His Story
His Story
I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.
The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:
The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.
The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.
In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.
She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.
Powergen torture and mind control
At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.
The programmers and graduates all left the room.
Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.
Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.
Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.
I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.
Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:
'I can't take it anymore'.
No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.
1 – 200 of 6438 Newer› Newest»Thank you for this. I was also on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in 1979 (the American - not 'Lisa'). Have you been back to the desert? (Negev not Nevada!)
I can give you the names of the people who died and will send them under another address. Has anyone ever sent out a search party? To try and find their remains - the bones could be tested for DNA.
MI5 reported the deaths as an unfortunate 'car accident'.
And thank you for pointing out the Negev/Nevada slip.
Do you remember how we were programmed afterwards to remember this desert experience as a 'bad dream'?
We were ordered to visualise the murders of our contemporaries in the desert with the 'doll's house' program i.e. the compartmentalised boxes of mind control programming in this arid desert.
Before the memories came back, I had repeated nightmares about this cuboid, white house with dark windows. It held some terrible secret. It was located in the 'Nevada' desert and I knew that there was something terrible and deathly inside but had no idea why I was dreaming of it so often.
Do you remember how the programmers showed us a Salvador Dali poster (the one with the melting watches in the desert) in order to make the horror of the memory, all the more surreal, timeless and nightmarish.
Alice in Wonderland programming relies upon the partial erasure of time periods by inserting other implanted memories to obfuscate the real ones.
However they cannot entirely erase the real memories and this is why the programmers had to use auto-suggestion, in order to camouflage the dreadful crimes that they committed. They told me:
'You will remember it all as a nightmare. It never happened.'
A lot of ex-MI5 employees are given Haloperidol when the 'nightmares' come back which effectively wipes the memories out for a time. Unfortunately, it also wipes out any real possibility of healing but then I don't suppose the bastards want anyone to remember or they might start speaking out. And so the real nightmare of mind control programming is allowed to continue.
01 January 2007 20:53
J K Rowling was also on the 'remote viewer' course in 1980 but having suffered from 'black dog' depressions for most of her life, probably can't access her memories of torture and abuse due to drugs such as Haloperidol.
Hogwarts = Fort Monckton
Dumbledore = Daldry (he has been her mind control programmer for many years)
Lord Voldemort aka Tom Marvolo Riddle = Tomlinson Marr Richard
Rowling appears to have merged Andrew Marr and Richard Tomlinson into one evil character. The pair of them thought up the most sadistic tortures imaginable for the new recruits as 'Voldemort' does to his peer group as a teenager at the orphanage.
'The Half-Blood Prince' who is Severus Snape - modelled on Ian Rickson who usurped Daldry at the Royal Court. He had such an evil personality that he couldn't dissemble in order to act and hide it, as the rest of them managed to do to some extent.
The 'pulsating pod tree' in this book, is based on a real life experience Rowling had when she was forced to watch an Illuminati slave having her late pregancy (a fully-formed foetus) ripped out of her.
There are many other examples but too terrible and simply too evil to mention. In short, Rowling has prettified the extreme torture and abuse of MI6 training at Fort Monckton and other British Intelligence bases, into a fairytale.
Rowling was trained as a 'Son of G-d' and is highly psychic. She has used symbolic images to represent her remote viewer training, the real memories are deeply buried in her subconscious.
For a whole load more information upon this British Intelligence - see the link below:
It can also be accessed from:
www.elizamanninghambuller.blogspot.com by clicking on the GREEN hyperlink at the bottom - 320 comments left so far.
What on earth is this blog?
How did you become agents? Did you apply for jobs and you didn't know what you were getting into? Was it through the military or did you just graduate from being a mind controlled child? I'm curious.
Yes, I wrote that post about ROWLING...because at that point in time - I didn't want to own up to being the real author.
Would you? After you knew what it had been used for in terms of mind control programming materials for children.
However, having realised just how much it upsets the ILL to ask for your money back - I decided to squeeze out of the closet.
Can one say the same of ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER in relation to the MARTIN AMIS books?
Or ANDREW MARR in relation to ghost-writing RICHARD TOMLINSON's THE BIG BREACH...
For the record - ROWLING was never a 'remote-viewer' - she was just another microchipped slave on the network.
I believe the things that I'm reading here because I want to puke when I read about the torture. If it were made up, it would not affect me that way. I'm not just talking about this blog but some of those that are linked to it as well. Awful, Awful stuff.
AWE in ILL-SPEAK is the act of eating foetuses.
ORCHIDS is the image of the OR-CHILD - the OR KIDS as the ILL call them.
This is a primarily Jewish practice - stemming from the shtetls of Eastern Europe.
The Catholic Church had demonically programmed them - and they had listened to their demonic Babylonian/Iranian Pharisee brethren - plus the local freemasons who believed themselves to be the '40 wise men' at the bottom of the mountain.
They believe that they derive some benefit from it - but as far as I can see - it simply drives them mad.
One has to take into account the physiological input which drives them to such insane acts - and as far as I can see - it is advanced cases of PORPHYRIA.
Nowadays the ROYAL FAMILY actually injects their mind control slaves with it.
This blood disorder has been known as 'vampirism' in the past.
The above posts of mainly either ‘1’ or ‘c’ on my other blogspot may seem like craziness (and they are but not my ‘craziness’)…I can now explain what this was about:
Firstly what the ILL called ‘timetravel’ programming.
The child alter was taught to be ‘frozen in time’.
So when ROS was experimenting with TOMLINSON in order to get him to freeze in a child alter (young teenager) with an erection…she had to keep telling him under hypnosis to go back to this state, many times - until he could do it as a reflex action - unconsciously and at the drop of a hat - the click of the magician’s fingers, at the mind control command given.
So as soon as I had remembered that the CIA had wanted me to write up my blog in tandem with certain numbers…for example any number that was followed by an ‘11’ was an important note…e.g. 3411, 3711, 5811 and so on…I then realised that there was probably more to this as well…
There was…and it was MARK R who had originally programmed me to do this at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…however, later on OBAMA and AMADEUS wanted to make a few changes to this ‘future’…
I remember being with OBAMA in the computer suite and saying ‘shall I just keep tapping in 1 to show that we have WON?’
I did this a few times and then hit a few other keys and then he thought, upon reflection ‘try C as in ‘to see’ - we want them all to see what is going on‘…
Who was OBAMA talking about?
The ‘monstrous regiment’ or ‘onken pot’ if you like…those in COLLIE’s department and elsewhere in BRITISH INTELLIGENCE, as well as other ‘State departments’…
I would trigger them into ‘seeing’ more and more…the higher I went up the scale…
Unfortunately this morning…I only managed to get past 8000 but that was enough…past the ‘god’ number which was 7777...and into the ‘forbidden zone’ of the 8000s as it were…BLOGGER stopped me in the comments around 8100...8120 in point of fact…I then got ERROR 404
I wonder now…8120...getting past 8120...
In iqbl we can have ‘infinity’ 1 OZ - OZ I ‘infinity’…I OZ to infinity…
As I was getting into the 8000s, I heard MARK R say ‘I give up’…but he hadn’t really…however, the ‘doors were open’ and he knew it…they would all now be able to ‘see’…
Anyway, I will continue this morning…get it past the 10,000 marker, if I can.
I might also add that MARK R had told me to set impossible limits upon myself I.e. to get it done before 9.15am this morning (when I had only begun ½ hour beforehand)...he was viewing the future with me…and so today, I decided to trick him using timetravel programming and this is how it works:
Your computer/laptop is supposed to be your ‘brain’…and the time on your computer is supposed to be registered as the ‘real time’ upon which your brain and all of its ILL programming operates…
Therefore as soon as I approached 9.15...I simply turned the clock back upon my laptop and immediately knew that I had opened the gates wide…as much time as I needed to get it all done.
Not that I believed in this programming but it isn’t a case of only yourself and your own personal beliefs…it was also a case of the ONKEN POT knowing that I had enough time to do it and so on…and I simply had an image in my mind of the GATES being wide open, the whole time…
things are getting seriously silly
Publish Reject (Anonymous) 03:55
A comment left upon ‘MI5 AND MI6 EXPOSED 3’
In answer, “yes, I agree.”
However, from my perspective:
My head was fucked over by stupid f***s to play this game and however silly it looks…I am not the one with a fucked-up mind…it was the people who set-up this game who are the real fuck-wits.
I can see that the fuck-wits had probably wanted to fuck over my blog at this point…but I do not think that the large amount of ‘C’ comments will put them off - they will simply follow my continued blog at MI5 AND MI6 EXPOSED 2’.
Yes, it was probably a sabotage attempt which ‘worked’ but on the other hand - here are a few points that I have gathered, from it.
Firstly that it was necessary to go up to 10000 and over in order to defeat OZ programming.
Secondly that I can now remember MARK R using programming numbers up to 11000 - because I had suggested a BASELINE subconscious programming number within BASE 2 which is the basis of computer programming - the creation of computers.
However, I think he went a bit higher than that…to 11,111 as the last programming number.
We are talking about a ROOT subconscious program here - in line with the history of the creation of computers.
Some more ILL mail in my inbox and I am getting 'MACDONALD' here:
Date Size
Unread David Kama GET BACK TO ME 9:20 AM 14KB
In addition, this computer programming is all interlinked via microchips and therefore whilst 'helping' COLLIE's department and (vice versa) to 'wake up'...I have to pull out the stops - however, crazy to get rid of the crazy programming that was put in, in the first place.
So yes, I look 'silly' doing this but unfortunately it was necessary.
The 'silly people' had put it in and I have found that sometimes it is not enough to simply remember - you also have to consciously repeat the action before you can root it out.
The horror of eating bacon, for example - reminded me of cannibal acts.
I can remember now - many of the ILL slaves at the TEMPLAR CASTLE being forced to sit and repeatedly type numbers into computers for some reason...their programming numbers, I suppose...
I also 'know' that in order to break RIMINGTON's ring - that I had to get above 10,000 - this was particularly important for myself at this point in relation to FARLEY having been programmed as part of the RING - to make me homeless again.
