Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

i looked up PPB on a YAHOO IMAGES search and came up with a few photographs that I recognised...firstly the ROSES from 'seamonstermum' - those photographs were taken outside of the house that the OBAMA's took me to visit in order to do a PR job on their 'family life' for SCARLETT's crazy company.

The DIGNEY shot was 'under the WHITE HOUSE' where the bodies are put. A 'skit' upon that mass murderer who used to bury his victims under his house.

What were the OBAMAS saying about the WHITE HOUSE then?

Black Rabbit said...

I then looked up the circuitry board that you can find upon the first page of this search:

...and I saw what appeared to be the MOTOR upon it - which was labelled KI.

I then thought back to my dream about TELEKINESIS.

I 'knew' that this was broken up into code:


Black Rabbit said...

For my own part- I had used my own mnemonic system upon it - to remind myself of SWITZERLAND and what had happened in ZURICH.


Black Rabbit said...

Here is the entire list of searches:

Work 2002 1 PPB jpg
450 x 338 | 57k
ppb louise jpg
310 x 310 | 125k
ppb emily jpg
310 x 236 | 76k
ppb20 front big jpg
500 x 184 | 26k lagi
Master Chief ...
ppb high jpg
281 x 314 | 9k
ppb jpg
154 x 255 | 42k
ppb in song bird
ppb 03 03 jpg
529 x 433 | 31k
ppb roses 7194
Master Chief ...
ppb roses for nathan 7207
Master Chief ...
Master Chief ...

ppb lagi
Master Chief ...
PPB32 jpg
420 x 420 | 16k dan lagi
Master Chief ...
ppb 102090 jpg
140 x 200 | 7k
ppb20 back big jpg
479 x 183 | 20k
ppb magazine
Mojo Denbow\'s...
parts thumb de
ppb 2 jpg
899 x 572 | 132k

Black Rabbit said...

PPB-20 Press Patch Box

i remember talking with MARK R about the above and the screeching feedback that you get if you go too near to the speakers...inbetween them...

MARK R knew that this was related to something what happened to microchipped people if they went too near 'speakers' as in RADIO TOWERS...

Black Rabbit said...

The MASTER CHIEF's photographs- unfortunately I 'know' that these women are dead...but I cannot remember how or why.

Black Rabbit said...

ppb in song bird

This bag and the pram (if you click upon the link) were shown to me - to depict my relationship to RIMINGTON as my ILL mother. The pink bag was supposed to be my 'womb' which RIMINGTON 'owned'.

Black Rabbit said...

ppb 03 03 jpg
529 x 433 | 31k

This was about the GLASS and WOOD families of the ILL CULT who 'plan and build'.

Black Rabbit said...

PET SEMATARY and PPB 'disaster' magazine are obvious NWO ILL CULT threats...

Black Rabbit said...

Most (if not all) of these photographs were cached at:


Black Rabbit said...

More ILL mail in my SPAM box:

Mr Ouadraogo Ali Compliments of the season, Wed, 23/9/09 7KB

So somebody scored a GOAL?

i think that was me...

Black Rabbit said...

R.F.I.D Bracelet Once You Have Had the Swine Flu Vaccination?

A truly horrifying video.

The spokesperson tells us that in the STATE of OKLAHOMA - people will NOT be given a choice about the SWINE FLU vaccination.

The military will be out in force, to ensure it. Afterwards - each person will be forced to wear a RED BRACELET with a microchip upon it - WHICH CANNOT BE REMOVED - apparently this bracelet will somehow be 'soldered' onto the wrist.

We are now about to be treated as CATTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

I had a 'flashback' - I had not only seen this video but had unfortunately seen what was to happen next - the above DOES happen in the STATE OF OKLAHOMA and the speaker was murdered by the ILL.

However because the ILL couldn't manage to push it all through, upon a global level and at the same time - what happened in OKLAHOMA provoked such an international outcry...

...that it all ends up with the ILL murdered in their 'bunkers'.

End of story. myself, it is like watching a tidal wave approach...created by the ILL - which then disappears just when you think that it is going to break all over you.

That is how far the ILL had gone ith their planning to create a slave race globally - out of the whole of humankind.

Black Rabbit said...

A RED bracelet- isn't that telling?

It says ROTHCHILDS to me and the COMMUNIST flag.

Black Rabbit said...

How did they murder him?

The armed military personnel and police went to his house - he wouldn't come quietly and they shot him.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can remember the future if I have to...and it might be possible to save this guy now - if only he can be got out of OKLAHOMA immediately.

Black Rabbit said...

He deserves to be saved - such a brave man.

Black Rabbit said...

Can anybody believe that this is all really happening...and what a THIN EXCUSE...I mean swine flu isn't even supposed to be lethal...I have heard lots of stories of people getting it in CLACTON and surviving it feel terrible for a week and then that is that...

Black Rabbit said...

The PLUMBER is on his way upstairs...I have had NO notification of we shall see.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so the guy sorted out the radiators - once I had removed the white polyfiller from the thermostat - it was simply a case of turning it up - which in turn - made the radiators go on - they are on a system in conjunction with the central heating. If they do not come on - I have to turn the thermostat up until it 'CLICKS' in order to get them to come on.

He also checked out the plug sockets in the kitchen and also found that none of them worked. He also checked out the fusebox but couldn't find anything wrong and so advised me to get an electrician in.

Black Rabbit said...

...but it has to be said that I had turned up the thermostat before now and several times until it CLICKED but the radiators didn't turn on...but never mind - they are working now so no problems.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just written LINDSEY CARROLL an email - updating the current situation. So we are halfway there now - regarding getting this flat in tip-top condition.

All that is needed now is an ELECTRICIAN.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just received a letter from TENDRING DISTRICT COUNCIL (KEN FOLEY - BENEFITS ADVISOR) telling me that my request for an overlap period from the 14th September has not been allowed because I wasn't living in the property (FLAT 2, BELLE COURT).

i already knew the above, so no surprises there.

Black Rabbit said...

The NY 'CRAZY COMPANY' were at it again - upon this comments page.

...and as ever, we have quite a bit of coded stuff to deal with:

Black Rabbit said...

Memo to previous poster Kevin: I am an American and I set my temperature 70 degrees (F) in summer IF I even turn on the a/c, which I hardly needed at all this year since it was so COOL in Pennsylvania (no global warming here)-I used fans. In winter we set it to 65, to save heating oil costs, and wear sweaters. WE ALREADY ARE SAVING AS MUCH AS WE CAN. We only drive when we have to in order to save gas costs. We have to drive because the U.S. is 20-40 times bigger than the UK! And memo to Prince Charles: now I know why your mother won't step down and give you the throne.
on September 22, 2009
at 06:51 PM
Report this comment

Black Rabbit said...

LLC boss lives in PENNSLYVANIA?

Black Rabbit said...

"We already knew that."

Black Rabbit said...

We know where you

Black Rabbit said...

PRINCE CHARLES was programmed to be a CHUCKY DOLL?

Black Rabbit said...

Excellent- I have just had a call from PHELAN to say that an electrician will be here tomorrow morning at 9.30am.

Black Rabbit said...

Is SWINE FLU a bio-weapon?

Black Rabbit said...

VERICHIP and their LLC partners are hoping to microchip everybody in relation to SWINEFLU...this is the ILL at their worst...

Black Rabbit said...


DEAD MAN MUSINGS - what really happened in JONESTOWN? Apparently the CIA and MKULTRA- and coming from MARK R who hosted this site...I wouldn't doubt it.

Black Rabbit said...

One CODED reply to the above article:

Thanatos said...
First off let me say While it repulses me to include a .gov for a URL I include it only because it will give you quick access to the state deptartment's FOIA stuff, in case you want to press them for information on the subjects you bring up in this articles, I know FOIA will usually end up just getting pages of blacked-out info poorly xeroxed then mailed to you, but in case ya haden't done so yet, may as well since they're obviously already after you no? To be perfectly clear, I don't workj for them or anybody else, I'm out for my own self, and would just as soon throw a molitov are *ahem* certain places as look at them. I am an Anarchist, and Hater of all that is evil. but eh as useless as FOIA is, it might turn up something interesting for you on the slim chance the devil-worshiping monsters decide to let you have anything.

Best Regards,

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

Another dreadful thing that RIMINGTON had done to me in this flat - she had waited until I had put dye upon my hair and then got the PHELAN workers to turn the water can imagine what a panic that put me water to wash the peroxide off with. Let us hope that never happens again.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

i decided to look for instructions to put back the silver runners into my TOSHIBA laptop DVD drive but there were NO photographs of how to do it upon the internet...isn't that odd...but maybe, there again - it isn't - if programmers normally program themselves in as the 'runners' of these trays.

Black Rabbit said... however, does show you how to dismantle the entire laptop from start to finish...and that was what I went through, with MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER - it was important that I knew every bit of it - inside out - including the inside of the LCD screen.

Black Rabbit said...

To cheer myself up - I decided to watch FUNNY CAT videos on YOUTUBE and guess what?

I found TOMLINSON's - remember the still of the cat in the arctic with a machine gun?

Black Rabbit said...

The COMET fridge is supposed to arrive tomorrow.

I can remember what happened in 2004.

It got delivered down ELLIS ROAD.

I 'saw' the whole thing.

The elderly but sprightly husband and his younger wife - who got that fridge into their back garden through the house, so quickly and then when asked about it, later on - replied that they hadn't seen a fridge and that one certainly hadn't been delivered.

RIMINGTON had promised them a 'new fridge' and obviously they weren't going to let on.

So the big question now is:

Did DANNY from COMET really change the delivery address from CO15 1ER to CO15 1FH - or will that fridge still be going to the 'odd couple'.

Heads will roll, if it does - you have all been warned.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

Okay so the notes below were taken from the comments page (upon SPRINGMEIR's speech upon the PROPHECY CHANNEL regarding his books upon how to make a mind control slave) - the comments page was written by us - the FATWANG first comment, was of particular interest to me.

I would now like to look up the following - taken from various comments to see what we were all thinking about - these are my 'leads' to follow up:

49* 47' 47.82" N
5* 03' 29.84" E
Mother of darkness castle.

Google earth

You tube ‘ring of power’


“the arrivals”


Black Rabbit said...

I had a few odd fragments of dreams - firstly that two young men attempted to steal my pink/white bag which I use as a hold-all/handbag nowadays and so that would signify my womb…anyway, they didn’t manage it and once I awoke- I ‘knew’ that TOMLINSON’s satellite had been disabled…so in the end, he had gone the other way entirely and had his own satellite up there?

