Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

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by James Clifford Cranwell 2/01/98 Part V ... Relativity

If there were only two objects in the universe (hypothetical), an observer and the Earth, both completely weightless / massless , the observer would be tricked into thinking he / she has weight because of the gravitational tug and mass because of the large concentration of gravitational tug, in their reality there are only forces. The Mass of the actual Flux particle is negligible... it is substantial only when it has a vibration or a gravitational pull on it. Therefore Mass is only a vibration or a isn't something we can actually take to the beach. Proof...
Note: some of these examples are intended only to show a direct correlation or relationship between everything ...inclusive

E = mc2 (Energy equals Mass times the speed of light squared) and...
E = hf (Energy equals frequency, h is constant).
Therefore, we can replace E in the first equation with hf and get the result hf = mc 2
When Mass is released as Energy it leaves the nucleus as Electrons traveling through free space at the speed of light...don't forget...the Electron is two dimensions so, Energy equals Mass traveling at the speed (or length) of light in two dimensions or E = mc2
This can be thought of as the balled up strings of protons and neutrons (the mass) contained in the nucleus suddenly expanding, actually creating more of (what we call) space and vibrating away from center as 2-D electrons

A quick textbook type dimensional analysis gives even further insight...
The E or energy in this case is measured in joules with dimensions of [M][L2] / [T2]
That's mass times length squared divided by time squared
The m part of the mc2 is mass with dimensions of [M]
So far we have the energy part [M][L2] / [T2] = and the mass part [M]
To make the right side equal the left we have to multiply the mass by [L2] / [T2]
that's length2 divided by time2 or meters2/seconds2
Speed of light "c" is measured in meters per seconds [L] / [T]
Squaring this we arrive at the needed [L2] / [T2]
Is there anything that has the dimensional form [L2] / [T2] already?
What did the gravitational constant look like?.......m3 kg-1 s-2 = [L3] / [M][T2] units

Black Rabbit said...

In an atom, most of the Mass is contained in the nucleus. However, an Electron does have mass and the Proton / Electron mass ratio is 1836.1527556561 , As a result of this division we have canceled the strong force of light / gravity on four radii of the Electron-Proton combination in this example and we are left with 18 inanimate or inert radii of the Electron shell and the 18 curled radii of the Proton. Now we divide 1836.1527556561 by 10 square root26 (the exact value without the cancelled speed of light and gravity portion...negative one times speed of light, these were cancelled in the initial division) then divide by 36 (the number of curled radii and inert radii) and get the difference 1.0002755054517 ...This means everyone's measurements are correct to within two / ten thousandths and the ratio difference between 36 times 10 square root 26 and 1836.1527556561 is almost unity.

E = mc2 :
Energy equals Mass, speed of light squared is constant. As a result of the fusion reaction in the Sun, a tremendous amount of mass is converted to energy. Therefore, space is being filled with mass that has been converted or changed into energy. Since mass can be called particles and energy is the same as mass only in a different shape or state, we can say that space is filled with energy or particles, it isn't a void.
E = hf :
Energy equals frequency, h is constant. If we consider any point in space, we realize it has frequency or energy traversing it from every direction, this same process is happening at every point in space. Therefore every point in space contains energy or mass. Therefore if the Earth can be considered to have mass, space has an actual mass and cannot be a void.
E = hf = E = mc2 :
hf and mc2 are both equal to E (energy),
this means hf and mc2 are equal to each other ... hf = mc2.
h (plank) and c2 (Speed of light2) are dropable (ignorable) constants so,
f = m (frequency equals mass), therefore frequency must have conveyance or a particle involved in its travels or else there will be nothing to contain energy when it converts back into mass. It works almost the same as electricity in wire. Particles are released from their mass or rest states and fill space at the speed of the solar wind. It is only the vibration effect conveyed on the particles that travels at the speed of light.

Black Rabbit said...

Quantum Weirdness:
The speed of light is only an effect created in the particle field, there shouldn't be any problem traveling faster than it, except... every type of propulsion now uses something related to the same electron field vibration speed, for instance, chemical changes, nuclear reactions or even some type of electrical/magnetic propulsion would still be using the same electron vibrational speed, how can you travel/go faster than something that you have to use to go?
If you could travel fast enough to break free from field interactions you may find the speed of light incredibly slow (although there will be no way to discern this). A possible problem... once you have broken free from field interactions and are out of the space time continuum there is an absolute lack of reference frame and you become neutrino like with a speed and existence completely irrelevant to anything known. It may be impossible to re-enter or slow back into this space time.

Properties of Energy & Matter * part VI *

Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

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by James Clifford Cranwell 4/19/98 Part VI ... The Big Bang Myth

Energy equals frequency ( E = hf )
Area Increases, Energy must divide.

Light energy wave vibrations expand spherically away from their point of origin (The Star), also the waves or vibrations are expanding away from each other. There is more and more area to cover with the same unit amount of Energy.
click for large picture of expanding waves

What this means is light vibrations along the strings propagating through space will be divided to fill the ever increasing area. This is accomplished by a reduction in frequency or an increase in wavelength and is the reason for what is otherwise known as the Red shift (except of course some actual random movement). The further away, the greater the division or separation of particle vectors, the more red shift.

The Universe isn't expanding, although the fusion reaction in the sun and other stars does allow the release and expansion of billions and billions of Flux particles from confinement in nuclei back into their normal state, this excess amount will generate raw material for the formation of other matter elsewhere in the Universe and give space an ever changing star field by a type of cosmic convection. Stars radiate spherically so, their energy, matter or light is distributed evenly throughout the cosmos... and since the light from all stars also converges or can be seen from any point in the Universe this means we are a small part of everything in the Universe.
The Universe extends to an inconceivable infinity. However far you go into Space there's more Space; filled with Planets, Stars, and Galaxies with no place left to expand into... Think about it... the Universe can't expand... it's already there.

Black Rabbit said...

Professor Stephen Hawking has blundered...
This picture is from his book
"a briefer history of time" page 29
it's easy to see the Waves getting further apart from each other as time increase.
Big-Bang...not this time.

There wasn't a Big Bang, everything can't be assembled neatly in a package somewhere, you can't do that with infinity. The Universe can't collapse under its own forces, everything is being pulled on from every direction (no matter how far a small mind thinks the edge of the universe is, there is still an infinity beyond). Nothing can assemble to a point where it contains everything.

Thinking there was an original point of inception (Big Bang) and everything is racing away from it is the same as thinking the Earth is the center of the Universe and everything else revolves around it.
Different distances will have different Red-Shift value

Wavelength will increase at differing rates at different distances... greater initial shifts then less as sphere of light in any given direction increases (for all intents and purposes) to almost parallel. If Star S401 and Star G401 are absolutely motionless in relation to each other and the observer they will appear to have a different red-shift if they are at different distances. Our Sun is included although it can't be regarded as a point source like the more distant stellar counterparts.
Actual movement clouds the issue even further.

Black Rabbit said...

Actual movement of Star relative to the observer will cause increase or decrease in amount of Red-Shift over a given time period. If Star R327 actually is racing away and the red shift is noted, then some time later its red shift is measured again and it has increased, it is not racing away faster... it's racing away constant. Only the amount of energy its light has lost because of position has changed. Blue shifted starlight from an incoming Star can actually be red-shifted back to zero shift and falsely appear to have no movement.
Other possible reasons:

After traveling billions of miles and years, light just becomes tired and slows down.
The suns fusion reaction is constantly increasing the mass of space by dumping more and more of what we actually call space (flux) into space thereby increasing its mass... Velocity of propagation equals the square root of the quantity Tension divided by the Mass per unit length ... v = √( F / u ) if the mass increases the speed goes down.
But this would have the opposite effect over billions of light years. If the density of space at two points is the same (lets say low). Then the density steadily increases over time, when we look back in time through a telescope we would still see the low mass space with fast moving blue-shift light. So Maybe Black holes are absorbing more space than is being emitted by stars thereby lowering the density over time, then when we look into deep space billions of light years ago we would see high density space with slow (red-shift) light.
The point here is there can be perceived shift without actual movement.

Quantum Weirdness:

We are here... therefore an infinite Universe. There cannot be an edge or any type of end to the Universe. Any wall will always have something on the other side.

Properties of Energy & Matter * part VII *

Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

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by James Clifford Cranwell 10/06/98 Part VII ... Miscellaneous

parallel dimension :
We can only see things in our continuum, vibrations in a direction toward us along the strings. The nucleus radius to electron orbital volumetric empty space ratio is one quadrillionth ( 1 / 1,000,000,000,000,000 ). Since the flux in free space are not curled into supposed nuclear mass, they can assume or commandeer more free space volume... there's not even a proton radius to contend with now. That makes the free space in the Flux particle field greater than 99.9999999999999% ... there can be an almost infinite amount of material in the free space between the strings (infinity minus the one quadrillionth infinity field). So anything small enough (a Neutrino) can be in or out of our space time continuum thereby having a speed completely irrelevant to that of light and an existence completely irrelevant to ours (...easy to see how non-local phenomena can happen).
The lattice structure of the fields also allows for one or more proximity fields without any intersection. This means mass can have parallel fields surrounding it and occupying the same space, creating an higher density. Anything that absorbs or reflects light (vibrations) or disrupts the field in some manner will have a discernible shape, anything between the strings is invisible.
There can be an independent field, A micro-swiss-cheese type mass or a fluidic type matter unconnected to the continuum, unaffected by light, gravity or matter... completely invisible to us, unless there is an instantaneous change in Flux field dimension thereby rendering it momentarily visible, if (and only if) it can somehow actually connect and if it is even possible for there to be more than one type of matter.
Question: can one or more axis or radii break away from the Flux, curl up, and become something? What would we call them?

Black Rabbit said...

Superconductor :
If you study anything, you change it. If you measure an electron, for instance, you will change the state of the electron by absorbing some / all of the electron energy vibrations into the measuring device. So, although it may be possible to create a frozen torus or donut shaped object with an almost perpetual electron current flowing through it, once the field created by said object is tapped for its current inducing magnetic field properties the source will simply drain or transfer like any other source of energy (it's our old friend... cause and effect), you have to pay for your lunch.

