Sunday 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...


That is what you called JO - MACDONALD.

...but we were all guilty of being ZOMBIES of the ILL CULT at some point or another, weren't we?

Particularly YOU and SWISS CONTROLER who couldn't wait to eat what was left upon my plate (I had managed to eat the greens and potatoes without touching what else - that I knew was there) two, nearly had a FIGHT about who would eat the rest of it...

You call JO 'EL ZOMBO' and you are right.

The problem is that the pair of you were EL ZOMBO too.

Courtesy of AMADEUS.

Black Rabbit said...

If there is ever an ARGUMENT for becoming 'at one' with G-D NOW....

...and NOT contacting any religion...particularly any 'orthodoxy' in terms of ISLAM/CHRISTIANITY/JOODAISM...

...that point is now.


Be your own prophet.

Black Rabbit said...

...and in relation to TREE WORSHIP and DRUIDS, i might as well tell you...

TREES are not WISE...they are not INTELLIGENT at all...

To worship a TREE is like worshipping your own toenail.

I do not mean this disparagingly - it is simply that you have to UNDERSTAND trees in order to get what they are about..

Black Rabbit said...

I remember BEN THOMPSON waxing lyrical about tree worship at DARTINGTON (he was normally laconic or not even that- he just swore most of the time)...

EMMA - a 'tree worshipper' was with him at the time (after DARTINGTON they then got married - BEN's reward for being a 'good slave' courtesy of TOMLINSON)...

Anyway, I 'knew' about trees and how 'touchy' their energy could placed a hand against their bark and they could tell you to go away fast 'or else'...or they were content with your energy...i.e that you were not going to cut them down in the foreseeable future...

EMMA was could trees be angry, tempermentally and 'good news' in other aspects?

I had then tested this out with her and TREES in general...i took her around sites to test her 'telepathic contact' - she had NONE.

She wasn't in 'telepathic contact' with them at all - she had simply been programmed to be a 'hippy'.

Black Rabbit said...

I had always disliked BEN THOMPSON because he always seemed to be after 'something for nothing'...

EMMA was an easy BUTTERFLY for him to catch...

...his first wife at DARTINGTON had been an easy butterfly as wel...too isolated...she never talked to anybody.

Black Rabbit said...

Ben Thompson had been another heroin addict and friend of Julie Burchill's set...he adored/worshipped ANDREW MARR.

Black Rabbit said...

22nd September...the day after the solstice...I was going back through memories of DARTINGTON last night...and I knew that the POLICE had investigated...some people could remember more than others...CASSANDRA upon the drama course in the year above me, for example.

BIG PAUL was 'investigating' whilst he was the end of our third year, he went up to the caravanning site with CAROLINE and JADE...JADE told me about it afterwards - she seemed badly frightened...the whole experience had had a very bad effect upon her.

I suppose that all you can say is that it was a mind control/drugs den cottage - surrounded by TOMLINSON/RIMINGTON's most willing slaves.

Black Rabbit said...

I remembered the MOTHER EARTH GODDESS (representing summer) made out of wicker - about 20 feet tall or more…being burnt for the SOLSTICE - the welcoming in of the HORNED god (her consort, representing winter) as the hippies at the art department called it…and now I can see that this would have been a RIMINGTON event…a demonic one - posing as a NEW AGE festive rite.

So it is appropriate that last night I remembered something - the programming word that AMADEUS had used to ‘let free’ the GOLDEN ENERGY of an ILL-programmed child:


I then ‘heard’ MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER - they told me that they could remote-view again. They had been earthbound after AMADEUS’ disappearance.

A part of their souls had been freed.

I wondered about this PURPLE vegetable that is termed a FRUIT in some cultures.

I got an association of standing in a field with grandma CLAYTON - she used to hold a BUTTERCUP under the chin of my brother and myself and chant a rhyme…she used to say that it was a good sign if you could see the GOLDEN/YELLOW reflected under your chin…yet for some reason, that day in that field…something was wrong…she couldn’t see this reflected under my chin, or so she said…

I now know what she was looking for…it was that split-off during childhood…that I had been told to see as my ‘eagle’…the ‘eagle’ that I had set free…

I then understood why I associated the above with AUBERGINE:


OF BUTTER genie (in a bottle)

One’s primary source of power…the GOLDEN ENERGY of your strongest remote-viewing alter, created in childhood.

My grandmother was worried about me…she reacted as if I didn’t have a ‘soul’ anymore…it was her way of ascertaining that I was still ‘whole’.

However, I did have a ‘soul’ but I had set it free…and whenever I was in severe danger…suddenly it came back to me and I could ‘see’ everything.

Like the time when I saw JO and ROS in that cottage and ran full-pelt down the road…I got a flash of them as I was beginning that descent…they were telling TOMLNSON to go back out of the cottage and to fetch me back in so that they could ‘play with me’. Their will was stronger than his - the POWER OF TWO.

There was also a very evil presence upstairs but I had begun to run after I saw those ‘wicked dolls’ in the kitchen…they were simply sitting in semi-darkness with their heads bowed…but emanating such evil…and wicked thoughts…perhaps they were being used as a channel and conduit for somebody else…the person upstairs.


Last night - after remembering AUBERGINE (and having told SCARLETT’s CRAZY TEAM about this revelation in 2004 but they had no idea what I was talking about)…I then had a dream.

I was back in NY with MACDONALD…but not in the CIA suite…so this is probably an implanted memory - we were all on the LIFE MAGAZINE staff…and I was being interviewed by several of the top women who ran the joint…those like DIANE FURSTENBERG…there were quite a few of them…all JOOISH, all in cahoots with each other…they were friendly to me…they interviewed me about spying…they asked me to tell them about myself…I told them the truth, that I was unmarried - had never held a decent job in my life…the head ‘witch’ told me that none of it was believable…I told her that this was my greatest strength…people always suspected me but for the wrong reasons - wanting to cover up a divorce, cheating husband…whatever.

Anyway, it appeared that MACDONALD’s exploits were bankrolled by these women, primarily. They had paid for the trips abroad…

The dream then changed to watching these ‘women’ arranging the marriage of ADAM SANDLER…how his wife had proposed during an ‘audition’ for a film…these ‘women’ were all watching…the power of how many…maybe 5 or 6...NEW YORK witches…the lot of them.

I then began to realise just how powerful a group can be…how the THREE of us: SEV, KATHLEEN and myself, had terrified the LEVITE in his castle in that cellar, after drinking a drop of each other’s blood…and then how ROS and JO as a duo, had power over TOMLINSON…

Black Rabbit said...

Alternatively AU BEURRE GENE

Black Rabbit said...

I remember 'john waters' saying to me as a very young child:

AU BEURRE GENIOUS! a mind control command...

Black Rabbit said...

He had previously shown me the PURPLE vegetable...

Black Rabbit said...

Wait a minute...AUBERGE means FARM doesn't it?

Can I track this command back to the CIA - whom MACDONALD called the FARM...and he 'owned' it - or the TASCHMANS must have been high up in it at some point...

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - about 10 years ago or less...ED was still with father took us all to a newly opened restaurant called L' LONDON...and I remember thinking that it was an odd choice...was it in TOOTING?

Black Rabbit said...

I have just received this reply from BRITISH GAS:

Thank you for your email - re:EMAIL1993711.msgMonday, 21 September, 2009 3:42 PMFrom: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: Miss Gyde

Your Gas Customer Reference Number: 850021304437

Your Electricity Customer Reference Number: 850021304437

Thank you for your email

Telephone calls are free from a BT land line or pay phone. Unfortunately as this has been sent to our Customer Support Team who do not currently have an email facility you will need to contact them to discuss paying the bill and setting up an instalment plan.

Please call them on 0800 072 5310*

Thank you for contacting British Gas

Kind regards

James Watson – Looking after your world

*Calls are free from BT calling plan. Mobile and other providers’ charges may vary. Lines are open 9am – 5pm weekdays.

Received: 21.09.2009

Black Rabbit said...

I can even remember having to try to find a 'still operating' BT phone booth in CLACTON in 2004 - I wasn't successful but I will have a look around today.

Black Rabbit said...

BT do not have an email service for their CUSTOMER SUPPORT?

How weird is that?

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that it is a way of getting you to buy a BT landline?

This tie-up with BRITISH GAS...all venn diagrams of associated companies...

Black Rabbit said...

Even more bizarrely - the next email that BRITISH GAS sent me - was to RECALL their previous email (but the reference number is different):

Recall: Thank you for your email - ref:EMAIL1993711.msgMonday, 21 September, 2009 3:47 PMFrom: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: would like to recall the message, "Thank you for your email - ref:EMAIL1993711.msg".

The information contained in or attached to this email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are not authorised to and must not disclose, copy,distribute, or retain this message or any part of it. It may contain information which is confidential and/or covered by legal professional or other privilege (or other rules or laws with similar effect in jurisdictions outside England and Wales).

The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of Centrica plc, and the company, its directors, officers or employees make no representation or accept any liability for its accuracy or completeness unless expressly stated to the contrary.

A Centrica business British Gas Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority for its insurance mediation activities.

Registered office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5GD

Registered in England No 3141243.

Centrica plc

Registered office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5GD

Registered in England and Wales No 3033654

Black Rabbit said...

Oh no, I was wrong - the reference number isn't different.

It is the same in both emails: Recall: Thank you for your email - ref:EMAIL1993711.msg Mon, 21/9/09 5KB Thank you for your email - ref:EMAIL1993711.msg Mon, 21/9/09 17KB

The only difference being that the first email was sent at 3.42pm.

The second email was sent at 3.47pm (containing the RECALL message).

I wonder now - if I answer to either of those two emails, querying what RECALL means - will I then be told that they had simply sent me a BLANK EMAIL by mistake?

Black Rabbit said...

I might as well do it - to see what sort of response I get:

Dear James Watson,

I find it rather odd that BT CUSTOMER SERVICES do not have an email facility but if that is the case then I will try to find a BT payphone.

Could you possibly explain why you have sent me this email (if it was in fact, you - I am assuming that it was - given that the REFERENCE number within the email title, is the same):

Recall: Thank you for your email - ref:EMAIL1993711.msg

Monday, 21 September, 2009 3:47 PM

From: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: would like to recall the message, "Thank you for your email - ref:EMAIL1993711.msg".

Black Rabbit said...

I have amended the above email slightly:

"Could you possibly explain why you have sent me this email which asks for the email to be RECALLED - please explain what RECALL means in this context (if it was in fact, you - I am assuming that it was - given that the REFERENCE number within the email title, is the same)"

...because I am beginning to get this.

RIMINGTON had told me to buy REVIVE toilet paper and put it into the toilet of this flat - so that she could tell all slaves from CHP/SWAN etc that the ILL CULT was to be REVIVED.

The TOILET PAPER wrapping would act as a trigger.

Therefore in relation to the RECALL emails - I suspect that something similar is going on here.

Therefore - questioning these people upon what is meant by RECALL communicates that the ILL CULT has now been forgotten and is not going to be REVIVED.

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday evening...I found a large SPIDER upon my table - normally I see spiders as useful...they eat flies/insects etc but I knew that it was important to kill this one - a symbolic thing. I squashed it with the RED and WHITE discoloured, old tea-towel that my mother had given me (amongst others) for this flat.

This morning - I threw said TEATOWEL away.

Again - it is all 'symbolic' of throwing away the COMMUNIST NWO and the 'spider' influence over the TIME STREAM.

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday evening...I thought back to CAROL HENSHAW who had told me that HOUSING BENEFIT would have been arranged from the FRIDAY that I moved in - and that I would be liable to pay for the MONDAY-FRIDAY rent of this FLAT.

Now, in 2004 - for whatever reason, HOUSING BENEFIT was NOT granted for this flat. Not a penny - not from FRIDAY...nothing at all. CHP eventually rang me up to complain that they had had no payments.

Will the same thing happen again?

Do I care?

I figure that I have done enough here now.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON' sado-scheme was to kick most of the people out - who had been moved in here by CHP.

Apart from those like the guy who had told me about the FLOODING yesterday - upon the first floor.

RIMINGTON had informed me that this man had 'earnt it' - as in done enough evil things for her, in order to 'merit' staying on in the building.

Black Rabbit said...

Jiajing Sun hiya 1:58 AM 4KB

I also received the above email frmo JIAJING SUN in my INBOX this morning.

Do I dare open it?

Just in case there is a virus attached - I will do so in CLACTON library and not upon this laptop.

I would like to read the contents even only for the 'laugh' factor.

JIAJING SUN was a 'creation' of RIMINGTON's. She had even set up a CHINESE mind control slave to act as a 'mad woman' who would hound and harass me by telephone.

If I go back a little further - JIAJING SUN was the name of a CHINESE man at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (see previous notes).

The name was then taken up by SONIA/MARK/SCARLETT upon their blogspots, slating JONATHAN EVANS.

What can I say?

From what I saw in 2004 - JONATHAN EVANS was now a 'leading light' within the international REBEL GROUP to stop the ILL CULT.

So SONIA and MARK were badly misinformed by SCARLETT at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

The chronology of the rebel groups - within my personal history is rather fragmented:

Firstly I met the ISRAELI rebel group in 1979.

By 2003 - MACDONALD/MARK R/OBAMA and CO had formed a different rebel group and PUTIN was informed to get out of the RA CULT building or be demolished with it.

However, there were still those who wouldn't give in and I can cite a couple of names:


Black Rabbit said...

