Sunday, 31 December 2006

MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2


His Story

I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information.

The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison:

The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews.

The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'.

The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits.

The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one.

In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course.

She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive.

Powergen torture and mind control

At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall.

The programmers and graduates all left the room.

Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation.

Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been.

Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture.

I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment.

Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying:

'I can't take it anymore'.

No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.


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Black Rabbit said...

The only difference that I could see from the CAROLINE that I had known in Devon was that she had let her hair was nearly to her waist. Funny that - because she had no time for long hair, whilst I knew her...maybe her husband liked it that way.

Black Rabbit said...


The latest batch that YELL.COM is asking me to find...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night a few more images came back from the TEMPLAR CASTLE - it was of PRINCE WILLIAM - he had become convinced that I was ‘one of them’ for some reason and blood-related. This was before MACDONALD ever became interested…

So MARK R decided to investigate with a blood-test and then I was taken back to find out what had happened…they found out about GENERAL HOAG and then questioned SCARLETT and ‘john waters’ about the whole matter…it was then generally agreed that I was a ‘little sis’ to not only the TASCHMANS but also to the PRINCES - all blood-related.

Black Rabbit said...

Does that mean that I am a relative of the ROTHSCHILD family then?

Black Rabbit said...

When I look back to the ROTHSCHILD programmer in PRAGUE who was 'friends' with PUTIN - he appeared to know all about me (but then programmers can read up the files of slaves and know a massive amount of detail about them, accrued over the years) but he also 'knew' that I had the power to do 'anything' that I wanted...

Having been virtually powerless and persecuted for the entirety of my life (with brief escapes in terms of the friends I had made e.g. DEB MCD, SUE WHALLEY, CAROLINE HUGHES)...I found it very hard to believe that I had the power to do anything that I wanted...but then I suppose that the ROTHSCHILD programmer was talking about the power of the 'magician'...the directed 'will'.

Black Rabbit said...

LPS brought up this website as the first result upon a GOOGLE IMAGES search:

“1. Genus Yersinia
Genus Yersinia consists of 14 species of which Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica are human pathogens. The genomic sequences of Y. pestis (seven strains), Y. pseudotuberculosis (four strains) and Y. enterocolitica (serotype O:8 strain) have been determined (click here to get to complete microbial genomes web page).”

This page caught my eye because in my early childhood, my father had been diagnosed with TUBERCULOSIS after a shadow upon his lung had been found…he was put on large ’pink pills’ taken orally 3 times a day and for several years…after that, my mother tells me that he was re-diagnosed with pseudo-tuberculosis - meaning, the doctors had no real idea of why he had come to have that shadow upon his lung and seeing as it had now disappeared - they left it at that.

I asked COLLIE about the above, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - and she appeared to have known of my father during this time…and she told me that the pills would have been far more likely to have been given to cure alcoholism. She appeared to believe that my father had been an alcoholic during this early period of my life. I do not remember him as such - I do not remember bottles around the house. My parents and their friends tended to drink wine but not that much…although my mother remembers drinking about a bottle of wine a day and smoking 20 cigarettes a day, during the first year of her marriage. Apparently they had both smoked - and in bed - but had then both given up quite quickly. My memories of my childhood are that my mother used to have a ‘crafty fag’ in the bathroom now and then but that was all…I do not remember them being drunk or having ashtrays around the house. ‘john waters’ used to drink heavily - I can remember that - perhaps COLLIE had him in mind, when I asked her at the TEMPLAR CASTLE. The 1960s were an odd time to be born - no real ‘public health’ scares out there, in relation to smoking and drinking.

Black Rabbit said...

I skimmed through the above page and began to wonder if this PSEUDO-TUBERCULOSIS was something to do with the lung infections that ILL SLAVES were vulnerable to after having been put through the ‘drowning’ brainwashing practice. It was a common enough practice to make a person disassociate…I do not know why the ILL preferred it to a needle through the eye…maybe it was more effective in terms of producing an NDE - of stopping the heart, for a short while.

I then wondered if the above research had touched upon micro-bacterial infection from FRESHWATER LAKES?

Was this all about ‘lizarditiz’?

I looked at LPS which is called a ’chromosomally encoded factor’, going by the name of ‘lipopolysaccharide‘:

4. Virulence studies in the Yersinia research Laboratory
Virulence of Yersinia has been studied in my laboratory since 1980 and the approach has been to use the tools of modern molecular biology and genetics to elucidate the selected aspects of it. The research before 1990 focused on the virulence factors encoded by the virulence plasmid of Yersinia such as YadA and YopN and after 1990 included also the chromosomally encoded factors such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and urease. We have also been interested on the regulatory networks involved in the expression of the virulence factors and specifically the temperature- and environmental conditions dependent regulation that are of course relevant during the infection. Also some evolutionary aspects of genus Yersinia have been studied as well as methods for rapid bacterial diagnostics and genetics of bacterial antibiotic resistance.

Black Rabbit said...

I then began to wonder about why I had been useful to the ILL at that CIA SUITE.

I had been told to make a barrier so that the ‘lizard’ infection couldn’t get into the cells again and that is what I had constructed.

Is it possible that the ILL thought that the ‘dimension’ that REMOTE-VIEWERS could go into…a dimension where TIME didn’t exist and you could see PAST/PRESENT/FUTURE all at once…did the ILL think that this dimension was a place where you could write BLUEPRINTS that had a knock-on effect within the 3D world?

Clearly they did believe this but was it true?

I am now beginning to see why the ILL worshipped PLATO.

PLATO had had this idea of FIRST FORMS…where for example, you had many different types of a ‘table’ upon Earth and to infinity…an infinite amount of styles…but there was only one ‘PROTOTYPE’ of a table, at a higher dimension.

Perhaps that is why the TASCHMANS had gone towards the whole GRAECO-ROMAN ancient civilisation and esoteric mysteries…the whole of WESTERN civilisation is based upon the ideals of these ancient worlds - far more so than the Abrahmic faiths…Christianity was the ‘icing’ upon the primitive beliefs and rituals of the earliest peoples, of these regions.

Until recently all PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS had to learn Latin and Greek at school - useless to them in later life apart from to understand names in the sciences…medicine, botany, horticultural in general…

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' had seen this all as the 'power of belief'.

He saw the dimension that remote-viewers could being one where you could change the belief systems of not only yourself but everybody entire network, I could're-write' it all...

This wasn't a real 'chemical experiment' where real chemicals were used or anything like was all about visualisation in a place where you could see PAST/PRESENT/FUTURE.

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose you could call it 'collective unconscious' deep-level 'brainwashing'.

You were putting out this especially strong signal that everybody was now 'immune' to whatever it the deepest levels or the highest levels rather...this was all about remote-viewing...being somewhere 'up in the Cosmos'.

Black Rabbit said...

...and then you had to clear up the residue of the 'infection' at literally a ground level - on EARTH:

Molecular genetics of LPS; chemical structure and role of LPS in virulence
Another major surface component of Yersinia (like in all gram-negative bacteria) is LPS that is composed of lipid and polysaccharide.

During yersiniosis humans and animals develop a massive humoral response against the polysaccharide part of LPS, and we have shown that the polysaccharide part of Y. enterocolitica LPS is essential for full mouse virulence.

We want to elucidate further the molecular details of the interactions between LPS and animal hosts. One approach to that end is to generate LPS mutants.

On that way, we have identified and partially characterized the genes responsible for the biosynthesis of LPS, and by using this information, we will construct specific mutants for virulence studies.

Function of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3 O-antigen cluster and outer core cluster gene products

Function of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:8 O-antigen cluster gene products

Molecular genetics and structure of LPS of other Y. enterocolitica serotypes

Construction of LPS mutants for virulence experiments

Temperature regulation of the expression of virulence factors
Several factors of Y. enterocolitica are regulated by temperature.
Certain factors are expressed only at temperatures below 30C, like invasin, heat-stable enterotoxin, flagellation and the long O-antigen, while others, like Ail (an adhesion/invasion protein), the Yop proteins and YadA, absolutely require 37C to be expressed.

Temperature regulation of Y. enterocolitica virulence factors must play a very important role in the pathogenesis of the infection.

Better knowledge of the regulation mechanisms will help in understanding the bacterium and its virulence mechanisms.

Black Rabbit said...

I know that those who were infected with what the TASCHMANS called 'liz 'ard men' are behind this type of research...

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know - the PRINCES were responsible for the above project:

Black Rabbit said...

I decided to look at TEETH this morning...and found the above website.

In the past - I have had 'negative feedback' from the MANNINGTREE surgery in terms of being told that my two front teeth might fall out soon (I was told this first in 2004 and they are still healthy and strong)...and then again recently...see previous notes upon RABBIT TEETH.

So I watched this video upon the above website and flashbacked to being with the 'crazy company' and actually visiting this guys NATURAL HEALTH/HOLISTIC practice and using the dental trays (filled with herbal solution) to kill bacteria around the gums and teeth. The dentist had perfect teeth and he told us all, that with this sort of treatment - it was much better than actually brushing your teeth - it got rid of the need to do so.

This guy looks like the 'future' of dentistry in terms of how to really care for your teeth and not get poisoned...

Black Rabbit said...

A diagram to show how LPS enters the cell...

I wonder if any connection could be made to dentistry?...what were the CIA hinting at?

Black Rabbit said...

DR MARVIN was using a fusion of Western techniques and Chinese Medicine to treat his patients.

He described putting 'metal' into your mouth as akin to putting 'batteries' in there.

Black Rabbit said...

He also made the point that even after a root canal - the tooth is not actually dead...there are minute capillaries within the tooth which harbour bacteria - which then go on to infect the gum...and besides, the body's normal defence reaction to anything 'dead' within it - is to react against it.

Black Rabbit said...

Re-thinking dentistry...where did the whole idea of putting MERCURY into your mouth come from? Early dentistry because it was the easiest metal to handle? Yet it is a highly dangerous a toxic poison to the human is hardly credible that this practice hasn't been outlawed yet...

Black Rabbit said...

Yet DR HULDA CLARKE(see DAVID ICKE'S website for an obituary and biographical details)was saying that PLASTIC fillings were even worse and had to be removed immediately if a patient came in, within a 'life and death' situation...that was the first thing that her surgery would do and that the patient would recover...

The message was: what they put into your teeth can poison your entire body and kill you...and that has to be taken out first before other remedies/cures can be used...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that it all makes sense to a layperson...your teeth are near to the brain, nasal cavities, lymphatic system...the whole lot...and putting dangerous stuff into your mouth within your crazy thinking...

Black Rabbit said...

Still the same BLOG OF NOTE as yesterday and so I thought I’d add a bit more to this one…since yesterday, I had remembered encouraging MARK R within this project - he was working upon the designs with NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH and one can see that within his mind, he was trying to beat the ‘monsters’ of the ILL CULT by exposing them in a comic way - and what more comic than this version of a BIG DADDY of the ILL CULT.

A sordid and horrifying picture maybe but there is also an element of comedy about it - in order to cut the whole thing down to size.

They had got it built at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in their ‘studio’ as far as I am aware - and perhaps they got the guy whose photograph is upon this website to do the main construction work, I cannot remember.

MARK R was in there quite a bit, trying the thing on for size - you can see his legs poking out underneath the costume - of the studio shoot.

After the whole thing had been built - MARK R had me dressed up like ALICE and ROS was dressed up as I am not quite sure what - a JACK THE RIPPER victim?

I can remember asking him for kohl around my eyes to give them a more cat-like feel because I thought that he would be working upon the model of AMERICAN MCGEE’S ALICE. He wasn’t - he wanted to make me look half-dead and so he told me that he was only going to apply shadows under my eyes.

When I look at these photographs now - the ALICE is precisely how I had looked at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - they had starved me and then let me put on a tiny bit of weight…up to about 8 stones and dyed my long hair mid-brown. However, the nose in stark profile isn’t quite right. So these photographs were taken with a ‘double’ who almost looks like me but appears to be much shorter.

In relation to ROS - the woman is too short and too bony - the facial features are entirely inaccurate and so MARK R didn’t take as much trouble to find an exact replacement ‘double’ for her - yet the costume is entirely the same.

So was this whole process an exorcising of MARK R’s demons? I am amazed that he actually managed to do it whilst at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…what was going on at that point?


The name VOLPIN-PROPS brought up the name VOLPONE for some reason…

Black Rabbit said...

So an alternative phrase for ZYGOTE SLAVE was 'sisters in rapture'.

That brings back the memory of 1980 in EIN KEREM - where RIMINGTON had been walking down through the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX COMPOUND with me...and the rest of the course trailing front and behind us...

She had told me how the NUNS were treated they were raped by the MONKS/PRIESTS and then aborted...

