure big enough to carry something the size of a building or railroad cars and a structure long enough to wrap around the earth. It takes 5 years to build the largest bridges (1+ miles); this is a 22,000 mile bridge. I guess if we start now, we'll have plenty of time to work out the bugs as we go.
Dennis, Houston, TX (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 11:59 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

A polar sattelite would not pose a significant problem as the tehter could simply be adjusted by moving the floating base or with the use of adjustable gyroscopes
Dylan, Calgary,Alberta (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:14 AM)

Just a note on the physics. A space elevator has the space end at geosynchronous orbit (22,000 miles) so it can stay above the same point on the earth. The earth end must be on the equator. This is the same orbit where TV satelites sit and where our TV dishes point to.
The moon is 250,000 miles and does not stay above the same spot on the earth, so anything attached to the earth and moon would immediately start to wrap around the earth.
Dennis, Houston, TX (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:14 AM)

What happen if an Earthquake or Hurricane hits this thing? I highly doubt this would ever work... It comes at a very high risk factor...I would even say higher risk than taking a ride into orbit on the Shuttle... And what happens if the base on Earth Brakes or is ripped off?

Sorry, I don't find this at all practical... However, I find the research into it practical for it may improve and advance current technologies for various applications..
Will (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:25 AM)

Alan's story reminds me of the whole sci-fi becomes sci-fact trend.
As you all know we are facing some issues right here on the home planet.
Here's a thought...
As sci-fi become sci-fact, so does Hippie Gibberish become sci-fact in today's version of The Climate Crisis.
The space travel sci-fi that is reaching fruition as sci-fact today became part of the public consciousness in the late 1950s.
Fifty years in the pipeline, and we still get artist conceptions...much like PopSci of the 50s...the pics are cooler, get the idea...same ol', same ol'.
Hippie Gibberish began about ten years after the concept of Man in Space entered our minds as potential reality.
That gives us a decade to mull over this Anthropogenic CO2 scam.
A decade during which Sir Richard Branson and Algore will make bazillions.
Algore is the Hippie Gibberish guy.
Branson's the sci-fi/sci-fact guy.
Both are betting that the fifty years to fruition trend will continue.
What a mess, eh?
Feel better about Man in Space and The Climate Crisis.
Have a look at this...
It presents a doable solution to many of today's issues...including space junk as mentioned by one commenter to this posting.
Remember this...even the earliest space pioneers realized that guided missiles ( rockets ) were of little, or no use in Space...Rockets are not SpaceCraft...never will be.
Long range, manned vessels will require a self-sustaining fuel
Gaia Two also addresses this issue.
Forge Ahead!
steve smyth (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:37 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

Can't wait until the high powered laser hits the tethering helicopter. Wouldn't want to be that pilot.
Brian (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:10 AM)

The big problem is that each satellite and piece of space junk passes over the equator twice every orbit. Most of these objects, and there are thousands, are below the altitude of the top end of the projected elevator "shaft". I believe that the average object would make ten to sixteen equator crossings per day as the earth turns below.
A collision with any object that we currently can track would likely be lethal to the elevator tether.
Bill Smith, Kalama, Washington (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:21 AM)

New technologies require monetary investment to bring them to fruition. NASA is to be commended for fostering innovation, even if it fails in its original intent.
Matthew Ota, Lebanon, NH (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:25 AM)

Jon in Honolulu, the moon moves around the earth, so you couldn't tether to it. The tether would wrap around the planet till it broke.

Fritz in Greensboro, the end of the tether would be geostationary (remaining over one point) as all the satellites that far out are. It wouldn't impact another geostationary sats. There IS a concern for satellites in LEO (low earth orbit). One ompact by something moving 18k mph would destroy the tether.

Scot, the tether will be lowered from orbit to the surface, but it probably won't be manufactured there. It will be easier to build a small light tether and shoot it into space on a conventional rocket, lower it, and then add/laminate stronger and stronger tethers to the first one.
Chris McCoy (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:30 AM)

Hi the idea of the space elevator from Arthur C Clarke may at one time be considered science fiction is now science fact. We are living proof how science fiction is a part of every day life. As Napoleon Hill once said, that all concepts and ideas were once formed in the minds of men, and with enough will and determination will become reality. "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Gene Belanger, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:06 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

When you scratch the Space Elevator you discover an ungainly and clumsy 19th-century concept. The problem is in static support – meaning essentially you hang the rope, and that's it. However, the Third Millenium solution is to mine mind to be found in generation of dynamic lift supporting the device, as independently suggested by dr Hyde (of LLNL, unpublished results) in his Starbridge concept and by me in the Project Synchrodyne (Acta Astronautica 45(1999)143-153). It's the old/new contest of Wright v. Zeppelin, with the winners (well, of the first match) visible all over the skies. Just for comparison, unencumbered by crushing dead weight of the support structure, The Synchrodyne is expected to be able to carry a payload roughly equal to its own mass to GSO and back on daily basis, and at a cost (depending on size and the state of art) in the range of $ 1 to & 100 per ton. Transmitting cheap space-produced electricity with virtually no losses and at the rate of roughly 1kW/kg almost as an afterthought. It's essentially a device which could outsource (in economically viable way) the planet utilities, manufacturing, and agriculture into GSO by the middle of this century, putting the stake through the problems of hunger, global warming, and depletion of resources for good. The main problem – plaguing in fact any dynamic flying machine – remains that of reliability, but recent advances in the field of high temperature superconductors (the last high point is Tc of 242 K!) hold promise of enhancing the availability of the device in dramatic fashion by eliminating the most precarious part of the system, i.e. cryogenic liquid-cooled supermagnets. What a pity that my paper published in peer-reviewed journal of such standing was virtually ignored even by scientific community!

Predrag Raos, Croatia

August 19, 2009

Predrag Raos, Zagreb, Croatia (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:09 AM)

To add to John's note on the hypothetical Moon's elevator - the elevator there would also have to face away from the Earth.
Marek, Toronto, ON (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:12 AM)

Wouldn't the "ribbon" have its weakest point half-way up? Consequently, wouldn't it have to be able to support "only" half its total weight plus the attached payload? Therefore, if it would be made thicker towards the middle of the overall length, the material wouldn't need to be as strong.
Marek, Toronto, ON (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:24 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

Space elevators for the near to medium future are a dumb idea. A single massively expensive project more vulnerable than the shuttle program to catastrophic failure. Can anyone even begin to guess how the materials involved will interact with the earths atmospheric charge differentials and magnetic fields. How well will the cable resist degradation from cosmic radiation, micro meteorites, and human sabotage. The hyper accelerated protons and neutrons alone can transmute the atomic composition of materials like it does inside atomic reactors with much weaker radiation.

Stop wasting the money, shelve it for a hundred years and let it be built when it will be vastly cheaper and more practicle.
sane (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:24 AM)

It seems strange that no-one has mentioned the JET-STREAM.
REX @ Poortland Oregon (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:19 AM)

The helium balloons might help, but only at the very lowest altitude. Those thing don't rise forever, after all.

Elevator on the moon might be the first application if there is ever a lot of traffic. Seems a bit quiet there lately.

Moving the base of the ladder enough to avoid passing satellites might work as long as they don't pass by too frequently.

If the cable does get broken by some collision, wouldn't that cause the platform holding the cable up with centrifugal force to launch into space, never to be seen again? This could be a problem.
Al Brown, San Jose, CA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:28 AM)

i think they should spend the money on something a little more realistic, thi sis a waste of time and money, its not logical even though it might seem possible in some peoples minds or even on paper, but in real life, it wont work.
fusseltier (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:14 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

Typo: the past tense of "lie low" is "lay low", not "laid low".

[ALAN ADDS: You are correct, and the verb has been corrected. Thanks for that!]
Paul, Japan (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:25 AM)

Why have a tether from ground to space when we could have a geo-stationary platform beam down an 'energy tether' to power a craft or lifting body up to it where the cargo is unloaded and the craft then de-orbits shuttle like and lands at a space port for re-use. The power can come from laser or microwave and be solar generated in orbit. Perhaps the station could start with an inflatable module 'Bigalow'.
The Bigalow module has already been tested in space.
Harold Ziel (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:01 AM)

Fritz/David; The Space Elevator concept calls for a mobile platform on the sea, located NW of South America. That way the tether can be moved around to miss satellites, debris, asteroids, etc.
Doug Fingles, Warner Robins, GA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:20 AM)

Scott; The idea is to "drop" the tether from the midpoint and let it extend out to geostationary orbit at the same time, keeping the system in balance. So you are correct, it is easier to drop a rope than push one... :-)
Doug Fingles, Warner Robins, GA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:22 AM)

John; You are mostly correct. The design of the tether calls for changes in width over the length to compensate for micro-meteorite impacts, radical oxygen degradation, etc. It may be a meter or so wide at the ground, but would be about 3 meters wide as it passes through the upper atmosphere.
Doug Fingles, Warner Robins, GA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:26 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

Fritz and David,

The question of avoiding satellite impacts is in my opinion the single greatest challenge building that comes with building the space elevator, with power transmission being the second. Though the required materials do not exist yet, eventually they will, it is the specifics of implementing them in order to avoid all these other problems that is important.

There are a few things that you can do to guard against collisions, the first is the orientation of the cable. The shape of the cable that seems to be the easiest to transmit cargo on is a belt, It will be 1 to 2 meters thick, but only a few nanometers wide. You can orient the thin side towards the highest volume of traffic (speed doesn't matter as much, whether there is a .5km/sec impact or a 5km/sec impact there is going to be a similarly sized hole).

That's just a basic passive precaution, there also need to be active safeguards, there are three types of dangers here.

1. Active satellites with propulsion systems that can make the tiny changes necessary to avoid the space elevator. These guys are avoiding each other and debris all the time, the addition of one more obstacle probably won't even impact their fuel usage much, unless they are in some sort of orbit that frequently passes through the space elevator's region.

2. Inactive satellites, satellites without propulsion systems, and large debris. The USAF keeps track of all debris larger than about a baseball. We will know where most of these things are, but they can't move to avoid the space elevator, so it will have to avoid them. Moving the counterweight on the top isn't a good way to accomplish this, it is going to be very massive and very far away. (It needs to be out past Geosynchronous orbit, so more than 36,000 km away, or about the circumference of the earth.) Moving the part of the space elevator in the danger zone (up to about 600 km high) would require moving this heavy object much more, also you'd have to be careful about placing other parts of the elevator in danger.

Instead you would have little stations with small engines spaced out along the elevator, who knows how many you'd need, they may be spaced 50 km apart in the lower earth orbit, but thousands and thousands of km apart out in the empty regions.

Black Rabbit said...

3. Smaller debris that you don't know about and can't avoid: This will hit you, period. It is unclear how much of it will hit you how often, maybe it will be too bad for a space elevator and we will have to wait 10-50 years (being more careful about orbital debris) for all their orbits to degrade so we can try again. Hopefully it will be manageable however. You'd try to manage it by making your tether much thicker than it needs to be to carry the weight, so that it could operate damaged for awhile. Every now and then (who knows how frequently, maybe every third day, maybe every third week) you'd have to send up special cars to repair the damage. I am guessing that these cars would move much slower than the normal cars, so the tether would be out of commission during repairs. These cars would also refill the propulsion stations on their way. The repairs could probably be done pretty quickly, no reason that 20 cars couldn't do it at once, as long as you have enough laser beams or whatever else you are using to power the cars. The materials science comes back to play here, how efficiently can the tether be modified on site. If we know enough about carbon nanotubes that the cart can stitch them back together again good as new, great! If not then you'd have to operate it like a normal road, fill in potholes as necessary but eventually you need to scrape it clean and re-asphalt it.