MARK R was a problem because the ILL had got him back - re-chipped him and split his mind.

By the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - he was operating as a real JEKYLL and HYDE.

Black Rabbit said...


How could the SACHS see the MOSSAD as 'traitors' - when they were helping funnel all of the money into places like ASTANE in KHAZAKHSTAN...

I would guess that the ISRAELI reply to the above is that the SACHS were the real traitors...

...and dare I say it TRAITORS TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL (see previous notes to understand what that means - upon a legal basis).

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up ASTANA in KAZAKHSTAN upon a YAHOO IMAGES SEARCH and found:

EM AND ERNIE'S photostream upon FLIKR.COM

I had the unpleasant feeling that this was an ILL CULT joke upon myself:

EM and 'er knee

ZYGOTE slaves programmed as children into complete disassociation by the dislocation of the knees.

Black Rabbit said...

astana kazakhstan Casual Friday

astana kazakhstan stacy544

astana kazakhstan stacy544

astana kazakhstan stacy544

astana kazakhstan stacy544

astana kazakhstan stacy544

turkish mall astana kazakhstan stacy544

AstanaKazakstan NEC jpg 1020 x 788 | 133k

astana kazakhstan Casual Friday

kazakhstan astana art Em and Ernie

kazakhstan astana library Em and Ernie

astana sm jpg 150 x 113 | 7k

astana kazakhstan arthur dressl...

kazakhstan astana building 2 Em and Ernie

astana kazakhstan Zhan Zhani4

astana1 jpg 450 x 338 | 39k

astana cillebh

kazakhstan astana jpg 695 x 337 | 71k

2003 Astana jpg 1200 x 825 | 188k

astana2 jpg 450 x 338 | 56k

astana1 sm jpg 150 x 113 | 22k

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

Let me update:


Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

I must go back to that site which had the SEMITE TEST upon it - AMADEUS' LAB - and watch the rest of the videos...

Black Rabbit said...



"We are the FLEAS upon the DOG" MARK R was to tell me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Who was the 'dog' that he was referring to?



Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT had thought that he was the TAIL which wagged the DOG.

However, the FLEAS - those little blood-sucking insects - they were the worst.

Black Rabbit said...

Last night - I saw the infinity 8 symbol and broke it up into little pieces...pieces of 8.

I then could 'see' from OUTER SPACE...I could view this planet whilst simultaneously looking up from PLANET EARTH to the MOON...SUN...STARS.

Black Rabbit said...

The REDDI family - MI5 said ‘we got them too’ - in relation to the CIPOLLAS, one supposes.

Black Rabbit said...


A few more notes upon this flat:

RIMINGTON had told me to put HARPIC in the bathroom by the toilet. I went to BITS AND BOBS to buy several household goods and without thinking bought a YELLOW HARPIC toilet cleaner.

That went in the BIN today.

Besides - you are not supposed to use anything but unscented bleach in that loo - there is a label upon the inside of the lid - notifying you of this.

RIMINGTON had told me to spend, spend, spend in BITS AND BOBS and so I only bought basics and AVOIDED buying SHEETS and TOWELS. RIMINGTON had put the prices up in that shop to nearly DOUBLE what the CO-OP charges.

RIMINGTON had also told me to use the local launderette - to be called out of it - and then all of my clothes were then stolen - in 2004.

RIMINGTON had also told me to put up my circular ‘microscopic’ mirror on a stand upon the bathroom ledge and then to put 3 toiletry bottles behind it - to symbolise her control over my ability to see ‘microscopically’(and that of TOMLINSON and ROS)

I have simply put the mirror up on that ledge - NOTHING else.

I have a feeling that if I try the microwave out - which my mother bought - along with a slow-cooker…she bought them both from COMET a few days ago - that NEITHER of them will work.

I will try them out today.

I haven’t tried them so far because NONE of the plug sockets work along the kitchen wall and I do not want to put them onto the CARPET.

Anyway, I decided to lift the top off the WC to find two plastic fixtures.


The other was LIGHT BLUE/WHITE

I got the symbolism immediately.

Rather like those RED/WHITE/BLACK mats upstairs to remind me of the diabolical trio - these were their chosen colours.

I was the sacrificial LIGHT BLUE.

Additionally, there was a small rectangle in light blue and ‘O’ stamped above ‘12’ within it - upon the side of the tank.

Black Rabbit said...


I should have notified this earlier but I got a hard white spot on my shoulder with a black centre. Not so odd for a spot you might think…but I do not get them…this didn’t look or feel like a ‘natural spot’ - I then knew that my body had rejected yet another microchip - and so I dug it out.

Black Rabbit said...


I had put a NEW YORK METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART light blue/white bag under the ‘archway’ of my desk and suddenly realised what that was supposed to mean…the ILL using me as a zygote slave - catching the babies in the bag…so I got rid of that too. The bag was filled with computer instruction manuals and the like…

Black Rabbit said...


I then thought back to JONATHAN MILLER and his experimental use of OLANZAPINE for a week and how he had beetled off to the corner shop for those trifle pots…and I had told SCARLETT’s crazy company that he would be eating so many of them for a reason…look at the E NUMBERS upon each pot…something in the chemicals was counteracting the OLANZAPINE….that is why he had got addicted to them and then mysteriously, left the empty pots all around his computer…perhaps it was that K ingredient in THE SIMPSONS ice-pops that MARK R had told me to eat, in 1994...anyway, nobody took my suggestion seriously, in 2004.

Black Rabbit said...


THE FUNNY FARM - that was the biggest psychological threat that RIMINGTON used to give to her slaves…put you in an asylum…have you sectioned…and then the ILL would force-feed you with OLANZAPINE etc…to kill your body and brain off slowly.

Yet so many of us dared to go through it…ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER, SONIA and MARK…even SCARLETT admitted to having been put through that horror and put on OLANZAPINE for a month or so.

We dared because we wanted to retrieve our memories…we wanted to know what had happened to us - in the FUNNY FARM, during our formative programming.

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

i must chuck out the COATHANGERS that RIMINGTON had told my mother to give me - they also represented the DIABOLICAL TRIO I suppose...

Interestingly, there are 4 of them and not 3:

One appears to have belonged to HANNI GLOOR at some point because it is covered with a sort of crocheted LILAC covering.

LIGHT BLUE rag is twisted round the HOOK.

Then you have two ordinary WOODEN ones with metal hooks.

Finally you have one of those 'trouser' press coathangers that grips trousers. That is also in WOOD but with a metal hook and a BLACK piece of plastic attached.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - I have just tried to flush the toilet but it wouldn't flush so I took off the top again and did it manually - realising as I did so that this was what RIMINGTON had hoped would flood the flat - if the bath overflow didn't work out for her.

Luckily I got the lid back on and it stopped the tank from overfilling by pressing down upon the gadgetry inside.

However, the toilet will not now flush.

I will have to think up other ways of flushing it - rather than removing the top. Perhaps a PHELAN worker might advise me upon how the system inside works.

Black Rabbit said...

I am beginning to see how this flat was constructed to be a complete minefield for myself.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is LINDSEY CARROLL's reply to me from CHP:

Flag this messageRE: CHP housingMonday, 21 September, 2009 4:16 PMFrom: "Lindsey Carroll" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >Good afternoon Emily

I have forwarded your e-mail to my colleague Claire Bartholomew to look in to, I raised the issues relating to your door last week and will ask for this to be chased up.

Thank you for your patience in this matter and I hope all issues will be resolved shortly.



Black Rabbit said...

So this is now going through the right channels - LINDSEY CARROLL has delegated responsibility to ONE of her staff who is now going to be my point of contact:


Black Rabbit said...

MI5 is laughing 'the wrong channels' - so even this bit was a set-up by RIMINGTON?

Black Rabbit said...

So I will go out and take the garbage out...check if the rest has gone in the 'storehouse' under the flats...and ask a PHELAN worker if they know how to fix that toilet - it should be able to be simply done - but I wouldn't like to trust myself to take the top off again.

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...

MARK R told me that only YAHOO would be trustworthy by this stage in the ILL GAME and so I tried:


...upon a YAHOO IMAGES search:

eventos 2EAMC P...05 jpg
450 x 300 | 28k eventos 2EAMC P...12 jpg
450 x 300 | 33k eventos 2EAMC P...08 jpg
450 x 300 | 35k eventos 2EAMC P...07 jpg
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450 x 300 | 31k eventos 2EAMC P...15 jpg
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450 x 300 | 34k eventos 2EAMC P...11 jpg
450 x 300 | 33k eventos 2EAMC P...10 jpg
450 x 300 | 26k
eventos 1EAMC P...05 jpg
450 x 300 | 21k eventos 1EAMC P...03 jpg
450 x 300 | 22k eventos 1EAMC P...06 jpg
450 x 300 | 22k eventos 1EAMC P...01 jpg
450 x 300 | 22k eventos 1EAMC P...02 jpg
450 x 300 | 22k PR RZ GL 200 JPG
543 x 200 | 22k PR RZ GL 180 JPG
488 x 180 | 18k

Black Rabbit said...

Is MONZACLUBE in any way related to NASCAR and NASDAQ?

Black Rabbit said...

Who are BARKSDALE in Germany?

Who are these guys?


Black Rabbit said...

ROS' photography site - dedicated to her old girlfriend from BRIXTON - ROS took the pic of the girl blowing bubbles...and so perhaps this collection is a combination of her and her girlfriend's work.

Black Rabbit said...

How did I find the above site?

i looked up FLAG COLOURS on an YAHOO image search and got this:

[Dia 103] Flag Colours

I recognised ROS icon down the page of comments:

San 42 says:
Score __7/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Posted 4 weeks ago. ( permalink )

Black Rabbit said...

I then remembered ROS explaining to me that it 'wasn't so bad' after RIMINGTON had given her, her old best friend from her 'early days' in a BRIXTON squat - as a slave. It made life bearable to have her old 'best friend' around.

Black Rabbit said...

So who are the rest of them then - upon this COMMENTS page - nearly all of them have dared to 'show their faces' including ROS:

ajyablo says:
Is the sun of the sky directly behind the sun of the flag?
Posted 7 months ago. ( permalink )
Zinnia. says:
i don´t think so but we can pretend it is.
Posted 7 months ago. ( permalink )
travel with Soumen says:
Score 7/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Posted 4 weeks ago. ( permalink )
-BesnikS- says:
I like the colour

Score 9/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Posted 4 weeks ago. ( permalink )
[turn the] Paige says:
Score 6/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Posted 4 weeks ago. ( permalink )
icinity says:
Score _8_/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Posted 4 weeks ago. ( permalink )
San 42 says:

Black Rabbit said...

Why are they all on this flickr WEBSITE and why the misspelling below:

[Dia 103] Flag Colours

the cordilleras are the same colours as the argentinian flag. what a coincidince.

Black Rabbit said...

PAUL INCE comes to mind for some reason...

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

This looks like ILL programming to me - the GIRL ON THE TRACKS makes me think of that poor young woman who got run over on the MANNINGTREE TRACKS...

Black Rabbit said...

All of the sites linked to the ICONS see above - look very nasty indeed.

Check out the 'lyrics' on this one:

(No we can't)

See the ruins of the old world below
That's what our ancestors left us.
Our robot masters will know
How to clean this mess up
And build a better world
For man and machine alike
For the boys and the girls
Who are slaves building spaceships at night
In the fluorescent light.
That's 2009.

(No we can't, No we won't, No we can't, No we won't)

On cold frosty Martian mornings
The chill on my breath is red
Redder than my mother's blood
When she turned to me and said
"This is not how we planned it
But we've gotten ahead of ourselves
Computers rule the planet
And the moon and mars as well
We lost the fight"
That's 2009.

I have a microchip
Implanted in my heart
So if I try to escape
The robots will blow me apart
And my limbs will go flying
And land before the ones that I love
Who would wail and would weep
But the robots would keep them at bay
While I shut my eyes
For the very last time.
Citizens of tomorrow be forewarned.
All rights reserved

Black Rabbit said...

Microchipped in the heart?

Now that reminds me of PRINCE CHARLES...but the PRINCES have said that this has already been sorted out...apparently...

Black Rabbit said...

Instead of DIA-BLO

We have AJY-ABLO unhealthy interest in garish gnomes and the BANK of CANADA...

These sites are full of programming objects...note the LEFT HAND upon an indeterminate photograph of something, I remember AMADEUS pointing out the LEFT HAND upon it...but I cannot remember what he said the photograph was actually of...

Black Rabbit said...

I typed in AJY into a YAHOO IMAGES SEARCH and NOTHING would download at all - I couldn't get one single image - all I got was the detail below each empty rectangle:

ajy jpg
600 x 399 | 78k ajy jpg
600 x 450 | 48k ajy spacak jpg
615 x 889 | 53k ajy jpg
700 x 471 | 92k ajy jpg
600 x 450 | 35k ajy sized jpg
640 x 480 | 109k ajy jpg
600 x 399 | 59k
ajy sized jpg
640 x 431 | 79k ajy sized jpg
500 x 375 | 117k ajy dn banner jpg
549 x 372 | 89k ajy jpg
816 x 1024 | 77k ajy jpg
320 x 480 | 122k ajy jpg
640 x 428 | 60k ajy jpg
800 x 600 | 520k
ajy jpg
2272 x 1704 | 1MB ajy jpg
320 x 480 | 100k ajy jpg
1280 x 960 | 319k ajy jpg
800 x 530 | 186k ajy jpg
800 x 533 | 550k ajy jpg
1024 x 768 | 88k ajy jpg
640 x 425 | 208k

Black Rabbit said...