Next I had a dream of MARK R and his friend - very young - going on a chatshow with Clint Eastwood to talk about motorbiking from one State to another…to MILWAUKEE…and Eastwood insulted some of the audience by saying that the countryside view was the main thing because nobody wants to get to MILWAUKEE, do they…

After waking up from the above…I began to think about what I should do today…I am still worried about that fridge going to the wrong place.

I decided that it might be a good idea to walk down to COMET to be there at the time it opens…and check that the address is the right one. I could also take my laptop down there and see if they will put the silver runners back into the DVD tray for a minimal price. If they know how to do it - like TOMLINSON did - it will take all of 5 minutes. If they go higher than £10 - I will say ‘no’ although I bet they have a surcharge of around £30 on all ‘repairs‘. The laptop itself was originally just over £300 so it isn’t worth it.

Additionally, I can remember taking the laptop to a small computer shop in CLACTON and they dared to estimate a price of £80 for the job. Nearly a 1/3 of the price of the original.

Anyway, I got up and the MI5 network began to tell me that the BAILIFFS would call round today - they also informed me that this was DD’s doing. So he earned his name ‘poison dwarf’ - I can see that now but then he was just the same as TOMLINSON - just a main drug-dealer in his HARWICH den - counting out the QUEEN’S money.

So I am hoping, with regard to the above, MI5 - that this happened in 2004 but that it will NOT happen in 2009.

We shall see.

Black Rabbit said...


RIMINGTON had made me use my mother binoculars (just to make sure - my mother has left me 2 pairs of binoculars - despite the fact that I do not ‘bird-watch’ and have no use for them)…to view the top flat which is in the large house, across the road from the church - furthest from view - from my living room window.

The house has a GREY PYRAMID TURRET for a roof with the top chopped off the pyramid…you know the type of architecture…MI5 has it in LONDON…PRAGUE had quite a few buildings with this type of roof…you can also see it in FRANCE…I do not know what period but considering these houses/buildings are normally in RED brick - most probably VICTORIAN.

Anyway, I was told to look through the binoculars at this top flat in the semi-darkness of the early morning - when it had the light on in the top flat. RIMINGTON had taken me into this flat to see the SHADOWS upon the wall - created by a chair - a model ship - an angle poise lamp and some electronic equipment. You cannot see anything else apart from shadows upon a white wall - except a small triangular (?) grey table by the window.

What was the point of all of this?

To remind me of THE GREY MEN - such as MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER.

Additionally, the back of the chair creates a HARP effect upon the wall - unless you had remembered it as a chair on the other side of the room, positioned in front of a spotlight - you might not realise.

So what does the above all spell out to me?

HAARP rays.

The remote-viewing alters of MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER.

Why was their ‘body of energy’ GREY rather than GOLD?

In 1980 - the ‘body of ADAM KADMON’ as built-up by fragments from our souls in ST BASIL’s…that was a shifting pale gold…with the two black pupils for eyes…representing the fragments of DALDRY and TOMLINSON’s souls…

I suppose that this is to do with HARP and ‘negative energy’…how the energy of the ‘soul swarm’ had been transmuted to GREY in some way…or perhaps the souls had simply been told to project GREY. This would be a camouflage exercise, I suppose…so that if somebody like me were around…we would dismiss the ‘effect’ as simply ‘shadows upon the wall’. I mean it is one thing to see a faint gold shimmering mass…and ‘shadows upon the wall’.

RIMINGTON had sniffed about the above -that even if I did remember MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER (she obviously thought that this might be a ‘good thing’ for me)…that it wouldn’t do me any good at all.

Black Rabbit said...



I remembered the BODACIOUS photograph as having been taken by MACDONALD doing his ‘chat to everybody and charm the ladies’ then take their photograph for one of these blogs.

So in short, I was there.

I then scrolled down to see TWO RED CHAIRS being shifted off as junk.

Now who could that mean?

To RIMINGTON’s mind that would have been YOU - MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER. She had aimed to stab you in the back and hard, by this point in time.

However, from MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER’s point of view - the two RED CHAIRS most probably symbolise PUTIN and OBAMA.

What can I say but do you have any details in relation to FATWANG? See previous comment upon aforementioned YOUTUBE video starring SPRINGMEIER.

The network told me that he had been identified.

This CHINESE guy was a ‘kingpin’ in the CHINESE ILLUMINATI and his head was filled with beliefs as crazy as GEORGE BUSH’s had been…he thought that all CHINESE were ‘joos’…and that they were the chosen people…he was OZ-programmed up to the hilt with all sorts of craziness.

Black Rabbit said...


I was thinking about an ‘overview’ last night and thought about just how inventive, the ‘creative intelligence’ of the CHINESE had been, in dealing with the horror of this ILLUMINATI - programmed world.

They were the more ancient culture…the ‘longer line’ than the younger ABRAHMIC faiths and their civilisations.

With eminently practical intelligence…the CHINESE had ascertained that the mythical BIBLE had been talking about TURKEY as the REAL ISRAEL and not the ‘Israeli State’ that we know today…(archaeological ruins bear this out - TURKEY has far more claim to be the ‘real Israel’ as the Turkish Muslim in Harwich had told me…)

The CHINESE had then identified where LUCIFER had been flung from the heavens…into the BLACK SEA. So many different cultures had been programming people in that sea and for centuries…notably the ASHKENAZIM/KHAZARS. So one has to say that they weren’t quite as silly in calling themselves ‘joos’ as one might have previously thought.

The waters were polluted with some nasty micro-bacteria/organism which infected the brain. Something had to be done.

The CHINESE then decided to ‘blow this silly god up’ and went off in their boat as ‘marine biologists’ to plant the bomb - the operation was successful. What was the point? To rattle the BECS who were living beside the BLACK SEA in their fortress…and they got very rattled indeed - the radiation and dead fish turning up on their side of the SEA.

However, the BECS still wouldn’t give up their belief in LUCIFER. They then decided that LUCIFER was in fact, in the middle of the Earth and not at the bottom of the BLACK SEA.

So the middle of the Earth then - and not the deadened centre of your own brains - eh BECS? Time to re-think your belief systems. Try thinking PRACTICALLY.

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say in conclusion is this:

The AGE OF PISCES was all about the CHRIST-LIKE messiahs that have been noted in many different civilisations and all followed a similar, life - death - re-birth.

This is all about MIND CONTROL.

There are two types of MIND CONTROL - the positive (those seeking enlightenment) and the negative (those seeking to make mind control slaves of others).

Both have been practiced for centuries but the big problem is that HUMANKIND tends to use this extraordinary knowledge of MIND CONTROL to make HUMAN SLAVES rather than to enlighten human beings.

That being said - HUMANKIND can no longer be trusted with this knowledge - they have abused it down the centuries to create SLAVES rather than ENLIGHTENED human beings.

That is why the world is in the state it is today - we are on the verge of extinction - microchipped slaves, controlled by satellite.

Unfortunately the knowledge cannot be taken back and therefore the only way to stop the above from happening is to EXPOSE the knowledge of MIND CONTROL to everybody so that they can protect themselves and their families from being made into the SLAVE CLASS.

The knowledge of MIND CONTROL can no longer remain the province of ‘SECRET SOCIETIES’. It has to come out into the open and fast.

That is why the AGE OF PISCES is now nearing an end. The secrecy and esoteric nature of the myths around the creation of a ‘super-being’ or ‘enlightened one’…a MESSIAH…has all got to stop.

We could all have been MESSIAHS/ENLIGHTENED ONES centuries ago - if this knowledge had been made public. There would have been NO NEED for insane eugenics projects questing after superman/woman.

We all now have to be ‘enlightened’ about MIND CONTROL to prevent the vast majority of us, being turned into SLAVES.

Black Rabbit said...

The FLUX in your brains can be 're-lit' BECS. The damage is NOT lasting - you do not belong to any 'god' that you call LUCIFER/SATAN.

Black Rabbit said...

I am sorry - I forgot to put up the URL regarding SPRINGMEIER upon the PROPHECY CHANNEL - I was reading through the comments last night but was unable to then post on the internet for some reason - my internet connection wouldn't work at all from that point on. Here are the notes - they are 'leads' that I had picked out of the comments upon this YOUTUBE videopage - we had written them in that CIA suite and a lot of them contained some vital clues - these are what I would like to follow up:

49* 47' 47.82" N
5* 03' 29.84" E
Mother of darkness castle.

Google earth

You tube ‘ring of power’


“the arrivals”


Black Rabbit said...

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 1


Black Rabbit said...

13 Masonic Secrets 1/13

I have just had a look at this video which has MANLY P HALL talking upon it about EGYPT and CITIZENSHIP.

You can see the use of MIND CONTROL throughout the imagery used.

HALL talks about how you cannot understand anything until you understand how the pyramids were built.

I had 'seen' how these pyramids were built and it was done PRACTICALLY.

The pyramids were surrounded by vegetation and JUNGLE - lots of wood...they used poles/cranes made of wood and slings to drag the stones - hard work but not impossible.

What the modern mind doesn't understand is that the PYRAMIDS were not always in 'desert land'.

I am tempted to say this - although I do not know whether or not it is true but one wonders about AKHENATON etc...and the worship of the SUN god.

The SUN destroyed EGYPTIAN civilisation and they all had to move out.

The WATER in the underground lakes/caves beneath the pyramids all dried up - you can see that they once held water - any geologist can tell you that.

The VEGETATION died - dried up.

The SUN destroyed Egyptian civilisation.

Does it make sense to worship the SUN?

Do you think that a true EGYPTIAN would do that?

Were they all horribly misled?

All I can say is this: worshipping the SUN is a very foolish practice indeed. It is not a 'god' and shouldn't be worshipped as such.

Black Rabbit said...

When HALL talks about the dignity and enlightenment of the EGYPTIAN civilisation - he must be talking about the earlier forms of civilisation BEFORE the worship of the SUN was began.

Black Rabbit said...

When I talk about the 'golden energy' of the soul - this does not have 'heat' nor is it 'fire'.

It has a similar colour - that is all.

One cannot liken it to the SUN apart from in terms of colour.

Black Rabbit said...

Besides - in ST BASILS - I have already stated that what I saw in terms of the newly fragmented bits of souls swirling around...they were of a SILVERISH/GOLD and certainly not pure gold.

So if one wants to liken 'soul energy' to anything - one would have to say that it has the colour of the SUN and the MOON.

Black Rabbit said...

When the BRITISH ARMY saw that SOUL MASS flying up the black night sky - above the RED/YELLOW/ORANGE flames of the TEMPLAR CASTLE - this SOUL SWARM looked 'WHITE' by comparison.