You would also want even more redundancy than a thick cable, you would want multiple cables, so if (when) one of them did break due to an unlucky object hitting at a strange angle (you can imagine a straight on hit on the thin edge would tear through the whole thing) you would still have a functioning space elevator and could repair the broken cable. Also multiple cables means that you can still transport cargo while one is being overhauled.

There are tons of other complexities and challenges when building a space elevator, I could go on for another ten pages (I've done it before) but that should about do it for now. I will say that the challenges are huge, enough so that it will be several decades before one is up and running, but the rewards are also enormous. They won't be for the first couple, but once we get the kinks all worked out the 4th or 5th time we do it... Well 40 years after that everyone will laugh at the idea of doing it any other way.
Michael Dunkel (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:50 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

The other thing that seems rather difficult about a space elevator is that the material that is sent up must equal, in mass, the material that is sent down. Or, the space elevator will either fall down or break up and float away.

Try slinging a rope around a tree branch and climbing it. Climbing something and pulling it down are the same act - the only difference in behavior is based on which one is bigger. The thingy at the other end of the elevator will have to have a mass large enough to keep from being yanked out of geosynch orbit by everything climbing up it, as well as the tensile strength of the tether having to be strong enough to deal with everything climbing down it.

Byron Raum, Beverly Hills, CA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:38 AM)

Right now, even if somebody had a cable of the right strength and length (they *don't*), the radiation belts around the Earth essentially preclude using this for human transport.
Ian Woollard (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:50 AM)

Why all the hooplah:
Just build a larger version of the Anti Gravity Gyroscopic Lunging Device simmular to the one that we have built. The only problem will be getting it back. We hav'nt figured out that part yet. Further testing will continue. Soon it will be ready for the world to see. Sorry big brother, you will not stop us.
breakthrough the clouds (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:55 AM)

I've thought putting space elevators on the moon would be a great idea, too. It would certainly be more feasible in the near future and a great place to learn how to make bigger ones, like for Earth's elevator.
don smith (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:56 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

The whole problem with this is the torodial stresses involved from the ground up i.e. wind shear, orbital momentum, spatial impacts, not to mention the huge probelm dealing with the earth's angular momentum of rotation make this impossible using even the most advanced current technologies. Just ask any industrial engineer about the huge stresses involved in building some of today's new superskyscraper's such as the Burj Dubai. The higher we build, the more intrinsic stresses have to be dealt with. Also, there is no getting around the old gravity problem. You still have to reach escape velocity.
Anton Kowalski Wichita,KS (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:01 AM)

Great and rewarding undertakings have all been challenges. They took time, effort and a lot of engineering successes and failures to become realities. Even an elevator in a not-so-tall building has benefitted from a lot of trial, error, and achievement leading up to commonplace and acceptably reliable results. From waht I have seen, we have the materials strong enough to make it work so it is physically possible.
Bill Marshall, Denver, CO (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:07 AM)

At 2m/s it would take 15 days to reach 100,000 miles. Not exactly what most would consider an elevator ride.

[ALAN ADDS: Yes, the usual scenario doesn't envision taking the full 100,000-mile route. Rather, cargo and passengers would be sent up to the orbital transfer station, at 22,000 miles. The usual scenario calls for a weeklong trip to get to that level, so it's not exactly like an elevator ride at the department store.]

Scott (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:25 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

STATE THE OBVIOUS: Wouldn't some idiot eventually crash a plane into the tether and wreck the whole thing, bringing the platform into a heap of burning metal toward the Earth?
Matt (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:26 AM)

Most interesting article Alan! It sure seems crazy a space elevator, but then going to the moon was deemed crazy before we actually accomplished it. It will be interesting to watch this over the years to see how far they can take this crazy space elevator idea and turn it into a money making reality. It sure would benefit getting mass up in orbit far cheaper so we could do more space stations far more cheaply and faster than we do now with the space shuttle.

The power beaming system will also be interesting to watch and could be a real boon for humanity if they can make it work. It's nice to see research being done without it having to have a military application.
Eric, Salinas, CA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:26 AM)

Attaching a space elevator "Ribbon" to the earth I believe would create a massive grounding rod. How would storm created lightning be handled? Also if you do not ground the "Ribbon" how do you handle static charges being built up on the system???
Just a thought.
GM, Palmerton, Pa (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:44 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

One brainstorming suggestion is NOT to have the tether anchored to the ground (as I have been envisioning it for the last 15 years since I first heard of the concept) but to have the tether attached to a supported platform on the upper edge of the atmosphere where vehicles could "land" and reach the platform as a winged plane.

This would avoid having lower elevation planes or birds or anything else getting sliced by the cable, or vice versa.

Jym Allyn (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:47 AM)

As to a space tether on the moon instead of the earth. I don't think that could work, in that the moon is gravitationally locked with the earth, and therefore doesn't spin about its axis. The centripetal force needed to cause the tether to be in tension is provided by the earth's rotation. No rotation no tether...

Keith, Boynton Beach FL (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:47 AM)

Fritz may have a good idea for sweeping up space junk.
Harold Ziel (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:49 AM)

"John (Sent Monday, August 17, 2009 11:00 PM)"

Ooops. I need to read ALL of the posts before responding.
Thank you.
Jym Allyn (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:49 AM)

With all the money we need to reform health care, why are we even thinking about space elevators?
Michael Furlong, Huntington, NY (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:50 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

Airliners are equiped with 'Proximity' sensors (a radar) to warn the pilot of nearby aircraft.
Harold Ziel (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:55 AM)

It doesn't matter whether it's built from the top down or the bottom up. Once it's in place it has to withstand gravity and all the forces mentioned in the article.
James Cawse, Pittsfield, MA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:13 AM)

Alan, it's a 100 miles into space, not a 100,000 miles. Are you trying to discredit this idea?

[ALAN ADDS: Well, the international space boundary is at 100 kilometers, but as I understand it, in order to keep the transfer station in geosynchronous orbit (stationary with respect to the attachment point on Earth's surface), the system's center of mass would have to be at about 22,000 miles in altitude. The basic idea is that the tether would extend downward from that point to attach with Earth, and outward from that point to provide the balancing mass. The 100,000-mile total length is just one of the figures often mentioned. Otherwise you'd have to have a counterweight somewhere above the station. Mark Sykes of the Planetary Science Institute mentioned to me as a Facebook comment that he recalls a 50-meter-wide captured asteroid being considered to serve that function (back in the good old days of space elevator theory).]
Randy, Butler, Oklahoma (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:31 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

The far end of the tether has to have enough mass to counter the weight of tether + elevator + cargo. No current computations exist to estimate this mass. To build up from Earth like Jack's beanstalk or dangle from space? The concept is intriguing but the technology is daunting. How will it be connected to The Earth? How would it be affected by high or low pressure centers, wind gusts, thunder storms and lightning? The atmosphere is dynamic and powerful, adding unknown stresses of torque and turbulence to the total equation. This one may prove far too difficult in reality and stay in the realm of scifi where everything can be accomplished in a few clever sentences!
h. c. petley, cortez, co (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:36 AM)

Even if the technology improves where a space elevator is no longer science fictional in concept, there is so much orbiting space junk that it might, in the end, not be feasible.
Rich in G'burg (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:43 AM)

What about the rotaiton of the earth? How would they keep a space station 100,000 mi in space aligned with a connected point to earth without breaking off? I would suggest something like a laser guide at the base and one at the station.
Cliff stewart, Thomasville GA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:45 AM)

Far worse than satellite avoidance, an even bigger showstopper would be orbital debris. There's far more of it to dodge, track, or even adequately detect. Even if all of the technical hurdles of actually building an elevator are solved, this will remain a problem for a very long time, at best.
Matt Falk (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:17 PM)

this space elevator system is going to be subject to the earth's gravity trying to pull it down and wind forces pushing it laterally both of which occurs at the lower altitudes. wouldn't these have to be constantly compensated for by a computerized jet propulsion system at the space platform?
dan cleveland,ohio (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:18 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

I can't believe this subject is even being addressed. What next...a tunnel to the center of the earth? Earthlings need to first concentrate on saving the earth from ourselves. There is not anywhere on earth that man's destructive nature is not evident.
We can't even fix New Orleans or our health care system but we sure as hell can envision an elevator to the stars. What an absolutely insane idea!
If it could be done, has any one asked the question what will man look like after spending years traveling in space attempting to reach and thus trash another temporarily habitable space rock? Probably not.
All of you technically brilliant space dudes need to recognize and realize that man is just too fragile to spend any extended time in space. Period! I'm talking years here...not just a few months.
Forget carbon fibers. If Charles Darwin was right, and he was, if man does leave this planet for any extended length of time, he/she will evolve into something that may not be recognizable as human in a few short years.
I don't know about you, but as for me, I would much rather accept my current condition here on earth and spend the space budget on health care, disease control of such plagues as Malaria and Aids and concentrate on how best to heal our trashed planet.
Sure, man has gone to the moon and back at a cost of billions and the loss of many lives, but that is child's play considering the trillions of dollars it will cost to build an elevator to space or travel to and establish a permanent colony on some distant planet.
As for me, in the future, I would rather safely sun myself on some pristine beach sipping a polution free beverage knowing my children's children will have the same opportunity to do the same without fear that the drink will kill and the Sun's deadly rays having at last penetrated the earth's protective atmosphere will too.
I rest my case.
jack Haesly, Austin, Texas (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:24 PM)

Fritz's question is not only good, but great. I feel that before any real attempt at establishing a space platform, tethered to earth, is tried, we should design a space vacuum cleaner to clear space of the near-earth junk we have stupidly left up there. The space elevator would be a tremendous success if that alone happened as a result of the endeavor.
Darrell Messbarger (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:40 PM)

Um we cant put an elevator to the moon because it is rotating around the planet and we would have to make an elevator that roated at the same speed but had no fixed point on the moon. And there is no air in space so helium will not have anything to "float on". this whole thing is a waste of money. we need new propulsion systems!!!!
Bryan R, Austin, TX (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:48 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

Why don't they generate the energy they need from earth's magnetic field like they did here:
Denis St-Pierre, Ottawa, Canada (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:02 PM)

Hopefully, one day people will stop laughing. The simple fact that it could reduce the cost of shipping cargo into orbit 100 fold makes it worth the research dollars. And of course, once you have one, the second is easier to build and so on. Imagine what space agencies like NASA could get done if half their budget for every project didn't go to just getting it in orbit? Imagine the possibilities for ships that could be fueled or even built in space? Imagine the scale of orbital stations that could be constructed in high orbit rather than built from tiny preaasembled segments.

In exchange for a few million dollars here and there and the risk of getting laughed at by a few people, we stand to gain so much.
Michael, Iowa City, IA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:12 PM)

Fritz is absolutely correct. You can design low earth orbits for new satellites that would avoid a space elevator corridor, but I'm not sure you can place a space elevator in a corridor that avoids the paths of all the thousands of objects that are currently in orbit.

There are other practical problems as well. For instance, any object released from a space elevator below an altitude of 22,300 miles will have insufficient velocity to remain in orbit. So the elevator does not eliminate the need for propulsive rockets attached to satellites, especially if the orbit you ultimately want to achieve is not in the equatorial plane. (On the other hand, anything released from a space elevator above an altitude of about 32,000 miles will instantly achieve escape velocity and not remain trapped in earth orbit.)