Once I had given him 11000 and MARK R had then chosen 11111 - I realised that MARK had told me that this would be his optimum number (I was his most trusted remote-viewer) but that he would also have his own ‘secret numbers’ on top…
…and these appear to be for his top slaves as in 111 and two more digits…e.g. 11121
…then 1 followed by ‘12’ - MARK R was MR ONE-TWO and then a code of two digits for commands to his slaves…e.g. 11212 - I cannot remember if these all had to be in base 2 but I think not…’colours’ came up for some numbers not in base 2.
So I am done with this silliness now - I have worked it out as much as I want to do so.
To ‘input’ these commands into a slave’s mind - they had to sit there and input these numbers into a computer - ad infinitum - until MARK R told them to stop…and they did so like little robots - in child alters.
SCARLETT had told me - in 2004 - that there was a 'program' that was still in operation and that they didn't know how to stop it.
Well, you now know how.
In addition, once I had got past 11000 the 'regiment' told me that they were SURFACING...this is an image that they had already picked up on in my notes and had created an image for DAVID ICKE's site upon this idea...of emerging from the 'soup' of pollution that surrounds this planet and going into outer space...or at least the upper atmosphere.
I could see the image - they were - literally their heads above water...whilst MARK R appeared to be sinking down under the sea...
Anyway, I have stopped all of the silliness now - no more 'C's to go up on the other blogspot - no need - the 'regiment' now knows enough to work it all out...
One important point - you now know how to 'turn the clock' back...
So back to the GREEN finanical trail...
I was watching JOHN TODD videos upon YOUTUBE yesterday...made in the 1970s...
I had heard this information before and know it to be true...the Satanic rituals of the 'crazy' music industry.
The 'special room' where they take the first disc and then 'consecrate it to the devil'.
We were all taken to see this ritual at major recording studios in LONDON and elsewhere - in 1980.
The idea being to invite 'demonic forces' to follow all imprints of that record - wherever it was sold.
All gobbledegook to my mind but if a lot of people believe it - things tend to 'manifest'.
Maybe I didn’t concentrate hard enough but I still don’t get the name of that movie THE SOUND OF THUNDER.
Was that supposed to be the ALLOSAURUS?
Was THE SOUND OF THUNDER connected to the BUTTERFLY that has to be allowed to live in prehistoric times or that changes all of EVOLUTION?
I am beginning to wonder how if MACDONALD wasn’t programmed with this one in relation to me…or the CIA at any rate…because they stepped in and saved me at PETER BRUFF before TOMLINSON would have broken my neck and changed the course of history I.e. that I would never have gone to ISRAEL and found out what I did…or was to do subsequently…was I the BUTTERFLY in this movie?
Did MACDONALD have to go jail 3 years ago because he didn’t want me to get to ISRAEL…I went there about 3 years ago…the dates correspond…maybe he didn’t want me to ‘get’ all of it…or maybe he was still being used as a ‘robot’ by MARSCAPONE who directed his will, now and then…
Perhaps he was the one who suggested upon TOMLINSON’s blogspot that I go to look under TEMPLE MOUNT…and that is why he was then jailed…completely the other way round…who knows?
…but I am almost certain that the two correspond in some way…his going to jail and my going to ISRAEL in late 2006.
I remember in NY - going out to a bar with MACDONALD and the Swiss Controller…MACDONALD was very drunk and he began to sing in baritones PEARL’S A SINGER…and a few at the bar joined in…and then I chipped in…I suppose I was drunk too and in a child alter...anyway, I added a line from a BRIAN FERRY song which cracked the Swiss Controller up…and after finishing the song, MACDONALD stormed out of the bar…we followed him…and the Swiss Controller said to me:
“You stole his THUNDER.”
I had no idea why…
I had only added the ‘extra line’ after this one:
‘…singing songs and telling jokes…’
To which I added:
‘..my love you didn’t need to coax’ - which rather put him off.
Why had this annoyed him?
It was talked about later on…and it was all about my stereotype of AMERICANS as only being of the ANGRY YOUNG MEN format or the ’DUMB HOLLYWOOD JOCK’ which I despised…and then to find all of these young men who were incredibly erudite, culturally aware…many different ethnicities and different types of education…from poverty to extreme wealth…all mixed up…trying to make sense of their families, genealogies and lives, in general…far more profundity and depth - than any British guy that I had ever met…
The AMERICANS were questioning everything…their identity, their place in the world…their cultural and ethnic roots…the whole lot…
In short, their own US culture marketed internationally - which had completely sold them short, as a nationality.
MACDONALD and his friends had gone over the top to impress me, in a way…and he had got angry with himself…about this ‘need to impress’…when all I did was to sit there and ‘steal his thunder’.
The Swiss Controller didn’t appear to mind - he told me that he loved being around MACDONALD and myself as his ‘sister’…because we were both so mad.
…however, one could also say the same of the Swiss Controller although he ‘hid it’ better…and the rest of the ‘crazy company’ in that CIA suite…we were all very ‘touchy’ to put it mildly although I couldn’t afford to be, in public…or they all jumped on me.
I watched a video on YOUTUBE the other day about how the SARAH PALIN had been to a African American vicar who had cleansed her of witchcraft and something else...and she openly talked about it, on stage to her party...
I was fascinated because this could never happen in the UK...or it could but you wouldn't get elected or stay in office for long...and yet this had done nothing to dispel her popularity - far from it.
...and I thought - 'but it's all true'...what 'john waters' was saying about the ILL CULT in his videos...we were all taught to be 'wicked witches/wizards' in ROYAL/BRITISH INTELLIGENCE circles of power...and so this SARAH PALIN was doing the right thing...in a brutally honest way...so one has to admire her for it.
What a big difference between US/CANADIAN culture and BRITISH culture.
The something else was 'JEW BANKERS' apparently...a Vicar can cure you of their 'influence' too.
However, 'john waters' made the very important point that most of these bankers aren't JEWS at all...he only mentioned the ROTHSCHILDs as openly being 'JOOS'...so one assumes that those like GOLDMAN SACHS are either pretending or that those like 'john waters' in the higher echelons of the ILL CULT - didn't regard them as 'real JOOS'.
I should be clear here, about who 'john waters' was:
According to RIMINGTON he was JOHN TODD and his 1970s VIDEOS are now available on YOUTUBE - courtesy of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE.
I am not joking - I can remember COLLIE asking me for ideas for images, to put with the audiotapes and all I could think of at the time was that DEVIL'S SIGN...just get enough 'famous people' doing it to impact the point upon your audience.
...and that one photograph of 'JOHN TODD' upon the internet - certainly looked like 'john waters' in the 1960s...and the voice...very similar to what I remembered as a child...
One has to see these videos in their historical context...
JOHN TODD had to appeal to his audience...those who would stand behind him, give him some protection and in the USA that was the US CHURCHES...once he had come out against the ILL CULT.
Looking at YOUTUBE yesterday - I thought:
'Well, john - look at the proliferation of brilliant videos, images, texts and comments' upon YOUTUBE about the NWO - about the ILLUMINATI...and you were behind all of it...you started the ball rolling in the 1970s.'
One act of bravery...and the whole pack of cards began to fall...
There is even a 'crazy camel' cartoon courtesy of the BRITISH ROYAL PRINCES (although they do not give themselves a name check for obvious reasons)...something about PHAROAH and the ISRAELITES...I need to look up the title again but it is a skit upon the RA CULT.
NIR'S MOTHER created a 'crazy cat' cartoon about 'evil cat's eye' programmers which is another 'funny' that made me laugh outloud on YOUTUBE...so many creative people have been airing their talents here...against the ILL CULT.
Sorry - it wasn't a 'cat cartoon' it involved real cats with graphic design superimposed to give them them the 'evil eye' and so forth...I remember her being in the CIA suite and putting it together...and I suggested the speeded up song and music to sound like mad cats on drugs...
As far as I know 'GORDON IS A MORON' - a punkish song from the 1980s and a skit on GORDON BROWN...came from one of the 'monstrous regiment' and so on...
I also watched GORDON BROWN being taken apart by CAMERON on YOUTUBE...and BROWN kept on making the POPE sign...as in the RABBIT sign with two fingers at him...and then I remembered what it meant.
Water off a duck's back to CAMERON who kept telling him to meet his eyes...and 'say that'...
Remember the CATHOLIC BLESSING where the priest uses two fingers to make the sign of the cross...
Well, in the ILL CULT...your programmer does the same to show you where the NAILS went in, once you had been hung on the CROSS - it is a really evil sign from programmer to slave.
Not that CAMERON was bothered...he hadn't been looking at his programmers whilst on the cross...
What was even weirder was the YOUTUBE video where BROWN's hand starts to literally shake upon the pulpit...and behind him you can see JACK STRAW's head nodding up and down in time to the shaking hand of BROWN...that was really strange...both had got the 'jitters' in tandem.
So what can I make of GORDON BROWN's government...
I need to go back to the ROOT of the programming in TOMLINSON's mind...
I can now remember seeing the CHOSEN IMAGE of it upon a computer screen with SONIA...
She said that it looked like a BROWN PENIS...I said LARGE TREE TRUNK and somebody else said MUSHROOM...nobody could quite make up their mind as to what it was...and maybe that was the point...an amalgamation of images...it could have been any of them.
It was also floating in OUTER SPACE...and the ROOTS of it...it had ROOTS...there were SILVER BALL BEARINGS...SILVER ORBS which represented the ILL FAMILIES who were at the bottom of it all..of this BROWN financial computer program.
So one can say confidently that LORD LEVY was one of these SILVER ORBS at the root of this BROWN TREE/PENIS/MUSHROOM...LORD LEVY and his family...they had loaned that castle out to the ROYALS and TASCHMANS in the first place.
These families who were using the BROWN GOVERNMENT as a 'financial computer' to drain the UK of every penny...into their own pockets.
I then thought down to the grassroots of it all...so how come SUE FARLEY was part of RIMINGTON's ring...why did the 'regiment' think that she would end up in jail?
She is only part of local government and nobody has told me what CHP is all about as yet...
CHP...this isn't connected to the 'regiment' is it in terms of ROBERTO CIPOLLA who used to be called CHIP...
I can remember now - he had had his face doused in acid at some point by the ILL...and even though the scars had healed...he had lost a lot of feeling within his facial skin...