You couldn't see the 'goldish/silverish' effect...because of the contrasting background.

Black Rabbit said...

Whatever SUBSTANCE the soul is composed of...and I have no is not 'born of fire'...nor of anything else that can be termed 'matter' within this 3D universe.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so the MI5 network primarily - is now telling me that the DEBT COLLECTORS will definitely be calling today.

I questioned them why.

It became clear that they all WANTED heads to roll.


This is MI6 at their worst - they are behind it all.


Last night - I had a ‘vision’ of just how many INTELLIGENCE SERVICES there were in the UK - far more than just GCHQ and MI5/6...I had seen as much during the ‘sweepstakes’ that MARK R and MACDONALD had set up, in relation to betting upon which UK INTELLIGENCE SERVICE managed to break out of ILL mind control first.

…and every single one of these SERVICES hated MI6. The comments ranged from ‘the most perverted bastards out’ and got worse from there on…

So I am beginning to get the picture here.

For example - with CHP - the powers that be wanted to save ROBERTO CIPOLLA as a somewhat innocent victim of all that had occurred…they also wanted to save the company CHP because on the face of it, this company is doing very good things for people on low incomes who cannot afford decent accommodation within big towns/cities - think underpaid nurses and you get the general picture.

However, in relation to saving operatives from MI6 from ‘heads will roll if it goes ahead’…the reaction from the network was rather different:

A roar of laughter and I got the general impression that the above people would not be missed.

“Let them do it.”

“Let them do their worst.”

Black Rabbit said...


Okay - so for my own part - whilst in POLAND - JONATHAN EVANS appeared to think that I was working for ‘those other BASTARDS’ and so did he think that I was being run by MI6?

Upon that note - not everybody who is being run by MI6 is necessarily a ‘bastard’.

However, when I look at what I had ‘seen’ in the RADIO ROOM at MI6 HQ on the South Bank - TOMLINSON and SAATCHI in the most evil and pathetic ‘child alters’ imaginable - whispering sick threats and obscenities down the tannoy to the microchipped slave base - one has to tend to agree with EVANS.

I suppose that SCARLETT/SONIA/MARK blogspot was the last insult that SCARLETT dared to throw at EVANS…what a stab in the back.

So now I have to expect a couple of thugs to turn up today - posing as DEBT COLLECTORS - courtesy of MI6.

However, I can see that the ‘end justifies the means’ here. One has to look at the consequences of this - rather than the actual event.

Therefore I will have to take today in my stride - deal with the DEBT COLLECTORS and the possibility that my NEW FRIDGE will be nicked by the criminal couple, down ELLIS ROAD (upon RIMINGTON‘s instructions).

In summary, one can see that we are now on to the higher levels of the ILL CULT as personified by MI6 - and these people are not tolerated or supported by anybody else.

Sometimes I think that the ‘network’ knows more about the future than I do - but then they had all seen the ‘general plan’ of this game in 2004 - how RIMINGTON had wanted it to work out and who was involved/behind each criminal activity. They had then chosen who they wanted to save and who they wanted to go down.

Black Rabbit said...

So upon second thoughts I cannot be arsed to phone up COMET again to ensure that they did change the POSTCODE - nor shall I mosey on down to COMET in order to have a word with them before the delivery.


Black Rabbit said...

i can see that DANNY from COMET was also upon the MI6 microchipped slave is all becoming clearer now.

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, I can now see the entirety of the 'REBEL GROUP' had planned this number.

They felt sorry for me (they hadn't told me but I 'saw' it anyway) because of the hell I would have to go through...but there again - the end justified the means - the getting rid of the worst members of the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

So let me see...once we are done with the MI6 tier of the ILL CULT...who is next?

Black Rabbit said...

I had programmed the future accordingly - to get rid of any bastard who harmed me - whilst in the CIA suite.

Black Rabbit said...

The latest email from NPOWER (NO customer number is mentioned but at least I now have a reference number):

Your Npower QueryWednesday, 23 September, 2009 12:15 PMFrom: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:
Our Reference Number: 96942681

Dear Miss Gyde

Thank you for your recent email,

unfortunately we don't have a marker that we can add to your account stating how many people live there for this to be used estimating your usage.

We would advise if you receive any statements through on estimate readings to call us with your actual reads as the more of a idea we have of your consumption the better we can try and estimate your future bills if needed

If you have any further queries please contact us on 0800 551 555 Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and Saturday 8am - 6pm

Kind regards
npower customer service

Black Rabbit said...

Here is a far more pleasant email from JODIE BROWN but BRITISH GAS is still hanging tough about me having to RING UP their customer service:

Flag this messageThank you for your email- Ref:EMAIL1995822.msgWednesday, 23 September, 2009 1:44 PMFrom: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >Dear Emily

Your Electricity Customer reference number: 850021304437

As your account is finalised our Customer Support Team are the only department able to set up a payment scheme on your account. Unfortunately, as they do not have an email address for me to forward your email to were unable to arrange a payment arrangement via email.

My colleague Alysha advised you to reply with a contact telephone number and a suitable time and date to contact you and we would call you and transfer you to our Customer Support Team. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Kind regards

Jodie Brown - Looking after your world

Black Rabbit said...

Now MELANIE DAY from VEOLIA handled the whole matter in a very simple and sensible way BY EMAIL.

I stated my earnings and what I could pay per month. This was accepted.

The first payment is due tomorrow but I will probably pay it today IF I get the payment slips with which to do so:

"I can confirm that I have arranged for payment slips to be sent to you under separate cover. As requested, your payments are set for £20.00 per month and the first payment is due on 25 September 2009. You are required to contact our office for a full payment review when you have paid on the 3 monthly slips provided.

You can pay using the slips free of charge at branches of Barclays Bank and some other banks. Alternatively if you would prefer to instruct your bank to pay us by standing order please find following our bank details..."

Black Rabbit said...

Upon that note - seeing as it is the 24th SEPTEMBER today and the first payment is due tomorrow - and I have NOT received the payment slips yet...I had better email her back to inform her of this problem and the fact that the payment may be a bit late if I do not receive the PAYMENT SLIPS today or tomorrow.

Black Rabbit said...


RE: Your statement of intent below:

"I can confirm that I have arranged for payment slips to be sent to you under separate cover. As requested, your payments are set for £20.00 per month and the first payment is due on 25 September 2009."

Dear Melanie,

I haven't received the PAYMENT SLIPS as yet but I am hoping that I will receive them in the post today or tomorrow.

If I do not receive them today or tomorrow - I will keep you informed upon this until I have the PAYMENT SLIPS and I will then email you back to confirm that I have paid in my first installment.

Your sincerely

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

I have received the following email from CHP this morning:

Flag this messageRE: CHP housingWednesday, 23 September, 2009 2:06 PMFrom: "Lindsey Carroll" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >Emily I have passed your enquiry to my colleagues in the Customer Service Department.

Any further enquiries should be sent directly to them using the following link:

The Customer Services team are in a better position to answer any enquiries you may have or refer you to another department if necessary.


Lindsey Carroll
Housing Options Coordinator


From: emily gyde []
Sent: 23 September 2009 12:10
To: Lindsey Carroll
Subject: RE: CHP housing

Dear Lindsey,

Thank you for sending the PLUMBER round to get the radiators working - the central heating system is working properly, now - however, he also advised me to consult an electrician regarding the plug sockets within the kitchen - none of them down that wall are working. He checked the fusebox to make sure that the circuit hadn't tripped but that doesn't appear to be the problem.

So this flat needs an electrician to have a look at it, at some point.

Sorry to be such a nuisance,

Best regards,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

I then received a second email from CHP to show me that the matter was under consideration and being dealt with:

Flag this messageFW: CHP housingWednesday, 23 September, 2009 2:07 PMFrom: "Heather Schultz" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "Lindsey Carroll" < >Good Afternoon

Thanks for the report below. This defect has already been reported but we will get it chased to ensure it is done asap.



From: Lindsey Carroll
Sent: 23 September 2009 14:02
To: DL Customer Services
Subject: FW: CHP housing

Please could the e-mail below be looked into. The address is 2 Belle Court .


Lindsey Carroll
Housing Options Coordinator

Black Rabbit said...

...and finally a third email from CHP about a survey but I think that I have too much on my plate at present to even think about filling it in (besides, RIMINGTON had instructed me too - and so I will avoid that one):

Flag this messageEmail communication from CHPWednesday, 23 September, 2009 2:46 PMFrom: "CHP Surveys" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: MISS GYDE,

We are looking to improve the way that we communicate with residents and would like to offer you the option of receiving information from us by e-mail. To start receiving rent statements, our Your Home magazine (pdf) and other selected correspondence by e-mail rather than post simply reply with the word “yes” in the e-mail text.

Want to win £25 of high street shopping vouchers*?

We are currently updating our website. To help us improve our online services, and for your chance to win £25 worth of high street shopping vouchers, we would appreciate your opinion. Please help us by completing the short survey.

Many thanks


* Closing date for entries is 12 noon, 12 October 2009 in Great Britain . No entries will be accepted after this date. The winner will be drawn at random after the closing date. This competition is open to people over the age of 18, but excludes CHP employees, Board members, and their families. Details of the winner will be available after the closing date by writing to CHP, 23 Myriad House, Springfield Lyons Approach, Chelmsford , CM2 5LB. If you owe any money for repairs or other services this will be deducted from the prize. Prizes are non-transferable and there are no cash prize alternatives.

Phone: 0845 155 3000

Black Rabbit said...

This was in my INBOX but it looks like a dodgy email and I shouldn't have opened it:

Flag this message

Important Information Regarding Your yahoo Account
Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 9:01 PM
From: "Yahoo! Alerts" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: undisclosed-recipientsDear User,

We are sorry to inform you that we are currently working on securing our
server, during this process account which is not manually verified by us will
be deleted, Please confirm and submit your information for manual verification
by one of our customer care.

Information which is to be provided is below:
User Name:
User Id:
Date Of Birth:
Country (At Sign up):

Upon confirmation of information from you, we will manually verify your Yahoo!
Account and reserve it not to be deleted, We are sorry for any inconveniences
this might have cause providing your information over the email.

Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two
weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.

Copyright © 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright/IP Policy | Terms
of Service | Guide to Online Security

NOTICE: We collect personal information on this site.

To learn more about how we use your information, see our Privacy Policy.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so in 2004 - I rang up COMET to be told that the fridge had left the depot and would be at my flat at around 11am.

It never turned up.

I then ‘saw’ what had happened back in the CIA SUITE and dealt with all concerned, accordingly.