Whether you launch a satellite by elevator or by conventional rocket, you still have to impart the same amount of energy to it. It's just a question of desired efficiency, and how much time it takes to get up there.
Andy, Arlington, VA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:20 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

Bryan, we have new propulsion systems on the way. The VASIMR propulsion system will be ready for an in-space test within the next year or so. With the recent breakthroughs in small-scale or 'portable' fission reactors, a propulsion system like VASIMR could theoretically cut a trip to Mars from 8-9 months to just 30-40 days.

So why not put a little funding towards other ideas in the meantime?
Michael, Iowa City, IA (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:21 PM)

Wow, intelligent comments! Such a rarity these days.

There are significant challenges beyond those described in the article, but the payoff is so huge... You could get to orbit with literally a few hundred $ worth of electrical energy.

As you might imagine, this idea, and all it's variations, has been discussed at length for decades, not only within academia but also in the sci-fi community (Red Mars, 3001, Fountains of Paradise These books help us speculate on what it would be like to operate an elevator or earth, on mars, and what problems would likely occur.

There are some much more comprehensive documents available at the liftport website and other enthusiast sites

Scott: the tether needs to be anchored to the ground, but the thinking is that yes, it will be deployed/ unspoiled from orbit

fritz: yes, orbital debris is a problem, but you're exaggerating how complete a polar-orbit satellites sweeps over the earth. They won't pass over every point of the earth if their altitude is such that there orbit lasts some exact fraction of some multiple of 24 hours. If so, they will then start repeating their tracks.

Steve Parkinson (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:33 PM)

when i first heard about a space elevator i thought about what would happen if the tether became separated from the platform. But what if it were attached to some sort of reel that was electrically charged so that if there were separation, it could be charged to straighten, and then it could be reeled in? i don't know if this "charging" is possible, but i'm thinking of something similar to batman's cape in the new batman movies where he charges the "fingers" and they become rigid.
Nik, Tacoma, Wa (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:20 PM)

Keith in Fl: Moon rotates once per 28 days or so -- that's why one side always faces the Earth.

Marek in Toronto: A farside elevator is not required but is more favorable in that the terminal point is further "up" the Earth's gravitational potential well. Access to NEOs (and rest of solar system) is energetically easier (delta V). The terminal point can be near either the L1 or L2 point of the Earth-Moon system and can be made to librate (orbit) around the L1 or L2 point -- it will need to since this is a 3-body system. Or, one can use a pseudo or forced Lagrangian point using the stress on the cable as an additional (pseudo) gravitational force of the moon. Remember – at the L1 point an object wants to orbit faster than the moon and at the L2 point the object will want to orbit slower than the moon, which is what a lunar elevator is all about.

Black Rabbit said...

America Anthony Today: A lander carrying anything to the moon needs (1) fuel enough to land the mass of lander+cargo+enough fuel to take off again (unless fuel is made on the moon assuming there is water). You can play with the numbers, but you can never, ever beat the energy efficiency of an elevator going down and then coming back up with a “fuel-laden lander”. EM rail gun-like launching is a good idea for launching stuff from the moon, but not for getting stuff down.

Riding an elevator: At 6 m/sec, the trip to the terminus (35,000 km) will take 1,620 hours or more than 2 months. Will the cable-elevator interface be able to survive stress of high speeds? At 500 km/hour it’s still a 3 day (70 hr) trip. And I thought flying to Hawaii was a long!

Jon, Honolulu (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:25 PM)

I think the same thing as I see all no productive artists in the world, or all spaced out dreamers that have ideas out of the conventional. We do have practical problems that needs to be addressed before we even might think of dreaming. If we all were machines it all would be much better, kill all dreams as they distract us from our real problems.
John Doe, Seattle, Wash. (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:25 PM)

I'm getting a few comments that are critical of Michael Laine, which is fine ... as noted in the item, he lost a lot of money in the LiftPort venture. I'm concerned that the comments go over the line, so please try to cast your criticism in terms that are a little less sweeping.
Alan Boyle (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:11 PM)

Here is another method that is even simpler, if not more explosive:

For more information please see:

We all want space flight, but the current rocket system just doesn't work for the masses.
We have modified Einstein's seminal equation E=MC^2 to a simpler E=M(C and used that to re-design Hydrogen/Oxygen rockets to a 3 stage system of Hydrogen balloon (for initial lift), Hydrogen/Oxygen rocket (for boost) and Solar Sail (empty balloon) for final boost and travel.

Bob Freeman, Petaluma, Ca (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:38 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

To Eric from Salinas, CA: I always like reading your addition to Alans articles to which I am addicted ;)...because they are always so positive and upbeat. I completely agree with your comments to this article. The minute we stop thinking about these 'crazy' ideas is the minute we stop learning. Just imagine if people in the past didn't pursue their 'crazy' ideas or 'crazy' science experiments...
JEB, Columbus, Ohio (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:44 PM)

I can just see it now... A space elevator is created only to be broken within months or years resulting in a huge cataclysmic disaster where the extreme tether comes crashing to earth and kills a mass amount of people and causes billions of dollars in damages.
carlos javier (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:19 PM)

for those who think it will only take 15 day reconsider. the suggested 2m/s will take 897 days to go 100,000 miles, 129 day for 22,000 miles.

The idea of laser power to space planes makes much more sence.
ed utah utah (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:28 PM)

GM, Palmerton, Pa -- there are some who see a space tether not as a transportation solution, but as an electrical transfer/generation solution.
j9 (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:41 PM)

Keith, Boynton Beach FL -- The moon does spin on its axis -- at a rate that coincides with its orbital path around the earth.
j9 (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:44 PM)

I agree with Anton Kowalski of Wichita Kansas, except for the escape velocity issue, which would only be a factor in getting whatever kind of platform it is, up in space and built. Once a tether were built, which it never will be, you'd use any ordinary power to pull up on the tether. Sure, you have to fight gravity, but escape velocity?
Matt NJ, Kinnelon, NJ (Sent Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:46 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

The tether doesn’t need to be attached at the equator. Montana would be a fine spot. It would be slung out perpendicularly to the earth’s axis of rotation. From Montana it would take a little more tether to reach altitude, which is really a distance from that axis. We talk about 22,300 because that is the only geo-sync altitude for free objects. The elevator would not be free. Street lights are in geosync all over the planet. Just at a really low altitude and held in position by a rigid structure.

Nothing needs to be lowered to compensate as you lift. And you don’t pull the space elevator down. You pull down on the space elevator. Sounds similar but they are way different. The force from the counterweight just has to be sufficient to overcome the down pull, or the rise rate has to be slow enough to not overcome the counterbalance. Same thing from two perspectives.

All you need is lift force. The earth’s rotation will bring it up to speed as it rises by pulling on it with the tether.

If a hurricane hits it there will be a great deal of down pull. The best solution, imo, all things considered, is to have a counterbalance that can pay out line to compensate for down pull.

Which brings up the real problems. Even if we develop a ribbon that is absolutely unbreakable what do you attach it to? One high tension event pulls anything out of the ground. A wind storm could produce enough force to pull up the mountain you anchored into.

Black Rabbit said...

Paul, Japan (8/18, 0725)
This is a science blog, who let the English guy in?

Tim Rommes, Washington, UT (Sent Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:23 AM)

"Why is everyone so intent on a space elevator for the Earth? Why not use it for the Moon?"

Because for all practical purposes, there is no 'selenostationary' orbit from which a space elevator can be started. Because of their relatively low mass and rapid rotation (the faster a planet spins, the closer a 'stationary' orbit is), the only planets in this solar system that are even thinkable for this are Earth and Mars.

"...the moon is gravitationally locked with the earth, and therefore doesn't spin about its axis"

No, It spins on its axis every 28 days, which also happens to be its orbital period. But anything in an orbit far enough from the Moon such that it took 28 days to circle it ('selenostationary') would be interfered with by Earth itself.

"With all the money we need to reform health care, why are we even thinking about space elevators?"

'Thinking' costs nothing. Not one more person will be treated by not doing this.

And, we're a civilization that can walk and chew gum at the same time. What else would you have us not even 'think' about?

Frank Glover, Rochester, NY (Sent Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:43 AM)

Black Rabbit said...

"The far end of the tether has to have enough mass to counter the weight of tether + elevator + cargo. No current computations exist to estimate this mass. To build up from Earth like Jack's beanstalk or dangle from space?"

It's very straightforward. You must start in geostationary orbit and build straight down and straight out, simultaneously. The center of mass is always in geostationary orbit (think see-saw), and eventually it will be 44,000 miles long (though the far end could be shorter, with some equally massive counterweight)

It's an object *in orbit* that happens to be long enough to touch the ground...

"The tether doesn’t need to be attached at the equator. Montana would be a fine spot. It would be slung out perpendicularly to the earth’s axis of rotation."

It *does* need to be at the equator. Objects in geostationary orbit must, by definition, be above it and the elevator structure 'wants' to point at Earth's center, which is straight down. We're already asking a lot of the tensile strength of this material, and now you want what would also be 'tilted' at whatever angle in question...

I can't calculate the dynamics, but I doubt the object would even stay in orbit in that state.

"I can just see it now... A space elevator is created only to be broken within months or years resulting in a huge cataclysmic disaster where the extreme tether comes crashing to earth and kills a mass amount of people and causes billions of dollars in damages."

If a plane collides and severs the structure at, say, 35,000 thousand feet, the portion below that will pretty much fall straight down. The remainder will continue to dangle where it is.

Remember, this is NOT a building resting on Earth's surface. It's an object *in geostationary orbit* that just happens to be long enough to touch the ground. Cutting off the bottom will not de-orbit the remainder...

But having seemingly defended this concept, let me say that I believe it may be physically *possible* but not a *practical* system.

Black Rabbit said...

First, it's a long, slow ride to the geostationary mid-point (and you *don't* want to do that when you're passing through the Inner VanAllen belt...rockets going to GEO or Earth escape, spend very little time crossing the belts). The 'car' must essentially be a spaceship for all but the first few tens of thousands of feet.

Second, how much material can be moved along this thing? Can there be multiple cars? will there be oscillation problems? Can they go both ways? How do they pass? (there may be an answer for that, but I haven't seen it)

Third, if a car has a problem, the only possible rescue can come from another car from above or below. No spaceship can dock with this thing except very close to the GEO midpoint. For all other spacecraft, it's a potential collision hazard.

Forth: Relatedly, it's useless for easily reaching lower orbits. Step off at 200 miles and you still need to acquire a lot of horizontal velocity *quickly,* or fall to Earth.

This is like a train tunnel (possibly with only one set of tracks) under the Atlantic. You can't get off anywhere in between either end, rescue is only possible from either end, unless there's some way to pass, traffic can be only in one direction at a time on the *entire length.* (And trains can at least carry plenty of mass at one time. What kind of a throughput will a space elevator have? There'd better be plenty of both demand and ability to move stuff, to be worth it.) And it's a *long* trip...

Oh, and you *must* travel to the equator to ride it. Theoretically, rockets can launch from anywhere, to any orbit, sized for whatever the market demands are...

It may be possible, but I'm not convinced it's worth it.