The 'network' are laughing at me...they appear to think that I am in BASSETHOUND or BLOODHOUND mode - sniffing the ILL out...tracking them down by retracing my steps.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

i've just remembered that PAUL INCE was a famous footballer that my younger brother and his friends used to talk about in the 70s so unlikely to be a PAUL - just my first association without really thinking about it...but INCE will be a big clue as to what has been going on in the CID for some reason...and I know that AMADEUS made that 'typo'.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I asked a passing PHELAN employee about my toilet and he had a look - replaced the top correctly and it now flushes perfectly. Thank you.

I suppose I could have tried to do it myself but if I had flushed it and couldn’t get the top back on properly…the tank might have started to overflow (as RIMINGTON had hoped) - then the mad dash to try to get the EMERGENCY LEVER up…and that wouldn’t stop it (as far as I can recall) and then trying to find somebody to turn the water off (all PHELAN workers had disappeared at that point in 2004) etc…suffice to say that I needed someone there to know what to do in an ‘emergency’.

Next I tried out the MICROWAVE and SLO-COOKER which are both working, I am glad to report.

In 2004 - when I had started to go ‘dooh lally’ because of the OLANZAPINE…my behaviour had become increasingly erratic and I wasn‘t thinking straight - for example, I didn‘t think that the plug sockets weren‘t working in this new flat - I had thought that the microwave/slo-cooker were both broken…although I thought, at the time, that I was behaving in a ‘normal’ way.

JONATHAN MILLER then proved the point to SCARLETT’s crazy company by taking OLANZAPINE for a week - although CARNEY had warned him not to do so - he was prescribing it to myself because I was ‘mentally ill’. I wasn’t. Neither was MILLER. MILLER developed similar ‘symptoms’ to myself.

I had become ‘child-like’ in my behaviours - OLANZAPINE reduced you to a certain ‘infantile’ state and I had grown increasingly dependent upon ASHER as a ‘mother figure’ to sort out the flat’s problems. MILLER had become like an ‘angry little boy’ with his wife - shouting at her for interfering with his ‘special projects’ - stuff he was writing upon his computer that he wouldn’t let anybody see because it was ‘secret’…the computer surrounded by empty trifle pots - which he had resorted to ‘sneaking out the house behind his wife‘s back‘ to buy from the corner shop.

Yet even after MILLER had pointed this out to SCARLETT and his crazy company - none of them were willing to think that OLANZAPINE was a dangerous and unnecessary drug. MILLER might be regarded as an ‘eccentric’ by his friends but nobody would have ever dared to call him ‘mad’ - yet in that week, he had become so - and like myself - afterwards, he hadn’t thought that his behaviour during that time, was in any way ‘abnormal’ - yet it so obviously was, to those around him. Who then told him how he had been behaving during that week and how it wasn’t ‘normal’ behaviour for him, at all.

Black Rabbit said...


I received 3 letters through the post this morning:

1. TENDRING DISTRICT COUNCIL are after me for £19.24 COUNCIL TAX to be paid for EAGLE HOUSE.

My mother had told me that this had all been sorted out by a HOUSING BENEFIT officer within the area - obviously not.

NPOWER have written to me to say that I automatically become an NPOWER customer upon a DEEMED CONTRACT but they have NOT confirmed my new customer ACCOUNT NUMBER as yet.

Their letter code is:


I know that this was one of RIMINGTON’s codes.

I can remember now - RIMINGTON had decided to try and humiliate me by getting NPOWER to come in and install a METER which caused no end of problems with everybody - not least CHP.

I should have enough money for bills by FRIDAY/SATURDAY - if my mother has put in some more money into my bank account - as she said that she would do, yesterday. It rather hangs upon that one, doesn’t it?

3. The last letter was from TENDRING HUNDRED regarding BENEFIT DECISION NOTICE.

HOUSING BENEFIT will only pay £79.95

I will check back to my CHP contract but as far as I can see HOUSING BENEFIT will not pay the SURCHARGES in relation to upkeep of communal areas.

There is something fishy going on here…HOUSING BENEFIT is probably quite right in terms of only paying the rent…but RIMINGTON was up to something…

Remember how I saw one of the TENANTS sweeping the stairs yesterday? She complained that she was having to do it by BROOM because there were no plug sockets for a VACUUM-CLEANER…it looked like a really horrible job…and I wondered why she was doing it…there is a company that is supposed to be responsible for this…which is why we pay the surcharges…

…but RIMINGTON had decided to program this woman to do it (and for free) - instead of this company…I will need to find out which company from the CHP contract.

Was a company contracted at all? That is what I am now beginning to wonder…who we have to pay these SURCHARGES to…

Black Rabbit said...


I will now have to try to get in contact with BRITISH GAS by phone today…maybe it is not worth the bother of finding a BT payphone…but I know that I will run up huge bills if I attempt to use my mobile and I cannot afford the £40 or whatever it is, nowadays to get a BT LANDLINE until FRI/SAT…all things going as planned.

Black Rabbit said...


So if I tot up what I will have to pay in terms of staying within this flat:

TENDRING ‘COUNCIL TAX’ - about £20 as a one-off figure.

Then BRITISH GAS/ELECTRICITY - £20 per month.

Then VEOLIA - again £20 per month.

Then the bills that come in from NPOWER and VEOLIA - which one hopes will not be too high.

I should have enough money - but it depends upon whether my mother helps me out on time, every month.

I need to get on the ‘single person’s allowance’ at VEOLIA - I shall write them an email now. Perhaps NPOWER does the same sort of estimate…

Finally - I cannot think about a BT landline until the weekend…but that looks like an economy.

In relation to the TV SET - I remember that as soon as I plugged it in - I got a TV license bill through the door. As I have not watched TV in ages - I use the internet and my laptop for DVDs…I do not think that I will plug it in and get ‘spotted’ by a passing TV VAN…that would be one too many bills to have to think about at the present time.

Black Rabbit said...


I know what I shall do in relation to BRITISH GAS.

I shall write them back an email saying that I should be able to afford a BT LANDLINE by the end of the month - and that is when I will make the phone call to CUSTOMER SERVICE. Would that be acceptable - because I cannot find a working BT payphone in CLACTON at present.

(I am assuming that there isn’t a working BT PAYPHONE - in the centre of CLACTON - as there wasn’t in 2004 - I could be wrong but I really do not want this hassle, all over again.)

Black Rabbit said...

I have just sent this email to VEOLIA WATERBOARD:

Dear Melanie Day,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I have only one more request to make and that is:

Does VEOLIA WATERBOARD have something like a 'single person's allowance' for estimates of water usage? If so I would like to be put upon this rota.

If this is not your remit - who should I contact because I do not have a customer account number at present.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

My email to BRITISH GAS:

Dear James Watson,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I should be able to afford a BT LANDLINE by the end of the month - and that is when I will make the phone call to BRITISH GAS CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Would that be acceptable - because I cannot find a working BT payphone in CLACTON at present.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

My email to NPOWER (without quoting RIMINGTON's reference):

I have just moved into this property:

CO15 1FH

I received a letter from NPOWER today dated 17th September 2009, telling me that my customer number would be confirmed shortly.

My request is that I be put upon a 'single person's allowance' for GAS/ELECTRICITY estimates (if you have such a thing) - as I am the only person living in the above flat.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

...and all i got in reply was this:

Thank you for sending us your enquiry. It has been passed to a customer service adviser."

...but NO reference number which is a little worrying but still...

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, you have 4 STEPS to follow in order to send an email to NPOWER.

As I do not have an account number as yet and the first page of boxes to fill in - requires you to give an account number - upon the second stage, I decided to tick the box which states 'non-NPOWER customer' and then the screen flashed up O65 in the account number box - for no reason at all.

I 'know' that TOMLINSON was behind that one but WHY - I have no idea.

Black Rabbit said...

The 'network' are saying that he wiped the email out- that it didn't go through. So I will try to send it again.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just tried to send the email again and this time - NPOWER told me that the POSTCODE was INVALID.

Now the ROYAL MAIL sent me a letter to say that CO15 1FH was the valid postcode for this FLAT 2, BELLE COURT, ELLIS ROAD, CLACTON.

So what is NPOWER up to?

How come TOMLINSON was able to pull off his scam in relation to NPOWER?

Black Rabbit said...

NPOWER will not accept emails to CUSTOMER SERVICE from CO15 1FH - my emails will not go through...

Now I had already found out from NPOWER that they had TWO POSTCODES for this flat:



So I did a YAHOO SEARCH upon CO151JP:

Acton Find People - Find People on the ectoral roll in Acton ...
ACTON SCOTT CHURCH STRETTON SY6 6QL. ACTON TRUSSELL STAFFORD ST170RU ... CLACTON-ON-SEA CO151JP. CLACTON-ON-SEA CO151PU. CLACTON-ON-SEA CO151PX. CLACTON-ON-SEA CO151QF ... - Cached - Local Search for Wicks in Essex is the largest provider of direct contact information for ... JERAMY WICKS JACKSON ROAD CLACTON-ON-SEA ESSEX CO151JP. Photo Map More info. 01255 428 359 ...

Black Rabbit said...


His name is the only one that comes up for CO15 1JP.

JACKSON ROAD is the parallel road to ELLIS ROAD - TRAVELODGE sits inbetween the two roads but those of us in BELLE COURT have NO access to the TRAVELODGE building- we cannot walk through it from ELLIS ROAD to JACKSON ROAD.

Black Rabbit said...

So what is the SCAM in operation here? Because I am sure that there is one.

Perhaps JACKSON ROAD is CO15 1JP

If so, why are NPOWER using it for BELLE COURT which can only be accessed from ELLIS ROAD?

Black Rabbit said...

All I know is that RIMINGTON wanted to cut off all power supplies to this flat - including the water - and so if my bills started to go to CO15 1JP - I wouldn't know it - I would have no idea of where I stood in relation to NPOWER and have no idea that they were going to cut me off.

However, one supposes that because they sent me this letter which has my correct address upon it - NPOWER should have sorted this one out but NOT upon their website.

The fact that RIMINGTON's code is in the top righthand corner of this NPOWER letter - doesn't bode well.

The sender of the letter was:


Black Rabbit said...




Black Rabbit said...


LFTE groot JPG
681 x 460 | 67k LFTE middel JPG
179 x 600 | 17k LFTE klein JPG
150 x 101 | 9k aftermath lfte big jpg
200 x 160 | 9k rvo lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 14k src062002 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 18k smb 021402 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 14k
financial030102 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 33k 5599 ipws lfte jpg
232 x 158 | 9k LFTE zoom jpg
500 x 420 | 62k finsvcs062002 lfte jpg
257 x 290 | 23k erp030402 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 15k bpp071202 lfte jpg
257 x 290 | 21k bmit060702 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 27k
bmit032802 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 12k lfte1 jpg
750 x 150 | 11k appdev071102 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 23k smb051302 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 21k wireless060302 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 14k smb 020402 lfte jpg
257 x 290 | 16k govt020502 lfte jpg
195 x 198 | 21k

Black Rabbit said...

i can remember now - in 2004 - having to chase up JEREMY (JERAMY) on JACKSON ROAD - and he had got all of the NPOWER letters but hadn't done anything about them - he then got verbally abusive.

Black Rabbit said...

LFTE on a YAHOO WEB search:

search resultsTest & Evaluation Solutions, LLC - Welcome
Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC - Technical services company providing project management, test and evaluation support, modeling and simulation development, data ... - Cached
La Farlède - Toulon Echecs > accueil- Translate
Nous vous convions à l'Assemblée Générale ordinaire de l'association La Farlède ... Il est souhaitable de débattre avec un maximum de participants : adhérents ... - Cached
Lehrstuhl für Technische Elektronik, Uni Erlangen- Translate
Tel.: +49 (0)9131 85-27195. Fax: +49 (0)9131 302951. Email: Hauptarbeitsgebiet des Lehrstuhls ist die Schaltungsentwicklung für ... - Cached
Bob Hund - Ett Gipsat Lfte Lyrics
Lyrics for Bob Hund - Ett Gipsat Lfte lyrics, Bob Hund lyrics, Ett Gipsat Lfte lyrics ... < pre > < font size='+2' >Ett Gipsat Lfte lyrics< /font >< br >< br >En som matas, ... - Cached
LFTE - What does LFTE stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by the Free ...
What does LFTE stand for? Definition of LFTE in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online Dictionary and Thesaurus. - Cached
TEREC - Summary of LFTE Panel Workshops
Georgia Tech's Test & Evaluation Research and Education Center (TEREC) serves as ... Your browser does not support script. Summary of LFTE Panel Workshops. Menu ... - Cached
Kimya Dawson
Official site of the lo-fi anti-folk yet indie-folk singer/songwriter from The Moldy Peaches who wrote and performed most of the music on the Juno Soundtrack. - Cached
YouTube - Spiegel TV - Das Dritte Reich In Farbe 5/11Die erste Hä lfte unseres Jahrhunderts, die beiden Weltkriege, die Aufmärsche in Nürnberg und Moskau, die Auftritte Roosevelts und Churchills: überliefert... - 53k - Cached.Play Video.LFTE: Welcome To The New Speed Arena!, the motorsport site for the fans, covering all series of motorsport including news and features and galleries. - Cached
Holiday Homes, Apartments & Cottages - Pyrenees - erento
Pyrenees hire - This is the perfect site for pyrenees hire. Pyrenees rental throughout the UK. ... Enter your postcode, town or city. Enter your postcode, town or city ... - 236k - Cached

Black Rabbit said...