It was a way of pulling out of the woodwork - the most evil RA CULT slaves.


I can tell you what happens in relation the MELANIE DAY.

She had delegated to one of her employees - the job of sending out the PAYMENT SLIPS.

This evil-minded little RA CULT slave hadn’t done so. I ‘looked inside her head’ - it was all darkness - a real ‘black head’. She had been programmed by RIMINGTON NOT to do so and wouldn’t - the conflict of loyalty was massive. She thought about sending the PAYMENT SLIPS out to the wrong address in order to comply with RIMINGTON’s orders…but then thought that she might lose her job because her boss was on to her and very short on the telephone.


Eventually, the little RA CULT SLAVE decided to follow her boss’ orders and not those of RIMINGTON. She therefore survived.

Black Rabbit said...

That is how TOUGH this is going to be from now on - to those in the HIGHER ORDERS as well as those further down the ILL CULT FOOD CHAIN.

Black Rabbit said...


I cannot remember if I have commented upon the last story that I read within this volume and so I will do so now:


(meaning soup with liver added)

MARK R and his film crew had decided to film RIMINGTON in the starring role. They had made me play her alcoholic and ‘useless’ daughter. RIMINGTON loved the part - especially when ROS had to play MARIANNE who tells her that she is BEAUTIFUL in the sauna.

I am getting the picture here that this story was commissioned for RIMINGTON - it planned out her ‘serene death’ in terms of assisted suicide in SWITZERLAND.

The story paints RIMINGTON as this upright and very correct ‘mother’ who has done the ‘right thing’ throughout her entire life. I would laugh if it wasn’t all so ghastly.

RIMINGTON took to the part like a duck to water.

I didn’t.

In the last scene that MARK R wanted to shoot - I played the part of the daughter and then as MARK R said ‘cut’…I sauntered away from the scene with a smirk upon my face.

MARK R and the crew were aghast - didn’t I believe in my role? Didn’t I understand that I really was the alcoholic and ‘useless’ daughter of RIMINGTON in real life?

Of course I didn’t.

I turned on him - did the spiral that I had learnt from AMADEUS and told the lot of them to shut up, pack up and GO AWAY NOW. They did so - terrified.

So where had I learnt JESUIT/AMADEUS control of the PRANCING REINDEER?

I haven’t quite worked that one out yet - but I certainly had it and could use it when I got ‘bored’.

As I had used it on TOMLINSON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - turning him into a sleepy bull who couldn’t keep his eyes open.

Black Rabbit said...


These 'dried blood dog biscuits' referred to what RIMINGTON used to carry around in her handbag for 'sustenance'.

I have already related how she was suffering from an extremely serious blood disorder - probably many - a range of them i.e. CHAGA, PORPHYRIA, ANAEMIA...from ILL CULT blood transfusions (not to mention inflammation of the brain due to too many dunkings in the BLACK SEA).


Black Rabbit said...

I have now sent ALL emails received from these water/gas/electric services (inc COMPUCOVER file VIKTOR) to - having realised that the last YAHOO email was a FAKE one sent by RIMINGTON and CO in an effort to hack my email address and then to change my password so that I cannot access my mail.

This all happened in 2004 - at this point in time.

I therefore had NO email contacts and NO proof of the above correspondence with the above services.

Black Rabbit said...

I do now.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, COLLIE I think that they are all now getting the idea of just how thorough I can be (you are thinking about the footnotes in my dissertation)...and now the ILL are beginning to catch on to the fact of just how thorough I was in planning the future...of everybody's futures.

Black Rabbit said...

Guess what RIMINGTON had planned?

My stood at 666 emails in my inbox this morning...

I have just sent another email from to make that 667.

RIMINGTON was hoping that she would be able to take control of that email address at 666.

Puerile, isn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

It is nearly 11am SO WHERE IS MY FRIDGE?

I have not bothered to call up...this is all a 'laugh', now.

Black Rabbit said...

For some reason - the DOORS of this flat have not been addressed by CHP or the ‘carpenter’ on site…I wonder why?

This has been the least of my problems so far.

RIMINGTON had devised this because as she then told me - I would feel even more unsafe and insecure without a bedroom door to close behind me.

As it stands I have no bedroom door which is parallel to the front door, in this little flat.

DR CARNEY had stood in this flat and told RIMINGTON ‘good - she won’t be able to stand the busy-ness of it all’.

What was he talking about?

The effects of OLANZAPINE upon the brain. Apparently it makes you unable to take in ‘busy’ views as in a road junction with a lot of cars and people.

It has NO such effect upon myself - it isn’t harmful to me, in my normal state of mind - simply not the most pleasant view out.

However, OLANZAPINE works upon the brain in order to create a sort of ‘autistic’ state of mind - whereby you cannot take in too much information, visually - without feeling panicky.

RIMINGTON had made me stand in front of the living room flat window and then told me to look down to the horizon I.e. to the end of the road filled with cars and back…then to the left and right…where there were many more cars and people - the effect was to make me feel panicky and disorientated. I have never felt this way before - only during that short period of time during which I had been put on OLANZAPINE and ILLEGALLY. I had not been sectioned - I was not ‘mentally-ill’ - just a victim of the ILL CULT and being abused by them through pure, petty spite.

Black Rabbit said...

In 2004 and after having been put through this ordeal and in this very same flat, I might add - I then had my memory wiped - and was put into a flat in MANNINGTREE - with NO prescription drugs I might add (needless to say - I had no need of them at all) and then given a job at ACORN VILLAGES as acting THERAPIES COORDINATOR.

Black Rabbit said...

11.15am and NO FRIDGE in sight...

I am getting bored here...I might just give them a ring...

I can hear the MI6 network saying:

"Poppycock - we can always invent some medical records if we need to (as in if they are taken to court)."

Black Rabbit said...


...and who is going to say that I was put on OLANZAPINE in 2004 then?

Which doctor and surgery will you bash around the head (as you did with DR BETTLE) and threaten the spouse and children...

This is simply going to get worse and worse for you MI6...

Black Rabbit said...

You see EVERYBODY now knows what you did...and they do not like you (and they know where you all live).

Black Rabbit said...

I have just checked the receipt of COMET delivery times:


That's no good is it?

May that serve as a WARNING for anybody wishing to order anything off COMET?

Want to spend the whole day at home?

Black Rabbit said...


I have quite a few things to do this morning (and afternoon) and so I will give them a ring to get an idea (of when they are going to deliver it to said criminal couple...etc) so that they cannot say that I wasn't in - that would be even more annoying.

Black Rabbit said...

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that the ELECTRICIAN didn't turn up at 9am this morning either.

I had a telephone call off a PHELAN employee yesterday to say that an ELECTRICIAN would be here early on...and it is now 11.25am.

Black Rabbit said...

This wouldn't happen in SWITZERLAND or GERMANY would it?

What a joke this country has become and it is not as if we are in the DO DOMU state of a COMMUNIST NWO country as yet - the mind boggles as to how anything will get done if that this space...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I just rang up COMET and found out that they had now in fact registered the correct POSTCODE for the delivery.

Wonders will never cease, eh?

NOT what happened in 2004 during the 'run-through'.

Apparently - COMET have 23 'DROPS' a day and the fridge is coming in DROP 9.

That should be in the morning, the guy told me...we shall see.

Black Rabbit said...

Lovely - a prompt reply from MELANIE DAY as usual:

Flag this message

RE: FW: unpaid water bill - Flat 3 Eagle House, 74 West Street, Harwich, CO12 3DA - Customer reference 5115732 2

Thursday, 24 September, 2009 11:25 AM

From: "Day, Melanie" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >Dear Ms Gyde

Thank you for your email received today, the contents of which are noted.

I can appreciate that there have been some delays with the postal service at the moment. I have arranged for a copy of your slips to be sent to you just in case the original set do not arrive. The first slip is dated 25 September 2009, however if the slips have not arrived by this date please pay the first slip as soon as you receive them; your account has been noted accordingly for you to reflect the delay.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact our office on 0845 600 2118.

Yours sincerely

Melanie Day
Enforcement Officer
Veolia Water East Ltd
Mill Hill, Manningtree, Essex CO11 2AZ
T: 0845 600 2118
F: 01206 399 212

Black Rabbit said...

So tell me what is VEOLIA WATER doing RIGHT which BRITISH GAS seems to be incapable of?

Answers on a postcard...

Black Rabbit said...


Not such a 'serene' death, eh RIMINGTON?

Black Rabbit said...

i might add that the BRITSH MILITARY kept the FERENGI in a CAGE underground for about 6 months and then one of the SAS shot him at pointblank range, whilst in the CAGE.

...after they had 'extracted' all of the information necessary, from the little bastard.

Black Rabbit said...

I keep on saying 'FERENGI' what I meant to say was the UBER-ROTHSCHILD.

Let that be a lesson to the entire ILL CULT - he was running the lot of you, after all.

Black Rabbit said...

BRITISH GAS/ELECTRICITY has obviously been run by LOOKING GLASS PEOPLE for too long.

I mean VEOLIA WATER are on the ball - they want their money back and they will get it - they have devised the easiest means to 'pay back' possible.

BRITISH GAS/ELECTRICITY do NOT seem to want to 'facilitate' the repayment of bills, for some reason...

So tell me, is this just INCOMPETENCE or would they rather send thugs around to rough people up, steal their goods and then try to send them to court, thereby clogging up our judicial processes with unnecessary court action...

Black Rabbit said...

I mean - you have to call their CUSTOMER SUPPORT...this is expensive and there is the danger that details will be taken down incorrectly.

How much easier to provide a 'repayment service' - via email.

So who is blocking that one and why?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so I am sure that a lot of people do not pay back on time to VEOLIA WATER but I would bet that most people pay when they are able to do so - once they have a system of repayment in place.

In this time of great debt for so many people - an easy repayment system which doesn't include harassment and impending court action - makes the whole of society less volatile and unstable - you have to look at the big picture.

Black Rabbit said...

I will now send an email to JODIE BROWN in relation to getting a BT LANDLINE in order to make that phonecall to BRITISH GAS CUSTOMER SERVICES.

She stated that:

"My colleague Alysha advised you to reply with a contact telephone number and a suitable time and date to contact you and we would call you and transfer you to our Customer Support Team. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause."

Here is the email:


I will email you as soon as I have a BT LANDLINE in place - I will have enough money to buy this by the end of the month.

Naturally, I cannot give a date and time for the above phonecall, until I have this BT LANDLINE in place.

Additionally, do you have my GAS account number as well as the ELECTRICITY one?

I would be very grateful if you can send me the GAS account number as well (unless they are the same).