Time travel :

Dark Matter :
What they call "Dark Matter" is simply the field of flux particles completely filling space (explained in this theory).
Can you see the field or particles? No, it would be like trying to "hear air", you don't hear air, you hear vibrations happening in the air. You can stick this whole scenario under water and it's the same... you hear the sound of for instance a whale but you don't hear the actual molecules of water, you hear the vibrations in the water.
You can't see a particle, you only see vibrations from the particles.
Once again... if you hold a piece of rope, you have a rope... if you shake the rope, you have photons... If the rope is shaking at an high frequency, your eye will detect one pinpoint spot of blue color (from the end of the rope). If it's a slower frequency your eye will pick up a red color. You never actually see the rope.

Black Rabbit said...

Michelson-Morley Experiment :
Michelson-Morley Experiment won't work if the field is moving along with the experiment apparatus, it's actually ridiculous, they thought it out pretty good but forgot one thing and it became garbage.
Can any of you ding-dongs understand that? If you are on Earth, and there is a field directly connected to the earth. You can set up all kinds of mirrors and other things and twist and turn them and it just won't matter because the field is moving with the earth.

Molecular combiner :
When there is a lack of vibration Flux particles are destined to curl and be confined as mass, To break them free from this restive state and set them in motion once again will take energy, so to create matter you have to take away energy. This means a matter making machine or replicator will create a surplus of energy, not only from a proton and neutron combining one charged radius each and ejecting an electrons worth, also from whatever residual quantum fluctuations are left on the free flux particle before it is combined into a proton.
Note: there are two completely separate and different ways to look at this (of course).
One is combining atoms and molecules already in existence into different structures. The Other is somehow converting the actual field or particle strings into Protons and neutrons. If you have elements you can make anything, the question is how do you make Hydrogen out of supposed empty space.

Black Rabbit said...

Casimir Effect:
Zero Point Energy (ZPE), or vacuum fluctuation energy are terms used to describe the random electromagnetic oscillations that are left in a vacuum after all other energy has been removed. If you remove all the energy from a space, take out all the matter, all the heat, all the light... everything, you will find that there is still some energy left... The Flux, you can't remove the flux, for it will always connect to any apparatus of evacuation thereby reviving itself. Any apparatus of evacuation or metal plates are made of atoms with orbiting electrons with charge.

Entropy :
Energy is just a mechanical vibration, these vibrations happen in this universe, they have no where else to go. They can divide into lower and lower frequencies, add together and change states but never dissipate into oblivion. It's the cause and effect scenario once again, there isn't anyway to stop a vibration because the stopper will be affected, thereby continuing the process.
If there were an hypothetical edge to the flux particle field (hypothetical edge of the universe), vibrations would travel to the edge of the field, run out of particles, have no where to go and be completely reflected (180 degree phase change) back and almost focused, the same effect as a spherical mirror (assuming the edge is curved), thus creating the same effect as deep space telescope, reflecting the light of possible nearby objects (observer to object) from a very distant past (object to edge of universe then all the way back to observer). Any pocket of space that is void of particles or any break in the field where vibrations cannot traverse has the same effect. Therefore energy remains.

The Limit :
Mathematical equations are a great way to describe the physical conditions and properties of Matter except when an infinity or a zero denominator is thrown into the equation, then it might not actually work in the real world. In the same way Zero Kelvin (negative 273.15 Celsius) is an absolute zero or a temperature limit and calculating molecular movements mathematically at for instance, negative 4001 Celsius would be ridiculous. The amount anything can compress to or exert force on also has a limit. You can write anything you want on paper but, mass isn't going to collapse to a pinpoint and thereby make the gravity approach infinity.

Raisin bread :
The Raisin bread model of expansion is also a farce, it can't expand because if the universe were a loaf, it would have to be an infinite sized loaf, or an infinite amount of loaves with no room left to expand.

Properties of Energy & Matter * constants *

Black Rabbit said...

Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 3/27/98 | Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

by James Clifford Cranwell 2/17/98 Constants

speed of light c 299792458 m / s
gravitational constant G 6.67259e-11
1/(10√26-1)c m 3_kg -1 s -2
plank h 6.6260755 e-34 kg_m 2 s -1
h bar h / 2_pi 1.05457266913 e-34 kg_m 2 s -1
electron mass Me 9.1093897 e-31 kg
proton mass Mp 1.6726231 e-27 kg
neutron mass Mn 1.6749286 e-27 kg
electron charge ec 1.60217733 e-19
≈ 1/√((26e26)(10√26-1)c)
proton/electron Mp/Me 1836.152701

Black Rabbit said...

≈ 36*10√26
mill elec volt e mev 0.51099906
≈ √26/10 kg_m 2 s -2
pi p 3.14159265358979
fine structure a 0.00729735308
inverse a 137.0359895
acceleration a m / s 2 [L] / [T 2] m / s 2
charge q,Q,e coulomb(C) [Q] A_s
current I ampere [Q] / [T] A
E M Force E volt (V) [M][L 2] / [Q][T 2] kg_m 2 / A_s 3
Energy E,U,K joule (J) [M][L 2] / [T 2] kg_m 2 / s 2
Force F newton (N) [M][L] / [T2] kg_m / s 2
Frequency f,v hertz (Hz) [T -1] s -1
length l,L meter [L] m
mass m,M kilogram [M] kg
permeability uo N / A 2 (=H/m) [M][L] / [Q 2][T] kg_m / A2_s 2
permittivity eo C 2 / N*m 2 (=F/m) [Q 2][T 2] / [M][L 3] A 2_s 4 / kg_m 3
time t second [T] s
wavelenght h m [L] m

Goddess401 exit

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so looking back on this now - it is most important to look at the images in order to really 'understand' what is being said.

The best example of the lot was one that MARK taught me, involving the 8 BLACK BALLS - you put the 'WHITE' into those randomly placed BALLS and suddenly the 3 DIMENSIONAL CUBE appears.

This is a metaphor for how reality is constructed within this 'bubble' of our EARTH.

Black Rabbit said...

Note THE GODDESS 401 'blue pentagon' and its BLACK ARROWS - I was lifting all of this from the PENTAGON research files.

Black Rabbit said...

MACDONALD told me that I would be tired by this point and I am - so I will not bother going through this with a 'toothcomb' - it is too difficult to remember it all at once - but it is necessary to note:

"Casimir Effect:
Zero Point Energy (ZPE), or vacuum fluctuation energy are terms used to describe the random electromagnetic oscillations that are left in a vacuum after all other energy has been removed. If you remove all the energy from a space, take out all the matter, all the heat, all the light... everything, you will find that there is still some energy left... The Flux, you can't remove the flux, for it will always connect to any apparatus of evacuation thereby reviving itself. Any apparatus of evacuation or metal plates are made of atoms with orbiting electrons with charge."

Think of the microcosm and the macrocosm and how a human mind works - it has a 'wick' or FLUX inside of it - the ILL were trying to make 'darkness'- a space devoid of light - within the minds of their slaves - they literally 'put out their candles' - the golden energy. However, the FLUX is still in there and can be 're-lit' at any time.

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R called those like TOMLINSON:


Black Rabbit said...

Time travel :

What I meant was that it isn't PHYSICALLY possible for a human body to do so - but the spirit/soul can break free of the BUBBLE of this Earth and its atmosphere.

Black Rabbit said...

It would be interesting to know what TOMLINSON and CO 'saw' when they were soul-trapping.

The image that I had of SONIA and MARK during their raid upon HAARP was of a sort of light gold 'fuzz' in the air with a small black spot, like the pupil of an eye...

However, this will have been the way that I was taught to see this particular 'vibration' which doesn't actually have a 'colour'.

Black Rabbit said...

Reading through this article and it is coded as a 'warning' to NASA...

First up - the 'i' is ILL-SPEAK for the candle of the mind with the dot on top of the 'i' as the SOUL.

I cannot remember where in this article now but there are references to the relation to this 'i'.

Is this the 'planet of souls'? I know it isn't really a 'planet' or identified as such...

...but one can see that the ARMY saw the 'souls' escaping as a big white cloud against the night sky...

Yet when I saw the 'souls' of MARK, SONIA and TOMLINSON they were of a 'gold' colour...but then they were still attached to human bodies. Perhaps after death, this 'essence' turns 'white'?

At any rate, I am getting the idea that the MOON is rather like a 'peaceful graveyard' - almost like a waiting room...before something else...

Black Rabbit said...

I also saw these 'sea of souls' as WHITE...and this puzzles me...why it should be?

Black Rabbit said...

The RED SHIFT will have something to do with ROTHSCHILD interference within the OUTER SPACE dimension and what I have formerly called the atomic 'time stream'...

I noted with interest, the reference to the NETS...the SPIDERS' WEBS...and how they can be likened to a VACCUUM...and I remember disagreeing with TOMLINSON upon this one...I figured that MATTER trapped within this sort of a vaccuum would get denser and denser...but it wouldn't drag the NET down for some reason...

Black Rabbit said...

Again we have X to the power of 4 and not 3...all I can say here is that you have to have been programmed with the power of 4 in order to break out of the bubble...RA SLAVES had normally been programmed to the power of 3...

Black Rabbit said...

This is probably where my 'visualisation' of remote-viewing souls came from:

Cosmological Constant: Fifth Force : Dark Energy : Quintessence
... are what others have been unknowingly calling the the stretching property of Flux Particle Field.
The field itself (and any loose particles) which completely fill space is unwittingly called Dark Matter: Æther : The Aether etc.
One indivdual particle has been inadvertently called The God particle. etc.

Black Rabbit said...

The visualisation of that one tiny dark 'pupil' within the light fuzzy gold - the soul of the OBEing remote-viewer.

"There is as much truth in darkness as there is in light."

Black Rabbit said...

This is what the JOOS call EIN SOF.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember talking with SONIA and MARK at this point - about the 'ball of string' and how to perceive it...also about NEUTRINOS...were they also rhesus (negative) in terms of their blood group...was there a possible connection here to remote-viewing beyond the 'bubble'?

Black Rabbit said...

Look at the image of the BLACK HOLE- it is in fact:


Black Rabbit said...

PINK can repel the DARK BLUE of the BLACK HOLE.

Black Rabbit said...

Last night - I had a strange dream that a man was following me around with a gun…so I found his gun and threw it into the moat of a castle…he couldn’t shoot me if he didn’t have his gun, could he?