The first result turned up LLC 'welcome'.

LLC are that big OIL COMPANY conglomerate - aren't they?

So is this what the PRINCES are primarily targeting as their main concern?

So who are the main families who own it?

Black Rabbit said...

The family that owns the above company - one assumes - who are advertising this 'service':

Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC is a technical services company that provides project management, test and evaluation support services, modeling and simulation development, data analysis, and engineering services to the United States government and commercial customers.

Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC was founded on the belief that a company can provide superior services to its customers without sacrificing the needs and desires of its employees. The founders of Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC understand that the only way that long-term relationships can flourish is by treating all people with the respect they deserve, employees and customers alike. Our values of integrity, respect, responsibility and dependability translate into our passionate dedication to excellence.

Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC is a small, independent business, established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our mission is to provide quality products and services on time and within budget to ensure that our government and private sector clients succeed. We endeavor to accomplish this mission by providing all our clients with a wide-range of analytical, managerial, and technical services customized to their individual needs. We approach all projects with the objective of building and maintaining an enduring partnership with our customers.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

What does the TNE stand for in TNESOLUTIONS?

Why do none of the DARK RED bars work upon this website?

Black Rabbit said...

I cannot find an 'owner' for the above company upon the web but this interesting site (see above) tells me that:

1 LFTE definition Suggest New

Black Rabbit said...

My first result on YAHOO was this for LIFETECH ENTERPRISES INC: is a comprehensive health portal that covers both Western and Chinese medical and pharmaceutical information. Chinese medicine is one of its most important coverage. The introduction of Chinese medicine to the Internet is based on the idea of "combining the best of Western and Chinese medicines to cure both the symptoms and roots of various diseases" and the goal of LifeTech Enterprises, Inc. is to modernize and internationalize Chinese medicine and to help to make its acceptance by westerners.

[] is established to provide extensive and up-to-date medical and healthcare information to the Chinese descendents residing outside of Mainland China, especially those in Europe and North America. The portal would provide them and their families with useful information on health and healthcare and how the Chinese medicine might be able to help.

Although [] focuses on Chinese Medicine, we also apply modern Western medical concepts to study and explore its pharmacological features and indication, and to assure a high standard of product quality. Through [], we are able to provide a wide variety of contents such as bioinformatics for traditional Chinese medicine and medical practices, disease database, health tips, and the latest healthcare news to our viewers. With our online drugstore, consumers will be able to obtain comprehensive ranges of natural health foods, as well as both Chinese herbal remedies and Western pharmaceuticals products.

Our portal entitled "" will be operated by LifeTech BioSciences (USA) Group, a subsidiary of LifeTech Enterprises Inc.

For more information, please contact by E-mail to:

| |MainPage | Company Background |

| First Aid | East Healthcare | West Healthcare |

| Drug Reference Center | Home Diagnostic Series | Health Menu |

| Insight from Dr | Health News | Health & Diseases |

| Healthy Family | Dr & Hospital | LifeTech Health Series | LifeTech e-card | Contact |

Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.
If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Copyright ©2001 LifeTech (Asia) Ltd.

Black Rabbit said...

i had seen this website before - probably because the DIABOLICAL TRIO had shown it to me in 2004.

So who owns this portal and the associated medical companies?

Black Rabbit said...


LifeTech BioSciences (USA) Group

Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up LifeTech BioSciences ROTHSCHILDS on a YAHOO IMAGES search and got the usual 'criminals' mentioned:

Biotechnology Conference - BIO-Europe 2009
Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners. EGAMID LTD ... LifeTech Innovations, LLC. Light Sciences Oncology. Lion bioscience AG. LipoNova AG. LOGOPHARM GmbH ... - 141k - Cached
[PDF] DX5/CD49b-Positive T Cells Are Not Synonymous with CD1d-Dependent NKT Cells
1307k - Adobe PDF - View as html
... donations from Rothschild Australia. M.J.S. and ... g/ml streptomycin (Invitrogen Life Tech ... ing a FACSCalibur or LSR-II (BD Biosciences) and analyzed using ... - Intellectual Property Today - Archived News
Pacific Biosciences Named Senior Party in Patent Interference with Life Technologies ... GLG Life Tech Corporation Receives Acceptance Notice of Patent Application for ... - 626k - Cached
Ledova - Browse Companies: L
LI-COR Biosciences. lia sophia. Liability Solutions. Liacom Systems Ltd. Liaise Loddon Ltd ... Life-Tech, Inc. LifeBanc. Lifeblood. Lifeboat Distribution ... - 292k - Cached
[PDF] Partners in Making Cancer History
488k - Adobe PDF
Altor Bioscience Corporation and. Dr. Patrick Hwu. Maurice Amado Foundation ... Fox Rothschild LLP. Mr. and Mrs. William Frakes. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Frank III ...

Black Rabbit said...

MAURICE AMADO struck me as a strange name...a bit like AMADEUS...

Black Rabbit said...

i meant YAHOO WEB search...anyway, that appears to be the end of the trail apart from to have another look at AMADEUS' lab - as shot by the ALLO ALLO team.

Black Rabbit said...

i meant YAHOO WEB search...anyway, that appears to be the end of the trail apart from to have another look at AMADEUS' lab - as shot by the ALLO ALLO team.

Black Rabbit said...

A new reply from BRITISH GAS/ELECTRICITY and this time, not from MR WATSON:

Flag this messageThank you for your email- Ref:EMAIL1995501.msgTuesday, 22 September, 2009 1:49 PM
From: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: Miss Emily Gyde

Your Electricity Customer reference number: 850021304437 (closed)

Re: Your meter reading

I can confirm that the email recall that you received was due to the email that you were sent was incorrect. It was missing details around late payment charges and reminders. You will find the email that was sent after the original email in your inbox.

In response to your second email EMAIL1995501.msg as you are unable to find a working pay phone in your area, you can supply us your contact number, a time and date to contact you and we will be happy to transfer you to the customer support team.

Kind regards

Alysha Croxton

Looking after your world –

We are open Monday – Sunday 7am – 11pm

Your enquiry received: 22/09/2009 12:09:08

Your enquiry:

Enquiry 1: Dear James Watson,I find it rather odd that BT CUSTOMER SERVICES do not have an email facility but if that is the case then I will try to find a BT payphone.Could you possibly explain why you have sent me this email which asks for the email to be RECALLED - please explain what RECALL means in this context (if it was in fact, you - I am assuming that it was - given that the REFERENCE number within the email title, is the same)Recall: Thank you for your email -

Enquiry 2: Dear James Watson, Thank you for your prompt reply. I should be able to afford a BT LANDLINE by the end of the month - and that is when I will make the phone call to BRITISH GAS CUSTOMER SERVICE. Would that be acceptable - because I cannot find a working BT payphone in CLACTON at present. Yours sincerely, Emily Gyde--- On Mon, 21/9/09, wrote:From:

The information contained in or attached to this email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are not authorised to and must not disclose, copy,distribute, or retain this message or any part of it. It may contain information which is confidential and/or covered by legal professional or other privilege (or other rules or laws with similar effect in jurisdictions outside England and Wales).

The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of Centrica plc, and the company, its directors, officers or employees make no representation or accept any liability for its accuracy or completeness unless expressly stated to the contrary.

A Centrica business British Gas Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority for its insurance mediation activities.

Registered office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5GD

Registered in England No 3141243.

Centrica plc

Registered office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5GD

Registered in England and Wales No 3033654

Black Rabbit said...

Do you undestand this bit because I don't.

I would guess the person who wrote it, doesn't either. It is gibberish and an obvious LIE.

"I can confirm that the email recall that you received was due to the email that you were sent was incorrect. It was missing details around late payment charges and reminders. You will find the email that was sent after the original email in your inbox."

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I will write back to Alysha Croxton soon enough...once I have decided upon my course of action.

I can remember now - in 2004, I was faced with precisely the same difficulty.

SCARLETT's crazy company advised me to write back and say that I would have my BT LANDLINE installed after TUESDAY of the next week. I would have to have the money in the bank by that point and have bought a new phone to boot in order to get BT to rent me a line so that I can install the phone.

In 2004,CROXTON then wrote back to say that I HAVE to give her a phone number BEFORE the end of the month. Talk about being difficult and purposively so - yet another programmed slave acting on ILL CULT orders.

This leaves me in a tricky situation but I might as well plough on through - as I did in 2004 and write her an email back stating that I will have a BT LANDLINE by THURSDAY of next week and that I will make the call to CUSTOMER SERVICE by that point.

If she is unhappy with the above - she can simply arrange REPAYMENTS by email. Wouldn't that make life a lot simpler?

Black Rabbit said...

I am losing a little patience here- but ALYSHA is obviously not 'bright' and needs to be handled very delicately - so I will try not to be rude - she is obviously an individual who likes to abuse power, one can see that from her previous behaviour, in 2004.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the email that I have just sent:

Dear Alysha,

Wouldn't it be simpler if you could arrange REPAYMENTS by email?

You sound a lot more competent than most of the BRITISH GAS employees that I have been in contact with, so far.

It would be so much quicker and more efficient to arrange REPAYMENTS by email rather than telephoning.

I told the last BRITISH GAS employee that I am on a very limited income and cannot afford a long telephone call to BRITISH GAS customer service although he may not have passed that information on to you.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

Astoundingly - NPOWER is on the ball and that email wasn't blocked by TOMLINSON'S system. Here is their reply from CUSTOMER SERVICE:

Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 12:26 PM
From: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:

Thank you for sending us your enquiry which has been passed to a customer service adviser.

What happens next?
We may take a few days to respond as each enquiry is looked at individually. Your enquiry is important to us, so please allow us the time to properly address your request.

You don't need to take any further action, we'll let you know if we need any more information to complete your request.

Kind regards
npower online

Need help? Please don't reply to this email. We have frequently asked questions for the most common queries. Or you can use our secure customer service enquiry form to contact customer services. Visit our help section at

This is an npower Limited email. Registered office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 6PB.
Registered in England and Wales: number 3432100.

All npower companies comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. We only use personal data fairly and lawfully, and ensure that it is kept secure. Nothing is stored online and our systems are extremely well protected. And, we will not pass the information that you give us to any organisations beyond npower Limited, our associated and subsidiary companies and our agents and service providers, unless we inform you otherwise and you don't object.


This e-mail is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute investment or transactional advice. For the avoidance of doubt the contents of this email are subject to contract and will not constitute a legally binding contract.

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and intended only for the use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the addressee, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and you must not copy, disseminate, distribute, use or take any action as a result of the information contained in it.

If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify and delete it immediately from your system.

Neither npower nor any of the other companies in the RWE npower group from whom this e-mail originates accept any responsibility for losses or damage as a result of any viruses and it is your responsibility to check attachments (if any) for viruses.

RWE Npower plc. Registered Office: Windmill Hill Business Park , Whitehill Way , Swindon SN5 6PB. Registered in England and Wales : number 3892782. This e-mail may be sent on behalf of a member of the RWE npower group of companies.


Black Rabbit said...

First prize for being the most helpful goes to MELANIE DAY in her reply from VEOLIA WATERBOARD:

Flag this messageRE: FW: unpaid water bill - Flat 3 Eagle House, 74 West Street, Harwich, CO12 3DA - Customer reference 5115732 2Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 12:46 PM
From: "Day, Melanie" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >Dear Ms Gyde

Thank you for your email received today.

Your new flat is connected to a meter so your bills will reflect your water consumption. When we receive the meter reading for your new property, I have instructed our Customer Services department to place your new account on the Solow tariff for you. The Solow tariff is for low users of water and will benefit you if you use 75 cubic meters of water or less over the year. You will need to monitor your future bills, and if you go over 75 cubic meters consumption please advise us so we can ensure that you are on a beneficial tariff.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our office on 0845 600 2118.

Yours sincerely

Melanie Day

Enforcement Officer

Veolia Water East Ltd

Mill Hill, Manningtree, Essex CO11 2AZ

T: 0845 600 2118

F: 01206 399 212


Did you know…? We’re now known as Veolia Water – different name, same great service – delivering top quality water around the clock. Visit our website to find out more.

Black Rabbit said...

The email from JIAJING SUN was rather disappointing - I was hoping for a bit more 'effort' from all concerned - within the 'entertainment' area:

Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 1:58 AM
From: "Jiajing Sun"

< >Add sender to ContactsTo: emily,

wouldn't u want to talk with me? we need to help each other.


Black Rabbit said...

Why does the name ALYSHA CROXTON remind me of ALEISTER CROWLEY and SCARLETT, by default?

...because i had a 'flash' that WATSON was an MI6 operative and I suppose that ALYSHA will be too - what are the odds, MI5?

Black Rabbit said...

"I can confirm that the email recall that you received was due to the email that you were sent was incorrect. It was missing details around late payment charges and reminders. You will find the email that was sent after the original email in your inbox."

Yes, in reply to the MOSSAD - I know understand entirely, what it is like to deal with MI6 operatives.

Black Rabbit said...

Is it because they are programmed out of their brains in 'LOOKING GLASS WORLD' or were they born like it - or does MI6 train them up especially in this sort of 'nonsense-think' to do this sort of thing?

Black Rabbit said...