The 'regiment' were all used as the 'dirty tricks' department - to offer up ideas upon how to torture me, during this ILL GAME.
Anyway, I had better get off to the library now and type up a letter to make sure that CHP and the COUNCIL cannot chuck me off their accommodation list.
I am quite sure that they will try, tomorrow - because CHP has been programmed to report back that I haven't sent my application form to them.
I am assuming that as mind control slaves - that they will still report this lie - even though I have the evidence against them - and sent them an email to warn them that I have got the POST OFFICE receipt.
...but on second thoughts...having already sent both PETER RUSSELL the manager and SUE FARLEY the details of the receipt and the information about CHP's 'nomination' and how I will accept anything that they might offer...
...having OUTED all of this upon the INTERNET...surely that should cover me?
Watch this space...
I have also to add that I do not think that DAVID CAMERON is any better than BROWN...they were both programmed to do the same thing at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...act as financial LEECHES upon the UK.
In fact, I can remember why CAMERON came in to see me, whilst I was writing my long maths equations upon the board...he told me that he 'swore allegiance' to me...
I read his mind and 'saw' TOMLINSON telling him to do so, in order to trick me...
TOMLINSON had at some point...realised that I was working against him...and was doing his best to limit the damage to the ILL CULT.
I went in to the COUNCIL today and asked at reception - about my CHP dilemma - the woman rang up somebody called CATHY/KATHY in another office and then told me that it was all ‘okay’ and that it had ‘all gone through’…she then told me ‘you were the one who sent the email weren’t you?’
Yes, I was…and so one can assume (hopefully) that PETER RUSSELL the homelessness manager, has got this one in hand.
She then informed me that it wasn’t possible to throw me off a COUNCIL list for refusing this CHP ‘offer’ - or rather, for not replying on time - either of the two - she wasn’t specific.
Really - did I misread the COUNCIL rules and regulations or was it FARLEY who had told me that this was the case…it was definitely FARLEY who had told me and in no uncertain terms that if I refused any accommodation - that I would be off the list but there was also some blurb on the COUNCIL contract that looked like it was worded in such a way…as to suggest that this would be the case.
All of this dates back to 2004 - and RIMINGTON programming her operatives to behave in this obscene way to those that the ILL wanted to punish. SONIA and MARK told me that they had been made homeless a second time after the first ‘night homeless in DEDHAM’…SONIA couldn’t remember for how long but thought that it was ‘weeks’…they had been so depressed…they had once bought a bottle of wine for comfort and then cried into each other’s arms…’winos on the street’…that had made them laugh and cry at the same time…they had to cuddle up every night to keep warm…
Anyway, one can now say that times have definitely changed at CLACTON ‘HOMELESS’ department if now it is no longer possible to chuck people off the accommodation list in this CHP way…
The woman at reception laughed at the letter and said ‘they don’t give you much time to reply, do they?’
So what is it about the ILL and why do they do this to people? As in - try to grind people like SONIA, MARK and myself into the ground…
The ILL have so much money that they do not know what to do with it…although they can remember every single penny that they have…long strings of numbers…they know precisely how much they are worth and where they are, within the pecking order of the ‘most wealthy people upon the planet’…it is an all-consuming obsession with them…this is a starking, staring mad class of people.
The ILL do not ‘value’ money because it is nothing to them…
However, they have this ingrained idea that they are ‘superior’ to other people upon this planet.
This could be for any number of reasons and combinations of reasons. I will cite a few possibilities:
The problem with the above binaries is that the ‘crazies’ in the above groups consider themselves to be ‘INNATELY’ superior (’born’ superior) - in that they believe that they have the RIGHT to ENSLAVE those who are not of their group.
They get furious when those, who are not from their group - refuse to be their willing SLAVES.
If you do not agree to be the willing SLAVE of the main SLAVE-DRIVER in your locale - then they punish you….and they keep on punishing you until you obey ILL CULT rules.
The word INNATELY means that they do not believe that they have to prove their worth, in terms of their ‘so-called’ superiority.
They were just ‘born’ superior. That is what they believe.
They do not feel that they have to prove their ’superiority’ to the rest of us - by being more intelligent, or more skilful or more talented or simply better looking or more charming - and so on…
This is as basic as this warped psychology gets, and there are a lot of ‘them’ around…too many…despite being an extremely small class of people within this world…and they all know of each other…and they compete, in terms of who has the most money.
It is a ‘game’ to them.
Code-named MKULTRA by the CIA in terms of the international mind control program that was used upon those deemed to be of the SLAVE class.
All of the top ILL identified those that they considered the SLAVE class.
The top ILL being those FAMILIES that had the most money upon the planet.
So in the UK - the ROYAL FAMILY had identified those who were a ‘threat’ to their position.
They felt themselves to be PRETENDERS and MARK R showed me that they lived this out to the full...pretending about everything...even down to pretending that they were living on STATE subsidies (not utilising their wealth) at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...and therefore only having heating on in the kitchen and a few rooms around it...to show their servants that they were really 'poor' and not disgustingly wealthy - how crazy is that?
Whilst keeping their servants upon a pittance...some of the lowest recorded wages in the UK, for the ROYAL cleaners...with no sick pay and how many days holiday was it...very few...
...oh yes, no holiday pay either...can you believe it?
The UK newspapers reported it...and if I hadn't seen this state of affairs for myself...with MARK R at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...I would never have believed it.
In 1980, we were told that we were descendents of EUROPEAN ROYAL HOUSES…but were never allowed to touch the CROWN JEWELS of those houses…those that the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY had stolen…the ARAGON jewels…the SIKH ‘biggest diamond in the world’…etc.
The SIKHS had accused QUEEN VICTORIA of being related to CHARLES DICKENS’ FAGIN character…a stereotypical JOO.
So in point of fact…those like RIMINGTON bought into the MONARCHY system after being told that she was a ‘bastard child’ of a ROYAL HOUSE…somewhere in the world…and there are lots of ROYAL HOUSES to choose from…TIBET for example…from EAST to WEST…there have been ROYAL HOUSES everywhere…all conquered and pillaged by the BRITISH EMPIRE…all of their ‘jewels’ stolen.
If one bought into the MONARCHY system…one might want to be a KING or QUEEN…maybe that was RIMINGTON’s big problem…she had always wanted to be a MONARCH…and was chosen to play one in ILL dramas, many times…the real DRAMA QUEEN of the entire show…
However, I am sure that for most of us, we had no desire to be ROYALTY at all…we just didn’t want to be SLAVES of those who considered themselves to be ROYALTY.
…and we hated these people who had set themselves up as SUPERIOR and ‘ROYALTY’ above us…who then treated us as SLAVES and stole our money…
This was the main point about the ILL CULT…even though they had no use for the money that they had…they stole it off those that they considered their SLAVES if they thought that the SLAVE hadn’t been obedient enough, to them.
Didn’t they have any other ‘interests’ in life?
Where do these people get off?
The point is, I suppose…that they didn’t do this ‘personally’ - they just ordered their existing 'mind control slave armies' into operation…mobilised them to terrorise us…persecution at every level.
The fact this whole horror story has been played out so blatantly in my life…in relation to having written the HARRY POTTER books (apart from the last one)…my refusal to be a slave to the MONARCHY or to anybody else, for that matter…and the persecution that has followed…as well as the ‘interesting events’ and alliances, in relation to those who were also trying to overthrow this sick SLAVERY system…is what my blogs have all been about…exposing as much as I possibly could…about everything that has happened…and possibly will happen.
I ‘got’ lucky.
I had ‘john waters’. I was a ‘HOAG’ child. I met and formed a ’trust bond’ with PUTIN whilst he was virtually out of a job in POLAND 1993...all I can say is that I kept ‘getting’ lucky and therefore survived. How many didn’t?
What would you expect from someone, who according to MACDONALD’s tongue-in-cheek SIMPSONS spoof of WWII…was a child of ‘ragin’ Abe Simpson’?
‘Crazy Cossack Joos’…maybe it is something in ‘the blood’…and I always loved COSSACK DANCING…or I used to as a child, at any rate…it is an expression of an energetic ‘will to live’…rather lacking in the finer distinctions of feeling or emotion…and completely masculine.
Yes, I can now see that MARK R had thought that it would be a 'failsafe' key to get me to tap in as many nonsense posts to get beyond 10,000 posts on a blogspot...
Because anybody who was following my blog on BLOGGER and was receiving my emails via YAHOO! or wherever, would be hit by an avalanche of posts...AVALANCHE programming...which would mean that they would give up...and stop following anything that I was posting.
I have seen this in my own YAHOO! MAIL INBOX...
...mainly because I check it everyday...and I mark 'as read' every single post that I put up as BLACK RABBIT...
I was shocked to see just how many posts I had to mark 'as read' which luckily one can do in bulk.
For any readers of my posts out there...after I have said 'switch to MI5/6 EXPOSED 2' instead of '3'...there are no further posts...just 'C's in the main...nothing of note.
Anybody heard of this website as a matter of interest?
My sixth sense could be very wrong here and if it is - please disregard the following because I am now trying to get ahead upon the GREEN trail.