Upon waking, I remembered SCARLETT talking me through that one…so he could get me to remote-view the future too? At any rate, I had perceived an assassin in my future and had to defuse that one as quickly as possible. The man really looked rather like a ‘ferengi alien’ in my dream (similar colouring - sandy coloured hair - wrinkled face) - and not a skinny BABOON - as ROTHSCHILD had looked like…


A few more notes on SCARLETT and his perception of what happened to EX-SERVICEMEN - he didn’t want them all to continue to ‘suffer in silence’…they had to know that they ALL felt this way, after active service…they all wanted to ‘feel pain’ and ended up either cutting themselves…or as I can now see…using another ‘controlled method’ of self-inflicted pain - and that was the TATOO PARLOUR.

SCARLETT wanted them all to know that the issue had to be addressed…if we were going to OUT all of these MILITARY SECRETS then this was the most important one of all. The psychological welfare of these men after they had been involved in the ‘theater of war’…or had been used by the ILL, within their paramilitary set-ups.

‘john waters’ had set up his ‘alternative’ nurse-you-back-to-health monastery…and I could see that this was primarily a ‘male thing’…I didn’t really understand it…even though I had been through ILL abuse at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and so forth…these men needed to heal as a ‘group thing’…the healing of the male psyche.

I can now see why the PRINCES had discussed NOT telling me about their ‘cutting sessions’ with their ROYAL MILITARY…I wouldn’t see it in its proper context…and therefore wouldn’t really understand the ‘need’ or the ‘desire’ to do so.

Black Rabbit said...

Why did I mispell that last word TATOO( as in a drum 'tatoo') rather than TATTOO?

Black Rabbit said...

The drums of war...the little drummer boy...another ILL programming story, courtesy of HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN.

Black Rabbit said...

TATTOOS are worn as a symbol of pride- they are all about healing - paradoxically.

Black Rabbit said...

It worries me though...MOSES warned against TATTOOS...I suppose because they are indelible and you can become sick of them...your ideas and beliefs change...and then you need a skin graft or something like that to get rid or them...or have TATTOO parlours changed in that respect, they only last a few years - is there some quick way to remove them?

Black Rabbit said...

I mean - it is the whole 'controlled pain' thing which is crucial to the procedure...and an emblem of pride afterwards.

Black Rabbit said...

PUTIN doesn't appear to have a mark upon his body - but he was well known to be an aficionado of 'controlled pain' - self-inflicted or otherwise. Is this a RUSSIAN military issue, in general?

Black Rabbit said...

So what does he do then?

Is it still what that CERNE employee told me (whilst waiting a few hours for the train back to POLAND in a winebar)...

The whole SAUNA, VODKA, JUMP IN THE SUB-ZERO POOL AND THEN WHIP EACH OTHER WITH BIRCH be repeated until you couldn't take anymore...

Black Rabbit said...

It's a 'male thing' although I am sure some women have tried it...

Black Rabbit said...

"It makes you stronger, EMILY."

Black Rabbit said...

So THAT was the reason that the 'crazy company' used to get ROS to whip them, in that underground CIA suite?

Black Rabbit said...

So one really has to look at the whole 'cutting' issue with new eyes - across the board.

It can mean very different things to different people but it is mainly a very basic way of 'strengthening' the individual in order to continue with their life...

Black Rabbit said...

...but there are other ways to do it which do not involve 'self-mutilation'...

Black Rabbit said...

For myself - I have always been content with my 'weakness' - I have never felt the need to 'cut' because when under severe or unendurable torture - I always knew that I could OBE so quickly and easily. That was my main 'defence' against attack. For those who couldn't do this so easily...they needed to build their strength up...

Black Rabbit said...

The network are now chanting ABSENT why don't you tell me what that means?

During the 'august' gathering at my parents' chateau - after I had been kidnapped and tortured - ECT'd out of my mind...

SCARLETT, RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON, MARR, DALDRY and CO...all sat down to a dinner...drinking wine that cost about £100 a bottle...(DALDRY had got the provisions in after they had belittled me for not providing them with a suitable supper on the meagre rations I had to live on)...

They first toasted LADY DIANA 'without whom, none of this would have been possible' (this was AFTER her murder).

They then asked for another toast and nobody could think of one and so I said ABSENT FRIENDS...and they all looked a bit perplexed and then figured it was a 'good one'...

Black Rabbit said...

So who were the ABSENT FRIENDS in question here?


'john waters'


I am thinking in terms of who I was in contact with...and that was only 'john waters' and his friends...AMADEUS I was to meet later on...THE PRINCES had perceived me as their MAJOR TOM RABBIT from early childhood...

Black Rabbit said...

MAJOR TOM - okay, I am beginning to get it:

The last ILLUSTRATION upon SWISS CONTROLLER's 'art blog spot'.

The one where you have to NASA 'SPACEMAN' who is injecting the MOON with ROTHSCHILD chemicals.


The enslavement of the human race via BIO-CHEMISTRY and MICROCHIPPING.

I was a 'MAJOR TOM'.

DAVID BOWIE had perceived himself to be a MAJOR TOM.

So what was a MAJOR TOM?

Black Rabbit said...

Somebody who had access to NASA files upon their microchipped network.

Black Rabbit said...

LADY DIANA knew it.

She had encouraged HARRY to call his GREY RABBIT:


Black Rabbit said...

The similarity must have been a coincidence but a funny one - me in my fluffy GREY jumper - a big ball of grey fluff on my desk with the same look of defiance as HARRY'S RABBIT, within my HUTCH of a school - LANGLEY SENIORS...but it worked...

Black Rabbit said...

How clever was LADY DIANA?

Black Rabbit said...

How clever was LADY DIANA?

Black Rabbit said...



LADY DIANA would have been part of the operation - a longstanding and extraordinary project...incredibly calculated...let the boys have RABBITS as them how to care for their rabbits...and their RABBITS would reward them...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'crazy company' - with the exception of RIMINGTON - were all programmed as AMADEUS - although OBAMA was also exempted - too important to be risked on such an operation...he was to the future PRESIDENT OF THE USA...

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had sat in on that 'early dinner' at my parents' chateau before the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 happened...

All of them, obviously knew the score in some way...but nobody was willing to tell me a thing. I was simply electrocuted into the ground - so many 'brown spots' upon my skin now...the result of imbecilic use of a stun-gun by men in child alters.

They didn't want me to remember a thing - yet I remembered all of it - that is the way FBI WATCHERS cannot change that by the use of stun-guns.

We all 'wake up' and remember some time...

RIMINGTON sat in on that dinner as 'queen of ceremonies' and yet she was the one 'irredeemable' one of the lot.

She was the 'super-spy' of the ferengi - upon the lot of them.

Black Rabbit said...

She had trained up ROS to replace her later on...but I knew that there was something good about ROS and that it was best to 'back' her...I did so and she helped me to get rid of the despair of MR GREEN/MARSCAPONE.

Black Rabbit said...

So MARSCAPONE was trying to hide the death of RIMINGTON - under his 'care' and protection within GREEN TOWER - from the 'ferengi'?

Black Rabbit said...

The 'ferengi' network then replaced RIMINGTON with PUTIN...he appeared to have been handed the mantle of the RA CULT...

He looked like an 'unhappy child' within it - when I remote-viewed him...and sullenly took it off in anger...

Black Rabbit said...

His main concern didn't appear to be the 'ferengi' network in the ROTHSCHILDS...he was more worried about the ILL CHINESE families that had been giving him grief.

Black Rabbit said...

...but then NAT ROTHSCHILD had come clean with the BRITISH ARMY and also SCARLETT who heard about it all a bit relation to the blowing up of the 'ferengi's house' and the tunnels beneath it...

Black Rabbit said...

He didn't appear to see any reason to lie...he wasn't an evil sod...he wasn't 'insane' like his father...and it was his father, wasn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

So the ILL GAME was up at that point - wasn't it, SCARLETT?

You had really achieved your objectives and then you had to set new ones (because you had never believed that you would get that far...)

Black Rabbit said...


...don't you agree, SCARLETT?

You began your career with them...

Black Rabbit said...

However, the PRINCES have another idea and one has to stop the rot of their TAO beliefs:


Meaning: keep them in poverty and they are a fighting force.

Use your imagination PRINCES or go down...

After this amount of 'revelation' about MONEY and how ILL FAMILIES control it - you had better hold onto your hats if you want to continue with the old system of 'stamp them down and keep them under control - deprive them of money'.

Black Rabbit said...

A whole new way has to be thought out and 'john waters' gave you pointers...SCARLETT was of a similar mind...

If you want a FIGHTING FORCE for this country - the MILITARY has to be 're-thought out' all along the lines, from start to finish.

Black Rabbit said...

...and NO they will not get 'fat and lazy' if you give them more money...

The SOE worked on a budget for sure...and they stopped the NAZIS in their tracks...and I might add, by 'private funders' like my CAPTAIN GYDE grandfather (who didn't have that much money to spare)...not MI6 or anybody else...

The point here is AWARENESS of the total situation...a lifestyle where you are hard-pressed for money is not conducive to the 'best thought'...

Black Rabbit said...

A lifestyle of 'hand to mouth' tends to produce 'non-thinkers' who are beseiged and enraged by their social conditions and therefore just go out and emotionally want to take it out on the 'enemy'...

Instead of their REAL enemies - the fifth column within the UK.

Black Rabbit said...

The BANKERS of the UK and the MONARCHY.

These are the real 'enemies' of the BRITISH ARMY - every single one of them. From the foot-soldiers upwards...

So that is a BIG problem to deal with, PRINCES - are you up to it?

Do you try to continue the usual IL CULT MKULTRA/MONARCHY system and impose it brutally - or do you think up some new ideas?

Black Rabbit said...

If you really want an ARMY then we have to have new ideas for MODERN times...

RIMINGTON is dead.

As far as I know (and MOSSAD were fascinated to know - they kept asking me for images)...the 'ferengi' is underground and in a CAGE. Courtesy of either MILITARY INTELLIGENCE or idea...for some reason, they had decided that it was best to let him live but in a tiny cage...

I can understand that one - upon a basic human level - why kill him - there might be things that he could let you know but he isn't telling as yet...

Cage him up - as he had wanted to do to all of humanity upon this planet...

Plus you aren't guilty of killing anybody un-necessarily...another 'good thing' for the soul...

Black Rabbit said...