After that last remark - my LIBRARY COMPUTER crashed - the screen went black and I had to start up the whole LAUNCH program again.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, yet another problem that RIMINGTON had set up for me - I have just paid off a library fee of £1.70 but the till wouldn't work to give me a receipt. So the assistant wrote one for me.

However, the next time that I came into the library (this had happened in 2004) - the charge of £1.70 hadn't disappeared from my account - the name upon the slip of paper wasn't legible enough for the library staff to read it and they then accused me of stealing one of their slips to 'forge' this note.

Let us hope that this doesn't happen again.

I will now go downstairs and check with my library card upon the computerised system that this charge has now been taken off my account.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, a Scottish-sounding woman wrote me the receipt although she slipped into a LONDON accent for some reason...

Her name appears to be A. READ - as a signature, upon the slip.

Black Rabbit said...

I had an odd dream last night…

I was on a train journey with MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER but they had ‘hidden themselves’ - they didn’t want to be ‘known’ by those on the train, for some reason.

I met a woman that I had known at LANGLEY JUNIORS - but never really had a conversation with her.

Her name was CLARE MORE. I am not sure if this is the correct spelling of either CLARE or MORE but that is what has come back…

I talked to MARK R about her at the TEMPLAR CASTLE because HELEN BROWNE had taken great offence to her - whilst at 6th form college.

HELEN had told me that CLARE wanted to stay on at THE private girls’ school in Solihull I.e. ST MARTINS, to do her A’ levels - despite the fact that most of the students failed their A’ levels (at that point in time) and teaching standards were abysmal.

The intelligencia from ST MARTINS generally moved from ST MARTINS at 16 years old, to Solihull 6th Form in order to get good grades in their A’ levels.

BROWNE told me that MORE had said that she didn’t want to mix with the HOI POLOI at Solihull 6th Form college and that was why she was staying on at ST MARTINS.

MARK R told me that MORE was one of the highest ILL-CULT surnames and that RED-HEADS were highly prized (CLARE was a natural red-head)…so it was no wonder that her parents had taken this decision about her education. She didn’t need good A’ level results. Her future was secured.

I asked MARK R why the name MORE was such a high ILL-CULT surname and he asked me if I knew my English history in relation to SIR THOMAS MORE.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, back to the dream - I was on this train - I got off it with a party of 4 ‘friends’ which included MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER - we then met CLAIRE MORE and her friend at a station…we all then went to take another train at another platform…by this time, my brother HUMPHREY and SANDLER had turned up…

I stood on the platform with them all…and walked down it…we appeared to be in a foreign country but I am not sure where…the green grass behind us was soaked by a rainfall…I then realised that the track was a DEAD-END…no train would be coming down this track, necessarily - but there was a path into the forest after the track.

I turned around to see that the whole lot of them - all waiting for this train - had disappeared…I then saw another track to the right…and the waiting crowd had got onto it…I ran over there…and managed to grab hold of the door handles…but there was a WOODEN BOARD jammed inbetween the doors…

I then woke up…

‘john water’s was then in contact:

“Why did you want to take that train HONEY?”

He appeared to think that it was a DEATH TRAIN…a ‘death camp train’…that the others had all got onto.

I wasn’t sure - I had no idea…so I re-visited the dream in a visualisation and pushed my way on board through the doors…


This afternoon, I began to realise what this might have been about…

My first intimation that this world had become SATELLITE-CONTROLLED was upon the MANNINGTREE TO HARWICH line - where a conductor had told me that all of the doors were SATELLITE-CONTROLLED.

Circa 2005, I used to use this line to get to HARWICH, in order to get to the JOB CENTRE in order to sign on.

I asked the CONDUCTOR if he had a button in the cab to open the doors if anybody happened to get stuck in them. He replied that they did but that they didn’t have to use it often.

I then thought about how OBAMA and TOMLINSON had done the best thing out - they had got up to that SPACE STATION and worked out how to bring all of those SATELLITES down.

To prevent the GALILEO ‘people controller’ project from being realised.

GODDESS 401 did her bit and disabled the lot of them. All of those ILL CULT satellites.

We now have an period of time in which we can all evaluate what the ILL CULT had planned and act accordingly.

You see, once that GALILEO SATELLITE SYSTEM is in place - humankind will not stand a chance.

It will be so easy for the ILL to chip you as a baby and then run you like a SATNAV ’automatic control’ car or aeroplane…or the doors of ANGLIAN trains.

CHIPS will become more elaborate and more deadly - the ILL have put all of their money into this type of research. Until it is stopped - none of us will stand a chance.

So a two-pronged attack: stop them from any further ILL CULT business in terms of satellites and stop them from continuing this type of research in terms of microchipping human beings (and chipping them without the consent of the person or child, involved).

Black Rabbit said...

RED-HEADS - my aunt VALENTINE was a natural red-head and always wore a real fox fur - complete with its head, dangling around her neck.


I think that I can guess what the 'tastes' of the FERENGI aka ROTHSCHILD were about...

Black Rabbit said...

They see them as 'high cult witches'...

Black Rabbit said...

...whether they are or not - in terms of remote-viewing capabilities etc.

Black Rabbit said...

I also got annoyed with DAVID DABYDEEN today - his comments and attacks upon myself during 2004 were unhelpful to say the least.

TOMLINSON had said that he wasn't 'as bad as the rest of them'. I have no idea who he was referring to - but I had an image in my mind of MI6 and their building (taken from TOMLINSON's mind).

He had a 'go' at me in relation to BRITISH GAS...he kept telling me that it was an Afro-Caribbean name and that i would be a RACIST for calling her behaviour into question...

I had no idea. ALYSSA was the name of the best friend of my sister HELEN and she was as WHITE as myself with light brown hair and NO African features.

DABYDEEN was trying to throw me off the scent for reasons of his own...

...and all I can say to him now is:

THE WHOLE OF THE AFRO-CARIBBEAN SOCIETY in B'HAM called you a BOUNTY BAR and with good reason.

You had TOMLINSON's job in the ROYAL COUNTING HOUSE before he did - counting out the millions of pounds of DRUGS MONEY for ROYALTY - for QUEEN ELIZABETH.

So you haven't a leg to stand on.


"White on the inside, black on the outside."

Black Rabbit said...

I do not even know if DABYDEEN wrote his own books (massive change of style) after DISAPPEARANCE.

All I can say is this:

OBAMA had a lot more going for him than DABYDEEN.

OBAMA had got himself to the highest levels - managed to plan, facilitate and then execute GODDESS 401 bringing down the ILL SATELLITES…with RICHARD TOMLINSON, I might add…both deserve that acclaim…albeit being in their 10 year old alters.

OBAMA had to have been head of the CIA, hadn’t he?

Nobody else would have got that clearance - or known that much.

He was a ‘clever bloke’ in every single aspect of the word…the highest intelligence that kept ‘low-brow’ with the ILL-CULT.

He then engineered his future - everything that he had ever wanted to do.

He ‘captained’ the NY ‘crazy company’ - as a sort of time bomb - the release of information to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SERVICES in 2004...and I am now going through the whole exercise as a ‘clean-up’ BASSETHOUND job…sniffing out anything that might have been missed.

OBAMA got the satellites down - warned the world about it - with TOMLINSON.

He then decided that the time between 2001-9 was far too dangerous for him to stay low after his active time in the CIA and so put himself forward as ‘willing puppet’ to the BANKERS and the OWNERS of the banks…they took the bait.

He is now sitting there…knowing that he lacks authority, lacks conviction in everything he says from the pulpit of the PRESIDENCY and is hoping that they will sack him soon….I.e. the US electorate (or his own party) will decide that he has to leave a.s.a.p.

OBAMA had it all worked out:

1. Screw the ILL by exposing everything - the release of information about them BEFORE going for public office in the USA
2. Make sure BLACK PEOPLE everywhere would know what he had done and realise that the PRESIDENCY OF THE US was not too far to aim, in terms of one’s ambitions.

3. Make sure that people who were not WHITE (as in all shades of skin colour) realised that you could take POWER in this world.

4. Complete the whole ‘heist’ upon the ILL CULT by getting ‘air-lifted’ out of the PRESIDENCY because he got too unpopular as a ‘leader’ - got voted out early on - and was then sent to an ‘idyllic’ and protected isle with his family. To stay there, in utter privacy for the rest of their lives.

Looking at the above - I can only hope that it all works out for him.

You can see that it would take the ‘boss’ of the CIA to work the above scenario out, can’t you?

OBAMA had worked out a ‘win-win’ situation for himself and also his family (he felt very strongly about them - he wanted his children to grow up in a mother/father household with good influences) and I hope that it works out for them all.

Black Rabbit said...

Even if his wife's sexual persuasion (and his own) was a bit, let us say 'suspect'...he knew that the ROCKEFELLERS had engineered their programming and that it was most important to stay together and to bring their children up in a PROPER way.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember their home-life, his wife was a 'working woman' but a loving and caring mother. Strict but caring.

I was invited into their home to see this aspect of their lives.

Okay - so I was being given the 'window-dressing' and no chance to talk to the children themselves...but the whole thing looked 'good' from the outside.

I saw strict guidelines in terms of BED-TIME and a short story beforehand.

I asked about food - MRS OBAMA replied that in the USA - it was so easy to pick up NATURAL WHOLEFOODS but 'fastfood' - just go to your nearest CHINESE takeaway that specialised in 'making it on the spot from pure ingredients' for example...and other 'fast food' places did the same thing...okay, you had to have the money - it was a bit more than MACDONALDS but not much...

A big change from MACDONALDS in the UK then...and other fast-food units...we do not have HEALTHY-FASTA-FOOD outlets as yet...

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I had experience the USA it was so easy to eat healthily upon these FAST FOOD was simply more expensive...

MRS OBAMA would go and pick up the family meal from one of these places (many cuisines stated and from all over the world) after work and drive home...

She knew that none of the FAST-FOOD stores dealt in E-numbers or anything like monsodium glutimate or other stuff...although she said that monosodium glutimate just made people a bit hyper (I added that you wanted to eat more after eating it)...and she added that it wasn't one of the worst things that could be added to one's food...far worse things were in fastfood...

Black Rabbit said...

I related all of this to SCARLETT'S crazy company who checked out the prices...they then told me that HEALTHY FAST FOOD in the USA was astronimical in price...

MRS OBAMA had made out that it was a few dollars cheaper than MACDONALDS takeways...

She had told me 'just $40 for the whole meal' and she unpacked a feast.

Black Rabbit said...

So we can say more like $140 dollars, eh MRS OBAMA?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so OBAMA was programmed to bring in the COMMUNIST NWO and his wife was programmed to bring the new 2001 ISLAMIC NWO...did they conflict in their programming?

Are they laughing about it now - I got a 'flash' of them doing so...

Black Rabbit said...

So OBAMA and his WIFE have 'woken up' - that is good news.

Black Rabbit said...

"But it means that we are not going to do anything about it, we are on the gravy train" OBAMA telepathically communicated to me.

He still does not believe that the REBEL GROUPS will defeat the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

Two new emails in my inbox - I will open the latter, in the library:

Nectar Green Club Green ways to collect and spend points Tue, 22/9/09 81KB

Unread Cher(e) Ami,Je m’appelle Honore Perez, je suis un agent du service des échanges et de recouvremen Cher(e) Ami,Je m’appelle Honore Perez, je suis un agent du service des échanges et de recouvrements des fonds à la BANK OF AFRICA du Burkina Faso. Tue, 22/9/09 35KB

Black Rabbit said...

The above is a BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY ‘consultancy’ company and is probably the FRONT company for the PHARMACEUTICAL underlay…

I woke up early this morning after an odd dream…it was all about TELEKINESIS…ED was telling me that the whole family were capable of moving objects around by an ‘invisible force’…anyway, I woke up thinking - that obviously isn’t true of any of us and so what was that dream really about?

I then flashbacked to two things…firstly what had happened to a business company - specifically a board of directors - who were having a meeting upon the top floor of a high-rise business block, in ZURICH.

Secondly, to 2004 and SCARLETT questioning me about what had happened to them. As far as I can remember - I pleaded ignorance of the whole thing.

I can now remember why.

This is what happened.

Firstly the building - I associated it or the ‘meeting’ on the top floor with a primarily BIG PHARM-driven company called ZIRCON (but I cannot find any pharmaceutical company on the internet of this particular name - it is probable that they changed it - after what happened to this company’s board of directors - and it happened over 5 years ago.)

The DIRECTORS were all scientists - all highly qualified in MEDICINE.

The meeting was composed of some of the most evil minds that I had ever read. They all knew precisely what they were doing and why - they were planning some of the most evil acts imaginable and internationally - using microchipped mind control slaves, as their ‘guineapigs’ for these ‘research’ projects.

Black Rabbit said...

I showed MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER what I had done, afterwards. They thought it was ‘pure genius’ and laughed as they watched what had transpired.

So what happened? That was what SCARLETT had wanted to know. All MI6 knew was that the top of the building was hit by a ‘freak wind’ - that blew the windows out and ‘sucked’ out most of the board of the directors. There was only ‘lift access’ to that top floor and the lift had jammed by coincidence, at the same time as the wind had hit the top of the building.

I had got in contact with a SOUL SWARM.

Remember how SEV had pulled the plug upon the ST BASIL’s experiment in soul-chipping? How that SOUL SWARM of our fragmented chips of souls had escaped as a ‘body’…a ‘wind’…from the clutches of the ILL and their electronic gadgets.