The NUNS had been taught to see this process as a VISITATION by in the initial impregnation...akin to the visions of TERESA OF AGUILA...who dreamt that CHRIST was piercing her with a lance...

I asked RIMINGTON about the abortion and she told me that they didn't remember it as anything but a 'nightmare'...a bad dream.

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON also told me that I was much luckier than those NUNS...I was what she termed FREERANGE.

FREERANGE as in 'freerange' human eggs.

The NUNS obviously belonged to a BATTERY FARM.

Black Rabbit said...

So now I know what SISTERS IN RAPTURE means to an ILL mind.

Black Rabbit said...




Black Rabbit said...

Look at the GREEN-EYED FOX upon the GREEN background with the massive RED tongue, licking up the GREEN...


Black Rabbit said...

Scrolling down this DAVID THE DESIGNER's blogspot - I 'knew' that I had seen it before and I had...

I then remembered talking to MARK about how old typesetting tools were collector's items nowadays and he decided to get interested and make his own collection.

At the CIA SUITE - MACDONALD made me watch the video below of the 'agency' called PENTAGRAM - HOW it was formed, by WHO and WHY/WHAT their purpose was...he wanted me to concentrate upon the names.

Anyway, all I can say is that the STEPHEN FRY comedy series about a PR AGENCY (see previous notes) appears to have taken PENTAGRAM premises for their own stage-set model. What were they trying to say about PENTAGRAM then?

All I can say is that according to this video - one of the founders of the company had been reading a BLACK MAGIC book and had decided upon PENTAGRAM for the original name...

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the full URL - it didn't come out in the last post.

Black Rabbit said...

So now I know where the FISHWICKS got it from, then...GRAPHIC DESIGNERS in Blackheath...independent graphic designers for their whole lives...and I suppose that they would know about PENTAGRAM...

Black Rabbit said...

The PURPLE NT logo...I remember MARK R asking me to try and guess what it meant and so i tried a few ways and then turned it upside down and said 'water tower between two book marks'...I wasn't sure about the diagonal piece but the last image looked like a nail...MARK R was smiling but he wouldn't comment...

So did he know already what the ILL meanings were or was he trying to get us to find out them...or simply to encourage us to 'see' them?

He had tried this out with GOOGLE (see previous notes) and set it as a competition for the TEMPLARS...

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R had shown me this blogspot first of DAVID THE DESIGNER at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...a few years later - MACDONALD was asking me to incorporate it into my notes to be written here...

So it will have a lot of stuff here that is important to investigate...

MARK R had told me that the 2007 PURPLE door of the NT was 'obvious' but I had no idea why...

Was it because of the original RED/WHITE LOGO and PETER HALL?

...PURPLE is a ROYAL colour as far as I am was MARK R saying that the ROYALS had taken back control of this 'national socialist' theatre?

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R had told me that JOHN PEEL and STEVIE WONDER were both in fact 'bad guys' and very ILL indeed...and I wondered how STEVIE WONDER could be - he was blind, wasn't he? MARK R just laughed...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'network' are saying 'he wasn't blind at all'.

So why did he pretend to be?

'Sympathy vote'.

Why would he need that?

'No idea'.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking through the comments page - I noticed that DAVID had left a note to say that he had left his previous 'design studio/warehouse' premises...and there was a link to GENT.

...which I clicked on and it turned out to be GHENT:

I began to look around this website and recognised it immediately as the work of NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH - he had shown me the original strange images of the SPIRE.

Black Rabbit said...

I then clicked on CASTLE OF THE COUNTS and I can remember showing SCARLETT this page in 2004 - and he replied something along the lines of 'that's where they all are'...

Black Rabbit said...

As I shifted my cursor down the photographs of this castle...the wallpaper background of the whole website changed to what I called THE RED reminded me a bit of the houses down the GOLDEN MILE at PRAGUE CASTLE where JOHN DEE had apparently had a small house...

Black Rabbit said...

NIKOLAS had made that SPIRE slope for a reason and it was to give me a clue to something...but all I can think of is that 'slash' in the NT logo...upside down, you have that diagonal sloping bit of the 'N'...

...the leaning tower of PISA?

Black Rabbit said...

DIAGON ALLEY - where you go to get into the magical shop?

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

I have just had a flashback of all of the BI COURSE being made to walk down this RED alley in 1980 and I could see SEV joking up ahead, with his what did we see...what happened to us all there?

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON dressed up as the RED QUEEN?

Black Rabbit said...

So what happened SCARLETT?

Did you send the SAS in to 'deal' with them? Whoever they were?

If they were setting me this 'trail' then one can say that those like AMADEUS were giving me as many clues as possible - they had obviously had enough and 'wanted' to be caught in order to stop the cult...

On the other hand - you were dealing with people who knew every mind control command in the book...those who had the SAS under mind control at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and so that must all have presented massive problems...

Black Rabbit said...

NOTE the CHEVRONS and the WHITE LIONS with GOLD CROWNS in the windows of the tower on the first page.

I remember NIKOLAS pointing them out...he knew what they meant but couldn't/wouldn't tell me.

CHEVRON says 'oil cult' to me.

I forgot to mention that upon the PLANE photographs website the other day...after having looked at the AIRPORT TIMETABLES...I then came across a sign upon an AIRPORT wall which stated LLC - again the oil cult...this was all about the higher echelons...those who controlled the OIL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - telling MARK R that I had only said a 'little white lie' once - to mitigate whatever I had said at the time...

...he had laughed and said that those were the WORST...and I argued back...surely he misunderstood my meaning?


Black Rabbit said...

So I looked up 'ghent white lion' and only found one site with one on it - see above.

I looked down the page and found out that one of the flags represented the powerful Guild of Weavers in Ghent, and combines the lions of Flanders and Ghent with a blue lion for their guild.

Now, years back - I had traced the GYDE family to an entry upon the web - weavers in France or Belgium...but i think Belgium...only one entry and no further information.

A BLUE LION doesn't bode well - in the ILL CULT that means tortured into an NDE...'over the rainbow where the bluebirds fly'.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just had some images back of the SAS in that very castle…was I remote-viewing them? Anyway, they ‘got’ whoever was in there…SCARLETT had told them beforehand to take all of the necessary precautions in relation to MIND CONTROL I.e. don’t let them see you before you see them and act immediately sort of thing…all hair-raising stuff.

The ‘BATTLE OF GHENT’ - that is what the SAS network are saying…

So what was the outcome - that the ROTHSCHILDS were brought back under MI6 control?


I received the letter from CHP this morning and it states that the tenancy begins upon 14th September - this Monday. So theoretically I should be able to move my stuff in over the next couple of days whilst still staying at the B&B…in fact I can remember JANE ASHER talking to SCARLETT about that one - to make the transition a smooth one…so in point of fact, MI6 had sorted that one out and I should be really getting the keys to this new flat today…who knows…wait for the next installment. The interview is at 11am.


I was looking through the CHP folder which contains a copy of the CONTRACT and then found at the back - a HOME CONTENTS INSURANCE scheme:

Arranged by JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON (broker)

Now, JARDINE isn’t a surname that I especially trust at this point in time and so ‘no’ I will not be taking out any insurance policies with this firm. Always a ‘fly in the ointment’ isn’t there?

Black Rabbit said...

What happened today with CHP?

‘John’ from CHP took me to see the ‘finished’ flat except that it wasn’t.

No carpeting at all.

A dusty concrete floor.

I was told that I had to buy the carpeting if I wanted it.

What a SCAM.

I thought - what does it matter - get a few cheap rugs - forget about the grey concrete under my feet.

I also removed a MASSIVE piece of CHEWING GUM that had been stamped into the concrete, in front of the door.

Everything is ‘symbolic’ in this ILL game.

So I signed the contract and got the keys.

Again, this was another ILL game that I had remembered from 2004.

Somebody had mislabelled all of the keys there were sets of two and an extra one for no apparent reason - then mixed them ALL up on the colour-coded key-rings (RED, YELLOW, CLEAR).

So I took them ALL off the key rings - a total of 9 keys in all and then sorted them out by pattern and then tryed them in the entrance door/front door - and put them onto DIFFERENT key-rings.

I flashbacked to 2004 - I had seen the same thing happen before and so took it in my stride.

My mother then told me to go and ask one of the CHP employees - still showing people around the flats about whether the carpeting had to be paid for by myself or not…I returned to tell her that it was.

She had been talking to a guy carpeting FLAT 3.

He told her that he could do her a ‘good deal’.

He could do the work in a day for about £280. This Tuesday.

He also told her that CARPETRIGHT would charge much more for laying the carpet - he would supply the material for underneath and the runners.

My mother agreed and it cost her £495 in total.

She was quite happy to do this.

I ‘knew’ that SCARLETT was involved and that my mother had been programmed by him to do this.

Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT had told me that whilst getting back into her car, that I should say that it was ‘important to support independent businesses rather than STATE owned ones’. My mother agreed with this.

SCARLETT had obviously decided to tape/record us during this whole staged ‘event’ - to show the MASONS later on.

What the hell is this?

‘Scenes from real life’ - this is what real people think…here is a training video….what was SCARLETT thinking of?

Please tell me because I cannot work it out and I do not think that he will tell me the truth.

He just told me what to say (from his planned script) during this particular ILL STAGE in the ILL GAME.

I thought: what the hell, why not say it and then expose it upon the INTERNET afterwards.

I can see that the basic idea was to move away from COMMUNIST/FASCIST enterprises where everybody has to work for a MASSIVE firm - STATE-owned or not…and that must be a good thing.

Even if the guy was charging my mother £290 for a day’s work which seems excessive to me….£30 an hour…on the other hand, you could wait weeks to get it done - so why not get it done now…and SCARLETT was making this ‘training video’ and so it was in my interests to go along with the whole thing…rather than hold everything up by shopping around for a better price.

My mother was of the opinion that she liked ‘JOHN’ - he seemed like a good guy and that she wanted to help him out as much as he was helping us and so readily agreed to the price.

I have never earned £30 an hour in my life…but people do tend to charge that much - or men do, at any rate…whatever area of ‘expertise’ they are in…as a minimum.

Black Rabbit said...

My last note upon this is that the woman, whom CHP had given FLAT 3 - was already having her carpet fitted.

I must ask her if it was part of the CHP deal or if she had had to pay for it herself?

That is the RUB isn’t it?

I have to find out whether or not the prospective owners of FLAT 1 (young family) and FLAT 3 (single woman, older than myself) got their carpeting paid for or not.

They were all ‘white’, British and with no obvious ‘disabilities’. I met them all this morning - and we were all met by CHP to be taken to our flats down the same corridor upon the first floor of the extension behind the main TRAVELODGE building.

When talking with ‘JOHN’ who was fitting the FLAT 3 carpeting - after my mother had collared him - he told us that FLAT 3 was ‘privately owned’.

CHP privately owns these flats 1-3, so did he mean CHP?

This isn’t a COUNCIL operation going on here….as I was to point out to my mother - it is a COMPANY contracted in by the ESSEX PARTNERSHIP to supply housing…the whole thing is entirely dodgy as far as I am concerned but I haven’t put my finger upon it yet apart from to say that this is a RA CULT operation.

You have NO idea of who they chose for housing and why - they didn’t tell me, either.

I was asked to fill in a YELLOW form today for some ‘official stats’ and again the usual questions to which I said ‘can I put OTHER?’ and the guy filled in the appropriate boxes.

So one can guess that they already know ‘all they need to know’ about you - whatever information that you decide to offer…and much more besides. They had done a POLICE check but that was all that the CHP interviewer talked about briefly.

I looked down the list of reasons as to why you left your last accommodation and saw ‘nuisance neighbours’ or something like that and so told him to tick that one…it was true…as true a statement, as he was going to get…PETRONELLA had attacked me and it was all downhill after that…the aim was to get me onto this DOWNWARD SPIRAL to continue the ILL GAME that RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON/ROS had planned out for me…along with the REGIMENT etc…

My aim was to do it in order to expose it - having carefully planned out how to do this…but the nightmare for me, was to avoid the pitfalls…

…and.the BIGGEST PITFALL was that I couldn’t remember the ‘future’ until just before or during, whatever hellish and sick thing planned, began to happen…the almost incredibly long, list of evil things, -that the diabolical trio had planned (in conjunction with their mind control slaves).

I mean - I have catalogued the MAIN sick things that they had planned to happen…but you wouldn’t believe how many sick, small and petty things that they had planned and upon a daily basis…no time to write it here…but I just keep walking through it…every single day - every waking hour.

Black Rabbit said...


So who was your AUDIENCE for this one, SCARLETT?

