Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

Let's do the first two again - just to make sure:

Here is the OTO one:

Black Rabbit said...

Black Rabbit said...

Just two more, in fact:

Black Rabbit said...

Black Rabbit said...

I 'heard' AMADEUS say to me:

'...may the cup pass from me'.

A religious saying accorded to JESUS in the GARDEN OF GESTHEMANE.

I entirely share your sentiments 'may the cup pass from me' also.

I am no 'martyr' to anybody's cause.

So if we all refuse the 'cup' - what happens next?

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL MAIL in my inbox:

Subject Date Size
Unread Ama Ibrahim READ AND REPLY ME IMMEDIATELY. Mon, 24/8/09 10KB

Unread hice justin Dearest, Miss Hice Justin Yac Mon, 24/8/09 11KB

Black Rabbit said...

Ibrahim - that was you wasn't it TOMLINSON - in a 'bra' - yes, you did...


That was something that I had joked about with DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995 - PRINCE CHARLE's way of saying 'HOUSE' as spotted by IAN HISLOP.



So is PRINCE CHARLES in bed with a YAK - are they 'partners'?

Black Rabbit said... was your 'lesbian' PRINCE CHARLES had a 'YAK' phase?

Black Rabbit said...

On the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network they are calling the ILL game OFF…saying that the WHISTLE has gone…so who blew it?

The ‘game’ isn’t over until you have paid my money back…

Did getting to the ROTHSCHILD level alarm you too much…was it the URLS of the above websites exposed to the world…what triggered that response?

I have just exposed an ILL RITE concerning the ‘GALILEO satellite people controller’ this morning…and a ’torture’ mattress as what…a ‘comfort blanket’ for my flat, in a RA DEPOT - do you think that I am going to stop exposing the lot of you, for all of this?

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON is now telling me 'lipstick on my collar'...

This was a weird bit of programming that he did at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he made me put on some lipstick and kiss his collar...he then ran off to RIMINGTON who 'spotted' it 'by chance' and then had me tortured as punishment.

So what are you going to do now, TOMLINSON - run to RIMINGTON and get her to punish me for exposing your LESBIAN phase?

Black Rabbit said...

You'll have to dive deep if you want to find her...

Black Rabbit said...

I get it...why it was symbolically important to bury her body in that sinking mud UNDER the BRIDGE.

When a programmer dies - a programmer who was supposed to CONTROL your BRIDGE as in your RABBIT PONS...they bury that programmer's body UNDER the bridge.


To show that they control the subconscious mind of the slave - even in death?

Black Rabbit said...

Surely it would work the OTHER way though - once under the bridge - that was the end of her - no more 'on the bridge' and 'in control' of the slave, time...

Black Rabbit said...

...but if one looks at MR MOON programming...he stood behind you on the oriental bridge and told you to look at his reflection in the water...

So we are talking MIRROR PROGRAMMING...the ILL hope that you will still feel that your programmer has control of you, on the other side of the if they were still alive.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so I just got a phonecall from LYNDSEY CARROLL to say that the property hasn’t been handed over to CHP yet - some ‘complications’ and that I should hear from them by next week and a provisional appointment date is now set for the following THURSDAY - 3rd September.

So what has happened?

This could go either way - firstly - as I had previously thought…’CAROL’ as in the lookalike from DARTINGTON has crossed me off her list as an uncooperative RA CULT slave…and therefore the above is basically a lie…the flat will go to somebody else and next week I will be rung up and told that the whole thing has fallen through because of ‘technical complications‘.

Secondly, I might still get the flat - who knows?

Anyway, if it has all ‘fallen through’ - then the next stage in RIMINGTON’s plan was to put me in the ‘middle of nowhere’ in a ground floor flat upon a terraced house road where the whole of the street has the keys to my front door and every time I go out, more of my things get stolen - the location being, miles away from a bus-stop and any shops…and a ‘one every hour or so’ bus timetable…into the centre of town.

So you can see why I have to continue with this ILL GAME and continue to expose the RA CULT.

I do not want the above future.

…and any old crap about ‘let the cup pass from my lips’…doesn’t wash with me…I am no JESUS CHRIST and I am not sacrificing myself for ILL, sick and diseased people…

Okay, so AMADEUS is probably still in hospital and recovering from LEAD poisoning and therefore one can see that he is in no fit state to continue with this ‘quest‘…the ‘regiment’ are now regretting their disbelief in him and would like to send ‘get well’ cards…but they do not know the address.

Having already been through LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE myself and a stay in hospital - because of the diabolical trio…I have no desire to be poisoned again, by those mother-fuckers.

MOTHERFUCKER being the operative word - RIMINGTON used to refer to herself as ‘MA’ (and they all had to service her) .

Who was ‘PA’?

Black Rabbit said...

I guess PUTIN was 'pa' - having taken over from MARSCAPONE?

So why was he so subdued in the KREMLIN - pointing out how he couldn't stop 'them' with their diabolical forcefield electronic gadgets and the fragmented souls?

Black Rabbit said...

So I am back to the old scenario - RIMINGTON never left RUSSIAN intelligence...the new BLOG OF NOTE even says that she was actually born in RUSSIA.

IVAN THE TERRIBLE'S AUNT maybe, according to ANDREW TAIT/MARR's poetry.

I know that the KGB actively recruited her in 1961...

Black Rabbit said...

...but then, in 1980 ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER was telling the GREEN TEAM during her 'Russian class' that the ROYAL FAMILY were all COMMUNISTS now...we were all in it together...

Black Rabbit said...

...not that any of the GREEN TEAM had a choice...we just sat there and stared at her...I thought she was simply mad and dismissed the whole lot...

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS had called the PRINCE OF MONACO 'pa' at one point...but I would guess that he threw over that mantle, some time ago...



So were the TASCHMANS the 'MA' of the ILL CULT?

Did RIMINGTON tell the TASCHMAN BROTHERS what to do?

Is that why they were 'out of their tiny brains'?

Black Rabbit said...

LLOYDS CHEMIST - I went in there today to buy a couple of things and as I approached the shop - I saw a similar, long PINK balloon as the one that had been left upon the BRIDGE in front of the pier this morning (but that one had been chopped in half)…this long, thin, PINK balloon was in front of the shop…

When I say ‘long’ I mean a sort of SAUSAGE BALLOON before it is blown up…the type that CLOWNS use to make SAUSAGE DOGS.

Anyway, I went into the shop and the MANAGERESS was advising her two sales staff on what to do if another ‘occurrence’ of ‘that’ occurred.

What had happened?

Somebody had walked in with new supplies and simply walked up their stairs beyond the counter, to their storeroom of drugs and medication…without AUTHORISATION.

That person used to be ROS - who then used to mess around with people’s medication (in packs, in large trays - ready to go out to behind the counter)…steal drugs…whatever the ILL CULT wanted her to do…

So that has now been STOPPED.

That RA CULT ‘procedure’ has been discovered and the people at LLOYDS CHEMISTS are no longer under mind control.

Good news all round - particularly for people who pick up medication, there.

Black Rabbit said...

So yes, SCARLETT - how many deaths…heart-attacks, seizures and strokes had resulted…because RIMINGTON had decided that she didn’t ‘like’ a RA CULT SLAVE anymore…and had either murdered them via ROS in LLOYDS and the medication packs - or had crippled them…full recovery from a stroke, is quite rare, amongst the elderly.

Black Rabbit said...

So does ROS believe that RIMINGTON is still in control of her BRIDGE - her RABBIT PONS?

If so - it must be quite difficult for her to hide in terms of her looks...she had a 'baby face' in terms of did the RA CULT give her a 'beak nose' or something - reconstructive surgery?

DALDRY might know...he had given actress NICOLE KIDMAN a 'beak nose' in his film about the rebellious RA CULT SLAVE Virginia Woolf.

Who was WOOLF's programmer?

The history books tell us that her favourite person was VITA SACKVILLE-WEST...a lesbian (but married) member of the aristocracy...

However, VITA was on more than 'good terms' with her American (?) husband...they were 'best friends' until the end....

So one can say that poor old VIRGINIA was pushed from pillar to post...she had remembered the CHILDHOOD ABUSE but she couldn't remember her CURRENT programmers...

I had read this about the ILL CULT:

They allow you to remember CHILDHOOD ABUSE (these compartments of the brain are less traumatised) that you will blame your early programmers (normally parents and relatives) - so that you will tend not to remember the HIGH CULT personages that you were then forced to sexually service in later life - in adulthood (the torture and trauma to keep these memories from surfacing is far more horrific).

Black Rabbit said...

So - sorry DAD and MUM - and your 'friends' - you were not the real culprits of the whole ILL scenario, however I think that my NOTES have already made that one plain, enough.

Black Rabbit said...

So who was the person who tried to kill me off the most? It appeared to be different people at different times...RIMINGTON tried quite a few times...the ROYALS and TASCHMANS did in PRAGUE...

TOMLINSON had decided to make me believe that only HE was my saviour at the TEMPLAR CASTLE(see notes on 'basting my lips' after I had been starved into a skeleton and my hair had fallen out)...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose after the initial fear that I was opposing them - at any given point in time - the knee-jerk reaction was to kill me off...but then after failing and some consideration upon the matter...