I just keyed in my name "EMILY GYDE" on a 'GOOGLE SEARCH' and got a very strange article:
...which pulls up all sorts of things...either related to my blogs or not...anyway, here it is:
Herramientas SEO: Valoración SEO | Whois dominio | Multi-PageRank | IP reverse | Valoración enlaces | Cabecera HTTP | Detectar redirecciones 302 | Captura Metatags | ¿Baneado por Google? | Domain Hacks | Identificar Idioma | Ranking Technorati BLOG | Dominios TYPOS | Ranking web Compete | Dominios en subasta | Backlinks buscadores | Identificar RSS | Densidad palabras | Adsense Preview | Palabras buscadores | Dominios Premium | Valorar proyectos webs | Visitas de una web | Dominios similares | Calculadora Adsense | IP de un dominio | Hosting de un dominio | Nube de etiquetas | Link Validator - Enlaces rotos | Detecta páginas duplicadas | Dominios que enlazan a una web
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The 'TAG' section is so long that I will have to post it in parts:
TAGS destacados :
powell biden prediction | feminists have january | tube january | david icke january | real story | again january | peter goodgame january | jack blood january | feminists december | from its citizens | rabbi december | mailing list rss | feed william wallace | robin hood revealed | holier than thouhomosexuality | politics the pink | swastika build yourself | irish priest deep | world order | below pastor lindsey | williams details economic | calamity ahead | michael hoffman | judaism discovered from | texts january | henry makow | judaism discovered michael | anti biblical religion | racism self worship | deceit but | anti semitism | america the august | rand corporation | santa monica | world order collaboration | most jews | cabalist jews | jewish cabalism this | illuminati order | hoffman book hoffman | world order normally | judaism discovered | ordinary jews | hebrew yiddish aramaic | jewsthe inferiority | gentilessexual intercourse | little girls | permissibleimmanuel kant the | rated talmudsex magicritual | murderhasidic paganismmodern protestant |
judaismfrom kaballah | sexual progressionno judeo | christian traditionthe rabbinic | modern agethe talmud | toiletthe attire | pharisaic malewho | jews today rabbi | judah loew | queen elizabeth | john deeus gov | talmudic courts sampling | feast judaism | mosaic code judaism | luciferian its | orthodox judaism | judaic hoffman | their jewishness | orthodox jews | judaism especially | moses hess | communism nazism | with communism | zionism all | edith stein irene | maximilian kolbe hoffman | christian hoffman | paying the price | western society | while christian | egyptian hermeticism | gershom scholem professor | hebrew university | illuminati babylonian | judaism hoffman | pharonic egypt | sephardim wasps | rome modern | cabalistic satanic | illuminati order but | texts charles | american east coast | jews this | shaka zulu | entity since |
judaismfrom kaballah | sexual progressionno judeo | christian traditionthe rabbinic | modern agethe talmud | toiletthe attire | pharisaic malewho | jews today rabbi | judah loew | queen elizabeth | john deeus gov | talmudic courts sampling | feast judaism | mosaic code judaism | luciferian its | orthodox judaism | judaic hoffman | their jewishness | orthodox jews | judaism especially | moses hess | communism nazism | with communism | zionism all | edith stein irene | maximilian kolbe hoffman | christian hoffman | paying the price | western society | while christian | egyptian hermeticism | gershom scholem professor | hebrew university | illuminati babylonian | judaism hoffman | pharonic egypt | sephardim wasps | rome modern | cabalistic satanic | illuminati order but | texts charles | american east coast | jews this | shaka zulu | entity since |
fulfill our humanity | purpose here | project civilization time | makow first | blatt she | with love | jewish there | kaballah gershom sholem | historically kaballah | torah what | kevin how | roman catholic the | maximilian kolbe | jewish temple | judeo christain | judaism robert | romans rom | wherefore god | amen just | olam tikkun | cabbalists they | olam tikkin | babylonian talmud | judaism when | talmud but | peter long | below who wrote | harry potter pastor | lindsey williams details | economic calamity ahead | lindsey williams this | gianni hayes dear | family for | reverend lindsey williams | american voice radio | gianni hayes some | reverend williams | arab opec | because iran | euro this | treasury debt the | arabs opec | york banking | treasury this | bretton wood agreement | opec arab | treasury debt hence | national debt | china india | federal reserve | treasury debt | pastor lindsey | alaska they | dakota this | bakken field | regarding obama | foreign relations the | bush administrations there | dubai there | china this | arabs opec asia | middle east | russia look | russians they | iran there | iran the american | second amendment | obama the | north american union | global government global | global currency etc |
rick warren pastor | never trust | americans keep | pastor lindsey williams | details economic calamity | ahead william | lindsey william | regarding lindsey williams | kennedy speech | indianapolis april | lindsey williams | mccain williams | christine regards john | additionally coleman | world war three | fritz springmeier | indeed williams | spiritual preparedness | spiritual warfare lucifer | this williams | iran simultaneously | hello henry while | please whatever | alaska after | conservative party | dubai abu dubai | infrastructure canada | privy council | jack layton | community centre | reps linda | grand chessboard this | learned elders | australiasian pacific when | trilaterals the | goyim the pofz | ground allowing | ground there | ground for | ground tony | debts are canceled | separate money creation | from banking forever | dennis kucinich | calderon repeal section | canadian human rights | says catholic insight | commission chrc | chra section | prof richard moon | that section |
tribunal chrt | criminal code | chrc under | marc lemire | anglo saxon | canadian jewish congress | keith martin | justice minister rob | nicholson newspapers | hrcs section | national post | toronto star | montreal gazette | vancouver sun | ottawa citizen | edmonton sun | calgary herald macleans | catholic insight | canadian association | journalists jewish | simon wiesenthal centre | bernie farber | mark freiman | marvin kurtz | brith canada | chrc can jewish | news dec | human rights commissions | internet victims | hrcs catholic insight | justice minister nicholson | chris kempling | calgary bishop fred | henry alberta pastor | stephen boissoin saskatchewan | hugh owens | orville nichols ezra | christian horizons | ontario mark steyn | catholic insight what | catholic insight rob | pride centre | july august | edmonton court | federal court | edmonton why because | legal defence fund | michael coren | toronto sun nov | godless world | krishna rau | connie fournier | later fournier | both mark | george orwell | blogger steve janke | chris creates | will not come | barter that | priests all |
thank you | kinsey syndrome january | starring christian | pinto genre documentary | audience teens | content bbb | alfred kinsey | summary this | sexual revolution | review the bible | kinsey syndrome | judeo christian | brief this | german nazi | this dvd | address comments | pinto producer director | adullam films | distributor american history | films director clark | aliano steve aguilar | executive producer joseph | schimmel christian | pinto producer writer | pinto new video | legal web | paul verge | north america | world power | disc dvd | authoritative systems | from currency printing | media works | system find | lawfully discover | sovereign human | legal person empower | mind blowing documentaries | demand answers | claim power | attacks what | accountable hijacking humanity | wrote harry potter | charles january | harry potter | united states | stolen genius there | emily gyde | england after | will emily gyde | from the diary | real author | harry potter series | stephen timms minister | work and pensions | minister isn | private eye | british intelligence | royal illuminati cult | david miliband | prime minister putin |
foreign secretary | foreign office might | deal this | mossad emily gyde | ma4th september | being january | educate yourself | current news | mother theresa | matt dancing around | masaru emoto | terri israel | oren ben dor | echoing lebanon | sderot ashkelon | beer sheva beyond | political philosophy |
Total vecinos webs: 9 - dominios que comparten el mismo servidor web.
www.fidofriendly.com www.indetectable.org
www.universoliterario.net www.jaimekop.com
www.savethemales.ca www.violadores.com
www.doremusicexport.com www.lahuertadisco.com
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Ranking en Alexa: 148662 Variación: -81138
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Dispone de RSS : No dispone de RSS, la página no parece un BLOG.
URL RSS (feed): No se ha encontrado URL RSS en la etiqueta < link ...
TAGS destacados :
powell biden prediction | feminists have january | tube january | david icke january | real story | again january | peter goodgame january | jack blood january | feminists december | from its citizens | rabbi december | mailing list rss | feed william wallace | robin hood revealed | holier than thouhomosexuality | politics the pink | swastika build yourself | irish priest deep | world order | below pastor lindsey | williams details economic | calamity ahead | michael hoffman | judaism discovered from | texts january | henry makow | judaism discovered michael | anti biblical religion | racism self worship | deceit but | anti semitism | america the august | rand corporation | santa monica | world order collaboration | most jews | cabalist jews | jewish cabalism this | illuminati order | hoffman book hoffman | world order normally | judaism discovered | ordinary jews | hebrew yiddish aramaic | jewsthe inferiority | gentilessexual intercourse | little girls | permissibleimmanuel kant the | rated talmudsex magicritual | murderhasidic paganismmodern protestant | judaismfrom kaballah | sexual progressionno judeo | christian traditionthe rabbinic | modern agethe talmud | toiletthe attire | pharisaic malewho | jews today rabbi | judah loew | queen elizabeth |
Ranking en Alexa: 148662 Variación: -81138
PageRank Google: 4 [+] Averiguar PageRank en varios datacenters
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Baneado en Google : El dominio NO está baneado en Google. Válido para el buscador.
Fecha de registro: Sin determinar
Dispone de RSS : No dispone de RSS, la página no parece un BLOG.
URL RSS (feed): No se ha encontrado URL RSS en la etiqueta < link ...