I need to pay off a smaller amount upon the GAS account, as well.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Your sincerely

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

I have just left a 'reminder' for CHP (Heather Schultz) about the doors - which need shaving:

Dear Heather,

RE: 'this defect has already been reported'

Thank you for chasing this up for me.

A PHELAN employee rang me yesterday (Wednesday 23rd Sept) to say that an ELECTRICIAN would be round at 9am this morning.

Unfortunately the ELECTRICIAN hasn’t turned up yet and it is now 12.22 - not that I am a stickler for time but there are other things that you need to do in a day!

The PHELAN telephone number left was: 07872818783

I have tried it but ‘no reply’ and no ansaphone to leave a message on, either.

Anyway, if you could have another ‘try’ with PHELAN - I would be very grateful.

Secondly, this hasn’t been my biggest concern so far but it is still a problem within the flat.

A CARPENTER is also needed.

Most of the DOORS in this flat, need to be shaved off (according to the carpeter who came in to lay the carpets) - because the doors were scraping the concrete of the floors, before the carpet was laid - and now the front door (for example) is so stiff over the carpet that you have to push really hard, in order to be able to get in the front door - and I wouldn’t like to damage the front door by continuously exerting too much pressure upon it.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

I am now left pondering what BRITISH GAS' tactics will be once I get on the phone to them...

Will they agree to a £20 a month repayment?

I am getting the feeling - 'NOT'.

The basic idea - RIMINGTON's idea was for me to 'give up' with these people - who would then send the BAILIFFS round.

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say in consideration of the entire matter is that I will handle it stage by stage.

Firstly - I am NOT going to call them up on my mobile phone - go through the interminable channels of a call centre and then end up having to pay £40 within 24 hours again because they are 'on another network' - other than ORANGE.

I was stung once for £40 (or more) in MOBILE charges and I will NOT be stung again.

RIMINGTON was bargaining upon the above, using up all of my remaining money - on these interminable calls to CUSTOMER SERVICE departments.

Black Rabbit said...

Secondly, I have made it quite clear that I am willing to pay the repayments and that I can begin to do so - once I have got a cheap line to BRITISH GAS and can 'negotiate' how much to pay per month.

If BRITISH GAS cannot agree to the above then I would say that they are being very unreasonable indeed.

The law must be on my side, at this point in time...

Black Rabbit said...

Otherwise, you can imagine the scenario - even if I did find a BT PAYPHONE in CLACTON which worked...

You are in the busy centre of and people...a huge amount of noise behind can hardly hear what is being said...and the CUSTOMER SERVICE person upon the other end can hardly hear you...and they keep on asking you to repeat your details...which they do not appear to have got right...

They then give you interminably long telephone/reference/account numbers...they start gettin ratty...because you keep on asking them to repeat themselves...and then your pad falls off the top of the public phone and you lose your pencil...and the photocopied email of your correspondence flies out of your hands...

I can imagine the worst scenario here...let us hope that it wouldn't be quite as bad as that...but this is basically what BRITISH GAS are asking me to do.

Why not use EMAIL?

So much easier.

Nobody gets stressed - nobody gets hassled.

Black Rabbit said...

I have stated what I am able to pay out of my income already.

Why couldn't a decision have been made quickly and easily?

VEOLIA WATER accepted those terms as reasonable and arrange repayments PRONTO.

Why couldn't BRITISH GAS do the same?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so I have just had a reply email from HEATHER SCHULTZ and I do not actually 'get' this one at all.

See what you can make of it:

Flag this message

FW: FW: CHP housing
Thursday, 24 September, 2009 12:40 PMFrom: "Heather Schultz" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:

Can you please call the lady below to advise eta on this one



From: emily gyde [mailto: ]
Sent: 24 September 2009 12:33
To: Heather Schultz
Subject: Re: FW: CHP housing

Dear Heather,

RE: 'this defect has already been reported'

Thank you for chasing this up for me.

A PHELAN employee rang me yesterday (Wednesday 23rd Sept) to say that an ELECTRICIAN would be round at 9am this morning.

Unfortunately the ELECTRICIAN hasn’t turned up yet and it is now 12.22 - not that I am a stickler for time but there are other things that you need to do in a day!

The PHELAN telephone number left was: 07872818783

I have tried it but ‘no reply’ and no ansaphone to leave a message on, either.

Anyway, if you could have another ‘try’ with PHELAN - I would be very grateful.

Secondly, this hasn’t been my biggest concern so far but it is still a problem within the flat.

A CARPENTER is also needed.

Most of the DOORS in this flat, need to be shaved off (according to the carpeter who came in to lay the carpets) - because the doors were scraping the concrete of the floors, before the carpet was laid - and now the front door (for example) is so stiff over the carpet that you have to push really hard, in order to be able to get in the front door - and I wouldn’t like to damage the front door by continuously exerting too much pressure upon it.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Gyde



Black Rabbit said...

I have now got a second email from CHP from another individual:

Flag this message

RE: FW: FW: CHP housing
Thursday, 24 September, 2009 12:42 PMFrom: "Neil Pullum" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "Heather Schultz" < >Cc:

Hi Heather,

The electricians should be on site now, I will ring Dave, and he will get them round to that Apartment asap.

With regards the doors, Keith Ward has responded to that.

If you have any queries, please ring

Kind Regards

Neil Pullum
Contracts Manager
For Phelan Construction Ltd

Telephone Number: 01255 433000
Facsimile: 01255 434440
Mobile: 07894 605629

This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our apologies; please do not disclose, copy, or distribute information in this email nor take
any action in reliance on its contents: to do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Please inform us that this message has gone astray before deleting it. Thank you for your co-operation

Established 1987 Registration Number – 2147266 VAT Number - 466 0148 52

Black Rabbit said...

...and a third email:

Flag this message

RE: RE: FW: FW: CHP housing

Thursday, 24 September, 2009 12:46 PMFrom: "Neil Pullum" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "Heather Schultz" < >Cc:, "Danny" < >


Just spoke to Dave, the electricians are still not on site, despite promises from their boss, who assured me that they were there.

I have left another message for him to ring. As soon as they arrive, Dave will send them round.

I will keep you informed, sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind Regards

Neil Pullum
Contracts Manager
For Phelan Construction Ltd

Telephone Number: 01255 433000
Facsimile: 01255 434440
Mobile: 07894 605629

This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our apologies; please do not disclose, copy, or distribute information in this email nor take
any action in reliance on its contents: to do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Please inform us that this message has gone astray before deleting it. Thank you for your co-operation

Established 1987 Registration Number – 2147266 VAT Number - 466 0148 52

Black Rabbit said...

So I get it now - I am on the PHELAN 'cc' LIST so that I know what is going on - excellent.

Black Rabbit said...

What a load of hassle to go through this morning…

If I had not had a laptop and email facility - I would have been completely done in - my bank balance would have been depleted by the hour (not that I have any money in there anyway) by MOBILE PHONE usage…

…but then that is the way that RIMINGTON had planned it…I wasn’t supposed to have my laptop at all, by this stage in the ILL GAME.

As I had said to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1997 - after recalling a one-off comedy on BBC which had parodied the ‘life and times of MARGARET THATCHER’ as a horror movie…complete with a ‘horrific ending’ which suggested a SEQUEL to the movie, in terms of the ending of this spoof….after having been ’dead and buried’ - MARGARET’S clawed hand emerges out of the grave…

I was making the point that even though RIMINGTON has been ‘dead and gone’ quite a few years now…I am still being plagued by that ‘clawed hand emerging from the grave’…

Black Rabbit said...


BRITISH GAS appears to be the number one ‘hassle’ at present.

In 2004 - I remember CUSTOMER SERVICE harassing me down the phone - telling me that I HAD to give them a time and day to call me……I remember now…I did find a working payphone in the centre and pretty much the above happened (see ‘imagined, worst possible scenario’ - above).

So all I have to do this time around, is to hold BRITISH GAS off until MONDAY - when I will have a better idea or not of how much money I have…as in my mother putting money into my account…

...whether or not I can afford the BT LANDLINE immediately…which takes 24 hours to be registered once you have phoned up…and so on.

I will NOT be bullied into giving a time and date for this ‘phonecall’ to BRITISH GAS beforehand.

In 2004 - ASHER told me that I should tell them TUESDAY because she couldn’t see me logistically getting it all done before then….

BRITISH GAS have obviously been told to hound me into giving a time and date that I cannot work to and will then proceed to tell me that I as good as ‘lied’ to them when I gave that time and date...

...which is what BRITISH GAS did in 2004 - precisely that, virtually accused me of lying in terms of:

‘Why did you give that date and time if you had no intention of etc‘…

You see how the ILL had planned this to go?

So I will simply refuse to give a time and date - until I get the BT LANDLINE. That simple.


This is all making me laugh now…

The ILL had tried to make me out to be ‘paranoid’ and as having a ‘persecution complex’.

Now that the BOOT is on the other foot…they must all be feeling rather ‘paranoid’ and ‘persecuted’…and if they aren’t…then they have no survival instincts left in their deadened, ill brains.

Black Rabbit said...

Just because you are PARANOID doesn't mean that they all aren't out to get YOU - eh, ILL?

Black Rabbit said...

COMET has just rung to say that they should be with me in 1/2 hour.

It is 13.35 now.

mobile: 07920576612

Black Rabbit said...

COMET has just rung me to say that they will be with me in two minutes at the TRAVEL LODGE complex...

Black Rabbit said...

Pity the ELECTRICIAN hasn't turned up to solve the PLUG situation in my kitchen yet, then...

Black Rabbit said...

Another NOTE upon the flat which could be an important one:

I lifted up my letter box silver lid from inside the flat this morning…just to see if anything hadn’t quite been pushed through…but then, the post tends to come late in the day, at BELLE COURT…I have only had ‘second post’ deliveries so far.

I saw a RED STICKER upon the silver of the back of this letter box lid and immediately flashbacked to RIMINGTON pointing it out.

What is on the sticker is most probably of NO consequence but I will relate it here anyway (the COLOUR programming is always what matters the most, to the ILL and what they then associate with it - in the minds of their SLAVES):

BS 478 PART 20/22 &
31.1. FIRE & SMOKE

Anyway, that got me thinking about ROYAL MAIL employees and anybody else who deals in that sort of delivery service.

Every time one of them lifts up the lid of that silver postbox on my front door, to this flat…they see the RED STICKER upon the SILVER.

The hidden RED.

So naturally, I removed it.

I then began to think about that spoof ILLuminati movie: MEN IN BLACK

How many ‘post office worker’ jokes were made along the lines of ‘EVERYBODY WHO WORKS IN THE POSTOFFICE IS AN ‘ALIEN’…

Programmed with ‘alien’ maybe.