I say MASONS but they must be very wealthy and elite MASONS…

I tend to think of the MASONS as a ‘working class majority of men’ for some reason…but when one looks at the higher echelons of FREEMASONRY and THEIR control exerted over FREEMASONRY - this extremely wealthy ELITE within this country…

...then, I have to think again.

So maybe this ‘out of touch’ ELITE MASONRY needs to be put in touch with their ‘grassroots’ and to be made aware that the ‘small businessman/woman’ or independent ‘tradesman/woman and/or professional’ needs to be encouraged financially…or this country goes to the dogs…or specifically the RED FLAG…NWO COMMUNISM.

Was that SCARLETT's idea in making me 'say things' for the camera? I have only said them if I could guess the general intention was 'good' or if it didn't matter if I slipped up on a few things and used ILL words such as 'nip' as a verb...I'll nip out and get it...(NIP is a big reference to paedophilia, within an ILL mind).

What I want to know is why such a silly recording would fool anybody?

Why did you think that this was a good thing, SCARLETT?

Particularly after I have just OUTED the whole ’planned event’, upon the INTERNET.

People are not fools - unless you have them under mind control and in child alters.

In fact, I can remember now - I had told MILLER/ASHER that I would 'out' the whole lot...MI6 included (and they were part of SCARLETT's personal crazy company)...and I know that the 'SOCIAL SERVICES' people were also interested in MI6 being outed for their part in all of this...however, 'positive' it seemed in relation to RIMINGTON/ROS/TOMLINSON's input...

Black Rabbit said...

So now you was a BATTLE OF DIRECTORS, in relation to this ILL FILM (all about 'mind control').

SCARLETT had decided that the ILL FILM should go his way...he had the FINAL CUT...he had decided what I should say and do, in the 'significant scenes'...and so on.

It was a 'show of power' in the main, I suppose.

...but I was still being treated as a 'guineapig' within it.

Black Rabbit said...

...and SCARLETT/MI6 proved that one, as far as I can see.

The ILL FILM was hijacked and then run according to their terms.

Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT's personal 'crazy company':

JONATHAN MILLER decided to take OLANZAPINE for a week or two in order to study the effects of it.

His WIFE stopped it after a week...his behaviour had grown increasingly erratic and strange - but HE had NO IDEA that he was behaving abnormally at all.

The ILL PSYCHIATRISTS had told him not to risk himself (although they were quite happy in risking me)...but he had gone against them and decided to test it upon himself.

Black Rabbit said...

So a sane man suddenly went MAD after a week of taking OLANZAPINE (and all within the MEDICAL PROFESSION knew it) and yet DR CARNEY was still prescribing it to me, in 2008.

Black Rabbit said...

MILLER'S wife tried to temper it down in terms of making her husband feel as if he hadn't really been acting out of character...but he had become 'autistic' to her, shouting abuse...unable to sleep at night...diurnal instincts of the body had gone haywire...he forgot normal eating patterns...started to talk 'crazy stuff'...he couldn't believe what he was hearing from her but she kept saying 'it wasn't that were still your normal self, really'...

Black Rabbit said...

MILLER's own memories of the week were that he had behaved 'normally' but angry a bit and had lost sleep...

Black Rabbit said...

They had very different perceptions of what had happened to him - under the influence of OLANZAPINE.

Black Rabbit said...

His wife had found it funny that he had become addicted to some 'trifle' in a plastic cup - that he could buy from the corner shop - empty cartons were to be found all around his computer.

Black Rabbit said...

In 2004 - after I had moved into the flat - I was told by the others (who had been given a flat by CHP) that they hadn't had to pay for their carpeting. What will happen this time around?

Black Rabbit said...

I went to the COUNCIL HOMELESSNESS department yesterday afternoon to ask if I could have MONDAY and TUESDAY night at the B&B here.

The young woman with dark hair, at reception - went off to find somebody who would do this for me.

She was gone quite some time but eventually returned and said that it was all 'okay' - I could have the extra nights here at the B&B.

Funny how the OWNER of the B&B seemed to 'know' that I would need a few more days here in order to move in. She questioned why the COUNCIL hadn't given me a WEEK's notice to move in rather than 'over the weekend'.

I had no idea what CHP or the COUNCIL were up to...but knew that if this carpet was going to be fitted upon TUESDAY - that I couldn't really move in (not with all of my stuff) until it is done.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, my mother questioned all of the above because the young woman hadn't given me any NOTIFICATION in writing that she or the officer, had done the above.

She had simply come back and said that it was 'all right'.

Additionally, she hadn't asked me my name or where I was staying...

I assumed that she recognised me but having only met her about 3/4 times at the desk at most - and considering how many people come into that HOMELESS department...I wondered how she could have remembered me...that was another odd factor.

Black Rabbit said...

So I shall ask the B&B owner at some point, if the COUNCIL has told them that I will be staying until WEDNESDAY morning.

The HOUSING BENEFIT officer for CHP (SUE) and the one from the actual HOUSING BENEFIT office (CAROL)had both told me that they would sort it out if there was any 'overlap' as they called it.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, I learnt from these women that SUE FARLEY used to work for CHP.

Black Rabbit said...

Isn't it such a SCAM - you are HOMELESS and then you are given a flat but told that you have to pay for the carpeting which then costs nearly £500.

I mean - who wants to live on cold, dusty CONCRETE - it would be like living in a WAREHOUSE.

Black Rabbit said...

If my mother hadn't come down to 'sort it all out' with her cheque book - that is what I would have had to put up with...

Black Rabbit said...

'JOHN' asked her to leave her DEBIT CARD BILL with him because it would apparently make picking up the carpet that we had bought, easier for him.

Despite the fact that NICOLA at CARPETRIGHT had said 'Oh yes, we all know JOHN - he gets quite a bit of work from here'...she then told my mother that there was no need to worry - JOHN would pick up the carpet and do the work...

Black Rabbit said...

My mother thought this was a bit too DODGY and so told him that he could keep the actual account of what she had bought but NOT the bill and left.

Black Rabbit said...

On a psychic level - I scanned 'JOHN' the carpeter and found OBAMA.

Was this his part in the whole sick operation?

Black Rabbit said...

So 'JOHN' was on OBAMA's see how different people can be connected via microchip all over the world?

Black Rabbit said...

On top of that - the ILL GAME had continued at CARPETRIGHT whilst my mother and I were there...

NICOLA showed us carpet that RIMINGTON had shown me in 2004 - RIMINGTON had called the small balls of wool that make up the carpet 'EGGS'.

My mother immediately wanted to buy it.

The carpet looks good - easy on the feet and so I didn't query it - one simply has to EXPOSE what ILL meanings the ILL have attached to it - otherwise it is just a durable and 'okay' sort of carpet.

We then sat in front of NICOLA' desk at CARPETRIGHT - in order to pay the bill.

I sat on the left - my mother to the right.

I looked down and then remembered that RIMINGTON had left a largish TRIANGLE of POLYSTYRENE (white eggs) upon the floor, in between us - to remind us all that we were being used for our EGGS.


How INSANE is mind control?

Had that piece of polystyrene been left untouched in front of NICOLA's desk since 2004?

How could it be possible?

...and yet I know that it is possible...once slaves have been told not to see and not to touch something...they can leave the object in question for decades, if the programmer so desires.

Anyway, I threw it away.

Black Rabbit said...

I then remembered the STAPLE that RIMINGTON had left on NICOLA'S desk (remember when RIMINGTON had used an industrial STAPLE GUN upon my foot at the top of the building site at the end of this road).

So I threw the STAPLE off her desk too.

These symbols are all meant to terrorise your subconscious mind - they represent ILL torture.

Had NICOLA been 'stapled' too?

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON had left the STAPLE there to terrorise all of us, presumably...

MARK R had said to me that at this point in the ILL GAME that it would be upsetting for me to view my mother as an unconscious 'robot' of the ILL...just doing what various people had told her...

I am not sure...something tells me that my mother is a little more conscious of the entire ILL game than that...

Black Rabbit said...

SCARLETT's crazy company had agreed with me that in order to show that I was not in 'robot' mode that I should use 'i' in stead of 'I' in my posts...but this has proved too I tend to use 'I' most of the time because as far as I know...I am 'i' all the time at this point in the ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, there is a door to the basement and the CAGES (where one can put bikes etc) in the TRAVELODGE and a CHP worker told us jokingly that this was the STAPLE room for some it is possible that RIMINGTON was using an industrial stapler in those cages, as well...

Black Rabbit said...

MORE NOTES ON THE PLANE WEBSITE (and subsequent memories of the whole ordeal):


…we were beset by massive difficulties the whole way…

Upon one flight - ROS made her way down the plane…to where I was sitting…

RIMINGTON/ROS/TOMNLINSON had been made to sit at the back of the plane and my own seating was to the front…nobody else on board the small aircraft…there were reason for this…I was to be left ALONE.

ROS got up to use the toilet at her end of the plane (at the moment when somebody was using it) and then made her way to the end of the plane towards me to use the other one…upon leaving the toilet she asked ‘do you want anything’ as an ‘innocuous gesture’..

That had upset EVERYTHING for me…

THEY had all been told NOT to interfere or in anyway disrupt my concentration…

…and I GOT very angry indeed…

They had all been told by AMADEUS - to stay away from me whilst I was concentrating upon the frequencies…yet many times, all of them and in different ways, had stopped me doing just that…

ROS was the last straw within so many FLIGHTS…

I started to talk loudly and forcefully to the whole of the ‘crazy company’ that if anybody did that again…that I would OUT them for it in front of everybody…

RIMINGTON was sitting, sniggering about the whole thing - but only within her mind ( she had headphones on and was sitting back in her seat with her eyes closed)…ROS sat back down beside her, in her seat at the back of the plane.

ROS was an AUTOMATON…she had been told to get up and disrupt me, by RIMINGTON…

ROS sat down, angry and ashamed that she had been found out…RIMINGTON simply replied to her that she was ‘stupid’…and sat there, relaxing back into her head rest - the ‘blame‘ for being found out was all to do with ROS and not her…ROS was as red and as angry and as miserable, as she could be…

We were all telepathic but we could choose to tune in to each other or not, as we chose…the point is that the ‘boys’ were NOT picking up on RIMINGTON for some reason…and ROS was her automaton…despite her cursing herself for it afterwards…

Anyway, after that interruption - I immediately informed SWISS CONTROLLER and MACDOINALD that ROS wasn’t the cause ( not verbally but telepathically) - RIMINGTON had used her…ROS didn’t have a mind of her own…or it had been overcome and was to weak in terms of RIMINGTONs…so if you want me to do this job well, just DEAL with it.

Why the did they let RIMINGTON be ‘in on’ anything in the first place?

SWISS CONTROLLER and MACDONALD registered that they would have to do that whole sky trip again…I put the thought into their minds that it could NOT be done with RIMINGTON/ROS/TOMLINSON on board…they were too tiresome and would disrupt my tracking of frequencies…they agreed.

The next time - the ‘rest of them‘ were not allowed to be there (or any other ‘important flight path‘).

Black Rabbit said...

Saturday morning…

I forgot several very important notes from yesterday:

MARKAROV - the young woman who had lived opposite to me was sitting on a wall as I walked down EDITH ROAD yesterday and she told me MARKAROV…it was a name that she had remembered from the TEMPLAR CASTLE…we had all been asked to find out who we thought was responsible for everything…

Secondly PHELAN.

This was the name of a lot of those ‘dog files’ upon the PLANE website.

Yesterday, I realised that the BUILDERS for the TRAVELODGE site were working for this PHELAN company - the name was emblazoned upon the back of their jackets.

I then flashbacked to seeing these guys pestering me once I had got the flat and moved in…they kept coming down, ringing the doorbell and then threatening me. SCARLETT told me NOT to let them in - but when the doorbell keeps ringing and somebody keeps banging upon the door - it is hard not to.

Therefore I have no idea as to how I will cope with that one when I move in.

These PHELAN workers are supposed to be finishing the top floor and should NOT be bothering anybody upon the first floor.

They have all now been OUTED here - as being RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON/ROS’ slaves and I can only hope that having OUTED them here - that they will not do as they were commanded.

Black Rabbit said...

Another point - RIMINGTON/ROS/TOMLINSON had left a massive wedge of stamped down CHEWING GUM upon the floor of the flat - just as you walk in.

I removed that and threw it out of the flat.

Black Rabbit said...

I have to meet JOHN with the keys to the TRAVELODGE flat at 10am on TUESDAY morning.

Let us just hope that he turns up, eh OBAMA.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, my mother's 'man with a van' can do move my stuff from her garage on THURSDAY morning and so I will be there to let them in...I will double-check upon the time, with her.

Black Rabbit said...