TAGS destacados :
powell biden prediction | feminists have january | tube january | david icke january | real story | again january | peter goodgame january | jack blood january | feminists december | from its citizens | rabbi december | mailing list rss | feed william wallace | robin hood revealed | holier than thouhomosexuality | politics the pink | swastika build yourself | irish priest deep | world order | below pastor lindsey | williams details economic | calamity ahead | michael hoffman | judaism discovered from | texts january | henry makow | judaism discovered michael | anti biblical religion | racism self worship | deceit but | anti semitism | america the august | rand corporation | santa monica | world order collaboration | most jews | cabalist jews | jewish cabalism this | illuminati order | hoffman book hoffman | world order normally | judaism discovered | ordinary jews | hebrew yiddish aramaic | jewsthe inferiority | gentilessexual intercourse | little girls | permissibleimmanuel kant the | rated talmudsex magicritual | murderhasidic paganismmodern protestant | judaismfrom kaballah | sexual progressionno judeo | christian traditionthe rabbinic | modern agethe talmud | toiletthe attire | pharisaic malewho | jews today rabbi | judah loew | queen elizabeth | john deeus gov | talmudic courts sampling | feast judaism | mosaic code judaism | luciferian its | orthodox judaism | judaic hoffman | their jewishness | orthodox jews |
judaism especially | moses hess | communism nazism | with communism | zionism all | edith stein irene | maximilian kolbe hoffman | christian hoffman | paying the price | western society | while christian | egyptian hermeticism | gershom scholem professor | hebrew university | illuminati babylonian | judaism hoffman | pharonic egypt | sephardim wasps | rome modern | cabalistic satanic | illuminati order but | texts charles | american east coast | jews this | shaka zulu | entity since | fulfill our humanity | purpose here | project civilization time | makow first | blatt she | with love | jewish there | kaballah gershom sholem | historically kaballah | torah what | kevin how | roman catholic the | maximilian kolbe | jewish temple | judeo christain | judaism robert | romans rom | wherefore god | amen just | olam tikkun | cabbalists they | olam tikkin | babylonian talmud | judaism when | talmud but | peter long | below who wrote | harry potter pastor | lindsey williams details | economic calamity ahead | lindsey williams this | gianni hayes dear | family for | reverend lindsey williams | american voice radio | gianni hayes some | reverend williams | arab opec | because iran | euro this | treasury debt the | arabs opec | york banking | treasury this | bretton wood agreement | opec arab | treasury debt hence | national debt | china india | federal reserve | treasury debt |
pastor lindsey | alaska they | dakota this | bakken field | regarding obama | foreign relations the | bush administrations there | dubai there | china this | arabs opec asia | middle east | russia look | russians they | iran there | iran the american | second amendment | obama the | north american union | global government global | global currency etc | rick warren pastor | never trust | americans keep | pastor lindsey williams | details economic calamity | ahead william | lindsey william | regarding lindsey williams | kennedy speech | indianapolis april | lindsey williams | mccain williams | christine regards john | additionally coleman | world war three | fritz springmeier | indeed williams | spiritual preparedness | spiritual warfare lucifer | this williams | iran simultaneously | hello henry while | please whatever | alaska after | conservative party | dubai abu dubai | infrastructure canada | privy council | jack layton | community centre | reps linda | grand chessboard this | learned elders | australiasian pacific when | trilaterals the | goyim the pofz | ground allowing | ground there | ground for | ground tony | debts are canceled | separate money creation | from banking forever | dennis kucinich | calderon repeal section | canadian human rights | says catholic insight | commission chrc | chra section | prof richard moon | that section | tribunal chrt | criminal code | chrc under | marc lemire | anglo saxon | canadian jewish congress |
keith martin | justice minister rob | nicholson newspapers | hrcs section | national post | toronto star | montreal gazette | vancouver sun | ottawa citizen | edmonton sun | calgary herald macleans | catholic insight | canadian association | journalists jewish | simon wiesenthal centre | bernie farber | mark freiman | marvin kurtz | brith canada | chrc can jewish | news dec | human rights commissions | internet victims | hrcs catholic insight | justice minister nicholson | chris kempling | calgary bishop fred | henry alberta pastor | stephen boissoin saskatchewan | hugh owens | orville nichols ezra | christian horizons | ontario mark steyn | catholic insight what | catholic insight rob | pride centre | july august | edmonton court |
keith martin | justice minister rob | nicholson newspapers | hrcs section | national post | toronto star | montreal gazette | vancouver sun | ottawa citizen | edmonton sun | calgary herald macleans | catholic insight | canadian association | journalists jewish | simon wiesenthal centre | bernie farber | mark freiman | marvin kurtz | brith canada | chrc can jewish | news dec | human rights commissions | internet victims | hrcs catholic insight | justice minister nicholson | chris kempling | calgary bishop fred | henry alberta pastor | stephen boissoin saskatchewan | hugh owens | orville nichols ezra | christian horizons | ontario mark steyn | catholic insight what | catholic insight rob | pride centre | july august | edmonton court |
federal court | edmonton why because | legal defence fund | michael coren | toronto sun nov | godless world | krishna rau | connie fournier | later fournier | both mark | george orwell | blogger steve janke | chris creates | will not come | barter that | priests all | thank you | kinsey syndrome january | starring christian | pinto genre documentary | audience teens | content bbb | alfred kinsey | summary this | sexual revolution | review the bible | kinsey syndrome | judeo christian | brief this | german nazi | this dvd | address comments | pinto producer director | adullam films | distributor american history | films director clark | aliano steve aguilar | executive producer joseph | schimmel christian | pinto producer writer | pinto new video | legal web | paul verge | north america | world power | disc dvd | authoritative systems | from currency printing | media works | system find | lawfully discover | sovereign human | legal person empower |
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What is LAW all about and WHY is it?
We all know that we 'need' it but why do we have the LAWS that we have and where did they come from?
One can see that AMADEUS must have been of the legal profession or he must have studied it for many years and the LAWS of many countries to have come up with his understanding that SHARIA LAW was actually better than most...
AMADEUS was looking at the BIG PICTURE in terms of the human race since the dawn of time...
He took 'man' and 'woman' in their basic roles...and tried to understand how they could co-exist in the best political and social way, possible...
However, he didn't take into account more temporal and perhaps transient times...such as the huge development within WESTERN societies to try to aim to be as fair as possible to the complexities of modern 'gender confusion'...the whole arena...where one can feel 'male' but be born 'female'...and vice versa...not to mention the whole range of sexuality...gay, lesbian, transexual which covers different variations...I do not want to go into ILL CULT perversions along the S/M line because I do not consider them to be either 'genders' or sexualities'...just a load of mind control slaves programmed to destroy the world by destroying relationships between human beings...
...and that is a point that AMADEUS had made clear...the ILL and in particular the ROCKEFELLERS had tried to create 'lesbian/gay swathes' of every population that they could control...to break down the 'family' and to control people individually...ending up with a BRAVE NEW WORLD scenario where all babies were born in hospital environments and brought up by nurses...never ever allowed to see their 'birth parents'...and programmed to be 'slaves'.
AMADEUS was one of those 'gay men' who had never found the company of women interesting...
He had been taught by the higher echelons of the ILL CULT to be an out-and-out-paedophile (just like my father).
These men do not think that it is 'wrong' and from their teenage years...they belong to the ROYAL circles...they belong to the ELITE of this world - those who control it.
They feel 'safe' in the knowledge that they cannot be touched.
...and in the main, they are not 'touched'.
My father has never ever been in trouble with the police - despite what crimes he has committed.
He probably hates me more than anything - for 'outing' him - rather than OUTING any other member of this ROYAL community...why him?
He isn't 'rich' - he doesn't have that much 'influence'.
The point here is that those like AMADEUS - those who were 'rich' - and those who were in the top circles of power - they have had enough of the ILL CULT.
They wanted to HEAL.
..and when the GODS of the ILL CULT want to HEAL as in A-MAD- DEUS...you know that the world is probably going to heal too...the power of money and influence will make it go that way...
...but it's a struggle.
There are always those who do not want to heal.
Those who cling by their old and insane beliefs.
Even though ELTON JOHN sang 'CANDLE IN THE WIND' at LADY DIANA'S funeral (against his wishes or not, I do not know)...
...this song is what JOHN TODD would call a 'witch song'...based upon TALMUDIC ideas...she was a gentile mind control slave up for sacrifice...only a short time before the ASHKENAZIM/ROTHSCHILDS blew her flame out...the ROTHSCHILDS who had interbred with the WINDSORS...who personify themselves in ILL CULT programming as the WIND...
...the WIND...blew LADY DIANA out...
...but after that the MOSSAD issued an ultimatum...'you do not blow any more candles in the wind out'...but it didn't stop them trying.
...the ROYAL PRINCES had turned against the ILL CULT...WILLIAM saw LADY DIANA in a similar way as to I saw HANNI GLOOR...she wasn't his real mother but he had loved and respected her...because she had really been a 'mother' to them both as children...and after that...
I remember chatting to WILLIAM in brief - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...about how HANNI GLOOR used to make sure that we were clean behind our ears, in the bath...we had to be scrubbed clean and it really hurt, as children we used to yell as she did it although it didn't hurt that much...
He laughed at that one...LADY DIANA was just the same, meticulous...her children were clean, put to bed at the right time...every aspect of their lives had this mother-figure who 'knew' how they should be cared for...and they felt safe and sound in her care...
I do not want to condemn ELTON JOHN far from it...'candle in the wind' is a sort of hopeless elegy to the woman mind control slaves who have been murdered by he ILL CULT throughout contemporary history (although probably before that, too)...and it was supposed to be dedicated to the most beautiful of them all...MARILYN MONROE...
GRACE KELLY? She didn't have such a high international profile...but another one...who was murdered young...
ELTON JOHN wrote in 'witch language':
I'm going back to my farmhouse, back where I belong...
DEB MCD loved ELTON JOHN above any other artist at school...she was odd, the only one of the girls who wasn't seduced by other pop idols...
I guess his songs spelt out 'hope' to the most beautiful of girls...who were being so abused.
...although ELTON always had a 'writer' as in BERNIE for his songs...so who really had the 'heart'?
Anyway, AMADEUS' struggle in terms of healing was twofold:
Firstly by righting his body chemistry he cured himself of terminal cancer.
Secondly, he had decided to learn how to be 'heterosexual' for the first time in his life and to experience ORGASM with an eyeball-to-eyeball encounter with a woman.
This amused him as a new 'talent' or skill.
He then went off to try it out... and told me telepathically that when he started to 'chat a woman up' that he had read HER mind and just seen 'fat old man' before he had done anything in terms of asking her out...
This had depressed him utterly.
He wasn't 'fat' in my opinion but that was by the by...I could see the main cause of the problem...and that was...reading people's minds before you seduce them...and they get to know you.
So I told him:
"When heterosexual men look at a woman they think this:
That is all HETEROSEXUAL MEN think.
It is really that simple.
That is what you get from a male mind.
You get over it.
You know that is their basic impression of a female.
Their second impulse is to ascertain whether they are likely to get their leg over or not.
If they think the possibility is there - they think of strategies to do it without PAYING i.e. without having to properly DATE her and take her out to dinner or to a movie or to some other entertainment place that costs money...
In short, 'straight men' think with their balls and erections...they do not see the woman in front of them as a 'person' and every teenage girl had better 'listen up' to that one...
Men who want to get their 'end away' go to the utmost in the usual and elaborate lies that they think that a woman will take...
If you want a litmus test...make sure you are staring into their eyes...their pupils, whilst they are talking to you...this is the best human 'lie detector' that I know of...
It is amusing that MEN use it on MEN and in the HOUSE OF COMMONS as with CAMERON calling upon BROWN to do it...
Just look me in the eye...
If a person cannot do this, you know that they are scared of you...and why?
When a person looks me in the eye...I can 'download' from them...I 'get' where they are coming from...and if you are somebody who as nothing to hide...looking somebody in the eye, shouldn't be a problem...
...the funny thing about all of this is that I can 'feel' so many JOOS on the network doing something about this...