"She's one of the best remote-viewers, she knows about somewhere that the MASONS call the 'pink planet' - haven't got to the bottom of this yet - let her live'...and so I survived...hand-to-mouth.

Black Rabbit said...

Did PUTIN try to recruit me to the KBG in 1993?

I have foggy memories of having to stand before a man at a PLINTH, who in turn was standing in front of some sort of EAGLE effigy upon the wall...but it was all nonsense and I treated it with a pinch of salt...I was too drugged to remember what he was saying...but I had to swear some sort of oath...pinch of salt time again...

Black Rabbit said...

I have memories of the AMERICANS i.e. MACDONALD...was it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...I do not know...but the same thing...again the 'oath' and the plinth....same set-up...again, 'pinch of salt' time with myself...

I mean when you are drugged out of your can you concentrate upon a word of it...still less believe in any OATH that you are supposed to 'swear'...absolute NONSENSE.

Black Rabbit said...

I wasn't a gullible kid and I am not a gullible adult.

Black Rabbit said...

Maybe 'gullible' isn't the right word - I have been conned by the tricksters of the ILL CULT, so many terms of meeting inveterate liars who are so smooth at their game...

It is simply their drugging and their 'illusions' that involve 'sets' - the ILL CULT go to town on this sort of stuff in the higher echelons...and that is something that I never had a taste for...amateur dramatics and 'make believe'....

Black Rabbit said...

...perhaps all of those re-enactments at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (and within other locations - notably ROS' script at a LONDON Victorian gaol)...were done by people who had drunk 'RAINBOW JUICE' and I couldn't stomach it without going into an NDE...perhaps that is why I can remember and they do not...or they are simply too cowardly to come out of the woodwork and state it.

Black Rabbit said...

I can hear that network saying 'we all got our ILL CULT pay-offs' i.e. their houses, incomes and so on.

Black Rabbit said...

...and now SWINE FLU where the lot of you go up in smoke - happy darlings?

If swine flu doesn't get you...there is more in the pipeline.

Black Rabbit said...

I mean, swine flu was a bit of a joke, yes?

It exemplified the TERRORIST ACTIVITIES of a WESTERN STATE - and how you reacted to that was measured...

Black Rabbit said...

The regiment are saying that it is a fucking/fecking game...

So you have all woken up to that one now?

You dare to say it is an FBI game but in whispers - but you are scared...

If it is...why not say it?

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say (to the 'regiment') is that I am sure that you will think that I am 'under mind control' when I say it as in 'x' or 'xx' all know the codes...and that the most powerful remote-viewers are with the SEMITIC populations...

They are in ARABIC countries.

You lot got grounded, for some reason.

You had better look into that one, fast.

I know that you are already doing so...but you have to question your motives...who are you really working for...yourselves...the life and health of this planet and everybody and everything on it...or WHAT?

Black Rabbit said...


What springs to your mind when you hear the word NASA?

What WORDS do you associate with NASA?

What is the WORD that summarises NASA to you?

What does NASA mean?

(Please give adjectives such as ‘hot’, ‘cold’, ‘high’, low’, ‘slow’, ‘fast’, ’stupid’, ’clever’ etc.

…a good job that I was an EFL teacher - with people who had lower levels of vocabulary but of very high intelligence (and all BC students were of a high intelligence) - this sort of exercise could entertain the whole class for most of the lesson although as a good teacher it was only a ‘warmer’ the next stage, after having recapped upon vocabulary already known…

Imagine yourself as a UK person in a foreign language class and being asked to do the same.

Black Rabbit said...

...the word IMPECUNIOUS or PECUNIOUS springs to mind between an ARAB diplomat's daughter and PUTIN...

Black Rabbit said...

...he had to admit defeat.

He was dumbstruck by the word.

Black Rabbit said...

...and so after that, he took it out on me and told me that I was a 'bad teacher'...

He didn't have a handle upon myself...

Black Rabbit said...

He turned up for the next lesson to be presented with my 'DRAW A TREE' 20 MINUTE EXERCISE at the end of the lesson...

He drew the most fantastically EVIL tree that you have ever seen in your life...and the small, terrified eyes of an OWL peering out of it...from a hollow in the trunk...

The whole class...who were supposed to go around and write comments upon each others' TREE drawings...didn't spare MR PUTIN...because they had a minimal amount of vocabulary, considering they were of pre-intermediate level...but some of them knew words like PESSIMISTIC...students always surprised you, in what they knew in terms of the English language...rather than just basic words...

Black Rabbit said...

The other words were far worse than PESSIMISTIC...every single negative word you could name, at a basic level...the CZECHS were having their say about RUSSIANS in general and the RUSSIAN occupation of their country.

They knew that PUTIN was RUSSIAN - he couldn't communicate in CZECH and they wouldn't use the RUSSIAN that they had been indoctrinated with as school children - to reply to him.

Black Rabbit said...

A divide and conquer scenario?

Most probably.

I felt very sorry for PUTIN in that role...he loved to be loved...a big pussycat or TOM that loves the attention but goes his own way....

He was still furious with me for that one - in SHANGHAI 2003.

Telling me, after all of those years...since 1995...that SUSAN SINCLAIR had been a much better teacher than myself...really...her students didn't reward her with flowers - not one class...nearly all of my classes did, at the end of term.

Aren't people petty? Even at the highest levels.

Black Rabbit said...

Imagine a slide of those old OVER HEAD PROJECTORS...

Now undertand that RIMINGTON and CO put so many BLACK SLIDES into you and into every different possible part of your body...

PUTIN did this to me... was that KGB mind control programming?

Just send them flying back to 'sender'...get rid of them all - form your body and mind.

Black Rabbit said...

SLIDE was also consonant with SHIFT-ing ALTER according to SHARON in ISRAEL 2007.

A 'slide' in military terms, meant a change of 'alter' - or if you prefer - a change in personality...into one that the ILL had conditioned, brutalised and hypnotised you into...

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember now - I wasn't a 'mug'as far as the UK 1980 course was concerned...

Nor were many other people..and so the ILL had decided that we all had to have a chosen DRUG...once we were driven to take it...the programmer could take telepathic control of drug was alcohol...ROS' drug as heroin...

I talked to MACDONALD about this in the CIA SUITE - about how I had never even liked alcohol as a child...and yet at 17 years old...I was going out 'with the crowd' and getting drunk as a lord...

Black Rabbit said...

I had never even liked the taste of alcohol...even though SOPHIE FISHWICK had enjoyed it (see previous notes where we had been dressed up as 'dolls' to serve a 1960s graphic designer and publishers's 'do')...

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON had told me - after the 1980 course to 'get drunk' before he wanted to see me - for that read 'use me'.

Black Rabbit said...

He had introduced me to firstly HEROIN but I had rejected it...

Okay, it had made me feel 'nice and warm' all night as if I were in a cocoon but nothing was unpleasant because I couldn't get to sleep...

I was in a CHILD ALTER or disassciated state, when he talked to me about all of this...

I had NO idea that I had been given HEROIN...

In addition, he then gave me NEAT VODKA...that did the trick...I cried and then felt emotional...that was the drug for short, at 17 years old...the ILL had decided to 'tag' everyone of the slaves with a DRUG.



I got the 'better end' of a 'nobody wins' deal.

Why not?

Because 'under the influence' an evil TELEPATH like TOMLINSON - could enter you - an 'empty shell of a brain' and tell you what to do...

That is what I had already known about and told MACDONALD in the CIA SUITE to get rid of that programming...oddly enough, he had no idea of what TOMLINSON had been up to...

Black Rabbit said...

I remembered a large amount last night - in relation to:


Where did this word come from?

It was one of the LINKS upon MARK R’s ‘intellectual property website.’

What does it mean?

It was a reference, thought up by MACDONALD and KAUPMAN to:

FERENGI and OAST houses

Why was the above encoded? Because the two of them had seen the future with myself - we had seen what would happen to us and they had decided that this particular ROTHCHILD looked like a FERENGI. I have yet to look up what they mean but I think a sort of ‘alien monkey’. The two of them told me that the family had made a massive amount of money from beer manufacturing and so I added the OAST to remind myself.

I have now remembered what the ROTHSCHILD looked like:

Imagine the IRISH gamekeeper in BILL AND TED (FAST SHOW) and think of his HAIRSTYLE (grey curly, sticks out like cotton wool)…now imagine a thin faced TONY BLAIR - quite wizened with ferocious teeth - eyes like a mad monkey…and you have the perfect picture of this ROTHSCHILD.

NAT ROTHSCHILD must be a relative if not the son of this man - he will look similar to the above by the time he is over 50.

Okay so this is the memory that came back with it.

The ‘crazy company’ in space.

Black Rabbit said...

Not in outer space but orbiting this planet in a RUSSIAN SATELLITE which could take 6 people.

CRAZY COMPANY were the crew. ROS stayed up there for 3 months - others were forced to stay longer.

As with the ISRAELI MILITARY - I simply refused to cooperate anymore…I would just lie down and cry…they couldn’t get me to do any work…they said that the problem was that I was in too young a child alter…they didn’t dare to put me into an adult alter for some reason…or an older child alter…because I am quite sure that the rest of them were in older child alters.