Lastly - I now know why the RED/WHITE striped mattress was so important to my mother.

She gave me a clue yesterday - she told me that she used to find it so 'COMFORTING'.

It was the mattress that the ILL put you on to sleep - after they had tortured you.

The basic principle was to make you associate 'SLEEP' and 'not being TORTURED anymore' with the combined colours of RED and WHITE.

The colours of COMMUNISM.

Black Rabbit said...

ILL NWO COMMUNISM I might add...

Black Rabbit said...


The new YELL.COM search...

Black Rabbit said...

Quite a bit more came back about the ‘BATTLE OF GHENT’…I had been there with the SAS upon the stone steps…they had taken me with them in order to tell them where the ILL were in the hall…and I could see one in the middle - one to the left, near the altar…and one to the right, near to a window…only two SAS members there…SCARLETT had given them orders to shoot on sight…

They got the one in the middle and the one near to the alter but the one near to the window, jumped out of it and escaped…

It is a pity that the SAS hadn’t known about my jump from the TEMPLAR CASTLE (nor could I remember it) because they had figured that he wouldn’t dare jump - not at that height.

As far as I know -the one who jumped - was TOMLINSON.

I was astonished to find that the ‘one in the middle’ had been the ROTHSCHILD programmer that I had met in PRAGUE…I held his head as he lay dying upon the floor and he managed to stutter that they had actually wanted me to win the ILL GAME...and to make me their ‘head priestess’ or something like that…

If I compare this with the evidence…how true could that be?

TOMLINSON/RIMINGTON/ROS had set up a game that was literally impossible to win.

Black Rabbit said...

So the SAS got two of them...

...and SCARLETT told the SAS later on, that they had 'got' the third, in the town...really?

Black Rabbit said...

So I wonder now - looking back at that PRIVATE EYE message about how there were 12 'R's and not just '3'.

Did this relate to the above?

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder how many the RUSSIANS/ISRAELIS got in that BEC citadel in northern TURKEY then?

Black Rabbit said...

'john waters' commented upon the above to me - he said that the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD programmer had been trustworthy but only up to a point...he still had too much evil in him and that had triumphed in the end, taking over his personality entirely.

Is that what happens to them all in the end?

MARK R hadn't wanted his CHIP removed because he thought that he could beat it - but in the end, he couldn't.

Black Rabbit said...

His body was being used like a MOBILE a remote-controller.

Black Rabbit said...

It makes you wonder...if even that PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD programmer had been chipped in this way - who had done this to him and why?

Are the ROTHSCHILDS really the pinnacle of this ILL TREE?

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R was a ROCKEFELLER and he had been chipped in this way...

Black Rabbit said...

NIR'S MOTHER appeared to be acting in a similar way to MARK R and this ROTHSCHILD...she would try to do good...a huge amount of good...and then something would snap her back into 'evil' mode.

Black Rabbit said...

MARKAROV sounds like one of MARK R's jokes to me...


Black Rabbit said...

I searched on GOOGLE IMAGES for MARKAROV - and most of the images appeared to be of guns called MARKAROV but it is also a RUSSIAN surname.

Black Rabbit said...

For example:

Valerian Markarov, has been appointed as a Director of Global Education System in Georgia

Valerian Markarov

Master's Degree in World History and Pedagogics, MBA in International Management, Author of 4 books and many scientific publications in History, World Culture, and Business Management, well-known among them are the following: "Springtime in California", "Holy Land of Israel", "How to make a Career".

Honorary Doctor (Doctor honoris causa) of the European University, Hannover, Germany.

Honorary Citizen of the City of Davis, California, USA.


Black Rabbit said...


Valerian Markarov was born on 16 April 1967 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

He has received his MA with honors from the faculty of World History, Tbilisi State University (1991). Studied General Management at Vienna International School (1993), Business Management at California State University - Sacramento (2005). Earned his MBA in International Management with high honors from InterService Professional School, Tbilisi (2005), Thesis in Educational Franchising. He studied Business Promotion at MASHAV Educational Training Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel (2006).

Career: 1987-1989 served as a serjeant in the ranks of Soviet Army in Khabarovsk, Far East

military district. 1989 -1993 - worked at High School as a Teacher of World History and Senior Teacher. 1994 -1997 - one of the heads of department of the Club for Diplomats, Tbilisi. 1997 - 2000 - worked as a Manager at the World Bank Office. 2000-2004 - Founder and CEO of various top-class enterprises, various business / entertainment, diplomatic corporations. Trainer-Expert in Business Consulting, Marketing, Human Resources, and Youth Education as well. From 2005-to present has been acting as the Founder and President of Golden Bridge Georgian-American Visitor Exchange Center, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Black Rabbit said...

He is a notable public person and a recognized expert in International Cultural and Educational Exchange Programs for students and young professionals. He is well-known for his innovative activity in the sphere of pedagogical science and higher education. The Center has long-term contacts and works in partnership with various scientific, educational and cultural centers in Europe, USA and Canada. Golden Bridge has been selecting and sending young scientists and promising specialists to be taught and trained abroad by European and American professionals in frames of their educational Internship programs.

Black Rabbit said...

Awards and Achievements:

*Honorary Doctor (honoris causa) of the European University, Hannover, Germany - 2007.

*Jerusalem Pilgrim of the New Millennium - December 2006.

*Honorary Citizen of the City of Davis, California, USA" - May 2005.

*Certificate of Achievement in Teaching and Training" - February 2005.

*State Medals: "For distinction in service", "For construction of a Baikal-Amur Magistral", "For active work with Army Youth", "For contribution to Youth Education", and many honorable certificates.

He fluently speaks English, Russian, Georgian, and can communicate in German, and Armenian. Married with two sons: Eduard and Vladimir who go to High School. His spouse, Eleonora Zoryan, is a musician.

Valerian is fond of reading, listening to classical music, swimming.

Black Rabbit said...

Reading through the above - so the young woman could have been right about this family surname?

I remember her at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - her 'mind' had lit up GOLD as she hit upon it and told me MARKAROV.

Black Rabbit said...

All of these 'professors' and directors...a more scary bunch of mugs I have yet to see...I could be maligning them all in terms of 'first impressions' but they all look like mob masters/gangsters to me.

Black Rabbit said...

...upon this GREEN website...

Now tell me again, MI6 - why did you choose GREEN for DAVID ICKE's website? Was it to re-appropriate the colour of HEALTH from the ILL CULT?

Black Rabbit said...

Recognition of Global Education System

Accreditation and recognition of the Global Education system (GES)

On behalf of the United Nations and International Telecommunication Union in 1995, the International Informatization Academy (IIA) in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN has started to award new degrees of PhD (International) and Grand PhD to experts for solving of global problems. This work has served as the beginning of recognition of four level (BS-MS-PhD - Grand PhD) education system.

Black Rabbit said...

Such basic ideas, as the Distributed processing of the information, the Informatization of a society, the World distributed universities and the New scientific degrees of PhD (International) and Grand PhD, have laid down in a basis of the Global Education System (GES) and registered as certificates-licenses in 1995-1998.

· In 1997 1998, the IIA in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN has created a functional university (World Information Distributed University -WIDU).The IIA has transferred to the WIDU an awarding the all scientific degrees and ranks, including International PhD and Grand PhD. .

Black Rabbit said...

· The professors of university have determined rules of training and awarding of scientific degrees. The university is scientific educational non-profitable association, which it conducts training and awarding of scientific degrees free-of-charge. The university accepts only donations. The president of the WIDU carries out the activity free-of-charge. Departments of the WIDU together with other universities spend grounding and awarding of scientific degrees. The international committee consisting of 7-9 outstanding scientists with degree Grand PhD is responsible for final award of a degree to any expert. Management of the WIDU is limited to formal signing of documents. The university can be in the different countries as it is distributed. The location of office of the president of the WIDU determines a position of university.

Black Rabbit said...

· The WIDU proposed an additional organization (the BAKK) for Russia and the former countries USSR. The Highest Attestation Qualification Committee (BAKK) is a scientific public association for attestation of experts for degrees of Kandidat Nauk (PhD) and Doktor Nauk (Grand PhD). Diplomas of BAKK are legally used in RF at nongovernmental scientific institutions and commercial organizations. The WIDU, as the functional university of the IIA in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN, continues to work on grounding of experts with degree PhD (International) and Grand PhD for the solving of global problems. From 1997 on 2000, The location of office of the President of the WIDU was Russia.

Black Rabbit said...

· The president of the WIDU moved to Belgium and headed the Academie Europeenne d'Informatisation (A.E.I) since 2000. The Minister of Justice of Belgium has signed the legal Status of the AEI- Art.3. Titres honorifiques, which was proposed by the functional university WIDU of the IIA in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN. . The Royal Decree of 19 September 1999 enables the AEI to legally operate in Belgium as an international association with corporate personality. According to its statutes, this association can indeed open a university in accordance with the Belgian legislation on this matter

Black Rabbit said...

· Education is free in Belgium. Belgium is the place of residence only. For WIDU it is enough operate as a free institution.

Accreditation and recognition of the Global Education system (GES) is complex enough.

The WIDU has tested many schemes of accreditation and recognition of GES with positive success.

· Bilateral accreditation and recognition of the Global Education system (GES) is the most important. This way here is widely used for recognition GES. A global Education system (GES) is recognized more than 1000 organizations.

· Academy- AEI and University -WIDU have signed the agreement on the state recognition with Armenia and Mongolia.

· Ministers of a science and education of Tatarstan, the Chechen Republic and Penza have signed the agreement on recognition GES.

Black Rabbit said...

A Global Education System (GES) is recognized by:

The State Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is the main scientific centre of the Republic, included 21 research institutes, 3 science centers, has signed the agreement with the AEI.
The Russian Rectors' Union has signed the agreement with the WIDU. About 800 rectors of higher educational institutions of Russia are members of the Union.
The International Academy of sciences (IAS) in San Marino has accredited the WIDU and issued a license for GES.
The Association FESAMA has recognized Diplomas of PhD (International) and Grand PhD and recommends to the members of the institution in all countries to recognize the activities and certificates granted by the WIDU.
The Association on accreditation AIHACC has decided to recognize Diplomas of Int. PhD, Grand PhD and Certificates conferred by the WIDU and recommends to members of all organizations to recognize Diplomas and Certificates of the WIDU.

Black Rabbit said...

The International Association of Educators for World Peace (M.E) has accredited Int. PhD and Grand PhD.
The way of accreditation by means of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accrediting Principles) is used also. In this system it is required, that the university has been included in the list of the national Ministry of Education. At such university, it is possible to create the department with recognition of GES. The Tomsk State University (TSU), the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB), the European Academy of Informatisation - (AEI), the World Information Distributed University ,the Russian Ecological Fund "TechEco", the Union of Rectors of Russia, the Association of Peace Funds created the Department TSU - AEI - TechEco and the Department TSUAB - WIDU - TechEco.

Black Rabbit said...

One of ways of recognition GES has been offered owing to the original agreement between the University of Wales, Lampeter, UK and the International University. One of the oldest universities Lampeter (1822) and International University (1992) has signed the agreement in March 1996. The agreement provides cooperation and recognition of the academic status of both universities, and an opportunity independently from each other to identify the academic statuses of other universities at high quality performance of education. Such original approach allows expanding a network of universities with a high level of quality of education, not resorting to structures of accreditation, which cannot keep up in sufficient measure needs of a society in development of new education systems. Academy - AEI and University - WIDU have signed the agreement with the International University about cooperation and recognition.

Black Rabbit said...

The European Academy of Informatisation (AEI) and the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) has suggested a Global Education System (GES) with awarding of two additional scientific degrees International PhD and Grand PhD. The International University of Fundamental Studies (IFUS) has signed the agreement with the AEI and the WIDU concerning the GES. The International Parliament of Safety and Peace (IPSP) accredit the IFUS. The IPSP has given the full right to award scientific degrees of the International PhD and Grand PhD officially recognized by all States (more than 155), entering in IPSP-New Association of the Nations (NSN) as the Intergovernmental Organization of States (IOS).
The Academie Europeenne de l'Informatisation - (AEI ), the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) and the West Coast University (WCU) incorporated in Panama, Central America have signed the DECLARATION OF SITE AFFILIATION AGREEMENT.

Black Rabbit said...