I can feel them thinking and saying...'we have to do something' and they are going out and doing it in a positive way...
It is the JOOS who are waking up...
...and not just the ONKEN POT...
The TASCHMANS had stated that their SATANIC BELIEFS were all GRAECO-ROMAN mystery beliefs within that website that they had written and then acted upon....drinking women's breast milk from their milk sacks by a straw...despite the extreme pain and horror of the woman concerned...like cattle in a stall...
BUSH also mentions the insane DRUIDS behind the MARTIANS in his diatribe against those who opposed him in SAUDI ARABIA...
I should have noted the name of the BLOG OF NOTE yesterday because I recognised it immediately.
However, the BLOG OF NOTE has now changed today...
Anyway, I remember the BLOG OF NOTE that was on show, yesterday because RIMINGTON had shown it to me in 2004 and said:
"You will remember this photograph and this one and you will write that it is funny how you recognise them because you have never been to BAHRAIN. That is all you will remember."
I remembered a lot more about BAHRAIN didn't I?...and a long time ago now...
Around the time that the 7 SISTERS scars and the PENTAGON scar come up on my leg...see previous notes.
What did I remember last night?
There are apparently only 5 levels upon the GREEN trail.
I also remembered TOMLINSON taking me to a forest clearing and drawing an equation with a stick - in the earth.
It appeared to be the square root of something...he had written:
I do not know why the quantity of y was expressed as 1.
It reminds me of the ying advertising company that often appears to be tracking my internet usage, for some reason.
Anyway, the whole square root of the above was encapsulated in something else...probably another square root or brackets.
TOMLINSON told me that he had to have a simple equation - the simpler the better but that this was what he used for his financial program.
The BLOG OF NOTE that JO SMITH had been on and her 'ancestral tree' - she was pointing out that she was of the ROBINSON family.
No wonder 'john waters' was hauled in to perform, for her.
He had been owned by the ROBINSON family.
Additionally I can remember JO telling him that he had been told to think of himself as JOHN MERRICK as in the elephant-man...and that is why she had chosen the name for the site.
'john waters' had been programmed at a subconscious level to see himself and to project himself as 'elephant-man', some sideshow freak.
JO and ROS were passionately in love with each other - and had been since DARTINGTON...that is why they were kept apart by the ILL and only allowed to see each other 'once in a blue moon'.
I didn't finish the story about AMADEUS and his desire to conquer 'being heterosexual'...he persevered...found a woman he was attracted to...asked her out...read her carefully, telepathically...did all that was necessary in terms of let us say 'the KARMA SUTRA' in terms of satisfying her and made 'eye contact' to get that 'buzz' between the male and female.
After that - every time he went into her place of work - she was moony-eyed around him...and he felt that the whole thing had been a success...he didn't bother to do it again...he had 'mastered' that one...he now knew what heterosexuality was all about...
...or rather, at that point in time he didn't do it again...this was in NY and a few years ago...and he was complaining that he was an old man now and what a pity to learn how to do it at such an advanced age...
I have just had a letter posted under my door by the owners...it is from the local ST JAMES surgery and it is asking me to come in for a CERVICAL SCREENING upon MONDAY 24th August 2009.
Okay - so I remember AMADEUS telling me NOT to do so 'just in case they try something' - he wasn't too sure which way it would go.
Anyway, it is a long time off and so I do not have to make a decision right now.
I could always write to them and say that I had it done privately at the BROOK CLINIC...and 'thanks but no thanks'.
The above is called PA BLOG.
What might this be about?
Possibly my time as a PA for MARK R in Saudi Arabia?
This blogspot features a WALT DISNEY video:
Tron Legacy Trailer
Apparently to be released in 2010.
I saw this trailer in 2004 - TOMLINSON showed it to me and said 'that's you and that's me'.
So this was the same old game - TOMLINSON had been put into the game to hunt me down at this point...
He had always identified with his 'big black motorbike'.
In this horrible little trailer - two guys are portrayed as 'robots' who can turn themselves into BIKES...and they then race for the amusement of some 'guru' who looks like a MORPH between GEORGE BUSH and SPIELBERG...
One guy wins and kills the other with a wheel, taken from off his back.
How sick is DISNEY getting? Is this really for kids...I do not mind violence in DISNEY cartoons...the WICKED QUEEN in SNOW WHITE was really scary for most kids...but the above is just sick...mindless...no real context at all.
Ad : BlackBerry : Loves U2
What is the significance of the above upon today's blog of note?
BLACKBERRIES are people to be decapitated by the ILL CULT.
Additionally, we appear to have a graphic representation of the TIME STREAM and what MARK and his associates had done to it, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE:
"Here is my new work entitled esreflux. This was a little experiment I created playing with circle/sphere shapes and a graph paper texture. View large version HERE."
Is this related to BIO-CHEMICAL warfare and viruses...possibly 'swine flu'?
"My personal favourites free font!"
This photograph of a man hiding his face behind the font...has the eyes of a young ROTHSCHILD behind him, upon a poster.
Now I remembered this morning...walking down a corridor of the TEMPLAR CASTLE with SCARLETT and seeing this particular ROTHSCHILD around...and I asked SCARLETT if these people were 'robots' too?
He replied that they were 'semi-autonomous'.
So what can one make of that? Who pulls the strings of the ROTHSCHILDS according to SCARLETT?
He didn't tell me.
All I know is that the CIA/WESTWINGERS were of the opinion that it was certain parts of the OSBORNE/OSBOURNE family who were controlling TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
Anyway, after SCARLETT had told me the above - I 'got it' as in I saw what had happened to the ROTHSCHILDS...they had all been programmed...they thought that they were at the top of the heap but in fact they were controlled by their own programming...semi-autonomous robots creating more semi-autonomous robots down the generations.
It seemed to me at the time that the program that SCARLETT was trying to break...no longer had 'free human beings' at the top...they had been replaced by semi-autonomous robots...
"Video: Wood
Posted by Starlight86 | video of the week
Here's the music video called "Wood" taken from Second Person's second studio release "The Elements". More information HERE."
What is the above video upon today's BLOG OF NOTE all about?
MARK R had shown me it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and showed me the 'cats eyes'...he told me that the little girl was myself...
NIR'S MOTHER was also there and she pointed out the 'white flies' as the SEPHARDIM...and that they had turned evil...
The song talks about the 'nasty chemistry' that we now have...and the 'savage energy'...I am not sure who the devil or the dragon was supposed to be...
"Home | My Twitter
Design background by hafidz @ putera aladin. All rights reserved."
So this is supposed to be an alliance between PUTIN, ER, RA CULT and 'SALADIN'?
...and HAFIDZ would be FIDO right?
"Please note that all the image and artwork featured belong to artists and respective parties copyright."
...an odd little legal phrase at the end...something not quite right about it but I have yet to put my finger upon it...
Suffice to say - this particular blog was put together at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
If you click on READERS at the end - you get what appears to be the same blog spot but in a different format with a load of POSTERS added and some of them feature WOODY ALLEN.
Yesterday, I got a DVD out of the library called:
It is about a man who has some eccentric ancestors who help him to sort his life out.
What could that mean?
The wealthy part of the ROBINSON clan who step in to ‘help’ their poor relatives?
I mean it is quite a common name…rather like OSBORNE…and therefore the family clan will be divided up into slaves and masters…
RIMINGTON used to call my Swiss family:
THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON for some reason…but I never got why…
…marooned on a desert island…what was the symbolism of that story?
What I do know is that this centres upon the DRINKS COMPANY which produces ROBINSON’S BARLEY WATER and other drinks…
LADY DIANA…now, she was a member of the aristocracy…and when her peer group were off at Swiss finishing schools, learning how to tell servants how to set the dinner table properly…she was learning how to be a NANNY…at a nursery…isn’t that odd?
Surely this type of profession would be too DEMEANING for the aristocratic classes…they HIRE nannies…they do not become them…so what was going on there, then?
Was either of LADY DIANA’s sons really her own children - or had they both been ‘swapped’?
She had obviously got on the wrong side of the ILL CULT - rather like ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER…and had been lined up to be the nanny of the children….children who had been lined up to be the next possible KINGS…
This is something that the ARISTOCRACY would have noted…but not necessarily the ‘man or woman in the street’…we all bought the story that she was a ‘dimbo’ with no qualifications, who had to work for a living, for no apparent reason…as sold to us by the newspapers.
She obviously loved her sons...whether they were really hers or not...but she could 'break that bond' when in an impossible situation...
Is that because she knew that they were not really her own and she wanted her own family...once she had seen WILLIAM and HARRY 'turn to the bad'...as in complete acceptance of the ILL CULT?
More ILL MAIL in my inbox today:
Unread AFerry.co.uk AFerry.co.uk - Save up to 30% on Disneyland Paris Breaks! 5:05 AM 11KB
I am looking at synchronicities at present...and DISNEY is coming up quite a bit...but the one in PARIS...I have never been as far as I know...is it run by the French ILL JOOS?
Regarding LADY DIANA - I was to learn at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and from a ROTHSHILD programmer that she had learnt that ISLAMIC gesture to bring both sides of the mirror/her mind together...
I had also done this in relation to the CAT'S EYE programmer in front of me...SAATCHI's daughter stretched out over the 'ark of covenant'....although it was really a sepulchre in the basement of the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
The ROTHSHILD freaked out and said in alarm 'that is what LADY DIANA did'...
This gesture had also been used in my presence by JOANNE COLLIE at WARWICK UNIVERSITY...in 1997. I had noted it and used it myself whilst her back was turned...rather like a monkey learning new 'tricks'.
I had a very large breakfast this morning…complete with BACON and SAUSAGE…considering I always leave these articles upon my plate and haven’t been given them for months…I find it odd…what am I being told here? Do I have to remember about human sacrifice again?