Frank Glover, Rochester, NY (Sent Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:23 AM)

I feel one very important issue has not yet been discussed.
All discussion seems to assume the Earth’s gravitational potential field is perfectly symmetric. It isn’t. It is a complicated field with considerable variation. Far from staying perfectly stationary above the Earth, this effect is strong enough to move geosynchronous satellites away from their intended stations, and they have to be periodically moved back, using thrust derived from propellant.

The proposed orbital platform will have to be massive to support vehicles moving along the tether (certainly hundreds if not thousands of tons), a lot of propellant will have to be expended simply keeping it in one place (as it must be if the tether is not to break).

Another consequence is that the orbiting platform will be massive. This means different parts will experience a different value of the Earth’s gravitational field and will hence flex. Flexing is going to be a very important consideration for any space object appreciably bigger than (say) the ISS. People who glibly talk about moving Solar System minor bodies into Earth orbit should realise this will only result in a fragile body being place deep within a gravitational field and will eventually disintegrate. Remember, the reason Solar System objects are small in relation to the distance between them is that if they weren’t gravitational stresses would have wrenched them apart.

Keeping large objects in geosynchrous orbit will always be difficult and should be given a lot more discussion than I have seen

Black Rabbit said...

Paul, London, UK (Sent Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:06 PM)

With all this talk about the logistics of the project and materials needed, no one has mentioned the important research being conducted about the sociological aspects of an Elevator to Space. There's a video series at:
Sean Keane, San Francisco, CA (Sent Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:25 PM)

It *doesn’t* need to be at the equator. Objects in geostationary orbit must, by definition, be above it (the equator). *Free floating* objects in geosynchronous orbit must, by physics, be in geostationary orbit. *Tethered* objects in geosynchronous orbit don’t need to be. This does not need to be a free floating object. The center of mass, for the completed structure, does not need to be at geosync altitude. The sum of all forces acting on the ethereal “it” must be zero, over time, for it to stay in basically the same spot. More follows.

“[T]he elevator structure 'wants' to point at Earth's center, which is straight down.”
Quite true. That’s one of the forces acting on it. Anywhere it is. It won’t fall because of gravity in equatorial orbit. The math is simpler there because all the forces are in one plane. I feel confident that you can work out the three dimensional vector plot. Gravity pulling toward the core, “straight down.” Centrifugal force acting perpendicular to the axis of rotation, which is the same thing as in equatorial orbit where the center of the earth is also on that line. And a tensile force pulling in the direction of the tether. In equatorial geosynchronous orbit no force is required from the tether because all other forces are coplanar. In the Montana instance “straight down” gravity force has a southerly component. Which must be offset by a northerly pull by the tether. We should also realize that the platform height doesn’t need to be 22,300 miles above sea level. The counterbalance just needs to be sufficiently high to prevent falling. The whole rest of the ribbon will be geosynchronous, except for sway. If the counterbalance, as a single, compact, dense object orbiting in the equatorial plane were out at twice the distance from the center of gravity as geostationary it’s speed would be twice that as a geostationary object. Way more than orbital speed at that distance. That puts tension on the line, and your platform can be at any point on the tether. Two feet, two miles, etc. The only logistical reason for having it at geostationary is unpowered approach and release by/of orbiting vehicles. If you move the tie down to a northern latitude, say around the Montananth parallel, you still have that perpendicular sling and tension on the line because it’s not falling. Much like the bucket of water you might swing in a vertical circle to demonstrate centrifugal force. The tether/platform/counterweight would trail to the southwest and find the spot where all forces cancelled. Whatever the latitude, farther out may be better in some aspects, especially for going out.

Black Rabbit said...

Tensile stress is a good and valid point. I think the point of greatest stress would be at geostationary in that orbit as below that would be pulled down and above that would be pulled up. And this configuration would have the least stress. I also don’t think that chemical bond strength will allow for a material that makes the space elevator possible. But this is a game of what if. And if we can come up with a material that makes the elevator possible at the equator, what if we can make an even stronger material?

I can see where this is confusing at first blush, and may never make sense to a lot of people, but I’ve read your posts. You can get this. Give it some thought. And I’m not advocating that it should go in Montana. Just that maybe it could. I think it would be stupid to restrict ourselves for no good reason. And security issues continue to be voiced. I think we could protect it a lot easier on the Montana grasslands than in the ocean off South America. But I’m a subs guy and have a healthy respect for where a stealthy fast attack can go undetected.

Tim Rommes, Washington, UT (Sent Friday, August 21, 2009 8:52 AM)

Well, may I repeat: The solution of the space elevator problem already exists, and it was published in a peer-reviewed journal ten years ago. (See my previous letter on this blog.) No fancy materials are needed, and device holds promise of earth-to-space transportation at the fare comparable to that of transatlantic shipping. The name of the game is dynamic lift: instead of transferring the immense weight of the 36 000 km long tether to its floating orbital end, the whole structure is supported by dynamically generated lift in each and every meter of the tether, and in fact dynamically transferred to earth. Even if technologically demanding, my Synchrodyne is a theoretically sound machine that could outperform any other published concept by orders of magnitude. So stop fancying about Skyhook, Spece Elevator, etc. The idea is obsolete. It's a steampunk solution that creates new machines in a Vernian fashion, i.e. by rough extrapolation and stupendous accretion of dead mass. No childish technological monstrosities are needed, but fresh solutions and really innovative ideas.

Black Rabbit said...

Predrag Raos, Zagreb, Croatia
August 21, 2009

Predrag Raos, Zagreb, Croatia (Sent Friday, August 21, 2009 3:03 PM)

Many space elevators will be built on Earth. It is only a question of when and where they will be built. I would propose having 1 for satellite placement and interplanetary missions, 1 for LEO cleanup, and later, 1 for tourism ($$$ cha-ching).
Stephen Cohen, Montreal, Quebec (Sent Friday, August 21, 2009 4:09 PM)

Great...the Space Elevator, another solution in search of a problem. Look, people, getting crap into orbit for a thousandth the current price will lead to nothing but more crap in orbit. We can throw all the junk we want up there but we still haven't a coherent idea of what we're trying to accomplish there...

In fact, I believe that what we need is practical fusion power, something that would permit us to start designing spacecraft capable of relativistic velocities.

If we don't get off this ball of dirt soon, we are all doomed.

Thomas Andrew (Sent Friday, August 21, 2009 10:20 PM)

Predrag Raos, Zagreb, Croatia (8/18, 0209 & 8/21, 1503)
What you're proposing seems to be better than a perpetual motion machine. You have to overcome friction, drag and the actual work of lifting the mass of a load that doesn't come back down and you still manage to produce extra power. In theory it could work with solar panels to feed the power not recouperated from empty cars.

However, you still have to build a tower to height. Not sure what materials you have in mind. Or how you could maintain them. Or how the the tower would stand against wind, etc. Maybe if it were a big arch, or double arch like monkey bars. Any way you go it's an awful lot of weight.
Tim Rommes, Washington, UT (Sent Saturday, August 22, 2009 3:48 AM)

Enthusiasts may find this interesting:

Black Rabbit said...

Frank Glover, Rochester, NY (Sent Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:46 PM)

It appears a Lunar Space Elevator could be possible after all (and with known materials), but its physics would be more subtle than simply having a long, thin object centered in (seleno)stationary orbit, which is still not possible:

Frank Glover, Rochester, NY (Sent Sunday, August 23, 2009 8:31 PM)

They should build a space elevator that reaches Pluto.
JTZL (Sent Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:56 PM)

Laughable when our economic system is on the verge of collapse people are even giving this a nod. In the next few years if the United States is still here in its present form, I think we will be more concerned with the basics of life and trying to avoid a national bloodbath.
marty hammond, indiana (Sent Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:07 PM)

Black Rabbit said...

Basically, as FRITZ...all I had to do was to start the ball rolling in terms of asking the others how they 'navigated' in relation to the debris flying around the SPACE PLATFORM...and that got so much of this information out - from those who were 'captaining' the PLATFORM...

Black Rabbit said...

I am still amazed that I had so much knowledge compartmentalised in a 'child alter' somewhere in my brain...

...but I can remember now, 'john waters' telling me something about that one.

All human beings have this facility as children - everybody can be taught an extraordinary amount at a very early age...but the world doesn't need that many 'brain surgeons' or physicists...but we were all capable of storing that much knowledge as depended upon whether or not the ILL had decided to use you...

Black Rabbit said...

...which rather makes a mockery of the entire 'educational system' - doesn't it?

That is another massive LIE...

I had to sit through so many MATHS and SCIENCE lessons as a child and teenager - when I knew as much as the ILL knew about MATHS and CHEMISTRY...or at least to degree level, at any rate.

We can all be taught a massive amount as children - up to 4 years old - to degree level.

Black Rabbit said...

Human brains are the most exceptional things - but the ILL had hidden all of that from us...our true potential for knowledge and from the earliest age.

Black Rabbit said...

...or beyond that.

Black Rabbit said...

Clacton Airshow 2006

AMADEUS had filmed this -with all of us around – on the beach.

I was supposed to note the white CATALINA for some reason….my plane?

Black Rabbit said...

MACDONALD's was the grey/black striped plane that I saw this afternoon...maybe he was even flying it for all I jealous.

Black Rabbit said...

I made a mistake about the GREY RABBIT - actually it was PRINCE HARRY’s but it was WILLIAM who had pointed out the likeness between myself and the rabbit…the ‘regiment’ are telling me that the rabbit was called MAJOR TOM.


I was searching for an image in the top 10 GOOGLE images and something completely unrelated came up - which I ‘knew’ that I had seen before. In fact, my ARMS and HANDS had been used in the photograph.

It is of somebody holding two beer glasses over a RED ICE HOCKEY SHIRT and clinking them together to suggest that two teams are toasting each other after a match.

I then remembered MARK R had constructed that photo-shoot, to show me that whoever WON the game - the ILL always won it - because they owned both teams.

Additionally, it is of two different BEERS and it appears that those who had originally made their money in BEER are now the wealthiest families upon the planet. One is dark - looks a bit like GUINNESS and the other looks like some sort of lager.

Below is the image at:

© 2006-2009 On Frozen Blog / Old Dominion Productions, LLC. ¶ Subscribe: Entries RSS
Sponsor: Old Dominion Productions, LLC

This ICE HOCKEY reportage reminded me of another memory back from 1980. We had all been kitted out (or so many of us from the POWERGEN course) in ICE HOCKEY gear and forced onto the rink. I could hardly skate and as far as I knew - I had never played hockey before in my life.

I also know that the MACDONALD was on the team against us - quite a few AMERICANS. I have no idea about which country we were in, at the time - it could have been anywhere in the world. Anyway, we managed to win 2-1. I scored the first shot for my team but I have no real idea how - I managed to do it across about ¾ of the pitch - a fluke shot - I just hit it as hard as I could and the goalie couldn’t stop it - and the goal was allowed for some reason - I knew that in football, it would have been ‘off-side’ or something like that and so the whole thing surprised me a lot, as it did everybody else on the pitch. I tended to have ‘neophyte’s luck at cards’ for some reason, when I tried new things - then I would be useless at it, afterwards.

Black Rabbit said...

I remembered a few more things about OBAMA - firstly that he had known BETH when she was young - so how come he knew her?