West Coast University (WCU) is the global university offering degree programs through its affiliated colleges-worldwide. West Coast University (WCU) is also a licensed institution of A.E.I and World Information Distributed University (WIDU). WCU is also a consultant member of the University Consortium based in Central America. All member universities of this University Consortium are accredited by their respective Ministries of Education and are listed with UNESCO. WCU has been granted a Parliamentary Decree that bears full validity and recognized by Vienna Convention of April 18th, 1961, (1963). WCU also offers dual degree programs with Universidad San Juan De La Cruz, a recognized and Accredited University by the Ministry of Education, Government of the Republic of Costa Rica, Central America, through the National Council on Higher Education Private Universities (CONNESUP). It is also listed in UNESCO under the international Association of Universities and in the International Handbook of Universities an official Directory of International Accredited Universities published by United Nations. WCU has affiliated colleges and students in Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, India, UAE, Lebanon, Nigeria, Zambia, Gambia, Antigua, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.

Black Rabbit said...

West Coast University (WCU) is also a Provisional Member of the "Global University Network for Innovation" (GUNI), which is composed of Higher Education UNESCO Chairs and other institutions that are highly committed to innovation in higher education. GUNI was set up by UNESCO, the United Nations University (UNU) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).


Black Rabbit said...

In the last but one post - ANTIGUA stands out to me...not least because my mother was talking about our FRENCH relatives in the South of France and cousin PASCAL who is now apparently living in ANTIGUA...she seemed a bit worried...she didn't quite know what had happened between him and his family...

There is one of these COLLEGES (see above) in ANTIGUA and I know that MI6 should be looking into all of this as a matter of emergency...

Black Rabbit said...

...but then as far as I can recall, I had told SCARLETT the above in one hopes that the situation in ANTIGUA is now well-covered...all I know is that PASCAL was in great danger, at that point in time.

Black Rabbit said...

I tried to look at the new BLOG OF NOTE (Ramblings of the Bearded One)
this morning but AVG then put up a RED WARNING:


THREAT NAME: Exploit Search engine hijack

PROCESS NAME: C:\ProgramFiles\InternetExplorer\iexplore.exe

I clicked on further information but only got an AVG search database for the above threat:

I then decided NOT to open this blogspot again and so copied the above RAMBLINGS OF THE BEARDED ONE from the BLOGGER START page and instead of just getting ‘ramblings’ got this (see below) once I had pasted it onto WORKS new file:

Ramblings of the Bearded One Volpin Props Ashley Wood Stark Online blog.reddit Iva Messy bogor daily photo Packaging of the World Monday Art Day Carrotspeak

Black Rabbit said...

Now, BLOGGER really shouldn't be allowing this sort of thing - should they?

I shall open this BLOG OF NOTE at the LIBRARY and make further notes upon it.

Black Rabbit said...

Did I mention that MACDONALD had programmed this laptop to create ‘blacked’ out areas upon the SOUPY GREEN OCEAN of the MICROSOFT start-up program?

This morning - I had just come back from my customary walk down the promenade and I switched on the laptop to see a squarish rectangle of BLACK in the middle of this OCEAN screen…and suddenly I remembered what MACDONALD had told me…a flat map of the WORLD.

I was to concentrate now upon the MIDDLE OF THE WORLD as the ILL CULT see it.


“A little higher up.”

Black Rabbit said...


I haven’t properly dealt with CHP employees yet.


She was programmed by the diabolical trio to mess up my HOUSING BENEFIT claim so that I wouldn’t actually receive anything at all - I would then be chucked out of the flat after a month or so.

So having OUTED SUE DEEMING here - one can only hope that she will not be able to mess up my HOUSING BENEFIT claim.

What tipped me off yesterday?

SUE came into the flat whilst the tall male CHP employee ‘JOHN’ was talking me through the contract.

SUE shook my hand, introduced herself and then proceeded to put on SHADES. Not the usual type of sunglasses but those ‘brown’ ones.

Look at LEONID upon the GLOBAL EDUCATION website mentioned above - to realise just how sinister these glasses can make you look.

I had seen another ILL slave of RIMINGTON’s do precisely the same whilst I was working as a temporary clerical assistant at MIND in IPSWICH.

I suddenly realised - it is an ILL ‘mafia’ thing - these slaves are programmed to put on this type of ‘shades’ or ‘driving glasses’ as some people tend to call them - before they do something dreadful to their victim.

This woman was especially nice to me - and I flashbacked to 2004 - when she had been exactly the same…only to find out a few weeks later that SUE DEEMING had NOT started up any HOUSING BENEFIT claim for me, at all.

Direct line: 01245 613055

SUE upon the network ‘you haven’t finished with us yet’.


Additionally, the youngish dark-haired woman called CAROL from the HOUSING BENEFIT OFFICE in CLACTON had also been present…she told me that all I had to do was to go down to their office and hand in the forms…whatever I had been given…and to ask for her by name CAROL - I asked her for her SURNAME and she replied:

“Everybody knows me down there.”

I pressed a bit more and she told me ‘not to worry, they will come and get me’.



So it is quite obvious to me now that I cannot trust the pair of them.

I will have to go down to HOUSING BENEFIT upon MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER to start up my claim myself - regardless of what those two are up to.

The normal procedure is to book an interview - and your HB claim will start from that date. Although it is normally delayed by several months. CHP will have to be content with that one.

Having been hired by the COUNCIL to re-house me, all I can say is that I had better NOT get any harassment from CHP if the HOUSING BENEFIT office is slow to pay up. If it takes 3 months - tough.

Black Rabbit said...

So CAROL wouldn't even give me her surname.

Does she even work at the HOUSING BENEFIT OFFICE in CLACTON, I am beginning to wonder.

In 2004 - as far as I can remember - I went down to that OFFICE and NOBODY knew who I was talking about...there had been a CAROL working there years ago but she had left.

Black Rabbit said...

How rotten to the core is CHP?

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday - somebody had left a TRAIL OF MONEY from the bathroom to the BEDROOM door which is just beside it.

I flashbacked to TOMLINSON telling me that it was a MONEY TRAIL and that I had to follow it...and pick up the coins.

I did so in 2004 and was immediately accused of STEALING.

I left the coins where they were, yesterday.

Black Rabbit said...

This morning upon my usual walk...I came back from the pier and was crossing the BRIDGE in front of see that somebody had dragged a WOODEN park bench up to the apex of it...

I flashbacked to RIMINGTON telling me that I had to sit upon it.

As I was walking past it (obviously I was going to do no such thing) a man with a large GOLD CHAIN around his neck, passed me....looking very nervous indeed.

He had been programmed by RIMINGTON to watch me sit on it and I hadn't...

Black Rabbit said...

This morning I was supposed to pay for breakfast up until MONDAY and yet now I will be staying until WEDNESDAY the owner will have to work out what I need to pay out of the £13.13 - I wonder if this will be a problem?

Black Rabbit said...

FIND LOCAL BUILDERS…yet another instruction from YELL.COM…

As far as I know - this was MACDONALD’s instruction to talk about the ‘locals’ in general - the underground REBEL FORCE against the ILL CULT…and that included a lot of MASONS.

Black Rabbit said...

First up - there is a LOCAL who lives around here and who works for SOCIAL SERVICES but I will not mention his name for safety reasons…although it is a double-edged sword, if you have a high profile - the ILL are less likely to try to do you in…or if they do and you ‘disappear’…at least everybody knows whodunnit…

Anyway, he went on the ‘ROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS’ ILL programming tour - and was pushed off a cliff in the NEGEV DESERT…but he survived.

He managed to drag himself to an ISRAELI SETTLER encampment. They looked after him, nursed him back to health AND believed his story.

They then got him safe passage back to the UK where the MASONS took over and got him back into BRITISH SOCIETY in general but without the ILL knowing about it - I suppose they must have had to change his name and ID, at all levels.

So one can see that the UK MASONS have had the ‘big picture’ for some time now.

They were responsible for saving CAROLINE and getting her out of the UK.

More peculiarly - the ISRAELI ultra-ORTHODOX settlers, had also been informed of the ‘big picture’ and had taken it very seriously indeed.

Black Rabbit said...


Other locals - let us just say that RIMINGTON had told me - that after I had fished out a certain object - out of the YACHTING POOL - that this would signify that CLACTON SOCIAL SERVICES in general, would get the ‘big picture’ but she then sniffed:

“Of course, it is too late by then.”

Not necessarily.

Black Rabbit said...


The LOCAL REBEL FORCE were to tell me in 2004 - to have an ‘agreed code’ with myself - when we were starting to actually WIN the whole ILL game - that I should put out a bar of PEARS SOAP.

SCARLETT’s ‘crazy company’ had also asked me to do the same and so we had all agreed upon the symbol of PEARS SOAP.

I put a PEARS SOAP out on the basin in the bathroom this morning.

I have bought PEARS SOAP before…at every significant stage, that we had accomplished - but this time - it is the REAL thing in terms of the REBEL GROUP being ahead of the ILL at their own game.

What did PEARS signify?

I had thought back to the MASONS and to the ISRAELI SETTLERS - both could be labelled ZIONISTS -having been programmed to be so.

I had then thought about the PEAR TREE with the WHITE metal wire HANGING from it…I had thought it might be a lightning conductor but then realised that the ILL meaning behind it was:


MI6 programming - see previous notes at flat 3, EAGLE HOUSE.

The PEAR TREE had a BLIND MAN’S STICK hanging from it.

I then thought about HERTZL’S MOUNT in Jerusalem and all of those PARTRIDGES that were free to roam around it.

They represented top ISRAELI ZIONISTS.


This meant to me that every ZIONIST had been microchipped and was under mind control - even those top ISRAELI ZIONISTS in Israel.

All ‘blind’ with their sticks.

Black Rabbit said...

That is why I thought that PEARS soap might be a good emblem for the REBEL FORCE.

Additionally, somebody left a cream coloured soap called IZAL on the basin the other day.

So I shunted it out of the way and replaced it in the middle, with PEARS.

What does IZAL in ILL-symbolism mean?

I only know that it is a BAD THING and linked to KINO…Russian influences…cinema…

The surname or first name is something like LAZARUS.


MARK R had punned upon LAZI as in ‘LAZI COME HOME’…

Black Rabbit said...


The MI6 network are telling me that they had managed to capture TOMLINSON in GHENT and have put him in a cage, underground…they do not appear to know what to do with him…laser out the microchip between his two front lobes. Ask MARK R who appears to be in the hands of ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE - he knew how to do it - the laser surgery involved.

Black Rabbit said...


If SCARLETT had allowed me to have a gun in that GHENT CASTLE then I might have made it easier for the SAS…there were only 3 of us upon that mission and so the pair of them got 2 of the ILL…

…and as usual, I was not allowed to have a gun…okay so I wouldn’t have been a brilliant shot but it would have made life easier for everybody if I could have taken a potshot at the THIRD MAN, as in TOMLINSON and winged him, before he was able to jump out of the window.

Besides the SAS CAPTAIN knew TOMLINSON he had trained him in the past and so he had paused for a second and told the man to stop (he must have sensed who it was and you don‘t normally shoot your ‘own‘ do you?)…and in that second, TOMLINSON had jumped out of the window…the SAS CAPTAIN didn’t have time to consciously recognise him in the MONK’S outfit but I did…and so he went away thinking that he had failed what he had wanted to be the ‘perfect mission’ but he hadn’t…SCARLETT didn’t tell him who the THIRD MAN had been…and they got him anyway, if MI6 are to be believed…later on, in the town.

Black Rabbit said...


SCARLETT informed me that PASCAL was rescued by them in the nick of time…from ANTIGUA…he had been doing his own research on the ILL CULT there but was in mortal peril by that point, in 2004.

Black Rabbit said...


The ‘regiment’ were telling me this morning:


What did they mean by that?

It must be a programming command of sorts…

Black Rabbit said...



I was asked to remote-view for the PRINCE OF MONACO…how the kidnapping of CAROLINE HUGHES had gone because he didn’t want the ‘goods’ to have been touched as he put it…and so I remote-viewed the whole lot, from start to finish.

PAUL had carried out the operation perfectly…his wife had warned him beforehand that there wasn’t to be any ‘funny business’ because ILL programmed slaves tend to abuse women when they have them in their power…but PAUL wasn’t like that…once they were on the ferry…he got into the back of the white van and took the silver duct tape off CAROLINE’s mouth and told her that if he had wanted to do any ‘funny business’ that he would have done it long ago…her life was in severe danger and that was why she had been kidnapped…and that he had no time to explain why…she was an ‘argumentative f***er’ and that is why he was now going to replace the duct tape over her mouth…and that is how she came to end up in FRANCE.

Once ensconced within her new life in FRANCE…CAROLINE learnt French quickly and I was allowed to meet her there…I listened to her talk French with her husband and I asked her why she didn’t bother to go for a French accent and she told me that the FRENCH loved to hear her speak it with an English accent…so she did it to please them, in the main…it amused them…PAUL added later on that they all saw her as the epitome of English eccentricity…anyway, CAROLINE was still in contact with her brother and he was a bit dubious about the whole set-up, especially her husband who disappeared for long periods now and then but what could he do…

Black Rabbit said...