SCARLETT had told me to note whatever I was being given upon my plate and also the way in which it was arranged…
Additionally, there is a MARTIN GILL lookalike in the breakfast room…he has been here a few days now…
The other day - the owners told the MASONS that somebody in ROOM 4 had tried to commit suicide by walking down the pier and jumping off it…the police and lifeboat service were involved…
Was this for real or did it happen in 2004...rather like the owner telling the MASONS about somebody who had been picked up on the WIND ‘islands’ out to sea a few weeks ago (he thought that it had happened the night before)…that had been myself in 2004...after TOMLINSON had dumped me there…he had also cut a few cables to make me look like a saboteur…
So perhaps I tried to commit suicide at this point…in 2004...having been driven mad by the drugs that RIMINGTON was force-feeding me with…
I took my normal walk along the promenade this morning to the ‘yachting pond’ swimming pool and a MASON walked by me and shouted out ‘don’t try it - not deep enough’…as a ‘joke’…I suppose this was a reference to the above.
I have NO intention of committing suicide at all. I am on a ‘job’ as far as I am concerned and that is my ‘business’…additionally I am NOT working for anybody…not even SCARLETT who told me that he would try to protect me during this ILL GAME…I am working for myself, to expose these monsters.
Anyway, I fished out a few more objects from the yachting pool…a YELLOW TENNIS BALL, a RED STICK (Redwoods, I believe)…a BOURBON biscuit…and threw them all into the bin.
I then remembered AMADEUS telling me to fish the BONE out, the next time that I passed this swimming pool…I do not know what this represents…but it is probably about ‘raising people from the dead’…there is a passage in the bible which the ILL CULT used - about how the dry bones in the valley will rise up again…but I cannot remember where…
My mother promised to help me out with a bit of money…which she was going to put into my account…but that hasn’t materialised…it is hard to be on a ‘job’ and short of money…but what can I do? £60.50 p.w. is not really enough…perhaps I shall have to exist on apples or something…until I get the next ‘employment and support benefit’ paid into my account.
I remember in 2004 - my father was behind this one - the trap was as follows - tell my mother that I ‘could’ collect income support as well as the above benefit - even though he knows full well that I cannot until I have paid the £1000 in terms of National Insurance Benefits (because of my time working as an EFL teacher for the British Council)…my mother was then programmed to tell me that I am ‘lazy’ and ‘mad’ in terms of not going in to the JOB CENTRE, in order to force the ‘dole’ to pay me Income Support…and that she will not help me anymore because I am refusing to collect the benefit that is ‘owed’ to me.
When I look back on how many years I have been forced to sign on…and how I could have been collecting Income Support too…but didn’t have the £1000 to pay off the National Insurance in order to qualify for it…my mother shouldn’t have had to give me money in order to survive…she could have just paid off the above and then I would never have been short of money whilst claiming benefits…but my father didn’t tell her that…and so she lost money and took it out on me…all because of him. Over the years - she has certainly helped me out, to the tune of far more than £1000...not that my father cared. It wasn’t his money and he was annoyed with her for wanting to help me.
I might also add that ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had told me that during 1980...when I was supposed to be working at POWERGEN as a clerical assistant…during my ‘year out’ of 6th Form College…she told me that the SOLIHULL TAX OFFICE had no such records of me working there…
Of course they didn’t…and I guess that everyone upon that course, was in the same boat…having to pay a year’s NATIONAL INSURANCE out of their own pockets…and finding that this out - once they went to sign on and realised that they were not eligible for INCOME SUPPORT…
Maybe some of them were like me - and didn‘t find out for many years…it was my father who had found that out for me and only recently, a few years ago…a double-edged sword…
Anyway, every time I have ever had to sign on…the JOB CENTRE staff would simply say ‘you are not eligible’ with varying reasons as to why I wasn’t eligible for INCOME SUPPORT…normally they would say that I hadn’t ‘earned enough’ over the past year, in paid employment.
So another government SCAM exposed there then...those who had been put under mind control were to exist on a pittance if they were disobedient...they would lose their jobs...and would not be eligible for Income Support and then they would begin to fall through the 'net' as it were...eventually ending up upon the streets.
Looking back to 1997 and those 'odd' conversations with JOANNE COLLIE at WARWICK UNIVERSITY...
The time when she had made that 'Islamic' gesture....
SCARLETT...I can remember now...he had told me that it was in point of fact, an ARAB JOO gesture...
He believed that they had found their way out of the ILL CULT...but weren't about to rescue anybody else from it...they were now trying to run the entire CULT themselves...
So how come COLLIE had picked up that gesture then?
Where had LADY DIANA picked it up from?
I had copied it from COLLIE and so one assumes it is a sort of 100th monkey phenomena...you 'learn it' off each other...
COLLIE had asked me pointblank:
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
She then told me that she thought that I was working for SHIN BEIT.
I had just come back from PRAGUE...so who was I working for but wasn't 'aware' that I was working for anybody at the time?
Let me list the possibilities in relation to those who had been around and those who had used/attacked me whilst working in PRAGUE:
Take your pick.
However, at that infamous PRAGUE BRITISH COUNCIL DTO party in 1995:
I had left the lot of them, in no doubt as to who was 'behind' me...who had bugged the place out and who currently had them all under surveillance...and that was the US MILITARY.
...and I have forgotten to mention the ROTHSCHILD programmer whom I was to meet with MR PUTIN in PRAGUE...circa 1995.
So let me go a little further with the MISSING NATIONAL INSURANCE STAMPS that should have been paid in 1980 but weren’t paid…by the ROYALS/ROCKEFELLERS/BRITISH INTELLIGENCE who were programming us all, that year.
I wasn’t working - the TAX OFFICE ‘knows’ from their records that I wasn’t working - additionally I wasn’t signing on. The JOB CENTRE has no records of me signing on.
So what was I existing on - thin air?
If I had been signing on - my NATIONAL INSURANCE STAMPS would have been automatically paid.
Therefore I would like to say to anybody who thinks that they might have been programmed - if you want to know the YEAR…just go along to the TAX OFFICE and find out if you have a missing 6 months to a year in terms of NATIONAL INSURANCE STAMPS. You might have thought that you were working at POWERGEN or some similar company - but in fact, you weren’t…and the TAX OFFICE knows it…
If you are one of the lucky ones and have never had to sign on - you might not realise the above until you get to 60-65 or so and want to claim your STATE PENSION. You will not be able to claim it until your NATIONAL INSURANCE STAMPS have been fully paid up.
I remember SUE WHALLEY now - telling me that her father had sorted it all out for her, at the TAX OFFICE ‘because I don’t understand that sort of thing’. So he must have paid off her MISSING National Insurance Stamps. That is probably how the ILL CULT covers this one up - by getting the fathers to go in and ‘clear it all up’.
However, not particularly well - because surely there will be a RECORD of when the MISSING National Insurance Stamps were paid?
So all I can say to those who think that they might have been programmed is - check to see if you have a missing gap in your NATIONAL INSURANCE STAMPS payments. Additionally, also check of a period of time wasn’t paid for - at the time - but was subsequently paid - perhaps years afterwards, in order to ‘cover up’.
My father is so ‘mean’ that he wouldn’t cover up for the ILL CULT - either that, or he wanted to expose the above by NOT paying these STAMPS up to date.
The statement below is from my MY3 DONGLE.
It differs from the last statement because I used to only have MOBILE BROADBAND and CREDIT - and the CREDIT was 33p.
33 being a ‘son of G-d number’ - I used to be a little suspicious of that one and I could never work out what ‘CREDIT’ meant because it was never used up - it never went up or down….and now that I have topped up my DONGLE again - a second time - suddenly the 33p has changed to 65p. No idea why. What does ‘Won’t Expire’ mean?
Here's what you've still got left to use.
Remaining Valid from Valid until Expires
Mobile Broadband (MB)
Mobile Broadband 749.19 24/04/09 08/08/09 1 day
Mobile Broadband 3072.00 - - Queued
Total 3821.19
Internet (MB)
Free internet allowance 149.95 07/08/09 05/11/09 90 days
Total 149.95
Top-up credit £0.65 - - Won't expire
Total £0.65
Text messages
Free Texts 500 07/08/09 05/11/09 90 days
Total 500
Other Packages
Broadband Starter Kit 3GB - 17/04/09 - -
Data usage
You've not used any internet data outside of your allowance.
Top of Form 1
We use your cash in the order shown above, from top to bottom. Recent Top-ups might take a few minutes to appear.
* Free credit that came with your phone.
1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
Bottom of Form 1
Plus - when I first bought the MY3 DONGLE - the 3 on the website used to be ORANGE and now it is GREEN.
I still do not really understand how COLOUR-CODING works and why it changes now and then.
For example, in JERUSALEM and in the MUSLIM quarter the MASONIC house opposite to the first church on the VIA DOLOROSA was of that GREEN colour that one could often see upon ISLAMIC FLAGS with the CRESCENT MOON...and so I associated the GREEN TEAM with ISLAM...
However, it might as well be the colour of the ARAB JOOS...
In point of fact, one country...was it SAUDI ARABIA, I cannot remember - but they changed the basic colour from GREEN to RED...with the WHITE crescent moon staying the same...the whole design was the same apart from the background colour change.
I then got a flash of some ARAB SHEIKS who were of the opinion that they were of JOOISH descent...and how they had all been the cleverest...they had worked it all out...and they had a right to rule the infidel/gentile...
Something that SHARON had told me in terms of 'we are the chosen people and we have to bring the world back to G-D'...although he hastened to add that nobody could convert to JUDAISM...it was enought that we all worshipped G-d and not in our local covens etc...and he didn't include the ASHKENAZIM as 'joos' in that equation...
So had AMADEUS found a 'home from home' within IRAN then? See previous notes...
The SEPHARDIM had accepted him as 'one of their own' in terms of his ancestry...a true Semitic Joo...
Had AMADEUS found similar men in ISLAM? Those whom the SEPHARDIM had identified as being of their ancestry...
So was SCARLETT correct in his opinion that the SEPHARDIM had worked it all out...got free of the ILL CULT...and then decided to RUN it?
The ARAB SHEIKS (in that 'flash') - were of the same opinion too...of the same 'group' and network.
So the SEPHARDIM had worked it all out...presumably in ISRAEL...they hadn't gone to the ASHKENAZIM...they had gone to the ARAB MUSLIMS...to provide them with the back-up and support for their ideas...
...or had the BEC contingent in ARAB societies worked in tandem with the SEPHARDIM in order to work out the ILL CULT and then to control it - this is more likely.
So can one say that the US MILITARY got seriously worried circa the mid-1990s...that somebody knew about the MKULTRA program...they had infiltrated it and were now running it...and they wanted to find out who...