So RIMINGTON was sent up to bring me back down.

MARK R was in a 2-person SATELLITE - presumably owned by the ROCKEFELLERS.

Anyway, here is a basic description of what was going on ‘in orbit’ around the Earth at that point.

The RUSSIAN satellite was by far the most advanced and the only one that could take 6 PEOPLE.

Every ILL FAMILY (if they wanted to be somebody) had a SATELLITE up there - they had paid the MILITARY to do it. The idea being, that once most of the Earth’s population had been killed off - they would control their chosen ‘slave base’ in whatever part of the world…

TOMLINSON was planning how to deal with that one…the RUSSIAN SATELLITE was equipped with LASERS as quite a few of them were but that was because the MILITARY feared ‘alien attack’. The LASERS were there to guard the planet for the ILL - nobody had anticipated that ILL SATELLITES might start shooting one another.

PUTIN was against the whole thing but his MILITARY was being BANKROLLED by the ROCKEFELLERS and his top MILITARY GENERAL had gone completely mad - GENERAL MOSHARAV? PUTIN no longer had control over his military - the ROTHSCHILDS did.

TOMLINSON was thinking up a way to get the satellites down…to make them attack each other…

Once RIMINGTON had turned up to take me back to Earth…the rest of them had to stay behind…RIMINGTON didn’t have to stay with us - she was in control of the whole set-up.


I was taken to a huge CARPARK underground…with PUTIN and this mad ROTHSCHILD…it looked rather like a SWIMMING POOL because of the tiling upon the walls…and the walls were not symmetrical…it looked like an enormous underground cavern had been tiled - it wasn’t far underground…just like a carpark…you could drive in and out of it…the concrete floor looked like a car park and the walls were a sort of light blue pattern…and I think that was the point…nothing should seep through…just like a swimming pool bottom…

PUTIN told me that this is where they would stack the bodies of the dead…they were preparing for the STALINIST purges of this mad ROTHSCHILD - PUTIN didn’t want any of it to happen…

The insane ‘ferengi’ ROTHSCHILD then made me get into a huge wicker basket by one of the exit doors…he then began to brutally anally rape me…I was in a ‘trance’ at the time and so I cannot say that I remember it hurting but eventually I jumped out of the basket like an enraged child…the ROTHSCHILD got out too laughing he told me that he was the FOX IN HIS DEN…

PUTIN was leaving…a black sedan car had arrived…he got into it and he looked at me through the window…he was telepathically telling me to remember everything that I could and to expose what was going on in RUSSIA.

This ROTHSCHILD is completely insane - he is bankrolling the RUSSIAN MILITARY - the top generals are now insane and preparing for STALINIST PURGES of the Russian population.

Black Rabbit said...

What interests me now are the EMAILS that TOMLINSON sent me in 2006 - whilst I was in ISRAEL.

He kept on sending emails into my SPAM box which talked about how different SATELLITES were going down...being shot down?

Did this happen?

Were the ISRAELI MILITARY involved?

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know what happened to the 'crazy company' after that one - all I know is that we were 'special children' who had been especially picked for this type of job.

I knew enough to do some of the work necessary to control a satellite somewhere along the way - I had been taught - presumably by TOMLINSON.

The others appeared to know it all off by heart - it was a 'new experience' for myself. Horrible.

Far worse for MARK though - he went crazy in such a small space - he had been on his own for most of the time and nowhere to stretch his is an ILL punishment of sorts, to send you up man a satellite.

Black Rabbit said...

However, once the memory had come back...I knew what it was possible to do...

I could see beyond the satellites whilst remote-viewing - I went into OUTER SPACE and looked back at them, surrounding the Earth...and knew that remote-viewers could bring them down...go into the minds of the humans controlling them and 'deal' with the situation. Get them down.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, these ILL FAMILIES had a name for these satellites - they called them gods.

These tin-cans were called 'gods' and if you owned a 'god' you upped your status in the ILL had become one of the 'gods' who would survive the holocaust of the be given a slave-base to run...microchipped human beings, allocated to your tinpot 'god'.

Black Rabbit said...

So what about ANDREW MARR/TAIT's poetry then - which talked about a 'war in the heavens'?

Did it happen?

Did these tinpot gods have a laser war?

Black Rabbit said...

Lastly a memory came back of being on the coast...probably the South of France - with TOMLINSON - in a restaurant.

I knew that the plate of food before me - and the wine, had been drugged.

So I made an excuse to go to the toilet and then had been a hotel restaurant and I got into a it was a YELLOW was this still the USA. this is confusing...anyway, I took the taxi to the beach...knowing that this taxi driver had been waiting to pick both of us up and would report back to TOMLINSON...

I bought an icecream there...I was starving.

TOMLINSON caught up with me...and asked me what I was doing...I laughed and asked him for his camera - I took a photograph of him...two men came up behind us...he grabbed my arm and tried to run...I wouldn't...he ran.

I got into the car with the two men and they asked me ' did you get a photograph?' I replied 'yes' and gave them his camera.

That photograph is now being used upon THE TIMES article about TOMLINSON coming to a deal with SCARLETT...I took it. Probably the last photograph taken of him.

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that TOMLINSON and PUTIN are fighting a very dangerous battle against the ROTHSCHILDS in RUSSIA at this point in time...

All one can hope is that if enough people know...that they will overcome this minority of ILL FAMILIES and stop the 'purges' from happening.

Black Rabbit said...

Who wanted a photograph of TOMLINSON?

I do not know but I suppose it might have been ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE...but they seemed more CIA to myself...I cannot remember.

Black Rabbit said...

Somebody has just left a new comment in 'comments to be moderated'.

As far as I know - it is not what it seems - an ILL threat from the ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER clans.

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Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
Are you for real? I'm wondering, what are the "pl... Are you for real?

I'm wondering, what are the "players" in this game?

On the one hand I clearly see the Illuminati (= Order of the Quest/Serpent/Dragon, NOT Weishaupt's Illuminati), but do they have a "counterpart"?

What is their agenda?

Publish Reject (Anonymous) 07:08

Publish Reject

1 – 1 of 1
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Black Rabbit said...

So you want to know who is working against you?


(Clue: most of the world that you wanted to senselessly murder).

Black Rabbit said...

The new BLOG OF NOTE today:


It contains a photograph of Swiss controller and TOMLINSON sitting by a lake...or it looks like them, at any rate.

A lot of ILL IMAGES to choose from:

NIKON is ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD programming for NICKING everything that they can off you.



The POWELL and MASON red bus?



You are all on board the bus and being driven to your doom...


This is the symbol of TOMLINSON's 'child alter'. See previous photograph of the young TOMLINSON with this dog - I had thought it was a shi tzu.

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that OBAMA was the CAPTAIN of that 'space station' during my brief stay upon it...

I had a 'flash' last night that he had fully woken up to the whole thing and was now working against it.

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R had viewed his future too...he knew that he would go insane upon that SATELLITE...maybe that is how the ILL create such split-personalities...they just leave them up there until they completely lose it - the worst form of punishment possible.

Black Rabbit said...

So if the ILL timescale is to be believed:

This SEPTEMBER, they will try to begin their STALINIST PURGES and all over the world...

The dreaded 'epidemic' SWINE FLU will hit and the military will start stacking up bodies in these underground graves...carparks...and then sealing them up.

Black Rabbit said...

BIOCHEMISTRY that is what this whole thing, has always been about...

NOT space travel - that is impossible.

EINSTEIN was a liar - NASA is a liar.

It is all about SATELLITE CONTROL of this Earth - within orbit.

When the ILL say 'space research' they mean SATELLITES - designed to control the populations of the Earth.

Black Rabbit said...

Having skimmed through the GALILEO 'people controller' system...the ILL are telling us that this will be fully functional by 2013.

Why that year?

I suppose that by 2012...there will not be many human beings left upon this Earth.

The ones left - are those who have been especially microchipped - left to be used by the ILL FAMILIES and their tinpot 'gods'.

Black Rabbit said...

So what do we do now, people?

"Any old iron?"

Hang your ILL FAMILIES out to dry - throw them out on the streets.

I would hope that remote-viewing teams are at this minute - trying to bring those tinpot 'gods' down to Earth.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know how much of this - I told to SCARLETT in 2004 but one hopes ensure that he had 5 years to do something, before this point in time...

Black Rabbit said...

...and I can only hope that this was that TOMLINSON contacted me in ISRAEL 2006 to say that the 'tinpot gods' were coming down...

Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT had told me that whilst going through this ILL GAME again - that I might add some more to what I had already told him...let us hope that the above, didn't come as a surprise.

Black Rabbit said...

However, he didn't appear to know who AMADEUS was...both SCARLETT and BASSNETT kept calling him my 'imaginary friend'.

Surely you had CCTV on, in and around CLACTON?

I even know the hotel where he had stayed...a very real 'gent'.

I can remember the MILITARY MASONS involved saying that they had had an eye witness who might have spotted him but they weren't sure...

AMADEUS went into the town centre...everywhere...into could you all have 'missed' him?