...well, PAUL actually said that the French saw CAROLINE as the 'craziest focker out' but he meant the above in general terms - she got on well with the FRENCH.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know if it is important but I have two more things to mention about the BATHROOM in this B&B.

Firstly that RIMINGTON had decreed that the window should NEVER be opened - it opens onto the ILL programming garden below. You cannot see the garden through the frosted pane of the lower window - and I had to stand on the toilet to look out of the upper window, down onto the garden.

TOMLINSON then stuck the window down with SUPERGLUE or something like it and then applied white vinyl paint over the cracks to stick the window to the window frame even more.

Black Rabbit said...

So this isn't really my arena - it would take a BUILDER to get that window open again...any offers?

Black Rabbit said...

I think it is important to open it...

PANE = PAIN in ILL CULT symbolism.

Opening the window would mean taking away the PANE/PAIN from viewing the ILL GARDEN below.

Black Rabbit said...

Secondly, upon the day that the IZAL SOAP appeared...a see-through plastic cup appeared upon the back of the idea what that meant.

Black Rabbit said...

I have an error to correct in the previous notes.

I had written that there were 3 keyrings for the TRAVELODGE flat and that they were RED/YELLOW/CLEAR

In point of fact, the last one was WHITE.

...and I know that the above KEY FARCE was the PRINCES' contribution to this ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...

Each plastic tag has the following upon it:




Black Rabbit said...

The RED and YELLOW were tied by a BLACK plastic strip.

I need to CUT that now.

I also need to take the COLOUR TAGS off the SILVER RINGS.

Black Rabbit said...

WHY is there a KEYRING for the GAS METER and no mention made of the ELECTRICITY METER?

The odd thing is that BEFORE I was given these KEYRINGS...I was given 2 SILVER KEYS that were not on keyrings.

One was marked E.

The other was marked R.

I was told that:



I asked why R=GAS and 'john' the CHP guy, told me that he didn't know 'strange, isn't it?' he laughed.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I immediately took ALL of the keys off the keyrings - although I had been told to do something silly with them all - by RIMINGTON - something about rearranging them upon the keyrings.

That didn't make any sense to do not want to walk around with keys that say FLAT 2 on them...just in case you lose them...and however picks them up - then knows which flat you have...

Black Rabbit said...


I have taken the black plastic off the RED/YELLOW tags and have now also taken them off their silver rings.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, GAS is still bothering me...

A couple of nights ago I was in telepathic contact with DALDRY.

He and his team of 'screenplay writers' wanted to make a film out of:


...however SCARLETT had then found out that the WHEATLEY estate was so tied up that even MI6 were unable to buy up the film rights for this book.

So I suggested to DALDRY that you could have a scenario where you have this 'foreigner' to the UK who is trying to fit in with UK society and is studying the culture - using DAVID DABYDEEN's 'DISAPPEARANCE' novel as a model...this person reads TOBY JUGG and then finds to his/her horror that the events in the book begin to be replayed within their own life...

This main character would be from a wealthy heir/heiress to a massive fortune...and he/she could have flashbacks to the best scenes in TOBY JUGG without infringing whatever intellectual property rights the ESTATE had over it...

...or you could simply have the main character read the book and then make the audience want to know what was in the book as the 'horror story' began to play out around this character, again...that would get more people reading the book and that would be the point, wouldn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, DALDRY and his team were working upon a substitution level e.g.

CASTLE in SCOTLAND which has been turned into a private hospital (where wealthy foreigner is sent because he had a fall and concussion)...

MICROCHIPPING and BIG PHARM drugging could be introduced as a more modern version of the original story...

The SATANISTS could have their SATANIC RITES within the courtyard of this castle...

Instead of could have GASSING instead...all hospitals have quite a bit of GAS around, don't they?

Black Rabbit said...

...and that is why when I saw the KEY for the GAS METER on one of the TAGS but not for the ELECTRICITY made me think of GAS and GASSING again...

I also thought about the PRINCES and their version of WWII events in LONDON...the GASSING of the NAZIS who had invaded...the SAS had confirmed that one as true...

Black Rabbit said...

My mother wants to go for a swim in FRINTON today and so she will pick me up at 1.30pm.

She told me that HANNI GLOOR had been diagnosed with ALZHEIMERS.

Apparently HANNI had accepted this diagnosis without question.

I can only hope that they do not give her OLANZAPINE or something of that nature after such a diagnosis.

It is clear to me that BIG PHARM are arch-CRIMINALS within the arena of this type of drug.

Additionally, it made me think that diagnoses are rather like AUTO-SUGGESTION, as in if you didn't already have all of the symptoms - you would soon develop them because you would EXPECT to get them at some point...

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to the TOBY JUGG 'spoof' - why not do it a MIKE LEIGH sort of way...

Get together your diamond-studied cast e.g. character actors such as STEPHEN FRY...get them to concentrate upon their character and because everybody is so ILL-programmed...they will give you all of the 'touches' necessary to bring that character to life...then you get them all together...divide them up into 'goodies' and 'badies' and 'in betweens' and so forth...and get them to work out the plot between them...

Black Rabbit said...

That is the way that MARK R used to work...get his ILL SLAVES together to compile all of the ideas necessary for his HOLLYWOOD films - 'literary' projects...and name it...

Black Rabbit said...

So why not use their techniques back upon them?

Black Rabbit said...


(You also have to PAY everybody for taking part in the creative project).

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my INBOX:

Unread Yahoo! Inc© Yahoo! Alert: Important Information Regarding Your Yahoo! Account!!!‏ Fri, 11/9/09 4KB

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my SPAM BOX:

jonathan kubiri Please Read Carefully,And Reply Urgent Fri, 11/9/09 11KB
Unread emos bello URGENT RESPOND Fri, 11/9/09 9KB

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so in relation to the first email:

jonaTHANKubiri y,And


Who was 'ANDY'?

I am getting the picture here that he was the survivor of the NEGEV DESERT horror.

So THANK YOU ANDY - you were the one who has been alerting this world for the past 30 years, regarding the atrocities committed by the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...



'EO' = RED

(see the E and O of GOOGLE).

Black Rabbit said...

I am also getting an added association here of SAUL BELLOW.


The surname LOW and also LOWE - ROB LOWE for some reason...MARK R thought that this actor was particuarly ILL.

Black Rabbit said...


The latest from YELL.COM

I haven't had time to go through these yet but I know that the PRINCES are behind it.

So I worked out their RED/YELLOW twinning programming.

I also received E R.

OBAMA's slave, the 'carpeter' was also in on the game...

PUTIN was also the OCEAN - so where did he fit in?

Black Rabbit said...

Now I get why MACDONALD had shown me the CENTRE OF THE WORLD as in ‘just above KHAZAKHSTAN’ etc…

I was thinking about DALDRY’s film and suddenly it hit me - what better place to film the TOBY JUGG spoof than in KHAZAKSTAN?

All of those brilliantly ghastly ILL CULT architectural monstrosities…

The ROYAL FAMILY appear to own most of them and if they really have turned over a new leaf - surely they would let you film there for free?

You could create a sort of HARRY POTTER feel to the movie (the architecture would give it that ’magical feel’) whilst OUTING some of the most terrible ILL symbolism upon the planet. A sort of double-whammy.

You could even call the movie BORAT II (if the CIA allow you to use their title).

…because that in effect, is what it would be…this is all about TOMLINSON after all - isn’t it?

He was supposed to own the STADIUM as the ‘great KHAN’ now wasn’t he?

It could all then be ‘larger than life’ and have a somewhat more international appeal.


YELL.COM has now changed to a ‘LOCAL HOTELS’ search…


WORKS has just asked me if I want to insert an object - which I didn’t but remembered this from 2004 and so opened up the box to find:

ADOBE ACROBAT at the top…



Which one…the last one that I came across…let me think…LAZI?

lazi - Project Hosting on Google Code
Lazi is a KISS application programmed to allow you to run System Wide command without the need of a terminal on linux. This application is much like the ... - Cached - Similar



I cannot keep track of how many times the above ‘search’ has changed within the last 24 hours and therefore haven‘t looked to see if there was a consistent CODE within the first letters…FLORISTS had lasted for days.

Black Rabbit said...

YELL.COM so far…going back quite a few ‘searches’:



T-BIRD…I can remember the TASCHMANs talking about their T-BIRDS and I assumed that they meant cars…


Black Rabbit said...

I remember the clique that I had joined at SOLIHULL 6th form college - called CRUELTY CORNER who were the most feared…mainly because of HELEN BROWNE. She had been the only young woman in a group of male ‘piss-takers’ for some time…until I got back to 6th form - after having been ILL-programmed.

The ‘anthem’ of this clique was FREE BIRD by LYNARD SKYNARD.

SEV had introduced it to the group because it was his favourite record.

It had quickly become the ‘anthem’ of the entire group.

So I looked up FREEBIRD and LYNARD SKYNARD upon WIKIPEDIA to find an ‘external link’ to a ‘ROCK’S OLDEST JOKE’ website.

So what was ROCK’s oldest joke about FREEBIRD?

Black Rabbit said...

I read through the website article with increasing horror…apparently the COUNTRY post-punk ROCK groups now used to expect somebody to holler the request FREEBIRD…and this was generally ignored OR somebody would point out their MIDDLE FINGER and say ‘there’s your FREEBIRD - right HERE!’.

COUNTRY and WESTERN music were the HOME of ILL CULT programming.

Read the literature to find out…particularly CATHY O’ BRIEN’s TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA…but there are a lot more people who have also ‘outed’ Country and Western music too…the musicians and singers - and their programmers in the music business.

So what would be the ‘illiterate’ lout in the audience doing…when he/she pointed to their MIDDLE FINGER and said ‘it’s right here’ in relation to FREEBIRD?

They would be referring to the ROCKEFELLER control of the remote-viewing alters of whoever had requested the song FREEBIRD to be played and telling them in a thuggish way, that their remote-viewing alter was under ILL control - and that their programmer could access it via the MIDDLE FINGER.

So that is quite a discovery for myself this afternoon - the remote-viewing alter was programmed into the MIDDLE FINGER (of both hands?).

The article tells me that if you think that a BAND is CRAP - you yell FREEBIRD as a request…

What about if you think that a band is under MIND CONTROL?

I guess that a lot of bands get ‘requested’ to play FREEBIRD…

“FREE YOUR MIND” that is what FREEBIRD was all about…

A sort of shamanistic rite…leaving behind those who cannot understand and then becoming a ‘soul’ or ‘remote-viewer’ and seeing the BIG PICTURE…

The song itself starts off slowly and with pathos…leaving is hard to do…but once you get going…it turns into a frenzied shamanistic rite…(and you should see the guys go crazy on stage).

What used to make CRUELTY CORNER laugh about FREEBIRD was that it wasn’t at all serious…they were all ROCKERS and HEAD-BANGERS…and they knew that the whole ‘rite‘ was all about laughter and happiness in terms of sending yourself up and having a really good time as if you were at a toddlers‘ party let loose with a whole load of balloons to go crazy…it didn’t matter how you looked when you did it…’biker’s etiquette’ came into play…if you joined in…you were ‘one of them’…you understood the whole experience.

In a way, it was lesser type of ‘SCREAMIN’ JAY HAWKINS’ experience - in terms of grounding yourself…but it wasn’t in relation to the EARTH…

FREEBIRD was all about the sky…the heavens…FLYING…HIGH…and being PROUD of yourself for being FREE (of mind control).

I can remember now - MACDONALD hadn’t particularly liked the song FREEBIRD because in the USA they have a tradition for calling out FREEBIRD as a request if the group in question are CRAP…but it doesn’t mean that they want to listen to FREEBIRD.

I asked him to look into this one, a bit more…and he came up with the above article.

He then realised the significance of the MIDDLE FINGER and told me to make a point of it here.

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that I attempted to teach the 'teenage joys' of head-banging to various members of SCARLETT'S 'crazy company' with varying degrees of is a purely shamanistic thing...and one has to get into the whole responsibilities...just as free as a bird in the sky.

Black Rabbit said...

It doesn't matter what you look like.

It is just a BIG JOKE all round.

...and you feel brilliant doing it if you let yourself go...whilst remembering the spirit of the thing which is really one big fun time...for those who take that sort of stuff seriously...bikers and non-initiates - you never really 'got' FREEBIRD, did you?

Black Rabbit said...

It is supposed to LIFT your spirits - not take you upon some serious downward spiral...

You can laugh - it's okay - that is what you are supposed to do as you get into the spirit of the thing...

You are SHAKING AWAY every evil bit of programming...forcing it away from your aura and from your so, with a vengeance - if you want to listen to this record properly...