SCARLETT didn’t know that the above was possible- to be able to ‘direct’ a SOUL SWARM and it isn’t possible for the ILL to do. NEGATIVE ENERGY is primarily a very weak force - you have to have a POSITIVE soul energy to do it. That is why the ILL have failed. They cannot progress with their research and they cannot attain power over soul swarms.

Watching it - MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER found it hilarious and also astonishing…the WIND blew out the windows…threw papers, chairs, tables into the air and the scientists within, watched in horror as the WIND then chased them around the room and began to blow them out, one by one…out of the windows - to certain death below.

I had ‘melded’ the electronics within the lift panel so that nobody could escape - by ‘concentration’. Eventually, they had to get technical services to cut a hole in the metal lift door.

The SOUL SWARM left a few of them alive, in that top floor. That was important. They were then rushed to hospital and I ‘’tracked’ them there. Most had gone insane - and were being treated by their own evil drugs, ha ha.

The survivors saw it as an ACT OF G-D.

That was why it was important to plan the whole thing in this way. To put the FEAR OF G-D into the lot of them.

One also has to say that we are talking about SOULS which are G-D SPARKS and so one can say that it was an ‘act of G-d’ in this way. These fragments of souls had taken revenge upon those who had attempted to butcher their minds and the ‘diamond’ of their souls.

Additionally, in a legal sense - acts of G-d are seen to be things like ‘freak winds’ etc so the whole thing fitted together very neatly, indeed.

It was important that those like SCARLETT continued to be unsettled and un-nerved by this event - in order to put the FEAR OF G-D into him, also.

The above (or worse) will continue to happen until the ILL desist. That simple.

Black Rabbit said...

Yet the ILL are still peddling drugs like OLANZAPINE...which means that more trouble is on its way...but naturally, i cannot tell you when or where. Remember, you are never too high up or too low in the ILL system...whoever you are, the WIND is watching you.

Black Rabbit said...

“Transformation in the Federal Sector
Thoughts, observations, and ideas associated with transparency, information use, and enterprise architecture in the federal sector.”

I found a reference to SOCRATA - which looked interesting and found out that it is about DATASETS - which is what this BLOG OF NOTE is all about - your GOVERNMENTAL DATABASES (and how the ILL intend to screw them up for their own purposes):

As far as I can see - if you substitute CLOSE for OPEN everywhere upon this BLOG OF NOTE - you get an idea of what the ILL are really up to here - the development of an international STASI-style bureaucracy.

Let us try it out with the following text - substituting CLOSED for OPEN and you begin to realise that we are already in PHASE 1 of this STASI-STYLE BUREAUCRACY. Getting any information out of UK government - is like trying to extract blood out of a stone. Even worse if you try to get any sort of response out of INTELLIGENCE networks. The MEDIA are bound by D notices and the list goes on…

Black Rabbit said...

CLOSED tenets of the

"1. CLOSED Source software
The Senate recognizes that it has a responsibility to give back to the CLOSED Source community, and as such all the NY Senate source code is published on Github at The greater use of CLOSED source software – as advocated by many with the administration – can create a more collaborative relationship between citizens and government, along with reducing the $71 billion Federal IT

"2. CLOSED Content distribution
The site content is available under a Creative Commons license. The license used is the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. This means that the site text, pictures and graphics are free to be copied and distributed so long as appropriate attribution is provided."

"3. CLOSED Data area
As part of New York Senate’s commitment to transparency and openness, an CLOSED DATA section displays various documents relating to Stimulus spending and Senate budgets. Given various controversies over Senate spending, the release of this data can only help – in the long term at least – increase trust between citizens and their elected representatives.
The New York Senate provides a developer API to help organizations and individuals compile the Senate data the way they want."

"4. CLOSED to new ideas
The site solicits ideas on how to make New York State better. Through crowdsourcing it wants to encourage ‘citizen participation in the legislative process’. As a result, three idea portals have been created encouraging the public to discuss ideas relating to Campaign Finance, Property taxes and Ethics Reform."

"5. CLOSED to commenting and sharing
The site is CLOSED for citizens to comment current legislation under consideration by the senate. It describes this as a ‘virtual version of a session where legislative committees amend bill texts’ and is a New York specific version of the Federal site Sections of legislative text can be commented on, with permalinks making these much easier to cite. "

Black Rabbit said...

As ever, with ILL thinking - in LOOKING GLASS WORLD - when the ILL want to cover up what they are really doing - they choose to use the OPPOSITE word - that is what makes what they are doing, so easy to track - their little robot brains, give them away, every single time.

In general and in my opinion - every STATE bureaucracy should have their own particular software and database systems - there must NOT be a nationalised, easily accessible database for all information - which is what the ILL are trying to produce.

Black Rabbit said...

It makes sense from a practical point of view - if the NATIONAL GOV DATABASE gets hacked - the hacker can get any information that they like and from all governmental systems.

The fact that the NHS ballsed up on their database systems and from the beginning was actually a blessing in disguise. Different hospitals/surgeries had different systems that were not compatible. It meant that the transfer of information/records - even between hospitals and surgeries - couldn’t be hacked upon a national level.

The ILL basically want to have everybody’s medical records at their finger tips - along with all other information - so that they can direct their microchipped slaves easily and in large groups. It is a power thing.
They want to ‘direct’ people as slaves - easily and quickly. To do that - they need a centralised database which can call up large populations under different search criteria.

Of course, the above won’t work - even if the ILL do manage it - because the…let us say ‘independent sector’ will hack it and the whole thing will fall apart at the seams.

Now, if the ‘independent sector’ could only hack one institution’s databases at a time - that would be a different matter and that make it much more difficult for them all.

Black Rabbit said...

The ILL figure that once they get this monstrous FORTRESS of a NATIONAL DATABASE system up and running...that it will be impenetrable.


HACKERS tend to be people who are already working WITHIN a given system - or insiders who then sell the information on to outsiders.

The FIFTH COLUMN is a part of human nature - in whatever environs you are talking about.

Black Rabbit said...

I began to think about SCARLETT and how I had recently had images of him being blown up in an office…has that already happened?

Anyway, I then decided to look as see if there were any obituaries out for RIMINGTON (not yet and I suppose she will remain ‘indefinitely’ upon a ‘missing person’s list unless anybody cares for a bit of sub-aqua diving or dredging the river)…and I then looked up SCARLETT upon WIKIPEDIA to find that the CIA had singled out only one thing, in RED:

MI-6 versus KGB-FSB: The Battle in Moscow AIA As the scandal over the alleged British diplomats – spies and their super-rock gadgets unravels in Moscow and the Russian court is supposed to seal the fate of the captured agents in the spring, AIA decided to bring to our readers a dossier on British intelligence activities in Moscow since the fall of the USSR, including several cases before the collapse, which seem important for an understanding of the current scandal…”

Yes, it was that ‘fun’ article that hit the newspapers about the TRANSMITTER ROCK in MOSCOW.

I had a ‘flash’ of MACDONALD carefully placing said ROCK in situ and realised that the whole thing had been one big GAG.


At that point in time - I had told my parents that I had been forced to work for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE abroad - whilst at the BRITSH COUNCIL and that I had been tortured by them…which was all I had told them and quite feasible really…the CONSULATES would have been far too obvious a place to run ‘spies’ from…

My parents told me that I was deluded…but after the TRANSMITTER ROCK story came out - my mother began to change her mind…she realised that intelligence agencies obviously did ‘crazy’ things and that maybe my story wasn’t so crazy after all…

So MACDONALD’s newstory had a dual purpose as far as I was concerned…it got people like my mother interested in the ‘crazy things’ that ‘intelligence’ gets up to…and it also acted as an AIDE MEMOIRE for myself in relation to MARK ROCK-EFELLER.

MARK ROCKEFELLER = ‘transmitter rock’ in MOSCOW.

A simple metaphor.

I had to remember MARK R…

Anyway, looking at this newstory again - I can now spot the type of humour, a mile off - MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER.

Black Rabbit said...

Did MI6 confirm or deny the rumours of a TRANSMITTER ROCK, I wonder - heh, heh.

Black Rabbit said...

I bet most of the MI6 operatives in the lower ranks, actually believed the story themselves...but then this is all about KABBALAH...the power of belief...fashioning false beliefs, to suit the audience.

Black Rabbit said...

I had no reason to disbelieve it at the time, either.

Black Rabbit said...

So what was jokily being made clear here was that MARK ROCKEFELLER had been an MI6 controller in RUSSIA...up until a certain point in time...

Black Rabbit said...

If you would like to have a look at some of MARK ROCKEFELLER’s handiwork which I perused this morning…then the new BLOG OF NOTE is for you.

I have speedily whizzed through it to ascertain that it had been written at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and just after the ‘coup’ - whereby, the ROYAL FAMILY were brought under control - and reprogrammed as SPUDNIKS.

Note the many mentions of POTATOES upon this site…

Black Rabbit said...

MARK got a few of us to knock up some sites and he provided links to them:

ROS was mainly responsible for: "Chrissy at I Shoulda Been A Stripper: Smart, funny & brave enough to put “Stripper” in her title."

TOMLINSON was mainly responsible for: "JD at I Do Things So You Don’t Have To: A daredevil…a rebel…a force. Truly hysterical."

DAVID MILIBAND wrote 'gay guy' and MARR did most of 'straight guy' with DALDRY:"Gay Guy/Straight Guy: Two incredibly classy guys with a sense of humor & the most amazing take on…simply everything."

RIMINGTON was behind this one: "Nancy at F8hasit: A powerful writer. No matter what the subject, her posts will stay with you long after you’ve left her site."

I cannot remember who KATHY and RON were but browsing through - picked up SONIA and MARK, having had a large amount of input into one of them.

I was mainly responsible for this article on horse-riding (having been taught at the CASTLE and I hate this article but there you go...):
"Jen at When Pigs Fly: She's profound. She's gifted. She's a must-read."

Black Rabbit said...


What did they make them do...

"Kathryn said...
JD: (Sighs dramatically) Honey, we've been over this. Fries and Thai porn do not go together. It's mashed potatoes & Thai porn. Please make a note of this....
Lifelove'n'wine: Is that "wow" for the post, or for the audacity of these ppl for sending it to me? Maybe it's both....
Jen: Thanks. I was trying to sound like the "every man". I've never even had a Big Gulp!
Ron: And thank YOU for commenting! Always a pleasure, my friend.

September 17, 2009 2:02 PM"

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose MARK R just asked his programmers to be 'inventive'...






Black Rabbit said...

So I went back to AMADEUS' laboratory and realised that the next video upon the list was all about DLTS.

Black Rabbit said...

Wasn't that what the PRINCES had recently put up as a first letter search on YELL.COM or was it something else...I have lost track of these lists.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know what ILL meanings were given to us in relation to DLTS but one can guess that as this appears to be about measuring 'temperature variation' that we were told about HOT and COLD torture, at this point - in 1980.

Those of us who were going to be trained as ILL SCIENTISTS - would have presumably been told a lot more.

Black Rabbit said...

The reference to 'semi-conductors' is also interesting in relation to the ILL IMAGE of 'GREY MAN and CONDUCTING ROD'...

This is essentially what MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER were..that is how I saw them, when they were 'present' as in remote-viewing me in FRANCE...their energy was shadowy.

Alternatively, they might have really been there...but because the microchips had been tuned to 'tune them out of vision' - nobody else could pick up on them apart from me.

At any rate, I know that they both then changed their GREY SHADOWY energy to GOLDEN energy - once they realised what had been done to them.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, this I was walking towards the POST OFFICE...I flashbacked to RIMINGTON telling TOMLINSON to electrocute the nape of my the middle of the pavement with passersby everywhere...I was supposed to put the POLLING REGISTER letter, into the wrong postbox.

ROS questioned this order, worriedly...surely it was too a busy street.

RIMINGTON replied - 'nobody can see us' - she then told ROS that it would look like I was simply 'jerking around' to passersby...who wouldn't 'see' the three of them, around me.

Black Rabbit said...

I-V contacting
play video

read all
I-V measurement
play video

read all
I-V measurement workplace
play video

read all
C-V measurement workplace

I looked through the rest of these videos and realised that this was the lab (or one like it) where the ILL would have told us about how they could control the TEMPERATURE of our bodies by microchip - and then a central computer and 'mouse'.

The MOUSE who comes in to your HOUSE to steal everything off you.

Black Rabbit said...

I have made copious notes already about HOT/COLD TORTURE - being nearly suffocated to death in a being nearly frozen to death in a freezer.

I have already noted the HYPOTHERMIA that was triggered in a patient upon PETER BRUFF ward...who then began to exhibit all signs and symptoms (frozen hands and feet - massive shuddering to keep warm) even though PETER BRUFF was as warm as could be, as a ward. The nurses thought she was 'putting it on' but one only had to touch her hands and face to realise that her body was really going through hypothermia - it wasn't 'imaginary' in that sense - even though the condition was a 'psychosomatic' one.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, why was this site called:


Firstly, I have just spotted a 'real company' called SEMITEST on the internet and so presumably the above site was to expose this company.

Secondly, the idea of a SEMITE TEST is an interesting one - as COLLIE was to tell her 'regiment' - they all had the JOOISH 'gene' whatever that meant.

As far as I can see - what was really meant here was the DESERT EYES as in 'remote-viewing' gene or a predisposition to be able to do this.

Black Rabbit said...


Why not VIRTUAL?


A 'virulent' or 'viral' tour?

Are they intimating that we were all infected by some 'virus' which promoted DESERT EYES capabilities?