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say is that this is extreme hypnotism (if true) and that it is something to do with 'fibre impressions' - see CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER OF FINLAND's account of how to take an impression of a human being's brain - from within the optical nerve.

You then get a sort of 'barcode' for want of a better word - of a person's DNA and how it operates...perhaps the current computer systems, in operation can 'blank out' a certain barcode...

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say is that last night...I got the picture that so many programmers were now becoming VISIBLE within the UK...

I had seen this happen at LLOYDS CHEMIST yesterday....ROS' replacement had been spotted and refused entry.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, MACDONALD appears to be out of prison and 'back in business' at the CIA - so everything begins to look a bit more hopeful...

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘ferengi’ - as far as I can see - BRITISH INTELLIGENCE identified him upon CCTV in some large city bank…a very old-fashioned one…the ARMY traced him - located his house - blew it up - ‘ferengi’ was then holed up in a tiny bunker underground, beside the house…his main escape route underground had been blown up by the explosion…it had caved in…US stealth bombers had actually done it…bombed the house…the British Army were posted around the house…’ferengi’ thinks that he has a RED BUTTON which will do something terrible in this little bunker but it won’t…the blast had destroyed the cables…

The CIA appear to have got ‘NAT’ in for questioning and he appears to be cooperating…he is telling them about the main tunnels but they caved in - useless information…the Army has to search around the house with their ‘sonic’ equipment…

Black Rabbit said...


TITANIA who falls in love with an ASS - 'Bottom'.


I am assuming here that RIMINGTON was the 'amour' or even 'wife' of the ferengi.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why MARK R tells us that the woman and her POMERANIAN puppy survive the sinking of the TITANIC.

The disposal of RIMINGTON.


Black Rabbit said...

See the last note on the BLOG OF NOTE today...that is where MARK R had put the 'conclusion' to this story.

Black Rabbit said...

Now I can see why I always tried to protect TOMLINSON - he was a 'puppy dog' to me...his child alter...just an innocent...a POMERANIAN PUPPY DOG.

Black Rabbit said...

He was the one who was working out STAR WARS in terms of getting rid of those evil satellites...

Black Rabbit said...

OBAMA - I had trusted him the most - apart from NIR...

I had shown him how to get to the PINK PLANET...and he had used it wisely, as 'john waters' knew he would...

Black Rabbit said...

PUTIN could have left RUSSIA years ago and retired...but he wanted to 'go down with his country'.

What I mean by that is - he didn't want what the ROTHSCHILDS were offering RUSSIA - HQ status, of the ILL CULT NWO.

PUTIN couldn't stand by and watch the STALINIST PURGES that had been planned for his people...he would stay with his country until the end.

A staunch patriot of RUSSIA.

Black Rabbit said...


RIMINGTON had thought that this meant the world...the mass murder of millions, probably billions in order to usher in the NWO.

It didn't mean that - in real terms it meant the sinking of the ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER NWO.

Black Rabbit said...

The MASONS should realised by now -that they and their families were all to be murdered.

The only people who would have been allowed to live - were those who were 'useful' and that meant highly controlled slaves e.g. those within intelligence and the military who had been chipped up to their eyeballs and programmed into the ground.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so when I looked up FERENGI all I got was STAR TREK and 'jooish aliens'...

...and I wanted a MONKEY image because that is what I had seen in the minds of MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

They SAID 'ferengi' but they were imaging this monkey, in their minds.

So I typed in 'fer monkey' in a search to see if there was a similar word to FERENGI for 'monkey' on a google search and got MARK R's website concerning the TOP ILL and the animals/reptiles that they had chosen to represent them - within the minds of their slaves:

Black Rabbit said...

So the MONKEY (with the white hair) was chosen by the ROTHSCHILD...

Who was a JAGUAR?

The snake with the GOLD IRIS of an eye...that was an ARABIC man - big in the Islamic world...he was horrified to learn that the 'ferengi' had been 'got'.

Black Rabbit said...

So the 'ferengi' had programmed himself into the minds of his slaves as a SPIDER MONKEY:

"- mjm093The spider monky lives in the rain forest. They have long hands. They have black fer. I'v seen them in Tical, guatemala. There funny."

Note the spelling mistakes - these are often deliberate.

Black Rabbit said...

There is a sort of multi-coloured bird on this page that I know was linked to myself ( and so probably slaves were given images from this page...for example the 'scarlet macaw'...

Actually - that ROTHSCHILD looks more like a BABOON come to think of it..the fuzzy hair on the sides of his face and head...

Black Rabbit said...

Look at this passage - it is a direct threat against JENNIFER.

Remember my poetry about 'apres moi le deluge'?

How I had described myself as being called JENNIFER who had joined the CIA and locked herself up in a 'chinese box'?

A direct threat against myself and the CIA, then.

"Some of the animals that live in the rain forest are monkey, leopards, panthers,toucans, anaconda.I like the anaconda because it is big and it could even reach up 37 feet long there are reports of larger anacondas but this is not been conform!!! it is really long anacondas eat fish,birds,and even larger mammals !!! they are usually located at the south of America they could live to 15-30 years that is cool.Anacondas well often wait for there prey.Jennifer"

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting a link here, between the ANACONDA and OBAMA...was he programmed with this?

Black Rabbit said...

"The rain forest is full of life. There are animals of every sieve and color.One animal that lives there is the anaconda. The anaconda is a snake. There are many species of frogs that live in the rain forest to. It is a dangeres place."

A: D A N G E R E S place?

I get it - a reference to DEGENERES - somebody called this, within the ILL CULT.

This is OBAMA'S 'joke' to myself...he was kidding about swallowing me up...

Black Rabbit said...

He was calling himself a really big snake who could swallow up all of the ILL controllers and programmers...

Black Rabbit said...

"There are many diffrent animals in the rainforest. Like a toucan.Its beak is usally colorful.They eat alot of fruit and small insects.Toucans usally live in trees and they do not migrate.
Jackyn Baltazar"

This is all heavily coded - for example JACK IN BALTAZAR was written by TOMLINSON in relation to the PRINCES and their 'Balthazar' programming?

These slaves who had been taught to be various animals were out to RENT (diff-rent)


So somebody called SALLY had been programmed with the TOUCAN in the photograph...

Black Rabbit said...

"There are many feared animals in the Rain Forest but I think that the Jaguar is the most feared in the Rain Forest. The Jaguar eats monkeys,small mamels,and mainly whatever it can catch. It's only endangered by humans. There going extinct because humans are killing them for there furs. That's the jaguar. - BIGA005 Apr 21, 2008 8:53 pm"

DAVID MILIBAND was programmed with JAGUAR so he could eat various other slaves but the 'human class' could eat him...or use him for his 'skin' at any rate...sounds NAZI to me...lampshades?

Black Rabbit said...

"My favorite animal that lives in the rainforest is the Komodo dragon. This giant lizard can escape all the water by climbing trees and hiding in the branchs. They eat other small animals like rats and baby monkeys. Komodo dragons are the biggest lizards in the world so far. The water moniter is also the relative of the Komodo dragon.- jrs029 Mar 27, 2008 11:31 am"

I am sure this has a hidden meaning but I am not sure what...

Black Rabbit said...

Were the TASCHMANS 'howler monkeys'?

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

"the rain forset"

translates as:

THE RAIN FOR SET (evil Egyptian god)

Black Rabbit said...

"Most of the animals in the rain forest are omnivors, and herbavoirs, but some like the tiger, eat other animals for food"


The above sounds like remote-viewing or something like that...

Black Rabbit said...

"The rainforst"



Black Rabbit said...


TU - that jewellry company - operatiing out of SAINSBURYS and selling off all of the designs that had been used as programming objects at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

Black Rabbit said...

"external image of macaw" has been deleted for some reason...why...what would be an internal image?

Black Rabbit said...

So the ANACONDAS were in South America in the main - but the CIA cleared them out...

This was all one big joke to OBAMA...he had loved that image of the ANACONDA.

Black Rabbit said...

There are some very dangerouse animals in the forests.

ROUSE has been named too...

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...


KETHER - this is the highest point of the KABBALISTIC TREE as far as I am aware...

...and that TREE has now been uprooted, CHABAD.

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...


jargon RAS?


Those like MILIBAND and JARMAN who can 'talk the talk' of the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...



PANZER - NAZI programming?

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R was represented by the BLACK he was always my favourite out of the ILL CULT...the unassuming 'ladykiller'...and 'john waters' good friend....and in THE JUNGLE BOOK - as a child, I had always loved the BLACK PANTHER, the best...

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

That last post was 1914...and I can remember OBAMA telling me in that CIA SUITE...that the years would be ticked off in relation to getting through slavery - the abolition of slavery and WWI/WWII...

Black Rabbit said...

"Some of the animals that live there are endangered or are about to be. And very few of the animals that live in th rain forest have never been discovered."

Some of us are now in danger...but some animals have never been discovered...what does he mean by that?


I know that the popgroup THETHE was an ILL-CODED name but what does it mean?

Black Rabbit said...

TH in the English doesn't exist as a sound in many other languages...

Black Rabbit said...