We had all been programmed with ‘CARRIER PIGEON’ in HARWICH central post office in 1980.

RIMINGTON was to take me back in there, in 2004 - whilst reprogramming me with the above.

Black Rabbit said...

Excellent - so we now have the fridge in situ - the COMET guys came in, took it out of its box and put it in place with such speed...brilliant...I now have to wait 4 hours until I can turn it on (for whatever is inside it to 'settle').

NOT problem I assured them - the plug socket doesn't work.

13.53 now and so theoretically (if the electrician does turn up and fixes those plugs) I should be able to turn it on at around 6pm.

Black Rabbit said...

The POST has just turned up - and yet another VOTER REGISTRATION FORM - so they didn't get the last one that I posted? But that was only a day ago...

However, one can register by the internet and so I might just try that...

I have just tried that and the ADOBE READER will not let me type upon it (even though its security details upon the form say that this is possible) - I cannot be arsed to download a more recent version of ADOBE (if this is what is at fault) and so will post the above form back today - and in another postbox - just to make sure.

Black Rabbit said...


So what was i supposed to be, in this flat - in relation to the RED STICKER?


A devotee slave of the ROTHSCHILDS?

Black Rabbit said...

i have to say that I have neither sympathy with FATHER XMAS nor the PRANCING REINDEER.

Black Rabbit said...

RED may be lucky for the CHINESE but it hasn't been lucky for me so far...not within this ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so it is 14.16pm now and I haven't been out of the flat yet, today.

So I will go out to the bank/library/shopping etc...

I will not wait on the 'never never' for the electrican to call...he can ring my mobile and arrange a time and day.

I do not want to go pestering PHELAN by ringing them - they have so many jobs to do on this site...and CHP are dealing with it, anyway - better that way.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...



is that it?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I tried for the whole string first:


b757 british airways g cpel
g cpel bcn
cpel jpg
600 x 644 | 66k g cpel boeing 757 236
g cpel boeing 757 ba
dj cpel g2 jpg
195 x 242 | 12k dj cpel 1 JPG
200 x 136 | 11k
cpel logo jpg
198 x 206 | 34k CPeL gif
150 x 53 | 3k BA 757 236 G jpg
1024 x 683 | 78k cpel m4 jpg
410 x 305 | 42k infra lab cpel02 jpg
320 x 232 | 46k g cpel jpg
640 x 214 | 20k infra lab cpel01 jpg
320 x 233 | 13k
c cpel jpg
390 x 150 | 96k dj cpel 3620
Dan J.
cpel m6 jpg
410 x 318 | 27k dj cpel group
Dan J.
new light
phone luka 003

Black Rabbit said...

So what have we got here?

MI5 network says 'the lot'.

Okay - so I see planes BOEING insect of some description...INFRA LAB...A GREEN logo CPEL (but the website won't open)...

The INSECT in question is courtesy of DAN JOHNSON:

...a really rather gross photograph of humped up LOCUSTS or would that be CRICKETS?

Black Rabbit said...

...and plastic dolls which are reminding me of a pisstake by CAROLINE but I am not sure what - perhaps it can be found in the comments and the 'gender' of this feminine looking blond-haired doll which is described as a 'he'?

my latest faceup :)
The Happiest Princess says:
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
kirane☻milleliri says:
He's gorgeous! He looks so mature!
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
♥caroline♥ says:
kirane☻milleliri and The Happiest Princess : Thank you~! :3
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
Sabrina Eras says:
oh my!!!
it´s just amazing!!! so beautiful :)
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
uninsomnia says:
gorgeous~! *w*
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
*nono [deleted] says:
best faceup ever i saw on him!
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
♥caroline♥ says:
Thank you Sabrina Eras, uninsomnia and me S~!! I'll definitely be keeping this one on him and start working on my other dolls now :)
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
ODDISH ♥ says:
I love your EL!
He is very very pretty.
Posted 11 months ago. ( permalink )
Lindy Meow says:
<33333 I love him!
Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Maya & My Soul........ says:
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called __________A Song for EL__________, and we'd love to have this added to the group!
Posted 6 months ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

I will look into this later in order to attempt to 'join up the dots'.

Black Rabbit said...

So a STACEY MALIBU collection - has a 'TEMPLAR LESBIAN' sideline too?

Black Rabbit said...

Wait a minute - that would be a LESBIAN TEMPLAR sideline, wouldn't it?

I need to get that the right way round...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so I went shopping for a PHONE in CLACTON today and naturally I went to the secondhand shops in search of one…none of them had one until I approached the last shop…ST HELENA’S HOSPICE and as soon as I entered…I ‘knew’ that I was in the right place.

The GREEN GLITTERY PHONE (rather like a circular plastic POD) was staring right at me.


She had shown it to me once in 2004 and told me that I must NEVER enter that shop again.


What was BIG NEWS about this GREEN PHONE?

Additionally, there wasn’t just one GREEN PHONE but two.

The other was a DULL, DARK GREEN.

However, this other one looked just like the WHITE BT PHONE that RIMINGTON had bugged in IPSWICH by ramming something into the handset. So that didn’t make me feel as if I wanted to buy it despite being £2 cheaper.

I decided to let the assistant chose and she thought that the GLITZY GREEN POD of a phone was a much better buy and so I bought it for a tenner.

Black Rabbit said...


I then got back home and fitted into the TELEPHONE line socket.

I then went online to try and get a CONNECTION with BT.

However, I was unable to do so - every which way I tried to get a CONNECTION - the BT WEBSITE kept telling me that I would have to pay over £122 for a new line and an engineer to come in and put one in.

Now, the last time I had a LAND-LINE (as I do in this flat) - all I had to do was to ring up BT who charged me a one-off fee of about £30 for a CONNECTION. Even that had annoyed me at the time - I mean all they have to do is to press a button and you are connected.

So what is going on?

I decided to complain to BT online and sent this message concerning their website:

I would like to have a BT LANDLINE CONNECTION at the following address:

CO15 1FH

However, when I have tried to get the above from the BT.COM website - it keeps on trying to charge me for installing a 'new line'.

There is a telephone line already within this flat.

I do NOT need an engineer to install one and certainly not at a rate of about £122.

I need a BT CONNECTION and not a line installed.

Please ONLY reply by email.

(I do not want to incur any extra expense upon my ORANGE MOBILE.)

Thank you for your consideration.

Black Rabbit said...


I then received the following reply once I had sent the above complaint form online:

Your complaint details have been sent
We are sorry that you've had cause to complain.

The details of your complaint have now been sent to our Complaints Team and an acknowledgement email will be sent to you shortly.
Your reference number: 090924-006685

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, at this point in time - the ELECTRICIAN called up to the flat and promptly mended the FUSEBOX - apparently all it had been was a LOOSE FUSE.

So my electrics are now working perfectly.

...because he had to move the fridge - I shall let it settle until tomorrow. Then I shall turn it on.

In 2004 - I had let it settle but it wouldn't turn on.

Therefore I will be taking NO CHANCES this time around.

Black Rabbit said...


So who returned them then?

They were on top of the FUSEBOX.

12 of them.

He took them off and also took off a rather strange leaflet.

Once he had gone i looked through the leaflet:

Black Rabbit said...

I recognised it immediately - RIMINGTON had talked some gobbledy gook shit about it...and I cannot remember what she told me.

I suspect that she was making it up as she went along...

...anyway, the leaflet is called:


It is quite a hilarious pamphlet in its way...and one can see from the diagrams that it is all about HEALTH AND SAFETY.

The instructions are for the PLUMBER and not the household resident.

The basic idea is this:

You mustn't be able to get your SHOWER HOSE NOZZLE down the TOILET...nor the BIDET...or the BASIN.

To this effect, you have extensive and complicated diagrams showing you how you might WRONGLY INSTALL a shower nozzle and hose - which would allow the household occupant to dunk it down the toilet...

I have no idea why anybody would want to do that but I can see that it would be unhygienic.

RIMINGTON talked her usual ILL meaning bollocks about these crazy one you have two massive concentric dotted line CIRCLES which appear to show you what you could do with your SHOWER HOSE and NOZZLE if you used it like a lasso (if it wasn't atttached to the wall)...RIMINGTON went on an on about the circles...but I cannot remember why at all on some bizarre flight of fancy, I suppose...

What is it about TOILETS and SHOWER HOSES/NOZZLES and the ILL?

Black Rabbit said...

I am beginning to get it...and having relived it in the CIA suite...and recovered from the shock of reliving my 'birthing experience' RIMINGTON whirled me around by my mother's umbilical cord until it was wrenched out of my stomach...I can see what that sick bitch was trying to remind me of...having got over that one, years ago - all I can say is that I feel a faint revulsion for RIMINGTON - repulsive, sick woman that she was...but I am over it now.

Black Rabbit said...

Oh that what the SPIRAL COMMAND was all about then?

Is that what worked upon the PRANCING REINDEER?

I suppose the ILL might have taken all of their remote-viewers (whom they did this to) back to see their own birth...those programmed with those concentric circles and used their 'special words' to show us what they had done to us as babies, being born...instant and extreme trauma and disassociation -most probably.

However, having seen it in the CIA suite before RIMINGTON attempted to program me again with it...I was immune and could remember what she had decided to use as programming objects.

Black Rabbit said...

...and now for a bit of COMIC RELIEF:

Let us have a 'sweepstakes' upon the next two 'comments to be moderated' that have just turned up this afternoon.

Who do you think wrote them?



Black Rabbit said...

Select: All, None
Publish Reject 1 – 2 of 2

god absolutely wants to torture you for the though... god absolutely wants to torture you for the thoughts you had in your mind, about you being queen, you being beautiful. He built a connection through this temple of Mons and tortured everybody including me. Never did he has the sincerity of giving us immortality. Jesus's tale was a set-up. I don't know if this tale is a set-up or not. He thinks that we are so poorly designed. You should connect and talk with me, because I am more understanding and nice than you thought. Maybe I could give you some help as well in escaping this situation and dealing with these things. You have to do that I went through worse than you did.
Publish Reject (kittenjane113) 06:53 -bits on t...

-bits on their for you to read.

I think you got this problem was because that you fantasized that you were a queen inside of your mind and lived in that fantasy. God hated all these people who live in their own unrealistic fantasy.
Publish Reject

Black Rabbit said...

i might add that this GREEN POD phone - once you have taken off the handset - you have these two little pointy triangular EARS at the back of the phone...

...which makes it look like a 'cat' or 'GREEN devil'.