BETH had also talked to me about a ‘black boyfriend’ of hers that she had met whilst studying at DUBLIN University - although she never completed her course. He had joined the IRA - which had then turned ‘bad’ as in - into a smuggling outfit and not a freedom-fighter organisation. She didn’t mind the drugs - because she took quite a few herself it was the children that bothered her…

Anyway, her boyfriend then ran off with a massive amount of the drugs money to SOUTH AMERICA and was never seen again…BETH had been stopped by INTERPOL in SWEDEN…arrested and questioned - mainly about above boyfriend.

BETH had told me all of this because she wanted to apply to be a CAMBRIDGE EXAMS oral examiner for the BRITISH COUNCIL and she was worried because the application form demanded that you show your passport - she figured that INTERPOL might check up on her if she did. I wondered about it all - the BRITISH COUNCIL included…normally they only employed teachers who had BRITISH passports - an IRISH one wouldn’t qualify unless you had been born in Northern Ireland. Anyway, BETH told me to tell JUDITH ELLIOT that it was ‘urgent’…the ILL buzzword, as I now know…and ask her if she could help BETH…which is what I did…and ELLIOT said that it wouldn’t be a problem…BETH just had to apply. BETH applied - got the job - and gave the highest marks to one of my students who should only have scraped through the ORAL exam - if that. BETH then rubbed it in - told me what she had done - not that she should have discussed the marks with anybody who wasn’t examining at all…plus the fact that this student had harrassed me all term…so the whole thing had really annoyed me.

Why on Earth had I helped BETH? It was always her hard-luck stories…her illnesses, her poverty…her ‘working-class made good but the world is against me’ attitude.

So did OBAMA ever live in DUBLIN then? If so - might he have been her ‘boyfriend’ or programmer?

Was the IRA taken over by the RA CULT and did it deteriorate into a RA SMUGGLING LINES operation? Was TOMLINSON involved in the CHILD TRAFFICKING with the SAS ‘boat service’? Is that how he had met OBAMA? He had already told me that he was directly involved and that the SBS ran this smuggling line for the BRITISH CROWN…and so can one say that perhaps the IRA was another ‘tentacle’ of this monstrous RA CULT smuggling operation?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, AMADEUS had made it clear in SHANGHAI 2003 that the RA CULT SHIPPING LINES were down...the world was going to change for the better...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night - I remember OBAMA was in contact with ‘john waters’ - and not just on his mobile - telepathically…he didn’t have a laptop with my programming upon it and so he relied upon ‘john waters’ to guide him through the ‘manual’ as it were…this was in the second flat - the RA CULT DEPOT upon Africka Street, upon the outskirts of PRAGUE - behind the Castle.

He used to come ‘home’ to me, during the week…as a rest and respite, from whatever horror had been going on during the day and one can assume that this was MAFIA WARS over PRAGUE in general.

I have already ‘outed’ those photographs of RIMINGTON upon the top of the BRITISH COUNCIL building upon NARODNI STREET. (As far as I know - the BRITISH COUNCIL has now moved premises - the rent and overheads of that property were astronomical but it was thought ‘wise’ to start off there - because they needed to be in the centre).

RIMINGTON had been crowned QUEEN OF PRAGUE during these mafia wars, for some reason - and that was why her photograph was being taken there - surveying the City.

Anyway, upon the other side of the mirror - I was in a child alter - about 4 years old probably but I could cook and so forth…and he then used to sleep with me but get up before dawn and leave - before I woke up (see previous notes regarding the time that he overslept).

I can remember one evening where as a child - I had grown so accustomed to him that I had begun to regard him like ‘john waters’ - he was now my new ‘Daddy’. I wanted to put my arms around his neck before I went to sleep…but OBAMA didn’t like that…and so he checked it out with ‘john waters’ and I heard the conversation - telepathic conversation. It went like this ‘she’s nesting…yes, I read about it…that’s what children do’…’john waters’ had read up on the bonding between a young child and parent…

I had no idea of the term NESTING…and to this day…I have no real idea if this is a common term used about the parental/child relationship.

Anyway, last night I had a strange dream about NESTING…I was in some café which sold newspapers and I wanted to get my money back for a PRIVATE EYE that I had just bought (I already had a subscription without realising it)…and so I went up to the counter…and the owner of the café looked at me and then his/her eyes went MILKY WHITE…he/she then said something about NESTING and I ‘saw’ telepathically the image of COMPUTER CELLS ‘NESTING’…I remembered this from DATABASES…

Upon waking - I remembered that OBAMA could do what the ILL JESTERS can do…they have the ability to turn their eyeballs back into their heads and so you can only see the WHITES of their eyes. A party trick of sorts - but put in by extreme torture, no doubt.

This reminded me of the children’s series that we had all watched after school called THE ACE OF WANDS (I need to check this) which had a storyline about a CLOWN DOLL in a CIRCUS which could put curses upon people…when it clicked its eyeballs up and only the WHITES showed…somebody would die. The whole series was so violent (images of people being burnt at the stake) that it was eventually banned from BRITISH TV…as far as I can remember, it had been an ITV production…at any rate, an independent channel of the early 1970s on BRITSH TV.

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up ACE OF WANDS on a google search and oddly enough got this about ALI BONGO who has apparently just died:

I thought about BONGO 'THE SIMPSONS COMICS' and how ALI BONGO had been the main MAGICIAN'S CIRCLE 'children's entertainer' of my generation.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is THE MEDDLERS series from THE ACE OF WANDS:

Season Three, Story One
Cast and Credits Ep.1 Ep.2 Ep.3
Spoon Michael Standing
Mockers Barry Linehan
Dove Paul Dawkins
Drum Stefan Kalipha
Madge Honora Burke
Accordian Player Neil Linden
Chauffeuse Norma West

Mr. Sweet Donald Layne-Smith
Ozymandias Fred Owl

Writer P. J. Hammond
Designer Bill Palmer
Director John Russell

and Archive
Information Transmission
Date(s) VT Date VT
Number Archive
Thames' TVTimes Episode Synopses
Episode One 19th July 1972, 1720 - 1750
14th September 1973, 1625 - 1650 9th May 1972 5886 D3
Tarot meets up with Chas and Mikki, a brother and sister, who live in a studio over an old London street market. Chas is a photographer, and Mikki a freelance journalist. Mikki is worried about a series of inexplicable accidents in the market, although Chas is inclined to laugh the whole thing off..
Episode Two 26th July 1972, 1720 - 1750
21st September 1973, 1625 - 1650 16th May 1972 5887 D3
Tarot begins to put together the pieces that make up the mysterious happenings in the street-market. Why are Spoon and the other musicians always around, even when the market is closed? Is Mockers, the "prophet of dooom", in league with them? And what is the role of Mr Dove, watching over the market through binoculars from his tower-block office?
Episode Three 2nd August 1972, 1720 - 1750
28th September 1973, 1625 - 1650 23rd May 1972 5888 D3
Tarot's exhibition of his magic powers in Madge's shop has ended in the smashing of a shelf of china - but Tarot was not the cause.Is there really a curse on the market? Meanwhile, Chas has gone off on his own to investigate the warehouse where Tarot's car was found.

Full Story Synopsis

To follow...

Black Rabbit said...

So I can now remember vaguely that the VILLAIN in this series was called MR SWEET...

Black Rabbit said...


Season Two, Story Four
Cast and Credits Ep.1 Ep.2 Ep.3 Ep.4
Ceribraun Oscar Quitak
Fredericks Nicholas Smith
Computer Charles Morgan
Sir John Packham Howard Goorney
Mr. Quince Edward Jewesbury
Sir Henry Carstairs Peter Williams

Writer Michael Winder
Designer Bernard Spencer
Director John Russell
and Archive
Information Transmission
Date(s) VT Date VT
Number Archive
Thames' TVTimes Episode Synopses
One 22nd September 1971, 1720 - 1750 9th June 1971 4257 None
A diamond that can turn people in to chalk; a talking computer and an eccentric chess master called Ceribraun involve Tarot in a new and interesting mystery.
Two 29th September 1971, 1720 - 1750 9th June 1971 4258 None
Ceribraun's trap for Tarot is well baited - with Mr. Sweet! But when it appears that the Eye of Ra has turned Mr. Sweet into a tiny chalk statue, Tarot, Lulli and Sam decide to act
Three 6th October 1971, 1720 - 1750 23rd June 1971 4259 None
Using telepathy, Lulli communicates to Tarot that she is a prisoner in Sir John Peckham's vaults and that she has been turned into a 6-inch high chalk statue. Tarot races to her rescue, but someone else is waiting for him.
Four 13th October 1971, 1720 - 1750 23rd June 1971 4260 None
Tarot and Ceribraun play out the final moves in a dangerous and complex game of double-cross.

Full Story Synopsis

Black Rabbit said...

I know that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON (her young sidekick) had wanted us all to watch this ACE OF WANDS series (until it was taken off TV because too many kids had nightmares - the series was deemed too psychologically violent even to go out after the watershed)...

...and a DVD of the series was apparently released in 2007...but some episodes or material, appear to have disappeared...the company was called PEARSON...but some material ended up in a US film producer's cupboard...

Black Rabbit said...

Transmission of THE ACE OF WANDS began (THAMES TV):

29th July 1970

I know that these were used as programming scripts but I can only remember a couple of episodes and THE JOKER is the one that I can remember the best...that was the one with the toy CLOWN in the caravan - whose eyes turned WHITE when somebody was going to die.

So I was probably made to watch these from 1970 and that would have made me 7 years old, at the time.

Once I had got to SENIOR SCHOOL - I can remember having a class discussion about this series - only a few of them remembered it - and only SUE WHALLEY out of the girls.

Black Rabbit said...

The series appears to have run between 1970 to 1973.

So it was taken off air when my generation was about 10 years old - whilst we were still at JUNIOR SCHOOL.

I can remember my father coming home and switching off the TV - it was on at about 5-6pm in the evenings. He told my brother and I that we couldn't watch it again because it gave us nightmares - we used to wake up screaming.

Shortly afterwards - the whole thing was taken off TV due to popular parental demand.

Black Rabbit said...

Here are the titles:















Black Rabbit said...

The 'beautiful people' - I have one image from that series...mainly because BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE were so rare in LONDON and BLACKHEATH during the 1960s...if what you meant were good-looking hippies who dressed up in beads, flowers and face-paint...

However, when you watch TV documentaries of the 1960s could be forgiven for thinking that ALL of the young people dressed in this way - no such thing. Only a tiny minority who dressed up for open-air events - rock concerts etc.

I remember as a tiny child - watching a small group of hippies walk up LEWISHAM HILL...and I couldn't stop staring at them - such a novelty - not a 'norm' in LONDON 1967.

Black Rabbit said...

Most people - young or old - looked rather dowdy in comparsion to these so-called 'beautiful people'...for the women, skirts just above the knee - not many mini-skirts around - and a few beehives here and there but not that many...and for the men, the occasional moustache and flares but not in an ostentatious way.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember in 1980 - RIMINGTON getting exasperated with the young people upon the POWERGEN course and asking them all:

"Don't you want to become BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE?"

That was the goal. Beautiful robotic dolls.

A few years ago and in a rather posh, continental restaurant...RIMINGTON had told me to get up and dance with TOMLINSON.

She told me that I was now 'one of the beautiful people' (after she had reprogrammed me) and so I was allowed to 'behave' like one of them. I didn't feel at all 'beautiful' - she had simply dressed me up in a sort of tacky 'disco' summer dress and heels - with make-up, badly applied but I had a 'fake tan' and a bit of jewellry on - and so was allowed onto the dancefloor as a 'robotic doll' I suppose.