So he is saying that in this ILL forest called TH (a reference to ILL-SPEAK in ENGLISH) that there are some unknown quantities around...

Black Rabbit said...

Does the name ANDY GUZMAN hold any clues?

I am getting LES GUZ-MAN

...GUZ appears to be related to garbage...LA POUBELLE...and the name CLOONEY...CLUNES...I am not sure...

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

'golden loin tamarin'

The little emperor tamarin.
351 x 470 - 32k Golden lion tamarin
525 x 340 - 71k - jpg

YES - this is the monkey that the ferengi had chosen to represent himself...I am almost sure of it - the closest to the image in MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER's minds...

Black Rabbit said...

This is the best image that I can find:

"Gloden lion tamarin, a new world monkey by nethrafotos (376)"

A NEW WORLD monkey?

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the text under the above photograph:

This is the photograph of a golden lion tamarin, a new world monkey at the Bronx Zoo, New York.

New World monkeys are limited to tropical forest environments of southern Mexico, Central, and South America. All of these monkeys are predominantly arboreal and mostly herbivorous. They eat leaves, fruits, nuts, gums, and occasional small prey such as insects. Today, there are at least 53 species commonly divided into three families--Callithricidae, Cebidae, and Atelidae.

Tamarins are one of the new world monkeys. Golden lion tamarins are small (500-600 grams) monkeys native to Brazil. They live in the heavily populated coastal region of Brazil, where less than 2 percent of the forest remains.

They are endangered because their habitat has been fragmented into small, unconnected areas, each area only capable of supporting a small number of groups. Without intervention by the National Zoo, other zoos, organizations, and the Brazilian government, inbreeding would soon lead to the local extinction of many of these small populations of tamarins, and eventually of the entire species.
About 1,200 golden lion tamarins (GLTs) live in the wild, most in or near the Reserva Biologica de Poço das Antas in the state of Rio de Janeiro. About 450 live in zoos worldwide


Black Rabbit said...

So was ROTHSCHILD really top of the food chain at the ZOO as the GOLDEN LION TAMARIN?

Perhaps he had a HUMAN keeper?

Black Rabbit said...

harpy eaglr

That sounds like myself and anybody else who had to live in EAGLE HOUSE (or EAGLEHURST) for that matter.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had called it EAGLE HURTS where the ILL hurt the 'eagle remote-viewers' who had disobeyed them.

Black Rabbit said...

huned down

A reference to the surname HOON I suppose...

Black Rabbit said...

"In the rainforest there can be rain up to 5 inches a year think of how the animals feel to be out side."

Yes, an ironic joke about being in the zoo opposed to being 'OUT-SIDE' - note how the word has been get out 'sideways'...

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know, this is a reference to how the mind is split down the middle...if you can pass 'sideways' across your mind and join up the LEFT and RIGHT brain again...then you are on your way to healing...

Black Rabbit said...

'Feel' where you are inside your brain...locate your 'I' and if it is on the left or righthand side of your brain - shift it to the middle...although, if you want to regain all of your have to shift it fully into the other compartment to remember...after that...the centre, is best.

Black Rabbit said...

"There are animals of every sieve and color."

Every SIEVE?

This means that whilst in this animal alter - your mind is like a cannot retain the water/memories.

Black Rabbit said...

Black Rabbit said...

I've just found ROOM43 and the JACARANDA plants that had been in the FOYER of the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

TOMLINSON used to refer to himself as JACK sometimes...

Black Rabbit said...

I recognise this page as mine - as an ORANGE22 and 'mathsgeek' must have been NIR...who was telling me to protect the POLAR BEARS...those who were projecting POLOR BEAR - having been programmed with it...

Black Rabbit said...

So we all had WIKI pages of our own...

Black Rabbit said...

So we all had WIKI pages of our own...

Black Rabbit said...

This appears to be the original site...and I can see now, that the TEMPLAR CASTLE was just one big 'school' as in HOGWARTS for the 'ILL programmer'/magician class.

Reading sites

Reading sites
Maths sites
Inquiry websites
Library book reviews
room 40 blogsite

Black Rabbit said...

SONIA, SCARLETT and BASSNETT had heard reports of a tame RABBIT following TOMLINSON around...

So now you know - somebody projecting RABBIT and most probably one of the 'crazy company'.

Apparently OBAMA had a 'tame RABBIT' who followed him around, too...

Black Rabbit said...

On the whole - I projected BABY MONKEY to TOMLINSON...but I could alternate - depending upon his mood...

He wasn't trustworthy in terms of the BECS to share the 'pink planet' information with...but I told him that I would contact those that I knew might be able to help...

We were in the TEMPLAR GROUNDS at the time and he went into 'MAD BULL' and so I had to 'charm' him by using the spiral with my finger tip...telling him that he was a very sleepy bull who had to go and sleep under the appletree and not to worry, his COW would come back to worked...otherwise, he would have attacked me like an angry BULL.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now see that 'john waters' had realised that TOMLINSON was the single link into the RIMINGTON/ROTHSCHILD network...he had to be cultivated and protected within that role...RIMINGTON had taken a shine to him...and that would let us in to the whole thing...I was the 'monkey' confidante of TOMLINSON's...who would sometimes tell me things but not much...

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my inbox:


Black Rabbit said...

KAZIMIERZ...this is a reference to the JOOISH ghetto in KRAKOW, POLAND...and the 'ma' was RIMINGTON... thinks of the ROTHSCHILD building in LONDON where the refugee JOOS were put prison-like conditions...a similar 'ghetto' sort of life...

Black Rabbit said...

You ogre - kazimierz 'ma'.

That is what this message appears to be saying...

Black Rabbit said...

There is also a reference to OLGA CORBETT here, I am sure of it...RIMINGTON must have used the name OLGA at some point...perhaps she had been a gymnast in her youth...she certainly took on the role of 'ma' to KOBAETA (spelling) - the preferred gymnast of PUTIN...who had been told to spy upon him for 'ma'.

Black Rabbit said...

Good news upon DAVID ICKE's website - up to 50% of UK doctors have said that they will not have the vaccine themselves...along with the large population of nurses...although this appears to have gone down to a 1/3 now...but maybe it will go up again after reading that PULSE magazine is only flu after all and you do not need to jeopardise your health with a vaccine which hasn't been properly tested...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' are reminding me of:

TOGA 'MA' (see previous notes on ANIMAL HOUSE programming in 1980).

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so this morning…I began to think again of that photograph of ROS - the one where she is in the impossibly high BLACK SHOES and holding a plant in a pot - that towered above her.

Why had TOMLINSON taken that shot - when he knew that he wasn’t supposed to take photographs of any of us - more to the point - why had he put it on that website, for everyone to see?

I began to think back as to what had actually happened.

We had all been invited as ‘MARSCAPONE’s friends’ to a WEDDING VOW RENEWAL of his dearest and closest friends who looked a bit like JONATHAN SACHS and his WIFE…but I am not sure upon that one…definitely JOOISH ORTHODOX though…

ROS and I volunteered to find the PRESENT…MARSCAPONE wasn’t bothered…we just had to find something…we told the ‘boys’ that they weren’t allowed to know until the day…

I then went out and bought a highly expensive ‘vintage’ 1950s dress…and MACDONALD paid for it.

I then ‘styled’ ROS - yes, she still trusted me upon that number…I knew her tastes…so I said that in order to look stunning, we had to concentrate upon ‘face and legs’…she liked ‘butch’ designs rather than feminine numbers and so we decided to look for impossibly high-heeled shoes within ‘Goth/bondage’ shops…and she found THAT pair…tried them on, squeaked with excitement…’do I DARE to wear these’…and almost immediately decided that she did.

A red rinse for the bob…false eyelashes were a bit too much…and the ‘look’ was there…and the men fell about, as she got out of that taxi, causing quite a scene - particularly with that FLOWER POT and the 6 foot PLANT…in retrospect, I can see that ROS was dressed for MARSCAPONE…it was as ‘dominatrix’ as you could get away with, for a wedding vow renewal ‘do’.

So what was the PLANT all about?

We knew that the couple were serious horticulturalists - and so I said ‘let’s find something so exotic and rare that they do not have one’…and ROS found that a shipment was coming into the docks - upon the very same day as the wedding renewal ‘do’…

I therefore tried to do the social butterfly bit at the reception, whilst waiting for ROS to turn up with the PLANT that we had chosen…ROS had taken a taxi down to the docks but she was late…the reception was almost over…the couple were beginning to get a bit impatient…I assured them that ROS would be there with their ‘present’…the boys had no idea of what was going on (but maybe TOMLINSON did?).

TOMLINSON then snapped ROS as she got out of the taxi and took the plant off the back seat and proceeded to make her entrance towards the couple…who were visibly stunned.

Okay - so they already had a very small plant of the same species - it had been very expensive…and they were agog at the GARGANTUAN plant in front of them…the cost must have been astronomical.

They then inquired as to how many other such plants had been in the shipment - as far as I can remember, the number had been 8...and they quickly decided to buy the lot up…because they all had to go to ‘GOOD HOMES’. Peculiar, eh?

I can then remember being taken to their horticultural CONSERVATORY and electrocuted under that plant - in situ.