Black Rabbit said...

If you want to look up the make it is:





BARCODE: 12837122100214

REN 1.0

TEL: 01707 325266
FAX: 01707 372529

Oddly enough it states SERIAL NUMBER but there doesn't appear to be one on the phone.

Black Rabbit said...

i can only find three images of GEEMARC ALOHA upon a YAHOO IMAGES search:

7253 tn jpg
90 x 120 | 2k thumb 18609f jpg
80 x 59 | 1k 8010 tn jpg
90 x 120 | 2k

Black Rabbit said...

So was a FATWANG para-intelligence site for images?

Black Rabbit said...

I have to add here that the ELECTRICIAN had left on my fridge after I had tested the wall and plug - he had re-plugged it in and turned it on...unbeknownst to myself. I wasn't keeping a careful enough watch on him.

He had also turned on the IMMERSION and left it on - I turned it off immediately - after he had left...

Then the fridge suddenly 'came on' behind it is working but no thanks to that hadn't had its full 4 hours 'settling' period.

I will have to be much MORE careful in terms of watching anybody that I allow access to this flat.

Black Rabbit said...

He was trying to bugger up the fridge...I can see that now but thankfully it is working...

Additionally, i can remember now:

In 2004 - he had done the same with the IMMERSION and I hadn't noticed the RED LIGHT and had subsequently left it on all night to be confronted by an astronomical 'first electricity bill'.

All I can say is this - you all pay - and all down the line - for every single thing that you do against me.

Black Rabbit said...

When TIME is of no consequence and you are alone - allowed to concentrate upon every single detail - in that CIA SUITE. I saw everything - went through everything.

Black Rabbit said...

The oddest thing about that ELECTRICIAN was that I picked up NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH from him...

Now why I should do that is completely inexplicable to me.

The guy had BLUE eyes, REDDISH hair and light-coloured freckles.

NIKOLAS was DARK-eyed, BLACK-haired with very pale skin.

Plus the fact that NIKOLAS had broken the windows of GREEN TOWER in NY.

He had saved his soul...and saved ours, by default...breaking out of the EMERALD TOWER of OZ as it were...

So I have no idea why I would have been picking up NIKOLAS at that point...

Black Rabbit said...

So many things that I have to 'remember' and so little time.

Black Rabbit said...

One can only hope that the 'serious-minded' members of the COMMUNIST PARTY within CHINA - and there were many...those who were NOT ILL...have got FATWANG on a serious deprogramming program, by now.

Black Rabbit said...

I am almost in the dark here...the CHINESE managed to commission a boat...get out into the middle of the BLACK SEA...and drop a bomb...WITHOUT the BECS knowing about it.

Now that takes some doing - in terms of 'cloaking', 'projection' and so forth...

The CHINESE are 'inscrutable' as the WESTERN and also MIDDLE-EASTERN minds...

However, one can see that they are no strangers to mind control...having practised it for milleniums longer than the West.

Black Rabbit said...

When I read:


...and say it in an AMERICAN accent...I begin to wonder if this wasn't about HAWAII and MARK R...and who else...OBAMA, possibly.

He had dressed up as the SEPHARDIC SAGE upon HAWAII - whom I later found out was the head of the ILL computer network...calling himself ACKERMANN (or something like that).

No wonder - he had been HEAD OF THE CIA and I wasn't sure about that one at the many people lied to me...and he simply looked far too expects fat, jooish-looking, old, white men for such a post.

Black Rabbit said...

The type of men who then 'got' OBAMA in the SMOKEY GREEN ROOM...and showed him their video of how they had SHOT KENNEDY.

OBAMA just sat there like a happy a school-room...saying 'yup' to anything that they told him to do.



"No problem at all"

His answers were as accommodating as it is possible to be.

Black Rabbit said...

To his mind - he had done his 'bit' for the rebel cause and now he wanted a 'win-win' situation for himself and his family.

I do not blame him at all.

One simply does what one can do.

Nobody is 'jesus christ' or would want to be, nowadays.

Black Rabbit said...

I never disliked OBAMA and his WIFE because as far as I can remember - neither were 'sick in the head'. I wasn't abused by either of them.

They just did what they did to get to the top.

AMADEUS had roped in NIR'S MOTHER as representative of the the TEMPLAR CASTLE...most likely because she was under mind control too...and asked her to define a SEPHARDIC SOUL opposed to a non-SEPHARDIC SOUL...she had then isolated a group.

I have no idea what was going on is all a bit suspect...but maybe NIR'S MOTHER'S 'divinations' were accurate.

At any rate - myself, AMADEUS...SUSAN BASSNETT...PC GREEN...NIR...OBAMA and his WIFE...were all termed as having 'Sephardic souls'...possibly more...but I cannot remember who...

Black Rabbit said...

...the person who was actually VITAL to the downfall of the ILL in NY was MARTIN GILL.

He had been one of those STRAIGHT A'S students throughout his life upon this side of the mirror...never mind the other...and once he had decided to turn against the ILL... one of the SEPHARDIM himself and from BIRTH - the ILL had lost. That simple.

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I can recall - my brother HUMPHREY and MARTIN GILL had had a similar track record in exams and they had briefly exchanged words about how they were getting on, even though they went to different schools (my brother kept track of these things - he was the best in his KING EDWARDS SCHOOL - MARTIN was the same at SOLIHULL PUBLIC SCHOOL)...both achieved straight A's in all subjects at O' level...and A' level with 'distinctions'...

Healthy competition...but where did it get either of them?

The ILL had decided to persecute both...they could have been EXCELLENT in any given chosen field...but they were not allowed that opportunity.

Black Rabbit said...

If you are that bright upon this side of the mirror and at ALL subjects...ARTS and SCIENCES...think what those two minds could achieve upon the other side of the mirror...

Black Rabbit said...

You can see how good my 'soul swarm' was - can't you?

Black Rabbit said...

...and I had the PRINCES who knew so much - upon the other side of the mirror...and knew quite a bit on this side too...

Hence the quirky CHINESE posts...

What annoys me now is that they said that they would put through the YELL.COM clues so fast...that I would have to keep up.

That made me very angry at the time - to hear that - but as ever, I was NOT in a position to argue.

So whose side were the PRINCES really on?

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

I just missed a call from my mother - she is out in FRANCE at present.

They are still trying to sell their CHATEAU.

I know that they had a visit from the PRINCE OF MONACO.

He wasn't as 'angry' as it might have been assumed - to have had my mother -who said that my sister had call ed his wife's face 'prune-shaped'...

He simply replied to that one - that he had always loved his wife - he knew what utter hell she had been through within the ILL CULT and he understood her...he cared for her. He knew that her 'look' had resulted from years of ILL abuse.

You cannot judge a book by its cover.

Black Rabbit said...

That is the most profound detail that I have put up here so far.

The dignity of one person understanding another and also understanding how others 'judge a book by its cover' (as we all tend to do) but one has to get over that one (lest it be done to us).

Black Rabbit said...

I remember (in my child-like OLANZAPINE state) remarking to ASHER that it would be lovely to live in LONDON again...and to live by HAMPSTEAD HEATH...

The idea was that once I had got my money back from the ILL that I would be able to afford a house there, by the HEATH.

She replied that you couldn't just wear 'anything there' because people would judge you.

That surprised me. I had gone to that CINEMA ON THE GREEN in my youth (during that DARTINGTON spell in London - doing my placement) and 'on the street' I had thought that they all looked a bit odd and hippie - rather like my mother.

So I asked her - was it simply a case of 'sloppy designer labels' or something like that? Like NICOLE FARHI?

She wouldn't tell me...she appeared not to be able to quite define it...

So that made me lose patience with HAMPSTEAD HEATH locations...

How dull and boring to be so restricted.

I began to think of the coastal lines of so many of the rebel group from the UK had they thought you were an 'eccentric' - so what?

BIG PAUL and his wife had fitted in...mainly because his wife simply 'looked' French - from her fingers to her toes...even though she had no knowledge of any ancestry...

She had learnt the language quickly and had been a great social asset to PAUL within her involvement with the French women neighbours and parents around...the women tend to give the best advice and to control the roost...

Black Rabbit said...

...and BIG PAUL's wife had had to explain away CAROLINE's behaviour to the concerned FRENCH women - many a fact she had begun to get a little sick of it...

Black Rabbit said...

In FRANCE, you do as the FRENCH do...I always got on with my neighbours in VIEILLEY and they always watched out for me...and that is why they learnt so much about the ILL CULT (see previous notes).

CAROLINE was 'special' and always will be...but entirely ENGLISH and with a love of INDIAN gurus and their teachings...

Perhaps she would have been happier in INDIA...and perhaps FRANCE wasn't the best country for her...

Black Rabbit said...

SUSAN BASSNETT had told me in 1997 at that PRAGUE party that I had no idea of where I belonged...and that I belonged to the UK - I simply had to realise that one.

She must have been talking from the heart - her own experiences.

I hope so, at any rate.

The point here being is that I have tried to 'run' from this country a couple of times.

I wanted to start a 'new life' abroad.

...but when I look back upon it - I was not allowed the means or the money to do so.

So what could I do back here but FIGHT?



Black Rabbit said...

So I kept being dragged back to this country and I cannot remember a time when I did so 'by choice'...


...who was getting a 'bit out of order' abroad and fuelling too many rebel groups with 'information'...

Black Rabbit said...

However, when one sees this in a POSITIVE VALUE SENSE, one can see that the view is quite simple:

I was BORN in the UK.

i was born in STEPNEY, LONDON.

if I continue to try to 'run away' from this country because of ILL persecution...then they have victory over myself.

I am a victim on the run - from the country that I was born in.

The country that I have lived in and always considered my HOME.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why I am staying here - in CLACTON,UK - until the whole evil cycle that the ILL had put into motion - comes to and end - as it inevitably will.

Black Rabbit said...

If I look into this further...the ILL had various categories:

THOSE like MACDONALD who 'felt he had no home on this Earth'...having travelled so much (but by CHINA 2003, he was getting over that one - he was a USA citizen through and through and would FIGHT the ILL for his people and his COUNTRY).

THOSE UK citizens for example - who were 'thrown out' of the UK and ended up leading EX-PAT lives...(and pining for the time that they could get back to good ol' England/Scotland/Wales)

TEFL teachers - those paid hand to mouth and on a shoe-string, even from the BRITISH COUNCIL...the most 'expendable' of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE's spy network of the lot...

Black Rabbit said...


The reason for the 'buying up' of my parents' chateau by the PRINCE OF MONACAO is a good one, as far as I know...