Black Rabbit said...

So the 'guys' are getting down and looking serious upon stage but it doesn't mean that you have to be...they are inwardly laughing at the whole joke and to those in the audience who 'got' the joke...brilliant.

Black Rabbit said...

MACDONALD was inhibited about the song FREE BIRD at first because in the STATES it is now seen as very UNCOOL. was in 2004 at any rate...but I asked him to look into it because I knew that it would be important, somewhere down the line...and he then found the MIDDLE FINGER insult to those who requested FREEBIRD...and then it all fell into place.

Black Rabbit said...

The ROCKEFELLER insult to those who wanted to be FREE remote-viewers and SOULS...

The programmers who put their MIDDLE FINGER up at such people and basically told us all at the CIA SUITE...that this is what these red-necks used to keep our remote-viewing alters under control - until they wanted to use them.

Black Rabbit said...

Rock's Oldest Joke: Yelling 'Freebird!' In a Crowded Theater
It's a Request, a Rebuke, A Cry From the Heart, A Tribute to Skynyrd.ArticleCommentsmore in US ».EmailPrinter
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One recent Tuesday night at New York's Bowery Ballroom, the Crimea had just finished its second song. The Welsh quintet's first song had gone over fairly well, the second less so, and singer/guitarist Davey MacManus looked out at the still-gathering crowd.

Then, from somewhere in the darkness came the cry, "Freebird!"

It made this night like so many other rock 'n' roll nights in America.

.The Freebird Files
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"Freebird" has been a rallying cry for fans of Southern rock since the 1970s. This exchange between Lynyrd Skynyrd's Ronnie Van Zant and an Atlanta audience introduces the version of "Freebird" from the 1976 live album "One More From the Road". That cut has been a radio mainstay since the album's release, likely inspiring many more shouts for "Freebird."

Black Rabbit said...

Bands don't always welcome the request, though. Mike Doughty had a suggestion for audience members yelling for "Freebird," as captured in this clip from the 2002 album "Smofe + Smang: Live in Minneapolis."

Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins tried to shame a "Freebird" heckler known as Ivan into changing his ways with this on-stage lecture, delivered during a 1993 show in Chicago. Note Ivan's proud self-identification as a KevHead.

And in some cases, entertainers become slightly unhinged when they hear the song title, especially after Chicago DJ Kevin Matthews urged listeners to yell "Freebird." In this clip, from a Chicago show in the early 1990s, the late comedian Bill Hicks utters a string of expletives in response to an exuberant fan. If you're offended by profanity, don't click on it.

Here are Web sites related to the artists mentioned in this article:

Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Crimea
Dash Rip Rock
Mike Doughty
Hot Tuna
Modest Mouse
Bill Hicks
Kevin Matthews
The Dandy Warhols

-- Jason Fry

Black Rabbit said...

."Freebird" isn't the Crimea's song; it's from the 1973 debut album by legendary Southern rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd. The band's nine-minute march from ruminative piano to wailing guitar couldn't be less like the Crimea's jagged punk-pop. But it was requested nonetheless.

Somebody is always yelling out the title. "I don't know that I've ever seen a show where it hasn't happened," says Bill Davis of the veteran country-punk band Dash Rip Rock.

"It's just the most astonishing phenomenon," says Mike Doughty, the former front man of the "deep slacker jazz" band Soul Coughing, adding that "these kids, they can't be listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd."

Yelling "Freebird!" has been a rock cliché for years, guaranteed to elicit laughs from drunks and scorn from music fans who have long since tired of the joke. And it has spread beyond music, prompting the Chicago White Sox organist to add the song to her repertoire and inspiring a greeting card in which a drunk holding a lighter hollers "Freebird!" at wedding musicians.

Bands mostly just ignore the taunt. But one common retort is: "I've got your 'free bird' right here." That's accompanied by a middle finger. It's a strategy Dash Rip Rock's former bassist Ned Hickel used. According to fans' accounts of shows, so have Jewel and Hot Tuna's Jack Casady. Jewel declines to comment. Mr. Casady says that's "usually not my response to those kind of things."

Black Rabbit said...

Others have offered more than the bird. On a recent live album, Modest Mouse's Isaac Brock declares that "if this were the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and you were going to die in 20 minutes -- just long enough to play 'Freebird' -- we still wouldn't play it." Dash Rip Rock often plays "Stairway to Freebird," a mash-up of the Skynyrd epic and Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" that Mr. Davis boasts lasts "less than two minutes. ... You're finished before people get mad."

A few years ago, Mr. Doughty started promoting the Weather Girls' "It's Raining Men" as the new "Freebird," asking audiences at his solo shows to call for the disco chestnut instead. Now, he says, he gets yells for both songs at every performance.

A harsh reaction to "Freebird" came from the late comedian Bill Hicks during a Chicago gig in the early 1990s. On a bootleg recording of the show, Mr. Hicks at first just sounds irked. "Please stop yelling that," he says. "It's not funny, it's not clever -- it's stupid."

The comic soon works himself into a rage, but the "Freebirds" keep coming. "Freebird," he finally says wearily, then intones: "And in the beginning there was the Word -- 'Freebird.' And 'Freebird' would be yelled throughout the centuries. 'Freebird,' the mantra of the moron."

Black Rabbit said...

How did this strange ritual begin? "Freebird" is hardly obscure -- it's a radio staple consistently voted one of rock's greatest songs. One version -- and an important piece of the explanation -- anchors Skynyrd's 1976 live album "One More From the Road." On the record, singer Ronnie Van Zant, who was killed along with two other bandmates in a 1977 plane crash, asks the crowd, "What song is it you want to hear?" That unleashes a deafening call for "Freebird," and Skynyrd obliges with a 14-minute rendition.

To understand the phenomenon, it also helps to be from Chicago. When asked why they continue to request "Freebird," Mr. Hicks's tormentors yell out "Kevin Matthews!"

Kevin Matthews is a Chicago radio personality who has exhorted his fans -- the KevHeads -- to yell "Freebird" for years, and claims to have originated the tradition in the late 1980s, when he says he hit upon it as a way to torment Florence Henderson of "Brady Bunch" fame, who was giving a concert. He figured somebody should yell something at her "to break up the monotony." The longtime Skynyrd fan settled on "Freebird," saying the epic song "just popped into my head."

Black Rabbit said...

How did this strange ritual begin? "Freebird" is hardly obscure -- it's a radio staple consistently voted one of rock's greatest songs. One version -- and an important piece of the explanation -- anchors Skynyrd's 1976 live album "One More From the Road." On the record, singer Ronnie Van Zant, who was killed along with two other bandmates in a 1977 plane crash, asks the crowd, "What song is it you want to hear?" That unleashes a deafening call for "Freebird," and Skynyrd obliges with a 14-minute rendition.

To understand the phenomenon, it also helps to be from Chicago. When asked why they continue to request "Freebird," Mr. Hicks's tormentors yell out "Kevin Matthews!"

Kevin Matthews is a Chicago radio personality who has exhorted his fans -- the KevHeads -- to yell "Freebird" for years, and claims to have originated the tradition in the late 1980s, when he says he hit upon it as a way to torment Florence Henderson of "Brady Bunch" fame, who was giving a concert. He figured somebody should yell something at her "to break up the monotony." The longtime Skynyrd fan settled on "Freebird," saying the epic song "just popped into my head."

Black Rabbit said...

Mr. Matthews says the call was heeded, inspiring him to go down the listings of coming area shows, looking for entertainers who deserved a "Freebird" and encouraging the KevHeads to make it happen.

But he bemoans the decline of "Freebird" etiquette. "It was never meant to be yelled at a cool concert -- it was meant to be yelled at someone really lame," he says. "If you're going to yell 'Freebird,' yell 'Freebird' at a Jim Nabors concert."

Lynyrd Skynyrd performing in New York City in April 1976.
.Still, Mr. Matthews treasures his trove of recorded "Freebird" moments -- such as baffled comedian Elayne Boosler wondering why the audience is shouting "reverb." And he argues that good bands simply acknowledge it and move on. "The people who are conceited, the so-called artists who get really offended by it, they deserve it," he says.

But did "Freebird" truly start with the KevHeads? Longtime Chicago Tribune music writer Greg Kot says he remembers the cry from the early 1980s. He suggests it originated as an in-joke among indie-rock fans "having their sneer at mainstream classic rock."

Other music veterans think it dates back to 1970s audiences' shouts for it and other guitar sagas, such as "Whipping Post," by the Allman Brothers Band, and "Smoke on the Water," by Deep Purple.

They may all be right: It's possible "Freebird" began as a rallying cry for Skynyrd Nation and a sincere request from guitar lovers, was made famous by the live cut, taken up by ironic clubgoers, given new life by Mr. Matthews, and eventually lost all meaning and became something people holler when there's a band onstage.

But as with many mysteries, the true origin may be unknowable -- cold comfort for bands still to be confronted with the inevitable cry from the darkness. For them, here's a strategy tried by a brave few: Call the audience's bluff. Phish liked to sing it a cappella. The Dandy Warhols play a slowed-down take singer Courtney Taylor-Taylor describes as sung "like T. Rex would if he were on a lot of pills." And Dash Rip Rock has performed the real song in order to surprise fans expecting the parody. For his part, Mr. Doughty suggests that musicians make a pact: Whenever anyone calls for "Freebird," play it in its entirety -- and if someone calls for it again, play it again.

"That would put a stop to 'Freebird,' I think," he says. "It would be a bad couple of years, but it might be worth it."

So what do the members of Skynyrd think of the tradition? Johnny Van Zant, Ronnie's brother and the band's singer since 1987, says "it's not an insult at all -- I think it's kind of cool. It's fun, and people are doing it in a fun way. That's what music's supposed to be about."

Besides, Mr. Van Zant has a confession: His wife persuaded him to see Cher in Jacksonville a couple of years ago, and he couldn't resist yelling "Freebird!" himself. "My wife is going, 'Stop! Stop!' " he recalls, laughing. "I embarrassed the hell out of her."

Write to Jason Fry at

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A1

Black Rabbit said...

Looking at the LIVE coverage of LYNARD SKYNARD and at 0:17 of the YOUTUBE footage - one can see 'john waters' in the left hand corner of the shot of the crowd...I 'know' it was him...

He got there before all of us and communicated it back.

Black Rabbit said...

Watching LYNARD SKYNARD upon YOUTUBE (first up on a google search) brought it all back...

Surprisingly none of the crowd seemed to be 'rockers'...or not many...MACDONALD wanted me to note that...

He knew that WOMEN were far much better REMOTE-VIEWERS and programmed he asked me to stop the video and count in the crowd...the ratio: male to female.

Most were women (and young girls brought by their parents and on their shoulders) and these women had no dress code...they didn't have piercings or anything that could demarcate them as 'alternative culture'...

The men and women within the audience had turned up, from all walks of life and generally not 'fringe groups'...and they celebrated what is now the most UNCOOL thing in the USA to do...LYNARD SKYNARD's rendition of FREE BIRD.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking at the stage set of the GREY rock presidents to the left of the LYNARD SKYNARD stage and the ‘live guys’ on stage playing REAL music…you get the gist…and the AMERICAN FLAG flying within the crowd…

Then you look CENTRE STAGE and there is a BLACK CROSS with the stars from the STARS AND STRIPES flag upon it…these represent the STATES of AMERICA. Once proud but brought low because of WIZARD OF OZ presidents…puppets of the ROCKEFELLERS.

So you have the BLACK ‘X’ with the STARS of the STATES of the USA put on top of the RED.

What do YOU think that LYNARD SKYNARD was trying to say?

Particularly with FREE BIRD (I cannot talk about the rest of their songs).

If you feel that this song is UNCOOL - AMERICA - where are you at?

It gave us HOPE in the UK - 1980.

Black Rabbit said...

These guys LOVE hair...there is such a FEMININE QUALITY to the 'butchness...

Freaking out the FREE BIRD made the NY 'crazy company' begin to think again about how controlled their remote-viewing alters had been...and how much the 'biker' community had known all along...

BIG PAUL had shown me what the LYNARD SKYNARD flag meant, for example - during the very short time that I spent meeting him and CAROLINE in FRANCE.

Black Rabbit said...

In brief - if you want to set the UK free, you have to set the USA free first.

That simple.

FREEBIRD was an anthem that had to be revived and made cool within the minds of ILL SLAVES - particularly those who had been used and abused as 'remote-viewing alters'.

Black Rabbit said...

Yet the USA had produced their own 'healing materials' despite what had then happened to LYNARD SKYNARD (plane crash, my ARSE).

The song lived on...FREE BIRD lived on...

Black Rabbit said...