I do hope that this hasn't given the SATANIC BRETHREN 'hope' that their evil leader is still alive...

All I know i is that he WAS alive afterwards but somehow, I much doubt it now.

Black Rabbit said... that what resulted in the 'cascade' of RA CULT 'mushroom spawning' all over the world, SCARLETT?

'ferengi's death' - catapulted you into small but serious outbreaks of the RA CULT everywhere?

Black Rabbit said...

"They all wanted to be part of the action - because they are sick in their heads and their minds. The CLACTON ra cult was one of the worst."

Black Rabbit said...

Yes - i registered that telepathically - particularly the sick RA mason who had run was his whole life...shades of TOMLINSON...they cannot give it up because it is an admittance that their whole life was a 'failure'...they do not understand TIME...and how at the end of one's life one can 'turn it all around'....

They do not get the concept of TIME at all...and that is what MR ICKE is trying to teach his latest newletter.

Black Rabbit said...

Once you get that the future and the past is here and do not feel the need to be EVIL.

...what else can I say, SCARLETT?

It sounds like esoteric bollocks but it is true.

Black Rabbit said...

I remembered a couple of things last night…firstly that AMADEUS had given me a locker-room number at the VATICAN - he had told me to look through the locker - and all I could find was a set of books…and something else - probably a pencil…AMADEUS said that the VATICAN wouldn’t pay my money back for some reason…was it a CENTRAL EUROPEAN BANK for the HARRY POTTER money?

Anyway, back in the CIA SUITE - with the help of ‘john waters’ we re-directed all of that HARRY POTTER money during those ‘6 HOURS‘…it isn’t in VATICAN accounts nowadays - we drained them.


I thought more about what ‘nesting’ could mean and realised that it was about COSMOS programming…I had been labelled a GODDESS401 by the PENTAGON/NASA but that meant that they thought that I was just a microchipped slave…I was told to do a similar thing for OBAMA as I had done for PUTIN…I told him that he would become PRESIDENT OF THE USA…this is what ‘john waters’ had suspected…that I would have a message for him and that every message was different. OBAMA sweetly asked what would happen to me - and I was forced to reply that I wasn’t important - they had told me that they would put me out onto the streets. This was 1995 - this had been MARK R and the ROCKEFELLER FAMILY’s idea…their plans for myself. PUTIN hadn’t bothered to ask what would happen to myself.

The whole JOOISH cabal - ROCKEFELLERS/ROTHSCHILDS/BANKERS…they all thought of themselves as SATANIC JOOS.

How funny that they used the VATICAN banking system, to launder their money in EUROPE.

Black Rabbit said...

So what happened to the HARRY POTTER money then?

I have as yet to remember...this is a tricky one.

Black Rabbit said...

All I know is that the ILL would very much like to know...HA HA.

Black Rabbit said...

The new BLOG OF NOTE today - not instantly recognisable - I will have to work on this one...

Black Rabbit said...

DAVID ICKE’s newsletter was also of interest to me upon another level - it was because of the reference to a mouldy old piece of PIE - you can leave it on the table for as long as you like but it doesn’t get any better…eventually you have to throw it away…MR ICKE and COLLIE were giving me advice upon what to do with TOMLINSON…just ‘throw him away’ - he is irredeemable. That, I have already done - or as good as - AMADEUS was also in touch - telling me that there were those like OBAMA who could match and surpass my own intelligence - I needed to be with somebody who could do that - this had been a big mismatch between ‘twinning’ me with somebody like TOMLINSON - yes, there was a horrific bond between us but it was highly unproductive for myself - I needed the influence of somebody wiser…more intelligent and I was not going to get that from TOMLINSON’s quarter.

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' and myself had protected me by ensuring that TOMLINSON never had the keys to controlling myself...and for good reason.

Black Rabbit said...

I recognise this LOOKING GLASS WINE BOTTLE - it must have been basic WONDERLAND/MIRROR programming:

"He Said She Said"

I remember this BEATLES song:

"SHE said...I know what it's like to be dead..."

...and that inspired MARK R to think of the above...

AMADEUS wrote the blurb:

Designed by Manifesto Design, an design firm based in Australia.

Communication between the sexes has long been hazardous. He says “wrong way down”, she says “right way up” and before you know it things have gone all topsy-turvy. Frustrating at times, yet never dull, it’s best discussed over a good bottle of wine!

‘He Said She Said’ is the fun and quirky entry level wine range for The Lake House Denmark in Western Australia. The naming and label is designed to inspire conversation and spark a healthy debate at the dinner table.

There was one 'tweet' left for it:

RT @yashesh: He Said She Said. #wine #packaging :-) - Killer Site & Reviews

Black Rabbit said...

The image of the girl/woman at a computer with the RED FLAG upon a globe in front of her - says COMMUNIST NOW/ROTHSCHILD to me…and through the LOOKING GLASS…that is what they had been hoping for.

What is the point upon the GLOBE before ITALY…that is singled out in PINK?

…what did MARK R mean by searching the GLOBE via SATELLITE for ‘good packaging’?

I am getting the image of ‘slave bodies’ here - people that he could turn into mind control slaves.

Black Rabbit said...

Here are the comments left after the POLKA DOT dress (note that this means DELTA programming - assassin programming - interesting that CROWN paint is related to this - to trigger the ROYALS?)

Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas said...
Hi there,


Your blog is the Blog of Note at Blogger.

Enjoy this great moment!

Regards and Cheers from Canada.
September 2, 2009 6:51 AM atypicalheroine said...
Congratulations on being named a Blogger Blog of Note tonight! I'm delighted that your blog has been highlighted -- you've amassed a plethora of adorable must-haves here.
September 2, 2009 8:49 AM subby said...
@Banco & @atypicalheroine
Thank you so much! I'm surprised is the blog of note too! Awesome!
September 2, 2009 11:46 AM

Black Rabbit said...

Who is 'SUBBY' the BANK 'at' typical heroine?

Black Rabbit said...

Why am I getting the image of a submarine off the southern coast of France?

Black Rabbit said...

MERRICK - that would be 'john waters' programming, wouldn't it?

JO SMITH had informed him that they had made him think that he was the 'elephant man' - her and the ROBINSONS.

"Merrick challenged us to design the new high end packaging around their alternative dog food, and we saw an opportunity to transform the funtional level of clean to an aspirational experience that truly resonated with Merrick's female consumer. We created "counter top" worthy designs that leveraged the Merrick Brand.

Designed by 29 Agency. "

Black Rabbit said...

So MARK R put you up as be fed to the ILL DOGS presumably...

Black Rabbit said...

An interesting typo from HERBIE:

"Herbie Sammi commented on calpis: “I love Calpis but I didn’t realize it has revolt to so many flavors’!”


CALPIS is revolting?

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know GODDESS401 was a satellite - which gives you an idea of just how many have been up there since whenever...and that is how I could gain easy access to FBI files etc.

Black Rabbit said...

I can also remember meeting a man who 'stepped out of the bushes' near to the OVAL and told me that his name was HOUVEN...perhaps VAN HOUVEN from the FBI...they were checking me out, he said...why, I asked...they wanted to know if I was a liability or an asset to the USA...what did that mean? Either a terrorist or somebody who could make money for them...

Black Rabbit said...

He was tallish, thin, clean-cut - light tan, light brown/blondish hair, blue-eyed. Looked like a typical 'Nordic' but with an American accent and an FBI pass.

Black Rabbit said...

So one can assume that every 'label' or rather every bit of PACKAGING represents another SLAVE who was related to myself in some way upon this BLOG OF NOTE put together by MARK R:

Fashion For Walls Click here to
» Read more Labels: Home Care Posted by subby on Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Comments: (3)

Designed by Mountain Design, a design firm based in The Netherlands, for Crown (Akzo Nobel UK). Crown Fashions for walls is packaged in different sized metal boxes with a high-gloss varnish. BriefShow a paint company how to embrace the trend that more and more merges the worlds of fashion and interior design.ThinkHow do you bring the world...
Read more He Said She Said Click here to
» Read more Labels: Alcohol Posted by subby
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Designed by Manifesto Design, an design firm based in Australia. Communication between the sexes has long been hazardous. He says “wrong way down”, she says “right way up” and before you know it things have gone all topsy-turvy. Frustrating at times, yet never dull, it’s best discussed over a good bottle of wine!‘He Said She Said’ is the...
Read more ISST Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages Posted by subby
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ISST - organic ice tea in 7 flavorsRobert Irwin - Untitled, 1968Robert Irwin's art influence seen on ARTENTIKO's new drink concept, an organic ice tea in 7 surprising flavors. Via Smashing Magazine very interesting article "If Famous Graphic Artists Were Web Designers…"...
Read more Calpis Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages, Japanese Packaging Posted by subby on Monday, August 31, 2009
Comments: (3)

Thanks to Miko san for sending in these awesome pictures and information. どうもありがとう!Calpis (カルピス, Karupisu) is a Japanese uncarbonated soft drink, manufactured by Calpis Co., Ltd. (カルピス株式会社, Karupisu Kabushiki-gaisha?) , headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo.CALPIS is made from non-fatted milk . The milk is fermented slowly by adding microorganism...
Read more MIAD student work Click here to
» Read more Labels: Bath and Beauty Posted by subby
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Black Rabbit said...

So one can assume that every 'label' or rather every bit of PACKAGING represents another SLAVE who was related to myself in some way upon this BLOG OF NOTE put together by MARK R:

Fashion For Walls Click here to
» Read more Labels: Home Care Posted by subby on Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Comments: (3)

Designed by Mountain Design, a design firm based in The Netherlands, for Crown (Akzo Nobel UK). Crown Fashions for walls is packaged in different sized metal boxes with a high-gloss varnish. BriefShow a paint company how to embrace the trend that more and more merges the worlds of fashion and interior design.ThinkHow do you bring the world...
Read more He Said She Said Click here to
» Read more Labels: Alcohol Posted by subby
Comments: (0)

Designed by Manifesto Design, an design firm based in Australia. Communication between the sexes has long been hazardous. He says “wrong way down”, she says “right way up” and before you know it things have gone all topsy-turvy. Frustrating at times, yet never dull, it’s best discussed over a good bottle of wine!‘He Said She Said’ is the...
Read more ISST Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages Posted by subby
Comments: (0)

ISST - organic ice tea in 7 flavorsRobert Irwin - Untitled, 1968Robert Irwin's art influence seen on ARTENTIKO's new drink concept, an organic ice tea in 7 surprising flavors. Via Smashing Magazine very interesting article "If Famous Graphic Artists Were Web Designers…"...
Read more Calpis Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages, Japanese Packaging Posted by subby on Monday, August 31, 2009
Comments: (3)

Thanks to Miko san for sending in these awesome pictures and information. どうもありがとう!Calpis (カルピス, Karupisu) is a Japanese uncarbonated soft drink, manufactured by Calpis Co., Ltd. (カルピス株式会社, Karupisu Kabushiki-gaisha?) , headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo.CALPIS is made from non-fatted milk . The milk is fermented slowly by adding microorganism...
Read more MIAD student work Click here to
» Read more Labels: Bath and Beauty Posted by subby
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Black Rabbit said...