Black Rabbit said...

It was a thoroughly soulless, disagreeable and alienating experience but I have never liked discos at all - unless I was with a crowd of 'pisstakers/practical jokers' who made their own fun in their own particular style...

Black Rabbit said...

...other than is as if you had been put on show as an 'extra' in some adaptation of a made-for-TV DANIELLE STEELE novel...but that you didn't have the expertise of the make-up crew to make you look the part...or the plastic doll looks to look the part in the first place...horrible.

Black Rabbit said...

Ace of Wands Special Edition £39.13 £29.35

As quintessentially 70s as Spangles, the Chopper bike and massive flares, ≤ce of Wands introduced a new kind of hero to children’s television: Tarot, a cool magician with psychic powers and a knack for unearthing strange goings on. For three years and with a variety of sidekicks he fought the good fight and thrilled children (and adults!) everywhere, then - in 1974 - he faded from our television screens... until now!

Much sought after and long-awaited, this DVD release contains all remaining episodes (the entirety of series three) and a wealth of special features. So thrill again to Michael Mackenzie’s charming, otherworldly portrayal of Tarot as he fights strange villains in quirky storylines from the likes of P.J. Hammond ( Sapphire and Steel) and Victor Pemberton ( Doctor Who).


• A Story with No End – a brand new, exclusive documentary on the making of Ace of Wands, featuring contributions from Michael Mackenzie, Trevor Preston, Pamela Lonsdale and many more cast and crew
• Audio Commentary on Sisters Deadly with Michael Mackenzie, Petra Markham and Director Darrol Blake
• Both sequel plays - Dutch Schlitz’s Shoes and Mr. Stabs
• Commemorative booklet by Archive TV Historian Andrew Pixley
• Image gallery
• Script, memorabilia and paperwork archive (PDFs)

Catalogue Number: 7952210
Time: 500 mins approx + extras
Region: 2 / PAL
Subtitles: None
Sound: Mono / English
Picture: 4:3 / Colour
Number of Discs: 4
Classification: PG
Barcode: 5027626221041

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 24 June, 2007

Black Rabbit said...

I do not suppose that it is that scary now - but as a child - particularly the early episodes where TAROT gets electrocuted upon a METAL PLATE...that was to happen to us all in 1980 when we were given our COMPUTER CODES...and so the ILL PROGRAMMING that accompanied this series, behind the scenes...would have scared small children rigid.

Black Rabbit said...

The image itself is interesting:

The PENTAGRAM of 'man'...and then this grey SPIKE with two DRAGONS on either side of it...with LIGHT BLUE wire to hold it in place, in between the EYES...

Black Rabbit said...

So I missed out on this 'RA CULT - TURN YOU INTO A STATUE' programming then...and so did the other WATCHERS:

"A diamond gives its name to the final second season story, 'The Eye of Ra". It is a diamond reputed to have magical powers, one of which is the ability to turn people into chalk statuettes. A wheelchair bound chess-master Ceribraun (Oscar Quitak) wants to obtain the diamond. He tries to force Tarot to steal it for him by kidnapping Mr. Sweet and making it appear he has been turned to chalk. His statuette is then knocked over and smashed by accident causing Tarot to think Mr. Sweet has been killed. Lulli, as well as Mr. Sweet, finds herself a prisoner of Ceribraun and his servant, Fredericks, and in trying to rescue her, Tarot finds himself on Ceribraun's giant robotic chess board being crushed by two huge chesspieces."

Black Rabbit said...

THE POWER OF ATEP - this is all about MARDUK programming isn't it? The man who turned into a god by being covered in MOLTEN GOLD.

"Ex-Doctor Who and Timeslip writer Victor Pemberton's first story, the for part "The Power Of Atep" has Tarot on his way to Egypt following simultaneous dreams both he and Mikki have experienced. This, and a meeting with medium John Pentacle lead them to Atep's tomb. There they encounter a high priest and finally Quabal - Tarot's double and former stage partner. For his part as the high priest, Michael Mulcaster had to look completely bald and be made up heavily in gold. As well as the usual mummy cases and wall paintings, the tomb set also contained a ten foot high statue, fashioned from polystyrene by Allister Bowtell. One of Mackenzie's least fond memories came from this story. "I wasn't keen an being chucked into the Thames bound hand and foot in a strait-jacket," he says. Again, the story promises much, but the rational ending, in which the power of Atep - so evident in the serial - is dismissed as tricks on the part of Quabal, is severely disappointing."

Black Rabbit said...

"Victor Pemberton's second story, "Sister's Deadly", was quite different to his first. A very confusing tale, it starts with Chas visiting, in his professional capacity, Mathilda Edginton's 100th birthday party. When he returns home he has no memory of the party or the fact that he robbed the village post office shortly afterwards. While trying to uncover the cause of these events, Tarot learns that Mathilda Edginton died two years earlier. The bizarre reason behind these events lies in a plan by the old ladies at Bliss Cottage to kidnap the Commander-in-Chief of British Land Forces. A twist in the story reveals that one of the old ladies is played by actor James Bree, his disguise hiding the ex-Major behind the kidnap plot - thus necessitating the pseudonym of Henrietta Rudkin in the closing credits."

Is the above a reference to BLS RAILWAYS and RIMINGTON's people?

Black Rabbit said...

The last episode appears to anticipate a REBELLION from those programmed as the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE:

"The final story, "Beautiful People" begins in a small village fête. The fête is run by two beautiful girls, Dee and Emm, and a very handsome man, Jay, and when Mikki is refused entry Tarot decides to investigate. He finds that valuable consumer goods are being offered as prizes despite the fact that no money is being made. The trio running the event are a group of extra-terrestrials who have the ability to control otherwise inanimate objects, such as vacuum cleaners and hand mixers! After being drugged by the aliens, Tarot and co. return to London in an attempt to contact one of the girls and discover their true purpose. Mackenzie feels that this was also one of the best stories, "The one with the beautiful extra-terrestrial jokers who programmed machines to go crazy."

Black Rabbit said...

PEACOCK PIE series - who was MR PEACOCK and why did he 'get bored' of creating all of those illusions/hypnotic mind control experments to control the 'beautiful people'?

Black Rabbit said...

What bugs me about this script is that TAROT (whom TOMLINSON identified with) has a PET OWL called OZYMANDIUS...and that would mean OZ programming.

So the CIA 'OZ' team were annoyed with PEACOCK who was a mind control programmer who was on a par with them...add to the mix MR SWEET (whom they were to identify and then murder in TURKEY)and one can see that once again...this is all about MAFIA WARS, mind control, illusions and drugging.

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder how much 'john waters' found out...I know that he worked for the ROTHSCHILDS and he had probably taught the children 'magic'...and he was liked so much that even when he disobeyed them...he managed to survive.

My question now is this: was his life's work to expose the ROTHSCHILDS?

Black Rabbit said...

I know that I would have been dead many times - if I had not had continual telepathic contact with him, throughout my life.

Additionally, I wonder if he was attached to a particular 'agency' or whether he had formed his own band of rebels?

All I can remember in 1989 is telling him that it was safe to go back to the synagogues now because there were some good people there and 'john waters' laughing scornfully.

Additionally, I had no real idea of who I was working for - I just followed 'john waters' advice in any given situation - he was never wrong.

I remember JON - another EFL teacher at the DTO in PRAGUE laughing about intelligence agencies - after we had discussed him joining British Intelligence (he had just met RIMINGTON) and he had told me that if you wanted to be really cool - you should join the 'MOZZ'.

I had no idea of what he was talking about and asked him to explain. He was stumped - how could I not know? Eventually he told me THE MOSSAD and I was still clueless - the name meant nothing to me, at all.

Even though I had worked for them in the past - courtesy of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE. I had no memories whatsoever.

The odd thing is that during that PRAGUE PARTY with DALDRY in 1995 - I decided to try out my new found knowledge and so I told DALDRY that I was working for the 'MOZZ' in a silly accent.

He also asked me what I meant and looked equally confused when I said THE MOSSAD.

So maybe he had worked for them too?

Black Rabbit said...

There was nobody at breakfast today - the builders appear to have gone. I had heard that there were various problems with the contractors.

So I had the room to myself and so I decided to open the FRENCH WINDOWS to the ILL programming garden - walled garden within the L-shape of the building.

I had remembered doing this in 2004 - for SCARLETT. He thought it a good idea to open both of the French windows.

I then realised that this was the DOOR to WONDERLAND - and that you could just open the RIGHT door which I did first and then stepped outside for a while. I then went back in - thought about it a bit more and opened BOTH windows - I went outside and stood on the grass.

I then heard ‘movement’ underneath the FUSCHIA BUSH behind me, beside the French windows. The owner had said that one of her GUINEAPIGS had got out and that ‘she’ liked to hide under this bush. Therefore I decided to go back in because I didn’t want the GUINEAPIG to escape into the house.

So what was the point of this - I am not quite sure but it was about regaining memories of WONDERLAND programming in general and particularly in relation to the programming objects out there.

Also it was about being a ‘microscopic eye’ remote-viewer and seeing the ‘worlds within worlds’.

You didn’t have to get in and out ‘sideways’ either - you could go through both doors as an ordinary human being would do…

Finally, I knew that standing upon the Earth and then the GRASS was important…let me explain why:

Black Rabbit said...

Last night, I looked at a pile of books that I recently took out of the library.

I had remembered AMADEUS on a deckchair, reading one of these books whilst the CLACTON AIRSHOW was on above our heads. TOMLINSON had the camera, most of the time - AMADEUS took the film off to be edited, later on. ROS and RIMINGTGON were sunbathing.

AMADEUS would read one story, sit back in his chair to mediate upon the meaning of it…and then read another. Afterwards he showed me the book and told me to read a few of the stories - here is the book:


The first story I read yesterday was called:


It was all about the MTOSA TRIBE and the AFRIKAANERS who were fighting them and colonising their land. I have no idea what BOSMAN meant to be the meaning behind this story but I can guess what AMADEUS thought about it in relation to the ILL CULT and that is my area of investigation.

The AFRIKAANERS (skimming through other stories) were PROTESTANTS in the main and highly religious but also extremely superstitious…and one can see the cross-fertilisation of beliefs in relation to living in close proximity and varying contact, to different African tribes.

Read the way in which the MTOSA tell the AFRIKAANERS how their culture works…some parts of the year, they are WARRIORS and the other parts, they are FARMERS.

They do not wish to fight at this time of the year and so offer many gifts to the AFRIKAANERS because it is their time of SOWING THE SEEDS.

The gifts are costly and numerous but interestingly enough - the AFRIKAANERS prize the ‘witchdoctor medicines that protect you against goel spirits at night and the evil eye.’

Black Rabbit said...

What puzzles the AFRIKAANERS is the whole ceremony performed in front of them concerning the BLACK EARTH in the pot - the fertile earth which is shown to them - to impress the point that the soil is at its best for SOWING during these season.

At the end of the story - one of the AFRIKAANERS dies and they go to bury him…they all pick up some earth to throw upon the coffin but then the image of the MTOSA comes back and they all start to think about SOWING instead of death, as they hold the earth in their hands…it is an eerie ending to the whole story and I am sure that AMADEUS thought that there was some ILL meaning going on here…

So the basic idea here is this: is the cross-fertilisation of beliefs necessarily a good idea?