He obviously doesn't intend to live there...but he has his 'people' and there are countless numbers of them...he thought it might be a good acquistion upon that basis...he and his wife, obviously had no intention of living there, themselves...

He felt that the 'energy' was 'good' in that I had formerly has 'good energy'...

...and is a 'good buy' as a property...

CAROLINE told me 'he is buying it up for you...and at an excruciatingly low price which will KILL your parents but they have to accept it in the end'...

If that is the case, GOOD NEWS...if that is not the case...I need to look into all of this...

Black Rabbit said...




Ex Hot Girl

Black Rabbit said...

I found another instruction manual under the AMERICAN STANDARD PLUMBING one:


RIMINGTON had a brief look at this and then said that it was for boys and not girls…so I am assuming it was used for memory recall of ‘penis torture’ - that sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL mail in my SPAM box:

Musa Tolla From The Desk Of Mr.Musa Tolla 8:13 PM 7KB

Black Rabbit said...

Last night I remembered the very worst thing that had been done to me, during my time in NEW YORK.

It was a really weird memory…which began with seeing the back of the head of the statue of LIBERTY…and then I flashbacked to the whole thing.

I was in a helicopter with MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER.

MACDONALD told me that they were going to drop us off and if I wanted to be winched back in first afterwards…then I had to go first - out of the helicopter. I had no idea what was going to be done to us but naturally I agreed.

We ended up upon this sort of stone circle out to sea - very, very high up indeed.

I assumed that we must be on top of the STATUE OF LIBERTY somewhere but I cannot find an image that suits - apart from the one above which shows a rather LOW view from the STATUE OF LIBERTY. As far as I can recall - we were much, much higher up.

However, those buttresses look a little bit familiar but there was NO way down from that stone circle - no stairs, no nothing.

On one side - I was looking back at NEW YORK and on the other - I was looking out to sea…

Black Rabbit said...

Once put down on that circular stone plinth - I was terrified. I crouched down low and waited for MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER - once they were down - I held onto their knees and howled. MACDONALD told me to get up and look around…I stood up and saw the above…I did a 360 degrees turn to see the panorama…and then it was all too much…there were NO stairs and NO way down from that circular stone plinth and the walls were so low - only a couple of feet high around us…no protection at all.

So I lay down on the stone and shut my eyes. I immediately disassociated and went up to the COSMOS where I ‘heard’ ‘john waters’ say ‘find that safe place, HONEY’ - so in effect, I went to sleep…for about ½ hour.

I was later to learn that this was a usual ILLuminati torture. They put you up there for ½ hour.

ROS told me later on that she had survived it by simply staring at her feet - at the ground in front of her.

MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER were simply concentrating upon one spot in the distance ahead of them. They were like STATUES…not moving at all. I couldn’t do that for the life of me - which is why I just laid down and shut my eyes.

I also learnt later that RIMINGTON had instructed MACDONALD to tell me to ‘look around’ - to completely freak me out - press my panic button. Once you had seen there was no way down…and the helicopter had disappeared from view…and you had clocked how low the small wall around the circle was…anyway, that was enough for me to simply lie flat on the ground until the ordeal was over.

The helicopter came back…I put on the harness and got winched up - by the pilot. He had temporarily abandoned the controls of that tiny helicopter to manually winch me up. I then had to winch up MACDONALD…who in turn winched up SWISS CONTROLLER…telling him as he did so, telepathically - to make sure that he had put his harness upon right…obviously SWISS CONTROLLER in his child alter…I am sure that we were all in child alters…had got this wrong before…and he got it wrong again…and so winching him up was highly dangerous…he was clinging onto the cord…because he hadn’t strapped himself in properly…MACDONALD and I managed to haul him back in but that was a life and death situation…MACDONALD told me afterwards that we had worked as a team and ‘well done’.

I apologised for the smell of the sick in that tiny space…I had puked my guts up - after having been winched up.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, once we were flying away again (from whatever it was)…I immediately felt a lot better…asked about something to eat and could we all go down to the beach when we got back and have a swim…

Black Rabbit said...


I told SCARLETT’s crazy company the above in 2004...and they checked it out…they told me that there was NO WAY that it could have been the STATUE OF LIBERTY…there was no such stone circle on top of the statue’s head…so where had we been dumped then? This was a REAL memory.


Anyway, RIMINGTON met up with us later on and was very disparaging of me - as per usual…she then told me that QUEEN ELIZABETH had been put through the same torture and that she had stood to attention and saluted throughout the ordeal…of course, I had to fail it by lying down on the ground…

Apparently ALL of the ROYAL FAMILY had been put through it…and heaven knows how many others.


This brought back a memory of having to climb a pyramid with RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON…I cannot remember which country now but that was terrifying too…I managed to do it quicker than the pair of them…TOMLINSON was helping RIMINGTON all the way…she was an old woman…I simply concentrated upon climbing and looking at the stones…I didn’t look at the view once…until I got to the top…nearly freaked out…knew that I had to do the descent down the other side…turned around and climbed down backwards…I could see TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON above me…he was helping her negotiate every single stone step…when you sat on one, your feet were about a foot above the next step…so he was making sure that she didn’t fall…I was incredulous…they could both stand the view and not freak out…but then the pair of them were such robots…TOMLINSON called out to me that if he were doing it on his own that he would be jumping down those STONE STEPS as if it were the easiest thing in the world…like running down stairs…


I suppose that the above memories came back last because the ILL had frightened me to death about heights…from 16 years old onwards…after having been hung off the EIFFEL TOWER…and countless other buildings afterwards…it was the worst torture that they could threaten me with…

Black Rabbit said...

When I look back on this all now...I suppose that email about being a QUEEN was what had triggered the above memory...RIMINGTON had told me that she had been exactly like QUEEN ELIZABETH in how she had dealt with that 1/2 hour on top of the stone circular plinth...that made RIMINGTON a 'real queen' too, in her mind.

So that bitchy and cruel 'comment' left yesterday was to trigger me into remembering the above.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON was nothing but a ROBOT and proud of being a ROBOT.

Whilst in that lift down from the SPACE STATION...she had simply stared in front of her for the 3/4 of an hour or whatever it was...and then started to walk like a ROBOT once the floor began to move...her mind was 'clear' as in 'dead' - nothing inside it at thoughts, no emotions - NOTHING.

Black Rabbit said...

...and since 2001, these ROBOTS have been steadily dying off...I do not know the precise body count at this point in time - but I know that it is extensive.

Black Rabbit said...

The obvious ones are:


Black Rabbit said...

So today, I want a nice quiet day in which to relax...NO phonecalls...NO emails...nothing.

You have all been warned.

Black Rabbit said...

I looked up this website and immediately saw a 14 year old photograph of myself - very blurry...dark hair and fringe (sort of bubble cut)...but MARK R had taken this old photograph from his files (he had these on everybody) and used it to compose this 'blogger' ID:

Angie Pinson
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Zodiac Year: Sheep
Location: Forest City : North Carolina : United States
About Me
I'm a 42 year old grandmother to 3. I have Multiple Sclerosis and complications from Thyroid cancer.

Black Rabbit said...

So this was your final threat was it MARK R?

You hoped that this would trigger Multiple Sclerosis and complications from Thyroid cancer in myself?


Let us hope that the FISHES had a nice time with you - SUCKER.

Black Rabbit said...

More is coming back now…LADY DIANA was put through the above torture and RIMINGTON told me that she had also FAILED this ILL test in order to qualify to be a QUEEN in the ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER books.

I wonder why…because RIMINGTON had got somebody to tell her to ‘look around’…and walk around a bit as I had done…one can see that NOBODY could stand this test…unless you knew what to do beforehand…

ROS had been sent up there before me…and she had known to simply look at the ground…

Time to get rid of the ROTHSCHILDS/ROCKEFELLERS then…

One wonders what torture QUEEN ELIZABETH was put through as a child in order to naturally assume the salute stance - for ½ hour - one presumes that she had been in a ‘child alter’ too - at the time.

I remember the MILITARY telling me now…that this was a common punishment in military families for children of a certain generation…stand in the corner and salute until you are allowed to stop…if you had been making trouble.


Where was the location of this ‘tower’ - whatever it was…

Thinking back now…I asked MACDONALD how long the flight would take back to where we had come from…we were flying down the coast…and in my mind’s eye…I can now see that we hadn’t been viewing NEW YORK from that ‘tower’…that was an implanted memory…but it was a very built-up area…a city by the coast…MACDONALD replied ‘about 15 mins’ and soon enough we back at the military base and then off to the beach…a seaside resort…the sand under my feet again…a dip in the sea…made me feel a bit more ‘human’ again.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

i forgot to mention - but in 2004 - after having written an email to BT about getting a LANDLINE CONNECTION - they then pestered me with phonecalls night and day...I kept telling them to stop ringing me but they wouldn't...

So if that occurs today - I shall simply turn my phone off...

I need to look at other TELEPHONE COMPANIES in the area to evaluate prices, anyway...maybe NTL are in CLACTON...that sort of thing...

Black Rabbit said...


Why do I know that this means CHB?

CHB close up2 bmp
659 x 562 | 1MB CHB comp 50 close bmp
888 x 580 | 1MB CHB lab 1976 jpg
1034 x 1045 | 451k installation at chb in berlin
ras chb 241418cr jpg
350 x 281 | 27k IL CHB 7 lg jpg
500 x 276 | 42k chb testtuor bmp
153 x 437 | 196k
chb picnic
initials chb bch hcb bhc
1097 x 951 | 174k 3 4 of chb
2 at chb popular
ChB tu jpg
500 x 347 | 21k chb jpg
174 x 208 | 8k
record part 2 at chb
record part 2 at chb
chb 11 29 web
chb 11 29 web
2 at chb popular
2 at chb popular
record part 2 at chb

Black Rabbit said...

So obviously inspired by RIMINGTON.

NOTE even the 'reddish' wicker/rafia used for the face and body.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember AMADEUS taking those photographs and pointing that one out - specifically - laughing as he said it.

Black Rabbit said...

A commentator states:

Daisy.Sue says:
A piece of (The Game Of Photo Association): A plain red Devil.
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink )

You mean its a CIA MASK?

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS also shot MOSSAD 'clouds' with sun shining through them...he was giving me every programming image in the book and telling me all of the ILL meanings attached.

Black Rabbit said...

A TEMPLAR image, of course...

Black Rabbit said...

AMADEUS knew all of the symbolism of every detail...everything had an ILL meaning attached.

Black Rabbit said...


A SKULL in the middle of the torso of the body of CHRIST.

Surrounded by AZTEC imagery?

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