My suggestion here is that if the BBC wants to do coverage of another NATIONAL 'charity event' which involves a large stage and lots of POP STARS...then perhaps it might be a good idea to pay homage to LYNARD SKYNARD ('in the best possible taste' as a certain BRITISH comedian used to say...)and open the 'ceremonies with a rendition of FREE BIRD and close ceremonies with another 'rendition of FREE BIRD... never know how many 'birds' you might set free by doing it...

Who would I pick to do it - anybody can learn a guitar scenario if given enough months to do it...but to 'jam' and to 'gel' well as a group, in view of the 'out of the RA CULT' theme and scenario, is quite a different question...

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember now...I hadn't given the whole reasons for liking this FREE BIRD record to SCARLETT'S 'crazy company' and so almost all of them were 'in the dark' as to what head-banging' was all about...and most of them didn't get it - unless they were of that 70s era that did 'get it'.

I hadn't told them what I FELT whilst doing it as a teenager...i.e. getting rid of all EVIL ILL CULT influences. Therefore just 'shaking your head' seemed like nonsense to the more practically-minded who couldn't 'get there' in terms of understanding why these young people had done it.

Black Rabbit said...

JANE ASHER was a case in point - JONATHAN MILLER tried to get there but didn't get the 'happiness' factor but he felt that 'something was in it' but he couldn't put his finger upon it.

Black Rabbit said...

These people were heavily involved in THEATRE for most of their lives...despite having been programmed to be the most serious intellectuals out - within the ILL CULT.

Therefore it must have been difficult for them to 'let their hair down' and try modern modes of 'shamanistic practices'.

Particularly if your society says that it is UNCOOL and your teenage off-spring, have told you for YEARS that it is totally uncool.

Black Rabbit said...

...but they tried it anyway and that is to their credit.

Despite what their sons and daughters thought about 'head-banging'.

I would guess that this might give FRENCH AND SAUNDERS a few laughs at JANE ASHER'S expense.

They had cast her as do-gooder, professional mum, head-mistress...

...whilst they had cast themselves as 'naughty schoolgirls' who say dreadful things about her...

I would guess that JANE ASHER is sick to death (and I 'know' it) of playing the 'good' parts and would relish the opportunity to play a 'bad news' character for once...but the FIENDS won't let her...even her friends keep telling her that her roles are consonant with her own character in her real life...

TIME TO THROW THE CUSTARD PIE in all of their faces and do a really 'evil' role (but not in real life) to tell them all that they cannot keep the best roles to themselves...

Every single actor and actress (would-be or not) that I have met - slavishly desires the 'bad roles' act wicked is the most interesting role for all of them for some reason...

Why not make 'good roles' more complicated, rather than just saintly angels?

Why not make more of the 'in betweens' which we all are...who can veer from good to evil...

Black Rabbit said...

and back again...from evil to good.

Black Rabbit said...

The funny thing is that after telling SCARLETT and his 'crazy company' that FREE BIRD and LYNARD SKYNARD were important...

SCARLETT was no stranger to this sort of 'experimental talk' - he knew all about what had happened to me at DARTINGTON (although I never saw him attempt 'head-banging' during the enlightenment process that he put his 'most intelligent' crew through).

ASHER had been apparently capable of being a nuclear physicist/brain surgeon etc...but as DALDRY told me...they had to keep her expectations low...and so had decided that she should train her talents into cakes and she duly went and did so...setting up a small business and cake shop...with the most intricately icinged cakes you could imagine...such a waste of a brain educated to understand and to deal with so much more...

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to FREE BIRD and LYNARD SKYNARD I know that a 'gay couple' who were very high up in SOCIAL SERVICES...privately enjoyed 'head-banging' to it within their own home...but had then decided that it wasn't a good idea to report back to SCARLETT that the whole 'ordeal' had been a succesful reason...and for reasons of their own...i.e. they didn't trust SCARLETT an inch.

Black Rabbit said...


"Better keep that one quiet" one guy had told the other.

...and so they did.

Black Rabbit said...

All I can say is that when I listen to FREE BIRD - the 'gender references' are meaningless to me - it is the SONG - and it is MY SONG - it is all about the emotions, heart and soul...I changed the words in the point where it was a genderless song...and remembered the words as such with those alterations...I had customised the song, within my own mind.

Black Rabbit said...

It appeals to remote-viewers they male or female...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night, I had a strange dream - I was with AMADEUS and he had told me how to escape RIMINGTON…

…I was then alone with RIMINGTON and we were in a bombed out city…I thought it was LONDON but I have no idea…I managed to loose her down an alley and ran up the stairs…around the building (it was like a tenement block and you could go outside of it and look over the balconies and down through a PINK DOOR…AMADEUS had told me ‘she can’t get you - she cannot go through the PINK DOOR if you close it behind you’ - so I closed it behind me.

I then found myself on the ‘other side’ and it was as if this was all a sort of BERLIN WALL affair…RIMINGTON was on the other side…she could see me through the metal fencing…

Anyway, upon walking…I remembered an oddity…a black ROLLS ROYCE had turned up outside 2 St Austell Road and my Swiss grandmother got in and also bundled me in - she had been left looking after me for the day.

We turned up in Central London - and got an elevator up to a man’s flat…the man who had sent the car…he looked vaguely familiar…he was looking out of the window and told her that she had been followed…well, if you send a black ROLLS ROYCE you are going to tend to attract attention in our neighbourhood…

Anyway, he then asked her why she had brought me - and she explained as above - she couldn’t leave me on her own. After that, the man ignored me he simply said to her ‘here are your instructions’.

Later on - ‘john waters’ was fascinated…he wanted to know all about it - so did MR MENDLESON from down the road…

Black Rabbit said...

I remember marvelling about how spacious the car was inside and asking my Swiss grandmother what type of car it was...there was so much leg-room it was like a play-pen on the floor.

Black Rabbit said...

Another point about meeting CAROLINE in FRANCE…whilst I was in her house…and talking to her brother ALEX…MACDONALD and the SWISS CONTROLLER were there…but they were INVISIBLE to everybody else in the house…those who called round…I do not know as yet, how this was managed…I could see them but I wasn’t allowed to talk to them…they told me see us as your ‘invisible angels’…so they were bodyguards in a way…checking out what was going on there…

ALEX had learnt how to ‘build a wall’ in his mind -from a ‘guru‘…he knew about protecting his mind from psychic attack…that was the first question that he had asked me ‘they say you are a mind-reader’ he was worried about that one. He knew - as all of them did - that they were up against evil forces but they couldn’t pinpoint it…I told him my brief history…being given to the MOSSAD as a child…by 16 years old I had met the rebel group within Israeli Intelligence and from that point on, I had worked for ‘everybody’…the CIA/FBI/Russians….and I had met REBELS within all of these intelligence agencies…I told him that all intelligence agencies were evil…were ILL (I had to explain simply that meant sick and diseased of mind)…but that there was hope in the rebel groups and they were everywhere…you simply attracted them…it was a walk of ‘faith’…and that he would be contacted by them if he wanted to be part of this force…I wonder if he was then contacted by MACDONALD/SWISS CONTROLLER at some point?

CAROLINE was very special - ‘john waters’ then met her and told me that as a child - she was much more entertaining than even myself…she was a little psychic generator of POSITIVE energy…and these people had to be kept alive…in order to continue the battle…

What else did I learn…that PAUL’s wife was worried about a prominent JOOISH man in the town…she was right to be worried…he was extremely ILL…I confirmed her suspicions…nobody must let their children near him…her French friends had been telling her that it was okay (they had let their children visit his family home) but it wasn’t…

Black Rabbit said...

Yesterday, I went swimming with my mother in FRINTON again…

It was one of the worst days - because RIMINGTON had planned my death in the OCEAN at that point…the sea was really quite rough…

Luckily, SCARLETT had planned for that one…I had gone through it all with him…what was supposed to happen, beforehand.

Additionally, I remember MACDONALD telling me where NOT to swim upon a beach…where you see the waves overlapping diagonally, as they hit the beach - that means that there is a current at work there…if the tide were going out…it could sweep you out to sea.

My mother chose the spot for us to sit - upon a part of the beach that had these overlapping waves…to our right there was a GREEN TRIANGLE on a pole, out to sea…and within the next breakwater section…a couple had built a sort of fortress…but as the sea was coming in…it wouldn’t last long. I know that SCARLETT had put them there, to do just that…

I had been told not to swim upon the first beach but to walk down past the GREEN TRIANGLE and to swim in front of these people and their sand fortress which was already beginning to fill up with water…and they were making up the walls again…

The waves were really strong as they buffeted you but it was a really good experience…my mother went in next…and she emerged triumphant…she even said to me afterwards ‘we survived it’…

Before we had made our way down to the beach she had told me what RIMINGTON had programmed her to say ‘not waving but DROWNING’ and she said that line from the poem and then laughed about it…she subconsciously knew the score. She told me to make sure that if she got into trouble…that I wouldn’t mistake her for ‘waving’ rather than drowning.

After swimming my mother then went on a ‘tracking exercise’ along the beach and she ‘found’ whatever she was looking for…a ‘gold light’ went on in her head….I telepathically asked her what she had found but she said ‘I’ll tell you later’…

SCARLETT knew that this was going to happen…DALDRY had said of my mother and her beach-combing…’she is looking for parts of her brain’…she saw fossilised stones as bits of her brain…pockets of memory that she had lost because of ILL programming. So she had found something yesterday but I still do not know what…

As she was beachcombing…a man passed me with his son…he looked precisely like the portrait of a man upon ‘ramblings of the bearded one’ upon the BLOG OF NOTE.

As the man walked past me - he put his arm around his son and hugged him. The son was wearing a TEE-SHIRT with a massive SKULL upon it. The man then laughed and kissed the top of his son’s head.

SCARLETT told me later that this man was big in the RA CULT but that the RA CULT would be defeated by LOVE…these parents loved their children and didn’t really want to harm them.

JANE ASHER had instructed my mother to bring some scarfs in case the sun got too hot…so I put one on as I sat protecting our belongings whilst my mother went swimming/beach-combing….I looked like a RUSSIAN DOLL and maybe that was the point…

I looked up at the WHITE BUILDING upon the hill behind the beach…and saw the aerials on top and ‘knew’ that I was being filmed from that building…and that PUTIN had been behind this final ‘death threat’ within the ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...

I ‘saw’ what would happen at CHP in relation to SUE DEEMING not opening up a HOUSING BENEFIT claim for me…her boss kept on telling her to do it but she wouldn’t…so eventually her boss told another officer to do it…there was no way that she could get through to DEEMING in order to break that programming…DEEMING wouldn’t listen at all…kept on making up reasons for not doing it…

Black Rabbit said...

So this time around - I will simply have to go into HOUSING BENEFIT and asked if a claim has been started up for me - upon MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER.

I had signed a form to say that SUE DEEMING could start up a claim for me…but I do not know if this has been done or not…by her or any other officer.

Therefore the best thing is to go along and check - if I am told ‘yes’ then I will ask for the reference number and photocopied evidence that it has been started…along with how much the COUNCIL will actually pay for the flat. The rent comes to just over £90 per week which should easily be in the HOUSING BENEFIT limits upon what they will pay. If it isn’t - I will then go back to the COUNCIL and complain about CHP as a company. They were supposed to provide affordable housing and if this is a ‘con’ - I will make a big stink about it.

Black Rabbit said...

So this time around - I will simply have to go into HOUSING BENEFIT and asked if a claim has been started up for me - upon MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER.

I had signed a form to say that SUE DEEMING could start up a claim for me…but I do not know if this has been done or not…by her or any other officer.

Therefore the best thing is to go along and check - if I am told ‘yes’ then I will ask for the reference number and photocopied evidence that it has been started…along with how much the COUNCIL will actually pay for the flat. The rent comes to just over £90 per week which should easily be in the HOUSING BENEFIT limits upon what they will pay. If it isn’t - I will then go back to the COUNCIL and complain about CHP as a company. They were supposed to provide affordable housing and if this is a ‘con’ - I will make a big stink about it.

Black Rabbit said...

If HOUSING BENEFIT reply that no such claim has been started - I will then ask for an appointment to start a claim and the REAL forms to apply for it.

See previous notes upon how they try to fob you off with the multi-coloured forms. If you get an interview with these types of forms - the old ‘your claim starts from the date that you came in and booked the interview’ are ineffective. HOUSING BENEFIT will not backdate any pay to the time that you came in…so this is another hurdle to be got through.

Anyway, after getting REAL housing benefit forms - I will then go and complain to the COUNCIL - register a complaint about how CHP has conducted the whole mess.

…and that complaint will include the fact that my mother had to pay for the carpeting - that was outrageous.

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