The next story:


AMADEUS told me that I would do well to think about this one in relation to myself…

Put simply it is about a young woman who lives with her family, in a wagon…they are on a TREK with other wagon families - but she has gone to the local BIOSCOPE (cinema?) and seen the latest HOLLYWOOD movie - which has put ideas into her head. She wants a man with a foreign accent who lies all the time but has a ‘good heart’…and she finds him…they have a short romance until the police catch up with him and take him away in handcuffs.

Again this is related to the above - the cross-fertilization of cultures. The AFRIKAANER father is worried that his daughter will be led astray - that she will not marry the trustworthy and dependable young man upon their ‘trek’.

Indigenous cultures appear to care more about their own than HOLLYWOOD CULTURE which has no particular care for a specific culture under the sun (unless one says WESTERN culture in general)….and that is dangerous to all cultures…and so men can go to the cinema and come away dreaming of their ideal woman as ‘NICOLE KIDMAN with an ice-pick’ or whatever they pick up on…and the whole ‘finding a mate’ business gets rather more complicated. Expectations are all - and HOLLYWOOD can give people silly ideas…is the basic theme behind that one.

Although on the other hand - as I remember now…’john waters’ telling me…I was the ‘man with a foreign accent’…and so in relation to my own life…I do not regret that ‘romance’ at all…it cuts both ways. I would never have learnt - what I have learnt in my life, if it were not for him and so I cannot regret anything, in that sense.

I haven’t read any more of the stories…no time last night…but the mention of the KAFIRS brought back the image of the RED FEZ…and then the BECS…TOMLINSON in front of that TOMMY COOPER statue - complete with the FEZ…and also DAVID DABYDEEN with him…and so DD had become a BEC too? Shame on all of you…I suppose it couldn’t be helped…TOMLINSON had decided to be a ‘demon king’ because he had been programmed to be…just like the LEVITE in his castle…there is no harm in combining JOOISH/ISLAMIC knowledge but one simply has to take the RIGHT-HAND PATH… fez
Look at what the IMAGE SHACK has given me for an IMAGE SEARCH: KAFIR FEZ

The double-headed BLACK EAGLE…

This was an image upon the TORAH ARK in the synagogue at YAD VASHEM which had deeply offended SHARON…he told me that it wasn’t JOOISH at all…why was it there…what did it mean?

Black Rabbit said...

Even weirder and I have seen this image before somewhere (CIA SUITE) - here is the first image that comes upon on a 'kafir fez' google search:,_I%27m_an_Anteater.jpg


Black Rabbit said...

Okay - ALICE has to be an ANT in order to get into wonderland...

The BEDOUIN in the SOUK told me 'if you make like an ANT then people will treat you like an ANT and step on you.'

However, I remember MARK R giving me the image of an ANTEATER...

I know my brother ED was given this along with AARDVARK.

So we are simply talking about a list of PROJECTIONS here. ILL SLAVES are taught to project different animals/creatures/plants - according to different situations.

So a KAFIR/FEZ brings up:


...(according to MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER) - make of it, what you will...

Black Rabbit said...

Is it really an ANTEATER? I thought that they had much longer snouts and larger bodies or perhaps it is just because I haven't seen one standing up before...

At any rate - OBAMA's projection of BIGFOOT was the most terrifying projection, as far as I was concerned at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...although people could project all sorts of scary animals...

Next time I shall project SHARK with LEGS and WINGS for good measure...let's see how BIGFOOT deals with that one...

Black Rabbit said...




Another comic book which AMADEUS had pointed out - he told me that I would particularly enjoy it…I enjoyed the ‘larger than life’ depictions of the heroine but the story left me very puzzled…CATWOMAN wants to find out who her real parents are…and she ‘knows’ but has no proof…then BATMAN comes to her aid…and ends up dead and exposed as part of the ROME mafia…in point of fact, this looked like a characterisation of DALDRY…and AMADEUS agreed…so he was a ‘stand-in’ for PRINCE CHARLES? That would figure…’john waters’ says ‘not going to happen - he is protected’…as in DALDRY isn’t going to get murdered by the mob…

Anyway, the VATICAN has the LORD OF THE RINGS ‘ONE RING TO BIND THEM’…and it gets stolen…so is that the bottom line of the matter, AMADEUS?

MR GREEN/RIDDLER appears to have stolen the ONE RING but has in fact, got a replica…and he also gets a fear toxin…and begins to think that all of the JOKERS are after him…CATWOMAN kept the real ring.

I can now remember MARK R getting me to play CATWOMAN in relation to NIR as GREEN/RIDDLER…and so a lot of us must have been programmed with the above script - why?

Black Rabbit said...

FALCONE appears to have been CATWOMAN's real father...and so what is the subtext to this? He was murdered by the 'mafia' upon a ROMAN VIADUCT of a bridge...a RA CULT bridge.

Additionally MARK R told me that my father saw me as a sort of 'catwoman thief' - and not as a daughter - he felt that every penny he had to spend upon me as a child - was 'theft'. I wasn't his 'daughter' - just a 'thief'.

Black Rabbit said...

...presumably because he had been told that I was a 'cuckoo in the nest' and that he didn't want to bring up another man's child.

Black Rabbit said...


This was another programming book used at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - it is astounding just how many books were used…but it was quite quickly done…so many copies…people read them quickly and were then made to act out a scene or two in them to embedd the programming. As far as I can remember the ‘crazy company’ were made to play the LIONS…and as far as I can remember DALDRY was the BEAR who has taken over their ‘palace’…

The last image is peculiar - the LIONS have all been SHOT and you then have a STONE LION STATUE with a MOON face upon it…with the MOON behind it - surrounded in DARK TURQUOISE.

So we are talking MR MOON and the KOREANS again, are we?

I was thinking about a KOREAN little boy who had been in my last year at LANGLEY SENIORS - afterwards he went to some highly expensive private/public school…this little boy was extremely aggressive and rude towards myself…he hated me and told me so because I had ‘no respect’ for myself…my silence and shyness infuriated him, for some reason…I suppose he thought that I was judging him…perhaps I was….anyway, he got a crush on the girl, whom the parents (BROWNS and MCDONOUGHS) used to call MOONFACE…and that was JOY RICH - who had a very round face, as a child…I wonder now…was being WHITE and MOON-FACED, an EXOTIC number for this little boy?


Black Rabbit said...


These stories were the funniest and the most entertaining to read…also apparently the most informative about the RA CULT according to MARK R…

As far as I know - the stories are all about STEPHEN DALDRY and his exploits, here and there…at any rate, the book was written for him…so either about things that he had already done or was being programmed to do.

Black Rabbit said...


(The one which has a cover with BART looking ‘enlightened’ under an old LIGHTBULB whilst LISA marches around with a THINK GREEN! USE ENERGY-SAVING LIGHTBULBS placard.)


This has an ILLustration of the inside of BART’S BRAIN and differently COLOUR-CODED compartments. For example, the middle of his brain is a LIGHT BLUE EGG with PRANK FILE written upon it.

I can remember MARK R sketching this out, in his graphic design lab -at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001- and then asking me for ideas in relation to what I thought was going on in the head of my youngest brother ED - when he was a ‘little boy’, that is…and I offered a couple of ideas as MARK R continued to fill in the segments of BART’s brain…

Note that BART’S skeleton is in MI6 TURQUOISE with an outer casing of DARK BLUE.


I remember that I didn’t ‘get’ the last cartoon which is supposedly composed by BART himself and relates how a RACCOON got the better of HOMER…MARK R seemed to think that the RACCOON was himself…

I can remember that the stories were put together at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in relation to various input from different people…

Black Rabbit said...


I can remember being given this to read whilst I was ‘travelling’ with the ‘crazy company/Amadeus and being programmed to remember visiting the various countries mentioned in relation to this script…basically I was made to read this story in order to hide my real memories of travel.

The same was true of the CATWOMAN comic book - which I had been told to read, after having been to the VATICAN with AMADEUS - the same principle was at work…my real memories would be hidden by some ‘fantasy adventure’ comic book story or ‘easy to read‘ novel.

Luckily - I had got my real memories back - before I ever embarked upon reading these books…

It is a funny thing but once you have decided to ‘retrace’ your steps…you can go back and find out everything…not just the places to re-visit e.g. SWITZERLAND/ISRAEL…but also the books with which you were programmed - in order to hide the above memories…

I am only looking through these books again to see if they trigger any more memories…and this one did…it was of SUSAN BASSNETT who had to pretend that she was JACKIE COLLINS - who appears in this book as the ’angel’ who rescues ‘supermarket model’ and puts her back on her feet. AMADEUS made BASSNETT take me to this mansion, in the country - and to look after me for the evening.

Black Rabbit said...

What this proves, in effect is that 'human memory' doesn't work in the way that the ILL would like it to - or the way that they believe it works...

They believe that they can simply 'box up' memories into separate compartments as if it were a 'library' of sorts - or a set of boxes and files. An archive.

MEMORY doesn't work like I have already pointed is more like an internet search engine which can search on all levels:


You put in a few random elements like a time or a place, a sense, and an emotion...then you can pull up a strand or keep on pulling and eventually you get the whole clump.

Black Rabbit said...

I should have put TOUCH as a particularly important SENSE...the times I have held something in my hands...or even just touched that FLAGPOST, whilst with AMADEUS on the last 'crazy golfcourse'...and a whole flood of memories comes back.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember MARK R and NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH talking about how they both had deprogrammed by walking around the sites...or rather MARK R had taken a bike...NIKOLAS had done it far more thoroughly and by foot with an A-Z so that he could make sure that he walked down EVERY SINGLE street within the area...MARK R had laughed, so had seemed typical of the 'German character' to do things so thoroughly...not missing a thing...and in a very systematic way.

Black Rabbit said...

...I was to do it in a far more haphazard way...and then resorted to maps in order to scour them and try to work out if there were any 'blindspots' - anywhere that I hadn't been (in the beginning, i just followed my nose)...which of course, there were - lots of blindspots...NIKOLAS' way had been the far more efficient and energy-saving way of doing it.

Black Rabbit said...

I must go back and look at RIMINGTON’s ‘BLOG OF NOTE’ (the JULIA one) - I had no time to read any of it apart from the encoded reference to LEAD POISONING…and I do not suppose that I wanted to look at the rest of it much but it probably contains a lot more that I need to know.

Black Rabbit said...


I took the above library comic books/novels back today - and got out some new ones.

So far my ’to skim through’ list runs as follows:

I haven’t taken the GREEN BIBLE back yet…there will be something more to it that I haven’t yet got and it is useful as a reference book in relation to XTIAN programming (MR NANKEVILLE used to tell his class to write ‘X‘ for CHRIST to make our note-taking easier)…also…




The last book was on the bookshelf but I couldn’t borrow it - apparently it was ‘on sale’ and for 10p - so I bought it.

I had remembered it from the TEMPLAR CASTLE - this was MARK R’s work…was it in conjunction with ‘john waters’? What were they up to?

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I can see….

OBAMA is in a real fix…so many people under mind control around the world…microchipped and programmed…what do you do? Continue with the situation or create pure mayhem and anarchy by telling everybody about the RA CULT and how it has functioned…in some form or another…since the dawn of time…since people started torturing other people into oblivion (and found out that you could heighten their PSI powers but also make mind control slaves out of them) whilst worshipping the Sun…

However, the ‘knowledge’ is already out there and the BI network is telling me that the RA CULT has become a headless hydra…so many independent RA CULTS mushrooming up, all over the place…people just do not get that SUN worship is a bad thing, or making mind control slaves out of others…the world is an ‘evil place’ - still under the illusion of the RA CULT legacy…

I would guess that MARK R and ‘john waters’ had devised a solution in 1994...deprogram those whom you can trust to behave well…once they have their ‘PSI powers’ back…and are aware of microchipping and how you can ‘listen in’ on the networks…

…and leave those that you cannot trust to ‘behave well’ in mind control slavery.