Students in the Communication Design program at the Milwaukee institute of Art & Design were asked to visit Lotions and Potions, create a fragrance and then visually theme the fragrance via naming, mood boards, typography and packaging design. Visit to find out more about the Communication design BFA at the Milwaukee Institute...
Read more Kaffe Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages Posted by subby
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"Kaffe is a coffee shop started by 4 swedes. The handwritten charcoal aesthetic derives from the personal connection every person has with their type of coffee. This is reflected in a direct style of communication with business cards, bags, take away cups etc. personally addressing the customer."Designed by Felix Lobelius [via friendfeed]...
Read more Merrick Click here to
» Read more Labels: Food, vintage design Posted by subby
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Merrick challenged us to design the new high end packaging around their alternative dog food, and we saw an opportunity to transform the funtional level of clean to an aspirational experience that truly resonated with Merrick's female consumer. We created "counter top" worthy designs that leveraged the Merrick Brand.Designed by 29 Agency....
Read more Niagara Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages Posted by subby on Saturday, August 29, 2009
Comments: (0)

Black Rabbit said...

Hattomonkey has created the packaging design of mineral water “Niagara”. The brand mark looks like waterfall – inexhaustible stream of pure water. The solution is simple and laconic, which is to underline the natural characteristic of the product....
Read more INQ¹ Click here to
» Read more Labels: Electronics, Japanese Packaging Posted by subby on Friday, August 28, 2009
Comments: (2)

Designed and illustrated by the very famous Yuko Shimizu. She is a freelance illustrator based in New York City and an illustration instructor at School of Visual Arts. Newsweek Japan has chosen her as one of "100 Japanese People The World Respects" in 2009. At INQ we make a new type of handset - the Social Mobile - designed for the way...
Read more Chötkaya Vodka Click here to
» Read more Labels: Alcohol Posted by subby
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Chötkaya Vodka - is brand new Russian vodka preparing to be manufactured. I was asked to think over the idea of it and make the whole design, including logotype, bottle & pack and a promotional web-site ( with a "moveyourmouse" interface.In the beginning i had only the name "Chotkaya" wich means: clear, legible, accurate,...
Read more Nostalgia Organics Click here to
» Read more Labels: Bath and Beauty Posted by subby
Comments: (2)

Nostalgia Organics' products are made with antioxidant-rich fruit, nut and herb oils sourced both locally and from places as far away as Bulgaria and France. Each collection is enhanced with aromatic plant oils carefully considered for their aromatherapy and skin-nurturing benefits.Butter Mints,Nostalgia's newest bar soap.Gold starlets shining...
Read more Muymuy Click here to
» Read more Labels: Beverages Posted by subby
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Very cute milk package concept designed by isleepbetter, it comes with a four pack set.Sticker labelMuymuy milk, front labelsMuymuy milk, 4 packMuymuy milk, back labels...
Read more Gauss Lamps Click here to
» Read more Labels: Electronics Posted by subby
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Designed by Fastway. “The objective was to create package for power saving lamps which considerably would differ from all other packages of the lamps presented in retail networks. Besides, it was necessary to show that Gauss lamps are the premium-segment, having justified, thus, their higher than at the majority of competitors price.The...
Read more Holli Mølle Click here to
» Read more Labels: Award Winners, Food Posted by subby
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Strømme Throndsen Design created the brand identity and packaging for Holli Mølle, an Organic Flour company. This design is awarded the Norwegian Design Council Award for design excellence. Holli Mølle is a small organic mill in Eastern Norway, specializing in flour production with the use of ancient and nutritious grain types. The target...
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Black Rabbit said...

So the memories are coming back a bit more now - TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON had hung me upside down and then attempted to program me with the 'UPSIDE DOWN' wine label.

Naturally, it didn't work - I simply OBE'd and 'watched' them throughout.

You get to the point where nothing works upon you at all in the just watch the imbeciles at their sick 'game'.

Black Rabbit said...

I get the image of OBAMA when I look at this NIAGARA WATER - 'simple and laconic'?

Still waters run deep...

"Hattomonkey has created the packaging design of mineral water “Niagara”. The brand mark looks like waterfall – inexhaustible stream of pure water. The solution is simple and laconic, which is to underline the natural characteristic of the product. "

Black Rabbit said...

Two TWEETS for it:

Niagara: Hattomonkey has created the packaging design of mineral water “Niagara”. The brand mark looks like wate.." - 0 retweets, view status "This is smart design." - 0 retweets, view status

Black Rabbit said...

The BLOCK OF FLATS under a RAINBOW (that looks like headphones) and TOMLINSON's 'mushroom cottage' beside it...

Do I really need to keep on analysing this stuff - it gets generic after a while.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking more at the map behind the computer screen - of the cartoon at the top of this BLOG OF NOTE...

I began to wonder if that large CLOUD represented the SPACE STATION and what the ILL most probably called their STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN as in the lift shaft...

Is it possible that the map is giving a geographical location of the tower?

Black Rabbit said...

You have the RED FLAG, EIFFEL TOWER and STATUE OF LIBERTY...put them together and what do you get?

The EIFFEL tower is probably an early representation of the plans for the liftshaft - given to the MASONS early last century...whenever it was finished.

Black Rabbit said...

What does the STATUE OF LIBERTY represent to the ILL?

The 'ferengi' and RIMINGTON seemed to prefer KALI above all goddesses...

Black Rabbit said...

This was MARK R's favourite 'packaging' as he called it - and so who was his FAVOURITE SLAVE?

Click here to
Labels: Beverages
Posted by subby on Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ISST - organic ice tea in 7 flavors

Robert Irwin - Untitled, 1968

Robert Irwin's art influence seen on ARTENTIKO's new drink concept, an organic ice tea in 7 surprising flavors. Via Smashing Magazine very interesting article "If Famous Graphic Artists Were Web Designers…"

Black Rabbit said...

The first image to come up was of DALDRY but I am unsure...

Black Rabbit said...

The first image to come up was of DALDRY but I am unsure...

Black Rabbit said...

CALPIS - that looks like RIMINGTON:

Click here to
Labels: Beverages, Japanese Packaging
Posted by subby on Monday, August 31, 2009

Thanks to Miko san for sending in these awesome pictures and information. どうもありがとう!

Calpis (カルピス, Karupisu) is a Japanese uncarbonated soft drink, manufactured by Calpis Co., Ltd. (カルピス株式会社, Karupisu Kabushiki-gaisha?) , headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo.
CALPIS is made from non-fatted milk . The milk is fermented slowly by adding microorganism including lactobacillus unique to our company and kept on using for a long time. The cultured milk produced in such manner is called Calpis Cultured Milk.

CALPIS was launched on July 7 1919, on the day of Tanabata Festival (Star Festival).
In some countries in Asia including China and Japan, there is a custom to see stars in "Milky Way" on this day. The design of "polka-dot pattern" on the package of CALPIS is inspired by the image of stars in the "Milky Way" as the product was launched on the day of Tanabata.
The original pattern was white dots on blue background. It was changed to blue dots in white background later. The pattern is praised as an excellent design that can communicate the refreshing image of CALPIS and retain a sense of freshness after all those years and loved by many customers.

The trademark of polka-dot pattern is featured in all CALPIS brand products available in Japan and all over the world.

Designed by Taku Satoh Design Office.

Black Rabbit said...

MIKO appears to be saying that his mind is completely split.

For example a 'sideways' image of 'one eye shut' as in working on one side of hte brain and then 'two eyes shut' beside this image...denoting what? Somebody who can 'see' a little sideways as to what is going on but not much...

Miko Takasashi said...
Thanks for the post and mentioning my name (;^.^)

September 1, 2009 12:01 AM

Black Rabbit said...

Nim said...
Nice usage of Typography to form a waterfall

NIM left the above comment upon OBAMA's NIAGARA...

The WATERFALL is an image used after ILL torture...

NICE as in the FRENCH seaside resort...

Nim - the use of the 'i' is always interesting...and I associate it with MIMS or something like that...

Black Rabbit said...


TIE 'PO' (shorthand for microchipped slave) TO THE GRAPH.

Black Rabbit said...


Click here to
Labels: Electronics, Japanese Packaging
Posted by subby on Friday, August 28, 2009

Designed and illustrated by the very famous Yuko Shimizu. She is a freelance illustrator based in New York City and an illustration instructor at School of Visual Arts. Newsweek Japan has chosen her as one of "100 Japanese People The World Respects" in 2009.

At INQ we make a new type of handset - the Social Mobile - designed for the way people communicate today. The services we’ve built into the device are there to be used, and not sit stranded and unwanted in some obscure sub-menu.

Communication is at the heart of everything we do. We express this in our brand through one of its most striking and creative aspects: art. Not in any lofty way, but in vibrant and streetwise forms: illustration, comics, film - whatever we like really, whatever catches our eye.

With the INQ¹ box we wanted to create an object of beauty - something to cherish not chuck. All too often, packaging needs up in landfills, or recycling bins at best. While we’d like people to keep it, use it and treasure it.

When we design our handsets we remix and edit internet services so that the play best on a mobile. Similarly, we remixed the idea of a box and made it into a place to display artwork. The box art, and the illustrations on the help cards, come from people whose work we really like.

Black Rabbit said...

So they dressed him up in a kimono for that one? It wouldn't surprise me. MARK R would have had 'fun' with the hairdo:

Kitzumi said...
Nice I love the kimono style!

August 29, 2009 12:58 PM
Alfalfa said...
Great illustration, it is really an object of beauty

August 29, 2009 1:20 PM

Black Rabbit said...