So who was behind all of this?

As far as I know it was the MOSSAD but they are not admitting to anything - I guess that spying ‘upon your own kind’ isn’t done. It could have been MI6 - I have big problems - separating out, who is working for whom…

The PLANT had been microchipped all over - fibre cameras/microphones in the bark.

Black Rabbit said...

I have remembered a bit more…

It was MOSSAD technology but they are denying that they knew anything about it…

ROS had gone through the YELLOW pages or whatever you call it in the US…and had picked out a particular company to investigate in relation to shipping lines for exotic plants…she knew all about shipping lines…and how to get things cheaply on the docks…

We went to the warehouse - ROS was asked when she wanted the plant - she gave the date of the ‘do’ and was told that they could only supply the goods upon that very morning…we agreed. They were quite certain that the plants would have come in, from SOUTH AMERICA upon that date…

So who was behind it all?

Does it matter - because I ‘know’ that SCARLETT and EVANS got copies of ‘HORTICULTURALLY HIDEOUS’ ILL programming afterwards…

The ORTHODOX had bought up the rest of the plants and given them to their ‘friends’ - other top US ILL programmers…so the information about this type of FLOWER programming was immense…so many people taken to be programmed in those CONSERVATORIES, throughout the USA.

FLOWER programming - all of the ‘crazy company’ were electrocuted under that very special ‘plant’ - except RIMINGTON. I suppose we were meant to project it - before being BEHEADED - or ‘picked’ as the ILL like to call decapitation.

So who were the ‘outfit’ behind this highly successful entrapment of top US ‘hideously horticultural’ programmers?

Obviously ‘john waters’ and MARK R come to mind (see previous notes on 13 O’ CLOCK and the hideously horticultural)…SCARLETT had sent me to NY to spy on MARSCAPONE etc in general…the MOSSAD was also very interested in what was going down there…I also have an image of SPIELBERG for some reason…and the PRINCE OF MONACO…AMADEUS…and the PRINCES…so who knows precisely who was involved…all I know was that the information was disseminated ‘freely’ - the information obtained by the bugging devices…so technologically advanced that the ORTHODOX hadn’t been able to pick them up.

Black Rabbit said...

How the rich steal off the poor…I have just got to the library and have witnessed an excruciating scene between an upper-class man but no gentleman and a member of the working classes at the photocopier…the upper-class scrounger had wanted to make another photocopy – the working class guy had just put 30p into the photocopier…and so upper-class man told him that he had left 10p in the machine…he was then invited to ‘have 10p on me’ – upper class guy kept making excuses about how the machine must have wiped out his last 10p (what a liar – everybody knows that DOESN’T happen)…after having done so…and I was watching him carefully…he then apologised and offered 2 five pences that he then found in his wallet…naturally these were refused and so he went away ‘happy’ that he had got the better of the other guy, satisfied with himself that he hadn’t had to pay but had done the ‘decent’ thing by offering (even though he knew that he would be refused, afterwards)….

Black Rabbit said...

This all fits in with what I have just witnessed whilst walking through the 'green bell' programming garden upon the promenade and the SILVER BELL garden...AMADEUS had specifically told me to do so and to 'download' off the people sitting upon the benches...

He wanted to know if these slaves/programmers still wanted to continue the RA CULT.

It was a simple test in relation to the GREEN BELL garden being those within the 'green' team...and those who were controlled by the SILVER BELLS, COCKLE SHELLS 'aristocratic' programmers.

The GREEN BELL people had accepted that the RA CULT had to go...they all 'agreed' immediately.

The SILVER BELL people nearly all DISAGREED but a few were undecided...apart from one at the end, who agreed.

AMADEUS had thought as much...BRITISH ARISTOCRACY were unwilling to end the RA CULT and their microchipped slaves were reacting accordingly.

I then telepathically questioned other microchipped people upon the street...and they all 'disagreed' but when asked what they were actually disagreeing to...they had no real idea at all...just that they didn't like change.

AMADEUS was problems there...the problem had been identified.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I also took back those two DVDS:



Seeing as I have no 'silver slides' in my DVD drawer - there is no point in hanging onto them - I will NOT be viewing them.

I then 'heard' MARK R and AMADEUS - I was quite correct to return them to the library today - without having watched them.

They constituted the LAST STAGE in the ILL GAME.

I had already been warned NOT to go to the 'last stage'.

...and I haven't. Both DVDs have now been safely returned to the library without me having watched them.

Black Rabbit said...

So who were these ORTHODOX programmers really working for?

Who was the horticulturally hideous master programmer of theirs?


Black Rabbit said...

My mother wanted me to ring her after the ‘CHP interview’ regarding the contract - which had been set for tomorrow as in Thursday…but has now been postponed until next week with a provisional date of the 3rd September…’all things being well’…and I will get a phone call from MS CARROLL next week, to confirm that one…

So I will now write my mother an email to explain the above - so I do not have to explain it all over the phone…my mother can get a bit antagonistic over details if things are not going the way that she wants and she doesn’t like what she is hearing…

Dear Mum,

I said that I would ring you on Thursday to tell you what is going on, however:

MS CARROLL from CHP, rang me yesterday to tell me that CHP had problems with the ‘hand-over’ regarding the flat that the builders/decorators haven’t quite finished - the one that they are provisionally offering to me.

She therefore told me that she would ring me next week to confirm a new interview date, regarding the signing of the contract and has set this provisionally for Thursday 3rd September.

Black Rabbit said...

Check out the final PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION that RIMINGTON had arranged by the entrance of CLACTON LIBRARY - it 'tells a story' of sorts and was composed to program all RA CULT SLAVES.

First up - it is all colour-coded in relation the DRAWING PINS.

A mixture of RED/YELLOW/GREEN/WHITE/RED drawing pins are used in relation to the photograph that has been hung upon the wall.

The photographer RAY LILLEY has his own self-portrait with only WHITE DRAWING PINS in it.

A photograph of a woman who looks rather like JOAN PLOWRIGHT - has GREEN for her pins and so on...

If you were CIA-programmed - then the BLUE PINS around the photograph of LOVE IN THE MIST is for you. We were all programmed with this flower.

Black Rabbit said...

The last photograph is of a LIGHT-HOUSE (bottom right)...I forget the rest at present...perhaps I should have made notes on all of them...the titles are as important as the image and the coloured pins.

I suspect the WHITE pins the most - particularly in relation to MR RAY LILLEY (who died this year - this is a posthumous exhibition of his work).

Black Rabbit said...

I read this upon DAVID ICKE’s website about MR ELI ROOK and suddenly it hit me…

If you have please ignore it. It is SPAM and the guy behind it, Eli Rook, is using our servers to spam our members with links to his website which sell things which we do not endorse or recommend in any way.

He has a number of aliases online, and usually emails from the following email address:

His websites include;,, and

Our advice is to ignore anything or anyone claiming to be from any of these sites or working for Eli Rook.

Remember MOUSEMATE - that crazy game that the PRINCES used to play…and that MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER used to create their YOUTUBE video message?


The ROOK is thrown out of BROOKLYN and a pawn is put in its place.

We then have another scene (see previous notes) where we have the ROOK with the candlestick in the CONSERVATORY…on a Monopoly board, as far as I can remember…

So the ROOK was that ORTHODOX bastard?

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember precisely what happened to me as a child...I was terrified of the dark because the ILL used to come in at night and torture I invented a 'candleman' who would light candles in my room so that I would never be in darkness again...

Unfortunately, I then told 'john waters' and probably also RIMINGTON who then lit candles in my room and I heard RIMINGTON saying 'now she will think that it was us and not her - we are in control of her light'...not true...I had heard her and I was in control of my OWN LIGHT.

Black Rabbit said...

This story had worried MARK R so much at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - that he had written a whole comic book story about it - trying to demonise this 'candleman'...

Black Rabbit said...

So what is it about the ROOK and the CANDLESTICK?

Two very different things...a man who makes CANDLES and a CANDLESTICK...

Black Rabbit said...

I meant a man who lit candles to keep me 'safe' not a man who made candles...

RIMINGTON and her GREEN SHOP in the EAST END...must have been all part of that 'auto-suggestion' that GREEN was in control of my 'light'...but he wasn't and I knew that he wasn't.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why I loved one of the YOUTUBE videos recently - where the guy talked about that simple but true analogy of the power of LIGHT against darkness.

You can go into the darkest room with just one candle and disperse the darkness in that room.

You cannot take a pocket of darkness into a room full of light and make any difference at all.

Black Rabbit said...

This is a lot worse than I thought it would be...

PUTIN had told me telepathically about how GENERALS had gone mad, internationally and he mentioned MUSHARRAF not MOSHARAV...I misheard...and I had assumed that he was talking about one of his own GENERALS...

...and now I read the above article about what MUSHARRAF is now doing in PAKISTAN:

Black Rabbit said...

Army takes to streets as emergency rule is declared in PakistanBy JASON LEWIS
Last updated at 17:54 07 November 2007

Comments (0) Add to My Stories Embattled Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf yesterday declared emergency rule as he fought to cling to power.