The MKULTRA program was the mind control program of the RA CULT...
The mechanised form of mind control...the computerised form of mind control via microchips and drugging...
...and this 'knowledge' had been obtained by the ARABS per se...JOOS or MUSLIMS...who were using it against the West?
Learn their techniques and use them back on them...all is fair in love and war...
I wonder now - just how many ARAB countries are planning to have their entire country VACCINATED against 'swine flu'?
I am thinking, at a pinch - NONE of them?
Isn't the very idea of 'swine flu' an odd one?
Pearls before SWINE.
Isn't the very idea of 'swine flu' an odd one?
Pearls before SWINE.
Okay, AMADEUS I didn't have to don a burkha but I could get used to it...
JUST SO LONG AS...I had my 'human rights under the law' - underneath my burkha...I wouldn't mind at all, having to wear one...and I have to accept on 'faith' the idea that the MUSLIMS have a much better legal/social system that protected the heterosexual family...because that is what you were talking about, wasn't it?
You had figured it all out - that in order to protect the world from those like the ROCKEFELLERS who wanted to create 'brave new world' where no parents were allowed to even know their children...you had gone the other way, championing an ancient way of 'heterosexual' life. A man with many wives and children....that sort of thing.
You thought that the JOOS had lost their way because the TALMUD taught PAEDOPHILIA...and had lost the basic bones of 'family life' within a community.
...how funny...there was AMADEUS a pillar within the VATICAN...but he had gone back as far as it took...to the dawn of time and back...to find out what the human species was all about...he had found out his own genetic/soul print...and begun to pull all of the threads together...but was he right in his conclusions?
I had known that this was necessary and I knew that it was possible via remote-viewing...to go back to the very beginning and to 'see' it all...AMADEUS had been the perfect candidate to do this...he had so much experience of many different cultures...knew so many languages...
DD had disagreed with me at the ACDC centre in HANDSWORTH in 1991...he had thought that it was only necessary to go back to when COLONIALISM had begun...
...and so not having the experience or learning of AMADEUS...I have to bow - albeit unwillingly, to his conclusion...
The Islamic way of life, is most probably the best way for this world at this point in time...but I say that, with big reservations.
It can save the world but as MANNEKE told me...people are too ignorant...they have to live in that sort of world (Islamic) until they realise that there is something better...envisualise a better way of life.
I suppose that what MANNEKE was seeing, in 2004 - was a world that had gone insanely wrong...and that it was therefore time to turn the clock back - to the beginning again...to 're-live' world history...and from a grass-roots level...in social terms...so that the human species would hopefully NOT take the wrong turning the next time...and start going towards a BRAVE NEW WORLD society...where people would be bred like brainless animals...a world where they have no contact with their children...and exist, doped up to the eyeballs on a drug called SOMA...and in real terms in the 21st century that means pornography, TV, media and drugs (street or pharmaceutical).
Of course...the SEMITIC JOOS and the followers of MOHAMMED were very similar...they all took many wives and generally had a lot of children...in the early days, there wasn't that much of a difference in social/communal terms.
When I looked at the early 20th Century photographs of the TURKISH joos...and I was simply flicking through a book filled with huge photographs and not too much text...the theme of the book was actually TEXTILES...so large colour or black and white prints...
...and until I had bothered to read the text...I had no idea that I was looking at JOOS...in history.
I immediately figured - TURKEY - must be MUSLIMS...so this is all 'Arabian Nights'...that sort of thing...and it was...those early photographs depicted a life that one sees in HOLLYWOOD movies around the stereotypes of ARABIAN NIGHTS...as a 'fantasy' rather than a reality. Not a MUSLIM world but a JOOISH world.
...and I might add that these 'JOOISH TRIBES' in TURKEY all looked intensely Semitic...they were wandering tribes...who lived upon the fringes of Turkish society...and yet their jewellry and dress...their silver samovars...the decor around their tents...it all said 'Arabic' to me.
...but then the word 'Arabic' is a way of changing the goalposts...it is a 20th Century word...it didn't exist before the last Century...
Before that - there were simply those of Semitic descent and those who were not...
So the ENGLISH language kept on 'changing the goalposts' to try to change our perceptions...
...and in particular, our perceptions of HISTORY...world history.
They kept on labelling and re-labelling things...adding to the confusion.
Did the same thing happen in the ARAB/SEMITIC languages?
I have no idea...
What about the CHINESE and their different languages?
The JESUITS had tried to work out what the CHINESE knew about the 'comets'...
...and if we come full circle...to COLLIE in her office, 'stroking the tail of the comet'...in order to bring herself back to full consciousness...that 'Islamic gesture' as I noted...
Did this 'knowledge' originate in the FAR EAST?
Is the middle-east a 'blind'?
The idea that the Semites were the first to discover real 'knowledge'?
Our history books now tell us that this is probably not the case...the most advanced civilisations were to be found from INDIA to CHINA...
...although MIKE WEALE was of the opinon (see previous notes)...his colleagues and himself...now believed that homo sapiens as in an 'intelligent human life form' rather than apes - had actually originated in AFRICA...
...and I had countered with...it depends upon the next skeleton that you dig up...and carbon date...so the next one could be in GREENLAND or VENEZUALA...you don't know until you dig up the next one as to how far back the 'human' opposed to 'ape' theory goes...
Venezuelan Black Magic Boom
The MORNING STARR? An occultic name for a 'newservice'...anyway, the ILL CULT appears to have got a big hold in VENEZUELA.
Ritual Killings On The Rise In Nigeria
Interpol Step In To Save Albinos
Albino Boy Kidnapped In Ghana
Albino Trials Begin In Tanzania
Voodoo Goat Slayings
Five Jailed For Burundi Albino Slayings
Grave Robber Grunke Guilty
Grave Robbing Trial Begins
Naked Witch Caught Sucking Teenager’s Breasts
Russian Model Faces Three Years In Jail For Desecrating Graves
Saturday morning…I had a weird dream last night…I dreamt that I had taken the strings out of a cuckoo clock…they were all tied up with different coloured pieces of wool and felt inside the clock and so I simply ripped the whole lot out…the clock won’t work again.
I also realised that it was probably TOMLINSON who had tried to kill himself by jumping off the pier in 2004...after a drug overdose.
I recently saw a load of photographs from a RUSSIAN agency and they were of RIMINGTON on top of a high building. I was there at the time of the photographs. After they had been taken by MACDONALD…ROS was left with TOMLINSON and I, up on this roof and she told him to hang me over the edge of the building…I had had enough of this by that point and told him telepathically to attack her…we would hang her over the edge and so we walked towards her like Midwich Cuckoos and she ran shrieking down the stairs to tell MACDONALD.
TOMLINSON and I got downstairs - it appeared to be the PRAGUE BC DTO…and found MACDONALD - ROS was badly frightened…telling him what had happened…I countered to MACDONALD that she had simply taken too many pills that day - which she had - I had been counting. She had a bottle of RED/WHITE pills but I have no idea what they were for - she had pretty much overdosed on them. I told him that I was a ‘watcher’ - that is what I do - he knew that. MACDONALD told ROS to show him the pill bottle and then got angry with her for taking far too many in a day - he mentioned the possibility of a stomach pump but she was too far gone - she had been taking them over the whole day and they must have entered her blood stream.
Anyway, why are so many photographs of RIMINGTON up on the INTERNET now? There weren’t many until recently and now there are masses and from all over the world. Nobody cares about getting sued any more. That can only mean one thing - that we will hear an announcement of her DEATH in the newspapers at some point.
Somebody called me last night at around 5.08pm but didn't leave a contact number 'no number' upon missed calls...odd because nobody has my telephone number...apart from the Council etc...and my parents who do not hide their numbers...
So now we have come full circle in relation to what MARK R was preparing for in relation to his VACCINES...
...I had written about this at EAGLE HOUSE...how I was the only one who knew the antidote...well, I am sure that isn't true...MARK R obviously does and all of his 'people' whoever they might be...
What I learnt last night...was that the ILL have infected blood...all of those blood transfusions...and other 'disorders'...and that it would be relatively easy to kill them all off...'targeted killings' once you have worked out the CHEMISTRY...what will bond with what...let us call it 'ADVANCED QUANTUUM CHEMISTRY'...
...the ILL really shot themselves in the foot with demonic blood transfusions...along with their experimentation to create 'lizard people'...there are those who now know how to kill them all off and to leave the rest of us, standing.
So 'no' MARK R - even if I could remember the formula, I won't be handing it over any time soon...
You had told me that I was supposed to 'hold out' in this country and not to give them it but that 'you give it to them anyway before they have paid you back your money'...which rather messed up his plans...
Really? No - I am not giving away any formulas...I cannot remember any and I am most certainly not going to try to remember any.
On principle, as far as I can see...this is the best way to deal with the ILL...if they refuse to give the money back that they stole...just wipe them out with a bio-chemical virus that everybody will say was 'swine flu' or whatever...targeted killings...we know their chemistry...we have their numbers...this is an efficient way of getting rid of the lot of them.
It's all on the DNA...how to distinguish between the TOP ILL and the others...
...and then to engineer a disease that wipes them all out...that appears to be what is going on now.
...and this had been 'perfected' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
Yes, that's right PRINCE PHILIP...the f***ers are going to wipe you out and not the other way round...
Now I know who rang me from 'no number' - having just checked my mail:
Thank you for returning your assessment form so quickly. Your assessment form was received by CHP on the 6th August 2009.
I will be looking to run through the assessment forms on Monday the 10th August 2009 and I will aim to contact you by the 5:00pm on the same day. I wrote in the letter that enclosed the assessment for that I would be looking to carryout viewings of Belle Court on the 13th August, since writing to you I have had notification from the developers that due to heath and safety issue around the development the viewing can not take place on this date however I do aim to provide you with confirmation of a date to view the property on Monday.
With reference to your previous e-mail, I have amended our records to confirm that your last name is spelt correctly as Gyde, please accept my apologies for this mistake.
Lindsey Carroll
Housing Options Coordinator
I have sent back the following email:
I would be happy to view the property with you on Monday 10th August - just give me a time to meet you.
Best regards
Emily Gyde
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