This bit is worth repeating:

"With the INQ¹ box we wanted to create an object of beauty - something to cherish not chuck. All too often, packaging needs up in landfills, or recycling bins at best. While we’d like people to keep it, use it and treasure it.

When we design our handsets we remix and edit internet services so that the play best on a mobile. Similarly, we remixed the idea of a box and made it into a place to display artwork. The box art, and the illustrations on the help cards, come from people whose work we really like."

I can see that in MARK R's mind - the MICROCHIP as in the MOBILE PHONE within a slave was the most important thing of all - the most expensive thing, most probably.

The PACKAGING as in the BOX - the person and their body - could be re-used. He is saying that he liked the TOMLINSON package and was loath to throw it away - and urged his customers to think likewise.

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know this was DAVID MILIBAND's programming and those like him but I need to check back on that one:

Chötkaya Vodka
Click here to
Labels: Alcohol
Posted by subby on Friday, August 28, 2009

Chötkaya Vodka - is brand new Russian vodka preparing to be manufactured. I was asked to think over the idea of it and make the whole design, including logotype, bottle & pack and a promotional web-site ( with a "moveyourmouse" interface.
In the beginning i had only the name "Chotkaya" wich means: clear, legible, accurate, exact, distinct - in Russian. And below is what i made from this word.

Designed by Boris Kuznetsov.

Black Rabbit said...

Zosimos said...
Clear is more appropriate. The bottle design definitely shows that. молодец! or Well done! :)

September 2, 2009 2:15 PM

Only one comment left for the VODKA - ironic because MILIBAND didn't normally drink - as far as I know the JOOISH bankers (the ZIONISTS who ran the banks) were also programmed with this number.



Black Rabbit said...

What was MARK R up to - playing around with the name of this vodka:

We get something like YACHTCAR and BONK ER.

Black Rabbit said...

See the ILLustrations for details - on the packaging - the symbolism will all have been used in mind control programming.

Black Rabbit said...

The only person to have left a comment upon Nostalgia Organics is YIE TZE...and I link this PACKAGING to ROS:

Why does this young woman have what looks like ERMINE as a bracelet? I know that this was a clue to something...I also 'know' that her entire profile is worth checking up upon:

Contact (MSN)

YieTze Lim
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Zodiac Year: Rooster
Industry: Telecommunications
Occupation: Video Editor
Location: Singapore : Singapore : Singapore
About Me
I dream to have my own fashion character call LUT ... I appreciate good art and good fashion ...

Black Rabbit said...

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What you see is what you get.
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.: yukun :.
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Black Rabbit said...

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Black Rabbit said...

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Black Rabbit said...

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Black Rabbit said...

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Black Rabbit said...

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Рисую и леплю за деньги:

Black Rabbit said...


...turns up again...quite frequently in the above list and I link this to MACDONALD and whatever he was up to...

Black Rabbit said...

Nostalgia Organics
Click here to
Labels: Bath and Beauty
Posted by subby on Friday, August 28, 2009

Nostalgia Organics' products are made with antioxidant-rich fruit, nut and herb oils sourced both locally and from places as far away as Bulgaria and France. Each collection is enhanced with aromatic plant oils carefully considered for their aromatherapy and skin-nurturing benefits.

Butter Mints,Nostalgia's newest bar soap.

Gold starlets shining on the new aromatherapy balm packaging

New aromatherapy balm packaging

Botanical soap collection

Tiny satin ribbon

Black Rabbit said...

YieTze said...
your blogs is amazing :)) wondering how you found so many interesting informations :))

August 31, 2009 10:02 AM
subby said...
Thanks YieTze! Your blog is lovely too!

So what was ROS saying about herself here as :))


What does the above mean? EYES WIDE OPEN but with a double smile or chin?

An electric collar perhaps...

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R has also put a 'joke' at the bottom of her packaging about being 'flabby' - the advertisement appears to have his voiceover.

Black Rabbit said...

~That is the name of MARK R's joke diet site...needs more investigation...

Presented by Rob And Kalen Poulos...and this will be about ROBBING and something else...

Black Rabbit said...

I get it - the ROS and TOMLINSON 'diet show' - get addicted to HEROIN and never look back...

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R represented himself as SUBBY (olivia02_small.jpg):

Age: 28
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Zodiac Year: Rooster
Industry: Advertising
Occupation: Designer
Location: Singapore : Singapore
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Blogs I Follow
* elvps
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Nine99 Design
Packaging of the World: Creative Package Design Archive and Gallery
The Real Blogger Status

Black Rabbit said...

Here is his full URL.

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know YIETZE is a pun upon TZETZE FLY.

Black Rabbit said...

So now I know what PEACOCK was talking about in his strange MASONIC email concerning ‘have we lost the MAIDEN?’

He was asking if they had lost RIMINGTON.


…and the answer was ‘yes’.

Black Rabbit said...


Anyway, I went for my customary walk and a lot more came back…

Firstly that the ILL FINANCIAL SYTEM worldwide - was controlled by SATELLITE.

MARK R had found out in 1994 - that I could ‘turn myself into a server’ or rather I could use my microchip back on the satellite network to find out…and hack into…pretty much anything.

I have no idea who taught me to do this.

So - now an explanation is necessary of what happened during those SIX HOURS in the CIA SUITE.

Firstly, ‘john waters’ was in contact throughout - telepathically…and he was reading through a list of ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER businesses…accompanied by the PRINCES who had supplied him with the material.

This was an extraordinary ‘conspiracy’ - which also involved THE PRINCE OF MONACO and AMADEUS…

When AMADEUS had found out that I could ‘do this’ - see above - he realised that he had to get out of the TEMPLAR CASTLE as quickly as he could and get an interview with the PRINCE OF MONACO. DALDRY drove him there…suspicious…he was being run by MARK R at the time…and the ‘FERENGI’ and his associates (GOLDMAN SACHS)…but AMADEUS wouldn’t spill the beans. You can guess what happened next.

Anyway, ‘john waters’ began by telling me to drain every VATICAN BANK account that was directly related to HARRY POTTER merchandise…but then he went further afield and I questioned why…he said ‘honey, that’s the parent company, subsidiary company, they are all related’…and I knew that they weren’t but decided to go along with whatever he was doing, anyway…

They were in the business of draining every single ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER account that they could find…the HARRY POTTER money, was in fact - a small fraction of this amount…

Afterwards they gave me a bogus account number - at CREDIT SUISSE - which if I touched it - would alert heaven knows what ‘financial crime’ agency unto my back…yet another cruel twist in this ILL GAME.

Anyway, all I can say is that I got my revenge upon the ‘ferengi’ and his associates like GOLDMAN-SACHS.

One can see in retrospect why PUTIN was loathe to take those satellites down….once you know the system, you can move the money around, anywhere you like…

I know that the SEPHARDIM were also heavily involved with the above…which ‘john waters’ called ‘the heist of the century’.

Additionally, SCARLETT would have been involved in terms of then being able to bring the ROTHSCHILDS down…severely weakened because the ‘rivers of money’ were no longer flowing their way.

The PRINCES keep on saying ‘pure genius’ upon the network.

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL mail in my SPAM box:

Yahoo! Alerts Important Information Regarding Your yahoo Account 7:47 AM 4KB

Black Rabbit said...

Whilst walking down the promenade and taking the path down to the lower promenade (just past the 'crazy golf' set-up)...I looked behind the 'cage' gate of the steps going up behind the YELLLOW building where the guy sells tickets for the crazy golf...

It was filled with programming objects and general 'litter' which mainly appeared to have been brought from MACDONALDS.

If the MASONS would like to know who was responsible for the above...I suppose that these people replaced PRINCE CHARLES 'twig' symbolically-speaking...within that programming site.

Black Rabbit said...

So was it all his 'brainchild'?

Black Rabbit said...

So was it all his 'brainchild'?

Black Rabbit said...

Luckily I cannot remember what the CREDIT SUISSE account was anyway...but apparently all I had to do was to bring in a birth certificate to prove who I was...

Black Rabbit said...

So was that the last ILL TRAP in this game?

After all I had done for them...

Black Rabbit said...

One can see that they were all preoccupied with 'payback' time - for having been so humiliated and on videotape at the TEMPLAR was to get those who had set the whole thing up in the first place.

Black Rabbit said...

I can see now that one of the stages of the ILL GAME was to ‘do time’ but I simply refuse.

So the ILL want to imprison me for the rest of my life - for ‘stealing money’ upon their behalf? If so may G-D bless the PRINCES for they are on the LEFT HAND PATH all of the way…

The ‘hook’ to get me involved was to tell me that they would get my money back from the ROTHSCHILDS/ROCKEFELLERS and then ’john waters’ told me to drain all of their accounts - regardless - and why not? It was all ‘stolen money’ in the first place - what did it matter? Damaging the ROTHSCHILDS/ROCKEFELLERS put a large dent into GOLDMAN-SACHS and the whole ‘communist NWO’ project. It stopped it - in effect. The satellites then began to come down…the PENTAGON must have realised that this had to be done as quickly as possible…but PUTIN wasn’t playing ball…as much as he might…

…anyway, to insist that I should go to prison - like RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and ROS had done for a short while…not to mention MACDONALD because it is all part of the ILL GAME…well, piss off.

I wonder now - did OBAMA ‘do time’ at some point? What about the SWISS CONTROLLER?…and MARK R?

One can see that the ILL world is just a bunch of dirty cockroaches…just like that BLUE VELVET opening scene…they just keep on fighting each other, under the green lawn…unseen by most…

Black Rabbit said...

Does NAT ROTHSCHILD even own his yacht nowadays?

If I am right - then MI6 won't have left this family with a bean - existing on bank loans and the 'never-never'...

Rather like what happened to MAXWELL...until he got pushed off the end of his yacht.

So what is going on in the media then - in relation to the ROTHSCHILDS?

I mean - they might have found a way to steal the money back via PUTIN - who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' are saying 'use the spyglass on them' - what do you mean by that?

Black Rabbit said...

What do you see through the 'spyglass'?

I then got some images of a lot of people in gaol...

Black Rabbit said...

It's all coming back now - this is MACDONALD's research upon the CHINESE PYRAMIDS...he and his 'gang' appeared to want to prove the existence of an extraterrestrial race which 'mated' with humans or something like that...I can remember the 'military images' being sent to him...and he told me to study the photographs...