The General, who took over the country in a military coup eight years ago, is a key ally in the so-called War on Terror.
But his decision to order troops to take over Pakistan's state-run television and radio stations and force other independent channels off air led to concern in the West.
Scroll down for more...
General Musharraf has issued martial law in Pakistan
Musharraf is also under fire for failing to deal with Islamic militants based in lawless regions of the country and religious schools linked to suicide attacks around the world.
As the military flexed its muscles, the country's chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry - who condemned the moves - was reportedly sacked.

Black Rabbit said...


He was being confined to the Supreme Court with ten other judges while police and paramilitaries blocked routes to the building.
The court had been preparing to rule on the legality of General Musharraf's re-election victory last month.
Scroll down for more...
Armed troops secure important buildings, following General Musharraf's orders
An announcement on the state-run television channel said: "The chief of army staff has proclaimed a state of emergency and issued a provisional constitutional order."
It gave no reason for the emergency.
A senior official at the independent Dawn television station confirmed its transmissions had been shut down.
Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, who recently returned to the country after years of self-exile, was in Dubai when the news broke.
She immediately boarded a flight back to Pakistan. Her spokesman said she was waiting to see if she would be arrested or deported.

Black Rabbit said...

Witnesses said 100 police and troops were deployed outside Mrs Bhutto's home in Karachi, though it was not clear if they were there as protection or to apprehend the opposition leader.
Pakistan has been engulfed in political upheaval in recent months and the security forces have suffered a series of blows from pro-Taliban militants.
A leading lawyer and opposition figure, Aitzaz Ahsan, told reporters he had been detained as the emergency powers were invoked.
"One man has taken an entire nation hostage," he said.
And exiled former president Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan was heading towards anarchy.
Musharraf's troubles began in March when he suspended Justice Chaudhry on allegations of misconduct.
Critics accused him of trying to put pressure on the court not to block his re-election and Musharraf's popularity plummeted as lawyers rallied to support the top judge. Chaudhry was reinstated four months later.

Black Rabbit said...

There have also been a wave of militant attacks and suicide bombings.
Yesterday, the mood in Islamabad was tense, with roadblocks and huge numbers of police deployed across the capital.
Lawyers said although the regime called it a "state of emergency", it was closer to martial law.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband last night said he was "gravely concerned" by the measures.

Read more:

Black Rabbit said...

The odd thing is that the last URL wasn't on the webpage at all - it has a TAG at the end of it:


Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

The worrying thing is that if MR PUTIN is right - the same thing could happen in any COUNTRY.

What is more - it has been planned to happen in EVERY country.

We should now pay extra attention to what is going on in PAKISTAN.

Black Rabbit said...

i tried the above URL and got this:

Request Timeout
The server timed out while waiting for the browser's request.
Reference #2.3728434d.1251305940.0

Black Rabbit said...

i tried the above URL and got this:

Request Timeout
The server timed out while waiting for the browser's request.
Reference #2.3728434d.1251305940.0

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, is the 'timeout' symbol wierd?

The one in my browser was of a sort of ROBOT with two little eyes.

Black Rabbit said...

Changing the subject:

DAVID ICKE'S site has a 'rap music video' about why you shouldn't let the ILL inject you with the flu vaccine - but in the pipeline are some other videos (see below) which appear to be unrelated which is odd.

The first one is about how AT&T are about to be gazumped by SPRINT in terms of the APPLE contract.

Isn't that odd?

Apparently an APPLE insider says that this is the case.

AT&T are symbolised in the video by that old NAZI car of a VW BEETLE.

AT&T are supposedly the biggest and most influential radio/tv/satellite COMMUNICATIONS network in the USA...

Black Rabbit said...

...and now I have a GOOGLE error in my browser:

Not Found
The requested URL /flashtalking/ftlocal.h
sc%3Dtrue was not found on this server.

Black Rabbit said...

Not Found
The requested URL /flashtalking/ftlocal.html? was not found on this server.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, when I look back on the TROJAN PLANT or rather a whole shipment of them from South America - it is perfectly fitting - having used so much BODYSNATCHERS imagery around ‘alien DNA implants’ and ’hybridic rhyzome culture’ to describe what the ‘horticulturally hideous’ were up to - and then for them to be outwitted by a TROJAN PLANT, is the perfect ending.

Black Rabbit said...


Yesterday - I realised that I had to do something about the CURTAINS and NET CURTAIN in this flat…

In 2004 - RIMINGTON had told me that she was the BURGUNDY AND CREAM, large-striped curtains that you have to ‘pull to’ in ROOM 14. She also told me that I must never lift the NETS.

This was similar to FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE - I can remember the SAS officer asking RIMINGTON ‘you didn’t let anybody see you, did you?’ whilst she had been through that part of the ILL GAME.

BRITISH INTELLIGENCE programmers staying in these flats - were never supposed to be seen.

Why not? Yesterday, I realised that it was because the MASONS thought that they owned these flats.

BRITISH INTELLIGENCE weren’t supposed to be using them - particularly not WOMEN and these BI operatives were NOT supposed to reveal the fact that they were programming the MASONS.

RIMINGTON told me that SHE was the BURGUNDY AND CREAM curtains - I.e. that only through her, was I allowed to draw the two sides of my brain together - the two curtains. The only time that I was allowed to see both sides of the mirror.

What was the NET in this room, all about? It was to shield RIMINGTON’s influence from the MASONS upon the street.

Black Rabbit said...

These NET curtains had been getting very dirty recently - because there is a window on the far left of this large main window…and a window on the far right, and you can open both. As a consequence, the ends of the NET CURTAIN had got very dirty by flying out of the windows on blustery days. So I simply CUT the ends off and pulled the NET taut across the window - there was enough spare material in the middle of the window, to do so.

The network told me that the MASONS would see this as a threat to ‘pull the veil’ off them…to reveal what they had been up to…and reacted accordingly. Apparently, they then decided to finish the ILL GAME and to leave me alone. They had been facilitating the ILL GAME for RIMINGTON.

In addition to the curtains - there are two WHITE RAILS across the top of the window - and where they both finished in the middle (without touching each other) - somebody had stuck thick BLACK TAPE, for no reason at all. So I cut it off. I had previously found a piece of WIRE stuck into the NET and tied to the righthand WHITE RAIL - again for no useful purpose - and so I had extracted this SILVER WIRE.

So what are we talking about here? A SILVER WIRE in the brain…and the deadened LOBES which cannot come together because of the BLACK DUCT TAPE?

The SILVER WIRE is that what MARK R had ‘got’ with a LASER in 1994 - is that why he had to have my tonsils surgically removed in order to ’go in by the mouth‘, in order to use laser technology?

So in between the brain lobes (rails) we had an image of a small empty space (with the net curtain behind it) and a WIRE stuck through the net, attached to the right lobe - the ends of the lobes were blackened by duct tape…

Black Rabbit said...

I cannot remember whether I have mentioned the GREY PLASTIC DOORSTOPPER that I found under the FISHTANK in the hall - I tried to use it under ROOM 14 door but the gap was too large - it wasn’t useful…I then remembered RIMINGTON pointing out this GREY PLASTIC DOORSTOP…it was supposed to be a MICROCHIP…and so I threw it away.

What can I say? Lately the imagery around me, has been all about CHIPS.

Firstly CHP ’housing company’ - then that potato chip, placed to mark a certain page in that comic book, in the library - not forgetting the CIGARETTE that fell out of the ‘horns‘/ears of the handlebars of that ‘devil bike‘ outside the B&B…finally the SILVER WIRE through the net between the CURTAIN RAILS…and I seem to have almost come to an end, in relation to talking about microchipping. The CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER OF FINLAND said more about it than I ever could.

Black Rabbit said...


I forgot to mention that yesterday - I summoned up enough courage to get that MIDNIGHTER comic book out of the library…I knew that it was PRINCE CHARLES’ programming and so it was a ‘must’ to read.

After having read it - the first memory to come back was of MARK R telling me that PRINCE CHARLES had gone through the same surgical procedure, in order to remove a ‘bomb’ next to his heart - a microchip. He had done the same thing as MIDNIGHTER - refused anaesthetic and watched the operation throughout. MARK R had been ‘impressed’ in a way - he and his physiatrists. That is why he had then written MIDNIGHTER. The ‘KILLING MACHINE’.

That was MARK R’s summary of PRINCE CHARLES’ programming. He was that disassociated from his own body that he could watch such an operation take place ‘objectively’ and not feel the pain.

I can remember this about TOMLINSON - when he used to pick me up and carry me out like a child. He didn’t feel pain when I beat him…and I felt sorry for him. He was immune to pain - he didn’t feel it at all. You can guess why these men are immune to pain, under mind control - you can imagine how the ILL had beaten it out of them as children - the ILL had beaten out of these men - the instinctual/reflex response to feel pain, as a defence. The same thing will be true of my father and countless others, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

When they sawed off the top of the IRAQI man’s head - the one that they had called PIZZA-HEAD (radiation poisoning)…he did feel pain - he hadn’t been trained like the TEMPLARS - and they laughed at him…he had no idea of what they were doing - he got up afterwards and saw himself in a mirror and started to howl with fear…and the TEMPLARS fell about laughing. I saw him in the hall - it was horrifying - the man was in such terror and I began to shout at them all CALL AN AMBULANCE…MILIBAND was beside himself, he could hardly stand up for laughing. I looked at the man - he looked rather like TOMLINSON - same sort of eyes…and he was cursing the TEMPLARS…he was a poor man - he had a starving family to look after…and they had done this to him…he cursed every one of them…and what could I do but agree with him…if there was any GOOD in this world then they had to suffer for what they had done to him.