Black Rabbit said...

about laboratory
Semitest laboratory is located in Microelectronics department of Faculty of electrical engeneering of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. Laboratorium serves for research and anlysing of semiconductor materials. Nowadays there are three measuring workplaces in this laboratory. Workplace for measuring C-V characteristics, which is used for measurement of capacity dependency of semiconductor materials. We use measure device HP 4280A and we are storing output data with programs HERMES and IRIS. Next workplace in laboratory is for measuring I-V characteristics. This workplace consists of many parts and is with its hardware parst most dimensional workplace in Semitest laboratory. We must notice, that hardware components for measurement of Schottky structures are containing program DCATS, which was developed by students right in Semitest laboratory. Last workplace is for measuring DLTS. It serves for measuring of deep traps in semiconductors. DLTS workplace is containing many parts and uses some components from workplaces for measuring C-V characteristics and C-t characteristics.

To this shape of laboratory, many profesors and students has contributed with their individual and team projects, whose names you can find in section „professors, students“.

Black Rabbit said...


DELTA cat alters?

Black Rabbit said...

professors, students
Many projects are being developed in Semitest laboratory, with participation of Department of microelectronic students working on their semestral projects, bachelor projects, diploma thesis and disertations.

Leaders in this laboratory are:

■Prof. Ing. Daniel Donoval, DrSc.
■Doc. Ing. Ladislav Harmatha, PhD.
■Doc. Ing. Ľubica Stuchlíková, PhD.
All three are also devoted into pedagogical and scientific activities in Faculty of electrical engineering and Information technology STU. Thanks to them, the Semitest laboratory is top rated laboratory with modern computing and measuring devices.

Prof. Ing. Daniel Donoval, DrSc.
Personal data

■Name: Daniel Donoval
■Date of birth: 7.4.1953
■Place of birth: Banská Bystrica
■Adress: Drotárska 19/A, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovenská Republika
■Telephone: +421 7 654 23 486
■Cell phone: +421 903 408 703
■Employment: Profesor and head of Microelectronic department of Faculty of electrical engineering of Slovak technical university
Education and work experience

Black Rabbit said...


1976: MSc at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI STU)

1980: PhD at FEI STU Bratislava in the field of Microelectronics, particularly in physics, technology and characterization of semiconductor structures and devices

1981: Assistant professor at Department of Microelectronics FEI STU

1981, 1984: two ( 4 + 3 months) postdoc stays at Uppsala University, Sweden

1987: Professor at Department of Microelectronics FEI STU

1994: Head of Department of Microelectronics FEI STU

1998: Chairman of the Board for defence of PhD thesis

2000: Chairman of the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education

Language skills

■English – active
■Russian – active
■German – passive
Project leader

Black Rabbit said...


■Automatizovaný systém pre kombinatorickú syntézu a charakterizáciu polymérov
author: Ing. Valentín Kulikov (dizertačná práca)
■Komplexná analýza I-U závislostí Schottkyho štruktúr v širokom rozsahu teplôt author: Ing. Miroslav Barus (dizertačná práca)
■Modelovanie a simulácia vybraných vlastností polovodičových štruktúr
author: Ing. Jana Hromcová (dizertačná práca)
■Výroba a charakterizácia tranzistorov a dvojdimenzionálnym elektrónovým plynom na AIGaN/GaN heteroštruktúre pre výkonové aplikácie
author: Ing. Juraj Bernát (dizertačná práca)
■Automatizácia meracieho pracoviska jednosmerných (DC) a vysokofrekvenčných (HF) meraní
author: Bc. Valentín Kulikov (diplomová práca)
■Meranie a určovanie vybraných parametrov Schottkyho diód v závislosti od veľkosti plochy kontaktu
author: Bc. Imrich Nagy (diplomová práca)
■Meranie a vyhodnotenie elektrických vlastností Schottkyho štruktúr GaN
author: Bc. Matúš Haraslín (diplomová práca)
■Meranie a vyhodnotenie elektrických vlastností Schottkyho štruktúr PtSi-Si author: Bc. Peter Filipčík (diplomová práca)
■Meranie a vyhodnotenie elektrických vlastností výkonových tranzistorov
author: Bc. Juraj Solár (diplomová práca)
■Meranie vybraných parametrov Schottkyho štruktúr v magnetickom poli
autor: Bc. Aurel Medvegy (diplomová práca)

Black Rabbit said...

■Modelovanie a simulácia elektrických vlastností diakov
author: Bc. Aurel Medvegy (diplomová práca)
■Modelovanie a simulácia elektrických vlastností polovodičových štruktúr
author: Bc. Ľubomír Hašo (diplomová práca)
■Skúmanie vybraných vlastností Schottkyho štruktúr CrSi2-Si
author: Bc. Tibor Korcsok (diplomová práca)
■Skúmanie vybraných vlastností Schottkyho štruktúr na GaAs
author: Bc. Andrej Topolčány (diplomová práca)
■Testovanie optických vlastností displejov na báze tekutých kryštálov
autor: Bc. Kornélia Aujeská (diplomová práca)
Doc. Ing. Ladislav Harmatha, PhD.
Personal data

Black Rabbit said...

■Name: Ladislav Harmatha
■Date of birth: 11.4.1948
■Place of birth:
■Cell phone:
■Employment: Associate professor and individual scientist worker of Microelectronic department of Faculty of electrical engineering of Slovak technical university
Education and work experience

1971: MSc at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI STU)

1984: PhD at FEI STU Bratislava in the field of Microelectronics

1996: Associated professor at FEI STU Bratislava

language skills

■English – active
■Russian – active
Project leader

Black Rabbit said...

■Name: Ladislav Harmatha
■Date of birth: 11.4.1948
■Place of birth:
■Cell phone:
■Employment: Associate professor and individual scientist worker of Microelectronic department of Faculty of electrical engineering of Slovak technical university
Education and work experience

1971: MSc at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI STU)

1984: PhD at FEI STU Bratislava in the field of Microelectronics

1996: Associated professor at FEI STU Bratislava

language skills

■English – active
■Russian – active
Project leader

Black Rabbit said...

■Príprava a diagnostika štruktúr MIS pre novú generáciu unipolárnych prvkov
author: Ing. Pavol Písečný (dizertačná práca)
■Charakterizácia polovodičových štruktúr
author: Ing. Peter Gurník (dizertačná práca)
■Analýza vlastností Nd: ZAG DPSS lasera
author: Bc. Juraj Kysel (diplomová práca)
■Analýza vlastností polovodičových štruktúr kapacitnými metódami
author: Bc. Peter Gurník (diplomová práca)
■Charakterizácia kvality technologického procesu výroby polovodičových štruktúr OCVD metódou
author: Bc. Jaroslav Pjenčák (diplomová práca)

Black Rabbit said...

■Charakterizácia štruktúr MIS s veľmi tenkými izolačnými vrstvami
autor: Bc. Pavol Pinteš (diplomová práca)
■Diagnostika kremíkových štruktúr ožiarených vysokoenergetickými elektrónm
author: Bc. Radoslav Žiško (diplomová práca)
■Elektrická charakterizácia vlastností štruktur MOS s veľmi tenkým oxidom
author: Bc. Peter Benko (diplomová práca)
■Elektrická pevnosť izolačných vrstiev štruktúr MIS
author: Bc. Peter Valent (diplomová práca)
■Kapacitné vlastnosti polovodičových štruktúr s kvantovou jamou
author: Bc. Peter Beňo (diplomová práca)
■Pracovisko pre nf kapacitné meranie unipolárnych štruktúr
author: Bc. Pavol Písečný (diplomová práca)
■Príprava a vlastnosti AlGaN/GaN tranzistorov HEMT
author: Bc. Tibor Latinský (diplomová práca)

Black Rabbit said...

■Programové vybavenie pre analýzu polovodičových štruktúr
author: Bc. Peter Gurník (diplomová práca)
■Radiačná odolnosť polovodičových štruktúr na báze Si
author: Bc. Karol Čičo (diplomová práca)
■Štúdium vlastností dusíkom dotovaného Si substrátu kapacitnými meracími metódami
author: Bc. Martin Kuktiš (diplomová práca)
■Štúdium vlastností rozhrania izolant-polovodič štruktúr MOS
author: Bc. Branislav Kosiba (diplomová práca)
■Vyšetrovanie základných parametrov odporových teplotných snímačov na báze Ni v oblasti nízkych teplôt
author: Bc. Stanislav Musil (diplomová práca)
■Výskum delta-dotovaných štruktúr na báze GaAs
author: Bc. Pavol Kúdela (diplomová práca)
■Výskum heterogénnych štruktúr na báze GaAs
author: Bc. Roman Jurko (diplomová práca)

Black Rabbit said...

■Výskum unipolárnych štruktúr MOS v nerovnovážnom stave
author: Bc. Milan Ťapajna (diplomová práca)
Doc. Ing. Ľubica Stuchlíková, PhD.
Personal data

■Name: Ľubica Stuchlíková
■Date of birth: 18.6.1967
■Place of birth: Humenné
■Cell phone:
■Employment: Associate professor and individual scientist worker of Microelectronic department of Faculty of electrical engineering of Slovak technical university
Education and work experience

1990: Ing at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI STU)

1996: PhD at Faculty of electrical engineering and Information technology (FEI STU)

2006: Associated professor at Faculty of electrical engineering and Information technology (FEI STU)

Jazykové znalosti

■English – active
Project leader

Black Rabbit said...

■On-line návody na cvičenia Elektronické prvky
author: Peter Nemčok (semestrálny projekt)
■Skúmanie emisných a záchytných procesov v štruktúre s delta vrstvou spektroskopiou hlbokých hladín
author: Marek Paluga (semestrálny projekt)
■Skúmanie emisných a záchytných procesov v štruktúre s delta vrstvou spektroskopiou hlbokých hladín
author: Marek Paluga (semestrálny projekt)
■Interaktívna www verzia návodov na cvičenia z predmetov Elektronické systémy a Elektronické prvky
author: Michal Gron (semestrálny projekt)
■Skúmanie elektrofyzikálnych vlastností polovodičových prvkov spektroskopiou hlbokých hladín
author: Branislav Hlinka (semestrálny projekt)
■Skúmanie elektrofyzikálnych vlastností polovodičových prvkov spektroskopiou hlbokých hladín
author: Branislav Hlinka (semestrálny projekt)
■Simulácia základných elektrofyzikálnych vlastností polovodičových štruktúr ako súčasť online výuky Elektronických prvkov
author: Jozef Radobický (semestrálny projekt)

Black Rabbit said...

■Simulácia základných elektrofyzikálnych vlastností polovodičových štruktúr ako súčasť online výuky Elektronických prvkov
author: Jozef Radobický (semestrálny projekt)
■Simulácia základných elektrofyzikálnych vlastností polovodičových štruktúr ako súčasť online výuky Elektronických systémov
author: Milan Števove (semestrálny projekt)
■Zisťovanie vplyvu vybraných technologických procesov na vlastnosti polovodičových štruktúr
author: Miroslav Mikolášek (semestrálny projekt)
■Skúmanie vlastností nových polovodičových materiálov pre prax
author: Juraj Junák (semestrálny projekt)
■Príprava on-line výuky cvičení Štruktúry integrovaných obvodov
author: Peter Mondočko (semestrálny projekt)
■Podpora výuky modernými programovacími prostriedkami
author: Ján Beňo (semestrálny projekt)
■Zisťovanie vplyvu vybraných technologických procesov na vlastnosti polovodičových štruktúr
author: Michal Benkovič (semestrálny projekt)

Black Rabbit said...

■Skúmanie vlastností nových polovodičových materiálov pre prax
author: Jana Benkovská (semestrálny projekt)
■Animácia základných elektrofyzikálnych vlastností polovodičových štruktúr ako súčasť elektronického vzdelávania
author: Arnold Nagy (semestrálny projekt)
■Animácia SiGe heterobipolárneho tranzistora ako súčasť elektronického vzdelávania
author: Martin Bednár (semestrálny projekt)
■Animácia Schottkyho diódy ako súčasť elektronického vzdelávania
author: František Vacek (semestrálny projekt)
■Animácia činnosti bipolárneho tranzistora s izolovaným hradlom (IGBT)
author: Marek Helbich (semestrálny projekt)


Laboratoryabout laboratoryprofessors, studentshow to find usprojectsauthorsfaqMeasurementsC-V measurement
I-V measurement
dlts measurement
video document


Black Rabbit said...

how to find us
How to get on FEI?

From main railway station straight with bus 32 or with buses 83 or 93 on Zochova street (3th stop), then with bus 31 or 39 to Slávičie údolie.

From main bus station situated at Mlynske Nivy with trolleybus 206, 208 to Kollárovo námestie, then walk on feet beyond crossway and then with bus 31 or 39 to Slávičie údolie.

You have to buy 30-minute ticket, discounted if you have ISIC.

By car or with comission bus towards Mlynská dolina. On crossway near STV turn left and after 100 m to the right up the hills. Access on Faculty is marked with signs.

Laboratoryabout laboratoryprofessors, studentshow to find usprojectsauthorsfaqMeasurementsC-V measurement
I-V measurement
dlts measurement
video document


Black Rabbit said...

Realised projects in Semitest Laboratory
Various measurements and analysis vere realised in semitest lab. These works are enlisted below along with names of their solvers.

G-762/11/91 „Kvalita procesu vytvárania polovodičových štruktúr” (1991 -1993)
Responsible solutionist: Prof. Ing. Otto Csabay, DrSc.