I had been taken there as a 'psychic' under mind control - ROS and TOMLINSON were also there to 'check up on me' telepathically so that they could make sure that I was telling them the truth...actually it was just a 'joyride' for the pair of real reason why they should have been there at all.

Black Rabbit said...

I cannot remember having much to say...I remember picking up telepathically upon what ROS was thinking...something about how an alien species had replicated what they saw in terms of the earthlings and then created that tomb of a sort of 'museum' that they could visit at a later date because they knew that the people would be long gone...the next time they visited the planet...all silly stuff.

Black Rabbit said...

I've just read an article upon MR ICKE's site about how the ISRAELIS DONE 9/11...

...that made me wonder what on Earth MACDONALD and TOMLINSON were doing in the basement - trying to work out how the bombs would work...and why he had thought it a good idea to go in posing as ISRAELI ART STUDENTS...

Couple that with RIMINGTON who was the FERENGI's number one woman...what was going on?

Black Rabbit said...

I was puzzled by the geographical location of the SPACE STATION liftshaft...and I appear to have found some panoramio PHOTOGRAPHS which may explain that...are they from AMADEUS?

Chertov Palets s Morya

Let me backtrack here...I had found a MICHAEL CHERTOFF on the above site:

I remembered that the name CHERTOV or CHERTOFF to the Americans...was the first name on the list and a pseudonym of ROTHSCHILDS... I looked it appeared to be a town/city/region judging by the photographs and then I found the panoramio site and that rang a few bells...

World Map Ukraine Shevekova

Chertov Palets s Morya

So is this where it was...or is there something else here?

Black Rabbit said...

This photostream contained an image that the commentators appear to think is a dragon's head in stone...

World Map Ukraine Shevekova

Золотые ворота

Black Rabbit said...

So we are back to the BLACK SEA again? Why?

Black Rabbit said...

I have definitely seen the photographs of these guys before - in particular:

Dr. Roman Chertov, Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Roman Chertov is a senior researcher at Santa Barbara Labs. He also holds a visiting researcher position at the University of California in Santa Barbara. His primary interests include high-fidelity network emulation, network measurements, highly-configurable and scalable testbeds, satellite networks, and mobile applications.

Black Rabbit said...

AMY LYN-KARPER on facebook?

Black Rabbit said...

AMY LINN-CARPER my misspelling...

Black Rabbit said...

AMY LINN-CARPER my misspelling...

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

This is such a weird map for colour-coding:

FRANCE and the UK appear to be GREEN.




UKRAINE - ORANGE (and so on)...

Black Rabbit said...

RUSSIA is a DULL TURQUOISE...whilst NORWAY is PURPLE...stranger and is a Russian map, by the far as I know...

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

After a nap this morning… a bit more came back…

AMADEUS seemed keen to ‘pair me off’ for some reason and after the TOMLINSON ‘failure’ - he tried out ROBERTO CIPOLLA as another potential candidate but this also failed - I was supposed to be in a child alter of 7/8 and apparently he felt too guilty - the ‘regiment’ are also saying ‘repressed homosexual’…I can remember how we had to go to a ‘BASSNETT’ lunch party…and she had a private talk to him at the time…as far as I know - this was probably all about keeping the money in the family…CIPOLLA = ‘layers of the onion’ = mafia.

Funnily enough - whilst in a ‘child alter’ - my adult alter was watching all of the time…myself acting out as a ‘child’ and the others around me. An odd experience.


I remembered more about what happened in relation to CHINA and the PYRAMIDS…I couldn’t concentrate because I was picking up the ‘crazy company’s’ thoughts…and I told MACDONALD to leave me alone at one of the sites…he told me that wasn’t possible…so I said ‘you won’t find out then’…and he left it at that. I was also picking up on my ‘radar’ two Chinese assassins…in the distance - in one of the houses in the fields…they had been MOSSAD programmed…ILL alters…so it was probably a good thing that I wasn’t left alone.


I can also remember being with AMADEUS on the CLACTON AIRFIELD to go and view the planes…RIMINGTON bought me a bag of sweets - it cost £30.

The owner of the B&B came in the other day and talked about how much a bag of sweets had cost at the airshow…and how a GRANDMOTHER had bought a bag for her child whilst complaining about the price…

Anyway, RIMINGTON had bought them because they were programming materials…I suppose the colours…the pastels…I hated that type of sweet…AMADEUS said ‘I thought you would’…I then spotted the icecream stall and so we went and had an icecream instead.


That VODKA previously mentioned…MILIBAND used to use it on the BANKERS - a ‘toast to Russia’ - it had been drugged beforehand.

Black Rabbit said...



Remember the ARTIC POLE cartoon in a frame that I had found in the second-hand junk store by EAGLEHURST?

Complete with the REINDEER and was it FATHER XMAS and the 'FOX'?

I am now thinking about the PRINCE OF MONACO...

LE GUIN....GUINNESS...this must have originally been a French family...

Black Rabbit said...

CHP as in LINDSEY CARROLL has just rung me to say that there is NO NEWS at all...they are in the same situation as they had been she will contact me later when she has more news...

Black Rabbit said...

Skipping through:


This appears to be all about what happened to ROS and TOMLINSON upon the space station - reading between the lines.

PUTIN turns up as a rather violent and nasty-looking alien RED LIZARD (he will be pleased).

Reference is made the the TRANSIBERIAN EXPRESS and so one can say the RUSSIAN/CHINESE/MONGOLIAN pact of sorts...

...and that is that, really.

Black Rabbit said...


One of the graphic designers in interview - spouts MARK R's opinion of CHRISTIANITY as being 'dark'...and also G-d as being 'dark' in terms of being rather menacing if not downright now I see precisely where MARK R's Christian beliefs were coming from...

As the CHINESE would say 'bad magic'.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that MARK R had written and arranged this whole book with his mind control slave stable of graphic designers...

Black Rabbit said...

Dr. Roman Chertov

Getting back to this guy - MACDONALD had shown me both photographs upon the internet and told me that I had met him before...but I couldn't remember where...

Had he been the HOUVEN 'FBI' guy who jumped out of the bushes as I was walking away from the OVAL?

I remember noting that the rather 'gay boy' image of him looked like RIK ALLEN when young which made MACDONALD laugh but apparently that wasn't the who was this CHERTOV?

Black Rabbit said...

So I went back to CHERTOV PALETS S MORYA...and found that it is all about the THEOSOPHICAL cult.

That SWISS UNCLE had apparently been a member of this society...

Black Rabbit said...

What type of PALET are we talking about?

I can now understand the CHERTOV reference in terms of 'NASA SCIENTIST' or the equivalent...and the relationship to the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY...but what is PALET?

Are we talking wooden beds - as in the PRINCES at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - complaining about how they had to sleep on them too - as TEMPLAR KNIGHTS?

Black Rabbit said...

the CIA have singled out in RED:


"By mid 1890, Blavatsky’s perspective on the issue had fundamentally changed. In “Why I Do Not Return to India,” her most important statement on the relationship between the Masters and the Theosophical Society, she writes: “One of the chief factors in the reawakening of Âryâvarta, which has been part of the work of the Theosophical Society, was the ideal of the Masters. But owing to want of judgment, discretion, and discrimination, and the liberties taken with Their names and Personalities, great misconception arose concerning Them. I was under the most solemn oath and pledge never to reveal the whole truth to anyone, excepting to those who, like Dâmodar, had been finally selected and called by Them. All that I was then permitted to reveal was, that there existed somewhere such great men; that some of Them were Hindus; that They were learned as none others in all the ancient wisdom of Gupta-Vidyâ, and had acquired all the Siddhis, not as these are represented in tradition and the 'blinds' of ancient writings, but as they are in fact and nature; and also that I was a Chela of one of them. However, in the fancy of some Hindus, the most wild and ridiculous fancies soon grew up concerning Them. They were referred to as 'Mahâtmas' and still some too enthusiastic friends belittled Them with their strange fancy pictures…"

Black Rabbit said...

Now, wasn't BLATAVSKY the one who thought that the 'ascended MASTERS' were all living in the middle of CHINA somewhere?

Black Rabbit said...

They have also singled out in RED:


"In the historical references of the dynasty of the Moryas and also the Bhavisha Purana from which source the Theosophical Society also drew their knowledge it is clearly mentioned that El Morya (Maurya) was the son of the emperor Samudragupta (also known as Shigra), and in turn Morya's son Bindusar, who gave birth to the emperor Ashoka whose symbol of the "Ashoka Chakra" adorns the flag of India even today[86]. This line of kings were of high family and spiritual lineage and were the receiver of the holy ashes of the Buddha at Pipalivahan."

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, in RED:


"Twin flame
Some Ascended Master Teachings organizations, such as the Inner Light-Workers, assert that Morya has a twin flame (celestial wife) named the Lady Master Sachita Kaur who was previously incarnated as a harem dancer in the Middle East and later as a Carmelite nun. [90]"

Black Rabbit said...

They are all nutters - aren't they? But dangerous ones...

Black Rabbit said...

MORYA speaks to me - he says:

Lots of incense, a big dressing-up box of oriental clothing...scary drugs in samovars...'don't knock the experience' says AMADEUS...

It is all DAN DARE meets EMPEROR MING to me...all silliness.

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my SPAM box:

Subject Date Size
Unread bob hakam PEASE REPLY IMMEDIATELY 11:28 AM 8KB

Black Rabbit said...

My windows media player just flashed up on my screen.

There will be a reason for that.

Here are the featured tracks upon it:








Black Rabbit said...

Last night I began to think of what AMADEUS had tried to do for me and others in relation to ‘pairing us off’ to see whether or not we could live as ‘couples’ and in my case - that wasn’t possible. That made me feel rather lonely - although at the time - the onus was on the ‘man’ as in TOMLINSON or CIPOLLA or NIR…I dreamt of NIR last night and how we had really loved each other but 20 years difference in age, can only spell heart-break in the end and even if it didn’t the expectation that it would, wouldn’t go away and that would somewhat mar the life that you had, together…

I then wondered about who I really was…and realised that I was quite similar to ‘john waters’. At 40 years old, when he was living in BLACKHEATH, alone in that large house…and he had lots of people that he knew but he was always alone…his conscious preference to be alone…and veering from exuberance and passion for his creative projects (good or bad) and then complete depression and misery at being alone and lonely…but that was what he liked…it was too hard too form an attachment with only one ‘significant other’. He was what people simplistically call ‘a difficult person’. I am also a ‘difficult’ person with no expectations of finding that ‘significant other’ - because like him, I do not really want to…no expectations that it could possibly work.