All I can say now is this: the only way that the TEMPLARS can recompensate is to pray for that man’s soul - and to beg for his forgiveness. They also have to compensate and look after his family - maybe then, whatever curse it was…and I ‘felt’ the spiritual power of it at the time…will not come down on their heads.

Yes, they had all drunk ‘rainbow’ juice - maybe some of them had taken PCP as well - yes, they were all under mind control and being used like a HUMAN ZOO CIRCUS for the ‘pleasure’ of the ROTHSCHILDS and GOLDMAN SACHS (not to mention CHABAD and the BEIT DIN)…but we all have to deal with our own actions and to made amends, to repent and to recompensate those we have harmed and to beg for their forgiveness until we can ‘speak to G-d‘ directly…GOLDMAN SACHS and the ROTHSCHILDS (CHABAD/BEIT DIN) have to do the same for the TEMPLARS and their slaves.

Until people get rid of the illusion that they are ‘chosen ones’ and can call other human beings ‘animals’ - they remain in the spiritual GUTTER - no real ’enlightenment’ or communication with G-d possible.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, SEPHARDIM/ARABS I know that you have achieved higher spiritual knowledge and consciousness but that does NOT mean that you can call other human beings 'animals'. They are not. You have simply understood and gone up to a higher level and state of what it is to be a 'human being' - that does NOT make other human beings into 'animals'. They are NOT a 'cow' or a 'bull' or a 'dog' or 'cat' or anything else...

Black Rabbit said...

That is the way that I feel and it hurts my soul to see those who think that they have 'superior knowledge' behave in such diabolical ways to other human beings - even if they behave like animals - they are NOT.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why I always liked MARTIAL ARTS in that the EAST had realised that warfare had to be lifted to the spiritual realm - it was a terrible affair which needed supreme concentration but most of all RESPECT for your opponent - you weren't 'hunting' them like an animal - you were simply taking the last resort in terms of defending yourself and your own.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why I always liked MARTIAL ARTS in that the EAST had realised that warfare had to be lifted to the spiritual realm - it was a terrible affair which needed supreme concentration but most of all RESPECT for your opponent - you weren't 'hunting' them like an animal - you were simply taking the last resort in terms of defending yourself and your own.

Black Rabbit said...

Getting back to MIDNIGHTER - seeing as this was PRINCE CHARLES’ programming - one can see that he was programmed to murder somebody like AMADEUS (the man certainly looks like a caricature of AMADEUS)…and secondly that he was programmed to attack IRAQ next…after AFGHANISTAN…PRINCE CHARLES has to realise that this is all PROGRAMMING and that the very idea of attacking IRAQ is not his ‘idea’ at all…it was put into his head at a subconscious level.

MIDNIGHTER was also programmed to be HOMOSEXUAL but in ‘times’ where it was not acceptable to be so…this is reinforced by the ‘tragic love affair’ at the end…where MIDNIGHTER or his equivalent, goes on the rampage…murdering the ‘common people’ and cutting out their hearts…

MIDNIGHTER has fallen in love with the SUN (read RA CULT here) and when the SUN is murdered…he goes on the rampage, murdering the COMMON PEOPLE.

So we can say succinctly - that if the RA CULT were to be dismantled…PRINCE CHARLES would start murdering the common people…

The mind control command is there, when the AMERICAN ‘time traveller’ (played by ROS) asks him what he does when he has his back to the wall…and MIDNIGHTER replies that he acts like a real bastard and murders all and sundry around him…

This COMIC BOOK was written specifically to program PRINCE CHARLES.

The ILL knew all about him - they had probably murdered his first love - most probably a boy from his public boarding school…and they knew that they could taunt him into such rages that he would go on killing sprees…’like a real bastard’…that is his basic programming as a KING PAWN of the ILL.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I will give this to the 'reader' to work out (and the 'regiment'):

I have just had another 3 comments put into 'comments to be moderated' and they are all the same message from 'X'.

Here is a 'copy and paste' of what is in my 'comments to be moderated' box today - I have clicked on the first one to show the full message:

Select: All, None
Publish Reject 1 – 3 of 3

Black Rabbit, the last comment you dismissed as "R...

Black Rabbit, the last comment you dismissed as "ROCKEFELLER/ROTHCHILD comment" was an honest question.

I stumbled upon your blog and I'm trying to make sense of what you are writing - which is not easy for me.

So perhaps you could explain a bit more?


Publish Reject (Anonymous) 12:51

Black Rabbit, the last comment you dismissed as "R... (Anonymous) 12:50

Black Rabbit, the last comment you dismissed as "R... (Anonymous) 12:50

Black Rabbit said...

So is it a real question or not?

I only ask this because when a programmer wants to give you a MIND CONTROL COMMAND - they do so 3 times.

This made me wonder why this comment was posted 3 times - surely once would suffice? Yes, I know that when I hit the 'send' button with my own posts - sometimes the post appears twice but not often and not 3 times, as far as I am aware.

Black Rabbit said...

'X' is not a good sign within the ILL CULT.

Two XX's means 'DELTA SLAVE' it symbolises both sides of the brain having been shut down to the point that the person is existing upon a minimal level of consciousness and will not remember anything afterwards (whatever they have been told to do).

The ILL tell their slaves that it means 'BOTH EYES SHUT'.

One X means - ONE EYE shut - working upon the other side of the mirror - in WONDERLAND.

Black Rabbit said...

In drawing cartoon characters - if you want to depict a DEAD cartoon character - you put two X's for the eyes...

Additionally - remember the film director STANLEY KUBRICK who exposed ILL rites within his film:


This film spelled the above out perfectly - a DELTA SLAVE looks like they have their eyes wide open but they are in fact, DEAD to the world...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA have singled out in RED:

The American Hindus Against Defamation

Here is it in context:

"Controversy regarding the chanting of Hindu prayers
While American censorship attempted to control the sexuality, complaints came from offended members of the Hindu community. The American Hindus Against Defamation [1] wrote to Warner Brothers requesting they change the voice-over chant that plays as Bill Harford wanders from room to room at the mansion. According to the AHAD, "the background music subsides and the shloka (scriptural recitation) from the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered Hindu scripture is played out." But, in reality, a Tamil love song (Ithu kadala, ithu naragama?, meaning Is it love, is it hell?) was being played — never any shloka or Hindu prayers.

When Warner did not concede, the American Hindus Against Defamation threatened to protest. Eventually, Warner Brothers agreed with the Hindu community of Great Britain to replace it with a chant of similar dramatic tone. These changes were not made in North America."

Black Rabbit said...

So the musical score was became a hymn to the devil rather than to G-d...

Black Rabbit said...

"Eventually, Warner Brothers agreed with the Hindu community of Great Britain to replace it with a chant of similar dramatic tone. These changes were not made in North America."

Now why would that be?

Black Rabbit said...

Are we talking the USA in general (opposed to SOUTH AMERICA) or just the north of the USA - I do not understand - are these interchangeable terms USA/NORTH AMERICA?

Black Rabbit said...

This rather goes back to TOMLINSON's use and abuse of a verse in the KARMA SUTRA, doesn't it?

It reminds me of the SEPHARDIM who were taught the 'negative arts' as much as the 'positive arts' of mind control.

Black Rabbit said...

Is this related to the ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD connection in some way?

I would have thought...that the connection between these families was obvious - immensely wealthy and powerful - involved in all sorts of ILL projects to harm general populaces...heavily into demonic mind control...NAZI connections...the two families have probably been intermarrying for so long that they are virtually indistinguishable...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' are saying 'the top of the tier'...

So what are we saying here?

That the subversion of HINDU is the 'top of the tier' in relation to ILL MIND CONTROL?

I can see that SEX MAGIC was the most important ritual within an ILL event...and HINDU is certainly the religion which knew most about sex...

Black Rabbit said...

So the ILL had simply used the KARMA SUTRA as a manual - to invert one of the most powerful forces in our world...the sex drive, the need to reproduce...

Black Rabbit said...

Had the ROCKEFELLERS/ROTHSCHILDs inverted this 'sacred book' - had they studied it, turned it on its head and begun to programme people with DEMONIC sex acts?

I know that TOMLINSON had outlined a particular verse which talked about how the energy of the KUNDALINI SNAKE could be made to go up or down...he underlined the word DOWN...that is what the ILL were doing...trying to drag the sexual energy down the spine...away from the brain...

Black Rabbit said...

It is interesting that the HINDU population of the UK had enough clout to stop WARNER from subverting their sacred scriptural chant...would that be the MITTALS? If so - why isn't INDIA mentioned upon this wikipedia article...and other having had this 'chant' changed.

Why was a TAMIL love song substituted - they could have used any old love song...

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