G-1746/94 „Elektrofyzikálne vlastnosti polovodičových materiálov a štruktúr a ich radiačná odolnosť” (1994 - 1996)
Responsible solutionist: Prof. Ing. Otto Csabay, DrSc.

G-5195/95 „Perspektívne mikroelektronické, optoelektronické a senzorové prvky, integrované obvody a systémy založené na progresívnych mikroelektronických technológiách a diagnostických metódach“ (1995 - 1998)
Responsible solutionist: Doc. Ing. Daniel Donoval, Csc.

Black Rabbit said...

Elektrofyzikálne vlastnosti polovodičových materiálov a štruktúr pre novú generáciu elektronických súčiastok (1997 – 1999)
Responsible solutionist: Prof. Ing. Otto Csabay, DrSc.

1/7620/20 „Elektrofyzikálne vlastnosti polovodičových materiálov a štruktúr pre informačné technológie a ich radiačná odolnosť“ (1.1.2000 – 31.12.2002)
Responsible solutionist: Prof. Ing. Otto Csabay, DrSc.

APVT 20/0139/02 “Submikrometrové (nano-) technológie a štruktúry typu bipolár-CMOS-DMOS pre inteligentné výkonové elektronické prvky a integrované obvody”
Responsible solutionist: Prof. Ing. Daniel Donoval, DrSc.

1/0169/03 „Elektrofyzikálne vlastnosti polovodičových štruktúr a izolačných vrstiev pre novú generáciu mikroelektronických prvkov ” (2003 – 2005)
Responsible solutionist: Prof. Ing. Otto Csabay, DrSc.

Laboratoryabout laboratoryprofessors, studentshow to find usprojectsauthorsfaqMeasurementsC-V measurement
I-V measurement
dlts measurement
video document


Black Rabbit said...

Team leader
Name & surname: Bc. Marek Čelín
Date of birth: 30.5.1984
Residence: Piešťany
ICQ: 222-657-658
■from 2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Ing štúdium, mikroelektronika
■2002-2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Bc štúdium, mikroelektronika
■1998-2002 SPŠE Piešťany
■1991-1998 5.ZŠ Piešťany
■1990-1991 8.ZŠ Piešťany

Black Rabbit said...

Work on this project:
Graphical plan, editation and design of project, realisation and web page analysis, accesability testing
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash, HTML, XHTML, CSS, Office, Corel, Windows
Team members
Name & surname: Bc. Michal Drobný
Date of birth: 13.4.1984
Residence: Chtelnica, okr. Piešťany
ICQ: 234-916-375
■from 2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Ing štúdium, mikroelektronika
■2002-2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Bc štúdium, mikroelektronika
■1998-2002 SPŠE Piešťany
■1994-1998 9.ZŠ Piešťany
■1990-1994 8.ZŠ Piešťany
Work on this project:
section I-V measurement, section Authors, FAQ, video dabing
microcontrollers ATMEL, Corel Draw, design of circuit boards (PADS Mentor Graphics), AutoCAD, Office, AVR Assembler, CodeVision, english and german language, Office, Windows, MultiSim, PSPICE
Name & surname: Bc. Lukáš Mrkva
Date of birth: 10.4.1984
Residence: Tvrdošín
ICQ: 341-729-698
■from 2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Ing štúdium, mikroelektronika
■2002-2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Bc štúdium, mikroelektronika
■1994-2002 Gymnázium Tvrdošín zameranie jazyky
■1990-1994 ZŠ Medvedzie

Black Rabbit said...

Work on this project:
translation of slovak version into english language
english language, Linux administrtion, Morrowind, Adobe Photoshop, Corel, Blender, Office
Name & surname: Bc. Michal Minárik
Date of birth: 19.2.1983
Residence: Hvozdnica, okr. Bytča
ICQ: 322-477-709
■from 2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Ing štúdium, mikroelektronika
■2002-2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Bc štúdium, mikroelektronika
■1998-2002 Gymnázium Bytča
■1993-1998 ZŠ Štiavník
■1989-1993 ZŠ Hvozdnica

Black Rabbit said...

Work on this project:
sections C-V measurement, Professors and students, FAQ for capacity measures, Projects, Presentation for capacity measures
Office, Outlook, Windows, JavaScript, PHP, C Borland, MySQL, HTML, XHTML
Name & surname: Bc. Ján Kukučka
Date of birth: 16.10.1983
Residence: Hrachovište, okr. Nové Mesto n/V.
ICQ: 261-778-671
■from 2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Ing štúdium, mikroelektronika
■2002-2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Bc štúdium, mikroelektronika
■1998-2002 ZSPŠ Nové Mesto nad Váhom, odbor informatika
■1990-1998 ZŠ Krajné

Black Rabbit said...

Work on this project:
creating videoprezentation of workplaces in laboratory, fotographs of workplaces and laboratory, section How to find us
Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, Corel Draw, AutoCAD, Office, english language, MS Office,MS Windows, PSPICE, CISCO SYSTEMS LCA sem1,2, návrh, design of circuit boards (CASE Technology, Eagle)
Name & surname: Bc. Michal Bugár
Date of birth: 5.8.1983
Residence: Stará Kremnička, okr. Žiar nad Hronom
ICQ: 211-607-238
■from 2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Ing štúdium, mikroelektronika
■2002-2006 FEI STU Bratislava, Bc štúdium, mikroelektronika
■1998-2002 SPŠ Jozefa Murgaša Banská Bystrica
■1990-1998 ZŠ Žiar nad Hronom
Work on this project:
sekcia DLTS, sekcia o Laboratóriu
typescript, Anglický,german language, Linux, Office, CADENCE, Protel, MicroCAP, PSPICE, OrCAD, Outlook,

■Prof. Ing. Daniel Donoval, DrSc.
■Doc. Ing. Ladislav Harmatha, PhD.
■Doc. Ing. Ľubica Stuchlíková, PhD

Black Rabbit said...

How is metal-semiconductor junction created?
For Schottky diode creation is silicon or GaAs most common material. Base of structure is made of semiconductor plate with strong dotation of N type. Epitax layer of N-type is then grown on it. Metal-semiconductor junction is created with envaporation of metal. Epitax low donated layer ensures to diode good reverse characteristics, high donated layer ensures good ohmic contact and small serial resistivity.

Where are Schottky diodes used?
Schottky diodes are used at high-frequency applications, vhere they substitute spike diodes. They have better noise attributes and higher reverse voltage. Due to fast switching times and small decrease of voltage in forward bias they are used in switches and in fast logical circuits.

Black Rabbit said...

What is SOURCE-meter?
It is a device, whic includes dirrect current and voltage source and also server as amermeter and voltmeter. With help of one SOURCE-meter we are able to measure I-V characteristic of diode without help of other devices.

How does shielded box influence process of measure and what is it made from?
It is good to use shielded box because it eliminates noises from othe measuring devices. Without it we could get distorted output. In Semitest laboratory we use box made of thin metal sheet.

How long does it take to measure I-V characteristics of Schottky diode?
With help of DCATS system, it is only matter of few seconds, if we do not count preparation time. Manual measure will take much longer and accuracy of measure would be influenced by human factor.

What is FET transistor?
FET means Fiel Effect Tranzistor. That means that we can open and close this transistor with help of connected voltage.

Black Rabbit said...

What is MOSFET transistor?
MOSFET means Metal Oxide Semiconductor Fiel Effect Tranzistor. Base of these transistors is MOS structure (metal-oxide - semiconductor). They are used mainly in unopolar integrated circuits.

What is C-V characteristic of MOS structure?
C-V characteristic represents dependency of MOS structure capacity from connected voltage. From this curve some basic parameters are determined.

What is Voltage of flat band UFB?
This voltage is basic parameter, which determines difference between C-V curve of real and ideal MOS structure. From value of this parameter we can determine if resulting dropout charge is positive or neative.

What is C-t curve of MOS structures?
C-t curve is showingwhat time it takes to MOS structure to change from unequal state to balanced state. This characteristic is serving us in determining parameters of generation and recombination processes in space charge region and on dielectric=semiconductor junction.

Black Rabbit said...

What are high-k dielectrics?
They are dielectrics with high value of permitivity. These dielectrics are nowadays in focus of examination, because their usage in MOS structures would again raised performance of integrated unipolar circuits.

What is DLTS?
It is high performance method for studying of active flaws in semiconductors with help of spectroskopic measures deep traps in semiconductors.

What are deep traps in semiconductors? How they are created?
Deep traps are consequences of presence of flaws in crystal grid in semiconductors forbidden zone. This can be because of impurities or other flaws in crystal grid.

For which structures can be DLTS used for identification of deep energy levels?
DLTS is designed for PN junction and Shottky contact, but it is possible to use it to identify deep energy levels in MIS structures, CCD elements, photodiodes etc.

Black Rabbit said...

Which are basic modes of DLTS mesurement?
■conventional positive DLTS mode
■negative DLTS mode
■double DLTS mode – DDLTS
What is Arrheniens dependence used for?
With help of Arrheniens dependence we can experimentally determine identification parameters of deep energy levels.

Laboratoryabout laboratoryprofessors, studentshow to find usprojectsauthorsfaqMeasurementsC-V measurement
I-V measurement
dlts measurement
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Black Rabbit said...

C-V measurement
Concept of FET transistor (1930), Concept vas developed by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld…
MOSFET transistor (1960), Team under lead of M. M. Atall worked up proces of silicon oxidtion …

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MOS structure attributes
MOS structure is basic semiconductive structure in unipolar integrated circuits. It is made of metal electrode and semiconductive material.

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High-κ dielectrics
Nowadays big effort is granted to increase the speed and performance of microprocessors. This leads to bigger density of integration of unipolar integrated circuits, which basic unit is MOS transistor

Black Rabbit said...

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Measuring workplace
Measuring workplace (pic.1) for C-V measurement in Semitest laboratory in Department of microelectronics consists of measuring device HP 4280A 1MHz C Meter/C-V Plotter.

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Measure and interpretation
As an example of measure and interpretation of attributes of MOS structures in Semitest laboratory we will use samples marked NO49 and NO48 (internal marking) with gate area 0,64 mm2.

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Laboratoryabout laboratoryprofessors, studentshow to find usprojectsauthorsfaqMeasurementsC-V measurement
I-V measurement
dlts measurement
video document


Black Rabbit said...

I-V measurement
History and discoveries
Metal-semiconductor junction was subject of research already at 19th century, when Braun in 1874 found out, that electric resistance of structure based on mercury and some sorts of sulfides is based on polarity of attached voltage.

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Schottky structure
Ohmic contact (non-rectifying contact), Schottky contact (rectifying contact), Forward biased Schottky diode, reverse biased Schottky diode, I-V characteristics of Schottky structure.

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Software realization
Operation with hardware tools during measurement of I-V characteristics of Schottky structures is realized with program DCATS (Direct Current Automated Test System).

Black Rabbit said...

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Hardware realization
Measuring set contains three main parts: Keithley 238 SMU, PC with accessories and shielded box, in which the measured circuit is placed.

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Laboratoryabout laboratoryprofessors, studentshow to find usprojectsauthorsfaqMeasurementsC-V measurement
I-V measurement
dlts measurement
video document


Black Rabbit said...

Department of Microelectronics FEI STU

dlts measurement
Method theory
Deep energy level traps in semiconductor, Methods of identification of deep traps, emission and catching of free carriers

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Basic modes of DLTS measuring
DLTS experiments were realized on comercial device Polaron S4600 DLTS System. This system allows us to measure in various modes of DLTS.

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Principle of DLTS method
DLTS method provides possibility of quick and simple interpretation of electron emission speed dependencies needed for construction of Arrhenius graph.

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DLTS measurement
Electric active disorders are connected with presence of intersticial oxygen in MOS structures, we have examined this with standard DLTS technique and its modification DDLTS.

Black Rabbit said...

This is the most peculiar page of all - you have a visual 'white translucent' PAUSE button in the middle of the video...why?

I mean a PAUSE BUTTON has an obvious function but this is the most peculiar one I have ever it must be symbolic of something...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, i can remember that BIG PAUL had studied all of this - the apparatus and how it worked...and he was trying to explain it all to CAROLINE and myself, within that laboratory...but I was too overloaded with information by that point and was only listening for the gist...

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say is that this is the HEART of RA CULT experimentation with bodily chemistry, bodily systems - all controlled by MICROCHIP - or that was the aim of the ILL within this type of research.

Additionally - the two graphs that I saw in one of the earlier videos - they were a direct inverse of each other and this reminded me of the SOLARISATION process.

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking of the 'alternative ending' to the HARRY POTTER series that I had offered upon one of TOMLINSON's blogspots...where HARRY has to fight his evil solarised self...

...rather like STAR TREK - where CAPTAIN KIRK had to do the same, in that 'time corridor' sequence...he had to do battle with a 'negative universe' where his doulbe in this 'evil universe' was a evil cutthroat 'pirate' captain of the starship Enterprise - working for an equally evil FEDERATION...

Black Rabbit said...

...and I thought of MARK R and how he had seen himself as HARRY POTTER...and how he had become a JEKYLL/HYDE personality because of his microchip...and what the ILL had done to his brain...and how I couldn't save him in the end...because if the ARABS had got him on that ISRAELI dock...he would never have come back from the 'evil side'...and so all I could do was to make sure that the ILL couldn't eat him after death...hence the ocean-bed scenario...

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