‘john waters’ had this passion for his projects…when he had an idea forming…he couldn’t stop thinking about it…awake 24 hours a day sometimes…and he would begin to formulate how to put it into practice…how to make it work…he was very practical in this way…something that I lack…I have ‘come up with the ideas’ and ‘started the ball rolling’ but have rarely completed anything…but emotionally, I can see that we came from the same place…the same sort of ‘difficult person’.

In later life, ‘john waters’ realised that he could help others like himself - those more wounded and less able to help themselves…those that he thought were worth it…and eventually he created his ‘EDEN’ to help his ‘friends’…and I was invited along…even though it was primarily a ‘male’ establishment and now I am beginning to see why…it is my way out of all of this.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now see that MARK R was also one of ‘john waters’ children…in 1994, he was doing a similar thing for some of us…those who had been ILL-programmed…he was like a ‘mother duck’ to me for a while…and the others in his care…he was drawing a community around him…although as far as I could see….he had no ‘significant other’ either. He spoke of his relationship to ‘john waters’ but how it fizzled out in the end because ‘john’ really wanted to be alone (whether he admitted it or not)…his interest wasn’t in a one-to-one relationship…and how difficult it had been for MARK R to come to terms with that one but he had done so, in the end.

I then thought about MACDONALD - and how he was doing a ‘fatherly thing’ for the ‘crazy company’ - organising us, keeping us all together…whilst agonising over why he couldn’t settle down…why he kept on with his ‘first love’ even though the relationship had ‘died’ many years before and they couldn’t actually get on enough - in order to live together.

I then thought about ROS and how she didn’t seem to be able to find a ‘significant other’ despite her attractiveness to men, in particular…but then like myself, she was being used as a slave and so this horrific disruption within your life makes it almost impossible to smooth things over in any given relationship…once you come back to ‘this side of the mirror’ and eventually you give up trying…

RIK ALLEN was probably the same, although I do not know…I am thinking of that time, in NY.

I thought about TOMLINSON who didn’t even seem to try for any ‘significant other’ relationship and spent his time going from one slave to another…compulsive promiscuity - as a sort of escape.

TOMLINSON had also been ‘one of john waters’ children…I do not know how many of us, there had been.

So, in summary - I thought that if my life was to follow the model of ‘john waters’ then perhaps JASON wasn’t so far off…he had told me that I had to ‘clean out the toilets’ of the women at PETER BRUFF and he would do the same for the men…it was a psychic metaphor…he was an immensely strong remote-viewer…he advised me to train as a Social Worker or Mental Health Nurse…but at the time, I thought this far too difficult…firstly the course fees - the years of study at my age…then the fact that the pay is too low…I would never afford a mortgage…and the job is far too stressful due to lack of funding. So I pooh-poohed that idea, immediately. Not possible.

I wonder now though…what else did ‘john waters’ and myself do in those 6 HOURS…I am sure that I will get my money back at some point…and then I could do some good with it…upon the model of communal living…as he had done upon that island.

One could do it in two parts…form ‘communes’ like the one in EAST BERGHOLT upon the ‘john waters’ model where people could come and go as a ‘spiritual retreat‘…and then one could buy up old hospitals like SEVERALS and kit them out entirely…make sure that staff were no longer stressed out of their minds with low pay and day/night shifts…maybe give them housing within the area, so that motorway driving wasn’t a necessity in the mornings…that sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

...with the aim in mind of really healing people rather than a governmental 'lock them up and drug them - if they recover - good news if not - they are here forever.'

Black Rabbit said...

...and in relation to the 'john waters' model - no, i am not thinking of 'S/M PARLOURS' in the countryside - that is a very simplistic and very WRONG attitude to take upon the whole matter...

Black Rabbit said...

...I am simply saying that you should be able to explore 'unorthodox' methods of healing with 'consenting adults' order to truly understand where they are coming from...everybody has an idea of how they need to heal...and a consensus should be achieved as to what is 'safe' and productive in terms of healing.

Black Rabbit said...

...and of course staff need to know all about ILLUMINATI mind order to be able to deal with recovering victims...

Black Rabbit said...

...and 'john waters' knew all about that number.

Black Rabbit said... is a whole new 'thinking out of the box' project.

Black Rabbit said...

...ex-programmers like 'john waters' who were strong enough to withstand ILL programming - are the ones would be ideal to run such projects.

Black Rabbit said...

...and in the next generation - I can see that those like NIR would be brilliant at the organisation of such places...getting the whole thing together in terms of 'office management' of databases etc.

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' worked upon the principle that alchohol was 'safe' as a drug upon his island and the monks were allowed to drink...none of them ever became violent (when I was there)...and so he must have seen it as a sedative of sorts...when things got too much. However, I am not aware that any other drugs were allowed.

In terms of the NHS - I can see that pharmaceutical companies are the biggest problem, in terms of the healing of these people - perhaps the 'old way' of simply sedating people when they get out of the best is less harmful to the mind and body.

Black Rabbit said...

Since when did Catholic priests not drink anyway, ha ha...the Jesuits being no exception...

Black Rabbit said...

They all had to put in some back-breaking work in the vegetable patches...and orchard etc...and were then allowed a beer or two at supper - cooked on a rota system by the other monks - the whole thing worked very well.

When I look back on this short period of time - one can see that it was based upon the general model of monasteries anyway - since when didn't a monastery have a 'brewery' or distillery in the cellars?

Black Rabbit said...

The 'traditional model' in possibly every aspect...

Black Rabbit said...

Could the same be done for women?…that is a bit more difficult…I have never had any desire to be a nun but then I always had ‘gender issues’…from early childhood.

...but one could see that ROS might be good at that sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

...which was probably why I got let onto the 'male isle' - as a child, I had tended to perceive myself as more of a 'little boy' and 'john waters' knew it.

Black Rabbit said...

...mind you - donning the robes of a NUN could be quite refreshing...I am not against it...and the whole 'spiritual aspect' is the main appeal of the whole thing....cleansing oneself....getting back in touch with G-d and NATURE in general...

Black Rabbit said...

The thing that really puts me off the whole idea is that memory of the old LIVERPOOL STREET STATION and standing in the middle of it with my father...who then saw RIMINGTON getting off a train - with her 'COKE stash' in the leather bag...and bidding her 'good-day SISTER'...and flirting with her.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON in a nun's habit with her drugs stash, getting off a train - is an image that was seared upon my brain, as a very young child...

Black Rabbit said...


I was shown this book upon ‘john waters’ isle by one of the monks- yes, they were allowed a lot of freedom…just the pressure to pray to G-d and to do the work in the fields, keep the place clean and tidy - cook the meals…that was mainly what was required of them…in order to be part of the community.

One ex-MILILARY member liked this book particularly because it symbolised so much of what had gone on for him…having never been ‘on the front line’ myself…I couldn’t get past the violence of the imagery to be able to understand the plot or storyline…and so I didn’t read it properly…

There are references to the RED HOUSE and the RED PLANET…and there is a sort of ‘alien FERENGI’ and its mate around…so I suppose this would be the gist of the book…the final chapter contains the PRESIDENT OF THE USA who is turned into a ‘hybridic human’ of sorts…with his third eye open and an extra arm and leg…but I do not know if I am misreading the whole story because I never read it properly…and I cannot now - it is a ‘male’ thing…a military thing…

The ‘FERENGI’ type alien worships a goddess called MEDUSA…now RIMINGTON played MEDUSA at POWERGEN…

The head robot of the ABC WARRIORS reminded me of the head of the ISRAELI BASE - which I was kept on for a while, with NIR…

However, as I skim through this comic again…there is ‘humour’ in the MEDUSA ALIENS saying:

MALE MEDUSA ALIEN: “The humans are not to be trusted. Once they have us in their camps. They will kill us all!”

FEMALE MEDUSA ALIEN: “ Then let us WRAP one last time…”

The two aliens then make a weird, ’dead tree’ star above their heads and say:

“Three in one…ONE IN THREE!”

Is this a reference to the DEMONIC TRINITY programming that we encountered in the USSR in 1980?

Could this also be about how in order to break free of it…you have to go from being to the power of the power of 4 - in order to regain the remote-viewing powers of your soul?

The ending is rather fatalistic though (was this written about GEORGE BUSH?)…because the ROBOTS ‘operate’ upon him and turn him into some weird hybridic human…and that is where the books ends.

The PRESIDENT then says:

“In the past, I tried to fight the red planet. I see things differently now.”

Is this a reference to the ROTHSCHILDS?

Black Rabbit said...

I should keep hold of that one and read it properly at a later date.

Black Rabbit said...



This comic book was used extensively and upon just about everybody at the TEMPLAR CASTLE by MARK would take many hours and a lot of notes to talk about it all...perhaps I also need to keep hold of this one.

All I can say is that the scenes, towards the end of the comic book where 3 men are kept in a cage...

'john waters' was one of these men...and I was led in to view them in that cellar...and 'john waters' kept saying to me telepathically 'don't worry, honey - it is all an illusion - I know it is an illusion and so do you'...

MARK R was trying to program this script in as 'reality' to the ILL SLAVES around...

However, the decapitated heads around were no illusion...'john waters' was referring to the programming as being the illusion...the whole plot and storyline.

Black Rabbit said...

The basic gist behind this programming was some drug that MARK R gave people which activated their 'fight or flight' times 1000 and made them terrified out of their minds...

Black Rabbit said...

The GRANDMASTER MASON with the 'pink face' who says:

"Abort? Abort? Fools - how can I abor the re-birthing of the godhead when already he writhes, rising in our fear and blood."

This part was given to DALDRY. MARK R pointed this particular illustration out to me and told me so - asking me about the similarity between features. "Doesn't it look like him?"

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know who the 'MASONIC MASTER OF CEREMONIES' was, as yet.

I do know that RIMINGTON played the 'MOTHER' of the GIRL with PSI powers (played by myself) and RIMINGTON then went on to abort ROS to get the 'egg'...ROS played the FEMALE SHAMAN.

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