I suppose that the idea behind this was that ‘those you could trust to behave well’ would then try to set things right…create the right environment to stop the RA CULT from progressing…and that eventually everybody would be deprogrammed…

Perhaps MARK R, NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH and ‘john waters’ view was more ‘realistic’ than that…some people were far too dangerous (and they deemed TOMLINSON as that) if they found out what they could do (without limits) once they had been freed from mind control slavery…

The ONKEN POT are outraged…’so they just decided, in an arbitrary way…’

…but it wouldn’t have been arbitrary, would it?

I was a bit stupid at that point in 1994…I had told MARK R that I had to remain ‘dumb’ and without memories or I would certainly be murdered by the ILL…and so post 1994, I remained clueless. I must have had good reason to ask to remain that way - but I have no idea why. Suffice to say, that when you see PAST/PRESENT/FUTURE all in one…it all becomes ‘clear’ as to what you have to do with your life. It is annoying that I do not have that ‘vision’ now…but I knew that I had to stay alive long enough to do what I had to do - in a ‘clueless’ sort of way.

Black Rabbit said...

I was in contact with NIKOLAS this morning…his soul hasn’t left the Earth’s atmosphere…and he told me that MARK R wasn’t dead, to which I replied ‘when I get my hands on the pair of them’…apparently ‘john waters’ isn’t dead either…but he must be in his 80s by now…

NIKOLAS told me that they were both planning to leave the Earth in about 1 ½ years…and was I going to do the same…this annoyed me…I saw in a flash what the ILL had prepared for their slaves…

They lived off our backs…off the money that they had stolen from us, all of our lives…and then we had to ‘die young’ or ‘youngish’ and become golden lights in the sky, who would then stay to make sure that humanity got back on track…to influence events upon Earth.

It was the old ZIONIST MARTYR ruse and I still wasn’t falling for it and so I told NIKOLAS…if I die in a couple of years and I end up as a ‘sky dragon’…then I will kill the lot of them…

NIKOLAS retorted that I wouldn’t feel that way, once I was up in the heavens…

I told him that I had been much further than the ‘heavens’ surrounding this planet…I had been to the PINK PLANET and beyond and I STILL felt the same way about the ILL and would do so every time that I OBE‘d (or died, for that matter - once the soul is free)…no way, was I going to change my mind about what I would do to them, after my death.

It was up to the ILL - either they changed their plans and direction - or I wouldn’t change mine.

A knock-on effect. The game is set-up that way now. If the ILL want to change THEIR future - they have to do GOOD and that means firstly - paying my money back…what else?

So I got rather angry - once I had seen what the ILL were trying to do - playing the same old game with their PSI SLAVES - telling them that they would ‘save the world’ once they had died…and to be grateful for that one…after a life of sheer psychological hell, torture and misery at the hands of the ILL CULT.

Look at what had happened to NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH - one of the best men ever to have lived.

It short, I wasn’t falling for that sort of crap and never will.

My view was rather more pragmatic: piss off, I will kill you all.

Black Rabbit said...

Maybe my perspective is akin to yet another 'unpalatable face' of JUDAISM...but I never was a CHRISTIAN was I?

I HATE Satanists and I am going to 'get' them. Simple as that.

I will NOT put up with some patronising bullcrap about having to do the 'cleaning up' for them after my death - as some 'angel in the sky'.

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' had contacted me telepathically whilst I was still living at EAGLE HOUSE in HARWICH...talking about how he was going to leave the Earth in a couple of years and did I want to come with them?

I had doubts at the time...

Black Rabbit said...

It was all a bit 'HITCH-HIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY' to me...the dolphins who fly out of the seas and into OUTER SPACE before the EARTH is hit by a VOGON space ship and destroyed to make a super-galactic highway...

I never thought of myself as a 'dolphin' although I could 'talk' with the ILL had found out, in 1980.

Black Rabbit said...

In short, I am going to stay here for as long as I can - unless the ILL manage to bump me off.

...and if they try to bump me off - you know what I can do when I OBE or go into an NDE.

You have all been warned.

Black Rabbit said...

...and if I decided to rub it in a little...the SEPHARDIM taught me how to make one second last for 'infinity' during an OBE...that means that I have 'all the time in the world' to do whatever I want before I die...IF I go into an OBE/NDE state.

Now is the time to make deals, eh?

Black Rabbit said...

I'm sounding a bit like the ARABS here and I am so sorry not to be a MOTHER TERESA about all of this but there you go...

Black Rabbit said...

LEVEL 18 - I knew that this was to be the 'DORIAN GRAY' level where you look at yourself in the mirror...

So what do I see?

I see somebody with an ARAB perspective upon life - for good or for bad.

Black Rabbit said...

In short - the ILL CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS do not con me and have never conned me...or rather it isn't the CHRISTIANS is it?

I have met so many good and selfless people in my many of whom, were CHRISTIANS...

They were being used as a SCREEN for the SATANISTS who were manipulating them, from behind.

NIKOLAS was conned...I will not be conned.

Okay - the JESUS faith has been taken out of context - people MURDER in his name...that is completely stupid and out of line with everthing that this person in history was supposed to have said.

If JESUS was saying anything it was that you have to be 'cleverer' than your enemies - to understand their ways and NOT to be like them.

The SATANISTS see CHRISTIANITY as a 'walkover' religion with their hands tied behind their backs. They have to turn the other cheek when the SATANISTS abuse and murder them.

Black Rabbit said...

I cannot be a CHRISTIAN because I am too literal-minded.

I have been in the military - I have killed during the course of WAR and the words of CHRIST make no sense to me, within this context. (Nor did they to 'john waters' or to MARK R at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001 - they murdered plenty of people/children yet still claimed to be CHRISTIANS).

However, THOU SHALT NOT KILL is the most important maxim in any given culture/society/community/country.

However, it is WAIVERED in all cultures/societies/communities/countries that I know of...and that is when that particular group of people is threatened and attacked...particularly when threatened with extinction.

Black Rabbit said...

All one can say is that the COMMANDMENTS of MOSES were general maxims...because terrible things can happen to a country/society/culture - war/murder/anarchy - but eventually you have to go back to the old MEASURE - the TEN COMMANDMENTS (or something like them - which should be ENSHRINED IN LAW, in order to have peace again and to resume 'normal society'.

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember watching the film THE ENGLISH PATIENT and getting so angry…the nurse and the bomb disposal agent…I was always the NURSE in any ILL scenario…having to come ‘on scene’ all of my life…to CLEAR UP after the ILL…to bind up their UPPER CLASS wounds…to heal people, to make everything ‘all right’ after they had created the most insane and terrible wars (where everybody died but them, in the main)…and I WILL NOT DO IT ANYMORE.

I will fight you. I will make sure you do not commit such atrocities in history again.

Black Rabbit said...

The ILL retort to that is always:

If you kill us - a new elite is formed and the same thing happens again.

Answer: I DO NOT CARE.

Black Rabbit said...

Let us just say that this is a 'PERSONAL' matter...and not a 'political' one or an 'international' one necessarily.

Black Rabbit said...

and HOLLYWOOD MOVIE BUFFS all know that line...(was in coined by ARNOLD SCHWARTZNEGGER or BRUCE WILLIS?):

"...and now it's PERSONAL."

Black Rabbit said...

...and I get an image of SHARON from that DARJEELING movie...pretending to be a FAKIR rather than a KAFIR...


SHARON under mind control (yes, SEPHARDIM - you were all heavily under mind control, including NIR'S mother despite her PSI gifts)...and SHARON telling the snake:

"Why do you want to bite me?"

MARK R telling me as we watched this scene being filmed 'YOU are the snake' and laughing.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, the SNAKE wasn't tempting you with an APPLE, SHARON...

She was just trying to BITE you into 'waking up'...

NEW AGERS often state that a dream which includes a 'snake bite' is 'unwelcome knowledge' and 'understanding' of a situation that you would rather leave 'under the carpet'.

Black Rabbit said...

How did I forget to mention this one - the ONKEN POT are those who were at the TEMPLAR CASTLE but not necessarily those of COLLIE’s ‘chosen few’ who then formed her department - which I chose to call the ‘monstrous regiment’ (after DALDRY had called some of them that, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE).

Anyway, the ‘regiment’ contacted me this morning to tell me that 3 and possibly 4 of the ONKEN POT had been recently murdered by the ILL…mainly in and around LONDON.

They weren’t sure about the fourth but were quite sure that with the first 3 - it was murder and that the POLICE needed to know who had done it - so TELL THEM.

What am I supposed to do about it?


I get the weird feeling that the above happened a few years ago…so why am I getting the memories back slowly now?

‘john waters’ says that they were contacting my ‘subconscious mind’ which could do something about it…my conscious mind has no idea…it is simply dredging up memories of the past. The recent past then?

So they were trying to use me via microchip - they had a microchip which reacted with my subconscious mind?


This makes me ANGRY beyond belief.

I could have downloaded EVERYTHING. I never needed to play this ILL GAME.

WHO is responsible?

I will find out…

Black Rabbit said...

NO - it wasn't a CHIP which could record the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND was it?

I had simply sat down with SCARLETT and his 'scientists' and been injected with a drug that made it possible for them to take me back...every step of the way - itemising everything.

See previous notes as to how SCARLETT had done that with the POLICE - and how they could relate an hour's worth of details to what they had done in their computer suite (apart from GREEN who was immune to this sort of interrogation).

Black Rabbit said...

So in point of fact, I now know what the drug was that MI6 used - simply a TRANQUILLISER so that I wouldn't freak out in terms of what I was going to relate...

Black Rabbit said...

Every single memory 'sectioned off' by an ELECTRIC SHOCK...and under heavy sedation...when you are given you codes to 'go back' you can do it, without going bananas.

Black Rabbit said...

So in relation to me 'doing the whole thing again' even though SCARLETT thought that he had got the 'whole picture' in 2004...'but you might add a few more things'...

Just how much more did I add, eh?

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had tried to kill me off every step within this planned ILL GAME(as she had done throughout my life).

TOMLINSON had tried to murder me in 2004 but failed because of CIA intervention.

So one has to say that there were very powerful forces at work - who wanted me to get my story out onto the INTERNET and to get this far within the ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that within the 'regiment' - R CIPOLLA was JESUIT-programmed to be a RED-EYED BLACK DOG...and that he was a potential danger to the rest of them...that is why AMADEUS took especial care to 'study' him.

Black Rabbit said...

The 'RED-EYED' dogs are basically a symbol for a RED DWARF.

What it means in mind control terms is that you have almost burnt out the SUN or their 'SOUL' in their heads...they are on 'third strike death row' in terms of their soul...

...before they get created into BLACK SHELLS by the ILL...

I have to emphasise that these people are victims of the ILL and can reverse this horror...but I do not know HOW.

RIMINGTON had referred to TOMLINSON in 1980 as RED-EYED SIRIUS DOG...but he wasn't in fact...he was still in contact with his soul - it was simply in the heavens - his strongest remote-viewing alter...which he had let go, in ISRAEL.

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